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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1872, p. 3

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CAN ~-\.DIAN srrTESMAN, BO'W M . A .:NVILLE, THURSDA.Y, SEPTE MBER APPLE S T I Burden and Werry I are pr ep ar od to b1 1y an~ quan ti ty of o, 1872. 'l'o C 011 t raC H H'i>i, e~·i!j , "!!l!!!'!!"""""""""""!l!!!!!!!!'!!!ll"!!'"'!~!!!""'!!"""!!!"!;!!!l!!!!!l!ll!l!'!!!'!!!'!!!ll!!!!""""!!"!!!!!!!!!!l!!""!!!~""'.'!!!""""""'""""!""""""'""""""""!!!'!'"'!!""!!""""""""""""'!!""""""'""'"""""~"'""" . ~~=~'!"""!*~ . ~·~"""~""~·~eu:::~"!' -!*"!""""""""""'l!!!""'""'""""'""""""""""""""'""""""""""""""""""""""""~i!!!!!!!""'!!!!""""""""""""""""""""""'""""!!!!!~~"""~"""""""""'!!':!!:!~~~ ___...._ - ~-·m ·"Z" ~ ....'l".~~e=~~"??"-'£=="""' " "" -·~'"~. --2E!t& GREAT CLEARING /A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. I I I & c. B ui M ~ pArtT IES DESIROUS OF 'l'E KDER- Good J~ferc~~:'.;~ble ---- .1.p ples, j DRY I I GOO DS SALE T ·I J c ni~ pj° 1.he R0Wl1Lu~v i lll~ Ii"u1 ·nj tu1·6 Frlctor)· lo tl~ee\ .. ans an d S pectftun.!-i on s Oil tllP,l ica.l:io r1 lu ll.uager . ' B n .,.1·1an ' \! · T . ·lOElNS T ON . I , ' · l ' I n. . Ju ne 2U. 1872. . atl 11 / NG for the erection o f !,he contcn 1ultitc(I 1011 I WTLL P AY '!'HE .H IGHEST PlUCE. Bownu1nvillo, ~\ng-. 27 l-li . 187 2. -~ 5-tt / -~ - -----..-- ·· · - - · - · -· M rs. W1 a t hor G 1Stougnton 's Scnool, --\Y ! LL ~ Photogre~phyI I (i ne uo·,1· Gallery , R EAD jJ . 0 . & FOR TJn; NRXT THREE W :·:E KS, rel;i~lonuc on t De coru 1.· r of J( in,'".\' and · i 11 j 1 1 HA VE sE c t:RED M.R R~II. Fien ry /R E A D ! I SEA:wn rs & Temperance Strrnts, I ...- c1· fl t r cct. Rare Chancel p _F;..JY-C' A ~T:E:uR., ' DEP E W'S _ s plendid Business . MEDICAL VICTORY. }' 0 g S \I r ;._ .r -' 1 ·· f .0:·01 11 th e C~\ PINJ~ ' r 1:i.n!l U N DJ:i: H/l'A lCf~ G ilusi nes h o.s deo!d_cct t.o d isposc of his pre~e nL ht..1 .·g:J a ud p eofl ta hlo bu8i11 e6$ a t. ,. g-i \' C Jcssori.s ~ c ru1s llHL<l C on upplka tiun . lirs . S. will al ~ o " ' A X \ ·\rOH.K. I .(E n tran ce on I Corn er of Kiqg O J1p 111 ~)i t.c ont r1u1 ct\ lo T own llitl l. 'I f-,111penu1cc 8t 1 ·ce t). I B I t. 'lvill b~ tlic il· ttiu LLo ~i \' C!la tif:irtt,o(.io u to a ll \V h o may fitYor t h mu "v1th n. oall cl Lhof· at t11ei1 · Gallery i n Alt G .i\ l N - ll"- - ri: HE u h o u t t o re o JJJ~lNG WILL SELL THE BA L ANCE OF urn STOCK OF Prinuc Albert establis hed over fourteen ye ars , a.nd wh i clt ti.ffu nls u 11 excellc i Jt, O/)liortuni.ty to an y on e ·w ls hing to e n"'agc in s11c l fL busiTimm . The p 1·en1i (lt;s n n:l w_hf~o -Htoe k -ii:-t ru.dc will h e. dls p oi:;cd of a t-n. B u.r ga in, au.d on Ch"SjY'tenn~. -tl lho t1lock in ha nd i s la.rgc n 1 1d -..veil a ssorted , a n d the ru n uf cuslu1n eX CJ C)llent., For tc rm_ s blld or.her pa r ticu ltir s, appl )' on the p ren:1i.seE ~o . \ V . H . P~1. Il JL P rince AJJn:u-t, Jul y 17l11, 1872. 51 -tf GOOD S ! AT A- Change of Business IN THE non t pbysiclau of foreign d e~crgnt , bas d i8co-rered' a Grea.t B lood Remedy - {l. Pure ly V ego t o.blo Com pound - n amed b y physicia.m1, Dcp11w' 11 Medical Viotory, iha.Lcurna evory ki 11d of u nheahhy Hum or,and ever y d tis tb.a.t ctepend'a onlm puri ty of t he Blood , wherit t h e Lungs, L i ver, a n d K id neys, a.nd other vital orr:an~. a rec not wastild beyoi1d the hope of repa ir-. For the cure of Scroful a , l!ir ysi pela.s, Saltrb eum , E cze111u., Sea.Id.Road, Scaly E r u pti on of t.b.o Bk.i n, Ukere, and }'ever So r e ~ of all k i nds , B.'.>il1 R u rnor in til e Mo u t h a.n d S tom or Eyu, 8..>re E ,..:r11, Eru ption on the h ead , a nd Pimples or Blotchoa on t li D !ace, it etaude Pl'o -ominently at the head of a ll other i:.e med!cs. 'fh e fa.ct is; Hmu on , Scr ofula, and Disease of t h e Skin ":" orWliateTer lllUJlllOr n --.ture. are litor a.lly dng u p a nd oM·rie d out of t h11 s r1te-rn. in a i b ort t ime, b y thlil mm of t h h 13luod U e msd 1~·0oe bottle, in such ca.sell, w UI con vi nce the w o1\ in. credlllOllB of it9 cur1*ti vo effec ts. Cleanse t he Vi tiated Blood wbenevory ou ih I m1mritias tin g t h rough th e skin i n Pi mplH, Er uptions, or Sores ; cleau~e it when yon fin d it ob. atructed nnd sl uggi~h i n th e v eins ; cl@a.DBO it when it ill foul , and you r fo o ling ~ will t oll yo u when . K eep t ho Blood pure 01r ml th e h e u.lth of tho syst em 'ff'ill follo w . aa a Tonic · .tc . P o~~ C~>$iu g a lso the pecu liar merit nf acting 1\.81\ po w er fu l agent i 11 r eliev ing Con ge8ti on , And Chron ic I nfl p.mroation of t ho L iver and all t he Viaceni.l Organs. ~ i ugle, a t th o dawu of womn.nhood, or at tbeturn oJ l ife , t he MedicaJ Victor7 baa no equ&l. In th8- cur90t .RheumD.tlsm , Dyspepain, J,ivcr Cowpla.iut, an d cl is eas e~ of the K id11tly11 11.u<l Bl ad<ler, i ta effecte: ar&s u r p risin~ t o all . For tt lo.t i ng the :Bo-wols-, au d cur i u 11 Biliuu1me1a, e Siclc. H11adache, Neuralgia, }t'emalo Wea k n ega, Ner vou1. n 111a, i 11 the S ide, Loins and B ack, and general W eakn ess a nd Debilit y, it.'t curative powen be . yond mon e y a n d beyond -price, l'l' I S 'l'Jl t<J GJ:l.Ji)A'r :BLOOD PURIFIER,AK D A LJF'E GJVI!l. G Jl.R1N. CIPLB, a peTfact. Ue11 Qv11.tor a nd lnrigorator oftlrn )JR. DEPEW, OF PARIS, FRANCE, ·n omt. ... I·P . i OTO GR, ....A p ..i.J. -r:r c.: ___ OSHAWA OR BO W ~fANVIL LE. 1 T hor mak e al 1 Rty lcs and! of I I 1 ~ }' J.& W. J. JV1 '~IU RrfJ1Y &CO. A LETTU:RG RA PBS, orod . Photogr~j)hS in 1io.r ocla l: 1 oc· h "<:!lT, plilin 01 · e o l- DH ,Y (; (J l) DS AND l 1 ot ~g ru.1 il'fl 1 l nis hcd ln lmlia Tak or ScJ)!a, and col ored oit.hcr in WATER Olt O IL COLO URS, FU L L ASSO R T.M ENT --<ti!- 'l!ll-e y r:.r{'l P h Ot o Cr .1yo118, &c. p1 ·eparcd t o llHlko ALL KINDS OF VIE w ,, r:.: ' Such as vi c wfl o~ R e Ride nce8 an d Ga rd eus, Cro· qn et. nnd Pic-n1c Gro up::i, 1-l orscs, Catt le . d'.:o c., ~ P a1·Noula1· attention pcifrl "l:o the cop-yinu and rtprochwt i&(t of olrl cpulfadcd. p'id·ures Bow 1n1~n \ri, ll ~, .f ~nc (jth , 187'.:l. ,fo. tt'. l\iIJ_jLINEl~Y, PIONEER l3 0 0T & SHOE STORE [E sta.blil:;hcd 1838.] B o · w~\t A NV.LLLli:, I t i s a Gentl e Re gnla.t in g Purgative. a8 won GOODS, - -ANO - Su ne 2G, 1872. Great Reduction Ill · Prices. Gll() QI£ 1 11 Jj~S AND old, marri£d or Far Femal e Complaints, whether in young ar DA I L Y ~·o L INE In J"et.nrning yo·u 1n y sin c ere th a1 1k s for the very libcrnl pat.1·01uig0 ex tended to ioc, since my co1111n enc:ing busin ess: a.nd as i11 conseq uence of ot h er en gageme nt s, 1 n.rn com pelled t,o r cli nqnish t h e sa me ; I have g roat p lea s ur e j n recurn 1nen llJng tu y ou Mcsi;:rs . A ?\ :0.l'~ H.SON ·"'-CO., in y suc c essor s, w ho arc i n ever y way t)': .:t li li e.1l to give y o n 11s goo d Goods, and on us fo ,i·ahlc t r r 1 _ w; a B t.b ui$e gi ven by rue. :::ioliciting f z,: che 1n your p a L 1·on£Lg ~ . MILLINERY. EVERYTHING NEW, !STYLISH & CH EAP T I-{ 0 C l::I: E 8 T J::<-:: B. I an1 your s, RICII ARD ItRED. System , carr yi ng off o.ll f_:iotimnona a nd Rea . & orin g t he Dlood t o its healthy con dition. Sold by a.11 llruiW.sta St llor.lors. · SEND FOR A DESCR IPlmE PA MPHLET, no DRES S rHE CROOK ER Yo NEW L AKE S'l'EAJlfEit'. change in t he old esl.nlJliHh etl ho use of J\.Ir. R oed. \'l'C beg to infor1n t he h1hi:~blto.nts of Bowmo.nvi lle a n d s n rround l 11 ~ ~~n u n try that we have purcha sed his entire st.ock, t o w h ich ,.,..c nr o da.ily addi.J.1g I N RE FERENC I·: TO THE AB OVE B OW M ANVILLE Y OUl\I C , S I L LS &. C O . ,, Ontl\r j o . N ORSEIVI ..i.:\_N , Finest Family Groceries, SALT ..I.N D P LA.S'l'lllR ALWATS ON HAND. \Vill, on or o.b o ut 1st Anr il next, con1 111cnce he . regt~n L' daily t ri ps, (Ice p cr 1 ni tLing,) Leav ing Up bou.rg e\.:er y n1or ni n g ut 7.30, P ort Hope 1 \t 9 o clock. fo1· R nchc::;;ter co11nec t ini; t hc1·0 ~- i~h ~ e ~v Yorl' 9ent ru.1 , Nort.l;or n Cm1 t.ral, 1tntl I~ n 1hniy. tor a ll points k.;a is t, Sn ll 1.h n nd Sout..l.L \Vest;, · R WL' lll urdoch £!~· 1 ni ro ' i New GOO OS of tne lATtSTSt~le AKD FINISII, combine(l with duritbiliL y, aJl found MACN l AND IMPLEME NT MANUFACTURING CO MPANY or wh ich "vill b o Equal to A.nything ev er before oft'e rerl ir l this n1ru·k et. F:mu ou r fac ilif.ies we feel Confiden t t h at we can J>{4...oo before the public, su perior goods at aa1 ne rates a s t hor,e eluu·gcd by o th ers in th e t rade for an inferior u.r ticlo. The highest price paid for Butter & Eggs. MANUFA CT UR E T UE P OLLOWI NG: :\:VOOD'S SELF-RAK E BU CJ{:E YE MOWER , E A.P ER . WOOD-WOHKING MACHINES OF .ALL KINl)S, SA"-' ING MILLS, 'l'hl~ JEL~Y ia 111.irhly r ecommended to Lii dlca &s " mo,t iqr ecatlo l'rcpD.1'tJ.t1on for thG 'l'oil ct. Ji"or Dn utifyiug th.o Comple.:ti.00 1 and render ing the Stein 8oft.l Whito, Clear, and free from I> ry nct1s, it ia uu ri\"11 ! 00. It lV ill quickly remove a ll n.cdnofs, R ::m2:hncoe. '!'au, F reckle!:'. Plmplce. a nd otll cr im· p-3rfi.::c ..iorn1. F .>r Chnpp od Ile.nd e!Chilbla. i nt1, Frost Bit ::1 (\ \'l tl S Jre Lipa. it {;BWlO bo 8Uf1'81:! 8Cd. Pde ~ ~~ IGN OF THE <lOLDEN LION, . !..1cn.ves C h a rlotte, Port of Roc heBlor,cv cry C\'Cn1ng at. 9 o'clock, (e xcept Sat n rdays, w hen she le!\'··cs .9-t 2 o'uloo k,l-'. M. , for .B t h;-h t on). Ihe Steamer cn.113 a.t Brigh ton. Jt;{o nd.tiYi$ aJHl· Thursd ?-YS ; at qo lborno, e v ery da J- oxcept. \Vcd n.esday , at "\-Vh ~tby, Os h a"·a., Darlingto11, and Newcastle1 o u Vi ednosdo.y, r;hould freiglit o1 Frn·. Deale~'S 1n s tock w ill :11 nd this t lie cheat:est arid qu1ekcet rou te to .Alban y Dos ton !'\e:w '\:o rk, &c. ' ' 'AdtlrcE;!'l, n. C, C.A RTJi: U, 3Hf Port !lope. Ont Ult NING- H ave still a Large and Well-Ass<>rted Stock of Starle anti Faney Dry ing lV Orl< n1 a n in l\'fr . B.e ed 's cstabli sh n1ent for the pas t. si xteen y ea rs , ..A.LL \VOH.K GlJ_ l\.H A N'l' Kl~ D n.s repr ese nted. Custo m ·work ni n.dc to order und er the 1na n age 1uent of l\Ir. J11hn R ecd , ' " ho has been t he lead- IIILL'S PATENT PLOW, No 13, :SCOTCH CANADIAN & Glli"G PLOWS, :STRAW CUTi 'ERS, !:OOTdo., l}.,_o\.~Nl N G SHINGLE )fiLLS, llEAD!NG MACH! Nlf.S, PL ANEH.S, THON I..1 .A.TIIES, Th@ P urnp S h opWITH H OR SE-P OWJ<j R & Jc~ 'l'Trn , seribor. P osser.i;.; ion giveu i nl J;~cdiat,pJy. Onlv business of the kin d in t O'-Vll- pk.nty of ~-1 : ~ 1.01 : 1 · ra.l'e c han ce for a. good p 11 n1p 1u 1 L k i::r. Good·, whieh they aro determined t., · Trunks (Saratoga, a nd ot hel's) k ept c on s ta n tly on hand . ·FIJ.CLD a nd GA.RDEN nOLLEH.S, MILLS, DRILLING MACHINJ<;~, IRO N-PLANER~. 2::> at present worked hv thn 'iub· K CC P..tS . '!'HE H IGHEST PJUCE IN F Oii HIDES. ANDERSON & CASH ··CU L'l'l" A T O R S, sel I at price' M low M nny rn th r ;HORSE POWERS, &c., &e., &.c. !SIL VE.U.: -- -- ··- 3 ilrst-cl asll w orkrnen \Va.nt ecl- - nonc other n ocd a p ply. ·-- -------·- - -- - --- - - -- --- ----·-Th1 .J T o n.. ~ T SOAl' possesses all tho ' vc ll-lcnown n.a tilcptlc n.a:l d is!ufecting pro ptlrti e~ or C11rbolic Ac i:t, i s a gn!O:\ b\y Hr en tcd.., hn3 n hcaltby nction o n llu s', 1>r c vcnt'~ irrita tion,_ r emoves tho cff'ccte o r p·1~i! p : rJ.t i on, a.ud Bhonld ue rcgu \iuly w:! cd b y l'..lm! 1 !~~ . ' :JLQr:.i., f:lm.n.l.!J.:!ox an cl Fev er l'ti.Ucnts B o\' n: 111n·iJJe, )'J a y 25. 1871. - -- -·-~ -- --~ - UO. Wood f'or !'ink. land, being n oL"t.h liolr of Jot ;, 4.t h con D ar llngton, is offerf)d for s nle i.11 lots tO suJt, p n1:cb itsert1, or in one lot.. A :µply on tl 1c 1we11~i ;;es , ,J .lt :rtf ltS V E ALE. n arUJ11 ,-ton, .ruly 3, 1872. ,iH-t f. _!!o·w m ~ 1 n· ille , June 27, .1872. WE :KEEF' NO PEDLERS ~- the MUni ry. T HE WOOD ON Jnlc'l'Y ACRES OF Royal Insu r ance COJYIP ANY . Olf For Plows and other Small Implements, JJ.ut \viU sell such articl es at the Work s for })r ices leas tha.n any establishment can do which pays hirge co1 nn1issions to t.raveller s. F ar1nc r s t~ c., ehottlLl b::i wa;j.t C(l wrnftlilf5 Soa-p; nnd it:i u~ c ty p:i rs'J !lS li:i'>!c to i nfcctlon wtll m a.l.criull vJlrevent tl.J.-J spr ~ ~u or ai sea ~ o. Price 1!ieout e p er T u. ti let. - ·- ----- -----·--·------------- ---~-·. _,.....-- -----·-~- 1.1nnbel' Darlington . ~ud §hin g·k,. llfJ LLS, - -= ~A cfo~ount, of F IVE PER LIVERPOOL & LONDON. FIHl'.: AND L I FE. S 111Jscrlbctl Ca1·Jtal .... .. . . . .. . . $,ooo "dll therefore get Plo w·s , at the :ri-Ianufactury, a.t Tills ~ AL\' !: h n r !i_plcl c nro a ll Skin D le l'aE 611 1 CJ:i k~. 1\'u ; Hcd~, Urn1sch1 , Burns, Sor e_!, U k er 11, l Ungwo:··n 'l\l ~ t c r . EMc ma, Scald .L:Lend. S curvy, t..\,lJ 1c~ ? ~C :3 , Do;19, Pim1)JCH , & c. I t poescs~c a nll th.a I FOR SALE , A'l' t or iVIY IK a r eduction from usun.l prices equa l t o what is usually paid ped· . A. D. CAMPDELL. D nrltn gtou , N ov . 2!1, 1871. 18-t f CENT. will a b o be made on all oasb .lers. A few reliable Agcnta are engaged in taking orders for M o\vers, ~Rcn.pors, '-~· Orders entruat ed to the1n ~vill r eceive prompt at tention, clmt'l g1 ng 1111(l h r:ullu$ "11·tu es o r Carb oli c Acid, lVh ! c~ P a y u p and Save '.ii'l'm1 b!rc. uuUerE:l ig ncd a r :equc:>tc d to pay up bcfo1c t h e first of F ebr u ary n ex t a nd sa ve t t·on hle. :Fun d s tn ~a.Ju l , ol' t ~1· ..· .... . ... . .. 9,ooo,ooo o ~ll cr h .l<.: b ean t o u uu b y P hyslcia.ns c vc ry w h e r ec ~'J :1:J ! B"J.,·s c: 1r:~t lv o quali ties u ot discovered in any c tt cm i 1ircpara.tlon. P rice 25 cents. A LLPAR 'l'JE:{{ TND Ell'l'ED TO THE - - - -- - - --·--- - ·- --· -Bo1v1nanvillo, J a n. 3,1872. F . 'l'. H . E~A.D OF.11'ICE F OR U.A.N ..A.DA IN purchases over a ns dollav. l\-1:0 ~ 1'11EAL. .ALLI WORK 1'U R N ED~OU 'l' IN ~' IH S T CLASS STYT,E, AND FlOSKI~~tf Th~ Grocery TY ins nred at eQuit..'l.b le r a t es. I sola t ed d ·w ellings o.nd far m i·i.aks t.cik en on spech-1.Jly fav-orahle 1.e rms. Lifo Ins u rtinces gr anted i n rilJ the inost app rove d 111e thods. 'fhciE:l e ttbout to 1nsill'O \vill hear in mind tha t SltCU TlI'l'Y SH OULD DE T H E A LL DESCRIP TIO NS OF PROPER- WARHANTED. T:11~ H DiJ) ;,'.1c d 1, JJronchi ti s, T:rr ilJit ion ot the Dronchial 'l' i.1\1.:: " e" r:am u 1on in thb c o.&nO"ealJ le c li m~u e (lJ.~O Ll'l ia t he Jnoa t r eliable and c ffic!!.cione J;j_~ ~:d · 1H ail ca:.:c:i ot S ore 'l'hron.t, IIoarac n cse l ' frst Prize Cu lti vato r11. FJJ.\ST CONSIDERATION. i3-tf. F or r ates of pre1niu m s , apply t o th o u n dersign· w-, 'l'l-I0 :\1:PSON, .A.c:; !1 :l '}. Oll\:iuelvc H r enl-h , Ulcern.'focl Gum1:1, nod nil cl ~..:tl.-IC.9 o_r Jh? Mor1!.h, For Public l::ip er.kcrs l! ll ·l t 111 gc:~ 1t :.1:1 n1v~ ln~ blo . Tho in ~rcdlcnt.e en· 1·;!' ·- -\ ~ l :n 1 U1i u Gargle nro u sed by i:a!l Pby si cla.u~, a.gen t forBO"\\." Jn a nvilJ e. /;.;:.! i.1 :· t 11, ! c1:1·0 Of th~ above llu~.orders uro JlO\r WA NTE D Two or three experienced M·.·,.,.. 1 1n_~1;'~ ..:. L cd-f!·... tho_ most populn!:' in the Materlci [ 111;D 2l1 Cents. McCLUNG BROS tho o.U:ent.ion off11rmer s to the one-h or::::c aocl t wo-hor:1:1e I ro n Cnlt,i v1:1.tors n1a!Hl.factured by h i1n and ; vl uch i_Iave fo1· six yt"-!a r s o bt fl.inod fi r st prizeS at I r ovin c1a.I a nd I..1 ocal Fni rs . 'J'h ey are o ndo11 1J L~d l y the best inl Jllcn1cn t of t he k lnd i n use, and w11l lu lL vc i·y sh or e Um c inoTc tha n r ep·1·.,. their coi:>t, in th? ctf_lci<:n e;.' a n d cxcellm1eo c f LhefJ:. \VOrk. Ins pection 1u'\'1t;ed. A _~' n pp1 y of Cul t.iV A.· tore no w 01,1. hand fo r the spring- ;voi·Jc, 1 uul will be sold n.t lowest rat~. · mo ~ T HE SUBSC!1IBER WO ULD DmE CT , Dopartm ent is a.le snpplfo cl wi t h lfo w F ruits, Spie~$ NEW S P RING - -AT-- GOODS I HARROWS or a. superior kin d , n.1so on h.e,nd . tc. N on Qb ~tter in qi.rnJi 1y,and nonl MIL L IN E RS , for the 'vork·roo1n. Apply to MISS llfoT AV ISH, at B VGGIES AN D W AG O NS ::F3ATTIN""G P OPLINS, .JAPANESE SILKS, FIGURED and Pf, AIN LUSTRES, PARASOLS, MUSLINS, LACES, PRIN'l'S GLOVES, &c. s · oon st..."\ on h ancl for s a le. Ui" A ll !duds of Illack s mit.11 'W ork llono on the shortest notice. A can solicited. 15-3-!t f. J. "rES 'f CCl'l"l' , Bow1u au,·in clrnap ei-. MURDOCH & BRO'S. 43-tf ) Bowmanville, May 23, 1872. C tt t'·l of" '.l'ha1~i1 s .· American 0 1'.gans ! SPRING STOCK, 'I"his PmrARAr;:oN ia t1 n equ1tllcd' 1n :lh1 t!J. f lditv f o:r Shnr1.1'.le;it ng nud Poll~hi!J.~ Cutl ery , T ll.b 1.. acd Pocket ·.<ni.vr.!:;,H1 w;ors, HnrGtcal Ins trument~ Shoe· ing has eve r . ~C Z :.J. dl scov~re: ll \'>' hic' t has Lnto po p !!.l:l ~ H Y m O!'C l).U ti.; ": )', or bCCO:Il'1 o f so ma ch val u·~ l n t: ;.·0 ry ll 1·.1.,~b.o l -I. ~ . l wor1': ~· 4 O !J fucc euerj,J u st:!u.ID.'~ B ~ . Pi'i ~c 2:1 C·;n ts. R.. P E A 11:[!'EJ '!'AILO R, EXCELL E NT TuiwmanviJJe, April 24, 1872. lf[ iTA c !isconnt will he N ew Business I Berlin Wool Store. mHE SUBSCR IBERBEGSRESP ECT. I }.,U LLY to inforn1 the public that as Mr. R. Rood's busiJ:1ess ho.a chn.n g~l h a nds, ho has :r:esol v ~d t o open business on h is o wn account in tl1e sh op two door s \Voot. of Mlll'dooh B ros. ; .,sh~ro ho will keep on hn.nd n first-class stock of Boot~ and Shoes for the sen.son. Or der ,.-.·ork will h a.yo his prompt attent ion. Twenty .Ove y ears experience in t he t r ade, n1or o t han the las t t'vo of which h e h as spent u s c utter, nnrl ,rren eral m anager in Mr. R e ed's es1a.b lishm ont, TI as given him opportuni ties of l et~rning \Vha.t the J)eoplfJ r eally -w ant; lie ha.a therefore n o donbt -of being able to g iy e sa tisfo.ction t o all who sh a ll fa.voe hiln 'With n. cull , a nd :hopes by givin g due attenLio11 t o bu siness to r o(;Ci ve a. lair shar e of public suppo~t.' S l\!ALE. The :nc W s tock "'·ill b e O"Pened mikcrs' Kni ref', Pl.'11vj B it~ 1 ·11d Clll ~ c ls, &c . No th- LA D IES' ~-· 't'" TURK hifl .sinc13rethil 11k::1 tt1Lis uu mcrons customers and friend s, a:nd vvonld beg to:'!H Y l.hnt h e hiis removed l'·U t h e corne l' of J( in g a nd On tario s t.reete, -..v horo h') 'ivi ll be glarl t,('I se c a8 111nny of R'004 ·nat1 ;1red a n d good -Winper t\d on es as please t o give hnn iL (:fl.IJ. Bo l-l'Jnanv i ll e Nov . 2'2nd, 1871. li·t! U T OULD R E Sl ' E CTFULLY RE· Groceries of TWO AND A· II AJ..F PE N e Plus Ultra I WIT H Dress Caps I NE1V AND TIN SHOP Complete in everv Department, I N BOWMANV ILLE. A KEW GLEE BOOK, PIANO ACCOl>IrANI!vD;KT. Pr- foe $1. 50 each; $15 p er dozen, CENT. on cash pureh. a s8s over one , I On S nt nrday, llth Instant. Ile n1ember tho place, two doors W eet of l\-Iurd ooh Dros.. J. S. C H I G N 0 N S. W . G . R EED,' - MUCH- .E'.LEASUR E IN lNI I AS F'OltMING A CHOICE _i.\.SSOR'l'l\1ENT AT THE h IN G AND DIVISIO N S'l'REEl'S first Storei "\Ves t of Murdoch Bros. the ln h nbi lants of Dowmn.nvillc a n d su r rotL nd i11g co lu1try that ho Ju~$ opened ont n. Ne\v 'rin Sho11 in n 10 8t.Ot e la t ely occu pied by .John A llon, corner of Bo\vnian v ille, 'vh er e he w ill keep con stantly on h a-n tl a well sele cted stock of stoves, n ned , pressed and pla in T inware, which he '\\ill sell Bo,,.,·n1a n ville, June 5th , 1872. ~8-tf. W HEREV Eit n o ar~l all of which ha.Ye P ian0Acco1 u rnc n1s'. ~~ li · Sarnple COI)ies lHfl ilc d , vo::it. paitl, for $ 1,· A:ttt1' kb'i'0,0~1 .Tt, i tt\~ l 1J-rl!&ikiY '-1 UUra Gl ec- Jloo l~ l w.s b ee n inh·oll uccd i L has be~n pronounced SUJlet·.io t· to a ll oth er \VO~k f:I THE NE P J,!78 dollnr, exce pt ]<'lou r and Gra in. Q:"1J~\frer:t e8' J. L . PE'T'F,RS, ti!.)9 Dnnidway , N . Y . ~00 R ou!!e and Bedd ing· Plnnts. :i'o r S ale . "CHE A P AS TH E CHEAP ES T." Sp ecia l o.ttontion paid t o 'l'eu, Dinner anti Chamber Set ~. in AND WILL BE In t h e Town of B own1a.nvillc, Twent yA LARGE and choice selection of EA VE'l' P.O U GHI N G AND JOI3!3 I NG eight acres of land belonging to estate of House and B eddi ng P lants for sale, cheap H E S:J'IITH AMERIOAN ORGAN the Me DAYID DOWNEY. For pa1·43'!" Orders fro1n the cou ntry pronrp t-ly a ttended <;o . h n ow completed their 'l'wenty-.Fll·st ticul ars enquire of to. at areyof business,·wit h n. const un t u.nd sLill in c1 13ase BOUNS ALL'S. ltZ H i g he)'; t p r ice fo1~ H ides, S hccpstins T.lI0111PSO N & BURNS. ot g rowth. A s tll u 1 n a n ufactor}· is on e of t h e Rags, 'Vool -pi ck.iu ga, Copper, ~·ea.thers a nd old~t, it els o ra n ks amon g t he h ighest i n th e ab-. Bowmanville, May 231:d, 1872. 43-tf country . D uring the long ex:pcrie n cc of the Bowm anvillc, !\fay 23, 1872. 43-tf Hnl'Seh l ff Gre a t i.J:Hlucc1 ncmts h eld out to p cdlers. n1a.nufactneci·s ,thc y ste:tct:ily u.d d~ cl Lo I.ho capacity ot t heil· instru ments, u nd 1HiYe availctl N . B . ~Fur 1n er1J w a r1Lin;J" ~lLl k Pa ils 01· Pa tls SOLD Chi na and Stoneware. T t h en1selves of ever)' method t o i.Jn prnvc tho qua llt y of roue and t o i ncrease th e tnechn.nical facilities fo r t.hc p cr fo1·n1cr . And i..ho ug li they expect to co1i.tinu e t h e c our se of im1n-ovemellt, theyareabltnda.ntly sa.Ustled wjth wh '1.l. l 1 1 1s be c u done, a nd \Yit.h the est.ii nat.ion in which t heir inatrument.s arc held by good j u dges o f nu 1 s ic. , Aa h eretofore they w ill use t.h o b est 1no.t erwJs, w it h.out, reg-a.rd to coat, and give every O rga n the most t h or ough "\\'O .r knu tnsh ip. Th ey especia ll y i nv ite com1Jarison8 u.1:1 t.1> the quaH ty a n d v olun1e of t one, and as t o t.h i'! effectt·v o m ech a nical n.ppll.a n cco. 'J'hcy call u. tlen tion to t he ract t h a t t heir 0 1 ·gans a re sold A'l' E X · 'l' JL"Jl~ l\fl!JJ.,Y LOW P R I CES, as low a s ia e hargcd for DH t n y of an infer ior sort. H avi ng a la r ge, and th or ough ly ap pointed 1na.nufuct,ol'y, e111 ploy iug none bu t skilled -..vork tnen , a n d having n1a do n. mtnnto d i Yis ion of lttb or, t hcy ure able iv p.r otl u ce Organs at less ra t es t han n1ost conlp e titoi'fl, Charles Silver DEALE R. . JN ' vould do w ell to call a nd cxtLnline 1ny stock be· fo1-c pu rcha.siJ1g else wh er e. A sb of Public pa trona ge resp ectfully solicited. HAS 'I'. DAUJ, 11. NG'l'ON, just receive<l. :t Cone and see our China Hall. quantity o]1 W F or one month we will g:iv.i 11 , V, Q . llEED. Bo\vuuu 1villc, l\·ch St h. 18'll. 32·tf. ----~~-- ------------ GROCE IUE S, PROVISIONS, FRUITS, -...T EER" C"-lAUM 11.1. o .1.. fat tenin g a nd bringtng into con dt(l ~ion, H or ses, Cows, Calves , Sheep a nd Pigs, u sed nnd recommend~ by first· s class Breeders. Stock fed wltb lt have [ always t a ken first prizes. M ilk Cat tle I p roduce more milk and butter. I t fattens in one fourth the usual time, l ~ior § t ill A be:l d . o I REES, 'l'E ,\. p ~RTIES .i. · ' CHEAPforCASH ORAN GES, LEMONS, COCOANUTS, P EAN UTS, Also, K ollnetb Cn.rnpbell's celebrn.tetl Hodn \ Va.ter , Lc1 non adc a n d Sarsn.pal'i11a, ver y euitablc for su1nmcr dri n ks. All the above will b e k ept con stnn tly on h a n d during the hot \\-·eath er. Dn.rlington haa jmd. roce iYed anot her lot ~f very fine 'i'EA S, w hich wJll Uc solll cheap J:or cash. B o,vrnu n vi lle, Ont. i -t f :BA.LL SU P PERS, J>" UB LIC DINN]~ 'RS, and eaves food . .« AND BRIER ROOT PIP E S, JIO.L.LJR n ox CON· T d.L NB TW'O llll.J\..D ll Bll P B .BD IJ"' ' HUGH llILLER &' CO., WEDDING CAKES and b est btea.d dcli.v c1:cll d a ily to c ui:> to111cr s4in 1.S·3 Got. l.1p in the be:,t etrlc a nd on reaso 11 ii..Ule terms bl' t,hc s ulncribcr. l 'he 'vhitcs t , t h e s weetest 'l'h l~Y U~li eY e, alao, tl 1a t among ot h er thin gs, t11ey llavo ear ned a r eput at ion for fa ir d ealing, thd Uicy ·w o u ld a.<:1sur e disLant Plll'Cl111ser : 1 that a n Organ will ever le ave t h eir \Varer oom s w ith noeir k no wl edg e, t h u.t is uot in ev ery rel'lp ect perfei'!t of its c l£Lss. A~ t huy have bPfore stated, t hey intend to se- 1 c ure o. friend i ~ cv:cry purch aser. 'l' heircatal?gue vnth full descn pt1on a nd accurate e ngra vings, will b e sen t free to any 1 1d clt·ess u pon a. p plicat.ion. All n e cessary lnformc~tion CJ11ecl:fully furnioh ed. AgricnJ ~~=!"mi~!_~~-Erl -~ :East. Toronto CENT. oll. 011,sh purnhMes. n il p art s of t h e t o"'n. i'or S a le ! , I A~D ALL KINDS F OT · sale bv Qjr , .I. H!GGINB01'HAM, Druggis t, Bowma n ville. ~ I . _______ ___ ___ __:"-LEX. FLJ;;'l'CH E R. l'll atlic e. SEVERAL GOOD l!' AR.iliS Durha1n. AN D T IU:; TIIl~O R 'l' IN WEST TOB ..t>.. · CCONIScl"S , GOODS. I ' Addre ss 'l'1·e1 no nt St., o ppos ite Waltham St. Boston, Mass. J, M. BRTMACOMBE, llowma.nvillc, Gen eral for t h e P rovin(..-e of OntRrio. lio"\Yll.l l\n ville, April lOJ 1872. THE S11ITil AMERICAN ORGAN CO. i IR I . · EMEMBElt THE STAND, ONE dooreasto!F. Y . Cowl e's; R'.lng ~trcot. I 1',1Hi tia and otl1 crs ·w ho h nvc been in t h e 1 h;_ibit of .1?ractking ·w it h ball CUJ'Lridgo~ on the fiu.t., ·Vil l b e.'U" in JU ill d th a t [ l'OTJl the ,, · pr esent th n o, <tnv consent, hit.horto gh rcn Uy inc TC 1\lE CvTTA<TE ON LI BERTY is a b sol utely ~~i L hdra\\'n; 111Hl a ny on e found s troel, a t pres,.nt oc.iupied b y J. Christie, E sq, 'vilfu lly e<>n tiuuil1g R ifle \3raeLicea.t'ter t.his n otice S tation Agent . }"or pa ofi qni:fc or must b e tlett1t wit fi a s t lC law flirects. Wm. TI!OMPK~ON~ t F. RAYN ~;s . · lng ;:;; .· 13 o wm1t.n -r ill c, " ""ttf I~oinr ;.u vhlt Mn-y 2-6, 1871. uJ.a.y 30 ~ ,1S'l ' · .. ~~ Fo1· ., J ~r a e. T U E llrnM.BERS 01<' VOLUN 'l'EER Foi· p twt1onl n.r s l:v to J . "S. Rl. Tl.EDGE, ~n.roh , 4, 18i2. Orono, ]fo r perso n~ wh o w ant Bargnine and have t he money MURDOJ9'EI S OF ~ f US I C . J OHN CAMIDGE, MUS. DOC. , ENG- BROS. t ime. jg the plaoo to o a nrl 1 <iw LAND, 'l'each er of t h e a.h ovn. "Application for t orms, &c ., to be n uicle to M essr s. 1t. & Ji. O'Ho.r1i, Stnt,, 42-3rn. x:

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