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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1872, p. 3

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' --1~ ____,__ ,_ ._ _ _ _ ££__ "\Vantc.i. Berlin Wool L1 \ DIES.' POlt'l' ..< T10NS, will""'"" HOUSE I HE SUBSCRIBER. IN ORDEl1 TO MAKE IWOM FOR HIS FALL. IM<fato ocU oit h isp<"<'3Gnt ,tockatp<"ice· D ress Ca p s I T u. ;, · -,""Far Under the Reg·ular R ate C I-1IGN0 NS. J~ J1t';';t ~t,orc \Vest~ of 11-lnrdooh B:-us. Bowruu..u -;i!lc, J une r)tb , 187;.!. , { :?~; ~C!~D~~. 1!:~0~ H fine new Gallery. R ('\. D ! Corner of King & Temperance Streeto, (F~ntruu ce opposite eni..rnncc to Town Ha-ll : - - - Ctu 'l'c1npcrau cc St1·cct) . READ It will h(~ thei r ain1 to give l:!itli~ r~totlou to a ll who r~1ay 111vor l'hQm w i Ul a call either a ~ lhcir ___.9-2'.l h~ ty i n . OSHAWA OR BOWMAN VJ LLE. R E A D ·" cunrm; ASSOR'l'~rnN'l' AT 'l'liE 18-tt'. Dress Goods, Linen, Cotton & ' l'lic lJl·ic~::i 'or which \\"ill co m1ncnd th e m sci vca Lo i11 te11 di11g pln·~ La~l':r'l'; , T!wy 1nakc all f.itylos n.nrl t'l!zcs of ~)ilks, --p 1roroGRA:PHS, _LETTERG RAPHS, - - ---n- -i----- - -- -- ----~ -··· -----·-·- - . . Oll!OC :uu! Hcdclitag Planb. cho il't: 'TEJ:O:l\1AS H ow nuu1\'lll~. J u1~c- '.!i, 1871. P AT'IGB.SC)N . MEDICAL VICTORY. lVl A Y. 18 7'2 . DEPEW'S - Photograpl13 lll porceliun or lYory, plain or col · o t-ed.-___Phot-ograpl·s fh1ishol.l iu lndl<\".[ul< or ~e . 1h1.,..,!lnd colo.rcd c iUieL ' in :-... . . A nt LARGE !:)clect i, i11 of fill' <;:i11_ ': .llou:>10 ri rhl Bi;;Jdi 1 1g .Pla11ts c l1 c:ip 1872. Bi.J UNtfaLL'S. s_ :a: ()le I I_J n cnt pbysic:fan of foreign desc 11nt , b ll.ll dtacove rt1d a Gre11.t lHoo<l Remcdy-a.--Purely Vegetable Compou,1J. -named by pl1ysidanB, DepAw'11 M edical V1utory, that cures every kind ofunhoaltby Rnmor,n.nd(lvery diaease thatdependaon Impurity o( the Blood, where llR. DEPEW, OF PA RIS, FltANCE, a . .mr. WATER OR- OIL COLOURS, Photo C1·1 1yons, &c. J{_.l,8 1\0\V A F~UL L . AN D C01HPLETJ: 8 'l'O CK. OF' Spring& Summer Dry Goods ln Lh e 'f u\vn of Bow 1 nan-villo, 'l\'lentyeight :a.c:res .of . !J.nd. belonging: to _est.ate ~Jf the fate DAVJD DOWNEY. J>'or particulars enquire 1.;f THOMPSON & J30RNS. ,Buw.1ua.n \·ille, J\r ay 2iSrll, 1872. 13-tf SUITABLE TO '['HE WAN'rS EV EI:Y F'AMTLY. G e nts' Clothing Made OF THj~ BEST llfA'l'filUAt: ln a 11bort time, b:y the u1e of thie .:Blood .HomtidyOne bolt-le, in auc1Lca.s9 . :tViU couvu:oce th e most Jn . ib Jmpttritiesbursting throu~h the 11kui iu. I, are not wasted beyoud the hope of For thu cure o! Scrofula, Ery1ipolM, Sal!rheum, Eczema, Scald.H.ia.d, Scalf Eru_ ? tion of t .)10 Bkin Ulcors, a.nd F cvor S orelJ o all k.iud~. Bot la Hum'or in the 1\l[(iuth and Stomach or Eye1, Sora EIU"S,Eruptionon. the hea.d, o.nd Pimples or Blolche.:s on the fMe i t standa Pre.eminently at the of . llll other r1:11~1:1dia~. The ifi ; Hu101)r11, Scrof.1la., and Diseasoof tho Skin of whll.tever namo orna.tura, ~u:o literally dug up itn'd car.ried out of th esyatem, c u1:..a.ti ve e ffect&., _...., tbe Luug5, Liver, l\nd Kidneys, and other Tital or- J.& YV. J. Ai' ..1 UH,Jl'RY &CO. AltE NOW ~HOWl!{ll i~:,~: no~v~~~~:nc~ ,:d :.:.~~;::_ 1) 1 quetM.~ __ 'l'hcy Bl'i'.l~o p1·e1m1-ed. to mako ' P1c-n te Group;;; , IIor3efJ, C11ttlc, dh :., 1 I.Jr l 'art-i cu((til" a(te,11Uon 110.hl to tftt copying a ·rtd 1·ep·rod:1iction of olrl a.ncl fadcd v·li:turca. Bo\1·1na1lvill c. J lUIC Gtl· , I87Z. 45-tf_ A · .FULL ASSORTMENT or-= · Cloa.n11eth&Vi.t;a.tedlli66d w nri~.,.~~ -1~plu, ___._._, _ _ __ ____ _________ _ -COMPANY. 0 "- lN T :E-I :EJ E aT } :I; s T' I~- ~'\_ s Fr I 0 N~ Eruptlo1111, or Sores; c~ean11e 1t .when you. 1rn.d it obstructed and1:1lugghlh. 1n the vu1ns ; clt:amrn It w h un :it iEI f oul, 11.11 d 7011r feeli n!JS wi ll tilll yuu. when. H AS ff·i"' ~ ·-·~ Royal Insurance LIVERPOOL & -LONDON. - .-FIHE AND Snb~crlhctt AND AT THE LOWEST PIJ.ICES. A GOOD S'rOCK OF GEN1'S' A ND !JOY S' :Keep tho Blood pUl'& and the htialth ut' t ho e7stww ·will follow. Felt Straw apd Pan8ma Hats. ' CALI, AND EXAMINE THE STOCK. old, mnrriedur 11ing le, at th e dl_-lWU o! wonianhood, Ma Tonic &c. Pos11o~sing lLlso tl1e 11.,c ulh..1' rnE1r l_t of · a.cting as,; poworful agon t in rolieving Oo1)gc11hon, and Chronic Infl.:i.mmatiou of the Liver uud nll the 'Vbceral Organs. , ' For Female Complaintti:i whether i u young or It is a. Gentle Regula.ting Purgative, all well GOODS, - -A.KD·- - The best Groceries always on l:land. $10,000,000 .... .. 9.tiU0,000 Cn31lti'J .. 't' un:d !i lu J:lnutl, o¥ cr .... - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -··-- J)O Y01T \VANT HEAil OFFICE FOH. GA='fADA 11'1 J>ION'rHEAL. ~l' Y~ nsured at equitable rate:i . · Isolated dwellings a.nd ftw1n r isks taken on s peclv.lly ft\Yurable ternis. · Life InRtttanc~s granted i 11 all the 1no~t npnroy ed. methods Tho!iC iJ,hout to insure \Vlll benr 1n ' Y Sl fOULD BE '£HF. 1_nind thaL .SECURJ'l_ l'IRST CON SIDE!tATION. . J:!'or rates of prciniurns, o.ppiy to the undersign- " A LL DESCRlP'l'ION S OF l'ROPER- A SUIT OF C L 0 '11 1'1 E S, · MADE TO ORDEH itll etfocts a r&surprisi ug to a ll , 1~01· R cgu };ltl ng. the :Bowel,, a.nd curing l!iliou1:1nH1J, H0a.d1u:he Sick. H eada.i:he 1 N eUialgia, Fem u.le, Wo11.k.ne11s, Non·ou~. ness Pt;.in11 in tbe Side, Loins a nd Dnck:, a ml go nor.a 1 We~kne" :ind Debility, jbi curatiT.e powM8 aro h~ yond mo uey aDd boyond prlco, 11' IS'fR .~ GH.F.!A r ;BLOOD PUlllFIElt AND AI~IFE GIVINO PRIN. CIPLE, a perfec t R~uovRL?r ;ind Invigor11.~or oflii e System, carrying oft' p.ll pmeonoul!l 1?~tter v.ud Rea. t oring the Blocx:l to. it9 healthy oond1hon. Complnint,and disea,e5 oftbo Kidneys .nud B_ laddor, <lr at thetu.rn of life, tho l\Iod1cal V1cto1·1 has no equal. · L" In the...curo of Rhettmat11m, Dys:peJ)91a., l'rer MILLINERY. EVERYTHING NEW, STYLISH & CHEAP. f-'. l'U.LL lllT O<: E: 0}' TlfX jnst rece il·ed a qu11ntity o} ....., \ORANGES , I LF:MO:NS, 1 COCOANUTS, ; :PEANUTR, Also,_ Sold by aJ.1 Drugg'ist1 &: :Cc11.lors. SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET, ADDRESS . ' '· YOU NC, SILLS & CO ., Bnth.· 0.n.tu.r io . suit..ahl c l'or f.llllllUICr ddnJ~~. .'\ll the above -..vU I be !ceJ1t r:on stuntly Oil hund , dul'1ug the hot weu.ther. Keu1wth Carn pbeil 'f> 8od<t 1-Vatcr. Le1nono.tle 1,1.ud Sarsapa.r;·:·rn., Ycry - Cl-tOCKERY. And W-arranted to Fit, for $10? GO Finest Family Grocerie SAL'l' AND PLASTER ALWAY.B ON H."ND. ..-/ Darlington h11 s just recci ,·etl on,)thor Jot or vcry, "'ftne TEA S, which w!U JJe so1d c he.a1i for cnsl1. Bo-wu111n1;ill~ 4 "ti .--~ ----- · " "-' , TI-101\.fi>SON, :agent forHowrn,uu vi1lc. TO "\VA. N 'I' - - -·-·----- - - - -.....--- Murdoch llro's Hav.i 8till a Large and Well-AJ>l!orted F. F. JYr' AR,.--£ HUR'S. DO _.,./ ALL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE nntl cl·i,,iig:ncdnre: :cqncPied to pay u p befo1 e t he first of Februiicy n ext and savo 1..n.Juble. F . '!'.HOSKIN. llowmnnville, Jan. 3, l 072. I 23-t( ·- ·-· ---------------~------- ·---.J WANTED Two or t hree cxpo11.enced YOU MILLINERS, for t he wol'k-roo1u. Apply to MISS l\foTAVISH, at MURDOCH & BRO 'S. Bo\\'1na1i ville, GREY COTTONS at 9c., FAST COLORED PIUNTS AT 9 CTS. The1highest price paid for Butter & Eggs. i!IION l!OF ·ruE To Let. GOLlH;N LION, King Stroot, BownHtnville. White Cotton Stockings at AND THE BEST AND CHEAPEST The Puni;e ShopWI'l'l:! HORSE-POWF,H & LATHE, Stock of :"ltaple and Fauey D1·y 3~c., J\.:[ay 23, 1872. 43-tf - - -- -- - - - ·-- -·· ---·---- New Business T DR..,ESS GOODS TN THE COUNTY? Go to .F . .F. McARTHUR'S. 1.'hli J).:;Lt.T Is bighly recommended to L1. dies ll.8 n 1n'.l : t tq reco.blu },reparation for tho 'l'oile.t. For B~:1.utHylng tho Conrptex.ion, noel rencl cring tll;e Skin Sot I, Whito, Clear, nnd free from Dryness, i t J~ tt~~ l ;·a.Ucd. It will quickly remove a.II Itcd11c?Oe, H1J;1!.!li ne ll3, ·ran, Frccklctt· .Pimples, nnd. other Im· p artec ~ !o n ~. l!\Jr Chappad Hande! Chilblf\1n to, l~ros t Bite,i w1.ll S:lre Lips, it caD.Do be anr1lll~iied. P i:.ic·! 2::; ccr.ts. at present worked hy the 'mbacrnn·rr. P osoossion givcu innnctliu.t.oly. 011lv bus lnem; of t ho ki nd in toV1--n- pl6n tl' of c nHton1ral'O cha.nee fOJ· 11 good pu1npn1ukcr. Good~. they al'e determined t~ R SILV:ER Ho" u'a.1: dllc, 1ifuy 25, 187 1. -- · -- -- -- -~- ------- ll.eed'" bualness h a o chrLnged hnndH, he hn.H r_c:solved ~o open buslneHfl on h ill O\'ln accou11t ln tho shop two dooi·a Wcat of ]\.fLLrcloqh Dro>i .; \Yhere he \V.ill keep on luind o. ilrat-class 1:1tock o.f B oots anil. Shoes suitable for the scas:on. . OrdcL ' "Vork will have h is pron1pt H t.t~ nLion. Twenty !lve yoara e.xperienco in L11e trade, iuoro thRn the two of 'vhich he has spent as c 11 Ltnr, and general nrn.nager 111 M.L-. Reed.'s cs! n-blisluncnt, haa gh·en him oppol'tnu.itlcs of learntng ·w hat the pooplo really ·wa.nt. Ilo b as tJ 1 ereroro i:io doubt c)t beinF:" - ah!H to givo . s a.t1efactlo~ to o.ll who shnl1 faYor hlm w1lJ1 a call , and hopes by glvi ng du e i~ttention to b usineas to i·occlve 8 fai:r sJHn·c of-public. suppo;{· S MALE . The ne'l-Y stock ·-..\·ill be opened mHE SUBSCRfBER BEGS RESPEC'l', I }'C" r~LY to inform the IJUblic that al'! ?i!r. n. --- -· -·~· DAILY -'I'D·- LINE selt at price8 a& low · 1 · a.ny in the F' OR FELT HA1~S T~ () C :E-I E S T E R. andS'TRAW FOR t~:::,.,-. , --PA - - -- AND-·-11 :1L~ .BA!_:n~ i~ n. ru.pi.Q. CUrl'l for all $1."in DfS("!l.6 Cfl, lJatri , w0 :rall~. iJra1~c:i . B1trns, Sow,&.., Ulceri· 1 Hing· wo1"1l '.l'o ~ t ci·. Bcr.c ma, Scald ucatl, 8 c urvy, Ali ;ce ~··c:3 . Do.U s, ·l 1 imples, &c. I t pOijl:!eS!!C a nll tlm wlticl:l h:lf, 11can fou nd b g- l'h.y s:icfa.ns eve rywb e re tu p _ 1_- w:·8 c :i r~~t i-.c qu3Htios not dlecovc rcd In n.ny c!.lcmlcnl Jircpit1'.:i.Uon . Prico 25 c ent ~. , ----· --·---··- ~ --- -· -- - -- --· ·- --- ·-·---- · --- R-A S 0 rrHE NllW LAKE STJ~AMER ?;-·~ JllJ:'l'"'CR~INO , the count··y . diseount of FIVE PER On Satt.u·day, 11th Instant, Remember the place, two doors West ot1\'rur· doch Bros. J. S. DlO LEVA 1 R D0 1 N F. NORSEMAN, - . ----- ------·-- - - · -- · - - - F. Mc AR 'I' H L[ l=:. 'S American Org ans! CHEAP CASH STORE; cli·fl.': :ii ng t\ lHl )lr;aling virtues of Carb olic Acid, \VJU, on or about 1s t An ril nex t, connnenee he re g u lar lhdly tripe, (lee penniLtiug,) Lea" ing Cobourg every morning a.t 7.30 Port fiop o at 9 o'dock, !or H.nch ester, conncctl ugtherc with Ne\" Y ork Oeutrnl; Nortl1e1:n Cenl1'1.~J. urnl Eric H.a.ihvay. for A.l] p ointB li~n~t, South nnd South "\Vest:. Leaves Cluirlot.te, Port o fUo ches tcr,cvery even ing at 9 o 'cloqk1 (ex cept Saturdays, ·w hen !1he leave~ l\t 2 o'clocK,P. M., for Brighton). 'fhe St.ea.mer oolls a t Brighton, M_ ondays and'l'huredays ; at Colbornc, evel'y duy except \Y c1l nesday; nt "\Vhitb~·-. Oaha1va, J)arHngtont.. 1111d Newcastle, on \.Vcdnes<lay, should treJgh t .p rrer. Dealers in s tuck v.·111 find this the cheapest null quickest route to Albany, Boston Nc'1.' · ' r York, &c. . Address. U. C, C_i\..RTER, 34-tf Port H ope, Ont CENT. will also be made on all 00.!lh " BEA V.Elt BLOCK," is the t·Iace. - -·--- - ----·-- ---- ------------ ----- purcha,es over ona dollar. '1'1113 G.!.nG1.R is the m ost r clinblo and cfilc.i clona H . ::n~ll ; 1:1 sm1ot Snro 'l'hro:~t. llot1.reenc~to! Di t)L h cri,1., Drnochitta, Irritation o r t ho Uroncllin 'l';:~ f,o c;1~n1on i11 t bi3 thaugeii"blo, ...l~tt1 ° n'.~, O!l;~tniiva Dreath, Ulee ra'tc ll. Gum11 , i:ino. :::.ll tl t=i;;: :lS<:S or t ile Moutlt. F or P nblic :Sp enk cr~ Bt1 1 f_dn~i.! t~ it i~ invnluablo. The 1u\l.rcdicnte <11· j ·~·- · ~ ·~ l:J t ..J tLJ ii-! Qsrglc !t r B nsed Uy all Pll_yi;!cinne, it.:H I ,( -- -----\Vl'rH 'l'he Grocery Department i~ al~ Ne Plus Ultra 1 A NEW GLEE BOOK, P IANO .A OCOMPANIMEN'l'. l'Ud '): l \".li}', lll\'l 1r.ost l:l:.::: ;; f' .rieo ~ti cent~. r_,,· nw caro ot [ho above d1aorders r hl Ul'·} tho ];f(lter!a 11ow, McCLUNG st1pplied with New Fruit.., Spioo. BOWMANVILLE P·t ·ice $1.50 each; $15 per dozen. Ultra Glee-Book }1as been jntrocluced, it haii "becnJ'ronounuod superior to all other works of its ki n . · Tt ls tho l<Ll'b "'eSt, latcat1 fin est, and only coilcctinn Of New .Glees UJlU Quart.cttci:i 11cnrl.y a.11 of whiclt ha1·a P iano .Accon1pan inlcnts: ~~lib. S nntp lc copica u1ailcd, post 1mitl, f:it· $1,.T. J,, PE TERS, 5!J9Broad way, N . Y. W HEREVER '!'HE NE PLUS MACHINE AND IMPLEMENT MANU:b'AC'l'URIN G MA?\Ull' hCTUH lt, THE CO MPANY lfOLT,OW LN G : i1r, :,t::ct1:1, 11.'! th<! h ~st.Di sic.f i.: r-t:Hlt. fn1' tho rrc,·cr.· 'l'li1H ~r;-;~ ::'!'A l~ is o sure p:re"ent lv c of "i"y-r;hnl'I nnd 'rs ~ hohl rcvcr>l. Cholcr.i., S m:tll pox, nnd dl Jr-. f ,1tt i ·,J. " (1 !~t~~ ~C". lt wiI! nre \'C" t Cr,nt~g Ion in C l1.l 1<J. ) r f~ :c~,; .· ) :nval~l!l blo tJr Di~ infectt1·g \ Vo. t·. r Ul ) .! ·.::~:J, Jli-a L:fl, Cesi:pools, Stab lcL', Sl n:ti<"htnlnns . !:' ·· \'. c ., 1 ~:1t l fo r clc;:!tro; in~ ll("' <! Otl·.l tfi!n \'ln f w .t ' vi 1:·Lc:r,i · c~11~011.dsin!...'. l t, ' "Ill 11n-: o tiwny .i\fo:;::1 11 itue:J, )fot h'I. Files, Coc'!n-on clH"'· &c . liket. l.".i.'::-!! ··~,,; ..: , .<".. lll lJu l!.rcserv<.! ll. frOn"l p11 Lrcf;;ctlo n by lie n ·; i.:i C1.:r ·i0l ~c A c.1:1 W.13 sclc ctc:l hy lkr M t1j'!~t:;-· '8 Ho::,,{ 1.'ll:r:.n1 i:>:~ ioncr~. iu profc r cn:::1'j to nl I o ti: " r tc. Kon~ better in quali y,and non! 1.ion of l:J l'uctioa'3 dil;u1scs. ! 'rice 25ccnts. SPRING STOCK, l"irst PI"izc CultivatoI"s · a.nd ·wJtich ha Ye for s ix years obtained fir i1t pri:t.C6 cheaper. the attention of farm cra to the one-h orso and bvo-honsc Iron Cnltivi:ttoro 1unn ufncturod by him, T HE SUBSCitIBEll WOULDDmECT ~A discount will be m.Wti Co. no-..-,. complotcd. thoir 'l'wen;t.y-~"'irst yoa.rof btt~incl!ls,with a. consta.nta.n~ stlll 1ncrcase of growth. -~s the n1an11factory 1!4 one of the oldest It also ranks aruoug the h1 ~he8t in the coWJ.tzy, During the long co.,-perience or tho ul auufacturexe th ey ha.vo steadily added to the capacity of their lnstrumcnts, n.nd have nvt1 lle4 t.bemeelves of every inethod to improve the quality .of tone and to lnorcaso the meuhanical te.oilitiea tor the p()rforn1er. .A.nd though they expect to continue t h e course of iu1provoment, they are abundantly sa,tistled w·ith what has been done and with tbe estimo.t ion in ·which their h1l$tr uffients nro held by g.ood judges or music.. _ .As heretofore they 'vill u se. t.he best inat~1·1, without rognrd to cost, and give every Organ tho most thorouA"h -workma nship. '!'hey espeCinlly invitn co1u:parison e ns Io tlHi quality and volumo of tone, nud ns to th0 eff~ct i'\'¢ n1oclumico.l n.ppllances. They caU a.ttont1on. to the fact that Llielr Organs arc sold A.T EX~ "fRE?l-IELY LOW PRlCES, o.s lo·v as is oh nrgcd tor many of tut inferior sort. Havlug u. large, and tboroughJy appolnt~1l 1nn.nufactory1 employ Jng none but 8killcd 'vork1nen, a nd having 1nndo a winute division of labor, they are able to pr'!duoo Organs at Joos 1·atesthnn n1oet com pcb- T HE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN I OF ALL KJNll8, HILL"S PATENT PLOW, No 1:1, SAWING MILLS, SCO'fCH CANADIAN & GAN ~ SIJINGJ..E J\{ILLB, PLOTitS, HEADING MAC HIN !~~. 8l'RA w CUTTERS. ROO'r d o ·· PLANERS, FIELD aud GAl\DEN ROLl"EHS, !HON LA'. THES, FANNING MILLS, DRILLING MACH1NE8, CU LTIV.A.TORS, II\ON-PLANER~. HOR SE .PO\\r li~RS , &c., &.-c., S:c. WO.GD'S 8Ef.,F'-RAKE rmAPEit. BUCKEYE MOWER,. \\-~ OOD- \VORKINO .l\f ~.\C IIIN J<;s Thi~ l'ltlli>AU.l'I ION is UOC9,U:'l.licd ln its ra f.l.dity tor Sharpening ::i.Ud Foli~hw~ Cutlery. T,1.b Jr and Pocket-l( nivc:s;R.1zor>!, Hurgical Inslrument ii .Shoe· makers' Kni ves, Plun~Dlt s anU. Chigel!!, &c. Nothing h:.i.s ever been di.scovorcd which hait r:prnng 1.Ut o popul:iri ty more qui~kl y, or bocomo of i;.o much vaJuctn cvc:1·y h')u.:icholc!. nntl workt1h op fot g eneral usef!Ullces. Prico iti5 cents. at Provincin.l and LocuJ 1'"'aira. 'l'hey undoul.Jtcdly the beiit implen1cnt of the kind iu use. and '"'ill 1n n. very t1hort timo nlorc th o.n repay their cost, in the tJfficicuov and cxccll cnoo of their " 'Ork. Inspection invlto(\. A supplr of Cult.ivn.tor11 now Qu hand tor the s pring work, n.nd \\till be sold at lowest rates. --r·--- . I " f IRON HARROWSl1. Grneeries of nvo A NI> A-lfAU' I'll isuperior kind, n.lllo ' on ln·,utl. BUGGIES AND WAGON ! u i;~- 1'. NE'1V TIN SHOP IN BOWMANVlLLE. constantly on 11 and for tsak . d" .All kinds of Blacksmith · w ork do ne en th~ 111hol'te~t notice. A. ca.11 solicited. I. WESTC(IT1', IJo?lmn.nvlll 15-Mtf. an ea.sl1 pur-cha~e~ (}Yer cne KEEl:""" NO l:'EDLERS 'w. G. REED, For Plowe and other Small Implements, Bllt wi!l eell .· nch article s at tho Works for prices less than any cstablialnuent can do 1vhich paye: large cornnti.asions to tro.vellen , :E-,n.r1ners will therefore get Plow·s, (_\:;c. 1 at the M anufactvry ~ at out n. N" o w 'l'in b'hop in tho store lately occllple<l by J ohn Alleu, corner of IN INI I AS J\TUCH PLEASURE \Vmnnvillo n.n1l enrrowH1ing country tlln.t h o h as 01Jened FOri.l\tI NG t h elnha.bit.n1 1ts of B o Complete in eve'rlv Departmen:t, D11rhan1 Bulb. ONE DURHA-. '1 BULL, ONJ~ YEAR loi.v. old, tt.rul t 'i',"O Bull Cn l v~s, very tl ne~prcc dollor, 6xeor1t Flour and Grain . - -----------------·-lfloney to Loan. OANS FOR FROM ONE TO TWEN. L years, to in borrowera, v:ho allo\ved to mak.e such }lH.Y· TY 31. ?<!. JO..."l.~S. to,fhey bclicive th they \\'Onhl fl.ssurc dist,a.nt purchasers t)?.o.t .a.u Orgo.n "'ill ever leave then· warer oo1111:1 ·w1t1~ 'D.ocir knowledge, (,hat is not in C\~ery respec~pe r :fal~t of its c A s they have bP!ore stated , they in tend to se.cure a fnend j n every purch aser. Theil' catalogue V.'ith full description and a.Ccurat.e engravin gs, will be aen t free to any ad.dress upon a.pplic:ation · ..All necci;sary inforination cheerfully fornt ahod. .Address · 'fHE SMI'l'H AMERICAN ORGAN CO. 'f rc1nont St,, op}lOSite \oValtham St. Boston Mnss. J. M. DRIMACO~IBE, llowrnanvU!e, General fo r tho Province of Ontnrio. .Howmo.nviile, Aprll lo,· 1872. th"{ ea.rn'c<l a reput a tion for d ea.ling1 a.lao, that among other things, KI NG AKD DIVISION STHEETS Bown1anvi llo, whe re lie 1vill kee11 constn.ntly on ban d a well i:;olect.ed stock of s toves, Jap·n-1u1cd, p r c.ssed and plain 1'1n wa re, w hkh he wllJ sen a reduction from usual p1:icea le rs. equ~l to what irs usually paid ped ~ "OHEAP AS 'l'HB OlIEA PBST.'" Special<!nUon paid t.o }JAVETRO UGII I='fG AN D ,J DBBTNG mcnt.s, in addition to inata.lm ent.s, as they mny find conveuienl., 111ay be obtained fro1n tl1e Ca. na<la Pcr1nnnent Bnilding /J.nd S11:ving Society by a pplying to ' 1tr~ ho rcpu.icl instnh nents to snit 500 Tea, Dinner and Chamber Se~ in A few· reliable Agents are eng r~ge d in taking orders for .\ND WILL BE SOLD FAREW};LL. McGEE & R1J'l'Lli:DOE. Sohott.orB, .BO"wnian ville. l'!it'"PriYa.te ful.'d s to loui.. 6lt Reapers, l\fUwcrs, &c. Ordera entruatcd to then1 will receiye pro rnpt attention. tb. Jt:..:tr Ord e 1·!; fl'oJn. the c ou n ll'y pron1pLJr utter ..ded 13"1 Iligh cs t. p1·iee pai.d f01 · I-Jides, S h ee pskins I· Ca1··t ut· 'l'hanll ii!. ALI.I 'VORE: TURNEDBOlJ'l' IN FIRS'l ' CLASS S'l' YLU, A N D WAIUUNTE:D. .R ti.g<..;, \Vool -pickhlg;;, Copper, Fca.thcrs and ROl'l'.lehair. lt"ir Greet irlduc.cn1ents h cl,d out to pcdlers. N. B.- Fru:1 11ers ' va.nting M" ilk Pn.Us 01· Pans '\' Ould do well t.o call tin<l c.x.wninc my Dtock be· fore purch asing elsewhere. .A o! Public patronage respectfully ~olicited. R.. PEA.":f!'E 'l'AlLOR, TURN hi!:I sincere thnnks to t.i!!l nomerous Cll.lltomcrs and lriends, a.nd woulll beg to say that he bas removed to the corner of Klug and Ontario streets, where hewlll lJe gladtOsee as man y or the i;('OOd-nn.tured nnd good·t.e1npcred one1:1 us please t.o giye him a call. Bow1uanville Nov. 2'M1d, 1871. 17·tf China and Stoneware. W OULD RESPECTFULLY RE- Con e and sec our China Hall. W . G. RllED. Bo'l'm!l1 1villc., M1t!'Ch 8tl1, 1871. 82-tf. (t\ L!..e . . illg and b r inging into c ondl· 1'1vr ';iu-n, llvrQo~, Co-,vs, Calves, Sheep anO ~till Alwad. CHEAP for CASH I I PtgF.>, Cla.~s ut5 ed. snd recoinrnen.ded by first· s omEES, TEA P ARTIES, BALL SUPPERS, l'UBL1C DINNERS, WEDDING CAKES Got uu in tho best s tvlc n.nd on r cn.sonablo tern1s liy the subscribe r. 'l'he ·vhitesl,, the s 1Ncetest antl best bl'Crtd deli \·c red d tu l )' lo custo1ncrsJ1 n all parts of the town . 15~ Bree c.lut·:;;. Stock fod '\\'ith it have a.1v.·a.y2 taltcn first prizes. Mille Oa.ttli; produce more milk and butter. Fol" Sale! lt!G"Fo1· one month we will give a It fattens i n one fourth the usual time, a.nd eaves food . ·1. .IJti.LL.a-n 110..Y.. 011.N'1'.6.INN Tlf"'O Hf!.lV'J)RJ11J .P.BBDS~ SEVERAL GOOD FARMS IN WEST Durham. !-larch, 4, 1872, }'or P"l'ticulara apply to J. N. RU Tl/EDGE, Ol:'Ouo, di.~count on Crockery of TEN PER lHLLEn & co., .Agrict1lturnl Chom lsts, 107 K lug St. East, Toronto l"or sale by J, IIIGGIXBO'l'HAM, Druggist, llown1anvil lc. 1nran NEW SPRING - - . A . T -- GOODS T · ,-·--- I :\'GIN"to-, l'IANO, l ' IOJ.IN, H..l.BJIO~JliJl AXD 'l.'HE TTH;O"RY OF MUSIC. B.ATTI POPLINS, JAPANESE SILKS, FIGURED and PLAIN LUSTRES, l'ARASOLS, , s·I MUSLINS, LACJlJS, PRINTS, GLOVES, &c. ALEX. FLE'l'CHEH. ~ ------- - -- - -Fo1· 8alc. IT Notice. --- 1 I CEN'r. Qn eaah purchases. f~r J OHN CAMIDGE, MUS. DOC., ENG0 Hato., Stationers. tc1- 111H, HE J\>IEl\fBERS OF VOLUNTE ER LA)l'"D, 'fca.cher of t.h e above. .A pplicatlon s;e., to be made to Messrs. R. &; II. 42-Jm. x , 1'C'<E S CG1'TAtlE ON LIBERTY lting ;:st. street, nt prCs,,,ntoc.nlpicd by J. Christie, Esq, Station .l.LgP.nt. )!'or JJa r t.Jculars enl)Tiil'e....of Wm. THOMP»ON, EXCELLENT Ilowmamrillo, April 24, 1872. VALUE 1\tiUti a. a.nil others 'vbo been i n the habi t. of )Jra0t.icing w il·h b:Lil ciirtridgo, on tho Hat 'vtll plcnse bear in n1 i111l t.11nt fr0111 the prcficnt ti1nc , u.ny con sent, h it.h c1to givc r1 11;,· incl Hl lLbsollltcly · wil:htlrnw11; and any one fo-u w wilfully continuing Rifle \Jract.ico nftcr this notice u1ust be dealt "'i L h tis t 1e hnv dlrcuts. For p·r~o1rn who want Bargains and have the" money, MURDO'.lH BROS. iB the place to g<'>, 1U1d)10w Dcnfol Notice. YING DISPOSED Ole MY DEXH A'1'.A.L to 1\'lr. 8. G, l.VEBS'rER,L.D.S. Office Bowll",·\nvi11 1\£11.y 26 . 1871. :1'2-t .Bow1 nanville, }Ia~· 30,1871. F . Il.A YN_ E!S, [tf I can 'vi~ plea.sure reco1nmend hhn to all 1°(~ quil'lng lus l:l()l'Vlccs a.a u skilful Denti.Bt. T. J ..TONES, I,. D. S. lloWinnnville, JunuaJ.·y 31, 1872. 27 time.

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