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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1872, p. 3

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CANADIAN S~tiATESMAN, BOW~i.ANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1872· Rare Chance f Splendid Business FOR SALE. BEING about to retire frorn tho CAEINE'l' nnd UND:&R.'1'.A l{ING Busi nos hns decided to d ispose of his iwesent la1-ge and 1wofita.ble busiucaa at Prince Albert catu blishcd over fourteen yours, nnd which affords au exccllcut opportunity to nny ono '\Vb1hi.J1g to engn.f("J in such t~ business. 'l'hc pren)ises ri.nd 'vhole st. o ck·in-trade ·w ill be disposed of nL a Bargain, a.nd on eas)' it!r111~. The stock iu hand is large and woll 11ssorted, and the run of custl)m exce!Ien t. 'For tcr1ns ancl other particulars, apply on t.he GREAT CLEAltING . !GREATMED1C11DrncovERY. I I -· . Photography . J. 0. & R. H. Henry T HE UNDERSI.G)[ED DRY GOODS SALE rl H AVE SECURED MR. SEXTON'S fine ne'\v Gallery, Corner of King & Temperance Streets, (Entrance opposite cntraneo to '!'own llall, on Temperance Street). It -will be their a.irn \o f(iTe ~a.tisfaoUon to &11 who may it1.vor them '""1th a. call either at their G&llery in RE pren11scs to. \V. H. PAHK. Prince Alhort, July l7t:.i, 1~72. 51-lf. OSHAWA OR BOWJ.IANVIJ,LE. '!'hoy &tl styles and slzefl of R E A D · FOR THE NEXT 'l'HRKE W EJ<:Ki::l, Farin for Sale. con. Oo.rtwl'igh t; 65 acres clcure<l. a1ul Uul balance C-0\'Cl'Cd with good hard,vood n.nd n PHOTOGRAPHS, LETTERG RAPHS, loo ACRES, BEING LOT ii, 4th llttle cedar; ·vell 'vatcrcd; d'vclling house, barn :uul atablo on !;he p1·en1iseo; well fenced ; yonng 7'"' orcb al."d. No better laud in Cartwright.. AJ)p)y ' - 011 tho prcn1i:Jcs, to 'J~HO S. Cartwpight, July 16th. 1872.. DD1Sl\IOllE. F _F _~, AR,TEI:UR.. MEDICAL VICTORY. \VILL SELL THE BALANCE Oli' HI:S STOCK OF ru~nt phyr.icl::».u of foreign daacant, bM dhcoTo~d & Great :Blood Rcmody-a.Purely Vagetable Oompo a11.:i -named by phyaiciana, Depew'· Medical Vtetory, tbatcureso'V'ery lr.l nd afunhea.lthy Humor,:1111l ·'fet1 disoM1eth·tdepend11 on Impurity of the Blood, whH· tho r.unlJI, Liver, and Kldnaya. iutd other Yit11t.l oraan10are not waited beyond the hope otr·.P'Jr. For the cure of Scrofula, Ery1iptlu, Salt. T'heum, Eczema, Si;:1.ld.Hea.d, Seal'{ Eruption of th· Skin, UICQU 1 and 1~evtT 8ore1 n all kind·, E·il· Dumor ill the Mouth and Stomach or Eyu, Sor· Ears, Eraption on the he1od, and Pbuplt1 or BlGkbH on th1 fact, it 1tand11 l're.emin111.tly ·t th· b1ad. ~f all oth1r ramedie1. - '!'he fact 11; Human, l'Jcroful·, and DiHue of the Skin, or what1Tel' name or natur·. are literally dua up a.nd uTried out of th··1·t·m, in & 1hort time, by the uac of thi& :Blood &medyOne bottle, inauoh ca11es, will coxi.Tinca th1 .m.Olt hi. cndulouii of ita curs.tive etrocta, Clean1e the Vitiated:Blood whenev·r you l:od ib ImpuriUeaburatiug thruugh tho sldu·, EruptioW1,or Sorell; cleaW1e it when yon find it o'b. ·tructed andaluggi1b in the YeJn1; cleame it wheii it b foul, and your feeUngil wiJl tell 7etu wli.n. :Keep tho Blood pure and tbe htalth ot th11 111tam. will follow. 'DEPEW'S Photographs in } or h'Oty, or colorod. Photogru.pli8 .ftnlshed in India. Ink or Sephi, nnd colored either in BARGAIN~ -IN- 51-3m. JJR. DEPEW, OF PAJ<IS, FRANC!!, W.ATER OR OIL COLOURS, Photo Cra.yons, kc, '.rhey also proparod to make ·n omf. P1·01csso~· \Vhite, ·sJ nglng, .s.: c., Organist u.nd Couiposer, hi now propnrod to u.ttend uud. rcc;ei vo )Jtl(1il fl . TcrnlB 1uay be known by apphcahou ilt J.lr3. \Vilson'B, .Church Street. 49-tf. T EACHER Qlc T.m: PLHIO.FOWJ'E, Bones. - ---- ------------bo&rd the Ca.rt> or Steiin1boa.t. J.& W. J. JVJ'MUR.'fRY &CO. AIUi XOW SHOWING ALL KINDS OF VIEWS, S1:1ch ns viow11 of Ro8idoncee and Gardens, Cro· quet and Pio-nio Groups, Hor&es, Ca.LU.,, d':c. ; DRy GOODS AND cm.d reproduction of oza and /acl8d picfl1.rca. ilow1nanvUJe, June 6th, Ul7:.l. ,,.,- J.larUculn.r att&ntio-n to tM oop·ving 46·t·f, --- ~n :rJ1HE SUBSCRIBER WILL PAY THE ...I. highe8L price for good clean boneij Ot:llve1·00 Bags J)rovided free of ohu.rge. J. GROSE · DnnYer 147,Po!jt oftlce, d.0-3t. Montr6al.-- SUMMER C3--00DS! - -A T A- - A FULL ASSORTMENT ,V. MILLINERY, Change of Business IN 'r HE l'IO:NEER BOOT & SHOE STORE [Established 1838.] J une 26, .1872. In returning you ·1ny sincere tha:nks for the ~.v-cr.}r liberal vii..trona.gc oxtcnded to me, si nee my ·co1un1cnclug business : a nd as in cons.)qucnce of ·other c.ngagCm onts, I u111 con1pell?d t.o relinquish 'the same; ! havo g reat pleasure in r ncommtn1d:ing to you 1\-fcf!f'rs. ANl>EHSON" CO., roy euO. ·ccssors, tYho are in e ver~{ "'ny quu liL~ ed to give gOOll Goods, and on as ftivo ;:d ;lQ Lonn8 M those givon by 111e. Soliciting for tl1,; 1n your patllO ,V MANVJLLE, ~, Great Reduction in Prices. u A Tonic · .to, Poue~aing alsOthe ptreul1ar moril. &f acth:;1g aa· powerful agent in relieving Congestion~ &nd Ollroni<I Jnilammatiqn of the Liver and Gll 1h· Visceral Organa. t:ild, m·rried or &ingle, at tbe dawn of womanhood, · or llii tb.e.turn a! lifo, the M@oiica.l Victory ha.a n0o ·iual, .In the·euTe of Rh111m&thm, JJyttpepaia, Liver Complaint, and diaeaaes otthe Kiduey11and :Bladder, th efftctl are aurpriaing to all. Fo1· Reg WAti llR' the lJowelA, and curing D iliourmeas,· Bick. ll·adacbe, Neuralgia, Female Weakneu, Nort"ou1neH, PAlru in t he Side, Loins and B11.c:k, a.nd. genau.l Weaknes1andDobiUty. ibcurative powen b·- . 7ond mouey and boyo111l price, ITI8'£Hl!lGR8AT BLOOD PURIFIEB,AND A LIFE GIVING PRIN. CIPLE, a perf1ct Renovator and In:rlgon.tor of1h1 8y11t~m, carrying Qff :;i.ll poisonou1 matt·r and Ill·· tQrh1 g tho Blood to ita health7 condition. It ia a Ge-ntle Ite!ulatinR' Purga.t~ve, a11 well GOODS, --AND-- For Female Complaints, whether .in young OJ' GROCERIES 'I'. DARJ,Jl'\'G'J.'ON, HAS just received a quantity oF AND MILLINERY. EVERYTHING NEW, STYLISH & CHEAP · ORANGES, LF.MONS, COCOANUTS, PEANUTS, Kenneth 011.nlphcll's celeliratetl SOda water, and Sa.rsapnrilla., very suitable for sun1u1er tlduk.s. ' All the above will be kept _ c onstantly on hand during the hot woather, Darlington haS received rt.not.her lot of v:;L. fine TE.AS, which ,.,.·111 :bo sold cheat) tor t -tt Ala~t-. CROCKERY. I am your's, Sold by all Ilrug~ats &; :Dealers. llICHAllD REED. change in the old establlehed home of :Mr. .Reed, we beg to infotn1 the inha.l:itn.nts of Bow· ·mauvillc and surrounding country that w(I have 'J)urohtt.aod hi& entire at.ock, to v.·htch we aro daily :adding SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET, ADDRESS . "1 YOU NC, SILLS 4'. CO., . I N REl·'ERENClt, TO THE ABOVE BOWMANVILLE ·· Bath, Ontario. Finest Family Groceries . · Bow1nanville, Ont. F<?i!ru,;i,;~~· Pay llJJ Murdoch Bro's wi· and wt'll-As....ted ~ew GOODS of t~e LATf ST Style AND FINISH, oeotnbined · with durability, all of which t1-·ill b& :found MACHNE AND IMPLEMENT SALT AND PLASTER .o\.LWATil ON HAND. Lurnber anfl Shingles Darlington, Nov. 29, 1871. MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURE THE COMPANY AT MY MILLS, IN 1till a. A. 11. CAMPBELL. 18-tl The highest price paid for Butter &Eggs. ll'OLLOWINO: an.i i Sa~-e Trouble. ~took Equal to A.nything ever before o:fl'crcd in this ino.rkot. Ji, before the public, superior goods at s an1e l' tes as thoso cbo.rgcd by others jn t.he trado for :,·SIGN OF THE WOOD'S SELF-RAKE REAPEH. BUCKEYE :MOWER, HJLL'S PATENT PLOW, No 13, SCOTCH CANADIAN & GANG PJ,OWS, S1'HA W CUTTERS, ROOT do., FIELD ·nd GARDEN ROLLEUS, F AKNING l\IH.LS, CUilrIVATORS, HORSE POW1tRS, WOOD-WORKING MACHINES OF ALL KINDS, SAWING MILLS, SHINGLE MU,LS, UEADING )liCHINES, PLANERS, IRON LATHES, DRILLING MACll!KES, IRON-PLANER~, GOLDEN LION, KlHg !IQ:oet, Bowma1"llle. A LLPARTillR lNDE.BTED TO THE B owinanviUe, Ja.n. 3,1872. of ~i&ple ant li'ftlt6J' Dry underl!lj.gned. art :equeflted to pny up bot'ore ti10 tlrst of F'obruary nc:xt and save trouble: Fl'om. our fa.cilit.ics we feel confident that 'vo can · an inferior article. Custom '\\'Otk rnade to or1le1· under the n1anagemont of ?rfr. John lteed, 'vho has l.>een the leading w·orknu1.11 in Mr. Rl'll*l'a est.ablishn1out for thcpaatsb::toen~,ears, ALLVVOllKGUAR.A.N'l'E.illD aa 1·epresented. Trunks (Saratoga. and utho1·i3 ) kept constantly on hand . . ae 11ltor Il"3!t.Utlfying tho Complexion, and r. e nd crlDg the Skin Sort Whil{t, Clear, nnd tree from Dryncal!, it ls nutlvalleu. It wUl quickly romo'{o nil ll:cllnese. 1-tou~ll ucfle, ·.rn.n, Frccklel'.. Pimples, and otbcr imper rcc~io1u1 . Cbnppnd Hand1!Chilbla.fns, Frost Bi tes l\nd S:>re Lipa, lt camio bo s ur1.iae11cd. Ptlcc 2J cents. 1.'hl.8 J~L!.Y ls bl~hty rccolDlijended to Ladies mo~t a~ree!\b1o Prc11aration for tho Toilet. F. T. HOSKIN. 23-tf :-The Pumia Shop· "HTH HORSE-POWER & J,A1'lflf, ~iven To Let. Goods, whieh they ar-e detmttuu1d t· cripcr, Posscs.sion inuncdiatcly. Onh· · b usmee;i of the kind in to't\·n- plonty of At present worked by tho ·mb- sell &t pl'il!NI aa low u1 any in ibe THE HIGHEST PRICE IN FOR HIDES. CASH &c., &c., &c. r&ro chance fol' a good pwnptnaker. K SILVER. 3 workmen '\\·nnted- none other neell apply. ANDERSON &, CO. WE KEE:F' NO PEDLERS For Plows and other Small Implements, But will sell such articles at the Works for prices Iese tha.n any establishment can do which pays large commissions to travel1ers. Farn1ers will therefore get Plows, &c., at the Ma.nufactory, at - ---- - - - · - - - - - Dol\n1anville, Muy 25, 1871. ' DAILY LINE - TO- ------~---~ --------- 'l'o Clontractors, Build· e··s, &c. _ Il\TG for the erect.ion of the contemp)a.tec1 addit.ion s to the Bow1nan-ville Furniture Fnotocy1 ca.n see Plans and SpociOcatjons on application to the :Manager. Bow1nanville, .lane 26, 1872. R 0 CHESTER. QT A. di.acouni . ef .F'IVE PE:rt P AR'£IES DESIROUS OF TENDERT. JOHNS'rQN, a reduction from usual prices equal to what is 11sW1lly paid ped· lers. A few reliable _Agents aro engaged in ta.king orders for R.eB.pers, Mo1vers, &c. r rHE . iirz:e;g NEW LAKE STI~Al\IER HE'fURNING, · CEN'l'. will be made on all eult Wanted Immediately. pable of deing general '\Vork. Constn.nt . En1ployment. JOHN SJ\.fALE Do-w·mnn ville, J m1e 19th 1872. Orders entrusted to them will receive A FIRST-OLASS SHOEMAKER, CA· To Let. prompt attention. ALLI WOJ<K TURNEDSOUT IN FIRST CLASS STYLE, AND WARRANTED. 1'1.il9 OJ..n!lLE fa the most rclfablc and cfilcs.cton· U:nncd/ in e.ll casc11 or Soro Tbroe.t, Hoar!cne&' Dlpthc::~J, :Qroncbiti~, Jrrita~o:q. pt iho pronchl&l 'l'11~M.1 1:10 comn1on i:q this i::ha.ngcap19 climnte. A.$lh m!l, OifcneJva· Brcat.b 1 Ulcernted GuHn1, ttnd Will, on or a.bou~ h;t .A.urn next, eon1menee he regular daily trlps, (l ee perznitting) Loa'Vlng Cobourg cvcrv morning nt 7 JO Port Hope o.t 9 o"clockJ..f-or Ho0)\ostor eo11nectingther-e wi th New York \jentra.1, Northern Central and Erie Ro.tlwa.y. tor n.11 points Eallt, South' and South '\Vest. Leave$ Charlotte, Port or Rochester,cvcry even· in K' at 9 o'olock1 (except Satunlays when she leave· "t 2 o'oloc.ic,P. l\I., for Brighion), Tho Stel\mt'lr CA.1111 at Brighton, l\.'londaya nu1l· Thunidf'Yl!I; at Colbm'ne, every day except Wed n eeday; at 'Whitby, Osha;w~, Darlington, atid Ko weMtle1 on \Vcdnesda.y, should freight otrer. Dealers m stock will :find this the chea.Weol and 1,1.1ilckeet route to Albany Boston ow York, &:e. . ' ' · ·Address, R. C, CARTER, Port Hope, 011t NORSEMAN, purcluu1eo; over one dollM'. ~·FIVE ROOMS · OVER THE DRY Goods store of Mr. T. Po.torson. Apply to R. REED. Bown10.nville, June 27th 1872. 48-tf. Wanted. . all <l 1se1:1.1ts or tho Mouth. For Ptibltc 8pe4kere ilti(l tiin::cn it is 1nvn.lue.b1c. 'l'ho in~redients cuf ,:ri:l<t Int<> thill Gargle are ueed by n.11 llbyet~l&Illl, /wi;l f»r th ·~ cnre of the a.bovo d1sordera aro now~ t1nao . 111tcdly, tho most popnlA;: in lbo Materla Jl:;tica Prlco ii!!S ccute. GIRL. APPLY TO A SERVANT n. -Royal Insurance NE .W Mrs. C, SPALDING, Scugog Street. McCL UNG BROS suppliQd wiill. New il·1 du, Spi- SPRING --AT-- GOODS I Ne Plus Ultra T T!Jh rmt:'\~?:S.TJ.N"1' ts a snro prcvcnt!vo or Tn:i1:1:1u nnd Trii holtl r cvcra. Cholcrn., Sm11.1lpo:t'., n.nd tll ln· fccthu~ d ie.e:~5CS. It wHl urevent Cont11gfou in ~-\Uk·. ltis~ls o lnv111trnblcforTJtsin!ecttng \Vater Cl O!Clt', Dr:n os, Cesspools, Ste.Uh~~ . Slarij'.!'ht(ll'· h ouiL'!!, .S;;c., und for '1Qflt-ro y!o::? nal}!!OOftll cmovJo ! ro:n wll:H.c<c~ cnnso l\r1s1nr.o, It '~·in tlrrre nway R oyi\f ( :o : o !n i s-;ioner~. in prcrcrcnc.:? tll all otl:cr prl·t.!11ci11, I\~ tll~ b cflt t for tbc r-rci·cL· -o·LIVERPOOL & LONDON FIRE AND LIFE. 8u.b~er1Md HE.~D COMPANY. I BATTIN"'G POPLINS, JAPANESE SILKS, FIGURED and PLAIN LUSTRES., PARASOLS, , s_ A NEW GLEE BOOK, WITH PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT. Price $1.50. each; $15 per domi. [lUra Glee-Book has been introduced it s be~n pronounced supcriol' to all other l'.-o~ks oft ts kind. It Js the largest, lo.test tlneet And on!Y coHeetinn of Ne'v Glees tr.rid Quart'ottes near!y all ofwhloh havfl PianoAccon\pRDimentl!J <>d ltb. 8n.rr1ple copies 1nallcd, po:3t paid, tor 81,: 1 Ca.plt.n.t .. ........... IJlfll,ODOJOOO Funcls In Hand, over . ...........·. 9,IS00,000 OFFICE FOR CANADA IN :MONTREAL. EXCELLENT Bowmanville, April 24, 1872. THE SUBSCRIBERBEGSRESPECTFUJ..L-Y to inform the ·p,1bllc that a.a l\o'lr. R. Reed's bursiness has che.ngcd ha.nde, he has re· 15olved to open business on hiK own account in the shop two doors West of ?durdooh Bro·a .; ' MUSLINS, LAO ES, PRINTS, GLOVES, &c, ~l o131 11il oci:i, i'rfotln. Flies, aor.kron.che~. &.e. Mcr..t. Jc'ish.&·:. c:tu bo tlres erv1~!l from putref:ictlon lJy if· n s:c <:;..u bnlic A~id was 1;1eleetecl by Iler lrinj('sty's W HEREVER ha THE NE PLUS cheapu. tlon of !nr.::ctloustliacas.cs. l'rkc 25ce:nt,,. SPRING STOCK, 50. VALUE. Thi!!! Pnzr.ut.1.TIQJf ls p:JJeq_ua.lled In 1t11 ra. ~tdtty for Sh:uJ.!ci.:i.tng allU Polifih1nq CnUcry,', Tnb Ir and Po ck:et ·lituve~,nazon, 8urgical JngtrQment 1.Sboemakers' Knives, Plane Di ta t'md Cbif!'els, &c. Noth· ~~g h!!.8 ever been Utscoverecl which ha9 Eprong mto popularity more qnickll\ or booome of 10 much vn.lue Ill c:vcry h'>nrmhold rind worluh op fllt canero.l uaefuluFOsl!I, ~ 1>rice 2iJ cents. · . J, L, PE'fEH.S, 5!)9 Broadway; N. Y. 'li1fl'A t!ieeount will be TY insured at cqulta.blc rates. Isolated dwcUinga a.nd fnrm risks taken on specie.Hy !avora.ble terms. ~ Life Insurances granted in all the most aJ)prov. cd methods. 'l'hose about to insure will bear in · ,Pl ind tha.t SECURITY !31{0ULD BE 'l'HE Flil-S'l' OONSIDER.A.TlON. · For ratOH of premiun1s, apply to the undersign· A LL DESCRIPTIONS 01" PROPER- . . . '· .... = ~!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~[;;~; First Prize Ct1ltiTato1·11. HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT tho attonttou of fnr1nor)IJ to the one·horso and tw·-horse Iron Cultivatoromanuf&ctured by him Groeerie8 of TWO .lllfD .t-HALJi' n: and which for six obtn.incd:flrst p~ at Provincial a.nd Loou.l Fairs. They tui. thofr co~t. 1n thoeftlcieuoyandexcellence ot'their · WO rk. New- Business T Berlin Wool Store. LADIES' T --I·-- dou btedly tho boJit impleinent o( the kJnd in u11e and wlll 1n, a vory ehort time moro than reJ>&Y · I-Ora now on hand for t he tipring work, and will where ho will keep on hn.nd a flret-clasa stock of ;; Boote and Sh.oes auitable for the season. Order - - - -- - -- - -- -- - - " - -- - work will have his pro1npt attention; Twenty fiYe yoa.t'fl experienee in the trade, more than the _ last two o! which he bit.a spent as cutter, and general manager ln Mr. Rood's establishment, has given him oppol'tllllitiesot learning the poople really w:a.nt. Ile ha& therefore no doubt Two or three expericncod of being able to giYo sat.isfo.etlon to all who shall favor hitu with a. call, aud hopes br giving due attention to business to ro· ceivo a fair share o! public rsupport. w, TH01tIPSON., , f i3·tt. agent orBo,vma.nville. Dress Caps r . · . · NEW TIN SHOP Inspection invited·. .A. supply of Cnltlva- W AN T E D ' ' CHIGNONS. I .I A Bowma.nvllle · .Jnno 5lh, 1872. 48-tf. w. AS . be lowest rates. · OZN'f. on ell8 h pure · h8.!lo· over ono IN BOWMANVILLE. . G. -- IRON HARROWS of a superior kind, also on ht1.nd, REED, MI :S:r~,:r~o~ fl1?~ Apply to MISS Mcl'AVISH, at MURDOCH & BRO'S. 43-tf Bowroanville, May 23, 1872. J. SMALE. The new etock~will be opened CHOICE ASSORTMENT AT THE firotStoreWosto!:MurdochBros. KING AND DIVISION STREETS no,vmanville, whero ho vtll1 keop constantly on hand a. ·well selected t1l:ock of Stoves, Japanned, pressed and plain Tinware, which h~ will sell Special attention paid to FOR}1JNG th,eiuha.bitants of .BowmanviU. a.nd eun-oundlng countr'}- he has opened out a New 'l'in Shop in the store ln.tely oooupled by John Allen, r,omcr of MUOR PLEASURE IN IN- Complete in everv Department; B UGGIES AND WAGONS conotant1r on band rorsa10. dollor, ei[oopi Irlour aadGrain. DI' All kinds Df work dono on ihe ohorto.t notice. A call &0Ucltcd. ""-tf, I. WES1'00'1"1', Bown1an,.JU ·~ On Saturday, 11th Instant. dooh Broti:. Remember the place, two doors: '\"est of Mur· J, S. 1'1oney to Loan, TY rears, to bf'J 'repaid in instnJn1cnta to suit borrowers, who arc nllo"·cd suoh :pay· ments, in &dditinn to instalments, as thoy may 8nd convenient., mo.y be obtalned from the Co. ll&da Pern1e.nant Building 1:1.nd Saving Society ' b7& pplying to American Organs! year of business, " 'ith o. constant and still increase of b"l"owth. .A!!> tlH' xuanufactory i ;; one of tho o1de5t, it also rn.nlui among t · est in tl1e eountry, Dnriug tho long c cc of the manu!acturcrs1 t.hey ha.vo stea.d dded to tho eo.pacit/' of then· instruments, a avallcd themae ves of every method to improve the quality of t,one anrl to incrcwie the :n1echa.nioal t'n-cilities for the performer. And though they expect to continue tho course of im:provemont, are abundantly au.tisfted with what has been done, and with the ostin10.t1on in which their in· atrn1nent-s are held by good judges of u1usic. As heretofore thCy tvill use the best, without regarU ~o Coat, t\nd give ever.~,.. Organ tho moat thorough workmanship. They especially invite comparisons as to the quality o.nd volume of tone, and as to the etreotlvc mechanicu.I tt.i>pli.ances. 1'heycall attention to tho fa.ct that their Organs n:rc sold .AT EX· TR. E MELY LOW PRICES, as low all is charge<.l !or many o. t t1.n inforior sort., Ha.Ying a ln.rge, o.nd thoroughly nppolt1ted inanuf1Lctory, employ ing none but skilled work1nen, and having made a. 111lnute diviaio u of labor, they are ablo t o produce-Organs at less rntesthnn most competitors, They believe, also, that n.mong other things , they have earnfld. 11 reputation for fldr d·~ing, thd they would a .ssuro distant pu.rchascr-s tlm.t e.n Organ will ever loo.Ye their warerootns with nocir knowl!"dge, that is not in eve1-y respect perfect of its olnss. As they have bofore etated, they intend to secure a fl'icnd in every purchaser. '!'heir catalogue vdt.h (1ill description and a.ccu.rate,n · gn". will be scut tree to any address upo11applica 10 All necoasa.ry .information cheerfully f11rnieihcd. Address Fol' Sn.le. House and Bedding Plan(l!I. "CHEAJ' AS THE CHEAPEST." EAVE'l'RO UGl!ING AND JOBBING to. AND WILL Bl!: SOLD TO TWEN. L OANS FOR FROM ONE to 000 Tea, Dinner and Cla&mber ~te. ill T HE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN Co: have now c ompleted their 'l'wenty-Flrst A LARGE and choice selection of In the Town of Bowmanville, Twentyeight acres of land belou~ing to eatato of House i.nd Bedding P1a.nts for sale, cheap the late DAVID DOWNEY. For par· t.iculars enquire of ·t BOUNSALL'S. THOMPSON & BUltNS. Bowm~nville, May 23rd, 1872. (3. tf Bowmanville, May 2~, 1872. ~-tf FAREWELL, M~-GEE & RUTLEDGE. WPrivate funds to lon11 . ur Orders from the COlllltry promptly a ttended Solicitorti, .Bowrna.uville . 61t Charles Silver DEA.LER IN .__ _ ..,;,:,:_,ii;j:g:;.~:J,L'. \t~)f~ \,"J!'. ~:J.ct~;d:1g ·~ .,, . ·/ ;, .·. . .::·. .;, . ' .. ur Hi_ghost price }Jaicl for I-Iicle8, 8he6pskins RA,gs, Wool-pickings, Copper, ]'ear,hers and UT GrcBt inclucmncnts held out to pcdlcrs. N. B.- Fa.rmers ·w anting 1\iilk Pails or Pa1u1 would. do ·w ell to ce.IJ illi l1 cxarnine my stock before puroh11sing elsewhere. A 6bare or Public patronuge rci:ipcctfu]ly solicited . . Bo,vrnanvillc, March 8th. 1871. Cu1··t or Thanli s. · R.. PE.A. ".:~E TAILOR, his eincero thanks to 1-.ia numerous CUB and trf,onda. and would beg to say tha.t heh .., removed to the corner of Kh1g and On·&r10 l!Jtreets, where he will be g1ndtoace D.B many ot tho ~·natured and good-tempered ones as pie ue to cti.·e him a Bo wman,"llle Nov. 22nd, 1871. 17-tf W.G.REED. 32·tf, OULD W tomers 'l'UR1'~ RESPECTFULLY RE- Collie &nd lff ov ~ilia Hall. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRUITS, MEERSCHAUM AND BRIER ROOT PIPES, AND ALL KINDS OF st1: ,1 br!nglng into condi· Cows, Cu.Ives, Sheep e.nd !'it:~. ~t aod And recomroonded by tlrst· clu::i.s Broo{iers. Stock. fed with it havE a.lWtl.Y.!3 ta.ken ftl'st prizes. Milk Oe.ttlE produce more milk e.nd. butter. It fattens in one fourth the usual time, Still Ahead. sornEES, 1'EA PARTIES, BALL SUPPERS, PUBLIC DINNERS, WEDDING CAKES by t he sub scriber. 'l 'bo ,vhltcst, the s"'cctcst and beet bread delivered daily to a.U parts of the tov.·n. 15-3 L ",1011, I!.Jl·rJffb, CHEAP for C ASH For Sale! a.nd saves food.. .,,_ llULL ..R .BOX.. CO.NT ..I.N'B 7'1r0 Hl!N.11.R.BD .FBBD8r1 HUGH llII.LlilR. & CO., s Got up in the best style and on reaso1u~1Jlc terms M a.reh. l, 1872'. EVERAL GOOD FARMS IN WEST die99uni en Dt.lrbam. lror pn.rti' app~:r to J, N. llUTLEDGE, Orono, VlOLl~"t Croektl]' .t 'lllH PJIB Ac~!~nl!ur~l Cheml·~~!..!?! ~:~..!.~ Bel.·~ Toronto IX c;llN'G, PIA.NO, R..l.ltMONlli)( For ·~a.lo by J. ALEX. FLETCHER. HIGGIN1l01'HA:M, Druggist, Bo"·manvUlc. A.ND TR.B: THEORY OF MUBW. I, Notice. HE MEMBERS Qlr VOLUNTEER TOBACCONIST'S GOODS. OHN CAMIDGE, MUS. DOC., ENGJ L.A.ND, Tea.cher of the above. Application ror terms, &;:o., to be made to Messrs. It. H. O'H a.ra, Stat.1oners. ~2-3m. &. THN S:MI1'H AMERICAN ORGAN CO. 'l'romont St., opposite Wa:ltbam St. . - Boston. l\iass. J.M. llRI'llliCOMBE:, , REMEMBER THE S1'AND, Ol'E General for the Province or Ontario. 'BO'IYIDO.nYillo, Apdl 10, 1872. Bo'\\·man-ville, j door elUI~ o!F. Y. Cowle's; K.tng_.r;trcet, Bo'nnn.nviUe, June 12, 1872. l\filitia. a:iill others 'vho have bt}eu iu the habit of prti.eticing '\\'lth ball ca.t·trhlge, on the flat , v.·iU please b ea.r in 1nind that frotn Ute UTC"IE CGTT.A<iE ON LIBERTY present ti.m e, any con sent, h i therto given by me., ~ str~et ;at pres1>ntoc.1npled by J, C hri!:l-tie, Esq, is absolutely '\\ithdra-wn; ~nd u,ny one found "'ilfnlly continu:i r1 g Jlifle practice 11nt» r this notioo Station .o.g~nt. For po.rtioular,s enquire of · must be < with ns the lu.w rlirecta. Wm. THOMPSON, F.RAYN~. King "t. Bowrr.-..nyitle ?ifaf %6, 1871. · 22-t gr Bow1na.11'\'jJJe, lVIa.y 30,1871. Fo1· Sale. T x For J>el'llons who YAllt Bu.;aim Pentnl Notice. T4L O.tttceto 1\.1r. 8. G. '\VEBS'l'ER,IJ.D.S. I ea.n w1th pleu.sure reconnnend hhn to all req_ulring his servJccs a~ a. skilful Dentist, '£· .J. JONES, L. D. 8. ~OWinAin·ille, Janunr:r 31, 187!. 'ST H and have the money J.IURDomt AVING DISPOSED 01" MY DEN- BROS, i$ tho plae. to · nil :tow t!ln·· · --...

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