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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1872, p. 2

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· CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEThiBER 5, 1872. !liler"t.tnt Gui W.tntell, Apply t The next Co ty Co ent o l of tl e BowM >N\ ILLE SEPl 3rd 1372 J\1 Sabbathh Scl ool Assoc atwn of Dnrn Suns11A" -Now tint tl o elec 11 be held ii tl e Cou ty of Durham GRAND TRUNK RAILROAD Wesleyan Method ·t Church Bo vmanrn. E T 1.DLE MONTREAi TIME v Uc o T esday and 'Ve<lnesday of Rext 1ally ca n d o~ and kc r along veek September 10th nd 11th I even t 1 of ou1 vay 1 be so e Pasto1s of Eva igehcal Cht rches antl t ne of co rse ere t} ts 1 ~11 e 8 but t} e deleg tee f om each Sabbath School i the b tterness of party sp h cl htely I as 001 nty are cord l ) In'\ te :l to atten 1 beet sn a up nt a \lready the thange and yo and tiake patt II the I oceed ngs The Comm ttoo do not nsh to exol de oe s ble folk-ho vever i any Sabb ·ti S boo! worker but amplo d ffer I rov1s1011 will be made by the 1nhab1tants tl e town for the reception and C') nfoit of ON lHo iday last tl e co 10lud ig contest of all evangelical l\.1:1n1sters 0.1 d two d le of the Dorn n10 e}o t 0 1 cam pa gn tl s gates from e cl f the Sabbatl Schools Prov nee wn.s brat l t to a lose a l f r dur ng tl e Con'\ ent10 l ther s1 ecula.t on i cg d ng t1 e i esnl t ren Tl c follo~ mg 10 ti e I rogramme of pro dered unuecessllrv Party ln es were so ceed ngs clearly<lra vn ll1 the contests and thev1e\1i s FIRST DAY - 10 a m D evot ona.l Ex of cand1do.tcs so dot rutely exp1esse l for or ere ses Chair taken aga.mst tl e goverr ent of S J ol tl at l 0 30 a m Aj pomtmg Comm btee to I Onta.r o there s 1 o d ffi ltJ vl dev r 1 om ate ll s ness Com 1ttec and no n plac1n the mo be s lcct s M ster al Boa1 I of Officers and Op1 os t1on [} c gove lment choso JO 40 a i PreSldc t s .Address Sec a.1 pe \l L o t1 e co ut1y tl e1r o vi t ne fot retary s Heport Local Secretnr es I e and were armed w tl the 111 inc se Io ver sumo h1s true I o 1t on before the pub c ports hie} p1eaen t ofl ;.t.l 1 os t1ou an 1 11os and :ve will ar s ver lu u Tl e 1na.nncr 11 l l 15 a m Tl e propriety of >lpec1al pect ve fat p ck ngs for con ti actors Jue} he refers tu l:....efor ners-e'i ldentlj Ser nons to childre1 mtrod co l by Rev a lforded but" tl 11 thIB the co nt y 1 as noa t to be is lt g- s qu te l keep ig A Spencer Short addresses pronounced most u l. stakeabl:y ag ns v1t l tl e cou so I rs ed by Tory scribes 12 ~ AdJO mme t them a d Refo ga ns I ve bee so n Ont r 0 JlO have beco e a..rsha nea of 2 I m D evot on 1 e.xerc sea great that the o crtl row of ti o ti o of tJ o r n a1 y worn out na nee an<l o'v. 2 20 p Report of nom 1 at ng Com S rs may be a copte l as certain 0n bry ng to ste ii tl e lo g houo1ed t tie of n 1ttee new office1s elected taro the i.bode of tne Prem er gtves only the r opp su <:> l arly We c 1 Ill < some 0 2 p m lemperincc in Sabbath 34 m favoi vh le i posed t h n aio 51 a.llo ~a ce for t1 c del)pon lei C) a,nd des Schools 1 itro<luced by Rev E Hohnes md 3 aie md [ el cl nt qu te "1 kely to paratio 1 of o r goss per s I n.rty c se l by Sho1t add1 esses oppose ai:i to a l I rt l e1e 'Iha e been the t l oroug} l feat wl ch they l JUSt 4 p m I fa lt class b) G H.rco irt great L bcral ga · m Quebec m d S exr encod t the polls b t the statement Es l f Toronto Georges po :ver t1 ere s b oken "\Vlule that Sr J{lh ls guve1 iment '\Vill b sus 4 40 p n Wl at are the especrnl ddli Cart er s at pres e t v thout a seat :ve tau c l by a n aJUr ty of bet ve en forty cul ties of cou 1try Sabb 1th Schoola1 mtro ) a e D r or elected an l h e v1th a il fifty of those J e lJ elected is so luced by Rev T A Ferguso 1 Short Holton and othei ble mon will be fo ad co itrary to fnc t tl at everv 1 onest 1 ar addresses Papers d str1 buted for Ques work ng ith Blake a d otl er lead ng 0 v] looks into the quest on fo1 h 1nsclf ton Drawer tar o 1epresentat vcs Ih lower I ro and 1 as watched tl e nc dents co1 nect~d 7 l m \dJ OUl ment n.s \VO romarked n a prev o IS isa LC th tl e elect o s of those retur ed 7 30 p m Tlie s{ ho o of Sabbath classed b:y compete it local JOl r l as En J Sc} ools as a means of Grace sho 111 tl ey pretty evonli d v led and quite as ie dy s percode tl e reg liar pre cl 1ng of God s to support a R eform adm n1strat on s EXCURSION TO DAY Wo d? ntroduccd by Rev R E Lund that no :v 1n ex stence Ma1 Itob il Tl ose " sl ng t o e JOY a steamboat ride Short address Bntish Columb a repr sentat ves II · p 8 30 p m Quest on Dra vet 11 have a good chance th s afternoon port Whiche or S de ar pears I Ost likely to SECOND DAY - 8 :::o a m Da,ot 01 al Tl e stear er No s ~ a 1.- :vh ch ;vill bnng be ln tha ascendancy-OI tar o and Q 1e to tl 1s p ort a. number of fi em en a d tl e1 Exerc ses bee be ng regarded as the d re ct ng powers 9 a m Tho r ght sp nt of Sabb"tl vis tors - " 11 at SI ru leave the hart and tie weal er sect ons look ng pr · c pally v th a excu s 1 p rty for a two hours Sci ool Wor lrnrs ntroduce I by Hev T to bemg fot nd n s pport of ti par ty sail on the fake Tl e fare of the tr p ~ill JI'.[ He1k e Short addresses hav ng t e pos t o to hs1 ense favors 9 30 a m Ho v sh Ill parents be proper be onli 25 ce ts Ile at the I arf by 3 From 1 1ev e v f the s tt i.t on ve ca.1 ly mtereste l 1 tl e Sabbath School and o clock and l artic pate n the s 1 not but couch de t..ha.t 8n J ol n s govern ~lat are thetr spec a.l clut1ea to it mtro 1nent has nearly 1 111ta co rse and lhat d ed I y Ru J Bredm Sliort oddress TODAY the com tr) has at last got I rot!) well 10 a n1 Ho" shall we increase the plete and grat1f.~ 11g s ccci:is a aro sed to 1es st t1 o icckless caree be 1 g Tl e I ubhc " e alma l; J reth vell sr r1tuality and rel g ous effictcucy of our doubted for & moment tl o people of Bo p rsued wl c1 f i ot checked n st in a q an1ted 'Ith the nature of the den1on Sabbath Schools mtrnd ced by Rev W manv llo be ng very favorably k iow i for ev tably end i banL r I tcv or a change strat on to take place lil Torn to day It P J.Bcoe Short addresses the reclwrcl c manner in w h c1 theJ n1an of na.t1onal relations Indeed there are is uni ecessary to cot nsel c t zens to ex 10 30 a n l\fass meet ng of the Sab age to arrange all these ·fa rs It s only those who hold the opuuon tl at Sr Geo tand o. cord al velcome to ' s to s for :\'"0 bath School cl ldren n the Cnnad · Pres to be regretted tl "t tho'e e goge l i on E Cart er is at I cart d torm ned to effect be] eve tl at will be done ·101 taneo ·ly byter al Ch1 rel SI o b addresses by Revs 'ar ous stores sl uld ot boo 11bled to 1 v:rt a separat o of C 1 a la from t ] e mother Vie wo Id J st ien nd readeIS tl at the J Sm tl R Boil C Barker and J cipote n the day s pleas e Wh t co in try to be follov; ed 1 y a.nnexat o to follo :v g in brief is +] e 11ogra.mme Tl om tho powers that bo Uunki ig o ti e U ted States nd the nad scl emes R ecapt1on of ' s1to a at caTs and boat fl om ti ey did not ar n.nge tl an1 ua..l h ohday m AdJO rnmm t 12 lately entered int o bJ the Governme1 t arc 7 to 10 v clock pTocesinon to be for ncd for tl s date? It certa ly was at o er 2 p 1 Devot ona.1 exe1c1ses looked l pon as 1 inten ded to c1ease o 1 f \ r gro nd i.t 11 o clocl 1 ner at 5 30 p n B blc Class by G Hague sight There l as been I b e eve som taxat o 1 a id ca s d sconteut am.01 gst the noon an l to be cont lued till all ale serv talk an1ong o r le id nt:> l e1c1 a.nt s a.~ t Esq of Toronto people of this co ntly and thereby 1 aKo the pr pr ety f closing t] e stores b t 330p m Q then ieady to accept any cl a lge a.s a re nfortonatel;: an ongst eluded lief fro n govern n tal l :tl c1 s i a pose l Otl er cxerc"les 'pon tho n 'Ihe coni\ dct ton of tl eforego111gtop1cs One fact ho.s been d monst ated by U e v II be te1s1 ersed w1th s1nglnb .... to bo late co trat md that s tl 2t tl e electors conduetcd 1.>y the Bowman lle Ch01 of Canada w II not 1el nq sl tho r 1 old \\ill thos "Io p upose to attend the \ ICTORLI. - Jl'.!r Star !es I""' bee elected upo i the p bl c I rse stin gs and allo v Convent. o l g e the above s ibJCCts d e r. 1 y exec it e con n1 ttee to s1 end la, go , ti e no t r l g d M Dormer n tl e cons1dorat on u d come prepa ed to apeak sums of inoney tJ at have not been specl soutl i l g of th s county-both m1 s S nee I la~t wrote our to on them fically voted by I arl ament 0 tano pro ter il is ted by a other of those 1\ length of addresses intro no 1nce pon t1 c po 1 t at iss e a 1 ttle S~ r <Pu CE - Mr RM Wol1'-form c1eLy yclept a c1rc1 a over a year ago n. d u 11n stakc!l.bly con e\ 1 oNI ~ fi m of Blake Kerr & ducers of aubJecta ten ro nutes others star ding the d1eadful war nbs sol tel) five rn n tcs len.Re attend earlv on the Uc ned the pr nc 1 le of voti 1g large Sl ms '\\ells - ) as been~ anuno ~ly nominated ttered by the Star co espunde t of ti e of money 1n block '\V thout det 1led estnu a.<; ti e Refo m cand d11tc for So th Br e first la) M err.ha t it seems to ha e been J st Di Collect 01 s will be taken up d 1r1ng tl o ates and no 1f vl en the Rane question but "" the s 1ccessor of Hon E Blake much l 11tro1 sed as n t i at g tlen an had Convent on to defray expenses l pon a ch l arger scale l as been bcfo1 e uttered never a vord Tl e den orahza. THE ann lal rifle tourna nent of tJ e s1xtl the people for the l s PI ort or condemna tiun of the peoplo of 13ow nai ville m st B gade R fie Assoc at10I v 11 take place TOWNSHIP COUNCIL t1on tie ' erd ct 1 as been th nder d I to u deed be so nctl g very ter1 ble to c at t} e Tu vi of Lindsay on Tuesday next the cars of tl e go'\ ern nont that I ail a HAMPTON Sept 2nd 1872 template when i sp lo of all "arn g 10th inst when prizes to t l e an ount of men must I ot deleg[l.te to !l. few mei Counc 1 n et accord ng to idJOU nment they will rash m c1owds to l sten to th $242 w II be a arded Il e con pet t on the power to man1pulatc mill ons at the r Members all preso t 1\11n tea. rea.d and lewd aongs and obscc o JOl ea of tl e s open to mcmb rs f the volunteer force will and expen] as tl cy t3ee fit 'v1thout a confirmed circus 11ng and ot o ly that but w l 01 lv direct ote of the !louse .As a result of A. comm r icat1on v s presented from ct1 ally come aVi ay an l t va.s t11 s , erd ct ~c Hia.y 1 opo for w ser MRS A STE ENS >ill please accept the ti o Deaf ond Du nb Inst tut on Bellcv lie very good I vas ot pres t myself a. 1d 1nore correct legislation ~he pa.rlia t1 anks of all h<l.nds for the two sple f stat 0 te ms o which pup ls are arlm1ttcd a1 d cannot th1refore say wl ethe1 it "WH.S n ent IB a 0 a u convcr ed 1 d :vatern t:!lons left a.t tl 8 ofilce yester J\.fr \V nda.t t presented a report from or not But J 1dg g f om tl e pro ess o Jd Y M Y her slut low never gPo v less special co nm1ttee n.npo ntcd to ascertain -the 1 tgest I ever saw-I sho 11 s11; t A.Las POO :t. F.RANOU! A rest ng 1 lace and be often v sible Jn th s- vie iuty cost of site for a new Town Hall Read ioas good A ld by t he w y speak 1 g of las been fo nd l tl e utteI nost pait of Tml Empe1orof R ssiaandex Emperor and doptcd the prncess o I al ttlo b rd told io th at the Donn on f r tl o heavon born fi Napuleo1 are to meet at Be1hn Germany 1\fr Burk introduced a By In. v for the lt act ally saw tho Me cl a ts star corrcs nanc1er- the r gl t wmg of ti e n on and to day a id will be the guests of ti o Em ppo ntment of a tax collector Read pendent gazmg pon it w th is n ch a1 prog bngade Driven from ho1ne 1 eroI YV lham for seve1al days Quest u s th oe times and p11saed parer t nterest as anybody else I sho lld disconsolately reheated t a. qnet nook of unportance imphcatmg the pet1ce of The By law 1ead first A.nd second times haveg1ve huucred1tfor no10 consistency there to ined tate on the l ps and dow1 s E 1101 e w 11 do btless l e d scussed all at last ineet111g of Co incil prO\ idmg for after the manner in wh ch 1 e rote of al of l {e but Sr John took pity 01 l n nat 0 8 of ti a.t cont ne1 t view with con le y1ng rates for the c 1rrent yea.t 'vas connected vr th such affau:s But tl en and by means of the telegraph w res ar cert ths proJected co forence ki owin& read a th rd time and passed people have ery d ffe1c it op1n o is as to ranged for a se t fo the dot ghty kn ght that tho Czar a1 d Napoleo!l rue in no wise l\:loved by Mr " ndatt -seconded by what const t tes cons stone' Do ibtless in a. co st1tue1 0y fo1m 1 0 part of Van ove scrupulous abo 1t the rights of others !\-1r Smith That th s Oo nc 11 a'\'Ulg ad ly howe ar h e was laugl 111g 1nwa1dly at co 1ver s Island It 1s stated th it Su vhei e they see a chai ce to add to the r vert sed £01 tenders from I art es w lling to tl e poor fools who were ao eas ly gulled by Frat cis-tha.nks to the cov" icnt arr::i.nge owu 1 rest ye and possess ons l trcl ase the Tuwn Hall ru d having re the ghtte11ng tinsel of outV1ard sho ;v ment of Sir Jo] and assoc a.tea-1 as he ce ved a.nd examined several are of the But that ge itle1na1 'v1ll 1 a\ e to try aga1 PltIZES FOR PLANS - 1he Dciartment honor of representmg 423 ind duals 01rn1on that in JU3t ce to the ratepayers I fear before he cures t..ho people of a of P bhc Inst1 uct1on for tl s Pro'\ nee all--man -women and cl 1ldren th s Counc11 co tld not accept e ther of likin g foI such demora z ng ex] b t1ona "\ th a VlC '\\ to improve tl Ind ans and Cl inesc and tl at there are them therefore the Treas 1rer Is hereby I a.m glad to find tl n.t tl ere ie some moda.t on n rural sect 01 a offers a prize of but 8 xtee q 1al ficd voters in the const1tu a1:1 tructed to cause rep<urs to be made to chat ce of 0 r ha,111g a cl or!11 soc ety ] ere .. ,, $15 for the best mtenor plan of a school tie foundation ch1mney tops and plaster I don t see why e shoul I not \\ e In e ency OJ wl at hu mhation to the ga,uant 1 ouse capable of accomodat1ng f1om 60 to kn ght Has Sr John m realty deteim n and that the Clerk·· hereby Instr cted to as "Ood sm~ers here as they have else 75 eh1ld10i moneroom $20foraplanshow > od to kill off Sr ]j ra1 cs and oomn1enced ad vort se for tenders for I a1nt1ng the wl ere if they c:m only be got together to 125 children d d I ! ng two rooms for 100 the work of fii al pol t cal des bruct o i l y b 1ldrng umde an out an a so or and kept togetl er l rofessor Wlnto has h I a i l 825 Im a pla l of ti rec rooms for l 50 thus elevatmg I m as a targ t for t I e puttmg pa fence m fro 1t of t e ot w th taken a step m the r gl t duectwi to 1 5 ch ldren-all 1 lans to sl o ~ po ch a small ate leadrng to t1 e H a11 an d a ie to be rurrtR of r rdic uic' l ' \:11 thn-ta " n w rp,q i ) d} 0 ill be encouraged 8 cn.p al c oa rooril""" ap u. 1 uouk ii ~i;t:J:; to cot i lcte t] e com1cal p cture in w IucIl ln.rge one leading to tho lot - fence and c·i not ho :vever e witl art that ben and otl er coi 'en e cos Pr zes are also ... the t rio of S rs so prom nently f gt re JS gates to ha. e threo coats of Car tleman sad in h s lotter last week He offered fOI best block plan of a ·chool s te to I a e Rel w1thclrawn from tihe pos t1on r ed put the value and att1act on f n. chora1 , g vtng pos t1on of b 1 tdu gs f ence shade d b M of a cand 1date I Mamtol a nnd Sir (>CO Mo cl b) Mr S mt] aeconde Y r soc ety on too low a fo trng wher he s111d trees etc -$20 for plan of an ere a.I d d E Cartier take] ~ place to bo electc d as B rk That tenders will be rece ve up to t hat nieetL g together fro n veek to week p $15 for half an acie Pim s to be fouard f h I b 1 ed tot} e Uh1ef St per1nte ident of E ]ucn.- the 16th u 8fi to ltlLIB twe i;e enc es for p act1ce would that socuib1l representutr'i e of tl econ t tu.e icy of r vcncher tion n t later tl an tho 15th of N ove I be! fvr the Io I H"11 Car ed ty so des rable m co ntry tom· Tl at 11'.!oved by Mr S1mth secondc l by Mr is wt the chef end of a cho al soc oty Is there no Ie sso i in tie cont ast pre ne:xt F rtl er I art culaTs may bo obt n the le !crs of t i e two polit c"1 D f W ndatt Tl at 1 o Clark is hernby m and f the Professor deponds l pon ti at .ented b' , ed by appl cat on to tho epartment o part es the Dominion at the presrnt p blic Instr iction cote with :a-Ir C G to kco p a soc ety t gother he mil fi 1 l it t 11 e1 The '[ or es are dnven I om ho IBO Hann ng P L S fo a magmm of ti e \ d Ilic It to do so For if peoi lo v 11 not lLnd 1 0 uo n.nd ca.n find s pport o 11y 975 eroJgra.nts a.rtl ed at tl 0 Grand s lrv oy of tho s de line between lots 32 cone together from a love of n s th 8 c Ly last montl all of and 33 in the 7t1 concess ou Carr ed I simply they will sca1cely do ~o fo he whoio they are 1 orsonallyunkn w i -wlnle Trt nk depot the Refoimois arc trusted and honoredhon so far as kno\li roma ned n tl 0 Thu Reeve vas instructed to gra t l s sake of incct1ng to 0 etl e1 wl e ti ey c~ loaded~ th marks of pubhc confidence 1n ce order on tho T e 1Stner for t e folio r g do that at any tune in ti e o n 1 ouses s ms - Ro ~sell i.~ H tcheson blanks \s to tl influen ce moral au l soc 1 of n lmber more than t] eJ can bcn.r 'IHB r nde1pcst 1 as l made f $9 b d b N tl more is nee led to sl ow that furn shed $2 19 selectors o Jt lOis ~ ch soc ct1cs tl ere cannot e a o t o ngle is not I ccordance w1tl the pe rane e n Co t ne1 tal Europe and car Her ty Hocken pla k f rn shed $190 76 ~here"'1er a ohoral soc ety has been estab T orj r <YOCS of cattle to E glnnd } a e been l::le zed k 0 g mmd· of ti 0 people b t that on tl e con 0 d d rl md gent poor ,.2 37 h·l ed a d I t i ito ' gorou· vo ng trary Reform ineasur s are 8 ch na com I i1ll con e nne C ncil a ]JOU ~cd to th.e fu:at Saturday order there t peranco a d clea tl ness mend then ::1elves to tl 0 intcll tie e of P x;RE H-YbAClNTJIE an1 ounces that he is t October at 10 a iu w tl l calth ltlO al a d about to e r. arr ed a 1d wntes to a R \'IND.A IT T1 Cl k the nation French I ape 1n defe ce of that step o - - -- ----- - ----l is part IF all rr 11 "e1e requ rel to breakfast as SPEC! lL PI IZE::I -II A)( Egypt an army IS 0 nto the D ver Boat Ilg Club brn kfasted the pr zes pre'\ io sly a.nno inced to be g ven Aby sinn a and a. battle s mm t as a1 other day we fe r th t a good mai ) would a.t tl 0 ensu ng lTn on A:::,r cult ral Exh Aby ss 1 a army 1 s beeu sum mo ed to go thout tl is 1portant meol A fl oat bit n n tl 3 town the folio\\ g spec al es st t he in"V"aders g table decorated w th ftoweIS and pr zes be01 I la.ced at the disposal of .AN ollic al of the Montreal Ct stom spread ith temptLng food was anchored the Societ es - by Mr E Mor 1'- $5 63 and $2 for the three best foal· of ti 1s Ho se 1 a.s been committed to a.wa t ]us i 1 tl10 bay T venty members of the club t n 1 at the Queens Bench o a charg of then swam out t the table and took the I year the stock of Young N etherby he ty 11 the robbeiy of goods fiom a coffee and eggs in the water No one was com1 by Mr R D Folyy-$2 $1 0 and $1 schoon r · pernutted to to1 ch tie table itself The for best boars got by his 1 npo1tcd Berk I r IB sL"tcd that tl e C\ ide lee of Marshal iepast v; as finished at the end of half an slure boar and like pr1 ~ for sows got by BaY.a ne s t I i ow prog ess ng at Par s hour ai d tl o pai t) rctnrned to land same a.n na.l Prizes 111 a.L<Jo be g en shows thut t a torous correspon le lce ox n1uch pleased with the experiment These fot best s ng;le earr1agha~om ttod fro n isted b et ee 1 Ba te a1 d tho Genna is k nds of breakfasts make good swimmers p or to tic s re det of Metz the I ·t by nustakc 0 [N OIE - For se' e1al weeks e l ave g ven place r o r col imns to the prodt c t 0 & of one ~ho procla ns l msolf a gos s per vr1t ng o e1 the 1 o i dt pl me l\:la.r l M ny veatl cr s [lus vr1tct in 1 IA fiu3t p1oduct1 n p1ofcsscd to al hor party d st lCt o s n I ol t cs- to be a ort·l ite tl ro gl I) i depe dent above nd beyond fl e t cs r con ol ng 1nfil en ce of a y pa1 ty or pa L c lar secho1 of t i e people '.11 at as l is pretended posit 0 1 a fe v weeks ::i.go to day l c a n nounces 1 nself a Co1 servatl'\e-a change r1un lar to tl a.t } 1 ~ ] &vo obse1 el 1n seve 1 stances vhero tor cs 1 a o pre sentcd the l sel ers to I ubl c r.ot cc u1 det a fn.lse CO'\ er ng af1a d t fi st i this Ieform age to ad nit then co1 n ect1on 1'i itl the con servat ve 1 artv tl e clog on the wl eel of p1og1e s Doc our cor espondent '\'i1sh his p10 l ct1on to be acce1 ted aa goss p7 -1ne1c trifi ng talk-or does le a p1ro to tl c pos t10 l of lory chan i 1on and reta 1 e of Ma ! ' i tr ti s? If tho lorn er nil acco d to l · f t SABBATH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION I GOSSIP A HORRIBLE CRIME S1n1n1ons & Clough Org·an Co-;s - - IMPI OVED-- If ckn of Hair son as ecently bitten by y ufter g fo n. fo v po l 1ce I ade of = ~ a 3 cu = - Gr~nd Combi1~ation FII11DW111{ rrrn N~VL) Qrgans INV 1' ED SCRIBNER 8 P <\ l EN I A st1 i (~ U LIJ 1' IN G TUBES ve t on l ng a n st a t bea ng o 1 tl c f t r e r cr itat on of Recd In e1 ts by J ct s of vh ch tl e l a1 titJ o Volu uo of tote i:i ve1y 1 rgely in c1ease 1 n I t e q a tiy of to i re dered EOUAL TO rHAI OF THI B"'ST PH E ORG ,\.NS OF Tflf S iME C \.PAC ITY 0 r ccle t ated Octa e a nl I W !cox P1tent St ps and ALL THE LA TR C I~:fPROVEMENTS, ed u tl ese Orgi s CHLHCH TIIIRT\: FHR DllllllE)l'T ~T>LES Fon l llE PHI R \ ND JHl Q1 ALI! Y \ND V OILME 01 ~O)l'E UNEQU ~LLED 'lllll: Bf I M1.IERIAI .\ND '\ORK l\f.\.N El.JP - -o Pl1-IOE FRON.i $50 TO F\CfORY<;iWAREIWOMS COR 6tl !>CONGRESS S'I:S " stab she 18 0) ~500 JJEllWI'l MICH AGEN1SW\.NTEDIN E\FRYCOUNIY -a.ADDRESS SIMMONS '(; CLOUGH OltGAN CO DE'.! 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