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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1872, p. 4

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, CANADIAN STArJ1ESMAN, rnp: Dom1n1)n nthorit1es intend b lld mg a battery of l\1 o ~2 pounrlen at Sarnia ln S ptcmber '.l FU~ ill ~f)l treal h 'e l CCIL fined $200 fOI l 0 0 lect ng to Ie0 tf!Ltlr thCU' co partnerr>lup °lt'lAI)fE b asts of } rsc tlnef e gl t\ fo 11 )CfLIS fnt:> e who is 11 t ou"" of l 1ii thh cl term in the St \te I r1son a 1d is act1' c \11de aw"ke onil ie dy fo1 the ·t cbles ot d 1 ast ires of tho Ii io St~te BO~\Tl\'.CANVILLE~ THUiiSDAY, ,JULY 2;,, 18720 CAl{l={IJ\. GE S OF' lTl 'Fl )IT 1ht 11111 n 1 J)o ;01 I rwiv ' n tlwfl{f of 1t' ff ot 1t 5t 1cyo d l lccitic. () i !i ol l BARGAINS. GRE U B rnGAH1S ARE NO\' GI\ I'."! A'T' TlTJT AGENCY D0\1 :\[ , .t\\ ILLE 1 1.~1 Tl1e Osborn, ] URN T l'l:,'E E ACJ co ' RODr R 1IANN1~G Jar.n es Morr1s,1 N RESPEC'.II m r y m n RNIN a I I woul l rncc tl at he now to I ublic fo1 I n t libei a lpatr o iti.ire is prepared HI ( all orde s n h ,. J o i a In t n0 s econ d to o es tal J shrne1 t tho co t s 11 tt - CcJ< bratcd JJ1·:uHntrJ! 11·rnno JFot·1e. v.nnu ks t oll 1-1 ---- o--- Cheap D[ IUJ\a+hc weer er cl 1gRdn11y June 29th r o less than eighty tl tee per ons we1e killed u the Umted States an l Cui Corner PUBLIC h~B Corn fol' Sale, 01 16 ll tt C '.\.RRf \l,l S \-\ AGGO:t\ S ( UT1 F.R" C'1 ;;ir.l.,,ed·j l\Ic Sl .. ad 1 by rat I oa.d colhs ons al d chen cal explOfnons l.ll I fh,en.n l 01le1 .Joina l'VJI~D-0ug.~u.1 1 &: OJUH \. Get ige PETltOLl UM has been d1suove1ed 1111{ ova Scona oozing fro1n the locks iu ce ta1n loc:1.lit1es 111d n. 'veil bored st1 ick an 011 'Qlll at n. uopth of 758 feet Uons derable oxc1tement exists in the ne gltbo1hoocl OPINI01'11 C 1u11:1 lf,aunher UH! A I Slun;!c " 11ILL" c hc~ ALY of e (m le · filly J bL~lled the 011g1nal td~a th tt n.t t1 0 Ii.LL l\. NDS an 1 a b 1th oci.: nrcd on ho rd the P uss an on tho last t11p out Pl CtHtrC l by S ~ Tl:TO:hf ~8 f; ITELPS N Y Lon! Dn!Ienn ga'e ~wny tho hnde and at At dl'\ onrIIBOP &. I "YJf <\.N NE,VO.ASJLE 0 t Sole :\.gents fo1 the Don11 l on the baptism of the cluld His Excellency }i OTE -Ecleclrlc-Seleete 1 an~l Elcctn.zed For fJale by- \ \. l Atk1nso 1 and D !Jen rn stoocl gud father and Her ladyshm god ~ WEDDIN"G 'I' 'l"'ED ND \VII: LL f::, Bo BLAC KS i\i ITH su t ~ VV RK. on \CJ mm y mother tu the 'onng rnn.1 nei Fo-i: R children n.t ages vnr:i,r1ng fron.i t",: o to ton yu us 'vere hornblv burned 111 Mempluo the other d~} by the eldest k1ndhng a fue ·wit h coal 011 One died nn hour after the acc1den· the second ~nd third soon ~rte1 a.n l tl c fo lr.a.h the next mornu1g Us! n va m tvh b;y lyJ H Cerr aanU J B)rni n Brookl n by Jolm Vi arr e1 l'.3oldbv J HIGh1NlOTB: \1\{ ttudD S'IOrT Bnwn a1 -.; ille Onta1~0 D. CHEMIST TOW~ STOT'T AND DEALER JN DRUGGIST ' C.autwn' ! l'o t i n CauHmia ! ! [ 1 C1$S Of \'.hen on '"ant ~nyt i 1 g i tl e Imo gn e J 'tMES UOhHfo " c 1 un l 1 o )\ i11 s ut yo l C \ II a0 0 ll c if tl Ymth One loo "\\ e t of t c 0 ta o B t Howma i Ulc Oot 10 18 l '""JI O F'<-1 N li:RQ D l ttt:; Q 'OH OF TliE HALL BJILDING!'J, BOJVMANfILLE CORNISH!! H~S '.IHEM DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND DJ e Stuffs Patent Mechcmcs Oils Paint Brushes inG' a rn PY>S!CU~S A'< est mnble I cdy of Bethel M~ imtie l suwulo on Th mday l tst by takmg chloroform Sho h·d lost her only clnU two months and gnef so preyed upon he1 mind ns to unsettle it She left an affec twnato letter bid lmg her hmband fare well A MAN named E 1gene Poffrnth h 1tng in San !\.nton o fexae recently ble\'\'. his wifes brains out wJth a sliot g ln ancl then placrng her body o 1 the bed laid hlm·elf by her side and placing tho muzzle 01 LM gnn which ho had reloaded m ht> mouth pulled the h1gget with Ina toes and blow Ins head nearlJ off rnE clallllant 111 the Tichborne case 18 begmnmg to feel the turn of the tide 'tn ntte1n1 t to crt.:ate n. demon~trat1on 1 lug fa'for at Sheffield broke down m1ooialJJy scarcelJ anJ body attending In ad 11faon to tln· two of I 1s counsels Mr Osborne Sod and ~1:1 ~treeten ha\e r £1scl to a.ct any D isto longer as tru2tees of J rn defence ft nd IllE use of tob 1cco ca us s ind gostion palp1LaL1ou s.luwness of 1ntellec:t a closne for strong clr-1na and an inteun1 tent pulse it dcstroyu the Htahty of !ht blood iro duces dizziness d stnrbs sleep lnakcs :t man 1n1~t:1ablc and 1 re 1at uely old \'\hen the d1seilses ar aer ous and stuborn PRESCRIPTIONS CAHEFCLL' COMPOL:fDEI AND COHEJJ:Cl LY t\.NSWERED ~LI ORDEES Western Assu rance Com~an11 I !b ~ <!:> t i' Y-~HEY i s and P ty'1cia'"' f1 om tie Coiv tllete and of ti' best q iahty · 111'- ffeJY" Fa /,i y 11nll }" cl 01 Stoc oj ~i die " o 'l'i y , e outofrP.1ortlnuotl e '\'vatclc 1 > e t:c t1;1 t J.; tiel e ~~ eclo.I '\'t arrant;i frora tl o Facto w tJ ev?.1y atch Bo mat 1'1 lo Q3pt :Jo l~ 1 Jl UlE LES3 I I '\.BLE ro c,ETI H.11 \D 0 .f'FIOE {' l}>lt 1 r.Jt i)~:i. Snr1}In i; I untiit U.ccc i1lh fn tlu :v eur 3'l.1Ut J Ute 1871 TOltONlO 84 ~ Ju.U111i l~l H ~ co ?Ifft (!~ 20$ f-1 OTI!l'Tt rU..CHl~ E ~ DUING J r'!'r S!"i8 "t6 At tl~e Ironmonger~y I ONG "\VANT ED BY Ev.ERYBOD Y, - OR 01'~ Ifo N J lH Murrnr B H ~ TD\N H I reotdent l\'I anag1ng D1rccto1 ' SOlVIEI HING El EU"l l B o-..\1nanv II~ b J Higg t au all med 1.:1.ue iloale :"S i F J re and l\1ar1ne HIS OR Il:!iR OWN P/UN'B. l':Jlt 1 lJo l au nl d l\./Jl' Lo JI:::?-:.: 0 :EI:O(JSE D "S P Iu·, ~b I H.H (Xf, JB~ ~· ni; ·°& .t...:'li IJI } r l m. , EST ... l'!S U RA='I CE CURRJ,N I llA l Es :nn -..H' "'u: 11un·.n"'§ AND VILL ..A. The G~·caa I ennale Rcmed!. JOB MOSJ£ts l'I UIODlCAJ, PJJ,LS 1 repated for imn1od11te use and noth1ng l nt t1 o puresl ).1ate11als nsod tn l 1e q1ur1ng no furthet nuxture of oils Iu1pent1ne and Dr\ e s THEIH COMPOSIIION CONS!tsTS SOLEY OF - Pv,Je Golm Pu1e lVhit1 lead Pu1e White Zinc Lmseed Oil Spint· oj Tio7;enti w a,nd Di ye18 cai ejully and scientific 'lly conibv.ieil rhe consuni.or. cal anj destrtid shade of Oolorl:> netitly I tp n CanR and il he rcq111res to huy "1th the l.) Hl a 13rush ar.1 thew rl cnn 1 e d ne hy h1 1ua]f or l y anj n1e1nbe1 of his household ())'1\1(~ Loe:. I \.t,"t' t~ the beat remedy is Fdlo1vs Comr ound Syrup of H)pophcspl11tes as 1t resto1es c1rcuL1,tI011 the ncrvo is ga.ngha bu lda Ilfl the muscles :in 1 induces healthy L1 e1 He rt Sto n wh and In tcllui.:t GARROTINl is o 1t of fnsl on 11 5111co tho cnt cn1no in un 111 ock1ng down old gflntlc1non u the street ia 11sk buin ness :Bt t ta1nng the 'ii:tun up bod1l.r nnd car1y1ng hun off )!J a bus1nm:1s that one '\ onld hardlJ c:!xpoct to l ea.I of "'\\ e i 1 1 ma London paper that tlus h"" id 1ally been dono '\1th t10 n ost bnlhantr~sult An elderly person ·was " alk1ng hon e o e nlght lately between iune and ten o clocL along a street at tho Ea& t J 11 l 11 hon tl "e lnon spran 0 from beluncl a cab d11von of course by a confederate Be1zcd the un 1:>uspecLu1g "1ctuu flung bun insid the velucle wlnch nt t: l11.:c drove t:ff. and thell proceeded \\ 1ih thG most sc1entitJc de hberat1on to eh(H e lnm of the 'alun bles he had '.I iese u duded ' u m artwles of Je'"ellillJ and a a "of money .,Itogeth er t t: ag ' fi 5 n.bout £1-50 rne operat1011 of plundermg tho old gcntlui:u in lasted upwaida 0f half n 1 hom "hen he wo.s h 1ndlccl out liko an cn1pty basket at the mo·t vm·t part of the quwt road and left to lns own ine htat1ons n1111us h1~ hat his vo ce nnd hrn self pDasess1on PURE WHITE LEAD. A luge stocl'- JUSt rncenecl fo1 ~\utnnm Pamtm~; imi:io1ted cbroct fJ om the English l\ifannfactm Pm, mcludrng JAMES Gennme and celebwted Rooste1 brnncl- Guaranteed pm e A I SO - All st mdarcl Color. a11d Fa1 '1Y1 P r'operty -A ~ D- DETACHED RISIDENCES looutob \ '}' ith ,;re i t, e~1 2000 Oils Varn shes and Pamte10 Matm:1als Cal see ho11 clte ip a Ho so c· n be Parnted nd Dc·orntecl fur nil tl Ofi g)ocls wtll be sold at ro Jnced figm e· GALLO:N S l\-1 \f:HINJ" OIL OF DIFFERENT KINDS c S an 1 IN ~ URE YOUR P ROP!l"l\ JN \ ND- 1 HE 'fHOlH~ HO! l 0 1\ 1. Y u.:i:l 0 u l Street (late " 1. ff C Scpt c bor.l 13 J L o i 1.o l 10 i <;,: II OULDT-'R nn :\ ( r:~ 8UPJ Oll1En° &c ii.. OJLS Sau ll df Y o111 .,Mm ".) KmgAton~ Threshers and vll I art1ea reqt 13lluh 011 are 1:1poc11lly 11n1ted tv u1~pe<;t t' a va.r1ou:a 111 Lhtics-the price he lg far below nnytlung O\ er offereU in tlua maiket '1 RH BEST AND CHE '.\.Pl<' " l \H'HERl!A.S COME LONG EVEJ\I~C1S <\.RJ£ JJl RIC PROSPERIT'Y \.BOU TDQ I PAI1'T8 OOLOJ' S R ea I Ofoce fJ r Canada \ H!<JQBE oOO COOK, P A.RLOR HALL AND BOX STOVES an,, mg and now on Exl11b1t1011 lin JUcn101·mn1 1l honor of the de tl l:Iaa en has ittcted Io 1 rOhlb t1on nd .1£artb. lB not in. u e el but bcncft tcd y ti e1n .All ll osc be ut f l emblems '\\ l ich a lorn the many tomb5 ruonnd 1 h1ch we love to I gei ass uc us 17e a1c 111 a wold ot ;varrn a i 1 l '::': l ei-t. tl:l l e a lo w g of tl"' 1;e1 lclucs of tho love l onos? al c ~tcs ou1 gr e and soothes the wou1 :iod l el.1l't It al.eo cheers 1ho be reuv eJ. to kn0" that a.n additional em be lishmc of lho grri.vo p esents stlougcr attra t10ns to arreet the attcn tio of the st1u.nger and causes hin1 to £ause and Jen. lo 1 uo c r o o wl o ~tJBe ~l n tJ l so lnrgcly in t rn lo' e of :ii :method to nfor u ; ou that we Can fill ordors for docoratmg the g1a\.'es of departed fnend$ at lo~ iiv.u1es exec 0.1 J 11 c l ettt 1:1t5 le <f an W l~\\IH'll l I '\D 'if1ITT " o l] And w e ll C8tftbl 81 P, l Con v l nsu ea nc ll 1 g I t I arm Pro pct Ly :tnJ rn. < D 0 o r n~ TIME ro s-cn CR l.!3.u; l o r. HORSE tl:ND OAI HJ At t lc,c1~ lo w 'l prc as i\ITDICI:N:CS dctacl d Rcs1de n es nnd J::;s U eo.te '{ lledH·ed R a te s 1c:.- r'ol c es at A GA TNST EXPENDITURES The largest o,nd chen.pc.,t sto k of General Hardware Tu1 are 1n tho County of Durhnm 1 11 gton Bu1lCi. ng Bo \ manville A~""11st Cnrrut~e Goods r.nd $550 000 00 Depos ted w lh tlie l I ance M n ~ tel for 5f c l benefit of Canad .!LD ? o cy l old ts o Te r $100 000 "'l'.[OORE S 9 18 1 ,JOI~N ~:fcT.EOD. Ru1·al 1\J ew Yo.cker I TIIE OR,ti J' l)N F HARD TO BE LI EVE. PROF~SEJ d K l l tl ... 0 r ILLV T cr ED True Nevertheless! ---~ o:-~--- B1._YV/ Jv_I '... '\"\ e take tl 1 GROCERIES VERY CHE1lP. ood Coolong R :u"rns G b3 the box: e1 \ Olk all gone feeling wluch people some tunes speak of is ca.used by want of pro per action of the lnel and heart I he1:1e i 1a.y be a.aRrntr:fl n.nd the bowefa 1egul tted by I <Irs01is P gatn e P m s1n>ll dose· THE Mom llfENTS TABLETS Ir4 1 ll !:\JI 1J ETC OF TJUi: FINEST QU.AII'f'.,... OF 0111) 5 cent,, ~ost ,i pound and - Cell.n U:uls and- l"~st!<I. ..f:i... Un.Us 01 <le1 4 ~ &.A <Ili!l IO.A;\ MARBLE -.'.\1\"T>- u, Coin and flour are staple articles hnt not inore so than Johr or. s A nod /YIA l.irn 11H~ l \\ hfj1e kHO\\ n '( '4 _ H:I good for ch1lchen c r adult$ for an) mternal soreness of the chest or bowels and the best Pam Iullm prepared under whatevor nan1c Ir is no \"\on lcr tha.t lnvahds lose faith in all specifics when MO niany wo1t.hlcss inechc111eFJ are advertised for the cu1e of various diseases but wluch -.;v hen tried are found wanting 'ye ha' o } et to leJ.111 however of the first fa 1nro of D JVBiflr s BC<kiam of Wold Cherry to cure c mghs colds inc.l puln1onary diseases T\\ 0 QUESTIONS EAiSII 1'. AllllHDllEN Gn iNITll suppl el on sho t notice J vciythh g p tn1n 1 g to Cemetery' orK -.; 111 ineet n prornpt attention b) lea\ Jug 01 de .-; v;ith 8CO~cu I~ -._ U.l\:LlVIER DRY GOODS at J I I P C BOUN-.:ALL C b 011 ON <Uld ·wool en goods ai e ach ancmg, but } ou c in bu3 them at Elliott's, for a short time a' tlw old pnces N<rn the tune to secme v hat ;you need ~ IiYQTJ~,rIIi \U - OF GOOD CED\R s le c thcr ut tl e "I.OCKMAN" l lo& c el J' --- .-.-- ---- - Da I l gto ))ec -1-ll 1S 1 OI_;,10,...rrIING ! EN IL} MEN m w<mt of a, ne<tt fittmg ,,mt should G eaily at Elliott s I ash10n,ible '[ailormg Establishment jjTSatisfa ction g ua1 Stoll and !!lee. 1 estunot al,. of the most wonde1f t.l and ex hno1 linn.Iy cure~ in Canada by tho GRE ~T I~ DIAN REl\IBDY l'ho~ ru c stru1 1 dm iable and mcontGStable facts fl lfilcieut to con\ 1r co I t>: most sl cptlca that the G:reat J\.Ieclica.I Co n/ ut :u l vear1 eU ;(.ftm fo1 Ltge c. Is now acoc,, blo n tJ e Gr~a.t call STYLE 11 1 in teed m uil , ea,,onable ca~GS .A.. N v; Ell..ED - 11 hy ehould men wear bcmdsl Because they axe a great I 1otect1011 to tl1B throat nnd hmg· and add much to thou personal &ppcnrnnco '~ hy shou d "e use Bry ans Pulmon1c ':V ote1s? ]jeer.use vJ1en l sed for cotigha colds t1cklmg n tho throat boarscnc~s &c they act h1 o a charm l\'.I1nrntera and htWJers use then1 })hyrnc nna recomtnend them and oJI g s nnd publw spoakern say ti oy a1e the Hr0 be'lt medic ne in c u1t"ncc for the c 11 e of such compln1nt."! Sold by all mod cine dealers at 25 eta per ))( x T nrc ]OLLOV\ING REMUUl:S ON I I I I HeYJ.ry Elliott, Jr. ]fompton A 1gust lid 1871 Going .rffi1 West ! l tt.r e well A CAUTION E- LE'tRN TH'tT IHERE iltE .John'" .Hot <\.it· It 1!11-Pt"ize D1·u1n. t CJ 1MlE RuulNe .J.OrlcrOftlco No YokC l Lo e l ~gent !1t BGwros.u SELI~I:NC:l: OFF I SHOSHONIE~ REMEDY AD\:A:-lC~ME:NT Is THE WORD -Before tho discovery of steam the world labour Jtar'CaJl a the D ·ngSto-e ind get a.. CUcwar o ed under n a11v disadvantages but now ung_nc~tlonablc ccrtitlca.tcs on the GREA.r 8HO SIIONEE::; REn-1ED1i and aa.t"":S ~ ourseh·es th difficnlh..:;;s are overcome In hke Pi ice of nemccl i '" Large Pints $1 manner bGfo1e Depew s discoi; r.ry n1any JIZ :E or Salo by nll Druggists tnd Deo.lcra m cn.se3 at Dyspepsia B1lliou~n1c~s, and dis... Mod10 OTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN TH A.T ne .Agents tor Bo rnanvulei- Messrs r: I ·will not be r:e~onaiblG for l nv rl~l>L~ COJ l· l 1gg1nbotbaru D Stott Who esa o .i-igt Li; eases of the Liver ind K1dneJa v;ere eet N ol't.l op & Lvmni trncted b; in; son \\ 1lliam James Sulley 1' e.,., castln down as incurable "luoh havo been effect W JLLlAM ~ULLE> ually ourecl by Im j\J ed cal \ 1ct01 y Manhood, Il1.n1 .!, .Holl' !G tf Dnrllngton J ine 1" 1871 Sm ofnla Skin Diseases and llumorB for Re s:(;';l ~c "-ij which there was. often n > cu1c, va11113h under the ndluence of tins G raat Blood Purifier .As itll benefits extendeJ Rhcumatunm Coat1veneiis Fcu ule \Vt ~k nef!!1 General Deb11i ty lo3e t 1e1r ter 01s Pico ~7 OpmFOl.~ $ 3 . 0 Unt r1nciplod pe1aons 'ho v;J en the~ canno pahn ofr tL wul:t1 less Sewrng l\1acl ine on persona a-0quaintcd with 11 e l (lrlts of the dJf tert)ntl\ftt-c lues rep eaentthorn~eh:e~ $ ft.gAl t,a for t1 o oelebrated J..ockma.n an l Osborn hfa chi ea and oifcr to g:ra t -warrantsforthe same \Vltl intcint to deceive \\ e bemg the only au tboil.2ed agents for \V'e6t DurJ1am are the onl~ persons who can grant ' ar antt1 thc10Qn a d any pere:olli:I Jot. e µloyed b} eprosenhng tlieni.sel\: es n..B l\gei s u off ing to grant war rants ere imposters and tiahlt>1 to be proeocuted for frau l Tl e l ubllc are hereh.) t:a 11lo 1e l n.gnlJ st sucn , R & ll O JIAR.A. Bo,-mri.1n lie J c <r d 1S71 4 -3 m W 11'18 l o toe mu he ruuch botter he&tcd "!th stove ITT:) ~ -r-.:r thanu.ndert ecld 11ysto1n with t"o 01 tlneel J 3'J...L J:"\I ...1... stoves-thus more tba.n 111ylng for taelt in one ~-season by t savmg of wood. Allwboha\:ctriod F1.Rl~ .;,.\..NJ:> I..1IFE them would not be witl out tho1n tor ma1 y t1moa their oost rbc undera1gnc l hns secured tho -R1ght tor Dowm.anvWe Dn.1 u ;;:ton f'.-a1t'\'irJgbt 'lEJ\fPOPAR1 <11 1 JOES Clarke and Manvms &nd l~ prt\pHrA l t fill ill ordeuoJ tlo·Jute, tuotlce AfuJJasurtmeit Corner of ~t. Paul an~l !'<it. of Cook P trlol" u.1 d Box Qto\ es constant]- on "" hand }'t'alilC!llE1'i _,.avu !' Sh·cuhl. HIS b THE MOST EFFIOIEN T T economlca.l Drun1 R oya1 J n s u f'anee ilJute more boat, occupy leo·to 1... 1 "'"'er all purpose betW U «n.r otl or "' its sea nnd in uoo nnd will dis I er 5 18 one 1 C 0" A settle t1 (jl 9l!~~~ol?iou~?.~ ~~~,~~an:1I J!lo vr a n c o 1 ts a"' Hoon ns por:;~ibk J <1 POII AHD e h lJo e1 l !Jtf 'I I-J:E 64'th ""'\' OI,.l.T~J!..E' Fo~ 1S7'~ 1 '.r JI E I l t.t:S'I R F. D F T HO~IIIN C:u.l)ltal Wm.B. I o"He,B.A.f,.L.B, AND B ARRISTER \V Solicitor LA &c &:c 011lounter1n;\. !\n.nnaliuco1 too vc ! nnt11l ll H lD(; 01 Cl l:lHO 000 OfiD 4 coo ooo 9 Phrenological Journal, \ F11; 01 OL \SS Sevv111g TVIach1ne ooo o~u I 'tTTORNEY AT fJ]VttJC\: I'AlllILY MAG'AZJNP ln Chancorr n.nd In FIRE DEPARTJ'l.'.l:ENI' .All lescrlptions of :proper y I n tj el agu nst I o"f! or Damage 1J)' l He [ t n ode ate rates I OSSES PROMP11 "I: l l I II ~ l> 'A TTB OUT N Ofilce on Silver 1;;1treet Bowmanv llo tot-'lS en. ci.y 16-4:4 Rl!FEH £ "1CE 1U nm nmm 0} !Cl 1· U0Jc1nau ::T AS FOR SALE CHOICE Bif,AR I trees tlarge) bestdesertPlums 5(1cts good ~-.J_ REAN and Hart; Cherry scr- es large LIFE DEPAl:~TMENT ~~~~\~~~~~/F~~P,~~~~,¥s ~ rnE Goon TIMES HAVE COM!: nT LASl -And so 1 as thut v1h1ch has lntherto bee looketl 101 in '1un nn,n1e11,. i iue 1 c1ue that ct: l 11 be rchcd u non for curing ihea 1n ~t1s11n colclA coughs neuialg1a. tic donloureux bums and frost bites bov; el co1npla1nts (~ c It lf; i..:a.lled tho C ann.d1 an P t1u. Dest1 OJ er 1nd everyone should 1 e&!Jy posseas a bottle ol 1t "'thout de! 1y It gn e· relief lhe moment you 1pply it and w1ll etlectuilly c n e '\cur disease in fact it lB the most wondexful 1no<l.1c1nt1 e\ or brought befo10 tho 1 nbhc Sold by all 2u ts blueso1ts fo pie .., .l'lo'1ierl~lnntsingrcatubund u.noo fo1 bedding o it nclud ng Aur c Ja Aster Bal~~un Ca1liops18 Co combs DaIS_.~.\ Lark8Plll'B l-Ial'"'isold 1 etunia Phlo:;. 1...~hlox D1'11m ruond S t>:t W lJ a. u~ ~ o ks i:'i 1l lofln Vt\ L a '\ allfl.o>'iers Zinnias .\:c &c Each ioo1t 1n great \ar ety of colours lozm Contrune ove1 Q UBSCRIBERS the be:.tlmJ urted Eng 181 Seed - 10 1 rwo l UJ ] -e 1 e\\ n d )..":)to I ETETIS ~It SI( \T & lo London Hcw1 rn.1' 11c \pr l "4 18 2 1\-IoN rHLY aJ'(' gettmg their Jl.1us c for less than t vo cen s a. pwce Those who l a. o lot s en tlus li UJ11 l:1 $6,G03,210 SPitING Ever): thilgbnewf l 1\-Iusical l\1a.gaz nc DOLL~ a <l RptLll bn~ contents sl o 11 l ~ m l :~o c:P. ta ror a samvle copy 'l h and spec 1 en pages sen 11 1 s c 1 ~ by JI 11ys free Si-t n1 le ~ l ms Th m v.s Kinkel Pe1:a n1u1led free of postnge n) and othar pop 1ln.r 'V i.ter.s totoachcra:for(5 ee!ll/J Il'\:o back nuiilora Llberal ter llOI for :Intro for 40 cents Fo 1.r Uaok duct on num be1a fo1 7., cente Addrese D O I ! \ \ UlD}N VAHDEN A. I l!ltl JIIF LAJESI F\.SHIO='IS OlT Patte1 ns J st 1 ece 'el at :\'I s \.. 1r1etche1 B Dressn1u.king cn1pon 11 l Patter ~ fl f ~P ng FttSb101 s f(J 11ak DrcsBmal ng' nnd flth ig .u.1::1 usual 11-IP.S ALEX II ETCHER 3 lf April IO lS 2 I1 cl )ned1c1ne deale1e J L PE1"Jj;RS 599 Broal'\cw dway Yo1l .

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