CANADIAN ST_ A._TESMAN, B OWl\fANVILLE, THUiiSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1872$ ..!!!'!'~~~ !!"'~·"'!~........!!!!!!:""!"'!...."'!'!!'!'!!'!?li~!!_'1'_1'_!!_"'!!!IO!!iZ~~tt""'"""""'!'!""""Tr A F.o.1>ll'.IO.NABLE PRAY.ER 1 1 JOSH llILLlNG):I \Jo· h~ ~::;;.2"'~~ ';!"""'"""""¥""~-~""""'""""'""' ~'"""""""";a~~·....., .............~ .... .,.~..........,~"."J!....:"'!'....'!"'"'" ~"""~~ ~~;!'!';"!"~~!!"'~P~t"'7""~'"'"~""'"""'~~~""""""!'~~~·~?'~"""""""'~?'!"~-~""'~ ~m~~ ~::.__'!!__~!!"'C"!'!!"'~!!"'....................IO'!!!!"""'!;!!"""~"".'!........EL!!"'~""""'!!'""~ i:r.!i~~"'!'l'i"!"'¢~1~=-~'!_"_"-!""~"'""'~!'!"'~!!"'E!;!'!'!"';'""'!"!~~~~......,..~"""0'!"""'"!!"1E'!1"!"!~~~2!'!!!!!'!'!\l!J5&!!'!!'1' I BARGAINS. AGE Nu y ( J The Osborn. --- Cckb.1.ah~d PJJ..,&lO fillrad11mry ne r fl: b0"\11\fANVTL LE ]U I'N i r URE I:\@Jrte. BA~G-.AI :t::J" I IIE M \.Nl F!IC'l'T nrnG co ,___ _ 1r. fl< T' bl c of t e I! t sh {' ov ices uf ;-;o th.A " ' ' GRE !l.T BARGUNS !I.RE N O>\ GIVEN U Cheap Corner Corn f 0 1 Sale, Store f \vhoie or Cracked lG-ln t( I I I HON" OHI\ 8JMPB01\ 8 01 I ION OJl" IlETI lI r o~'f' 1' TO 13 1..N { 0 1 m.aJ vill<.: Sor t eyes ..E1 able th o l oor t sl lrk for them~ l ves nn l i::ttve n e f 1n all nuss1onan beg[: I PUBLIC ,J"bu l'll! c:D1mg-a 11. / MC:!IS [{ f.. .H OH.1.ft\_ t e1 oral 'lg ts OPINIOl\I CornoI Sto1 e I A S1·hmt ui F~n·an tor ~ale, tolnca.r,tl:~~" JN THE COLN'l"i ofBo \n1an~Hlo OF DlRHAl\1 \pphcato 10 tf ha· f ull; Ju·<ltied tlte ougmal idea tl at at the yoil ca 1 get J S BA. TE-- 1 roi: nctor Bown n v lle Oelobm ,._th 18 1 Fl'I' TED AND WET. L SUIT ED ---- ---- - - - - - -- - - :-..heel the hght of th1 counten:1.nce on nu ka1nel s hair sha\l l DU la1 ende1 silk nu point lace and keep the iuoths out of m1 sable 1 becheech thee Oh f rtnne ".\'REN ~1 Ce n1us \\U.s ver,> yutu g he anl D. STOTT, CHEMIST }If orris, g6t l old uf a pack uf mu ls ftllCl learned to play euch re ~1 tuu1 s was perfe ctly fa8Cl n atcd with the g&ul.c and played 1t a; often as he had an op pu1 ton1tv but 1t had to be dnne on the .al) a l u l ull 1i AND DEAi E R IN ' BALL Bi.,'ILDlNGS, BOTVMA.l\ VILLE. I 11 ~bndl!l without a Rnal pa1 ents :l.nd h e had to h rl e J s ca.1els f rvn1 hlf~ S w J1011 h~ \\ ~s lool ng ot t f< r a pl cc t h 1e tl em th e hoyA thought the sn.fcst plane " he1e thy o t1d p 1t tlu cards was in the 1 ( ckets of the m1"1 fl.tors l lack go,vn nnde the very reg1s of ti e church 1 d )ll t I nJw what reg1s n1cans but it Ha guod '"ord and I su1pose tt fi MEDICINES, AND CHEIVIICALS, Dya St dl's Pate1 t l\.fccl1c11 es l'erfun1c ry 1~r11 rihna Oils Pant Brnshes Oo·l Oil o~ a ( 01nbs Soa ) Prunta nn 1 Co l 0 l Lamps &c &c all nght Well the old mm1ster was cal led up 11 to bapt1 e a conv ert and ie: he went down n to the waJp,r \\ eaung tl c lhe 10y!:l g \Tl the cards b ga.n to float wh' were on the bank watching l .,,h in great fear kep their eyes on the cards As 1t happen d there ca 1 e up fi1st two b0wers and three ace~ Of course the boys were thrished and an old aunt ol Arternus proceeded to lectu re hin1 on the enonn1ty of th~ cr1m ' \"\ hy said she JUst uuag1ne ho f the poor ruan 1nust have felt when he saw the cards c 1nlng up l sho1 ld ha' o +h lght he would have fainted ar Q 1 dor t sec how he got out s nd \rt rnus I don t sec how ho could hcl1 0 01ng out on snch a hn.1d Woll for 8a'VI ing l\.fu. h nos PYYSICIAI\::s PRI SChlP1lO:'l'8 f:AH.ll:ll'UI Ti' C10J\. JOO CO lltllC1 LY AJSoWEl JJ:D ~DF.D A.ND ,..\ .LJ ORDERS .--- ~old t at abo<st oee Dhalf'U~e fjJ'&f"" Farmers and Physicuo sf 8 n tl e, Count? y ll jt ul ou 8tock of ~fe, d1cvr r.s co I" HEAD OFFICE-TORONTO di etc an i of the best 2 wlit y EH'RCc et f~rnr ill.whiec~ Sarplt~ Fn u. ir~ 208 1ft9 64 R~~~:f!:u~~r 1~1;:!' J'~~r en~itn {) ali: 858 26 hi!! l on o r to be At the IronTI1ongeryT SOl'iIEEHl.NG LOI' G vYA:t\'I'ED BY . Ev El1.1' bOD y ,_ OR- I I 1KE Vi ORK ls equally t hmn on c ~ .>5 1 .One gvud~ Iles car 1.Cd o&" ptlzes ov t c H ~e 81nger Lo fl \\1 elE>i:' &. Wiloo n \\ an zor Uaymona ~c tr!fi .A. Petfcot M :i. Ho~ n J JYI 11-fL L~"' rcII Pi os:iden+ j ' :Vt gron l ro<.:i;pect THOMAo HOLI.O IVA Y 553 Oxford Street late 1¥ 0 Sept n~b:cr 1 18 1 4! St a1 il ~[DAN I\ilanng 1ng D11ecto1 d ) Lm lo 1 lU ~ lii 0 Cluaro.nte Ml or no s!lJe E\F, itY 01'\E El!~®!!! Ul:: ~ o-;v,- P!\!nlTLR' ~'T-!! lf';OD ' ~ L HAS THE'f l:IOUSE 'l'be (,.l'Cat R e1nale JltcmcdJ. ;JOB l\10'ES PERIODICAL PILLS AND V:ILL.i-\.. PAINT S, Prepared for imn1cd1ate UHC and nothing b1 t the purest ]'\'[nteruils n sod nnd re qun1n 0 no f uther nuxtur0 of 0 11~ Tu1pe:nt1ne and Drjors IS-~ 1 H 1 l Fire and · Marine DR rxME s N CE \\ ould THE GliELPH UAJYD TREADLE MACHil'fES T ar1 Ch1·on ic Dl!1eascs. ErEcTrcPrrYsrn1AN .AT LOWEST CURRENT RATE"' .!.11.3 ff INS UR ..i:: !~ 4.KD °f respec:t(1 lly st.ate that he is no"' t r ca tlng succcas f't Uy tho follo,v!ng dla0a.soa Epilopey or falli g Fit· m tho r worst torn Con~ mpt on 1 t ti vanolUl ~tar,,"OS (w th Dr J a romedios cone mption is no longer nn incu Ittblc disel'.l.Si) Bronchlt ~ C1ttnrrh :\sth na 0 a. el Dropsy General Dror s &c pat eht!J unde D1 Jft,J . 1 o h ave beenestapped seve a.l t mes re curable t rcatn out drne11st:H1 of ll l:' E YE MID EAR rrrnEIR CO':l1POSITION cmrnrsrs SOl'lEr OF - Pu1e Colcrt Pu1e White Lead Pue Wlnte Zin Lin ~eed Oil Spii"'it 0 llo'l"i mnn-..1llo Sept 1J 1~ 1 the pr1e!$t enq 1ir ed To 1 o s le I cld "\\ell 1 1 re111ernber tlus Jt vonl 1 have been a i1111a1.:le if you had not THE lato Edward Jackson cf Han ilton h s left $10 000 to endow a Theolo l al Chair m \ ct01 a College and $10 000 ·t the chsposal of h s wife for t he >:;aln e vu1 pose if she s) wilL'j it 'Ih s 1n 1d<l..Ltion tO tho $40 000 ccntnbute l liy 111uuhe <1 for establrnl n g L theolo 5 1cal Suh:Jol 111 that c1t:y e vinces th' e t11H;Ht11e ~ <f the \\ es1 ~n Churr: h u1 t he ua l~'j v l n1 nu~ \ J ,..atio lOM D.\T "\'. the l J c:ind1late fo1 North I e1t h is a co l Cl s!ou ei He recc 1tlv ga\ e i K'"1nd address T n1..: Strat fo1d le o i sh w·::. 1l :tt Iou las co1 ied 'e1b1tim Geo1 0 Bro\ n.iJ g1 eat dr s::i delH e1 ecl at(~ ebuo in 18th> 1n fa,o 1 of conf.;;d0'ta.tio1 by Ir nt 1 0 t h e two 111 p n alkll colu lllS r Ill ff\ dcntlJ h:i.s taste if he l asen t bnnns !I.GENTS WANTED E"\ERY\\HERE SPLENDID INDl CEMENTS 'IO OW"NERS or lf ll y H J AM!cS l\I D Farm Property -AND- ALbO - ll st:1n lord Colon~ 01ls ) arn1shcs and Pa.1nle1s 1tia.totJ.n.Jeo Call und 1:>8t1 how cheap a IJouse can be Panted and Decora ed for all etio 3 For terms sa. nplee of sev: ng &:c apply GUELPH SEWL\G MAOJfIJVEOO 1'. DETAOHED RESIDENCES Roy al I ns uran ce 11\SORE YOt:R PP.OP! RTI IN f FIE -AND- GUELPH CA"'ADA ,l\A"b ~A v'!U' Ui"(Jf goods \\Ill be sol la xedllced figu s GALLON;; 111 \CHLNE OIL OF DIF:EERENT Kil' DS On a1io nnd \ ictoria CO~t[PANY. AND Sau 1-Ialf Yozt7 Head Office for Canada l11one) F.:mg ·ton L I FE. 11u t.:S icrs 1nd all I art L cs rcqu nn 0 s icl1 oil re spcc1allv 1n vlt <1d to 1 1s1 CC1i the \:..,,,i: 1ous qu al 1t1 c:s-the price be11g fan belo ~'"'J th11 g eve1 o.IT\;l cd n t.Jus stol1 e f\.gonta lna1ket TE:\f POR \.R r OJ!l lOE > 500 COOK, PARLOH, HALL rhe l tr..,e;:;t ind cht:ttpcst stocK of Ge T1n,' in hu CouJ t,> vf Dud aiu cl1 lngto1 Bui dine Bo V1 ~ A~ D BO X a1qvmg and 1nw cn l!..'xh1b1t10r. 1~ SfOVJ S fT' R {;; old ~nd "Well c tflbl ::!l"crl Compa1 } :l insures o h g b t tr rtr n Pro1 erty a1 -l l Ha..i:th a.r fj Carriage Goods Seneral SewmgMac ~1neAgen c~ ~f d c tacl ed Res der. cea anu Isa ies Poltc1cs G e i\. telj Rel ..::el Rate s t l Cos a ~~ e.lf ~. t. Paul and S~. ii ~ .uicm:> :Xavie!' §trccti!!. Capata I A n1unl a:n~ 01uc over ll:' a ndE 1n n:a n l o~ e 1 $10 000 Ot9 4 ooa ooo 9 590 A SSETR $0 00 000 00 JOJ-:rN McI~EOD. A 01'0" D of Horse Men and thers da1lv th1ong t l e stotc 1n co intrv lT ! town fer Sher d :tn ~ Co.v al1y Co l I u i Powd r_i he\: Lnderst nd th t hu1st11:1 HARD TO BE LI EVE. / \.Rh.FT BUI LDINGS Depoa ted with tb e Fina c Mi n s te 1 u ~ r ec :ti br. efit o f Oan R.d fl Pol cvho lder.3 ove1 $1 00 000 I Sfle ho lolJov. ag Cort flea cs - ouo. FIR lE: D ll ,p AR I'MlI:N I' ca not be 1 t in uoo 1 con h hon witl o t then andw1thth n1e<.tnbe;keptona,.111nch less quantity of g a1n lHE relax.1nJ p< ver of Joh sons Ano dyne Liniment 15 rulv \\ 01 der f il Cases are already nun er 8tla1ghtened bv it 1s er True Nevertheless l ----·o:--- - B0 vV~1:~t\..NVIT ... L J:L whe1e bent Lnd ~t1:tfen ed h:u bs , h~v.e b"'e ~ . . lttnlcrcd "and GROCERIES VEitY OE Til~ When used for tins Fll>!ESr QU \.LrrY Oli -A:SD- purpo·e tl e I art should be wa·hed and rubbed thorougl ly Apply the hmment ·Old ancl rub it u with the hand a t\.UTlO:N to Pll chasers Q!.tha PerllVHtn Syiup (a protected solution of the prntox 1de of non) Be ~a1e of be ng aecr:ned by any of the prt:pa.ra.hcns of Peruv111 IT,J 4 i'i lb AMJJ)R10~'1'i :M 1R BlE I G L, 1s ood Cooking Haistns only 5 cent8 a pound, and still er by the box ... Bark or Berk and Iron wb h m ') he offered t y !ll E very b ( ttj of genuine ha.a PERUVIAN SJ.'1:tl r {not Per1n:1an Bark) blown m the gla.·; l!;xammo the bottle before purcha·mg Drn you "'er tbmk that whot JS 8( OTClI ABEitDEE"' GR..l.NITE B pphed on short notwe Ei: en t1 ng perta1nmg t o < c lP } v.ork will in et with p o ot utteu"1on by leaving ur ders ~""1th .., C BOUNSl.LL .Bo'\ manv Ille .., U.MMER DRY GOODS at cost 0 0 M &c I ~OT fON and Woolfm goods are advancrng, but yon can bu> V them at E ll10tt's, for a short tnne at the old prices Now the hme to secure what you need. OILS " L ,0 -C K M A N " TU s ~to ce rt fy t l t tl e :\g r c 1t rnl Jn sul :inc Corr 1 nr. v lia' 1 g l ~J o tcd n il1c 1 n.o ls of tl (I H.e cc1ve Genere.l of c,-,nncln. the s lm F ft\ lo ir 1li o s n cl ,:. 1 e Hun died Doll!\rs n llnilitd S tates .tiu ls as re L IFE DE:PARTl'\J:ENT. q red by ti(': Ac t ofOant<la ~ l "\1c cl a 18 eec 92 iR he ebJ 1 con~ c l to cury on the bl" n"'IS n C it Hi. In. ol F e InB ranc " e l Jdero Bes des the Ia ~el md UJ Cap DFt.ted ~t. the 0 ty of Otta.wt1. tho ?nd da.y taJ of 11 e C I : a n; A!l.surers ili:ne Add tl na.l ofJune 1870 Secuntyin the li NLl:::rlIIEDLI\.BI[l[) rtL \ \ nlthv Proprlf tal'Y J orrn I ANClT01f for Mr; ster of f1 na nt: o 'T'l r tt 11 L flj .A.SM Ht co 1ru11d now Tl e 11!1 to ce r ify tbttt 1 hitve been tC<J. a ot amo mls t.o ed w1 th tJ,e Offieora ao d }[ rn· go rs of Ll10 Q, t\gnc ltu Ttll In!!Urflnce OompnnJ for many ' :; e HB tu U t\lt5u w th tile b i:.. r e~s 01 e r!\L 01u 1 'fHJ,l: ST.:J?tf OF of the Oom1&oy 110.d ba1eno he ta t1 on In $ ~736,~00~ rocommer d ng u,, as a pertectly ! \fe a.nd r o la't l g hoen~ltlt1'.l heretoa.!5a.1ci>u1toftl\eBu., l nblc Comp \DJ and its Ufficer3 as compe nce1:1 o! tl c I af!t Yco.r after tho Pay nent of tent and bono able l.lUS l::lcse: men and as t Cl1111ne Cash Bon u ses An u t es an l Expenses insu1e1:1 nothmg b t fa n Pro pet ty and de of o c:r) Doscn1 t io I $ () ,6 0 3 2 i an I AINrs COIOR" ~ v AHNISllES nnd~ HITEI E.A.D . t\.t tl c ve lo" est prices termed 01 a common colcl when tJ.VstenuLttca.lly ne glected often leads to th·t most fatal d 1 0 LO'""THING- ! 'or HORSE !I.ND C"-'l:TII£ MEDICINES N B - Country ) '-1\.nta {' o ci term.a c tore1 oeJ ersi supplied on n 1 1 Chief 6..i:;'onts for Cnnada. We have ei.:l\m ned into the condition n.nd A PEI I-t'\ Fire I nspccto1 standing tho ?\.gr cultural I nS!. ir~nce EOBEBT AR:ri.fOt:R A gent at Bowmanv Uo Oompttn.} a-nd do fully cooc ut '-;1tl Mr Ca ND rhofin ftnciri.lpor,:itiouof tlc H.0yal sh en in recommending it to the Farmers ot thl !IJ no wcy nff'cctc l by tho ecent F e a.t Ch cago Prov nee 11.s one perfectly safe and relrn b e r th!:'. C mi ft y1 av ng 1 o A gcntdolDg busix e ss iu that Oitv 1? lablc s of Rs.tea Proposa1For1ns 1 n d fnD 1nflr toched Dwollmg· ·ml has ~530 ~00 A.!Sets ion can oc. obtatnoa o) u.1 f l eat o to tho uu I consider it roaponsible beyond any con tLn 'lunt dcrS gned gency HT ROl TH D D CAI HN M P P li1 1l' BEDDA LL or I mo~1ng d1stre:ss1ug chaefl ee- c:ons imp ti on- but when attended to a.t onr.e is generally easy of ctue If yo t Ll.'e troubled with a cold or cough ' Br\ Ln s l>ulrnon1c Wafe.z:s will be found to pe most eflicac1ous in re in which to us ire their propel ty I · I ENTLEMEN m 'rnnt a neat fittmg stl't should call ea1ly at Elliott s Fasluonable f,t1lo1mg F.stabli shmont ,#31Sat1sfsct10n guarnntced m all r easonable cases J C CLAlUt J CA.nnuTI GJ:o l_ K1R1tP A TRICK l'\'( B M B 11'.I'ON Banker l!:tlB & Co l~ - - -- ~ -- - - -- - - - THE BE9T AND CHEAPEST WIN TEltlIAS 00:\il I ONG JCV ENINGS AllEHEl E ' PHO"PERI'l' Y ABOU1'DS , } 1t Thr.y give immediate relief and generally eflc tu cure when used in time Sold by nil Drn 0 g1s t ~ and conn ti y dealers Price 2G cents per box In England the most dazzling p11zos ar e political-the crown of lite of the 1: n >i:lt illustrlolls 1n rank and riches 113 poht1ca.l d1at1nct ona.nd 111 En hsh ,\i orks of fict1on pol1tical 0 &ucce!!H is reprei eutei as th~ grea.test POLITIC t\.I hfe. ui a study ~top Testimoi a.1H and t1 ~ee. i n· lHrf u an l e._x 1 by t IN DIA1' I E"J\f.EDY rhcv are stern 1 den tlJJe and incontestR-ble fac1.11 s flt icnt to co v ncotl o , most ~kcJ ttcal th<.tt tho Grea. .l\100icu1 Com/ o 1 d HE FOLLOWING REMARKS T r trao d ary c res in ( ana 'l a ho CP.E ON H. ELLIOTT', Jr Hampton August 31d 18il We wo11ld refer you to tho follow 1g gen ~lemcn 1n .regard to lhe res po 1s b 1 ty of tic Com1 iitnv -I> F eber Eoq C o.s l er o f the Ontor o l'·nk Jno McLeod M J' P J S Fe.1rba.1r. Esq Postmaster J E Fnrewell EBq J311.rr ater Ag'fnt for Cobourg ttnd v1c1n1tv 1\.t: O O R E ' S WILLLH1 T FISH W R Ob! \!IB T ecnl Aced ·t Bowmon T11Je yeu:-ncdatterfor agc31a no'v aecoss1ble n the Rural New- Y C?-rker ·11IE1 Grut l r NATIO;'l;..).L 1".AVORITI!! Great December 5J 1811 tnumph But vu ohmk'nogrlmtortnumph has been acluc" ed In 1 11ode1n t111es than the produ.ctiou of 1ho Canadian l :un De stroj er for re1no\ ing pru.n fr rn the syate111 and cur:tng colrls coughs 1heuroa tusrn IH:n ralgJ i. hCf\!el com plaint" &G SH 0 SH 0 NEES RE 111 EDY Fa1 m and rzr eszde vVeekly PROl OS}" LY ILLlS rArnD For sale bv 111 Dr ggtots and deal er'-' o rntrv r11co u cen s pe1 I ottle S evv1ng )\1ach1 ne .Va l gton Ll c t 18 1 W?. 11'3 Jll[ :,owe, D g;. f ,. ~_... D , AND Al T OUNEY A.r '.ijow nunTill(,\ ea sy IS H Nl otrne. I n l ot be le debts co t H.Ctecl by n y so \ \- 11 am J o.mes S l Y \\ ILLI;\_"ril SULLEY GI\ ms N OJ IC E TS HEREBY 1ci: . pons1 r y B iRRfoTER TH<\.1 &c &.IJ T \ \. Solicit or lU Cl t n e1 y a.nd I 3 il 'i et C} TOOR T!Ue Fll'lS'I l'RIZE \T TH:S Darli gton J me I" lS I 4-6-tf P Coleman ----- - - -- - ---------To o" NER.8 OF .a W,.., Ui) Hon.SES -It IS a n t ested fact cc itnn1cd l y the expe11ence ( t <i. a ids tl1 t D trley s Oond1 t1on ru- Heave ltemedy fo 1d Ar HvI s s is s .lperior t u ). tl i ug of the k in l now or ever 1:11 wn JtVe ku6 w... that it has beer used 1n 1nany c wl e:r:e t e THE PlfR,-,L S JLLOS f hAIIONS i'lrc ""'1 Jfl(lr0U1!1 Vn.rie l s.,nd II.or. tHnl our !Mm fo o render tho r. l -010 11 \ f.C l\ ll v Val nhJ l'lnlttc cp11.ble I nd ed SELLIJ'.TO- O:B --,F ! SPRING horse has been c 1 E!t l ered a.ln1ost \\ 01 ~h less lv1th the mo t 8i1tlsfactorJ rmn 1t t h e horse hav1n0' h t:t n iestored to iP~.LfBc~ 0 soundness or s) n eh bcnefite l lliat 1..hti cou pl unt cc uld i care< ly be observed 1\.fa1 y such h orses h 1' e 1fterwa.rds been Chea p for Cash A_ll ndcbte l to 1 c b si s3 w1l p Cf; so call and ai::ttlo Lhe 1 cco l its as soo n:i J o 111;: J C IOLI Htn 19tf exce~t on TheB"l R.A L1:>Re ort"' o ~larkeb Crc n11 E'in11.nce~ et c ar f ll n.ndroll\t Jeand$ l'..lne ,,.orth 1 11 lh e 1rcc of 1 " 1 ~ p,yr Inrlo ~J n~~t o i~o r ocal paper M JH I:; f.I RuKAJ.._ 1:1 tJrn one t or YO usclf ] a nil;<. a.nd ]"'!:ends. FASHION Sf DOLLY V ARDEN! DOLL> V.A.TIDEN STY LE ~ND REDT CED TEmHS sold rnr from ~50 to $100 more tha l they wonld hi'e prcv1 psly brought aud "Clt' well ,i,.orth the d fterence l ot all 1nte1e~t od consider this Ro n01nber tht1 narne and see that tho signature of hurd & Co 1s on each package Northro1 & Lyman THE LATEST FASHIONS UU'l' F s110 ts for !!a.le Dtc:Jsn n.k1 it and Newcastle 0.nt propnewrs for CanMI 1 Sold by all medic ne dealela · J UBUa.L Aptil 10 li7 Eau] n1n:Um otthc R l R.1T NEWYO R.r.:'l< J~ fo1 lS 2 tll con urt·e Sixteen Qu rto Fng1~~ n.rgcr than Ha.tpor "" ooklr) printed fron1 "No I ;r pe o extt :.ot 11 no end bc!\Y~ pnucr t a Ill str tc<L ttnl P:ri tel 1 the I gh et et:;lc of the r o i;:ra.p ntcal Art TERM!li tn ..\· _ <:l n~ e Cori~ $" 50per 'tesr .i. 1' l' c Uopte~ fo r Iii 50 Seven t. "'optes for ~JI) 'len C01ne~ for i20--only t2 per copy 1 1 ern.1 P 't. 1 n 11 t o &11 ror t I a flpee en ~ I.Jeri~ ~how Bill~ otc 2'0D t froo Addrcs~ MRS ALEX FLETCHER 37 tt DD 1 MOOR] R ural ?>;ijw 1'.orkoi:.Oillco ?\ov.: Yoik Clty