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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1872, p. 4

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CANA.DIAN S1'A'l'ESMAN, BOWM...ilNVILLE, THURSDAY, .JUJ_iY 4, 187'2. iL.T the opening or :.i. breach of pro um case the other day m Kentucky the Tl oma· E l ctric 0 ll TJ o· th T·n '1 '1nes court asked the cou sel for the plamllff <l' W e ght " tiold Do 10 ' lmou how long the tr al wo 1ld probably last a yll vng of t? If ot ' I can t sa.y exactly replied the co uisel "'t t..s t'V((l.e you did but w1ll n1ention a.ti one item that I have three hund1ed a.nd eighty four lovo lette1s written l) the defendant to ruy client to read PLJ.IN 'rolnnteers are tl1sg 1sted with the proposal to form a. pan1pored a.nd p11 v1lei;:ed BARGAINS. EAR..,G-AIN""S GREAT l:lARGAINS ARE NOW Gr\ EN Al THE AGENCY 01 lli CARRIAGES BOWMAN V ILLE FURN 11 U RE Celebi·ated Bradbu1·v ! Piano Forte. T11e Osborn. ---o--- James Morris, N liESPECTFULLY RETURNING I thn k R to the fot 1 bol'alpo.t1onagc "'ould u.nno nee that he is 1 o v prepared to ttd p i bllc u11 orders n J Ii 1 e n n. manner second Lu t o es tablishmm tin the co nt es ROBT S MANNING Battalion at Ottawa to be called the Foot Guards The G 1ards will receive bet ter pn.v hate greater pr1t1leges and rnnk l gher th 1n the Batt,hons "hich ho re for borne tho heat n.ncl b irden of the day n t vrhat could our Volunteers ex p0ct from ri. G ver :intent wlnch sa:w their comr1.desshot clo vn and" ou1 dedat R1dgo "ay fighting for Canada yet never so Cheap Corner PUBLIC Corn for Sa. le, Store Whole 1G3Hf 01 CARRIAGES WAGGON13 CUTTER13 SLEIGHS &c 01 acked · MAN'tl!AC1URF.:DIN NY STYT E DRSlRF:.D A"ND ON TlIE SI ORTE!!T :.lOTICI!: :o[O :-r lN"Slll iJONSO ( ;.ro :-. Oll' TllMH:!UTS 0NT<\RIO BANK .J chu !'l!cDong.111 Mcm1re R ~ ' < 1nnch as I rotasted against tho outrage on onr ao1l nor de1nanded reparat1on for the a.nd security for t he future 'l Sir Geo E Carher the heaven born }11n1ster of Wa.r ma.J rece1 e t l do ::n·i·::\kenu g at the elections STRA.1' ax Su1c1DE - A Pa.11s corres1 on lent of the N 1' 1 me> says -A ~rngu1u su1c1de 'vas recorded yesterda.y-two of then1 in fact-and the present mrona 1:1eems to be for the rnost bizarre inodea of puttu1g an end to one s existence A str ng able bodied man who ·wIShed to shutRe ofi this mortal coil took a. long rope r eachtng about half way do\rn Ii oiu the fo rth story He then secu1ed 0 1 e end of the rope firm l) and tied the other end not about hIB neck hut abo t one ankle Fastened u1 this manner he n1ade a lea.p from the "\"i n <low Of course 'vhe n he reached the end of the roap he crashing against the wall of tha house 'v th such force thn.t his brains 'vere scat tered 1 pon the \1i all ond tJ1e people The other sought death by tymg his hands and feet and ti en stick tng h s head do,vn between his b~ lslnts Hew ~5 found upright but rcn:crsed a d appears to ha.' e made great efforts to escape from the trnp he I ad care! 1llJ prepared OPINION Corne1 Sto1 e 1 )Ol C~ l .u1d §lung les AT get il1Y MILLS ltc1 ember tl at noth ng but the befSt a te,ria.l is l~ e 1 a.ud best orkn 01 emplo1 cd thus enaur l g d ral ill(} clega i.;c s d co fort-t l e oi.t Il} u la trcq 1 sites 1 a uonve) tn c Bo· n:aa ille Sept atJ 1[ 0 HAit :\.. Ge era.1 c\..gc ts 1870 IN all but. cl es of tl e trade pro UJ't 1 es fully J ·"lied tl1c oi gu al idea that at the ALL KINDS OF 1J' I'l' 'l, ED AndNOR'lllROP&LYJ\'I~ NB\VCA~lL:f!: Ont Sole .A.g enl~!u Lhc Do no N T~ -Eclcct1 le-Sele tcd n1 d Elect..r ed For sale by 'V l Alk nson ttnd Dr ])ounlJ Osh u. YVhitb.} 1 ~ J H Ger c and T .By1 n 1 n Bro oklin by Jol n '\ :i.rre Soldb) J IllGG-INll01JIAM n<ID S10rJ B wm a o 0 tn to AND vVET.. L P o~al'erl 6 UI'J' E·D · A !iiiJ1Je111 ui l',n·11& tor !, T"IE COUNTY e tie ro nofilo to bo n ad to JN 01' DtRHAM: lie ~I Ill BLACKSMITH A W RK, h S N 1 H01 HA8 P IELr!'\ N Y at o I D. STOTT, AND DF.ALER T" J S B.A. TE ~ I opr ctor llo\.\r an Ll!e 0 t ohe : I th lS J IO t! SUPERIOR MANNER CHEMIST c.11lt1on ' ! Caution'!· Tu l e P ~ \\ I en you ' tt t ·nythmg m the carnage ln e gl\e JAMES MORlHS " call :l.nd he "111 8U1t ~ ou DRUGGrs--r ! lw JI, o -th fil cB f A 11ieric -i. p ov 0 c ]oor 'Vest ot the Onta,rlo Bank 18 ly Bo v a illo D:e: \.R ~~s 11 o I tio I u cl a sed fro u you emme sl.x J 01 tl s a.go l a.nufactured b) ~1Ct!!I'ti F G Su t.1.l & Co Ne York ls t;OO!j~Onl to 'V H l:ll'adb1 n ot the eu. ne cit) ) for wl on you are Ge e l\l ~l{enta a g u g great si:ttl~faul o a.nd s 1 n ~ opin10 nnd in tl e 01 lmon of 1na1 y om1 etenl J U lgol!I a st um nt As far as tho workman !!:hip is conoorncd it is ~ual to tho beet Cb cker ng and JB 1 my opi ruon s per or to tl e instru cnt11 1110.dc by- thlfl firru 10 n 1 ness l fu]] 1cse of 1 1 e lJ d t is equal if not s ipcr or 111 bot! those respect.ff to tho u HLr m er ts ULl ufacturod b): Stoddard & Dunham or Dunham I may mention tl o.t I l 1:n e purchn1:>ed for ntJi self and frie1 ds several Pianos manufnctu1ed by tho oldtl n of S odd11. d & Dunl aui. and ha e a ill or e of th ir1:1 i1 n11 HIS CELEBl'tATED llACJlINE houso Yours T now been tested b oyond all quG6tloo autl th J STI!PSON edlot of t1 op bile lB th l~t to day FHOM ' Do anvllle Oot 10 18 l fliO.MJ'SUN X8Q D Rli:CTOU OF TJIF (;an:uhan Pau1 Destl·ol c1 II I relic"\ Ing t hou TOJVN IT.ALL Bt!ILDTNGS, BOWMANVILLE A and!! S A FUULY l\'IEDlClNE from pa n 1n the vell and fa orably I no CORN IS H lJ\Irtssa:s It BAS rHRM ttOYAJ C NADlAN BANK S de Bw:k and Heal 001 97" Colds Sore '1 !l!l at Sp1 ct'l!li.s B nses C a1nJJS ~ i tlw Sto nach Choler. Mo1bTM Dy'8nte Bo10el Compla nts 1 u " Scald 1 rost Bites &c DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHElVIICALS, Dye Stuffs P tent ]!Jed1i.;111ea Pe1.f-t nery Brushes Co1nbs Soaps Pa nta /\Id 0 ls Pamt Brnshes Co·! 01! and Coal Oil L·mps &c &c I TonoNTo Mal'cll t... u 1s10 &:. H 0 H.l~A GENTLEMEN - Ip ucl o.sed about ten }Ml'il ago o e of Bradburys pianos tJ e tlrst con signed to this 1no.1ket It s ackI owlodgcd 1 y professionals to be a rcmarl ably ftne toned in a rument and In ny a.Jao mention th t l av1ng been removed severaJ. times during U t period. it has 01 ly eq tired tun tg twice "Yo rs trul WILIIAM THOMPSON F rm of rl ompeon &. Du1ns R &H Oifu.1a. Oencro.IAgentsfo Oita io I Stand11 w i tlumt a Rh n lt is tl1e most smbsto.ntiu.lly- built ba.1 the fe~ ee v; orldng parts boauti!ul In dee1gn and fln1Bh Hasi tho best lesJgn ot' a snttle and by t'a.r tho LAUGEST ItOBB1N S It is capable ot perform lnir a range of work hitherto thought b:.opoMibl for Sew! 1 dl\tacb 1 f;jli A IoUCHiliG lNCIDE NT-.A. Newfounl land correapoudent says that during ono of the most tremendous snow slorms ever 1l"1tnessed there last wmttlr a poor widow left her ho1n e n1 search of hor only 8 n u. b oy of rnxteen ~ears <f age who had gone out in tho inornn g wo od cutting v;ith several others Unable to bear her .anxieties the poor mother rushed out iuto tlro blmdrng 1now drift hopmg to find her boy and that her feeble arma nnght 111 some way help him hon1ev;ard After atrugghng on for seveial miles she met tl e pl\rty Vi ho were on their return By this time she was utterly exhausted and unable to retrace her .steps What was to be done1 She f6a11k down u1 the s iow 'von1 out w th fahguo and hwiger lho l ttlo party of boys were quite u1 able to bear 11er among them homeward and to rema. n with 1 er would have been death to all It was agreed that they should cover her ns well as possible and return to the for help Her son ho,vevor nobly refus ed to lea""fe h11 mother though to rema.Jn was: in all probabihty certain death When the bds gavo the alarm m the vil lage a number of men o.t the peril of the r hves went to reecue tho mother and her 11on Ihe1r efforts to :find thorn were for aeveral days fl'llllless They "ere finally found under a. cliff frozen to death a.nd In death locked in one another a armH they were not d1 \ idecl for the r s wn,a a !oTe stronger than death It would be difficult to find ~ more touclung instaJ100 of self .ea.cr1fic1ng nffect1on than th1s one ta.ken fro1n the short tnd simple an1 a.I! of the poor PY YSICI cN S ! I ESCRIP l'10NS C.A.RE]ULLY COMPOUND! D CORRECTLY .A:NSWE HED ~ND .Al T OllDER8 Western Assurance Company. out of iep r tl an ot her vatci es lhey a e 1 ore accurate 1 me kccpct's $<1 OU GO Q. A special va anty froro tl & FuctOlJ w th t:apJbal Stock Surplus I nnds ::os .,on ui every Bo" nan' illc Sept 20 1871 necc l1>ls rur the )ear en Ung:} 3~7 858 %6 30th .June INTI $11 Fa-r'ine :; 111 d Physwia sf. 1)1 i the Co1wt t1 y ic ll fi?v.l, 01 1 Srocl. of 1 1feJ,, 11nes coni rr 1HEY ARE LESS LIABLE IO GET HEAD OFFIOE-TOIWNIO Js sold at abo .. t oue-halCthe p1 JC e ct th1ei· lllacl11ue11 alete a· d of ti e I est qo aUty At the Ironmongeryr SOJYIEEI-IING ONG WANIED BY EVEI-tYBODl' -OR-l~VF U"l' 0 l\ E HIS OR UJ,It OftN l"A.i~TER' Sold n no....--mnn I le bJ J II gglnbotham n.nd D ~to t tu d all n ediu o doalers 11"ohcc. A"\ IN(, SOLD our MY INTEREST H in tl e tJ::ilness lately b e n Bo vman ille to my sonsCharlea M and\\ illiam 1 Ho' J MuMuJtRICH P10a1dei t B HALD.AN f.!&Tr ed on ].fat aging D1rector R Cawker I 1 e eby req est all those lebted to rue by I ook a.cco nt or other"'°lse to call nnd settle fortl iLl ELIZABETH C ~WKER Do man-.,Ule Jan 9th 1872 24. tf THE PltlCE OF OTHER MAClllNES DOING IlIE LmE '\VORK Ia equl\lly at home on leather as on fine goods H5Ls carried oft 11!Uea over the llowo Singer Lookma.n ' ' h~ ~ Wllso Wanzer Ra:pno1 d tt-c g A Perteet Ma..cbJ:ue Guaru.1 tMd or no sale Fire and Marine INSURANCE .AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES AND Spemal Low 1 orif! of Rates covonng Insurance !or ono or three years on Deta.cheCi Dwellings Churcl es n.nd Schools -.. ith contents rHE GUJELPH UAl\'D TRE~DIE I :r\LI'LEC>D'B :E--IOUSE AND VJT _, L .:\.. MACHINEll PAINTS, '.l'he G l tat Fena.lle ltenlCdy. JOB MOSES PERIODTO!\L PILLS l :L'rul gm tho uro ot u.11 those pa nful \.nd da. b'U'-"O s d se 1a08 to wluch J r. femal e co at1 tutlon is subJect It inodera.tes all excess and re ~~fi.c~soi'.ll o batl'l ct 01 s a l a SI ee L y c re iy be Prepared for 1rr ined1ate use and notlung b t l c I i rest Mate1 als used ar d i e quiring no I uther nnxture of oils lurpc1 tu e a1 1 D1ye1s THElR COMPOSITION CONSISTS SOLEY OF - I HI G G I N B 0 T II A. M, rrHIS INV "LU ABLE MEDICINE IS Pwe Colo Pu1e White Leail Pu e Whte Zinc Linseed Oil Spi11ls of TU11pentine ancl D1 vers ca1 efully a id scientifically conibYned in Cities 'loVins and Oountr; places These l'ates and terms of p olicy: part i.; la.rly fa' arable to tho Farm ng Comm n t tbi; bet1t mrWe !n.nt1 l&Ert u 01e durable tn~tl rellable tba.n nus other sin~e ti r<'.(l.d nu.ehln.e 1 FIRST CLASS MAN WANTED for Larger n.nd work with K'?eat ea.Be Will do t t a. Trav eJling Agoncyi for tho To vnijhlps o itly1ng kind11 of domeetic 8ewiug in n, perfe~t11 11atiaf&6 U l>i Tom APt l.} ot ng 'II h eferc cci'I to the Ul)dersigncd for trai ~nt tst; ou to tl o Ii ad tor) anncr 11n.a :ti.rat prize whurei;v Office e x:hibi ed Tho conswuer ca.n hn.vo any deaned shade of Colors 1 eatly I it 1p in Cl:i.1 s an l t.l ro M ~RRrir.u L~nn a ls pcculio. 11 su ted It w· ll in a short tl.WC ho requ res to buy with the Pa 1 t is Lt. Brush :is the work can 1 e do e bJ h lself or or ng on t1 e montltly per od v tlt iegi. la.r tJ by any l emboi: of lua household Joh uo s A iod /tie Linv1nc1 l ill g 'e 1nore relief in cases of Ch1ornc Rheuma t1sn1 no matter how se vere than any otht1l a1t1cle kno~n to medical inen Do not oast Llna. t s1do w1tl a. look of con -----·- - --a -- These. P lls :1ho ld ot be. takc"ii: b'i/'fi'C1 i.aies dur no thel TRS1 THI, EE MOhTllSof Preo ancv as tlwy are .sure to b ng o i M!.!:i -iaue but at QI 1J othc. t1- ic tl ey a c safe In all Cases of Nervous an l ~-R al Aft'ect.ioi s Pa g u tl o Bilek ~nd Lrmbs Ji at1g ie on sligl t exertion Pn p tr.~ on of tb.e l ear~ Hysto 1cs and tes tl eae P Ila ill efl'ect a cw e wl o~ all other n eana have failed and although u. PQ~ er t'u1 eme dy llo not cont.a. n non c ilomel an ti mon~ or anyth ng hurt:.fu.l to the const tut on Full dU"ootlons n the p1it11phlet aro d each package · h ch shoulU be ca:r eful y r 1)8 ved PURE WHITE LEAD A la1ge stock JUSt ieceived for Autumn Pamtmg nnpo1 ted duect flom the English Manufacturers mcludmg JAMES 1Genume and celebiatecl Rooster brand- Guaianteed pm e B .NOUNCE that ho has recched a 'ell as eortecl stock of Go une D ugs und Pmo Engl sh carer 11 y selected DYE J()ctlo of CHEMIST AND DRI:GGIS'l EGS RESPECTFULLY TO A:N R &H 01'1ARA llo itn'V lle 8 It 14 1871 Local Agenta 7 Che uoals Al!So a. splendid stock of t.hll most TO OW"NERS OF !I.GENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE SI LENUlfl INDUCH!ENTS SrUFFS '"'I ' h cl annC>t Ue surpassed for eJ::coll~ icy of Quo.litJ t\.n al!so tn eot of Aniline Dyas kept co stnutlJ o hu.n l together vtth a. chol e se DRUGS CH!lMICaL5 PATE:>rr MEDICINES BRU~HES COMBS SHOULDER BRACE~ SUPPORTERS &c &o Farm Property AND- DETACHED RESIDENCES INSURE YOUR PROPERTY JN THR -AD- For te1 rr s san pl es or 11cn,,: tug &o 11.pply O~NADA JOll MOSES :NE\V ~ORK SOLB I ROPJUETOH $1 00 and 12~ cc ts !01 post age enclosed to No ttuop & :Gyi an Newcastle O t gc oral tempt If you ;;r;-O-ne tho luck) fe , thi't are ne~er a.11 ng hand th s to your in vahd friends that they may know DE PEWS MEDICAL VICTORY the ,,<:reat blood punfier is available for the cure of rheumatmm debihty and all diseases of the stomach hvci b owels and nerves It can no'v be su d ' itho 1t fear of successful cont1;:ulu::Lion that it has cured sc res of i.;ase" of costiveness fe1nale wea.knes8 and irregula11t1es b1housn ss and diseases of the kidneys and bladder which were pio nounced lnc irablo Ir HI often 1cn1ar1 cd by strangers vunt ing O'l r State that wo .sho'v a large!'" pro port10n of goo l home· th ·n any other State m the U lllOn This we tell tl em is owing to tYi'O pr1nc1pal rea.sons u1 the firot place we breed from the very best stock and in t 1 e second place ou1 people use Shm drnn s Cavul111 Ou i lit.on Powde s which in onr Jn lgment are of 11 ca1culnb1e advnntuge T: H 01: SANDS of Pronus1ng Youths of both isex:~s go down to unt1n1ely graves from general dt:b1lity and 'vo \.kneBB 'vho might he sa\ ed by fo t fymg ti eir syste· '" 1v1th Iron The Parui; ian Syrup is an Iron Tome prepared expressly to s111 ply thus '\l1ta.hzmg ele1nent and is the only p1eparation of Iron that w-ill ass n1lato at once with the blood BRYAN s WAFEllS (I ho gioat public iemedy) now been rn use o'er twen ty years hence it cannot be said that they ore on tn i.l They 1 ave been thorough!J tried &nd pronounced (on the autho1~ty of those whose ltves and health they have pre.served) to!be a sure harmless and cn1 mently salutary p1oparat10n and 1f taken in season will ui variably cure colds coughs sore throat and all Bronchial affect10 s One fall' trial will coni.: 1nced the skeptical Sold by all med1cme dealers at 2octs per bo:1' O'VNBTIS OF Ho1 SES REJOI CING -And wliy notl a1 d "ho knows b 1c that the r horses are reJ01c1ng ts well who can pro' o the contrary? But tl eir owners reJ ce becttuse of the aston1shme11t a i l al l ost nuraculons effects on the:u hor ses of Du ley s Condition Po 'fdcrs au l .Aiab1an Hoa.vo re nedy So1ne "ere loan a.1 d poot having nu appetite othe1s 'vould de ,our their foodr~renotsly yet der1'e no benefit from it so1no vere h de bound with rough u.ntl shaggy hon others had severe cold.a and coughs many bad the he&-\es and other compla.1nts peculiar to horses on all it operated as a cha1 in t11c dise \Se or complaut wag speedilJ removed the appetite ancl t.hgestive organs corrected the 1:1k1n softened and a sleek sh1nmg "tip pearanee given to the coat all without any danger to or preventing the ho11J0 being 11111ed Remember the name and ··· th·t th· s gu.ture of Hmd & Co is o 1 each pu.d,age Northrop & Lyman 'New 'astle Ont lp:topnetors for Cana d a S oId bv .J agents for the Dom non "ill ns\ ie a bottle couto.in1ng over 50 p Us by ret~ ma.U For sale by W T .A.Lk nson and Dr Donnn Oahn. o. lll V\ hJtby by J H Ge lua1 dJ Byi: e in Brodyn by John\\ arren Sold by J HIGG-INBOTHAM aud D STOTT Bo vmat ville Onta.r o 2000 AI SO - All ·t mdard Colors Oihl Varmahe· and Pamlern l\11tenals C>ll and see hov; cheap~ House can be" land Docora.ted for 111 these goods w1!1 be ·old at reduced figures G HLONS 111 \CHINE OIL OF DIFFEREl:iT KINDS Threshere a.nd nH parties requ1r1ng such oil aro specutlly mv1ted to 11 spoct the var10 18 qualities the p1 ce bemg f<'\r below anytl ing ever offe1ed n tins GUELPH Sz!WINGMAGJIIN.l!JGO Y. GUELPH Save £-fa!/ Your Money Head Office for Canada Kingston CHEAPEST \H:-11ERHAS COM:E LONG m ENI!\ G-S ARE HEHE PROSPERITY ABOUNDS A. D J>;OW IB OILS PUNTS COLORS VAHNISHE~ 1narket JQ.r R & II 0 H..4.R.4. '\' agenta tho Co tntles of Dul'ham Outa.rlo tLnd Victoria. l1r 8peclal induoemoD.t 8 to llTO ag-enUl January 18th. isn a dl\\ HITELEAD W- \.t t1 e ver) Io" est prices lu .lllemorm111 in l ono e las 1 tterell is iDJlll'ed but be ieJltLed by them .All ti oso bea 1tlful emblems .., hioh adorn tl e many tomb~ n uu d h cl vo love to l nger u.ssurc us °'ea c n n. ' o ld of wa 1 a 1 lov ng 1 earts the <t.dornm11 of the scpnlob1es of the love d ones"' alic ate~ our gr ef and soothes tl e wou1 ded l ca -t It also el ccrs the ho r ca.' el to kotJw tha an add t onal ei belUsl n1e t of tl e g ave p esents stronge1 a ttractions to arrest tl e atten t1on of tl e strange1 and cauaea h u1 to ha.use a r.l lea the name of one who oi~B ~1r.i. ed iiO la gely u the love of 0 oOO COOK PARLOR, HALL AND BOX STOVES arn,IDg and now on Exh1b1t10n T1~ T HIS old and well estnl 1181 e I Company insures ootl 1ng hut Fa.rm Propertj and r IE riME TO Sl:BBCRJB!t on HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES ~antagco detached Residences n.nd Isaue.e Pol c1es at Greately Heduced Rates r EXPENDITURES A G \INS of tl lead Heaven n o pi:Ohibltton o.nd.)!;a.rth not The largest ar d cheapest istock of General Hardware ware in the Count) of Durhan1 elJ ngton B lcli1 g Bowman\ ille August 9 IS 1 Carnage Goods l.'l'.I:OORE'S N D -Counlr) Storepe ekera' s pp] ed on ad s terms ASSETS $560 000 00 Depos ted w th the Finance l1tn1s ter for spec al benefit of Oanad an ?ol cvl oldel8 over $100 000 See th;) fol1o'"9 ng Cert fl<':ates Th s 1a to cert1(~ I at the Ag[ cult ra1 Jn General SewingMac~ineAgency JOI-IN McI,EOD Rural Nev.r Yorker frJJi; GllliAI N 10 L F" VORt.rl HARD TO BELIEVE. True Nevertheless! - - - - -·o:- - - - Farin illl(i rveekl; JLIU~T1'1FD I :'.IARKET BUILDINGS surt1.nce Company having depo a l d n the J l A.ndi ot the Rcce i;er General of Canada the 1! lm of Fifty four rho\ sa11c1 PJ e Hun dred iJn1tod States bu ifs as re q red by the A.ct of Canuda 31 Vic cha. 48 sec 22 s hel'eby I ceased to ca.r1y on tie business 1n Cana la of Fire Ins 1rance PROFDSELY BO WM.AN VILLE W c take this m etl o 1 to mform you t1 it e cau flll orders for decorating the ~rrn e:> of lepart ed frrn1 ls at low 1 gures executed in tho best style o! ' o k nanshl1 GROCERIES VERY CIIEAP. ood Cookmg Ra1srns only 5 cents a pound G er bythe box and stilcheap MONUMENTS TAl3LETS EW O:F 'I]{Jl: l: NKSI' Q"t:r.ALITY O.l:i ITA LTAN&AMERIOANMARBLE -AND- · S COTCH ABERDEEN GRAN11E s ppllc l on al ort notiue Everytl o.g pcrtalll1ng to Cemetery ' vork will incct de:~ Jit~mpt atteut1on by leaving 01 G BOUNSALL Bowman' lllo 1,,, U1IMER DRY GOODS at cost l.J OTTON and vVoolen goods are advancmg but you c,in buy them at Elliott s, fo1 a sh01 t time, at the old p1 ices Now is the time to secme what you need IM:PROVEJ\'IE~ T JOHN L ANGTO N for M1n1ster of F1nnncl) This is to certify that I ha-ve been acqun. ot l ~~E of Vetel'lnary college ed with the Officerit and Managers of the begs to inform tl e inhab tants of Bowmu.nv ille and surro tndingco ntry that he ba.s commenced Agr1c11ltural Ins ranee Company for many tllc pructlce of l: Is profess on and oa.n be con years and also with the business operations 1:1 lted ns to tho llseuse ot horsea and cattle at of the Company and no hes1ta.t1on 1u Glover li Livery oiflce JCing Street Bownia l viha recommend ng it as a. I erfectly eafe and re 23 t! hable CompB.ny and its Officers ns compe tent n.nd honorable business men and aa Jt Cedar and iusurea notb ng but Farn1 Property and de Uobe1·t Young, Dated at tho 0 ty of Ottawa tho 2nd d·y of June 1870 GRAD V l TERINARY SU RC EON U:uls Posh!. C THE RURAL S ILLUSTRATIONS NY QUANTITY OF GOOD CEDAR I cons1Uer 1L responsible beyoud any cont1n Rails u.n l Posts for sale e 11 e1 at the slurnp reucy or lei vcred JAM!iS VEAI~ D D CALVlN M P P Lot 5 it..h con 19tt We ha.Te exo.m nod lnto the co1 d t1on o.nd J)arhngto Dec :!ti 18 1 sto.nd1og of the Agricultural Insurance Company and do fu1ly concur with .Mr Os. en n recommend ng 1t to the F trmers of this HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Province ns one perfectly safe and reliable T excl angc good 1 o l.Se al d lot in & thr1 \ ing in wb ch to insure then property V1Uage i ~ l\lcch ~an for as nail far1n near Dow J C CLAnK Banker man' Ue itfnrm s wort\ l ore than 1 o ise and lot ll pay balance 11 n: oner Ca.U imn edw.telv J 0A.n&UTHRR8 k Co G&o A KuurrATn1ex M I' in I ci:son or add~ce~V NICHOL~ Box 7:1 B AI Bat r'l'o.N 41 tf Bo mu.nvillc A tached Dwellings n.nd hns $530 000 A11ete "Lo c KMAN" CLOTHING! ENILEMEN m "ant of a neat fittmg smt should G ea1ly at Ell10tt s Fashionable Tailormg Establishment ,(l:JrSat1sfact1on guaianteed m all reasonable casfls Stop and See. trnordJna.r,x: cures in Cn.nada. by the GR.I!: \.I IN DIAN RJ£1\.1EDY 'JI cy a e stern undeniable call nre};unerous v.,_,red andBoa1 t f 1 I lcel o tr a.rm s to I e le ti o wl ole }1apc exec\ tlo1 ttllY Vnluablo und a.cceptablo TheRt.n~ALSRe ' o t s of ~1arketa C: 01 s F a cea etc arc f ll n.n 1 cl able a d alone wor 1 do ble tho p C6 of the par_e1 I idcod i ext to ¥.°UI loc3'1 pav.e. MOORE s- RURAL $tho 0 c fo l.O trsclr l: an ly a d Friends · A §1nall Farin Wanted. Sn'LE A:ND REDUCED TERMS Encl number of the RURAL NE"' Yo1 s:en for 1872 11 comp lao S :xteo Qua -to P11g()8 ( 11.rger Ll a. lJarpc s Vi cekl.r) l nted from Nev.: Type on extra fine n d hea y pa1 er a d Ul st ntod aoU. Pr ted i \ he hlgl est sty-lo of the r o gHl.]lh..ioal Art ye~ · Henry Elliott, Jr Hampton Augu·t 3rd 1871 rrHE FOLLOWING REMARKS ON '] estimon a.le of il e nost wonde ful and ex a dlncontest&blefacts eutficicnttoconvincetbe ~~~ifcic~g~:~~a~g\~e ;:r~~~M:~c:!i~f:1fno'fh~ A '-XTE CAUTION ----- IJ I h ' II 0 t .. O II S '1lr F Illll t - r Dr111n. T.EJtMS In \. lvauwi- S ~le Co ~ $1) 50pcr 1. F v C p es for $12 50 i.::evc 1 t.:01 es for $16 ·1en Co1 ea for $20-o ~ ~2 pe ~ pJ I b eral P e -1.U s to l.11 fo m cl 1bs Specimen r1ze Nun bcrs Sho :v Bills otc sent free Addrcs11 D ]) T MOORE Rural 1\e v 1.'o kc OtUco 1\ew 'York C t:5 1 l Going 1ftl. West ! 0USE FOR SALE WITH SNUG H op attached n busmel5 a.rt of e ro For -pa.rtfculu..ris a.ppl1 to C SELLING OFF! 'Ve "'ould rofor you to the folio 'lug gen \.lemen ln regard to the rosponub hty of the Companv -D Fisher E~q Cnsh er of the OntariG l'·nk Juo McLeod M P P J B Fairba It.. Esq Postma11tcr J 1r l arewell A Eeq Btl.rr1ster little SI n. good Agent for Cobou1g and v1c n tr ti 1 J OI L.A RD on ti e premises I wo doors .1£ast o "lLLIAM 1 FISH Ii' H e1 dereon a hotQl. Bo vmn.nvill& W R OLIMIE Local Agent at Bowman Tl]h, G eat sH 0 H 0 NEE REM ED Unpr1 c plcd ]lersona: '\ho \.'ihc.n they Fo D seMes of the Tl 10 tt Lun""' L ve b 0 , J caunot palm off a "'orthleBB Sewing l\.'.Iaohinc o l'>"J g re1so s a.cqualnted with the JI e Its of the dif t ve Organs K a &c u.s WP..Jl a!J Scrofula r6 ront Ma. :hines rei resen t thcmselvel! as agents !01 the celebrated Lockma.n n l Oaborn Mu. chines a1 d offc1 to grant><; at'l'&ntsfo1 the witl 111tent to dece ve "\Ve being the only a. thorlzed ag'n t a for" est D l ha n ti c 01 ly pe so 18 who can gru. t i.; arrants thereon a td nny persons not employed by us r~presentlng themse cs as agents o otl'er ng to grant ·va.r nnta a :-e n posters a l l.iH.l lo to be prosec le 1 for fnt 1 Ihc publ hereby i.;autioned against S\ en R & H 0 HARA Ho nanv1Ue Ju e <)'2 d 1871 4'7 3 m lf!6' Call it tlle Drug Stor e n.nd get n. Clrculai o nnq1· eationable ce ti11 ates o 1l c GREA'I S IIO r3HONEES ::\ffiDY a.J d su.tll:!fy °'oursel'\les s s y r 'l LEARN THAT THERE ARE THIS IS THE MOST EFFICIENT and eco onical Drum l Se an l TI I lil:! tr bute more heat oooup3 less roo n,c...and ans~ er JI pur1 ose better than ny ot11e .tSY its ac a houso can be much better heated wJth one .stove t han under the old 8} stem "lth L"' o or thJ ee ntovcs-tl s n: 01 c. than pay ng for itself in one s on by a sa ving of wood AJl who have tried l e "' o l 1 ot be witho lt then for. l any t ncs the r cost f'he tnders1gned has sec red the Rig] t for Bo vmanv llo Uarl ngton C!l. -t vr gl t Cln.rkc and Manvers aud JS prepared to rtll n.. l orders on tl e shortest ot ce A f 11 asso tmc t r~~3ok Parlor and Box Sto·cs consta,utl~ on 1618 Ji I HOSilIN -----·-~~--- ---~~--~- Royal Insurance COMPANY. LIFE TEM:PORAlW mFIOES Cheap for Cash I All lodebted to tho bus ness will 1 leaee call and eettle th eir sccounts as soon A.a pcsalblc Jo C POLLARD Bo,vman-.. Ille !th Deo 1871 19tf Dseember ~ 1871 ------- - - -- - F01 1§'2'2' lLLlJ 8'IRATED TIIE l'i4tl1 VOLUJUE' Co111er oC ist Paul .nul St F1anco1s Xavier §treeh tn}llt II .A.nn1utllncotnc O"lcr Fauul111 In II na.l \ er $IO THE Sewing Machine Procla.nn the Glall Tuling11 HArTHE GRE~'l SHOSHONEES Itcmedy a.nd Pills of the Eminent ll!d an dw ri Ma.n Docto Le vt~ Josephus of the. Great 'l nbe of Shoshonccs Br1tieh Columb a 8 orking the nlost mar elous an(l astonlehing Cu.roe tb.e Worl1 ever hea.rd of Ne e in th" ann tls ot Canadian I\fedical IIiatory has such 31 ccess attended tl e lntroduet on of EM y rue 11 ci ie 1 eret.ofo1e T ftf, ono ooo oco Phrenological Journal, A FrnST CLASS 1'I ot1ce. Wn1.n. Loue,n.A f, L.n, \.RRISTER AND ATTORNEY AI B Solimtorm andlnsol c cy &c &c LAW Chat cerv ii} 4 000 , 500 oou EA111ILY 111.AGAZJNE. oncE IS HEREBY GIVEN IHAT «For Sa.le by all m Mea 1ne Agcnts 1or Bo vmnn ille - Messrs J I :<1lll not be re!jponsible for any debts con O:ftic,ie on Sll ver St eet Bo vma nv1lle l! gg nbotho.m l) R~ol t \"'V 1 ole~ ie .Agents - traoted by tnY sot \ViU.iu.n rames Sulley ontoante m.x1 to~s ea. Northou & L nan Nc"ca.stlo WIJ..LlAM ~ULLEY P '°' of Remedy i ' L "ge Pvnts $1 J) uggs18 ilJll Dealers N T001!{ THE FIRS'I l'RIZE AT THI!. !G-44- All dcsc pt on1:> of 1 roi ~l".} Insured nst Lo~ 1;1 or by F re n.t1noderote r tcs I OS~ES ~R OMPTI y <ErTI ED WlTHOc r RE' ERENCE ~O TJIE H 01'IE OFFICE Manhood, How Lost, Ho"\V Ue~tored · ed t on of Di ti 11lvcr"\vell !\I llcleb1utetl J ssa;y on tie radical c re ( itlJou t l ed c c· of Sper na torrhooa or Seu nal VVen.kneaB In ~ol to. Y Se n al I asses In 1 potency Ment11.l a d PhJisical J capac tv 11npcdimcnts to I\ifal' r ~e etc also Cous 1 pt on Ep1leps1 \nd I ts 11 duccd b~ self llldulgence 01: sexu~l extra Darlington June 12 1871 p Colen1an LIFE DEPARTMENT l' e or L ves gr11 teU on fa.vou l le te1 m::- an l mqucst. onn.blc sccur tJ offered to P ol cy Jo ders B ~des the La. gc lad Cap itn..1 of the Con l ~ ~t Assure s bavo /\.. ld tional t>ec v tho l 1..,.Ll.l\III}JD I IADILil Y of a V. c Ith) Pro; eLH. 'lllo Spect L l to ~'ls ra,1 ce F ntl now an au nts to WHY! J UST PUBI !SHED A NEW I nJl 1\.1edicine dealers IELEGRAl HY - J here 1eema to be practically no hnuts to the airtit6~ in a seaJ ed envelope onlv 6 cents po1s1biht1es of telegtaph c con1mun1ca.t101 rJ e celeb1 atcd u. tl or u thJs adintrablcessay clea 1) demo stJ ates f on n. thll'ty ye rs sue AlreadJ tl e v1ans1111SHlon rapid ns it is ~sf l pract cc that the a la.rm1ng couse 1ue1 ce" 1~ found too slow and mar y ingenious of self abuse may be ~ 1 i.; lly c red -..v1thout tJ e dangerous se of ntcrnnl m d c c o the ap nnnds are emplOJ ed solving tl o proble1n pli atton of tl o k fe po u u g out inodo of cW'e at o ce s mplc ce1tn n ill d effectual b) ho'v the speed can be increased But 've 1nca a of whioh every su1fc1cr no mat..ter what l s cond ton inay bo mny cute hun1:;olf chenply beheve perfection has been attau1e l in pr1varcly u l rad call1 Th a lecture BJ o Jld be n Jhe hnnds ot evcl') the Canadian Pam Destioyer an I ti at youth un l eve y wan m t..he Ja.1 d Sc tu der sc t1 in n. plru \envelope to a iy ad it ie the only reliable agent for rt::mo-v 1ng dress postp l on iccc pt of 1;;1.x cents or t vo ptt.ln a.nd curing colas coughs rhon1na.t1sn1 ost stamps Dr C U r cl s G jde neurfl.lg1a summer complauits '-~c Sold r AlBo ce 2~ cen t..s Add css the Publis i c s by all DrugglBt. and co11ntiy tlealers CHAS J C KJ...INE & CO lllf Bow ~ New :i o k Po·t'1'!1Ilca Bo, 68G J L PE111il!S15U9 B1oaN1w <l'w«y York P11ee 25 cont· per bottle THI FUTURE OF REAN and Ha.rt Cherry t ~cs (la ge) 25cts be t1tdesertPlU! s 50cts good bueso1ts for pre serves Ja.rgc 2 ] lo er Pil.u ts ~ e1;1.t ab mil ance for beddit gout ncluU g Aur cnla \.stc1 Ba11ioam Call I sis Coxcombs Da SJJ Lark~purs l-fu.rygold Petu1 ta Phlo~.,i 1 a zy 1 .Jl-"l lox D1 n t 01 di. Sweet 'V ll ams :=1toc.Ks ;:scab osa Ver klna Price ~7 oO per F 0 R $ 3 · bena Wa.llfto'lvcrs Zin as &.c &c Kaci sort 1 g cat' A.r et} of colours t do en Contu ns o'er Ci UBSCTtIBERS the best n1po 1.ed English l':leed fro n J THE SUM OF Two hundred new a.nd 0 to PETER§ 11-lusicAr & Co Jondo1 Bowrna y 1 e Apnl 4 18 9 bcnµt ful So gs Duota l\fONTHLY are getting 1J Will S lia 8 theil Mua c for leas than etc > Y t-.. o cents a piece lhoso SPRING 'Vcbstcr 'lhon as etc ,vl o ha'e not seen thia 1872 Ererythi1 g sncw ft"'sh 11 us1cal Magaz ne ai d sparkling Conter ts shou d aeud 30 cents for & sample cop) Th and Kpecimon pages tiCD. n s 1 c 1 s by JI a.ys DOLLY VAHDE:-1 Doi 1 y v ;.nm~ free Sample cope~IThomas J{mkcl Pcsr n ailed free o! postage le) and other popular lHE LUEST FASHIONS OUT A PJR ll'\' Frel 'ITiters to tcacJ ers for 65 cct ts l ,vo bo.c.:k numbers Po.tternl!I Just rec eh ed at l\.frs A Fletcher. i:I Dress aking cm1 or1um I attcl ~ of £pring 1.i be al term!!! for intro- 1(or iO cc1 ts l"our baok E \Bhionl!I fo ,;fl.le Dressn1ak g and fltt g liS d 1ctio1 num bera for 1a cents usu&l l\iHE .Al EX FI EfCIIEH. Addroee A!~:Vb~~I~o~~ woEP~~~~S SONG ECHO FIFTY H AS Ji OR SALE OHOICE Bff, !l._R Prov111cml Exlnb1hon ! Juijt. held n.t 1 oronto over ll e u oiit ieno-wno Suw ng Ma.chJnes in the "l'iOr d amoua- whiol: vt Ul $6,603,210 $736,QOO. ere the celobrated I Iow e '\ l eelar ~ "\V &:c Thie is OI ly u. co1 firmat 01 o the verdtc pro 1ouBly rendered by tl e Groa.t <?-nadiau Publ c and proves co lu c y thQ tJLPJ:CRIORITY OJ TH.ft L00R.M 4.'!I." OVllJt ALLOTlll!.RiJ ~It FASHION ST &.: H 0 H \.RA 'Vholcei.lo a id Rellu \lf!O lL.l:C l ts ror Q ielph Sc""l g 1\fit. & Bu.ker S 1 gcr HoVI· o.nd ine.m.ber R NBDi"ll'O:r &; H 0 llara. 11 " tl lit S.swr.; e Ap1 I IO 1872 37 tf

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