· [;~ F.vel'~ ([; 1m1tb l rn ~ta fc Slltclll SJ t~d l1ubli!':> ci l'h111 sd.tv 1'1!01 nn~g cto ' IJ5 t, e P o \V l\'.[ . l:C:: KIJSG S1TIEE1 0 L I 1\1 IE. I BO IM\N'1 Ll> ON l I = --~ Ole f H!it:-Pll:: ~ffice IHocl. I "+T 0 L~ YVII. C I:-I B-=:AP C:i-(_)QJ)S A[ JHE ALICE GREY - f prct.ehcdtoother~ 1 be1rg n:y elf t cis gether in JrO 11 s as tl o f11e 1ds e1 terod 'J]1c\ crovlci a101 d tlcu u lilt r j gicet 1 g 111 t v.ith n, 1 01 r,y '1 <l It de ft.I 11 1 1 rtyL1atJa11ed littlouioi L o ns1h 1y c1 s 1cti ed e 1 b tt Ail:u see 1 ed ell :\ c 1stu1 el to t ta <l 1csponded' it1 hoaitJ oOOd ' ill 'I hey al I 03.1 cd e tge 1 to c n t n1cato so11etl 0 a1 l L o us v1th lre, h nself 1 I ttle fa on U c 1cl b t c J<l he i all they 8 id Wo '"got J3aILTylei tla.ttlus' a~ ood 10 s b lool :i.nd gest~ e Sa vyei 8 do 0 1 t 1 ~ theio t 11 t n. othot iuan u t l c cl b co tld ha.-ve fetched t bout Sn,ycrsahttlofellet bnthe:;;a keen < 0 sail notl e }fe foll elE it o' er to ' V tl eflel 1 r~Ionclay 11gltt vhere 1 e lg ne to get h lJ h iuor (He can t g~t J a d1:lrn in G1antle) thank '1od) It beats all tl e l l e s folio vcd ti ot nan rot n I late!) Jhcy ay j 0 3 kep t afLei Jn n f 1 n )eek ottof-workl rs ll!1stt 0 1t be got] in1 t o promise he d s vea1 ofi - ti VtJ GLASGOW HOUSE I ROOl\I k" 1 OR fllf; J H l IM Far Ur1der the Reg·ular Rate / \' Les SI ec 111 ~Lte tl Ol lo 1 1 3.I ge B t cc) -u"n Dress Goods, L.inen, Cocton & R1lks, 'f e p cc of I let 11 con m en l U c se s l..u nten<l g I cl n c r; PAI'RBSON J c I I ( 0 FAREVvELI..! WIN1:1 ER ! MARKUS MAYER Al =-------,~ ._.,,,.. If\ l c-t~ -----=~ U ll:I + No, Lo is 8 d \.Jla. l 1 1 iond Ill1Stl11 01cl tleG081cltoy ll IIo:v J inany tunes hikvo I heard .)OU te l a. con ' ctels re1 - uh Louu1 do :you1en1c et 1 sl bc1 l hose noon pr 1ye1 n1eet11 g>5 u1 the col I ,,,et to ~ lego cl n.r el vi } t d I l l ored to I gethc1 1- t o cast au the bu1den of 1 18 pa-SL ai is 11 n tl e Sa.\ Io 11 tl 1t if s e1 101u;hes l ot been. IBe the n1c1 its of Cl i1st 1 110 s tftic101 t fo1 h1::; g ult b t l eca ~o I h" will not repent and b he e D oi ty 1 bolevethtt J <lea fr1end'l Nov le\ e a.ll th s wreck and ruin belnud) o F i .,.et that it h :t.B ove1 1 oe1 Loa'\ e it l ko n. dead co11 se its gta\e and do\ 01 )Vttke to a 10\lfc llore1s\'\Otkf tyo to lo rhe1ea1esoulsto~Hl.\O lol ll\S owncl 11 d blossc l yon labors Ho' ill o i;n :tnJ bless t h en agan ) our l eo1 lo Iff'> n1 encc ong lti!O 1a 1 1 lo e J 0 I \.nd do yot tl k t at '" a l c r fort to mo ? 1 o sad almost fie1ccly Would theyre,erenceandlove no1ftlc)sa."'ne 115 I a nl Is it noL u.n :1 vful u ieu.so of 1 j scene 001n Vj,S in pe1fcct Oi lel tho 1 I Cfl.11 cted flo I 8 VCf t clca1 a. d ti e be l iu tlte co11 c1 n eatlJ 1nadu - I 1 I I S ti o sl amefu1 yuTul er ve1u stej s on ti e s a r3 and tlvo sto} Shall I do it Allan? \\ill it bnng men ant· ed tJ o room the one slendel ine anJ. peace of in1nd 1 and undersized bt L w1tl a firn step a1 d THE ltEV DR WILLOUGHBY, Yo i sin is between yo u o vu so u1 a li~Iong ieaoluto f ice tl e oLhcr Lall un tl nt 1ehM01 e ed out n s ncspec r ly i and JOUt God Lou.1.s Its very sccrecJ grn 11J Jus ragge l ill fi tt ng clothes 1 u "" has prevented t fron1 111Jur1ng you1 ftll 1ng loosely about ] n and a look of sha ne 'l lelke f hcl h s neer bee su PAS cdinDowma u Te BY MARY i:lPPING W \LKER lo v men Io I rocla1ni. t ' o 11 l bo to a id hes1Lut ) l ou hu:. haggar.d face !Jo bnng dishonor t pon tho church of God IlH CJ: AHl::\11:0~1' IS a dand)I, ht geicd tnd seemed 11 cl 1 el to d1 nw S G liVcbstm , I.. ll'li. "!>., CHAP'rEn XX- 0'1 " " [ l'he iU ILRO§E a t1nom 1te, n.n l aflect ) ou1 1nt1 enco i l the fut e l back but J rn con1p :1.n on h eld h fi1 ntlJ D RGEO N DF.::S rIS1 OFnICE ~he §~it\ l'OGAI. .t be.wt~, The ho u s l le between tho cil.) and I ha' e felt th ·t the han l uf P on<le 1c0 by the '1ffi a i<l called o tt over E F J..fc 'trth s stu ~ K St cct cl erry i he 4 .BJl4' AGO a gem, Bowinn.nv lle Iecth ex tractetJ. for ,_ cents Giu.ntley illn.g was taken A.!most u He1 The two ·· l "'ncl the 0 I I A l.V 1' ~ht be!lt o:f .1H s1lo1 cfj by the t vo ·young n10 rhuy 01 lbsorbt:d l 1 s ow tl ou 0 hts seen1ed to 1 esenc~ )f h s fi e ld atte Hpt t iouse hnn ftoni. l is rovo1io B lt 101 0 ifco1 tho a0Ue1 \ 11 0 e of G 1 t le' vas u\t po l n ts 1n ln1ght sl n ber VO a l o t will the t o s t t:ill 1 tg i l \.11 n l{.1c i 1 old H o 8lrcr. ID l 1l ( Cu ies lut1ons L o study ~1AP.E:US M ~l'Elt In L1yu 0 to oc:ill th s co \'Orsat101 Ilc1 }01b1uak1t ly to h s foeL ho f:! t d o 1 IJ a 1 ush J ou s I'l LJ et could not ic le nv01 Io v he l 11 lt:b lCl lUV CO w ta led to ievea.l tl .. t 1 ght the v. hole b ro k e V( tee B oys I t e 11 y ou I d 111n t _, l I 1 l ti ei:tor) of hL'i ftil Ho 01 ly I le tl nt I r i.LJ_ea.1 s l t 10 l o lt I h \Vlllo;. told 1t " ti all lts ..1n n.1 d so11 o' and s l n.nie I e fo1t so lSe of u l te l.blc \ id 11 01 ho d' od t A s theH is a great deal of nuoiep1escnt1t1on iegudrn,5 the /¥ ~~ ~ ::i g~i~a~:a:onige~u s~~::~ r~:~lv t:c~~:~1 ; up n my pulpit aud tell Hollo the1e 1e 1s no v J3o 1u et all of '.'. -1- t " '" !li '1' JI.!· r.J Tl 01e e l ct tres o i tho \Vall!'!! \ <l dt eel (n 1.nlast1ng a.ud gaj rod cox.co b 111 ~ vrtSc o tl o n a1 tlo l co Ou the ta.blc \Vere Joe s Bible tud 1 y inn b k An 1111 ens1e Jclio1v ca tho 01 lv I \U g oc t 1 t1 t. of the roo1 i bo.s1 {es Toe "a,s d zn1g l all tr c1 nJ.i close to t] o 1 ic Joe sat \t tlu s ins ti u1ne nfi- l ct ick cd n1elo l eon ' h ch a.fto long ytiaa: of sor Vlctt D \¥illo lgl l.} B ]ccture roor 1 l t l at G1 ce a ear nest sol cit tto is been g11tn1 to l 1111 It \Vas bi ight v.: ith pa nt a1 l v 1.1 1 sh nd ton ght dot his to 1ch (ho had acquued n1 his wa.n ler nga 11) 0 1e knew 1 o ~ 10 k lOl ledge of i tr11 P. l tal n unc) 1t ga-..; c t 1no e n1eloc h o1 s sot J tlr; tl a1 G ace st l p sad i~ co tau l He ta playing !:10ftly n ow a 1 the1 s ~ i g a \erse ur t'vo of a hyn 1 ut ballad His pee 1har '01ce an 1 the 01 l/$ 1 e aar er posse!ised a ha 1 for the ) o lng g1rl q u1te regardless of the col I sl1e crouched under l 1s vu do v and l ste1 cd attentt\ ely He pl cyec\ al voly prelt de am\ then m h 3 l 1gh cleat voice sang these vor ls _ sout WHA r Hll CAllrE TO I Sal l a I ooi 1 alt clad L u st Ll' t 0 a gent1en a.1 vho il.fl I u:n;o1 I g h e 1 thro 1gh tl10 stt cets in ne f out gi c t cities one b tte1 cold n ght Spate u l let sn a l £1. a l t and S'TOCK OF E=IATS God :\ ill blmrn j o 1 Strt c w tl t he fello vs 1 ~n 101 tmd a.1 pearu.t co U e gentlem u1 tepl ed Yo oak El.Ii f y la l so n L£.tte l 1J s If ) Ol tell ) l a c i Uy J Ji l 3 bcei yo ir greatest f 1 g tlu o g fo I 11 g1 e J 01 ono gh 11oney to pa;> o ir lod gings I 1 if 'd l co ld hat dly <l that tl e begg a1 ans-.,: e1e l " it11 t 1no 1 1 f il Sl ilc ad I I Ikeys fot a. fe ie cat 1ot rr1 ed to h l'I C lS]UOll Tl e Joe 1 es l ncd lus t SlC I-Iis ti gc ~ :v., dcre l !I.Hr lcs.sly over ti e S1""'TJBBORN T . ome1 t then ho st1 cl n. st >In Lhat sec o I to 1 lc tso hm fo1 1 e sn 1lcd p tt l 1s I a d to lns f ehe d m I 1fLe1 l 1a.) 1ng a s1 'I le au 8 t ig t hea.ut1 f 1aa 1 ot no \Vor l of vluc1 G1a.ce mc1 its of tho dilforc11t e'\ mh ma~hllH s and maJ per~ons ha' e be1.m misled b} Lhe~c untruthful statcP1cnts \I e g11 e be low the 1 rn1 e of a few of those '\ho tc~te cl t he \{auze1 ThI,tchme 111d whu afterwa1d' e (Chan e i thelll "1th u~ lur the ] 0( ],mall Q ~born 0 I{ L) moncl - 01118 of them pa\ m g llS 0 Fnrcu cll,McGec 8 RnHeilge, CITORS and No ary P blic J ~ FA.REWF.IL L r IJ,_ H Mc (l]J<; BA JAMES lWlLEvGE IJ A O:i;J ICU 0 er " n l\1 1ihut s Dry Goo ls ~tore S() ~ on l doo v. e t f l hc I o::it Office I ove1 :f20 to exchange HON " SIMPSON Uow anv1ll· D F!SHtoR >1R8 G G H \~ ~NNll1G B ARRISTERS \TTORNEY S SOII Bo\\manv1lle · do fo G PERRi' du do 'lHO o JOHNS'1W JOHN McCLUNG atn)rs do I 'I E TILLEY ED\,ARD8 \\1\1 do -~.--~~~~~~ S ChcsterficM, RICHARD SH \ W Da1hngtun Mn LUMM I S Cart vi gl t R T 11 ILKINSON NIBS HILLAM Ne,, castle do A UOTION EER FOE, BO\ M ,\.N J P L j\ El<"Jl, Ol· rke ...C.\. VIL! E l\ U l Da l gto I t os dence Queen do Street 0 d e s un r. t ially a te de t to Cl u ~cs E BEM \N }foUeuite ia J BELLVI OOD do f 1V1R B A.:P FOOT de Thomas :!Honho , General...,'\ rent D 1 ngto pron1ptl3 P.ttcn le I to ~ A UOTIONEER Cl APPRALSER < en e "~D .::.ill S BOJU AND 0 01 o J\IISS HAJ\IBL> P ort Dail ngton es A LOOl\....1.I \R'I ClaT1 c W d \111 H Dail gto1 STEPHEN CLEMENCE Da1l n<rto· WILVAM CLEMEN OE lo do do THOMAS IV!c()J TJNil Bn R. D. J<'oll IJ ~e.s 1 ~, npt L tended the lo\ nship o Darlu gto:n Sales pru to a oi:lern tc to BJrepa1el1onogo atelo lUta.Uent n 11! D \ULLH l\i liE'i R J301 Ll H R LOSCOJ:;1JJE MRS BlWCK do ICENSED AUOTIONEf'R F OH MALTHE\\ COLE Iyrone JOHN Bl RN Mamers T UE UNDERSIGNED b een appo nte l itlonc! to f,end. rrn ING fl!-:' ~n.v illd1ng ill d nt fo ti e I .rov l c al f e ng s Soc oty or roron sec tv o t e nost f1 o fl.b o tern A 16-1" J lJ F A IHB URN son Heal l sta c ch we1s cw f nqu11 u ot any of tho above re g.n dm 0 tho m01 ts of these m tf lm1 es Intenclmf, µ111 R Pcate Tailor .('1 ENTLEMEN S >I.ND BO'i S R&H Oct be1 "ti 18" 1 O'I---IARA urn I OvKM \N U G\h 30 lf i\fJr.l\ TS u a.tle ~1 \.Y-~81 t llo <::.:J YJ I S F ob Ill 1868 H J:-\ ..LLOT 'l1 I-=rERE 1 I I o lcc1gc lbythoscot cxpe enccth t \V . U.Cirnuc, A~~ ~~g;\~'g~' ~E~.D,srao~;~~" j SEWING MACH IN E JU·h is the Place to !Buy Boots -'Vil -Slwes--Noue Bette· I J S NO\\ rIIE LEADlNG M\CHINJ I N 1 NE DOMlJHON OF < 4NALIA llO\V H \ N & C H &II Oll\HA i;.e t s fo D Ia an l \ l t,ur UAW 1 I I DANA'S 1 b tte1u ci n uf l ts we tkJ1css 1 ly love a 1d co 1 pass 01 [l..nd i look of J e;\tll 1 g teJ lei Ll! S3 s tch 18 the :i:i;:i.v1 lr i I t lt cg ~ wl e11 Io l Bl eld tho yot g t al l 1 tho goBpel tn<l loved ]uni B t fo1 a lo lg t e Allu1 It ch 1nor l so igh., i,:a, ly to n1 p o hope n1 the despn r 1 g an s sou J ' ' ith a peculiat h se11s1llv0 organiz t1on ~ tonder conse1ence and ai nbo n l o\ o of tho tr t t l u.1 d I a.tro d r a he he 1nher1ted a. eor st1 tutJon nl -p e 1 spo~ t1on to u el incl oJJ' a. lY c1rct insta1 cos .Lou s 11 ii.\ er would l :i.ve bo01 ci1bJcct to s=:e:is ru:1 0fgrea.tn1en tal de1 Jes.a on and pc11 aps a part of lus po ver ln.}~tlm't-i.nmbtru:sn:e b lt soul ti ibclu1ng mclanchoJj ' 1uch h as nothing rep llsn o 1 l its cha1 [lctcr yet attracts a.nd rneJ.ts t he b eholder into sympathy a1 d lo' o \\ rtl1 ti IS tcndencJ and l rs healtl se110 isly im.r 8.l!Qd by too close attention to the L..l 01::. of h s profess on tl e ) our g m1rusto1 ha l fall en into a lea.dly s1 i the he1110 tsne8s of "h1ch was eva1 before hun £01 ]ns conscience was not blunted but mt! er q ckcned mto no v life and kept ma pieternatu al s ate of act1v t; by e' ery 1epet tlo l or l 1s c111ne L ath1n0 hunself fo1 n sin ' luch he yet had not found strength to co iqucr ho war; the 'lC t111 uf black desr an Frnm tlus state of l 'l l his fr e d L1.bored long tu ro1 se lnu1 It is of no nsc he rnplte I to the ) oung 1n1 n.st L s \ ords of hopo "Y J 1 b1d 'man v; ho hos hllen to tlie b'lO md fo1 vcr} v;eaknc1:>8 11s;.3 t nd i 111 ~ r1ce You .:t.Sk 1no to h'::>ht an enc ny indc1 -. 1 se conquc1 1 g p HVCl I lu.t bound l ind and foot AJln.n Allu.n rn\i t10 gest rcsol h ons a.ro b10kcn as a thread of to'v is broken wl en it toucheth the f e fur I haVO :.tn Uf p1.:t1tc Ithlll lUC JflOle l '..VCnO lS than a nld be \SO of the fore·t I im like the n a.1 ii the old Pennan fa.ble ,vho per 1n1tted a) evil sp111t t o l 1sl) h s ~ho Ider 'vhe111n.st ntly he1e sprang out t so1pe11t w·l o 1 h l fP J futy u.tl eke f lus l ontl and ti HI 1 t() get a.t lus br~An A id ' hen Io ah 'e to thr1 st t a iy uid t-un it fi o1111ts hold ho founl Jt was t pil.It of h1111sclf rd l G 'v :i.s tort i111g lus o\\n flesh S nch a. r 1 011ste~ h ~ve I c1eated and notu 1aJ1ed 1 y i 1y s l ~n l 1t gnaws tnr. it g JMV> mo I sl all fool rt. pa 1gs till I d10 \.lla I have f lle l too low· ot r to 1o1erro tch u1 fir PA TENT SHEEP Iv.IARKS. EST tl nnd 1no t co11plcte evc:i: mv ontoct Tho~ a e eed a nd reccomn cude l bJ n any of tho beat Bre de ~ ln t he U ted S td e11 an 1 Cn al\ i; cl ns G B l orlng- So.lorn .l\1nsg Pren dent N w E1 gland'\\ uo Gro c i:I c.>ocietv Jobi S rtoas 1-Ie nc1i n 11 Profe3so :vr J\t Jes of h S ato \.gricliltural Colle~o, Lansmg l\1Ich Hon Geo Bro'V'in foronto Ont John S ell Ji:d l onton Ont On cacbYrark JS 1;tanr~cd the ownc s 1 ame THE OHEH T HE SE e inost A.a1 ARE g tl e lea.st trot ble<>o1n6 l\fAPK ~ E SlLYEP. ville 1[ y- 2 1871 Io Rent St John H Jlutf hesv;n. SOLIOJ \~ I OGAN ll) t( I e r pe 1tcd bittorli I ove1 anythmg b 1t he mIBer::1.bh.; h y poor1te I no v am- n nultlesl ceos mber TJ· e;} llbc1:1e tf ee '"hited sepulchxe fl ll of a.11 111 cleanness 1 by mo I Q r express fo o ~ly fo cents cacl a.n d I 'v1ll 1ot 1 ar you ta.lk so sa l his v 11 lll~L for TW NT¥ -y .E RS friend You are no hypoc1 ite Yo l are tti'i., Cush n u st accompa J all 01de1 s a deeply ropenta.nt 1na.n and as you ARClHBAJ D YOUJS G J Sa 1 u. Ont preach sah ahon through Ohnst to tho Orders ud lresscd to ti e\C NADIAN STATES { \N Ottlce for n,ny quantity' i I be ti led at the above v1lest sinner sv I preach it to you t o day mcnt oned. pr f.!e a m c kly as the i\:!urke cun be Tf he repent and forB i..ke lus s n u llde and B ent l'. es and of deep n.nd sincere repent WR CLIMIE a.nee there is enough For the power to res.1st temptat on in the future you inuat t ~tat 11 God lhe l\Tastcr for whom it h s been ) 01 r delight to I bo1 for IIlallJ years and who 1 as owned ·anti blessed your effo1 ts 111 i ot locie yo l - no Lou s ho -.i ll nol l se ,o l l Lhat day ,\_ 0 loa 1 f hoj e l t , [ ou s 11 a) O» face at these co1 fl lent 01 la but l 1stant ly fade I a vay Ihe tho gltt of tl o little good I h no a.econ I lii;il ed 1 other days he ans ered · i<ll) for Alhn 1t cnnnot be tlut God cce1 ts thu labors of r: iol an e tts I an1 n ow - gives hLlle comfo1t to iny on n so ti n rd 1 at sl all I ""l to ny Jt lge when n.sk ng for the t tle1 ts Ho entrusted to me Ho w 11 d en a 1 vl } Id cl not lo tnoro~ \Vhy v1U s 1 h po vc1 to i1se I su1 k so lo" 1 ] t -v1!1 t1tand rue in \~as I havo H ave you not moi1 in )O 1r ch 1rch \Vl o hrnc tnll 1 awaj: througl1 SOlJ.le besctt ng sin ot the fle,·l 1 -Yw..-hclie.v!l tho.i:...;i e Ohll!;t Eli' t hat they ha\ e t 1 10 ioot of the nu: tt er in them and tnat they will lot n to ti e i first lo' e 1ecen e pardor fo1 th s and other a ns ind b ::i sn.ved t lasL And I olns \ ho 1 no vs but God i.s preparing you b, tlus oi:deal cf sin a id sulferrng fo1 ' 1 cuhar work) I tl 1 k my dern b1:>th<!I tl tt fdlcn ar d s re hurt n.s ) ou are if b.) the grace of God you are peumtteJ to use aga n J Otl w ll be 1 rougl t into anch keen sy11pathJ ;v1th the w·eak ·nd the tempt d md t he fallei that you ca.n take t le1r ptl1n into yol o rn 1 eart tl at k lOWtng f 11 tl (1Ir ::i.eak 1e88 a1H.l tl e1r grev1ons tc1nptnt1o ns as onlJ one cru kn t] en '\V] o hn.a Lt>rne then1 l lus own fleslt yo I v11l go i no1 0 tho1 ol le el '\lt t] e lowest feeli ng u yo r i 1 most oo ii that tho ulost of lhcm 1ll s .) o n brotl l:ll u l you c Lr s1c11 oh ho earnestly hot b elrevmgly of that blood of s1 rinking th tt tn iilod e en £01 yo \V ll you do tl s Lou i:; or 'vi Jo 1 he do\\ll tn 1 dLe fo1 'e .J w·eaknessl- he1e is no otl CL ICU.SOI \V ill VO lo tI vo1 l lot j our M tster' \\ i you hlt up the h nds tl ::tt hant:> do" 1 and tl c feeble kuo.: e1 \V l you sw.01 gthet t1 e disenstid he il the :sick b Id 111 t} it 'luch vis broken b1111g lll that ,v]ucl " as Ch1ven a.v. 1J seok that "Inch \V 1e lost a id u1 tl e last <ln.y hear those "orda of cor 111e1 d t t1on Inasn1ucl u,g Jc cl1d it 11 to of tho Ion.st of these j e ha.' e doue 1t u to u e Lo ns J hn l{ ewton \V t:1 a lr u1 l at 1 n. 1 1 Bunp1 a 1d Gaidi ter and Hooclley \ i cars and \fuui HalJ B 1t they a1c ,.,. l1lh ed they aro sa.nct1fied they are Jnsti fied ni thu ll me of the Lur l Jes ts Before he tin1eherl the teu.1 s stood in L ms Thayei · ey os and In· fr en I felt as l o g1aspod tl o hn.nd extended to hi n that au earnest o v fton1 \deeply repent a.11t 1 ear .. 'vna rogrn1erod 1d tl1nt ino1nont n hen., 1.:n1 T l O"\ s iata l lho sa.rr e r oo1n for it was 1 pill t of .Allan Richmond s pln.1 to keep his fr1e ld CQ!.lstantlv \v1th hun a icl long after one of then '~a.3 sleepn g u.s peace fully as ft. child who confess ng h s fault has wept lu.s he 1rt out on lus mothers bosom the other \v1th hartll) less te1 dc1 1 ess than ti at mother might feel fo1 her errmg but repentant son kept lovmg watch During the fe v days the friend$ v.: ore togzthei -and by ren.son of · w hat followed one of them will re1ne1nbElr that VISlt to tho day of l 1s death - the same lov1ng relat1onsh1p existed between them \\ rth almost a chtld s dependence upo l the bra.Ve heaL't t bat sustI1.1ned hnn m hrn -,:eaknes~ T ourn Thaye1 tr sted anU cl ng to lus friend and the otl ct all the E e1n e1 tr3.1ts of }1s chn.rn.cle1oe1bi1e 15 as co1stut i 1d va1ni a. fr1e11dalnp n,s c 'c1 1 n.1 felt re n1 l tl e coufi lei ~e ~ 1H tl Ct v.;atcl fnl Cj,tC at d hrootl ng tender H~s .. of a r othor f or 1 e1 a.1 i g .i.;I lu 'lhcre u1 a meeting f -tho I10 l Club to i ght h RR. Jo o oven r g to 1 i~ fi e d Shall vo g > 111 for a. fe,v 11101 e t~ ru1 l see hat tl oy ro do ng1 They cl mbo<I a fl1gl t of ·tairs l I n1sl\ed roo 1 in tr-0 £0 rd J hghtod by tallow c' dies t 1d > c l le Ia.rnps on a packing b ox vlnch sc cJ. f i a ht.bl& \.dozen rough looking n 01 111 gba.1g r :vhulalcnnc n sa\:v tl o 1 a.le h the r n 1n bllt ene tl,, i:,ter a l<l tl e 01 e to ha l stened w is never e eete l Its to C3 fr e d s 'iJ l Jo 1 gn o 1 e l eave to 1 ld n1;, no.me t o tlus pape I I wa t to go Itl t rs ho!hei (he hue\ I" had n1 or Bmt fyler s shot ler) I l io v ;vl t ] c n ec 1vl en he calls 1 1Relf ' eaK el the 1 elp f God ' i 1e 1 Ba1 c 'I y!et an l I ne e 1 t i l I J i Ir n Ch L tu kl Fnend ei 1 to tl ?6 ad1n n e.tcrod i.o Ll e 1 eces tie:J of the ne v eonHJl A ri1 I affect 01 existed Leti;\ een the t N ITse Bid:\ ell 11 te1estu g ] 01 self in all t nt conce1ned tht.1 yo u1g lad.} a volfare n.11d Qr \CO repay1 ig her IO~ll.I 11)) attent1ona tl i.t vere exce&c ingl) gratefl 1 to the old wo nan \nd tl £J 1Vlo1 clav afte10001 tl ough tho brH. l e elect vn.s go uewnat 'vcrny for un der h er a1ster s direction ti at n or 1 g she had wr cnthod tl e walls of D Vi ii lo\ ghbJ s rud fashioned p::ulou1 wJ.th inyrtle a ld e' ei.: g1l:!e1 -she "onld ot neg lect tln"' last piece of attention to } er old f11e1 d C:eatecl cloQe to N trse B d,. ells cl wr :111d ra1s1ng 1 er, oice tn n unco1n fortablcp1tch to.t ¥0 r her h aters i: :fi.rmitJ Grace had spent the ifto1noon in ans\vcru g ea'oer q test o s and vol ntecr ing such 1nfo1m~t1011 about the pretty th ngs all r ady now nd la l a v-ay for the br1dea u~e as she knew "otld grahfy the oll laJys cu sty Ihtn1 she u ust dnnk a ct p of tea. £10 ll N r eEd wells 1.;Hl.ll\ c p anlHot] hou1s slipped a.wa) an l when ut last t e v.1thcrcdla.1l waslct1i1po tho b11blt yo nlf! h ea l a.n] tJ e tr emu lo lS vo ca sad G o l bJ e Oen.1 c i l God b1css you tJ short Deceinber day \\as go1 eB1tGr&ce,vrts not 1tnudgul a1 lr;le had n U-ny a t1 no 3.lkel a 1 ge r 1 stance alon en.ftcr d ktl the1n1lobctvec ]er fatl er s house andN rsc I d ells cottage lt 11iM Lr ght n oonl gl b Ile 11 w s co111nlst1ll and lo foot8te1B1a.11g1110n t} e frozen a10 lntl She v tlke l r I 113 cn1oy111g t1 c ke e b1aG1 g au )nt l sl e ct.11e op_pos te C1izy J o1;;s cottag-e A b11ght l ght shoulj f on1 t} e uncu ht lt:!d \ g r OCO I } 3. 1 t f 0 l d Of 8 lg 1 I ot urn ed T o mu cl i ecently iU 1 r oto stn.t ng sand for ta.l le se a r d n ot e o 1g for b 11l l11 g 11 posoa n 0 rcat larn1 and d1~tres:. for heir ad l I atay th Ju retu1n II is 1 I ush 1r1 85 G1ace 1 o said 1 l a stra. go lel}p voice ' ' d neticl no hclp- J o 1 and I [I c I rel ' as dch"Vored h1 n int o r hancls T'v1ce j ea thrice ha·e I bcRougl t tlu.a thn1g at tl e ltan l of my God a id he hath hearkene l unto rr J Cl} St tn 1 bacK l\11os ( iace and ::iee w n.t great th1nl:!ls the I ord will do for yo 1 bytheh1ndofHeu1~orthy aer-vn.nttl1s cl ... } Ile look"' l with gleaming eJ. es 'lll aro lnd th e r oom as tho 1gh in search oI sonia thrn g '\"\latdoyo1mertJ11 sa1dGracc II s ·trn1ge nanne1 nd wild <yes frightened h,..1 1 010 t l an l 1s words to "'hchslo rt.ttac1~l no 1mpo1tance Sle know t l 1t fo1 s H~ reason Joe had cun ce1 e l1n] scrayheal a YI le1td1shko j to 1te1 1:1.fl a.need husband b1 t !Unce hc1 fathers s1 u I ieb ike t1 e dislike h d 111an fes te l itself 1n 110 open 0xprt::.ss on a1l1fslc ladtholgltof1t at ill it was to c n~1tl0r 1t passed aw~y 1n<l forgotten Jut1ti.llca.1ueback to her rheb1ttcr hat1 cd :\nd n.1ger1 is fa e expressed lo 1 for the :Lirst t1mo he .s \. v tl 9 1na l Giace Willoug:hbJB co 1ary ~as 1 O\ r\ foatt tc 1 u v Tl e \IC 1u1 lll l ~ forohead e s v l\en lmos t to b u s t1 g 1 a 1 ] ole fa e vorkcl ind 1 ve1ed 1th iasi:! 1 d he 1iCa1 on l s cl eok tl 11 g a deep clot:;:{~ 1 n an 11 vho was fi 10 iz.. ttI} i <lea.1 s1r F vi at <lo JOU t~ke for e po k t ha idlrc chtju.:i ~o ~day co d1 l ~ \ 11 I I e<l to hs1 d ctor tl t sl e o ld sci\ el) 1 eat] e D on t tr.Y u) good so ul t 8pl ed tl e cn-nd1d phy sic u body ant~ yu to Uu 1t l'\\; o e gl b rs h 1g 11 \ estcl ester co 1nty ha 111101 g iu d cnv e1 o nod ht1ga. t1on bout a an all spi1ng '\ 1uch tl ey both cla.uned 11 o J idge we 1r1eU o it v th tho cnso at last sa d - '\'\hat ts t1 e uso cf mak 11 g so 111 1ch fu s.:s bolt a httlo \\ater 1 ur ho1 or "ill f:ICO tl e u.<Je of it ra p1 edonc ofthelaw)Cf'S '" h~ nlurlor1n )Oltlrntthe parhes are bot! milkmon lhe roar of laughter vluch f llu \ i3 o' edtlattloe t e ud~nco sn.~ flopot t 11 tt R cv 1\111 A- - a l\{ U1od st 111 s0111 t\ "\c.atern vllage coseived ono hot Su d ay tlta. lua cong1egahou 'v1th fe e~cept ors '\ve1e ' rapr ad n I lac d slun1be1 Suddenly1a. ls 1,,, 11 J 1s sern on heIBl esctl Dea.con l to pa.as aro nd the plate Ihe Deacon t h s a.ocosted 1ose to}1sftiet nd \lthave1, rc lfu.co Bald Ihecollcct on hasnlrc1iy bce1 ta.ken 1p Nc1 l nu d Brotl 01 B rer l ~d tlH n n1ster t:'l.ke 11 i..nothe1 fo1I1ntendto J :tkc chc con01cga.tion paJ for lo lgn g 1 !J 'vel1 'L.9 p111t il footl "Io tJ c sec ndc llecho1 1 tl bocntti.kenupthe c 1 1:1 VCI) v1dt1 n \<1.l:e indeed A lad) once con la