" iitg Ever~ QCrrnnD t rn ~tattsman i s pr n e u.nd vub h d = HOW '1'0 HIVE SW ARMS l'Jnu !'!day Nll.orn1nr;, by tJ e Pro pr etor vV l\1 · R o~ C T_, I M I Jt., u.t the l'il:E-Pogt 81 JtF.ET omce Block lliVILLE KING BOW~I ON( VOL. XVIII. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 8., 1812. NO. 2. SHALL WE KILL THE TOADS? CHEAP GOODS A1 rrattt!. BY F OlEN"CF: :\ THE OVER THE SEA --·------·····--·--··.-·---·-------·-·-v nn " d · GLASGOVV T HE SU BSCRll31 11 POHI \.!ION S v; HOUSE I IN ORDER I 0 l\'1!\_ KE ROOM FOR HIS FALL IM llfro m t1 sdn. e selloifhIBpresentstocl a t 1r es Far Under the Regular Rate And in tea special atta1 t. un to a 1 rge stock of Dress Goods, Linen, Cotton & Silks Tl e pri cs of " Bo manv:; c Ju c 2 1871 c v co e d tl ems ves to n cndl g pure} ascr~ d evermore n s f::i. l ow t,cl r:-tCk ov l Ilo gto go 'l'HO:l\fAS PATEBSON FAREWELL WINTER! CIM!! Iiclly slon for &.:!it)- MAYER Res ectfull;, nv tea the o.tte o of the p ul.Jl c to tho fact ti at 1 e l n:i. opened o t hls a.nd fil.r fl. wo.y ,. S 'l...,OCK OF HA'rS, lhe like o! hioh h as novcr been s u-pas8ed Bowmo.nvillc THE REV DR WILtOUGHBY, HIS The CLAIRI UOJ't"T i!i a dandy, Tltc ll.llLKO!illl'J a tavou11tc, Ihc SAR l J'OGA a be.·nty, I'bc CHICAGO a ,.em, And the O 1 T "- '\V \. the best of .di Sucl n ar a.y of Ha.ts and Ctips and 8 cl st} les must t mpt t1 e most n scr Y o nvest in a bco.d ornament ·VTIN"E '-'"' WALI,ER BY MARY SPRING CHAPTER XX'\ I-coNTINUED 'IHB OD UAS1 B lloughby ·at m hlB plcaaar I C+ENTLF~MEN S FURNISHINGS, 1 omo that Saturda.y e en ng reading h s - - INOilJ DINO-pa1 er H e rn.s alone for Mra \\ 11!0 igli by I ad goue w1tl I or daugl te1 to tho nutsery to a,ss &t in putt 1 g tl e little ones to bed and Grace waa i her o v 1 room &c &c &c W1tl a comfortable sense of security from Be s eanrlca.Uat t hcsiguottl a PLUG Corner l{ g a.udDv son St ee !'I n.nd you'vill the atorm that :w beatmg agamst tl e Not1cc-Rc1no,al g et s uited both rn pr ce arnl. quaJ ty MARK US MAYER wmdo vs t c D octor la I I ut !us shppei R REID H '\8 RRMOVED HCS ed feet t o t ho fi re and l ad fallen n to a Bo manvillc Ap il 10 1871 1es dence to tho n o seo ln. e y oc u cd by half doze from wl ch he was awakened D Cro wlo on Wellington Street.. S ge y a t l s o l r es de ce S ver Street Offic e h o rs by the openmg of tl c door H o st nrte l tron 10 n to Sp n 16 Hf rubbed l s eyea a.n l uttcrod at oxclan a t1on of s rpr1se Loms IhaJ e: stood before l 1 1 H s face was dreadful!; p le a 11 igg"' l a d s dork eyes um at tally large and br ght <is the 8 rs a grnat deal of 1ms1 epiesentat1011 rn,;ai dmg the lsearche l the roo l ti a ld d al x u s look He tried to speak and stretcl od meu t s of the different sewmg m tclunes and may pm ~ons o i t his 1 a d witl a1 1mplor1ng gost re .Farewell,I J lcGee &.Rutledge, have been misled by these unt111thfnl statements we gnc be the stagger ng bock to ti e all lea od ARRISTERS A'.ITOI:NEYS SOLI agau st it for s1 I port CITORS a 1 N oi r:y Pu l low the names of a few of those who tested the W mze1 Shocked and displeased- for JUdgrn g J E F mEWEL!jL LB" R McUE~ ll A b) I s a1 pearance Dr W1lloughby at o ce J \JIU'S U ILEuGE B A Machmc and who aftenvards exchanged them 111th us for the co cl ided that 1 ts so :i. n law :fas n ler 0FJl'JCE 01ior \Ji m 1\1.cMurtrys Dy_ Goods 1 fl e ce of 1 q 10 -1 e spoke ato1 1) $toro second door vest of t e Po8t 0 Dco p Lockman Osborn 01 Raymond-some of them paymg us the Lou al.a.lI"S s said 1 e 'vl J do j o l cone here to 1 ghtl over $20 to exi.:hange You have taken a ;va3 mv wife S Ch~c~tt'1 field, er cd G vo me back 1n3 wife JHI\S C G HANNING Bow1 · v lle HON J SBfPSON Bo mw ville ue I IO NEER FOR RO'\ ;\fAN "Yo l v. fe came to mo of J 01 n f ee VILLJ and Do. lington Res donco Queen do W G IEi:tRY do mll said :01 ~ !lo gl by SI e sought St!.'eet 0 d s ))ll t nl iy attended to Cl g a D FISHER ~ol ~ N the protect on of 1 er fatl or s roof beca sa du Vi E rJLLEY 'lHOS JOHNSTON do ] e vho prom sed to cber.Li!l an l protect l l er proved false t o 1 s tr st She Sa) s d ShHDh@n!OC JOHN McCLUNG do WM EDWARDS she has no longer n. 1 1sbn d or n. hone U CTIONEER APPRAISER '.ND H e I aid no attention tot ho words H e :MR L CTMMIS Car twt gl t Gen ml A gent Da I u gton Centre Sn es RICHARD SHA\\ Darlrngton pron ptly attended to did not see n even to hear them H is R T WILKJNSON Newc ta tle J P LOVEKIN C!aike eyes went war dcr ng all over ti o and he 10peatcd r pit f 1 tones MRS HILLAM do E BEMAN do You hav ~ t aken a" n.y my v fe Give me 1 ack n y nfe do Mlt BARF 001 J BELLWOOD do I ha e 1 ot taken away yo 1r wife MISS HAMBLY Port Darlington sad the Docto1 01 atrn tly SJ e c 11 S BORLiND 0 o o rctt rn to yo 1 vh~ !'!!be pleaeos a1 d ti t C W SMI'rH Darlmgton illoneJ to J,cnd A LOCKHART Clorko will be as soo as yo prove yo rself HE UNDERSIGNED H ~YING ortl y to recc ve l r.r Vo s}Jn.n e Lo 1 s Sll'l HEN CLEMENCE Dari gton THOMAS M CLUNG BD rn · t ll e bee ap1w ted age f: r th P o ;f c ial Pc 'I hayer H ow dare you p1esent yo 1rself nanent J3uUd1ng und ::-511 rings Soc c y of J o hefore Jno n such a disgraceful con~;htio1 1 WILLI AM CLEMENCE do lu to s p repa. ed to nego a te loa .s on Real E state ·e t y on t1 e nost fa owable t euus D n t deny 1t sir Don t id l false! ood 16W J H lATnBAffiN MAl IHEW COLE Tyrone do ind pe1 Jtry to your s na Oh my so you havo fallen lo v indeed To these r e JOIIN BURN Mauvers do RR LOSCOMBE proa.cl es the wretched man made no other R Pcatc Tailor ai swer than to repeat the wordi:i he hn.d And a great many others do f'1 ENTLEMEN S AND BOYS G\R MRS BROCK twice spoken U MENIS n ale the Gn e me back my " le X1"W1"8I SIYLES Intendmg pmchasers can enqmre of any of the .~bo·e re Do vman llo ] cl> 19 MS 3{)-tf You h~ve forfe tod all I ghttocall ho1 w fo sa d Dr Willoughby It vould gardmg the merits of these machme~ sen o Jou JU·tly if sl e 1 e or returned t \V. R. Chime, yo but she loves yo l Lo lS noh1tl stand ng all tho gnefandanx etyyo 1 a>e ca sed her m the past and the mort fica Bowmanv Ile October 5th 1871 t on and diegrace you "ill brmg upon her m the futur e 1f thtl! contm os She loves yo i E'en now sl o was tall< 1g hopef lily lHE LOCKM~N HALLO' THERE 1 1 abo it you She nll ret m to you at the I REED PROVINCIAL LAN:» fust p1oof you g 'o her that you J a.vo en · s rvoyor c v I 'G;;ngrneer e c JS prepn. cd to A. LL YOU WHO NEED SHOEING tercd ip on a. n e v lifo Yo i have every lo a 1 0 do s th vh.. he may I e fa ored ....t:\_ come n. ong and get Bargains !or t fl nc thrng toga n if you do tl s Yo 1 l a\o Add e se llo uan ville l 0 knowlcdgod b) t} Ot!O or CX} o~·ienco tha.t IS NOW THE March 15th 1871 everythmg to lose f yo i cont n c the mad Ibis 18 the Place to Dny Boots LEADING MACHINE course upon -w h ch you hn1\ e ontc ed and Shoes--None Bet te· But there sa d Dr \\ illo ighby by do I a.ate my "'or ls upon l n 1 Ho does Y"\ o a:ro no v nanufact r:ing from tl o lJost I~ 1HE DO~fil!iIO!:i OF GA~ 1DA not even I ear Vi hat I say ma.ter n. Boo s o! a.ny dealred pa. ter ano vu l n.ntcd to lt o o sale It was q u te ti ue Pe haps Lo ms Th av HIS PROUD POSITION rr HAS The sul sc Mr feel.8 grat er for the very libern ta n ed througl t s hcrent good qun.1 t es er I ad bor e all ti at lay his n·t re could al :pa roJ:L go l c has had for tb.e last fl teeu l ears 'lhooo q a.lit oa Rro a rn.plioi ty d ra.b lity ele and'\\ ould aolic LH. c:ontmun.nce ofpubl c pa ro e dire His arms droppc I He uo long ~ance adaptab 1 ty b osidos n score mor eot'cqua rmportancc ] or full pa t culars address to the et lookod eagerly abqut tho roo n but M FAIRBAIRN B ~RRISTER & ould beg to sn.y to all who a.re in l ebted to l\tlnn fa turers with glazed eyes and v,; th an air of "ca.ry ·At ton eJ Sol c tor &:c Ji nd.aay me c her byaunt t1 > o e o book ll'» octo u s OfficeinKeenan s.Blook 0 erT Bcn.llaBook eon e to the 3cratchthisfaU Past e ,:1erlen cc1 as WilJS ON )30\\ MAN & Co 1nd1fference stood leaning aga1nstthe'v t.11 store taught mo that steer2 are much en sle_r b ~ken n l!n.nultou Ontar o When Dr Willoughby ceased spoakmg whc young if aUo cd t o run mtll fo r or five R & H OHARA ca.rs old it is cons dorod a break neck age N O v he nlovod slowly toward tho door -elow t G. Hanning, ~ll that 1;1. 13 n arro:trs o.nd nil a c aunts due this .Ag~ ts fop Dur;l Q. l a.nd Vt tor n ly ·nnlessly as if no f irthm obi ect m fall w b.o expe'"'tod to paysu1J3 BR..:\.DS:fIA. \:V l fe rem 11n·!l to h m and he sow i o ROVINCIAL LAND SURYE10R 9 Do vmanvi.ll Oct l871 1 1~ rca.ao1 for faik1ng anotl er stop but ~o Id C vi.1 E gwee and Land \.gent Office and res denco Lot ·l3 3 lcon .Da rlingto All orders - -glad!) he down and die He tum d as l e DAN A'S -left at tho office of Robert \..!mour Esq prompt reached t} o doo1 to say n 1 I sweetest ly at o ded to 40 tone Good n ght father St) good 1 gl t Rol1ert '1rn·our, .T, lll. Drunaco1nbe, J_,. D. to Fa1 i J and the ch ldren and Uod bless EGISTRAR 1' EST Dl RHAll'I you all URGEON DENTIST SUPERIOR Iss erofMar r t1 goJ..f ecmaos Barrsterang A moment aftor !lfrs Gol<l. E t mgs nsorted Tee h exttnotod .AJ,t;orney at; L tt.n l Sol clto n Uhnrcory 25 cen s each. A n oxccllent Iooth P owde r bustled m Money loaned on Ren.l E~ a e Office on King to fo sa.lo Ofr1ce n M cCJu g s 1 lock 81..eo B u a n ll Doctor sl c ·Md would you nu l etopp ng over to the drug storc1 We roe - - - -- - - -,- - -- - - out of soothu g syr 1p and Lou o s gt ms worry htm so Fanny ca inot get h In q 1 ct Dan s clown t o Br g b s a of course and I do1 t l ke to set d l(at1e out in s ich a. deep snow By tl e way vhom have yo 1 ha] herel I hea l ~ ou talk ng \cry loud "\\ITH HORSE PO\\ EU & L \THE "':t ,J obn iif illutche,,;0111 m Cas must acoomp n) ull ordorfl Tl en D W lloughby relate l the mter view ~ROil!BALD YOCNG A:Sl'\Is'l'Ml Ar (OJ.NEY SOLICI 8a n a Ont TO t i!Jld bi ot a y P ul> c It looks dark for Fanny my dear Orders add.res cdtotl elCANAD ANS A'l.ESMAr; OL<.i c11.0 F st dQOJ'CAstof! ostOft ce JP Sta ~ he said He was so E SII VER Office {or ny qua t ti; l l>e fill ed n.t he above and for all of us me oned pr cc a.a quick y a s the MRI'ks ca b 11tox cat ed tl at ho was obi ged to lean made and sent agamst tho wa 11 for · Pl ort d d not kno v -W R CLil\ITE what he was say g b t repeated tho sa re To Rent thmg o\ er and over a d when 1 talke l to him appeared to be half Mleep Poor BOUT 50 ACllES OF LOT No 14 Con ., Carhvnght Tho most of ti e land Fanny I an1 glad she was upstairs I h &.s be n H.$1 t re and meadow !o 10 ye ar~ would not ha-ve had her see hi n for any A q ant tJ of fallen ced a of exl:ellent q,ua t) th mg for sale .A.pJ!lJ to Mrs Vi 1110 1ghby looked d st rbod and Rev \V LOQA...'{ anxious Ca tw g llt Sept Oct ith 18 1 10 tr How could 1 ~ dmvu out l ere h .sucl a storml she sa 'I an l thmk of h s go ng back n tl e c nd t on yo I descr be ~ccd l"otatoc11 Doctor I n afn d yo did ;au g to let ~RNET OIUIT EARLY ROSE I m go ~tnmrf & ~mtth, G No 4 or King of the Ea.rliea .N o 2 or Pro He can rot n s voll a"" he cn.n c Ufic No 6orlccr1cas for"Salc nJots t oa ~ pu AND ATTORNE"YS chasers a t lo est runrk et prices These i: arioties said Dr '\illoughby The horse h o B AlmIRTEI~S A.1 I \.."\'.\ Soliclt o e I C a > a lli sol a re t e best gro a d n y samples are not sm al v-ays drives kno vs every istep of the va.y vcncy Con veyancers No o.rJcs Solicitors !or paflsed Apply ea ly as the sup1 l> ia n tetl tl e On a r o B u &.c 1\loney for ..J vostmont and will take lum ba.<;k 111 l Llf a I ho r H LJi<.APEil a a l tJmes on moet fa ora.b1o Le me 35-tf There is no occas on !01 tt.n::iue ty dear He could not stay 1 er e of co 1 se for to morrow is Sund iy and it wo ild undo all Fanny is try ng to accompli sh if I had 1nade Inn elcome and allo ed h m to see J er No ' fo I I a o acte I for the best let h m ret irn to h s lo oly h me let l m learn by pa nf l expe wnce tl at the wa} 11 R CLIMIE of trnnsgteasors s har 1 Dr ~ Shirts, Collars, N eek-ties Braces, D STUBBORN FACTS I B OONCL UI .ED - ~ fl:X T ~EEK R UN HIM OUT A A T R &H O'HARA J SEWING MAC HINE T T "'¥,. P ~ R s., PATENT SHEEP MARKS. S TO LET The Pump Shop A 1