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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1872, p. 1

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fil;R <lt nnnht 11r Z fatesmnn sp ntcdn tl 1ub shed Every l'lnu sd b~ t) 11101 nlng, t he P opr etor \VM. I-{ KING OLIMI:U. at tl e DO\\ Mm\ ILLE ONT 01 FICE-Post Office Block S!REE1 - · 15 1872 -=~===B~O::W~M~~::l~N:,.V~I;L~L;:::E~, ~O:N~T~-~' ~T~H~U~R~S~D~~A_ ~y ~~'~A~dU~~G~tU~h ~St~T: ~ : . " ;-'~ ~ -. ~ , . ~ A~n·~h:ea~ ~ c 1 ; . a r ~ f r ~ a m ~ t h ~ · n ~ , h ~ l e ~ t h . ~ ~ t O ~ w ~ ~ l ~~ 1 0 1 -_2~~::V~I~I~I~.~~~ t ! G 0 0 D S - - - --------- CHE AP ~ rt't 11' 11> tll ~ \\I It AT THE -· - --~ · TO MATTIE DY )!AUD · ~ GLASGO-W- HOUSE I HE SUBSCRIBER I N ORDER TO MAKE HOOM FOR IIJ;S l !I.LL IM TPoRrArIONS willfrou sel oif hsp1oaentsto k.atpr cca llo v dark the n.tcrs ro to night Upon tho pebbly H1 o e And v. ll de ng still I a.tch l" waves As o!t Ive-.,.., atched bc!ore .An l d ean of thee sweet cous n no "' So fu.r be) ond the sea 11 e n on.rung seB that over gleams So ooltl t .... xt you and mo the flush of youtl wo mot t only met to pa.rt Far Under the Regular Rate '"'1u~hiie~~ !ntd~ri. Dress Goods, Linen, Cotton & Silks, intend r ,,...._,....._ ,,.._.,.._, ,..._,.__w ~ WI en And invites apoc al atter t1on to a lat g:e stock of liow strangley fa)J' the roses smiled Like sunshino vns roy heart In o.ln I vci tiought as true a fr end My onging soul to ohoor I -...- __,._ W. IS Boyle, lll D '!he 1 ocaofwh ch willconmond tJ ens cs to tired gro v a.nd lo g agam ng purchasers. l'o press th} lips so dear '°r a College Cobourg Li en ate of tl e Coll ~o 'lVost of I Corn1sl s Rc.'i dence Sil e str eet one door so thot D Rede gurger)' Bo\.\ a.n v le 0 t G RADU \.TE OJJ THE UNr\ ERSI TIES of fr1n!t) Cu cge?: I oronto nnd V c Office one door TI~OMAS PATERSON BowmlUlvillc June :l 1871 Dut ah tl e rosei> o.11 l nvo fled 'l h e v.. a.tcrs moan and weep .And wcnry of life s 1 nrcl I long Beneath its aves to sleep Pc l t s w rong butho'Noa I 11 e dreaded future tell Io tly know thnt all alone I watch tl o v ld ;vavcs awe And drean of tl co n.s oft I Hcrlj tho tWJlights calm, A d listen as the i3l t wu ds au g Their holy l cace(i.1 psalm BEECl!DALll: r Pl ys c a.ns and Su geons Ont FAREWELL WINTER! MARKUS MAYER Chas, S rr 0 Respectfully nv es tl e a ttent o of tl e public o l c !a.ct t1 nt 1 0 ha.a opened 0 The like of vhich has cK 0 F H A ,-I-, s t his .August 18 2 ~ S( never b een surpassed Bo vman"ille ~~~ t l t ct t 0 u.6. 'lite CJ,AlltillONI IS adand~. THERl:V DR WILLOUG ' 1'11c lJllLRO!iiE a Cavour1te, AND I Ile !!iAllA l'O(., A. a be 1uty' :a: I S -VV I N E Ille CA.HnldC:h4;C:.Ia'l:~le~IA the be1!iit ot" all BY l\IARY SPHING W !1.LKER J. F1eld111g, lll D. Surgeons E leg1::1 of Pl ysicians HBY hear from those dumb hps one wor to forgiveness to tell him I Jo, cd bun in Oh spiteofall Oh lo mo me She broke rnto id weeomg and p1te ous appeal to tI 0 dcn.d Her er d l d not interrupt her bl!t sat silent and a b d ed t.ill il e paroxysm of gr er wat1 over I kt ow how i: a n it is she sa d e4 I lengtl ti '" ta dy gr ef can no dmlore atone for the past than I cat woun i n aga n in the future and I sha.11 car1y t I e men ory of that disappomted look tl e backward shado ¥ on that dear de' d fa.ce with me to my gc-J.V'e I know the memory of 1ny reproaches rose cold between his partu g soul and heaven Father pity me E, cry hope m my youth is bl ghted I a.m young to carry st ch a. bur lon of re morse and sorrow all iny life It is such a little while smco I was a proud ha1 PY wife and now I am a desolate hea.rt broken widow Fanny her fatl er tendt:!rl~ you have your childien to In e for aver) precious charge in these d ear boys and let me say to you rny daughter 1n receiv ing you undei tlus roof 1n you,i; afflicted ar d desolate co1 U ton your pn.r enta look upon yo lr children aa ti e1r own We :\'ill share everything togeth er mJ dear aud wl en I gone tl ero ll bo It has boen a so irce eno igh left for all I h of grief tu me Fa.1ny that ave no son to bear Dl) name Shall I be a father to your boys1 wi 'i .. ou l cs er1n ye u ...... abeo i t yer ct'1ery b ed Doctor that needs sich parlicifar caro1 an that 1 ttle patch o see dl n s D oot or the ptittiest str·wbeiry .. · comm on tor t h a t ever gro ed an Je st a b eal' nex t sumn1er a.n lVants as 1nuch n 1s Sil 11.n tm dn as babies? fl er~ a1n t an ti e co intry but vhat 11 I r s1 imn.1 kill em rn n onth w th tlwir ro igh 1 dl A th b I orso Doctor why ian m n o ay i 1aw s r l f d im b cntters e er speak Ch a1 1ey t a 11<s te .. ,, nie soo is " ' er I put the ceow floor an rn t l b f t 1ny <':lo on ie a an the Jitter o pig· an I sholl miss you very much Dame! interrupted the nnmster I do not ex pect to find a person to fill your pl&OO but thcro is no help for it and Jou ruuot go Da.n wriggled m his ooat and looked very unca1nfortable N eow- Doctor said 1Lo I ant a blind nole tha.t I can tsee above greound Yeou ve been a s1ght te ~ good tow me I amt got no compl mt tew make ag u yer I don t blame yer Doctor f»r get tui cli.iar wo~n eout with my tantrume I m will n te v confess my shortcouuu s I allow I ' e gone tew far in spoor ta b 1t look here ncow - Im a gotn tew tuin ovi.i1 a new leaf Iain ta goin tew make no iuorc lie o sr eer1t only as a med o1 e I 11 be on the safe side arter th · I 11 keer n leetle on hand Doctor caus Vi he l ~ Theycaunotstayhere I) sherndqmck Such an n.rro;y of Hats nn l Caps and s l sty les must t n a head ornamen 1 t the mos t serly to veat CHAPTEH X:XVIlI FA~HEB M D EMBER O>' HOYAL COLLEGE OF fdinb la d Llcent a e Royal Col rrgl (Lato Res dent ~nc. GENTI_,EMEN S - FURNISHINGS, ~le AND DAUGHTER INCLUDING-- speaks poig'l ards and every v.:ord stabs SJ A.XBPEARE AQtmg H.esidont Med a Officer C ty uf Lon Hogp tal :for D senses of tl I) Cl est Otlice Accoucheu.r St 'I hon as Hosp ta.I London fJr Herriman is Oro o Notice-Ren1o't al li HEID HAS REMO"\ ED HIS res lenee to tho ho se lately occupled by Dr Crowlc on Wellingto Street S u-gery at his old res dence S Iver St oct Office ho re from 10 am to Sp 1 16-4tf Farewell,illcGec &Rutledge, B ARillSTERS AIIORNEYS SOLI CITOitS and Not ry Pllbl c J E FAREWELL 4 L D R McGEE B A JAMES RUILEDGE B A OFFICE - Over 'Vm McM Ys Drv Goods $to:re second door vest. or the I ost Office I stars S Chesterfield, UCTIONEEH FOR BO"\\MAN VII I,JJ: and Dar ln.,.on Re· 10 ce Queen ueer-ordcra punctuaU1 ntts:indcd to ~ - - -- -4tfodcrate - A Thomas Stoubouse ,4. UCTIONEER APPRAISER AND ~ Ge era! Agent D.rl ngto Centre Snlc· ll 01nptly a tte de d to R. D. Foley, L ly ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR the Township of Dari gton Sa cs prompt tended to Chnrg s modera o Money to I encl. to.anent Build ng and Sa '1ng s Soc cty of I oro T HE UNDERSIGNED HAvING bee apporntcd ngent for the Prov g I Per ·a u to. s prepared to 1 ~gotiatc oa 16 W y on Iteal Estate on t he mos t favourable to ms J B F \..IRBAIRN R Peatc l'mlm. 11 ENTLEMEN S AND BOYS \.JI MENTS 1nade n the l\EWF s r STYLES Ilo'\\ nan\ lie Feb 19 1868. G\R So-ti W.R. Chm1e, I SSUEit OF MAHillAGE LICENSES Dy autnor ty of H s ExcellencJ the Go e n Otllco at tl e anoillce or Gcnern.l Land Surveying PHOVINCJAL L 1N» es 11rveyor C v I Eng neer cto Is prepared to 111.o all orders with wh ch he may be fa.vore<l A..ldresB Bo" n nvillc P 0 March 15th 1871 J L HEED B. Sher1n & Co, -XTHOLESALE l\IAN UF !l.CTUMRS ~'f of HOOPSKIRTS Best New York Mater &1 sod 'l he trnde s pp c 1 o best tcrmes :f'actory ' Kl g Street Enst Dowruau Ile tl)..39tf M T Office tore FAIRBAIRN BARRISTER & Keen n s lllock Over T Beall s Book ·Attorney !::iolicito:r &c Li nclsa} t' G. Hanu1ng, C V"il Engineer an l L nd Agent Office and l'es dcnce Lot 13 !hod oon Darli gton All orders ~ft at the oftloc of Robert Armour Esq prompt r attended to 40 P ROVINCIAL L!l.ND of SUllVEYOR RoberC At 1nonr, ..t..ttorne" at La. and Sol loaned llteet Bo vma ville or Charccr;: Oftlce l\.l..l l\lrs Willoughby came to I er husband &c &c &c m his study the day after thu funeral Doctor will you go to I anny sl e Be aarl. cnll at the Slgn ortha ILUG Corner I ing o.nd D ls on S treets and Jou """ill get swtcd bot h m pr ce a d qual ty aaid and try and say ·ometl mg to com MARKUS MAYER fort hcr1 I am afra.:td she will be crazy Bowman ville .A:p il 10 1871 Dr Willoughby found hlS daughter m hm darkened chamber w~lkmg the floor 1noa.u1ng and wringing hor hands My dear ch Id he sa d "ill you not try to compose yo irselfl Th10 is a As there lS a great deal of nusrepiesentat10n r egardm,s the gt evot s blow I k1 o v 1 o "N' utterly va.111 hu r i:U sy1u1 a.thy i 1ust seen to you merits of the d1ffernnt sewmg madnnes and many persons all But ) o l.l'e a Cl JJJt al Frances and He have been misled by these untruthful statements we give be who sent Uus great sorrow can g1le yo 1 to bcn.r tt low the names of a few of those who tested the Wanzei strength Who ·ent it father! she sa.Id stop Machme and who afterwards exchanged them with us for the ping short in her I ~p tl walk and con Lockman Osborn 01 Raymond- some of them paymg us f.ron ting lnm Ho cat you ask tny da tghter1 He o' er $20 to exchange who doth not aflhct willmgly nor grieve th e cluldren of c1e i has for sotne wise :MRS C G HANNI?\ G Bowman v1lle HON J SIMPSON llowmanvi!le tho igh myster10l a purpose gn en you tl ts D FISHER do do W G PERR> trial to bear ------THOS JOHNSTON do do Ho~ dare ) ou say that to me fatbor! WE TILLEY How dare you charge such a dcod to such do WM JDWARDS do JOHN McCLUNU a source! God tempteth no man MR LUMMIS Cartwright RICHARD SHAW Darlmgton He looked at her m clo ibt and dread for he thought her mother B foars were H T WILKINSON Newcastle J P LOVEKIN Clarke iust She resumed her agitated walk but do MHS HILLAM do presently coining to hun laid her hand do upon his arm and looked stead ly m his MR BAB.FOOT do face MISS HAMBI Y Port Darhngton S BORLAND Orono Yon lo~ e n1e father sl e sa. d I C W SMITH Darhngton A LOCKH IBr Clarke have heard people say that I was your favo r te child STEPHEN CIEMENCE Darlmgton THOMAS McCLl }I G B u n ' !le l\ly daughter I lo' e you 1th all my WILLIAM CLEMENCE do do MD WILLIAMS heart MATTHEW COLE Tyro1 e do HEY R BOYLE And )' ou ha'l e trained mo from my in JOHN BUitN llfanvers fancy and taught me to thmk as you do RH LOSCOMBE thrnk and believe ae you believe and I And a. gre :i.t ma1 y others do MRS BROCK ha'c gro m up hke you m many thmg· I havo been pro id to think so Fran Intendmg purchasers can enqmrc of any of the abo\e re cea gardmg the rneuts of these machmcs Father I curse the hour I was bar l I wish you had strangled me m my cradle rnther than taught me suoh a creed and tramed me to a ich a destmy It is you Bo" man ville October 5th 1871 who have brought me to this hour It i· yon wl o have given mo this trial to boar THE LOCKMAN Now help me to bear it if you can Her face haggard wtth gnef 11.nd shad ed by masses of dark dishevellod hair yot Jcnowledgcd by those of exp er ence that IS NOW THE ·trikmgly resembled her fathers and the This Is the Place to Buy Boots LE!l.DING MACHINE black ·>es he had loved to hea.r pooplo ancl Shoes--1\ione Better call so hke hlB own looked steadfastly m TN" TifE DOMINION OJ! CANADA '\Ve o. 6 now nan foot rlng f om tho beet to hrn mater a Boots o! an) dosired pa.too n war ranted to 1lt o no sale 'Do yo i reme1nber father how one HIS PROUD POSITION rr F.TAS Tl e s bscr be t els grate! l to tl ever~ Uvor atta ned thro igh its inherent good ~uaJit.ioo morning five) ago we stood together al patroa go J e ha~ ha.d for ti c ftft:een lien s o.nd vould sol ta conttnuanco of public patron 'Ihese qua.lit es s 11. l t.y lurabll ty ele isanco ada.ptabll ty besides o. a:coro mor eofequa in the room underneath >ou a.nd I a.nd a\ewo 11 beg to sa.y t.o all who aro indebted to mJ?Orta.ncc Fm: full particulars addross to U e the dear one I have lost for e'er 11.ud how n 6 e t hcr by note or book JJ,Coouo.t they m1L8t l\fa uf'a I ure f:l come to the scrat h. th-is fall Past expenencc hns "II.SON DOWJIIAN & Co you l ut my hand m his and m the pres taught me that steers are much ea.s er broke n Hamilton Ontario ence of God ma pro1uiae ~o be to when youn~ tallowed to run unt I four or five It & II 0 HAitA J cars o d it 18 cons dercd n. broak neck age Now .AgentR for Durha u a l V ctor s. bun a lovmg and faithf il mfo1 all that are n a.rre11rs and all a.ooount~ d e tl "' I remember Fanny fall Wll be cx1 octed to payS 1)j DR A.DSJIA"\V Do you remember what he was that Bowmnn llo Oct 1871 12 1~ day father1- so good ·a noble so true DAN Ob hush ID) cl ild -Yo· I remem her Shirts, Collars, Neck-ties Braces, STUBBORN . FACTS T R&H O'HARA HALL01 THERE' I A~!'m!?.~g ~:Jig~t ~~~a~· s~;~~~~?c S E W I NG M AC H IN E T A'S It is not necessa..ry f r mt: to explall my I os t10n further to yo he soid I have no time to answer your q est ons I an1 sorry you cat not make up youl" mind to comply with niy condit on an l re na.1n v1th me but aineo you refuse I must find some one to supply your place for no aelf bustained man so strong so unerring pcrBon under l lY roof shall with my in Judgment adin tting no failure or de knowledge 1se intox1catu1g di1nk Look feat Hi· da ghter Jay " th her head abo it for a s1tuat10n Dan and I will gn e restu g on her m and her long ha r scat you as good recommendation as I can tere l about tho p1llov; She looked earn He as lo~n· 1ng the ioo1u he l Dau estly n1 his Caco but she d d I ot speak conf sed and !l..gttated rose from }us seat I have pa fully pondere l) Ol r words Doctor sad 1 e I d on t me'n ter Frances 1 e coi tmued If I admit to be sassy Ln hen a tan tells me l e a t a.ny extent tl e tr 1th of the d1eadft l a.c no hnio tew answer my que~t ons I g ner cusation1 yot orot ght agarnst 1ne I am a ally gin. over axin any more but Doctor guilty man a1 d I cannot blame for corn yeou inust tell me one thing LS speer1ta a nnttu g to strangers U e trust yo r father blessm or a cuss? Does the B ble go agm has betrayed But let me say this my the uoe on em or don t it! When it says daughter if after all tl at has passed your Look not on the wme does it n1ean Jest heart still cling· to your home and this ti at r may I twist it reound an get danger to J our children of wlueh ) Ol son e ti er n eanm ea t on t1 Tell me the have spol en ls t1 e only batner nst soll n tr ith Doctor as it la.y:s in yer ) our rem1un ng tl at b :i.rricr sl all bo re nind I de v th nk Im some sort of r ght inoved Neither by I rcoept I or exn.mple ter ax cans hv1n so long under U e same will I l 1nder you in the education of your ruff I ve got inter yeour not ons I ye boys I shall dr nk no more wine Fran larned ter boheve as yeou cle v s r an if ces Your words have poisoned the cup k yeo i ve shifted round I want ter now d for me Thus solen1nly appealed to- tho lna.n Mrs Tl ayers baby boy toddling about """ Jll no JOkmg mood but v th a look of tho roou ca.1 o and lean ng against l ts earnost attention on h s strougly 1na.rked grnndfather s knee roached h1S httlo l and· y nnkce faco awa ted his employers reply to bo takeJ Dr Willo ighby lifted h m - Dr WJlloughby hesitate l y 0 1 o.ak me qt estions Dan1el he n his ar s and bending l s I ea.d till l 1.'i gray ha r mmgled nth the child· sun 1Y oa d ·hich I find it hard to answer I curls ho called h m very tcnclerly by bu cam ot read Jy give up the theory of a 1 fu dead fathers Il:.l. ne Then Frances Thay time I have been \lery s ncere in nv be er aa.w what she never ren en1bered to l ef hut the support on wluch I rosted have seen before n1 her fa.ther s Ayes and tl e fitrength of wluch 1t see ue l i 1 Tho sight melted the proud won an a h·art possible md still aee ns impossibl· to Fathei dear father she s01d I do do ibt has all at ouce given way I hard trust you Forg ve me take me back ly know where I stand but I am afraid I have no home but yours l'ou "ill help Dame] that my theory and my practice me to train h s children up for God have both been wrong CHAPTER XXIX That ])r '\\ illougbby made th s confes 8 BltOKEN PROMISR sion w th a.n effort a. duller ma.n than lus Dew witho 1t speont Dr "\'\ 1Uouihby listener m1gl t hai.: e seen Dan .s face was said Dan Taylor a blessin put along wo1:k:n g with emotion before the m1n1ste1 s de o corn a 1le u1 the B ble one o the fin shed speaking 1th thanksgtvin I ro goiu ter tell yer son1ethin Doc 1u ats te'\\ be received Did yeou ax me if I cud de :r without tor sa i he I never spoke on it afore specrd Dr Willoughby! I hope I kno v to anybody bit its lay on my mmd Jest my dooty an l rl< !ego better 1 tl at Yer like a dead we ght these five year· I needn t go tcr tr) in of me in that way p101n1sed my old 1nother when she lay n. J)octor I shall allcrs stick ter n y pr nci dym ti at Id qmt dr nkrn Sho made ples an I vo got good sound scr1ptur me s vet1.r it Doctor I coul In t pacify reasonm to gm "h ·t I m tactcd No Dr her no "ay t II I done t -on my knees Willa ighby I sh u t r ever consent tew ith the B ble afore me She so l T c id dew w1theo t ~peer1t do it easy ca s I wa~ in a m n stcr s I did 1 ot s ppose yol would Daniel family £01 yer sec I t e~er let on tew the rnu istcr re1 lied and so it only re her that yeou want one o tl a teetotal roams for me to say that I ohall not need kind Wal I kep my promLile a spell your services after this month l an b 1t I used to hear yeou talk cons clerable sorry to part with you You have provtid when I was reound tew \Vork au sez I yourself very fatthful to my mterests dur The mimster don t thmk it s wicked tow ing the you have been 111 my sor take a Ieetlo now an thon a.n he knows a. vice but I shall le obhged to make a eight rnoro bout aieh thmgs thnn nn old change woman 1 ke n1other Yer see mother got The old h&rness Dan Vrui mending drop dretful sot ag1n dr nkin an no wor dcr ped from his hands with a loud clang to for father fell ea tt of h s w aggm one day the kitchen floor and he looked at Dr when he was drunk an got ketched m tho Willoughby w th ope1 mout!ted astomsh hnes someheow an dragged him three ment miles ov0r a r ough 11eco o road I n. Yer don t mean it Doetor he Ba1d leetle shaver Doctor but I never shall Why yer stnke me oll of a heap - forgit tew my dym dn) heow he looked Obleeged tor make a change An what witl Jus clothes all tore tcw rags an kmd of a chango will yer make wit] au kivcred with blood "hero I e d h ! ngm the a them ra ~ Irish er tters Jest over poK n sharp rocks an mo I er she scroamcd till lus head mter the study door ever) te '\ thoy heerd her ] alf a mile off minutes ter ax q 1est1ons an Jne n the Wnl as I v;as sayu1 I heerd yo l place go n on e ght >ears gettm the ~a1k an I went back on my word an sir 1 hang o tlunga so as ter go right along I was dredfnl tic] led when yo i made it so DAN TAYLOR He looked at her in silent aston shn ent They car not stay here she repented vehemently Father I dare not bm g them up under th s roof l f there LR ono thmg I u ea1 to teacl those boys it is to hate with a deadly 1 ·tred the poison that murdered tl e1r fat] er Can I do that here! No I " ll beg their broad from door to door rather than expose them to the teaclnng a.J\d example that proved 1 ,. rum Of all tho sha.r1 bitter "ords Frances Thayer ever uttored none str ck deeper thai those Her fathers face Hushed to luo gray I a r ar d he left I er w thout speaking But 111 tho tw1bght of the tlven r g he came to her aga n and s ttmg by her bedside- for utterly worn and ex hauste l by grief she had thrown l eraelf down to rest he took her ] n.nd In l 1s looking earnestly in her face Fra 1ces 110 sa l n y poor c]uld - an l b s '01ce uSl ·lly so G1 ti-embled a httle if I could ma.kc you tu derstand how the worUs forced fro n you in you1 clespau tlns 1norn ing ha.i.: e wrung my heart with ancruishho'h o' erwheltned I was and st ll am at what you tl e re' ea led to me of tho work lngs of )OUt 1n1nd- )O would not v;on der at wha.t I ha'\ie to say to yo no\\ My child the ground tl at seemed so firn under n y feet hM all at once give 1 way For almost the first time in my life Im s trust myself Was this Dr '\\ llougl by!-the proud I foe! one 0 my coltcy spells comm on there don t nothm keep cm a stiff f off h hkehth glass o J a.1na1cy rum au or t o p U110 -why lveseenmygrandmother·o ths trest seems thongh every breath she dmwe I would be her last an mother used tor keop skokc berr es an ru 11 on hand an sh e d g n th o oId wo1nan a win e glass rull a i shed git easy m no time Wal wl ether tw"" conotitutwnal or fr m toot m of what "as left m ti c bottom o granclma 8 glass I couldn t say but arter a while I got tcr ha> m tl a phthmc eener most as h ad as tll.o old woman aJ I ; e kep 1t up by spells ever sence an I don t fi d noth n 11el1 s it so qmck as raw specrit So I 11 Jes lot speerit alone Doc tor only :\hen I need it for a. 1ned1cine !\nd yo 1r sick spells wo lld come oftei I am afra.:td satd Dr Willoughby No Dan it " U not do If~ ou remain u my serv1ce yo l ru st g Te up dr nk ng 01 t relJ and in 1nn.k1ng tl is a. i..:ond1t101 I ask no 1uore of yo than I ex1 ect to do myself Dan 111 ast 1shme1 t see ed t oo gre Lt for ;vords Yeo t don t 1nea 1 tewsav DocL01 that yeo t are a gom t er s1ch a change at yea ir t me o hfe1 he oaid at la.t Why Doctor J oou tun t a go n tew J e tl e teetot·lers Dr W llol gl by w need at ti e "ord wEST DURHAM URGEON DENTIST SUPERIO!t R EGISrRxRHESE MAHKS ARE THE CHE !l.P Issue }.farrle.go Liceensca Ba.rr eter g S Gold ngs Teetl T ci the least for excellent Iooth Po..irder Jlloncy on Real Estate o g ever Fill nserted. 2 cent.a e.i: ch An for s ale Ottlco n McClung s block J.111 Br101acombe, J,. D.S., extracted ~ PATENT SHEEP MARKS. Jolin K. Galbra1tl1, LAW O.ftlco Kmg Street Bowman ille t atBo mnnville for tho F eel o Bwlding Soc ety i\o!oney to lend on fa.rm seour ty B ARRISTER AND ATTOHNEY AT TO LET The Pump Shop WITH HORSE POWER & LATHE At presentwo ke lbythos bAc ber Posses1:1ion en un ncdintoly EM" Only b s ef3s of t.l o filnd n to n-plcn y of cu om- are chance !ot a good I umpmakc E SILVER St John l l Huh:hC!!Oll Et:>I the most las ng t rouhlesome and most complete nvcnted They tu:e used and r cco mended by n any of tho best Breeders n the Uaited. States a.nd Ca.natl.a, such as G B l or ng Salem ~:lass Prei:i dent Ne \ Engla.nd Wool Gro"Wcrs Societ11 John S Ross I-Icnncl_l n Ill~ Professor M ~I les of t1 t> State ultural vollege LanA ng M ch Ron Geo B o vn Toronto Ont. John S nell Edmonton O t O cachMnrk s s tu.mpc l the owners name a lU~~leeP & u:ubcr They "' llbc scntftee lJ mail or express for onlvfou ce t q e h a U ll last for T'i.VEN'IY YEARS ~ Cash U..<jt accompn.ny all orders ARCIIIBAI D YOUNG JR Sarna. Ont Orders a ldresimd to thclCAN.ADIAN' STATEBM o\.N om f yq1a tts w l be ii edattheabo e n1entioned pr e a s u ckly a.s the l'flru:ks e be o.dc and sent n"wmanv l e May 9 5 1871 To Rent ,4. BOUT oO ACRES OF LOT No 14 ~Co 6 Ca.rtv.Tight. 'II t roost of t h e land has been 1 asturc and meadow !o 10 yeu.rR A quantlt) of !o. f! f!edar of excellent q al ty for sa e .A.p1 Y to Rev \~ LOGAN lt.1 tr TO CartWT ght Se1 t Oct 4th 1871 \\ R CJJMJE R H ~ Iur11er, WOUID BEG A UCTIONEER ror n the inha.b t n s of Bo a lle and A\ mert1 or" eat D rhn,m t a he is now P I u.r ·d to atte d to an) sales t1 at a be entrusted to him Charges modera e 10 tf D~ ntal l\'ot1cc ~ Smart & ~nnth, lnsol I can '\'\1th pleas ue recommend l m to all re qwrmg hisser ces as a skilful Dentis t T J JONES L D ~ Bown an'\l1lle Ja.nuary31 18 2 Zl H AvING DISPOSED OF MY DEN 'lALOfllceto Mr 8 G EBSTER L D S vency Conveyance Solie the O taro Bank &c Money for n estment stall times on n ost favorable terms AND <\.T !ORNEYS B ARRIRTERS .A.1 LAW Sol t.ors in Chancery and s Nutar es tors for :l Uoney to Loan '"\-XTHITE noolr D1mhn;:-. :>ERSONS HAYING BOOKS MAGA }, ZINES Pampl eta o anything n t1 e book ne wh h tl y tsh to h[\, e l v can have tl -011· o '<lers filled ho eatestandn oi:R. l rn.lle YL) le a. don tl e shortest ot ce b) lea\;ngthe u at the s ArESMi\N office B ng along your bind Ing \\ R CLIMIE LEADS GENUINE l'.l No 1 No '> anl No 3 of this brand are unsurpassed for body and i rJll an Y o! shade 1-'ackages contain full nett we ght; I he llublic are warned tl u.t ce tit n otl er l rands aro H·lbs sho t m eve ry so called 25pound pack age Ex!lm ne tl c bran land clo ot bo 11ut offWltl nferio pn.mts The best is u.1¥. ay6 cheapest on Sold n Do vma. i; llc by Join H gg.inbotham b} rcepc mb e du el s n PR.U)te thro gho t 0 tarto and to dealers only b) ELI TOT &CO To:ront.J And do you reme111b1Jr low in thost:i early days of our married hfe llpcnt under this roof father you used all the 1nflu ence over him you possessed-and he loved and reverenced you above all others- to change hia narrow views and the crude notions of hi· college life as you called them and bnng huu into Y) own state of liberty and how you taught me to do the sa.me1 I was an apt scholar I l ad prof tcd well by my tramlll!> And do you iemember 1 ow we tr umpl ed "hen ho drank his first glass of \\Ille at yo lr table For 1t was a. struggle you know He was loath to gne up his pr nc ples but we are so strong father you and I we succeed n almost everyth ng we undertake Father father there a a In t1 e churchyard that shows how we succeeded in th s Hush Fai i y for Gods aake We co ild not foresee the dreadful conae q ences I w 11 not hear you talk so I cannot bear it Cannot bear it she repeated Can I bear it father! Can I bear to remember how the gentlest dearest truest heart that ever ben.t in a. mans bosom hoe crushed and broken how my lover aud husband and the father of my ch1ldren sonk down famt and despatrn g to die alone1 Can I bear to thmk of that lonely grave al! covered with snow! Oh my da.rlu g my dnrl ng I would b iy w1th 1ny blood one hour 0 e moment to kneel at h1s feet to eo' er the poor fiozen hands with kisae· to "'a.s I tel" drmk wtne It kmder bolstered me right up yer sec but sorucheow wl en I talkedtheloudestididntfeelgoodmsdo for twasn t dom the fair thmg by the old woman neovt was 1t Doctor1 B 1t I kep a. say1n tew m; self tl n.t if I follered J eo r example an done as yeou do 1e I slto ld come eout all r ght m the eend !l.n neo v yor see Doctor 'eou ve knocl ed , iue all of a heap If yeou q ut I durs it go on ]f,,; , eou are a.feared you are wrong I know I am wro1 .e: . . an if yoou durs l t drmk wm· I dursu t drmk "luaky Don t THE END turn me adrift Doctor Le me stay with yer an see if I can t keep that prouuse I How Teddy Softened the M1aer 1 Heart made my old mot! er five year· ago There HI a nuser rea ding in the town fo And Dau ·layed Ln erpool England who was considered CHAPTER XXX rmpre.,,na.ble to char t able assoc1 \ho1 un WAIT!NO til a H1bcrn1a.n genius soa.n1 Pad ly o'er h m fed ly went to When Frances Thayer had remruned for h1.1t oftlce one morning a. ld told a piteous many da.) s a v do v Ul hor fathers ho 1e:e atory about losmg Jue pig the only one he and her frenzy of grLef had given placo to a had Sh ire said Teddy M sthress-state of hopeless melancholy that seomed (nnmmg a very excellent lady whose good to threaten the permanent derangen1e t of op1n1on Old Harl Fast was arn.:1ous to re her m nd she surprised her frtenda one ta1n) to ild n o to col e to ye for ye were day by eagerly requesting that Allan Rich ve1y r ch an l gev 1101 ey to the I oor mond m ght be sent for SI e wan lered God bless ye I only wait to raise eno 1gh to buy II e another I ttle shhp o.f a pig restlessly from room to roon1 n.nd could Tl e ll 1n: ca ldn t r ea1st the 1utluonco hardly a.y, his coming tnet h n vith of :&I1a - - 130 he ga. vo Tolly " crowu \ few da} s afber 1 e met !um son etlung of h r old e th 1s1asn1 of nan " 11 Te ld;> said I e d d y i buy ner a ld lead ig him apart begged hi n anotl er pg! to tell l er the h story of that week e vlBlt Throth I d d an l a. { ue one it is n Grantley th!'t 01 ded so ttagtcally for Ihen take better f 1t than you did of the otl er What did Lhe pig you lo1t Lo ns Tl ayer the of1 rhen Allan l ichmond repeated tho sad Drn of s01d Teddy tal81ng hts ·yo etory He led her etep by stop along the brows Bhuro l o d1di1 t die-he was fat qmet paths they two trod together 1Il lov enough and I killed Ju n mg fellowsh p until the hour of partu g He did not spare for her crymg He MY LAST GAME OF 11ASE BALL Judged r ghtly that her tears would do her DY M1RK TViA..1?; good lnd as sho l ste led pleasure nnngled w th her pau His intimate as As tl e base ball ·ea on is all n tho rage soc1at on w th ner de3.r one extending far tho thoughts nat irally go back to the days back of her own h18 loving a.pprociat1on of v; hen l an ong others sed to play the all tl at was no! le an l beautiful m hlS na.t onal ganie a d.1t n1a.kesme think with character led hnn to opeak ·o feolu gly ad 11 cold shiver o.f the nu nerot Bbumps that Frnnces Thayer felt that oho had scrapes a.1 d tu1nblcs wl c] I took those uni icky days A man to play baoe ball found the one soul who could tnderstaud "ell must have an eye hko ha k a foot and sy npathizo with her m her loss Th a as 1u1ck a.a a. d eer a n<l. a. pa.1r of hand~ vHnt was the introductio1 to inanyo thors c..'pable of grasping a ca i o l ball 1mpellod by the force of a go d cl arge of I vder and her '·atcl1ful I are1 ts not ced tl at they Hav ug i u a of these r eq 1 s tes a.nd being d d tl e mour ler good -not top L too fino n po nt 01 1t- ri\thur It vae: not u1 til l e had been for scvetn.l fat t seeu 13 ln oat rid c lo ::i f )r 110 to months o i terms of t 1 acy v. th Dr talk about my base ball d } s I I r r ah.zed 1 oro f illy tha i I did Willa igl by s famtly that Ulan Hich nond Inst year ti I!J a ¥. orld of g ief Lpon ventured to declare tl o Jove 1 e had lon 0 the day l en our clu b be ng short hand tlurd base I cherIBhed for tho youngor daughter So e I put lO 1 to play used to k1 o v somethmg a.bout the bold in et eryth1ng else the you ig n u1 s. and as I took my stat.Jo I calculated to ter strnngelJ ti id in hrn love And ho vthese fellows how to} ow t <lothetrick Eranees Thayer w th the first turnu g I looked with dIHgu st upon tl e muilt. a.way from her se]fiah sorro favoured lns 1na le by va110 1.111 members of the club &nd suit for it as }us ish she said with ise l to d late 1pon the n anner 111 w h1ch ourfollo:\'e te) Je~r1:1 before coull la..,, her arms close abo l t her a: ster s nook mn. aged the gan e a d the easy :i.nd ca1 0 Grace I tl 1uk. I can baar to h ve to less ntt t ne [ str ck as the gan o co me ccrl n1 st l ave l I r essed tl e bn.chelon carry out Lou 1 s plai s with a lngh 01 10 of 1uy skill and I They ere mamed as quietly o.s posA bJe w · ted for ti e ball to co e to i le The bride -w ore tl e gray trn.volhng dress lt came Iii he I sa v tl at fo low d she coveted on a formor occasion and the bat strn1ghtm h iself let out at that with as perfect a trust and confidence n,9 leather covered p] en n onon and it flew straight at J ie v th a r.p d t~ only oqu&l eTer filled i\ woman s heart went with her ed by a en non ball t the peuod of its husband to his country parish an1ong tl ll greatest n neut n I ina<lo a desperate lulls One request she made before h er snatch at it and 1t tovk t he ni\ I neatly off the fore lin.,,er of lJ lexter hand and wedd ng day that ball "er t sk l pi g away d o l t1 o Allan I want to take .J oe " th me to field p irsued t y left field l o stop Grantley she said and care for h n1 as ped t J st as the atroc o la ruffian wa· con 1ng frotn second l ace a l at l ~s ha long as ho 1 ves f never cnn repay l l could Tl e left fielde ti re v it back to for ¥.hat ha hns lone for me ine-a1 1 I never kne w before tha.t n. n1:1.n Do I owe no th ng to Craz;; Joe? co ii l thro v a. ball ao fa11t or so etra. g1 t Mr Richmond It strikes me that J and I vent for it bit JURt o.s I 'va.s gou1g to grasp it I vas con cious of a. sl ock and too have ·debt of grat ludo to pay So back of the Grantley par11onage they I was stand .11g on iny head Ponte ten feet away w1u1e the ball waa In the hand of the built a snug little cottage and luther Joe pitcher a 1d th tt 111 screant who htt the Martin removed his household goods hu ball wa~ stand1ni::- on n1y base-serene n.s a beloved melodeon and his yellow cat He l\{ay JU01n1ng-wrnt n..g for 111e to pick n y I would have liked to go home was made superlatively hnppy by this or ·elf t p to Ill) parents been. lSO t hose boys were rangement for he would haYe followed st g1ng 1t m ff b tter th gers and Graco to the ends of the eartl '.l he affec vanous con phmentary allu1nons to my fa l t1on he chorll!he 1 for her amounted "ell ure to stop that ball and I did 1 at feel mgl to i lolat y and she po·sessed great woll I took 1 y i Iacc with a. lonesou e po-,.; er over 1nm for good n l 1s darkest vo d I 1 my hea.rt n.nd ti at fellow ran off 1noods sootl t g his fear and begu1hng ]um the base a httlo a1 d v. ru ted for a cha1 ce of h · mela icholy He made the parson to go in I was stand g ti ero cal nly novcr drea.m age grounds baa itifol with the choice Bowers and shr ibbery he cultnatod spend 1ng of the danger b efor e ne I en the 1nau "ho was l itcl ng h led on h1' heel and 1ng e' ery le sure moment during the sum thro the l all a.<; lf h e 11 eant to have niy mer niouths 1n thus favourite eu1ployrnent hfe No ;v /Sea J ere It au t <'l.ny use to send The care for his comfo~t their beloved a cannot or rifles or a.t ythu1g of that m1 nstor 111a.n1fested h 11 gentlene~s a.nd kind nto the a.r1 .} when fe cat got along grace of manner hrn q i et i elancholy cheaper \JI yo i e got to do · to pick and the mystery n which ]us early hfe out nbo t a tho isaud baso ball pl·y·rs wa· nfolde l 11"'1e Crazy Joe an obioct of furn sh thu i '1th ' knapBack full of reg ula.t101 balil! and if they don t c ean ou· mterost to the Grantley people a.ny t vo tho s Lnd you I 1t a.g unst t4cm * * * * * 4 * then I qou t "ai t n cent Grace R1cluuond the country nu 11~te1 s I nevbr as co1 sc10 1.s that tho bn.ll .,,-as v le-though she wtll probably iover agam coming my w y until it etr 1ck tne 11.nd t1ien l kne v it tn a. n 1nute It glanced o ~n n. antique- or a gro.s grai.n dressfro1n t 1 1e side ot 1nv l ead n.nd went ca call· hersolf both rich and proud reeru g JOyf lly d vi tl e field a11d I s11.t :Horace Lando1 go1 g from plnce to down to rest So no one ch,se I the ball and bre ight place rn search of the health ho lost by early d1ss1pat on squanders 1 is immense it b·ck because l d d lt feel ell eno gh to do it In) self and I m:ule u1 1 1y run d 1noo1ne ll ou 1 arp tjS a.1 l doctors tha.t if an~ more balle can1e 1u iuy W<l.) I "e ghs Ins food and counts tl e beatn go ought coute·y g1 c the beot of the.r ad of hts p ilse "ith pamf il exactness and but hnvmg barked mo con ..derably they hves h s life of salfish solitude unpl'tied let ip a httle and I felt batter when three of those chaps weut o 1t and we had one a.nd unloved inn ngs Now for the fuu I m eant to DU 1ah In the parsonage n.t West Un on tJ ere rerruuns only an old man a.nd his widowed that ball ternt ly for t11e mi ury it had donu to me and v; l en my tur ca.n c I took daughter The wife and mother is lrn.d one of tho long st ck$ \nd drew for t a. a.way to reat an I the children whom m ghty effort I sa v tl o p1tcl1er · hand Frances Thayer has tra ned vnth so mueh ~o back b t I d d nt see the ball and [ sohc t 1de and care l aY'e go e o it into the toll Jn r Id hke to h~ve tho ball s nt along but JUst the tl a oatche1 sa d it world to irepare for t'-eu hfe work wa.s a goo l ba 1 nd t l e u np1re t ol l l o E' erett h16 0 ra1 dfather s namesake has not to ref sa to h t such a \nil as that wlion chosen the law for h s l rofession and it passed me I did nt soe it pas· I detern llled to look is p trsumg l s studies in the ne ghbouung c ty and Lo us a ·lender d11.rk hotred sharp this tune for I ;vas bo nid it shouldn t paas a.gain boy yet m college will fol ow his father· I did not for I stoppe l Lt neatly with calhug Over Uus boy tho mothers heart my left leg and t felt rather hard The next time I saw 1t coming &nd yearna n1 an agony of tenderness and sor .ro"' Once only was she roused tu a dui dodged the wrong way and it .1Joundcd on my ribs with a hollow rap and I felt on play of the pass10n of other daye This the other · le to see if it h<>d come through boy tins Lams Thayer a lad of fifteen and wheJt I clid nt find it I told thom to was enticed one evet ing by a companion get n. s rgcon to extract a ba]J Flllally he pitcl ed t he ball so stra ght to ontor one of the ch nkmg saloon· of the that it h t the club and I etarter! for th nllage His brother reported at h ome b!\se but a fellow ;va.s down there ' 1th a where } e had left h Hl a.nil a. few ino ball m h s hand and I was afraid that 1 e ments later the young men who were v;o dd th1ow it at n e so I back I have decidod to leave ti i& base ball loungu g about the bar and tl · billiard tablo m th e back of the saloon were star bu·mese to the othez boy· who hke it but I don t want a.ny myself because I ft.ave tledbytheentranceohtall woman dresllSed noticed that the longer the) play the pi deep black wl o swiftly crossing the {!'ame tl o more conceit ed t] ey get a1 d room caught a lad by tlic arm and hurried if a man cant catch a streak of greaac l lumawayfro1uthe hr 11 antly I ghtedroom hghtn ng clear twenty feet at one step and turn fourteen somcraa ilt11 in ':!Ucoes Frances Thayer led her boy to where the s1011 ho don t amount to m lch &s a baso moonhght shene cold pon h s father· ball ·t So I prefer to stand on th'& rail grave Thor· they knolt toget!tor m tho way tuck and be a spectator It snow £he words she szud the angull!h l\oaen t hurt le sa v n htr:in1other s face as sl e tore open the bleodmg wounds of her heart caused l nu to 1tter vows n1 co aeora.ted spot that Go I helpu g h n he vill never break Dr W illoughb} has bee l for the la11t few years a. feeble old man for tho last few weeks has been ve1y ill and l 18 daughter stand ug by hlB bedside hste1 ed to h1" half unconsc ous utter:1.nces nnd perce1v tng how near ]us sp1r t hovered to tho tUl seen world al e bent over him "1th oag:er rnqmr> Father she sa d yo i aro boku g stra ght mto heaven bell no h ·t y u see He lifted his heaT) eyes to hei f ce said I have fo .:ht the goo J fig] t the old ma1 I ha'8 fhmhed my I have ke1 t tho faith Hence

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