Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1872, p. 1

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· · (ltg (![; nnaht m £)ht csnnrn sprinted a d publlsl ed. Every Ilnusday 1'l01n1ng, bytheP o et or WM.R CLIJYIIE, at t e OFFIUE-I·ost Office Block KING STREET Iii~, I I~ 1~1~ 'i~i ~ ,!J ~~ \) I.I ~ t~" <t ~ f 't (~ : "11 ~~ / )~ I BO" M \.~HILLE o>rr · I " VOL. XVIII. BOWl\'IANVILLE, ON1\, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER - 1872. ·lu s let , = CI-:IEAP GO()DS A 'J 1 RE $0 0 0 0 0 0 oO 13 75 20 08 02 WITHERED GLASGOVV T HE SUBSCRIBER lN OlWEP. '.1:0 POR'IAT CO NS "I fon th s dato .aelloff l HOUSE I HIS ~ALL M~RE IWOM FOR ei tsoc.katp ces 1111 Far Under the Regular Rate And u v tes spec I Lto1 Lon to " I :!"" st ck of Dress Goods, Linen, Cotton & Silks 11 e Ir ee of llch Co n e 1 b 1:c1e e d g purchasers THOMAS PATERSON Bo :vn o.nvil e Ju e 27 1871 I FAREWELL WINTER MARKUS MAYER efncttl a.the bas op ned o l M I B E CIIDALJ:; \.ugus Tl e like Qf vhicJ has never been surpassed n Bowme.nvil o OF HA'I'S JP:, l'he Cl AIRillO:NJ l!l ad.tndy, The illlLKOSE a Cavou11te, Ihc SAllATOGA a beauh, 'Ille CDICAGO a gem, And the Ol'TAWA the best ot all S ch an n :ray of H d Caps and such a y es m st t mpt the n os n.1 e d or a.nent --INCLUDING-- ten for the n REVENGE AND FORGIVENESS user } to 1 vest GENTLTJ'J\.fEN S &c &c FTJRNISHINGS, &c g and D Shirts, Collars, N eek-ties Braces, .Nottce-Re1nov.1J R REID HAS REMOVED HIS D rel! nee to o o se t ely o cup cd by D Crow o on \\' elllngt.on S e Su ge Y at 1 1 B e s re no 1 all a l e sign of the g et su teil both n pr cc and q allt 10 1871 l LUG Corner K eo St ect.s s.n l you will ~IAYEil MARKUS t. hiA o rl os le ce S rom 10 a to Sp m er s reet ho s 16-4. ! STUBBORN ____________.. ...._....FACTST __________ , ~ !l.l10Rl\EYS B -A!l;RIS1EUS CIIORS and Nota Y P ub! J E ll'AHE \!ILL I A,, there is a gTeat deal of mis1epiesentat10n rngarclmg the meuts of the different scwmg machmes and many persons ha; e been misled by these untrnthful statements we give be EACHER OF THE PIANO FOltTE T Sing g &- O -ga.d 1.St-ea e d cComposer s now low the n 1mes of a few of those who tested the W anzm prepared to at end p tq: _s le s ~ h , , b·kno vn by nppllcn11on 1 Mr "Lso · ~iachme and who aftei waids exchanged them with us 1or t e CJ ur l Street 49 tf - -- - - - - - -Lockman 08bom 01 Ra,moncl-some of them pa1m,; us Farenell,1'icGee&Rutledge, over $20 to exchange SOLI Bi\ R MoGBE BA JAMES HUILE GE B ~ OFFICE 0 er w n l\.fc}fur ry'B D :;y Good~ Sto o seoo d doo os of c Post Oft co P M.a:ira IHON J J SIMPSON Dov do do do viii· 1 1BS CG ltllNNIMl ll W G PERR"l' ~ · v lo D FISHER THOS JOHNSION JOHN McCLUNG J P LOVEKIN Clarke E BEMAN do lo 0 0 do W E llLLEY do do i S Chest1>1 field, ~trf'! t WM EDWARDS MH LUMMIS Cait A UCTIONEER FOR ROWMAN c VILLE and Dar 0 fl p u ):Io lor to ~o Re an~ attende IUOHARD SH\ W D.,J ngto gl t do do n d nee Q ce l to arges 13 R 1 W11 KINSON MRS HILLAM No ""'stle Ilionrns Stonhomie A Gen ra. \.b"C Da pro np.tly attepded to UC'rIONEER J BELLWOOD A.PPRAISER AND S BORL !l.N D O g on C n MR BARFOOT e Sa es MISS IJ ~MBLY Port Darlmgt C W S:IH rH Da I ngton ill e A LOCKHART C arke THOMAS McOLUNG Bo n a FOR M D WILLIAJ\fS REV R BOYLE R It LOSOOMBE do R y D Fok,, STEPHEN OLEMEl'\CE Darlington L ICEN SED AUCTIONEER illoney to r,cnd the Towns 1!p of Do. lin!(ton S es prompt tended to Cha gea moaera e do do · MATTHEW COLE W ;LLIAM CLEMENCE do Tyrone JOHN BURN Manvers And a g eat mnt J otl crs µanc tB ildi r;a dHavngBSoccy of loron to s p oparod o nego a e oans on 11.eal Es ate eecm tv on tl en ost favou ab e crn 1619 J B FAII BAIRN T HE UNDERSIGNED H \YING MRS BROCK been n.ppo nted age t for thol o incu. P do Intenclm0 pmchasers ci1n enqmre of m) of the abo>e g nclmg the meuts of these machme~ R Pc.tte Tailor G MENTS NEWES! ade n c STYLES ENTLEMEN S n ~ND BOYS GAR 30 tf R &H O'HARA Bo · nan ille October otl ti 1871 Bow an e Feb 19 1868 \V !ll Chmae, OF M:ARREGE LICENSES I Sl:lUER By a no ty of CI s Ex:ce le cy the Gove n G eneral Ofilce at e a Ol' Su office kno c~~g~d ~ygJ~~e ~t~~n:g:~~ th~t and Shoe~ --Non e A LL YOU WHO NEED SHOEING Is E w I NG M Ac H IN E t HALLO' THERE ' [ 5 THE LOCKMAN IS NO V THE ac 'l 11is i. the Place to Buy Boot~ LE \D!Nfl MACHINE Land §in vc}1ng net te1 J a Sun do'3- ordo s L REED eyor C t1 PROVINCIAL LAN.Ill 1 Eng noc c c Addresa Bo v nanvlllo P 0 Ma.roh 15 1871 o nn a p epared to be favored M F URBAIRN B c\.RRISTER & T ·Atto ne So c o &c J nd5ay Oft co n Kcentin a D ock ) e T Bea s Hook too ~--- \,,: e are no v u n.nufo.o unng f om tho best IN THE DO"!.IHIOJ:i OF C4i\AD4 u a er al Boo s of any desuod p:i. tern no war ra edtofito uosao HIS PROUD POSITION IT HAS '!hes e b f elsgiatefulfor hcvcryl her u.tto. ncd thro gh t.!I nJ ere t good qualit es nJ. po.troango he] al) hallfo J:ie ast fif ccn and would solic ta. cont nuance of pub o patron Those qual c e: s mp cit} durn.bill y o e.: gance a.dn.ptab ty bes des a score or eotequa. ~e vou d bog to say to all ho aro indebted to Ltllportancc For f t.11 ) n.rt cu1an1 addresii: to the mo e the b~ note or book account they n :st Manufacturer! con e to the. scratch U is fall cxpor enceha.s WILSON BOWMAN & Co taugl t n e that steers nro much ens er broken n Ha ilton On &rio when youn¥ f al o ed o run nLll fo tr or lve R & H OHARA ) ca so d it s considered a break nee age Now a.11 th.a. a n a TM s a.nd all accounts duo t1 s fall l be exi:ie el u a R B BitADSHAW .Bo man lle 0 t 18 1 1 ~ T DAN A'S { g G Hanian.l'fol', --- -- - PATENT SHEEP MARKS. .J, IU Jlh unacombe, L. D. s, URGEON DENTIS'.l: 9 l'Blrldenoo ~rt o.t the office of H.obc t A.rrnou LAND SURVEY OR S God F 1 nga nserte I Tee ext ac cd P ROVINCIAL C vil E noer and Land Agent Office and Ifor cents ea l A :x:ce e ooth Po vde Lot 13 3 d con Dar rni;ct.ou orders aa e Olli e n McClung s block All fo t SUPERIOR y attended to Esq p on t 40 TO LET - - Robel t At lllOlll The Pump Shop 1th 18 Rev 1' LOGAN Go see hat I ho. o soo Co fee v at I h felt 10 tf Denhtl l'Wohcc AT I A '\V So tors n Cl ti ~ nn J o venoy Convevn.11.cers !\ o .ar cs So ic tors fo t.lrn Bru k &c Money for n estme &b al mes onmos fa o o.b e te n s B Sn1 u t & Sent.11, ARRHUERS AND ArTORl'\EYS , AN old gentloman at BalL uore sevc ty two ) cara of n.go y s ted n ce ucte y in company with I a daughter o ie S nd&y lotel) =I 11h1le there J>Omted out a spot whore he wo ild I ko to be b ned Soon after :return1ug home hA was se zed v1th A m; NG ch ld belong 11 ··· and w tlun throe I ours of tho t ne ti e namo f Mocdonald m tho reo.r of of se(eotmg I · gm' o he WM dea I Cornwall a few days ago came to its death Oh oa.go ke~ps t1 ree pol co co rts 1 bys ck ng or chew ng natche· to whioh I~ hnd obb ned access The phospl or s n ng to neet the demand!S of JUStice cre&t on the ends of the n &tchos s a fatal po a ed nostly bv its two tho 18 d s·loone o a. d parents cannot be tuo carcf l n On Monday morm 1g the fith mt ti ere keep ug ti s nd sponaablo art cle eafely were 207 ta.$08 before thcl!!e three co 1rts--e. 1 &rt of tho result of Sund·y · ro·t ~nd re beyond ti e teacl of their children eroat on of the GermM plan AF ARMER whvsecr1bB ere full of corn Srn Roundel! ralmer · feo of flloO 000 ~aa a.oo stome l to 11ay tl ttt the wants of tl c nee ly ru ght be supp!ted b t wl on for ·ttendu g to the interests of Great ' o e 111 eedy c re rustti.nces &sked for Br1tam at the Goneva Conference s said I ttle of I s co.r he sa d I o I od 1one to to ho the largest smgle fU<J ova p· d to a ·pane Ono day after l e·nng his father Br &1sh lawyer Tl ere have beeu several J ay for the Joor and tioed3 h s little ·on ustauces 1 tne t n ted State· w] e o $1100 sad +o I m l< ·the1 I "\sh I had ~our 000 ha e been pad Clsrkso l N Porter corn Why my so what could Jou haivmg rece ed that fee u a iailroa.d case lo .ith Joi aoked tl e fathe1 '!'ho el)ild au! Ge S ck!eo ,. ·un la ~mn fm- 011·t 11;t · G.i ld~n·l\l'fia K E..:o repl od I " & Id a'" or Y" 1r l;'tayor

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