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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1872, p. 4

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CANA DIAN STA TESMAN, BO"'"T MANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1872. PrnEHE\SON Youwillgi.owupugly , '..'A-fu., if you m11k faces l'W o Ru; t. Thoma· EcfoctriC (hlf W 1 iii Ten 'hme Did ;on mal c faces v;hen yo t v-e1c a its Weu1J ti i. t:i- li lJ0110 r, know httle gn l uuntwl anytl ing if ii ' Ir n t, i t is t~nie you W Hf N you tieo t\\ o yo 1ng persons seated in the tcn'tre of tt pew n1 church you can inako up J our 1uuul that they a.ta engaged or go1ug to lH:! l 1t when one HJ at one end n1 d the utbcr i.t the foot of the p v yo l can 1n11n.ed1atcly deterru1ne that they are m:nr1ed NEVER BARGAINS. B.A::RG-AI N"9S GREAT BAHGAINS AUE NOW G IVEN AT r HE AGENCY OF IU JJ The Osbor n . - --o - -- BOWM !\N VILLE FUH Jl/I ruiiE Ccleb1·a1ed B1·ad bu 1 ·y ! 1·ia110 FoJ"te. - - -- Ca ution! ! Cautio n ! ! ! MAN UF -tCTUR!N G 00 Furn t trc ~fan factur g Co u1 now 1n u. poB1 10 j fill 1101 lers a.t is lo \ u1tc o.s an:y deal 1 o th· Pnblw of the Bnt10h p, mmu:"' of Ji, orth Ame '1.C i T HE SuBSCRIBEJ1 II.._YING nEE::-i 11 26 t1.J 1ointctl rett I ngent bJ the JJown!an,1lle er in the count) Cheap Corner PUBLIC F I 'I' TED Rom s MANNING marry a man until j on have seen ]nm e ·t Let tho candidate for your hand l ld es pass thro 1gh the ora.e tl of eat1n0 soft-l:knlcd oggs If h e can do it and leave the toble cloth the nar km and lns shirt unspotted lum Try huu next "nth a sp u e Hb If he 1cc mplishe· tins feat 'nthout putting out one of his own ey£i'3 or p1tcl11n~ thetbones into y bur lap nam e the 'vcdd1ng day at once-he Wlll do to tiuto How 10 C orn for Sale, Store Who l e or Cracked 16 39tf .John lllcDougall. ~al e , OPINION yo1i A S1.Jcn1 td F:u·u 1 for to b~r.nr8 JN THE COUNTY OF DUHHAM has fully J l6 t.i..fied the or1g1n .i.l idea that at the ' Cornet Store can gt t Apphcat:ion J S l3.S.1ES ! iopr ctor Do vrnanvllic October 1tl 1871 10 tt: tJ: t~o vn of Bo vmanvillc GEr A THII'iO ' ' .u:LL DoNil - A ND WELL SUITED Dnnng rrcs1dcn LGiant s stay atP1ttsburgh tho ladtes of the d tstnct p 11d 1hou respects to ]nm at the Monon[!aheln. House .A. l! 01 sale by W T Atk nson and Dr Deans gentleman 1ntrod 1Ccd a very pre~ty girl bu Osho. ¥al in Whitb) b~ J H Gerrie and J Byrn Brook 1n by Jol u \\ alre1 added playfully Sold by J" HIGGINBO THAM and D S10T1 Do\\ n auv lie Ontario She ia a Den1ociat General 1ho ol<l mau Jnsscd her on both cheeks Ca nadian P~un Dcstro! CI" adding with great glee S ,\FAMILY MEDICINE IT I I ahvays kisA the Democrat ladies w(}l ai d fa:" oiubly ki own relie> u 1g tllou ands from p n in tl c twice- there ate so few of then1 \Vhy h ·d it not been for J ,dies I should not S <ie Bacl' and llead Coughs Colds Sore 1 hroat Sprains Bruises Cra111ps in have been where I .i,m I o :\ o my success the Stomach C/wlera M ui bi<S to them Dysentei y Bowel Compla nt· Bun"' Seal lij, F1 ost BitC1. &c ' Gene1al sud a gentleman stand111g The CANADL.A:i" I !\.I?i DEs1uuY.11:n has now by I \nsh you would appomt mo Chair boo1 be oro the publ c fo a len.!;tl of h ne and 'v.herevcr used tS woll liked never falling in a man of the K1ssu1n Comrn1ttee i:ungle r st ~nee to g ve pe nanent re11~f wl en Colonel, 1 cphed he · don t you tln-1.cly used (l.Jld we have ne\'er kt o' n a smgle case of (Ussat sfact on ' W e d roct1ona hu e know tlto old saymg-1f we want a thmg been properly followed but on tho contrary all a lei ghtcd w th ti; operat 01 a and speak 1n done " e send our inan to do it but if we the highost teiros of its 'irtt cs 1:1.ud magical ctfect \Vant it well done \Ve do it ourselves? Wo speak from cxpcrlence n tbe matter t av CARRIAGES ti bl.'~t bus.1ness at 80 Ma.1deu Lui e New York for t1 e saleotll LLOW Y~l-'!LLSANl OlN'i:U:l!:NT whicl ·vere u 1.o U at ti e p rct tred bl w illiam JJro>\ n 1 uw deceased to be closed I J esc Medi.: es \ C c I reg -et to Sit.} fr o \\hat has lo.telv como to n) knowlodge made up of such e-. ord ua ~ lng1 edientf1 as to re der tl e1n aln oat worthless, a nd thercfoi:e cn.lcul l to dan ago 1:oy gooo Ja c Those.¥ } o do not '\V sl to he d occ ve ~ 'by bu} HON OUN SlMi-'80N S 01 lNlO:f 01 Ill T U MEnITS ng spur o l S n c ltcmcs w h ch arc no'\'\' likoly to en a ate fro1u the Ht ate~ or el wberc b t to posserm tl en sclvee of tl e genuine HoLLO·VA 'Iii s ONT HUO BANH: { Bowma1 v1Ue Sept vth 1870 PILLS AND OiNI1'll Nr wllf do \'\till to see t.l it eacl pot. nd box I.le tra ti e BI t1sh Government Mcss1 s R & lJ 0 ll \.R ..A st1n p on W}licl scngrlt cd tJ e voids HOLLO V.AYSllLLf.I \.ND0J1'ilJ.LENT and that the ad G e1 eral Agents dress 01 ti e label a '-133 OXFOUD S1RBl!:T LON DON whc1co l ytlcya1einan f L Ctutcd and In ille no othe la t of tho vor!d Tho retail pncca are on the lllbcls in 131 t sh Cl 'l"O llC) and not iu dol Ins a1 l cents No rr.r 1~cnt11t ve of c 11 e er trH.vel through any pa.rt of the B utish I io' inccsii or the U lte I S t ~ Les e thet Lo sell o to take or e.,.s for lll}' P 111! and U nt11m1t nd nA I have r e.a.son to be! eve that attempts vi ii ve1) probably be made to deeruve tl·e pul>Ji c in this i;\ ay by persons call g u1 o c 1 e e veo lors fu.lsel.} representing: t hat tJ ey iue icth g for mo a id '\\tth n ~ R"lo'\\ Jcdge and conhe t I decu it ad v tiablo to p t th~ JlUb ic on the r gt nrd ugalust ny sucl decor t 0113 BEG MOST HESPECTFULL Y TO I n.cqt a t 1he p 11 l c of tie D sl '.tjort.h er ca t pro 1nces a t In i.\iay I ea ised the t D. STOTT , CHEM I ST AND DEALER IN James Morr i s' THIS CELEBRA'IED MACJT TNE N RESPECIFCLLY: R ETURNING been teated beyond all 1th to I DR UGGI S T I now qu estion a tl e publlcror 1 nstltbl)rn.l]latron age edict of tl e public is t h LLt toll.a) "ould t Ol ll c~ that } e i:! l 0 I 1epa'.t e1 to Jlll 1Uo des nh!S l e nn.nan rii oondJ; oes sl ment Ill the co u t es ti tu ks 1 l HOM '"' THOM] SON E SQ SIMPSON TJill:: DIREC'l'Olt 01 T OWN HALL Bl!ILD INGS, B O WMANVILLE A_ D R UGS, MEDICI NES, AND C HEMICALS, Dye Stuffs Patent Med1cmes Perfumery Brushes Combs Soaps Pnmta and Oils Pamt Brushea Coal Oil and Coal Oil Lamps &c &c pyySICU.NS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALI ORDERS comrncrL Y ANS'A ERED It 18 the 1nost sul stn.n tiaJly built 1 '1.8 t l e fei,; es -..vork ng pat ts beautiful ui design nnd finish MANt; F .\CTUIU:D l:rf o!.N\: i::rYL TIF.~IJmD II is ti e best design of a suttlc and b!< far the .A.ND ON THE SHORTES'! N01 tCI~ L \I-tGEST ROBBINS It is capable of perforn1 ng a range of \vork hitl erto tJ ought 1 nposa bl Rcmcrubc.r notl ng but th(.) be:;t m \.tcrlal a userl and ber:!t "VI Orkrfien en i1o) ed thus e1 su1 for se, g i.Vfach nca 1ng d trab ILL'\ cJcguucc and comfo:r:t-tJ e most m r o tant :i:eq sites in n co" c~ an cc .,_ CARRIAGES ' WAGGONS curTERS SLEJGHS &c t RO"l'AL c \_::-;.A.Dl.A'N ll \Nl roRONIO l\lfa.rch l;.ilJ 18 0 It St an ds "itlrn ut a Rnal MKssns u &H OJI a - - - j J GENTJEMEN - J p 1rchased about ten years ago one of Brndb 11'} s _p111.1 os tl e Jlrst co1 Sl6"1led to fl s nia ket Il 1:1 ackno vledgc l 1 y profess onals to be a. ably ii tJ tonc.d ill a run1cnt 1 d I 1 vy a18o men\Jon that hav ng been re J O"\ ed SC"\ cral tin cs d 11 n g t1 v..L pe or.. ( 1t l as onl} l cq ~d tiu 1~ t tee Yo" 9 'l IIOMPSON 1 irn1 of 'l hon pso & BlU 1 s R & 1-I 0 Hura. General Agents !01 Ontu.110 - - - -- 1fL1I]..r ly attendcil t ltcpniT1ng 111 all b1a.nche~ of the trade J l"O~ 1pt..._ · ...., - Is so ld a t abo.ct o ne-ha U the Western Assurance Com~an1, HEAD OFl!lCE- 'IORON'IO $.f. 00 AN UNsucci<S·FUL DoDGE -In the" c1n1ty of a. srr tll village the inhabitants of wl11ch n.1 e chiefly composed of a rather rough class of peor le and among v; horn Jn iuy curious 111cidents hav~ occurred the following actually happened a sho1t t n le ago The n1other of a fam ly purchaaed a quantity of cloth from a packm11u on the t ick or cr~d1t system .At the expiration of the spec Ued tuno for payment to receive 111s the mau but he had scarcely oponed the door ~'ihon n htt'e J:>oy "hose face betokened nnfam 1banty with w·ate1 speedily inforrncd him tha.t his n1other was fro1n home To ascertain 'vheu he might cn,11 aJain the packman in quued when she intend d to return Tlus unexpected question confounded the little fellow "ho ·uddenly dumppeared mside the h ouse l ho 1nan a httlc astonished watched the b oJ s movements caution~ly and noiselesslj and b held lum p1;Jer1ng be1 the bcU- vhere the motl1e1 was concoaled- asl ing as he did so l\.:1ithei "\\lien is the u an 'vi thecla1th tac co1ne b ick ? .1.\. cn.o" D of jiJ6r FarmC1:; and Physicians /1 ~nn the Cowntry will find our Stock of .tl!edicines com mg testc l 1t tbo1:oughl.y a d there!o1ethoae" ho arc sutferlnc ~ny of tl e complaints for dletc and of the best qual.ty which it JS rccom nendod ma v depend upon it ( be ll l't a SO"\ CIC gn Hemcd3 'Ile a1'l lo :usb g eft1cacy of t1 e Canad1o.n Pa n Destroyer 1 curing the dlseasca for "'J i c h t is recorumen le l n.. 1 Ili:> ondcrful effects m sub d1llngLhctortuo .:ita H! ofH e na~1:1 un l 1n ieheymg :Kc1\ous A ffections entitle it to high rank in the 1 st or He cd es O 1cra oom g h flo l l\iI1;: lic1 e Dculc s n all 1 arts of the count 1 fo f rt c1 s ppl es a t U testifyu g as to tho universal satlsfactlon it gl\ es 'lhe Ctt. adiat Puu De1:1Lruyer nei; or fa1l1:1 to give in1medlat.o I cliet: \.11 :fi.!cdic1nc Dc11ler1:1 keep tt l hys c u. s 01 der uu l ISe it nud no - OHfan lly w ll le with ut it after teyi git P ce onl:-r T vent~ .ll· o Cents per bottle EVERY ONE HIS OR D E R OWN PAI J\ T E R' For sale by ' V r .Alkinson aud Dr Dctm"s shawn in,\litbyt>yJ 11 GcrncundJ B·rno B1ookJyn b:i. Jol 1 Y'iiru:ten Sold 11 Bowmnnvdle by J If gg1nbotham and D Stott. aud a:ll medicine dealer::; ALLKIN,DS OF BLACKSMITH -WORK, S HISF ~CTORILY p1·1ce ~« th1cr lll:telune !§ DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER rHE PH.IC!' OF OTHlm MACHINES DOINO at home on leathc1 as on fine goods Has cu.rue l oJf prizes O\ er U e Ho" c St ger :.L1 \Vl eel er cf: \\ Hson \\' n er Itayi 01 d t!: Mir' '\ Pe fct;t ll!lachine Guarn.nte~d 01 no snlc THE Lll{ C "\VOHK ls e(] o.lh { 1pU ti Sto~ k l'J 1u pl u s F 111 ul~ n,, e l11t!'I ro1 t l 1c 30th June l!n'I ye L r c ruli n g} 3 .,,.,sr;s At the Ir0nmongeryr ~ ... Y\ l en JOU '\ant ~ yth i g 11 the carriage J no give JAll'E::; MOHRIS " call .u d 1 e \\ill stut -.. ot One door Wcs.t of the Ontar o Ba l Eu w 111a iviUe Oct 10 18 l 18 ly H( N J l\fu~f 11 1tRH H President B II ALD !\.N Managing D1rccto1 ff/' 5ii3 O:.r:foo <l St tx!l (late 211 St and) London C ~eptrrrnber 1 1871 1" 10 SOMEEHING LONG WAN1ED BY EVERYBODY, Clu·on i c Diseases. 1\1.[' L HO USE AND .EC> ::0 ' S VILLA L. C OR N I SH H<\S 'IHEM P AINTS , The G1·cat Fe1n ale Rem e dy. JOB MOSES PERIODICAL PILLS Prepared for rmmedi.a.te use n.nd notlung but the purest Mate1iaL~ ,1sed and re qtur mg no further mIXture of oils rr:urpentino a.nd D rJ ers T HEm coMPosITION coNsISTs soLEY oF - t1 t on ;; subject It l odt.1ru.Les 111 cxcees a die 1novcs aU obstructions a.nd a. speedy c lrc may be ti?-Uotl on TO ::11:\HlUED JAl):OiS mrs INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS 'I ng1n the cure or those pa nft tu langcrous diseOJ:!Cl:I to wluch the fen1aJc consti t ftt. l all I d Piire Oolo1 Puie White Lead Pme White z~nc Linseed Oil Sp?Aits uf Turperitine and Dryers carefully and scientifically combined lhe consumer can hav e any desired 8)lade of Colors neatly put up in Cans and al he requires to bn y vath the Pauit is a Brush as th e work can be done by huuself 0 1 by any 1nember of his household \Vould iespectf lly state 11 at he 1s UO\V trcat1ng s 1ccc::1sfulh the follo'lving diseases 'IHE GVELPll 11 .lND Et lepsy or falling F ts 1n theu worst for n ' "" LffWES'.l' CURREN"" RATES Co · 1 I on 1 its 'a Ions stages, (wit! Dr -1. J t1 rcmctl1ea consu 1 nptio s no longer ~n 1110 AN D T REA D L E iU ACHINES t ohie U r, Bronohit s C atarrb .Asthma G l vel Dropsy Oeueral Dro18Y &c patienl e w l o l :1.VC 1 een tapped scvcro.l tlIDCS are curable Special Low l 1r1ff f Rates cover1 i;r; under Dr James trea.truet t diseasers of tl e Insurar ce for one or throe l ears on Detacl eel Dwelli ngs Cl ut bes n1 Schools,\.\' th con le1 ts EYE !\ND EAR in C1tlcs l o\'vns and Country places Ihcsc the h e<>t i 1a l e simple..,t more dUiable n.nd rates a d ter s or pol cy l t.ic1 l1ulv fuvo al.Jlc to the. Far1nu g Comru 1 it) reliable than llny other single thrcnd machine Larger and w orl with grea.t \'\ 111 do ~ c FrnST CL!\SS MAN kindi:I of don1est1c sewing m a perfectly sati!l.fa EO tory manner Jins take first prizo ·whcrt.v exhib ted F '1re and Marine ] JS SUR AN CE D R JAMEs ELEcTIOPHYsrnuN Horse 1vien and others dailj throng the stoics in countIJ and town for SI e 'dan s Caval"Y Condition Po { ~ I hey un lerst ind thn.t l oraeo JOD MOSF.<:l NE\'i YORK SOLE PROPHili IOlt. cannot be kept in good condition 'vithoat Sl 00 1nd 12-} ce lta for postage m dosed to No & L~·nr tn No\ c stlo On general the111 and "\v1tl thctn cu.a be kept on u. iu.nclt age Lh.ro1 ts fo tl a. D::i1 ion ill ws ue a. botLle contu1 g oi. or 50 pillB by retu1 n Inail lt:ss qll intity of grain the l IRS1 T lD."lEE ~fONTHS of l~i eg na icy as theJ1 rue su.1 c to bnng o "MiscaM zaoe, U l at a iy ot er l 1 e lhey are t:Jafe In all Cases ofN Cr'\io l& and §I nal .1.\ifecL ons! Pains 111 ti o Dack u1 d Ll nbs :r::t.ttgue on aligh exert o Palp Lat 01 of th1;1 l ca t Hyster ca ar a WllJ tes t1 cool ills will effect a curo "hen all otl Cl I cans 1 !l'IC fa led HJl l altho igh a po ver fu1 l en eds do not cont \lJl iron caJomcl. anti ir fl o un\ till g J tf'ul to the constil u t on ]j 111 drrcct ons in tic 1 ain pl let around each pack.a"'c vh ch should be carciully p1cscrvcd d~tr'1'11.{1 i.:. pecuhar}J: s 11ted It in a short tlmc o mg on ti en o lLl: Jy 1 e1 od tb regu1a1:1tv '1 l ese Pt f,s ~haul t not be take i f?_U Fem~ le.s '"'ill Bo manville Sc1 t 11 lti J PU R E W H ITE L E AD. A large stock JUSt received for Autumn Pamtmg, 11npo1ted direct from the Englrnh Manufactmers, mcludmg ,TAMES 1Genume and celebrated Rooster brnnd~Guarantcecl pme HEY ARE LESS LIABLE IO GET AGENTS Vi iNTED K\ EltY"l'iHERE T ou t of epair tho. othc \"i lchcs 11 cy are SPLENDID nrnUCEMENTS J 01e accu1aLe tin ei kec1 i s Q TO O"WNERS OF cvm v a te! Bov.n n ll c Sept A spec al \'i 11rn.nty fro n lbo Fnctorv \1 Ith 0 18 1 F arm Propert y -A!'U- ~-~-~------~----- --- 2000 '<LSO - All stand~rd Colors Oils Varmshes and Pamters M ;termls Cell and see how cheap a House can be Punted and Decorated for all these goods -will be sold at reduced :figures GALLONS MACHINE OIL OF DIFFEHENT IUNDS ~ohee . For ter1ns samples of sow ing &c apply GVELPHSEWI'YG MACHJ~J~COY. AVIN(, SOLD Ol T i\IT INJ EltES'I H Do nci GUELPH CANADA DETACHED RESIDENCES R oyal Insurance INSURE YOU!l PllOPER! YIN THE -\ND- Osha 11 1.n "\IVhJLh) by J H Gc1uen11dJ Dy111e 1 HE rclaXJn g powc1 of J ohn.smi s A no lll ma1ket B rcc):,u by John '\Varron dy c L iinient is trulv \\ onderful Sold u0 J" UIGGINDOUIAM and D SlOir a1e alleady numerous where bent and Bown anvillc Ont.o.r o 500 COD.K,~OR, HALL :AND Bex STOVES, stifler od lunhs have been 1 r 1be red uu1 arnvmg and now on Exh1b1t10n straightened by it When used f 1 this The largest and cheapest otock of General Hardware Carriage Goods and In 1Ue1normn1 pmpose the p"rt shoulcl be woshcd n I Tinware in the County of Durham GAIN::;r EXPENDITURES rnbbcd thoio Jghly Apply the hmment in ho 01 of ho dead Heaven las J OHN McI. . E OD. cold nn l 1 ub it 11 'v1th the h u1d utte1 ed no pr hib1hon and ~arth is not ell ngton B\ lldlng Bow1nanv1Ue August 9 18 1 l or sttle by 'V T Atkinson ri.nd Dr Dcan9 Thresheis and all parties requmng such 011 arc specially mvitod to mspect the v Lrious qu tl1t1ei')-the price being far belov.: anything e'er offe1ed in this n t l e lJ s1ness lately carr cd on b\ ne 1 ninnv to y sons( l a rlcs llf a..ud Wil l u.rn JW""R & H OH.A.RA '\:Yholesnle agents R Ca ke hcrebv req test i ll 1t ose ll lcbted to me by boo] acco 01 otl so to c :t.11 a l the Count es of D trlu.wn 01 ta ·O a.nd V ctorra setlle forth with it:-.ff Spec aJ ind\ cements to L ve agents Jai uar~ 18th 18 1 I COMP A_N'Y. AND LIFE fEMP ORARY OFFICES Save Flaif Yoztr n£one) Head Office for Canada Kmgston FIRE Genera l Sawing Mac hineAgen GY MARKE T HIS old nnd well est ~b l she 1 Company i nsures 1 otb ng b 1t Fairu Property and ]etncherl Res deoces and Issues Pol1 c1es a l Grco.tely H.cduced l'l'.ates - Corner of' st. P a u l a 1u l St . Fra ncolS Xavi er S tree t s t lI·lt tl Anu u nl l n c o n1c O"l c1 l nuds Jn II \nd 0 1 c1 $ LO 000 fHJl) ASSE1S $500 000 00 A .. 000 00 9 .Jo0 0 00 to Purchasers of the Peruvian Syiup (a piotected solutwn of the protox 1de of ircn.) Bew lrre of bou g decerved by any of the preparations of J'cru vui.n Bark or B~ k and Iron wh10l1 may be offered toy >U E' cry bottle of genuine ha.s l")ERUVIAN SYRtP (not Per iv1an Bn.1 k) blown m tlte glass Examine the bottle 01.UTIC'.! before pu1chasing Drn you e'er thu1k that what is termed a co1un1on cold when systematically no glected often leads to that most fatal nnd dl.Bt.tes::nng <l1sea-se- consumption- but v; lten attended to n.t once is generally easJ of cure If you are troubled with a cold or uoug i BrJ a1 s Pulmon1c "\\ afers 'vill b e found to be most effic i.c1ous in re moving it They g ive i nunediate relief and generally effect a cure "hen used in time Sold by all Druggtsts and country dealers Pr1cti 25 cents per box POLITICAL hfo ma study In England tho most dazzlmg prizes am pohtwal-the crown of hfo of tho most illustrious in rank and riches is political diatinct1onand in works of .fiction politic d success is roptesentci as tho gr co.test trrnmph But we thmk no greater trrnmph has been achieved m 111 dern tunes than the production of tho Canadian Pam De shoj or for re1 pain fro1n tho system and curmg colds coughs rheuma tism neuralgia, bo,vel complaints <.i{;c For sala by all Druggists and country d ealers Price 2o cents per bottle - Sorne of those skeptics, who never rul ng are surpr sed v.t DR DEPE" S MEDICAL VICTORY so aud clenlJ becomrng a themo of conversation and alreatly esteomo<l so highly for dis eases of the lungs h ver kidne) a and blad de1 and p11zed for 1heun1at1am neuralgia biliousn ess and general weakness 1nd de b1liLy You will not be surprised Jf yo i real o th tt he cUh depends chiefly on the condition o'th blood and tlrnt DEPEW 8 VICIOHY is a l1E~L BLOOD PCTT UFI ER Ask those who have suffered for J ea;rs fton1 costi,venoss female \\ t\'."Lkness and d) speps1a 1n sp1tc of other treatment yeo c1 red by the Medical Victoiy why they puze it lNDEl D 0 IIlJUicd b t beucHt e l by then All those bca.utiful en1blcms '\Vh1oh a lorn Ll e t L y tow! s arou d ~ h ch we lo\ e to I nger asam HI "care iu o. 'vorld of 'va.rn it d lovJ 1g hear ts the ador n~ oft ie sepulchics or tl e lo\ ct 01 cs u.llcy1ates our grief nd sootl1es the \voundcd heart lt also che~ra the be 1en.\ cd to lu () v that an add1t1onal en1 bellIBltn cut of tho gra~e prcsentl:} stro g:c1 attracliot s to airest the atten bon of tl c stranger ~ l cauAes bl n to pa ise an l lcain the 1 a. nc of onG who ha~ shared so largely ln the lovo of others \.\- <.1 tako th !i\ netl od to infor you tl at ve c :i.n till orders for decoru.tu1g the b"l l ves of tleparted fr en<ls! at Io v itgu ea executed in the bes atyle of 'vorklna &l 1p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Depos ted 1 1th tl e F nance 11 n 1s ter for sp ecial bene t t of Canad a n ?ol cyholde s over $100 000 FIRE DEPARTMENT. All desc 1ptions o r p 01 er L} Ins1 n ed aga st Lo:->s or Damage by 1: Jt"O at mode atc1atcs HARD TO BELIEVE. J. HI G ~~IN r BUILDINGS ' JJ 0 !J.' Iii A ill, Tru e Nevertheless ! --~~ o:-~~~ CHEMIST !\ND DIWGGIST T>EGS msrECU[LJ Y TO AN UN OC NCE t11at he lln.s icce i,;e 1 a well as so1tcd stock of Gen1 D b'll u d PUio E1 ghsh C l en: (.:ai.1:l 1.lso ~ s1 le H11rl stock or tie l oat ca.refu.lly BOWJ\-.IAN VJ LL E G RO CER I ES VERY C H EAP. ood Coolung Ra1srns only G er by the box ~ DYE STUFFS Sec tha follow1ng C ert ficn.tcs J Th s s to cert fy 1hat the Ag cu!t al Jn s 11 nee Compi.1 y having depos ted n the hands of tl e B.ece vc1 General of Canada the s m of F lty fo r tho san(l P' ve Hun dred Dollars a Uo t~d States .Ua .:ls as re q red bj LI e .Act of Canada 31 Vic cha 48 sec 22 is hereby l cenBcd to cari y on the b uuness Cat n.da of Fire I nsu a nee Da t ed at tie 01ty of Otta~a tlie 2nd d~y of June 1810 JouN I ANG o~ f r ~1 r. stcr of F nance Th s l 3 to certify I have been acq rn. D t e i w th the Officers aua Managers of t} e \gr1cultuu1.l Insurance Company for mnny years 11 d also wi th the business operat ions of the Company aud have no hes t11.t on in recommend1 git as n. perfectly safe and ie 1 able Company and i ts Ufliceis as compe te n t and hono ab le h s ne:,s me1 nnd as i t u1snree noth ing b 1t Farm Property und dt LOSoES PROM! !LY SEI11 ED 'A !TROUT ItEF1'ItENCE to THF. HOME OH ICF. LIFE D E PARTMENT . \ssw co on L c3 g anted on fnourab1e te ns and lnquest o able sec r1t) offc1ed to Pohcy holders Dmndcs the La.rg:a J? Up Cap 1 of tic Compau~ \ss rt ts have A ld tio ! l SeonI'lty n the UNLil\.{IrED LIABILITY of a Wcul t l y I roprictary T he S1 ec1 :1.l L ife .Assurance Fund no·v a 10 ts to MONUMEN1S TABLE'IS, ETC OF THE FINESl QCALUY OF 5 cents a pound, and still cheap vh h c \ not be surpaQsed for excelle cy of Q alJj y An \ SS l tr t t ol Anlllnc l>ves kept con::.tu.ntl) on hand togetl r.i v t1 cf o ce $e ect o of $ 6 ,603,210. THE SUM OF ITLJ 4.N&:LJMERICANMARBLE - AND- SCOTCHADERDEE!\ GRAN!IE supphed on short not cc li.iveryt1 ing pe ta 1 lng to Cen etery work >\ill meet w1th pron pt attentJ01 b) lea' u 1g 01 den~ \\1th C UMMER DRY GOODS at cost. lJ BOUNSALL C ts OT T ON and Woolen goods are ad \ ancmg, but you can bm them at Elliott's, fo r a short time at the old prices. Now the tune to secure what you need. DRUGS CHEAUC 1LS I ATENT MEDICINES BRUSUES COMBS SHOULDWR DHAOES SUPPOUIERS &c &c OILS PAINTS COLORS VUlNISim8 and~'VllI'l ELE.AJ) $736,200. J a"\ ng I een 1 le 1 t1 e -eto as a r"'~mlt of the Dus: lness of the Past~ cu after Ll c I a:, ment of all Clm s Bo naes Anumtieo a.nd Ex1 ensc s of c' c.1 ~ Dcsc1 pt on lable1:1 ufit ite Proposal J! orms and full 1nfor mat o l can be obtained o l applicat1on to t h o tn dcrs1gned H " LO CK MAN" tached Dwellings and has $530 000 Ass('tS I cons1di:!1 it respo s ble beyond any co nttn lt6 At the' Cly lo·veet pncos CLOTHING! HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES ~antn.geollS N D - CountrJ Storepccl terms e1;,' suppled on al E F B.l.!:DDlLL Cl of Agents fo Ca.1 ada '\Vela\ e cxnm netl into the condition and .A PERitY Fi.J.e Inspect.or HOBERT <\.RMOUR stan d1ng of the Agr cultural J na uancc \ at Bo\\\ llle Company and do fuJly concur v.1th Mr OIL N B - 'J't e financial pos t:lon of the R yal 1s 1n en lO recommtlnd ng i t to t be Fa1mers ot tll s no Will affected "by tho recent Fire at Chicago ti e Co npa l} 1 a rng no .Agent do g buSlnelja J Province a.s one perfectly safe and rel ab e that C1tv J? ni lll which to nsuro tbe1r prope1ty gency D D C!l.LHN M P P L UOUTH G Sto1> and Sec. J ei;itimonials or the most 'vonderful and ex traord1nncy c re.'i in Can iA1 l Y ht:! GitEA1 IN DIAN REM] D'L The" stern unde u... 1.l le and incontestable facts suffic ent to convince the most ske.ritical that the G1-eat Medical Co1npo d Yearned aftor fo.r agt:l~ s ow ucecssihle in the SHOSHO~EES ENTLEMEN m want of a neat ftttmg suit should call early at Elliott s Fashronable Ta1lormg Establishment J C CLARK Banker J CAni u1eEna & Co T HE ,earSatisfsct10n guaranteed m all reasonable cases FOLLO\UNG REJ\T\RKS ON H. E LL IOTT, Jr. Hampton A ugust 3rd 1871 WINTERHAS COME! LONGE\ ENINGS ARE HEP.El Cornpanv -D Fisher Et>q C ts! 1e>r of the PROSPEUITY ADOUNDS I Ontat ic P~nk Jao McLt>Od M P P J 13 A'.'l'D NO\V IS THE TlMF. TO SUBSCRIJJE FOH Fa rbal 11. F.eq Postmaster J E r arewell Esq Bai: stcr l\:C O O R E ' S Agent for Cobourg and \1C1 11 ly " e "\\ould refer JOU n .ri.r <JNo .i:~ K11txe..i.T1ucx ht l" to til e fol low ing gen IHE BE"i'.l' AND CHEAPEST BR1'1TON deroen in regard to the respons bl ty o l the WILLIA1! 1 FISH Robert YouGg, n U A 11 of the O lt<1.r o V ctermary college begs to 1 for ti e 1nl ah !ants of lJu vm 1 rile anll f! r 'Ou Jmg country that J e l afi co1nn1cnced the practice of 11 s i 1 ofcss1on an<L cii be co sultctl as to the dL':leases or J orscs and cattJel nt Glo"\ er::; IA 01 ofl cc Kmg Street Do vn L ~a-i'i W R CLIM!ll Lecal Ageut at Bowman Rural New Yorker ru~ Great HEMEDY seasos ans ng trow lm_J:;tu tt es of the Blood ' e bol lb state tl nt thIS grout remedy I a.s NEVE!t EQU ~LLED VV} tile v;as thcie ever such a c l'l) a.a that In the pc1so l of Wilson Storms o!Br gh lon Ontar o of Co~w l t1on or that of P ~ C V l\IIlller of Erncstov; n 01 ta no of c c ... sun pho 01 that of \..n broac W l of Conseco t Onta io of D spe1 s t unll Liver Comphunt,, or thu.t of Jol u Hosey of Na.Janee 01 ~ ;1,no 01 Uhenmat Htl.1 \Vho 1 n. l actu"-llY been o ro i chos ior )' ean; u sp to of lLll ttcatment heretofo -e (l,Jl l s no'v '~ell Seo -cs of sucheuscs m gbt be me ltioned ad '\\ e space 641" CnU at the Dr g Store ancl get a CL rm11w o B~E::S- For D1se LSE:lS of tlte 1luon.t Lungs( IJver Digei!I ti fl Orgo.nsi...I< d lC.f:i &c tts we l as Rcrof tla. t.1 e vanou8 ~:k n D senses H: roors a l all di persoo8 acquainted with the mertta of the di t fcr cnt Mn.oh nea rc:rrescnt thcmsch cs as agents for ti e celebrated Lockn ti a.nd Osborn Mn chines and offc1 to grant\\ arro.ntsfo[ Uio srune v1tl l t 1 t to deceive '\\ e beUig U o only au thorizcd agents for Wost Durham nre tl e only persons vho c&n gra t \varra.nts thereon ru d i.ny persons not en ployli'..d bv us represent ng t 1 e 11selves as agents or offeru g to grCLnt war 1ants nro 1mpust;crs a.1 d liable to be prosec Le l for fraud 1 ho public are I meby cautioned against tiuc.11 R &. H OH \.RA Bo,vmnn' ille J u e 22 1d 1871 1. 3 m cannot palm oil' a wurt1lle1:1s Sowing Ma.chrne W E LEAR;N THAT THERE Al1E l nprinc[!Jled persons w l o when tliey V I".!ERINAHY L:tU3l" SURGEON GH\D 'Ill e December 0 1871 GIE:\.'l.' N\.TIO~AL Fl"\ORITE Fa1 m and Fireside Weekly 11.::uls :uul Posts. i.: F 1 HO·HIN QOA:NTITY or GOOD CFDAH A NY Ra Is antlPu stefo1 sulc e tl u.tthcst1mp S otdehvcted ew1n g M an h 1ne JACifl!iS VE \.L V ng to Dec itl 187i Lot" Con l!lt.f T nearl y J cn t Jl vc Yc~us bee th 1ecogniscd in 1ts Sphe e and h.:is attu. n ed th e La oefllt Oirc lai101 or aJ y ,New~pc1 o t!:l It is t h e standn.rd n\ ti ont_y on H.L p !l.T <\.NT HOME \FF JJ:H:! and co Ce lodJy- t1 e best co b 1 cd417r en lt1.ual Lilcta~y :F,111iUy a nd B ',fj ess We e.kl (/ UNEQUALED FEATURES HISFAMOUSJOUHNALHASFOH unq cs'onabJccei tifiootosontle GUEAI SHO Bl-lONEES REI\'lED'\'. ar tl ~t ·~ yonl'sch es Win. II. L o" e, B . A .f,.L . D ., ll o t 1ce. '\-V A §mall ra ...n '\Vauted. m lot illc ffun s Lhn:i louse and ill pay l oJa1 ce in mo eJi Call n med ately In person 1 1 ~fv :N ICllOI S Box i 4:1 tf Bo vmu.n\ illc ~ small \O ti J l Qr~ I T OOi( Tl: l E F lllS'I l ' RIZE AT TUE. Pnce of R emedy in Lai ye P nits $1 &Jr F. or Sale b:-r uU Druggists and J) in M1;Jdicine .Agents 1or Bown ru. v-1uo - l\1cssrs J Ii gginbotham D Stott Wholesu. 1 e .Agents - Northou & Lv nan No castle N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TH A r t acted by m} son \'it 11 a.m Jumes S :tllcy ,\ND A'I r omn y AT HE lNDERSIGNED vll81IES IO B ARHISTEH LA Sohc1tor in Chan cery nnd InsolvoncJ T exchang:eg llo scn.1dlot1 1a tln\mg VJlluge l l Mccl tgan for u e :t.r Do' &c &o ft ill P i·oclaun the G lad 'l'ul111gs Great 11ibe of $1 oshonccs J3nt1sl Columb a s "orlung \. e 1 1 ost n a elo ::i l l a::i on sl ng Cures lhe VVo Ide'\ er heard of Never i i tl e m of Canadian }.'re<lic il l[ to~ hus s cl s lC CCS9 nttended the nt1oduct on of t } 11e l cine h eretofore ftfe.<l1c1:ne Jtla i I will not be re~ollli ble fo any debts con 0 ffico on S ]ver S~rcet BoWll'.Lll.nville onloantermx to,i:ils ea "-Y 16-41 'IIIE GRE U SHOSHONEES 'I'RAJ Itemedy al d :Pills of tbe l ml e I D octo Le v s Joseph s of the t J rJ,, WILLIAM SULLEY ° a:I: To o.. NEltS OJ HORSES - It lS L well atteotec1 fact confirmed by the cxpenence of thousoncls that Darley s Conchtwn Po\\ dera 111d Arab1a.n Hea' e l\.cmedy for h o1~tis is super ior to anytlung of the k111d no'v <.,11 ever known We kno" that- 1t has been used m 1naJ1y c.: ises w hero tl e horse has b een consider cd ahnost worth less '1iith tho moat sat1sfactolJ result, the h0rse having been restored to perfect soundness oi: so n1uch benefited that the comphunt could scarcely be observed Many such horses have afterwards been sold for from $00 to SlOO mote thon they 1vould ha\e prc,1onsly brought and \Vere well worth the d1fforence let all interest ed con.sider this Rc1nembcr the na.ine and seo that the signature of l urd & Co lS on each p cckage N orth10p & L) man, Nov; cu.atle Ont propr1otors for Canad 1 Sold by all modiclJ!e cfealers Manhood, Dow .r,ost, HO'" ' :Vo.rlington June 12 18'il 46-1! P Cole1nan 01 Wcak 1 cs~ o1unta y Sc nal J osses I 1potenc· 1\-Icntal a 1 Ph s cal l c ~pn.c1 y linpetlin c lf'I to 71-Iar J lage etc also Co su n1 t1on Ep1 lcpi:1} at d F ts t lucod bJ sol! indulgence or sex ual tixLrav a.;:;:a.nco Ir ce i n u. Aenled envelope o l)' 6 cents The cclcb1 ated t 1Lho1 in this admnil.ble cssn:-r cl ea1lv rl 01strntes from n. thuty ) sue ccsst l practice tl at Ll.ic l um ng conscque ces of self abuse 1nay be radic tlly cured w1thout the dang ious 1 sc of mteu al n1ed1c1ne or tl e \P pl .;a.tion of ti e kn Fu po nt gout a Jnodc of pvrent ouces1nplc ce1tn and eflect.lal by 1neaus of vJ icJ eve y suffere r 1o11nttcr 'vhat his con i1t o t nay le 1 3a.y cuie 11 n self cheaply r1var cl:-r 1 ncl r id' Ih 1~ lectu re sl O lld be Ill 1he luu ls Of e'VCJJY youth \nd e ery ir n.n in the lo.nd Sent w rlcr se l Jn L plu. n envelope to a.nv ad wr te1s clresa po.9t paid on eco pt of SlX cents 01 t vo to teachers fOT 65 ccnta Two back numbcre O$t stamp~ Also Dr C l erw ells Mu.11 Grude L beral terms for intro- for 40 cents Four bm>k rico 20c cei ts duct1 on nurn bcrs for 75 centa Addre~1:1ihc P l bl sher~_, .Alldresa CH iS J . C KLI~E &; CO rt Rest ored <: ire ( J US'I PlJBI,ISHED A NE" SONG ECHOFIFTY v ut u e l of A DOLLARS torrhrea Scm1nal In edition of :Or t:1tl V\lr"ttell S Uelcb 1 lt( d Ess tY on th e ra l c l l cine) Sporn a IU AN and Hart Cl etry t ees (large) 2ocls best def'lert Pl n1s oOcts good bl c sorts fo v -e seJ ves large 2o F lov. c1 Pl ti; l{reat abu nd ancc for bedding out includm g Au.r c; la AsteL Balsam Call psiS; Cox:con lm Da1sM Larkspurs N EW SCHOOL J\f1;1, . H,told Petuma I h lox f'anzy fr l lox D n Book by II s let 'W UKlll O.F MUSIC mond.i Sweet W illiams StocK.ti t>cab 09 l Ver bo Ill. V.: allftowers Z 1nn1as &c ~c kms Price i1 50 pe F 0 R $ 3 · sort in great va cLy of olo ns a l from do·en Conlams ovci SUBSCRIBEHS the best 1u1po t.od. Er gb::.h Seel from J Carte1 & Co Loudon Iwo hundled nei;\: and to PEl'l RS MUSICAL Bown1a1n illc .Ap "Il 24. 18"2 2-! Gin lJeautifnl Songs Duets MoNTULY gcttmg their Mmno for leas tha.n etc by ' Vill S Haya t o ce1 ta a. p ece I hose 1872. SPR I NG 187 2. \Vcbster Ihomn.s etc ·vho ha ve not seen this Ever) tJu1g1s1owfroshMus1cal Mago.z ne and sparkling Contents should send 30 cents for a a \.mple copy '1 h an d spec 1 e pages sen mu sic is by BCLys DOLLYVARDE~I D OLLYVARDENI flee Sample copies 'Ihomas Kmkcl Pesr mn.1led free of postage ey CLnd otl 01 pop 1lar TIJE LATEST FASHIONS OUT H AS FOR SALE CHOICE nrnm Pro Uono ii:·nbllco . WHYl A LL KL'<Drl OF C <\NCERS AND PJ"wt 1ncaa l Exlnb1hon ! 1 mors t li r..n o it uu l c l.l 7<l v n out tl o u se of the l iufe by DR B PA I t~ llSON lb e be t of icfcrenccs given in Down i v Ile ru l elcswhe e Jus~l eldu.t ]o-o to over the n1ost rcno"\\1e 0~1!10.Jl_.,.......Clurch StJcct Do,vmu,Ule Bo vmu1 lie Feb 21st 1872 :lO tf Sc\v n g l!Inchincs in tho woil 1 umo1 g i. Ju 1 FASHION ST &c Ihl.fl is oniJ a confirmation o the verdlc ARNET CHILI EAliLY ROSE pre'\iously rend red J y the Great Ca.:i adian Nu 4 o I{ ng oftbc Earl cs No 2 01 Pro Public nJl 1 Pl"O\ es COl cJUSI"\'cl) tho SUPERIORITY llflc No 6 or .Pe01 Jes s for sale ill lo " to s t p r chaoers at lowestmarl~et I ccR 11 csc '\'anetics OF THE LO( 11...11£.1 'N O"\ EH \l I OTlll' RS are the best b o n nnd in· eu 1 n~lcs are not B ar a:trr. & II 0 H.....<\..H.A "\\ hole.s.:i.le nnd Rcta1 pn.sscd :\..pply c \rl:-r u.1> tl e eup1 I'-r ~lt~~R .Ag-enta .Also agents for Guelph Sewing :hfn. Bowroa.nville March 28 18'i2 35 t.r: Seed Potat o es . were tllc celebrated Ilo 'e '\Vheele & ' ' c:cn G Patt ern!'! just rocetvcd at Mrs A Fletcher a Dreswnak1J g emponum Patten a of $ r g Ji u.sh1.on s for sa.le DresHmnking and 1lthng as usual 1;21 Bo\f y Now'f'o1k Post-GbJce HQ.} 1586 J L PETEBS,599 BroaNow dway, Yorh April IO MRS ALEX FLETCHren lSl' 37 tf R ra l Ne1' Yo1ker Ofilce Ne\' 1 01k Oily

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