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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1872, p. 4

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, CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1872. A LITTLJ girl n1 Linden N J while tt pla.yinb with au I1 1 i rnbUcr h Llloon .1.t taohed to it he1 1 lh i: s rocket book con '1 J onill3 E clectric 0 l' n ii '.1 en Tnne its TVe gfi t t-n f.iold Du 10 & now ta101ng se,01al d 1la1s 11 n 1 ey She an it ir g oj i t ~ T1 t t carelessl3 let go 11 t hold '" hen b \.lloon -i,l i st n 101iilil pocket book and ll w;c~nded swiftl} uul Ca11hon ! ! ! MOST RESPECfi ULLY IO I BEG quint tle llc of the Br tl:=ib Nol'th \m er en prov nces that n 1\lay I I.St [ ca\ scd the p1 of sight FoR loss of ct d h urn ail red water CO\VS 111 loss of appe t ! e r .,. r n1urr 111 11 shee1 tluck "nnd brvkcu wind and roar 111g and fot all obstructions of the11dnPVS in h 11se~ l se Sheridan s Ca\ alry 001 cu1cd ! l nc back of elgl t ) c ttS ta hng cltt1on Puwde1 s 1 lau.k of Brookfie d l oga County r 11 sn,ys I AN Irishnian C\llod at a diug .store to P. L t! i t) J lesfor abQlt.leot yoLir01l vluch eife tcd av. dCl fu ic r tc uuke 11 1 ul by8 x: troubled lun1 n1ost ' Be me soul s:ud he One sma I bottle of o r Eclect1 c Oil restored I have it in l' c ry houl and corner er ti c "o cc whore the poison had not spoken u.l.lo\ c a.whop rmihc:vea s Ile.,; J Mal101y ol me Vi:voinng N Y r tcs Yo1r ]r.c1ec tlJc01l cured m of B1oncl it1s i o p, week fJen.lers SuFIERER~ fro t co 1 gl s co ds bron ~u o'er tbc country sav \\ c h a.vo never sold ch1tis cro t p l 1tluenza 01 whoopmg cough a rneil101ne tbu\, l u.s g ~ eo su ch co np eto stt.l s faction a,, th ~ _ Will find rehef LD Dr \ V1star s Bal::m.m of It fa composed of six of ti e beat oils that arc " 1ld ChcrrJ wlnch has now been in use k o "n I~ a.s goo1 totnke as fot external UBe ~or nearly half 1 centniy 11d still inain a d s l.Jel e cd l.o be i.m r easu1"flb13 super o to a ytluige"f' n ale "\\ill::.a C JOUn cl s1f ta.ins its long est; l'lhcd reputation ns the fer ng in d 1 a_ny liars of expense Is sold by great ren1edj for ill diseases of the tlnoat one 01 uwro ealc ~ i 1 o\e;:,, plltce >lee these lungs and chest c 1 c Lla s ic fou1 d P ice 2o ccnla 'Vb y not b 1y It to day1 Prepared l) s N 'J'lIOl\1A:-. PHELPS 1'\ 1 CAUTIO~ to Pn1chn.serJ of the Pernv1an And NOH.IHHOP & I y lYlA.N NEwu \S'T'I E Ont Sy1 up (a protected soluti m of the tox S ole Agents fort h e D ow n on ide of iron) Be\ u-o o-t bemg decen ·"'d No E -Eclcctrw Selected El0ctr zel by any of the p1epa1at1 ns of Per 3.h Fo1 sale b-l"T ~ '1 .Atk nson and Dr Dcu.n5 Batk or B~.:rk ar d Iron which nJ Dt: Oal a vn u \I\ hltby br J f[ Go.rue an l J Byrn B uckl u by John \\ atrc offered to you ~' ery bottle of gell ine n "'o d bv J lIIGGINBOTHAi\.f ru: d D STOI :r ha.s PERt\IA~ S Y1to 1 (notPeru-v11n J~o.1k) B v; nui ill ~ Ontuuo get a bottle of J chnson s AnodJne Lu11 "1 phcat n 8 1-nother wl 0 l as hadA s I mafor ment for the Rho lm:..i.t1s1r the druggist )f:lar1:1 says I have l alf of a 50 <.:en bottle left a nd $100 would not bu) LifI eould get \Omo c as k Cd h 1m in 'f h t\ t part Of t h e b OCl Y it Rt u'=' RoU son of Nunda N 'Y 1 tcs I b lfitncso at 80 1\1aicten Lane New York fo1 lhe sale of lloL ow :t: s PILLS Ar-;l)Ou-n MENT.,.wl tch veto up to t.hattln c p cpa red 1: w 11 a l JJrO ~n no"' lecc sed to bo closed 'lheso I\iod c nes vc1c Irog1~t to sa) f1onl 1\hat has lately cone to rny I 10 vledge 1uadcup of such\ cry ord Lry 11 g ed1~ ta a s to 1eudc1 thclll ahnoet \';orthlr:se a.1 d ti e cfo e calc lated to da.1n igo my good 1 sune II ose who do not l'iu>h to be d ccei ed Ly buy ing sp u s 11 ed <.: ncs vJ ch arc now likely to eman ~te 1r01 l the States or elsewhere but to { osi;css the !Oclvcs of the gonulne HoLI OWAY s 1LJ A AND wlll do well to see that f each 1 o n l box beau; tie Rt ti RJ Govc1nmcnt on wl 1ch iso1 gravel tic words llOLLO I w \.Y s P LLs AND 01:-.1a l!i.N r and th it lihe ad dress o 1 the label is 533 OxFOHD 81RE£r Lu~ DON -.. he1e o 1 they a o innn ifaoturcd and in no oLllcr p:i.rt of the vorl 1 'I he retail prices on the label a in Ilritlsh cu1roncy and not in dol larso.ndoents No re11'e or mine w1ll ever trn.vol thro gh n1 ). I a.rt of tl e B tish Pro'i tncos or the United 8tatcs e tbcr to soil or to take order9 for m~' P lls and 0 mtment an i as I have re1;1,son to bcheve tJ at attetnpta will very proLa bly be 1nadci to deoe 'e the p blic 1 thls way by persons call ! mg upon D1ed.Jclnc-.endo1a,. falsely rcprescnt1ng I that ti eJ areacling for me and v.ith my k:iow I BARGAINS. BAR.,G-.A_I N""S , GREAT BARGAINS A.RE NOW GlVEl\ AT THE AGEN C Y OF l11E BO>\Mo\NvILLE FURNITURE ~eneral Sewing Macnine~genc~ F:;~w~~:<O;P:;ty -AND- M.ANcF CllJilIJ\G CO SUDSCRIBER HA'I ING BEEN T HE pyo nted retail agc1 t the Bowm inv llo 1r1rx1 ture Mau fict ng Co s nu v in a rosi b~ DETACHED RESIDENCES 111 \RKET BUILDING S~ TNSU!lE YOUR l'RO PER1 YIN TR& -AND- Cheap 101 to flll :i.ll o le :-a u.t. M Joi. u, 1atc as a y dco.l er in 11 e co u tJ 11 !ti KOH I S M \ NNING i Save Half Your Money Corner Corn for Sale, Store i 'Vholc 1G 39 tf BOWMANVILLE Head Office for Canada Kmgston or 01 acked· Jolu:1 l!lcDougall. ~a le, ( !-,HIS old ind 'veil esta bl sl el Company l ins u res DOtb ng hu t Farm Property anJ d tachi:d Res dences and lssues I ol c1es nt Gr ea telj I educed Re. tes ASSlH" $550 ooo oo PUBLIC OPINION Corner Storo you ca.n g1.1t A !!ij>iem m l':n-1n .tor rr pulil con the r gun.rd against any such do~er t ons I most eo.rncP. l} entreat all thoise ,vho Jn.a) read this advertisement tl ut thny ho ploased ln tl e publ c interest to oon1n1un1cate tho purport of the same to tl1eir fricnde thn.t they may J at be defra u9.od of the r i iono} by p_urchae i g 'vorth leas 1 nit..ahonsof the genu1uo HoLLO\V o\.Y s l ILLS AND OtNT!\iii:NT l~dgearidconscntldeon11tadvsabletoputthe has fully J oL tied the 011gi11al idea that nt tl o I nea1 tie fO\ to to :N b -=- rund"' IRE COl NTY OF DURHAM of Do man"illc Depos ted v. itb the F inance Mus te1 for special ben e fit of Ca.natl an ?ohcyholde1s o ver $100 000 Apphcn l 01 J S .HA I F.S I rop1 etor Bo> D1an' Ile Octo bc 4th 18 1 10 tf ( rb FI'I' 'l,ED AND WELL SUI'l' E D "Lo c KMAN" See t h:> fo llow og Ce rt ficates )' S IS to cert fy 1hat tl e Aguc u t n ro.1 Jn s lrtince Oompnny llo.v1ng dcpos ted it1 the hands cf the Rece1 er Gene1n.l of C s nadn tl e 1H m of Fifty four 'Ihousu.ncl P1ve Hun d ed Doll ars 11 Un ted States ilo ds a s re q 1 red by tllo Act of Cai tdtt 31 Vic cha 48 sec 22 IS he reby I cenaed to carry on the bus ncss 1n Cnn ad n. of~ ire Insurance Dated 11.t tie 0 t.} of Ottn. :va the 2nd d"J of June 18 0 CARTI_,,_AGES ! blo vn in the glass before pu1chas1ng Exil.nnne tho bottle _, l ·ll 3.l=l t°r\l :D ll , p tho atlti ..kFC!§froyer n A l A S om c;ll r .:1 a1 c. nvo1abJy k1 o"n rcliovmg thou \.1\llLY MEDICINJ, II I n SU:le Be ck '"d Read Coi<7l s Colds Soie Thr at SJYi ains Bntisc.s 01 amps 1-n tie Stom«ch Chofo a .Mo1 bus D ysenl/jry Bov el ( mplaH~l Bwrns Scalds E 10st Bites &c 'll c C \l'lAOIAi'i 1 UN D~STKOY.BIB 11 is now I would tl.!;k as n. great !o.i. our that should come to the kno "lell_ge of a.nJ person that spun one n1od cu cs a ro b e ng u1a.<lco1 sold ia myna nc he be plensed t een i mo all the pa.rt1culars he ca 1 collect respeotmg the eame tha.t is to so.y then me anti nddrca~ o the ve dor who 1s sell ing tlic st ur1ous l ed cu es tL tl l kowisr. t J e na1ne TOWN HALL Bi.JILDilrGS, BOJll,l1ANVTLLL. and adtlreae of I he House in the United States or elscnvhore wluch Ifill;} have supphod thOtD ttO as to enable no !or the proLcct o l of the public tu i ist1t tc pl.'oceodlnga against guch e' U doors DI \.LEll l N and ( engage to r emunerate i. Cl.") h indson oly n" pcr--.ion vJ v ma~ f,'1'e me RUCh information t.l c ,informants :wune neve r being divulged Sh d any pcl'Son h av13 reason to belie-.. e tl n.t he has bee l dcee ed b y buy ~ Rp l 'lOUS 11ri ta t on !'! or ti etio )+led cnics he W1U do well to send me 1 a letter to the address at foot (\\h1.oh he Dye Stuffs Patent Med1c1nes Perf irr y Brushes Con1bs Soans Painlo aull can do at o. cost of 1:1 x cei ts in postage) 01 e of Oils Pamt Brushes Coal 01! and Coal 01! L1>mps &c &c th e books of lStt uct101 s wh ch aL'e to the sa l 1 omlsc to exan1inc it u1 d s end a reply s1 l.t ng w.hcthet the Med1e1ues arc &"Cnuine or not so thu.t if s p ll'lOU!i he 1 iay apply to t1 o pe1 so fro hon1 J e 1 rchasod t11em to ha' e h H1 mon ey etu "llCrl PYYSICIANS PJ<m,cun no-.s CARllFULn COMPOUNDED tND AU. ORDEH~ Chc1n ts and Druggi.sts '"ho det1 ro to obtain COHRECrJ Y ANSWEUED the Med c nes can be BllJ?Phed u t the lo "ei,t wl ole8alc p ices n qua1 tit1es of not less than £i!-O ~oit (at wh h re lttancc n11st be sc \tin advanee)- i 1z Ss 6d 2'1s and 31s per do~en boxes of P lls or pots of Omtme1 t nett "1thout jli§J- Fa1mers and Phyncians frorn the C"unf!ry will jind our Stoel' ?\fedir. i.cs corn disco u\t. dlete and of tli< best q ..ality 1 ha.,; e the l onour to be With gicnt respect IHOM '>9 HOLLO\\ AY 553 O;ifor l S re {l ttc 2~ l StJ and) London T¥ C. Septer. iber l 18 l 17 10 D. S'I'OTT, AND James Morr1 s, CHEMIST DRUGGIST rARlUAOES WAGOONS I CUifERS SLEIGHS &c I .Ill I.N U .I< AO DRUGS, MF.DICTNES, AND CH El\ITICALS, con t111 DD ruru i': DIN :'\'Y ST) T F. DJ SJR'(!:l) XD rrrn: STTOHIEST NO'l'lCE ClLVJNM PP We ha' e examin ed into the cond t1o n aud stan lJng of the Ag1 cu1turn.1 r l~ r u1(:ll Uom1 a ny a1 U. do fully cuncu1 w tl M Cs. en ore corn neud g ll to !bti Fn mers or tbl,JI Prov nee as o e pcrfectl) sat e and reliab e in wb ch to ns uro L I lr I ro1 e1ty 1 <\.LL Karns OI BLACKSMITH lN "t;~ WORK, MANNER J C 01 ARK Bnnl l"r J C..i. nc"1 nm1s & Co GEO .1\. KIRK! J..TP.TCK M: 1! SAT!Sl'AC10nILY DONE B i\f BR11 TON A SUPERIOR TI1E 541:h >' OLUME! At the Ironmongeryr SOMEEHING LO~G \'\h er you w int r \tlung in the gn e J AMFS ]fORRIS a. call OT' cl ho \ 111 s111t you 01111 abe lu ~ One door "\Vest of the 0 ta1 o Bank Do'i'r no.nvil c ' Oct 10 18 1 IF01 lS72 ! THE 1LL U8TitA TE J> "\V.lNTED BY EVERYBODY, -OR- Sewing Machine We would refer you t o the follow 1 g gen le1nen tu r egar 1 to U e respo1 s b 1 ly o t tlM vom1 anv -D F s her E::oq Cnsh er of tl:ie Ontar c; Pank J no McLf'od M P P J B Fn 1bn 11 Esq Postmaster J E l nrewcll Esq Ilan ster Age nt tor Cobo nrg nnd -; c nity, WILLIAM T FfSH Phrenological Journal, A FtttST CLASS botht1.m n.nd EVE ll Y ONE DIS OR DER. OWN P llNTJ,R' W R CLl!!IE Loenl Agent at Bo·m·n VJJ1f: D~ccmbcr 5 18 l'\1-['LJE:OD'S HOUSE A.ND VILLA l?A.INTS, Prepared for immed iate use and nothing: but the purest M Lter1als nsed tnd re qu1r1ng no further mixture of oils rurpont1ne md Dryers FAMILY MAGAZJNE. Pl rerwlogy The B a n and its Functions Loca.lmn of tbe Organs tv1th directions for cul t1 ea d t ralnn g and tho relations of Mind nnd Dody described Ph11siognom,11 or the Signs of Character v. ith 1ll 1strat1omi and ho to Read them L~t! special feu.t re Ell iof.oyy or ti e Nat rn.l TI\story of lfan 111 atro.ted 'vil be given Pl vs oloU?J and Anato1nj1 - 'lhe Organ zo.Lton structure a.nd functions oft.. 1e hunu1n bod) with the la." s of hfo and l oalth \VJmt we should eat and u nk J o v clotl cd and l o"' to oxerc ae !>.leev and llv 1n aocordanco ·w1tb. hygienic prin c ples Portraits sketches and biograplues of leading men and 'von1tJl\ 111 all depart l enta of l fe a e spec al feat 1-es I a.re1 tfj Zcac.kt 9 and Others - As a. gu de In cd tcat.11 g nnd tr unlng Children this mi~gtt.zlne has no super or Much generallnformat1on cu the leading toplce of the day la ~n en a d no efforts tre s1 to L t a.ko th s the most and instr uctive a well as th e Bet>t Pictorlu.l Family Ma.gaz1ne ever 1 uoliehe I lJJ1JtaJJl1 slwd - The Jourun,l has reached its 5!th Volun e I t hlS steadily nciet.Sedinfnor d11 l g the u any yen -s t ho.a been pub! shed o.nd was ne'er moro populW' than no"\\ Te? m.s -Monthly at i3 o. year in ad'l'n.nce S g c n mbers 30 cents Clubs or ten or more $2e< el n. a ex1 a cop~ t Age t \\c a re oftP. ng l l c most llbcra.l Ptcmi ms Inc1o:3e lv cents for a immp]e nun1ber >v1th new f cto al Po8ter and P usr ectus ru d a co plete List ol Pren tunls S R '\VELLS Publishor Addtoas 389 DroA.d vay New York 'IOOK THE JIRST l'RIZE AT '.!'HE Celebrated Bradb1wy ! l"mno Forte. in llJemorm1n uttcrc l 1 o I t Oh 1J 101 an<l Eu lJ1 IS not lllJ Uicd b t ber eJUted by t.hem .All t.hose llen.1t fnl enblcrns v.hl eh do1n the u1y ton1bs u.round which 'e lo.,;e to h igel ass e ls e are n \ "'orl d of \vu.rm and Jov ng hearts the adorn n ?, of the 1.:1e1 ulch1cs of the lo' cd ones al O"l tes out g r ef and soothes the wounled heait It ttlso chee fl. tlle be reavetl to k1 '"IY. t h Lt a 1 nd llt1onal en be Lishn eut of U e gra"o'e pre~on a stro ger l ons to nn est the n tte1 l.lon of ti e sh ~ lgc1 and ca. uses hi n to pa se a1 d le u the nano of one vho has sluu'Od so la1g:ely in tho love of otl ers '\:Ve to.kc this method to iuforn1 yo 1 that vc c 1Jl 1111 orders tor iccorat ng tho grn.ves of depa1ted friends a t Jov,; fif,"U ea exec cJ n ti e best style of v.o k nunsh p t GUN;;'l' EXPENDITURES .l:-JL n ho1 or of t1 c dead Hea· en hns THEIR COMPOSI1ION CONSIS1S SOLE) OF - To Q,vNERS OF II01ts1!1S -It is a 'veil ) atte!>l+ed fact co1 tiru1ed by ~he exper1c ice [ of thou sands t ho.t Da1ley s Conv lt1on Powders and ~11b an Hea.\P. Ren edv for · horses is super101 to n.r ;thing f the kind now or ever known 'Ve know that it has been used 111 rnany c1ses '\here the horse has been consule1 ed ahnc st " orth less with the 1nost sn.tisfl\cto1y ieault the hoxs.e lun1ng been r es tored to [ crfect soundncBs or so much benefited th~~t th e co111pla1nt could scarcely be obse1 ved Many such 1 01 ses have aft01w:trds be e n sold for from $GO t< $100 m re than they '\\ould h:tve pte\10 lslv bro 1ght and' c1c well -..,uith t hP. d1ffe1 ence let all u :dereat j eel cu sider fhtR lle1nemt er the lf nnd s~ th tti he s1guutu1e of lnud &: Co t! on each p 1ck lge N 01 thr p & Ly111 .t\ (n c ~:.t] ~ Ont propr1et< rs for Canafl t Sold by all l edicine dealers Pu1 e Col01 Puo 1 White Lead Pure White Zm.c Lvnoeed Oil Spints of Tu1pentine and D1 yei s ca1 efully and sc1entifically combined The consumer can h "e any desired shade of Colors neatly p1 t up m C ms md 11 he r eqmres to bu) "'~h the Pamt is a Brush as the work can he done by Int solf o· hy any member of his housohold 1 P1·onncml Exl11b1hon J · ' Ill! I G G I N B O T H A M, CHEMIST A~D DRUGGIST S RESPEOIFULLY TO \N Just held at Toronto o er tho 1uo15~ PURE WHITE LEAD · IBEC 1'0U1'CEthtlelaarncc1veda,ellaa I f'. Sew ng Macl mei:; In tbo world reno no an101 g 'vl lcl A large stock JUSt recen ed for Autumn Pamtmg lmpo1 ted direct f10m the English Manufacture1s mcludmg JAMES' Genume and celebrnted Roost01 brand-Guaranteed pure ALSO -All stand.rd Colors, Oils VarDtshes and Pamtern Maten Lis Call l\W.N \ MINTS IABLETS EIC, OP 1H FIN}.STQU.\LltY Ol l 11 .A 4 "> t A ll 8 JCA. V Ji,JARBLE 2000 GAJ,LONS MACHINE OIL OF DIFFERENT KINDS Threshets and all varbes requll'nJg BllCh oil nre SR.-Cc1n.llj 1nvttad to lTISJ cct th - various quabtias-the pnce being far below an) thug C'\:er offe e 1 n tlns Hlarket and sec how che \P ~ Hol.lse can be Ptt1nted and Deco1ated goods will be sold at l ed.uced figures for :.:i.ll these .:m 8U01Cil.ABE!WEllN GRrnITE i:rnppl e 1 on sho1L 1 oticc Ever~ thm~ pc t.a:inl lg to ( c ctcr~ ·wo k v 11 nf'et "' 1t I ro.u1pt attent101 by leaving 01 d(!r8 · th C BO UNS 'LL Buv. manv1 le 500 COOK, P '\RLOR HALL Tho largest and cheapest stock T11n'i are in the County of Durha1n AND BOX STOVES, Cru:nage Goo ls and arnvmg and now on Eich1b1t101 of General were ti o celebrated IIo"'e 'Vh eelc & "\V c.n led stock or Ge u c D 'Ug!:! a id Pure English &c Th a ia only a co1 fun ul on o t.L.o verd c < I cm cals Also a splci lid stuck of the i ost previously re1 dtJrcd by the Gre it Ca udinu 1!0:'f JOITN SJMP S O~ s Ot INION OF TITEIR 1 -.r£Rn !I careful y select.e l f ON't RIO RANK Pub! c a.nd proi. e~ concl 1s1voly thA suPERIORlTY DYE 1 FF Bu vma tile Sept 5th 1870 "h d ca u 1ot bo s 1rpaasetl for cxcel leney of OF rrm LOCKMArl. O\:F.R AJL orin i-s ll &. II 0 11 !LB. \ :Messrs fl 1U.1lty '.\ n a&sorti en of An line Dyes l e1 t OT R &; R 0 R \ltA 'VI olcsalo a nil Reta Gone u.l tl.gentti canst :i.ntly on I an I toge het w1tl a choice sc lcct on uf A,;ents \ lso a.gents for G ielph Se.-. 01g 1'.'f!lBow· tan \'lllc DP.UGq chine Co Grover & Baker Singct Ilo e und CHEMICaLS Willia.mis l\fachlnes "\\ e have also on hand PAIENl MEDICINES IlRU;:)IIE.::.: COrt-lBS a full stock of tho LITTLll". "\\ .\..NZElt bf 101 nl'fl c: {Q'fJJ DEU HRACfl;S Persons not sat sfl.ed with o c l\fnch ne ca ... UT POil1Ens &c &c change fo'r any-otlierlllii de or thirW day1:1 Ite OILS member R & IC 0 !Iara fl is tho SJ WTNO MAX PlcINlS OOIOHS NE DEPOT V .ARNISHl H a nd V.. }ll'lEI EAD ll...if ~l the very I o.,; est 1 rices s u s The Osborn ---o--- ll'he tit·e:lt f ~1uale RemedJ !lard" are HORSE A:clD C-lc11IE MEDICINES J SIMPSON HOM JOB !rIOSES PElUODIC<\L PILLS Western Assurance Compan~, HEAD OFUCE-TOltONI 0 t: 1plt1ll s~ ock S11rplu<; I n1uls H~~~;1·:; 1 fi~1 $4 cw Gt.I 208 369 414 J'C.Hl Dellu gton Du lding Bowmnnvllle Aug: isl 9 1871 .JOHN l 'v TnOMI'SON ESQ RO '£ \L c ~!I DlTIECTOU OF rnll: '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HARD TO BELIEVE. True Nevertheless! ---- 0 ---- L CORNISH R c\.8 THEJH IAN BANK 1 ~~: en(liUJr} :Ja .. !'I 1 :?u Ho::.; J r.fui\luR1UOH President 11. led free of v era to tco.ehers for 65 cenl:t:1 1 wo bncl Liberal terius for intio fot .w cents u Uon n1 bets for \ddrCSfl n B H.t! D\.N 1'1an \g ng Ducctor ToRON ro Mn1ch lvth 1870 11"1:Ees1 s R & Il O HutA GEN1.Llc 1.El'i - I purchu.sed n.bout tP.11 ~ e.a.1'8 ag une of B adt 1 ) d _p a.nos- the tlrsL con 8 g1ed to t h s ma ket I t a :t.eki owlcd1"etl b~ I of ss :>n Is to be o. rcn1arko.l ly fh e to ed in 1:1 tune t ind I may also me tton that J1avjng been re no e 1 s VClal t cs i u g ti N.t pt: otl. Jt has only req u 1 cd t 1n 1ng t :vico Yow s trul) WIJ LUM THOMPSON Fn nl of 11 ompson & Burns R & II 0 TH\'l n. Gcnc1al Agents for Ontnrio GROCERIES 1VER Y CHEAP. ood Coolnn,!!; Ha1s111s on I) G by er the box 5 cents a pound, md still cheap <> cet :s ~ L PETERS 099 ili oa.New uu:ay J o k I I F'1re and Marine JC..Il!I 0f:;1':S !'\J:.:W 101K SULEIHOI'J lli:fOR. INSURANCE age ts fo1 tl e D 1u n1on v 11 ns r e a bottle containing over oo pills by i'Ctm n mruL "\Vould respectfully state that be IS no v l or s by \\ I Atk1 son all DI Dean s treating succe5sf lly he foJlo...,. g d sen.scf:l.-- Oshn a 11 \ \ titbybyJ R GerrenndJ Byrne Epilepsy or fa.Jlu g F s t ti ell 'orst form m DrocJyn by John "\Varrcn Const n1ption n its ' i lous stu,,,cs ( v t1 D 1 ncn Sold by J RlGGTNBOillill and D STOrT J s elncdiea eonsumptioi is no longe a rable disease) Bro1 elut 8 en.tar .·I Asth na. Bo vinauville 01 ttu o Grave] Dropsy G ncro.l Drops) &c patients - -- -- - - - - - - · who l av~ been tapped se\ cral times are curu.ble under Dr Jan1c1:1 treatn1e t d1seas ~s of the Clu·on1c Diseases. $1 OU..n. d 12~ cents lor cnelo~ed to Northro1 & Lym 1 Ne"ca~tlc 0 t ge cal AT LOWEST CURREN T RA1ES Special Lo'v Ta11ff of Rates covcrn g Insura nce for one or three yeal'a 01 D eta.chod D~ ellings CJ rel es a d Schools with contents 1n C1hea To vns u.nd Country places These iates and tcr ns of pohcv part1c 1 larl.} fu, orable to the Farming Con1u tWtty T HEY ARE LESS LIABI E TO GE'I rno e ace cost OU , UMMER DRY l_, GOOD~at D R JAMES ELECTIC PHYSICIAN out of repair than ot1 er v. atehes 'lllic) a.t ~ rate t 1nc k eepers A spec ::i.1' ar1w t y front lhc Factory with eve y watcl Bov; man' Ille Sept 20 18 1 1 v 11 uo t be reg)?ons1ble fo a1 ' debts cou tracted Uy 1 \) so \\ Ilia. James S llloy Da1lington J ' VILLIAM SUI LEY e 12 1871 N OTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN 1HA.T rn fTON and 'Voolen goods a1e adrnncrng, but ) can bu\ Cothem at Ellwtt's, for short time at the old prices Now ,1 !Wohce. i the b ts nesa lately ca ed o n bv Ifl u Do ma1' lie tomvso1sChai lP.s?vr in i '\\Ilan1 HIS CELEJ3R<\.IED MACJTlNE ll Cawker I he e'by 1eq1 est ill thofic 1 de:bted no\v bee· tested be1 ond all o test on tt. tl to mo by book neco u t Ot o U or'\\ so t.o Mil anrl settle forthw tb o lict of the publio is tlun to d iy El IZAllE TH CAWhER Bo'IA manviJle Tan 9tb 18 2 i tf I is the ttme to secure what you need. H \VTN C SOLD 0 UT MY INTEREST FIRST CLASS Mo\N WANTED for u. Tra elliug Agen<:) for tho Town6lllp8 outlying Lh a fo -.n .ApJ!lj in 'vr ting ' l h references to the undcrs1guod for t1ausnH1~sion to the Hen:d Oftlee EYE A:'ID EAR I T Errors of :-;onth1, Nervous Debility Prcma.turc Decay and all tno effects of utd1scret ens of l :routh- n. cure is guu.ra.utood Dyspeps a Li. er Disetu;es anil l seascs of 1'Vo:men a d Oh lilfl en Cancers currirl 'vitho it cutting and little pan Sore Legs s llt n.1 OlllU ar d Sc uf tla u all ts forms Dr J s l a.]Jpv to aa.y diseases which ha. e hitherto been tltought u curable are no v ra.pidly yu~lding to hie t reatment as hlB gratef\ l patients are will ng to testify No Calm 1el no merclll"} no l\Unei al Poiso s will be admnus tered n any form in any disease l'ho afflicted who cauuot obtaw relief fro1n other sourc6l:I arc part1cu1July 11 i.1ted to call and hours 11 n m to 3 p m Yo rsmostrt<!spectfullv IT .1 \.MES M D R &H OHARA CLOTHINC+! I Bowmanv lle Sept 1£, 1871 Local ..:'~gonts 7 ! I THE BE9T ~ND CHEAPEST G ENTLEMEN m want of a neat fittmg smt should call early at Elliott s Fash10nable T,Lilmmg Establishment It Sfand!li w1tlrnut a Rnal CAUTION.-All genuino ha!! · Perutian ~)rap " (NOT Peruvian U11rk l blo\~ u th+i ghu~ A pn.11phlct 1'"1 t fret. J l DI?i SMORl!: Propnet.or ;:8\ Dov Ht Nelv "fork Sold by W.l Druggists · WINTERIIAS COME LONG EVENINGS ARE HERE e I Stop and See. A~D PROSPERITY .ABOUNDS I NOW 16 TII'lt TIME TO SUBBCRlS:i: FOk #2i'f"Sat1sfsctwn guaranteed m all reasonable cases ··;if18't11cetn Ncllsono HBll. Belle,lllc omcci THE FOLLO"I:NG REMARKS ON I - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ..- Teatlmonlalg of the 1nost wonderful and ex traordiln.r cu-csu GREAI IN DI 1-N ItEJ'\.IEDY fhey u.1e stern u deniable and 1ncoutesto.hle fa.ots eufilc1cnt to coni; incetbe n osLbkeptical that the G ea.t Med eal Compound y~nl' -0d (l.ftcr for ages 18 now accessible 1n the MOORE'S H ELLIOTT, Jr. Hampton August 3r~ 1871 j tl e n ost !5 lbist&ntiall) b ult i n& tl o fowc .5 orki lg pa.rts bea 1t1! il 1n 'le" gn and .fin sh IiaZ> the 1 eat des g;tl of a s ttle and b} fnr the J L \.ltGE;Sl ROBBINS It 18 1,; tpa.blc of perform ing ;f\. ra. 1ge or 'iVOrk h.Jthe1 t o ti 0 1ght I llpQBfUbl for &n I \Ir Macl Ines 8 It Rural New Yorker Robel't Yom1g, nr d econon ical Dr un i i use and ill cl s trlb it,e mo re I 1t. t. occupy 1ess roo1n u.nd nnswC!r all Jl rpose better than fl.ny otl Cl :by- its HC a ho sect J be m ch bettor heated '" Ith one stoi. e thnn nder the old syate1n with tv,;o or tl ree stoves thus inore tl 11n J U) ng f i it13elf in one sea.son1} aS&vingofwool All \]Oha,e tie i he l ould lot be w Lhout then1 for nan" tnncs thelr cost fhe UI lei s g1 ed has secured the RLght Jor Bo vma.nvillc Da I gto Cart 0 ht Clarke and Man' er s 0, 1 di::; prcpn.1cd to fill all ordc1s on tl e short es not ee A full as sortincnt of Cook Pa.rlol" and Box: Stoves constantJv o han l IG 18 F l HO"II!N V "'1 Tllll: Gn.EA 1 ~ ~TIONAL }"J.VOlUT:& -----~~_::;:c:.:c.-~~.LL:::>~~~~~':;"':"~~~-!-LL:..t::.rG~r?c~at~zi;rrr-,,..~~"""'~"""rn'l"'.l,-,:rr~-t-;:::-~~'-:~7'..~~~~~~';;.-,.-,-4-~~~~~~ 00 J'.1P A.NY. For D scasos of the 1 hroat Luugs Lhei Di,,os Farm and Fzreszde ;y T RIS IS THE MOST EFFICIENT In e Urgans K d lcrs &.c as vell as !=le ofula L I FE.. tie' ariolls Skrn Dtf'.eas~ llum oit> and aJl dt FIRE AND seascs fLl' s1 1g fro n lm)'.'l t cs of the Dlood \.\: c PROFDSELY ILLUSI <\.'!:ED bol ll:v state tb!lt this gr en.t rerr cc} h lS NEVER DEEN' EQUALLli D 'The1e i.vas there ever au I a ct e fl.8 tl at n the pe:reoi ol \Vtlso TEiVIPOR HI \ OFFICEc F!If': F <\.JIWUS .JOURNAL HAS FOR ! Storn1s ofBr1~hton 01 of Cons ill ptwn or n eal !J 1 went) Ftvo Years been th , r ~t on ! l .,, of Peter C \: 111 ler of E "nesto v o tarecognrned Lea tie in its Sphere and has £Ltta1n C 01 ne1~ o. ~ .·- H1!t 311( ~·· lthatot Co:n s l) phon O.l that of Al br'Ose ' Voot.I f a.1 y No :vs paper o ot Uons con On t o. io of Drn1 01 s i d I i. er ed U e La1 yest Cu & vn O It s the at' ida 'd a.utl or ty on RURAL Fra11co1s Xa\ 1c1· St1·cct!!J. Co1u111Lint1orthu.t o! Joh1 !lose) of Napa.nee itfl B and concededly the best On u.n o o Rl olU la.ti1:1 v)lo ha l actuull} I en AND H ):\fE A Y. F on c 'lltcl es for "lC~rs \ BP t d l'.lf all treatn1cnt oon1blncd .Ag icuUu, at Ltte1 ary .1' antilY and h cretofo1 e and is r o v oll <=ico es of s ch cases B11./j n. st; U eel ly t.:a1~Uul $XO 000 000 nnght be ment10 ed l ad we sp lee UNEQl AL]D FEATURES A.111lU ,11nco1uc OYCl" 1 OfH> 00 !:ff Call a t the Dru~ Sto -e a.nd get a C r cula.r o Fand!i lo JI uul Ol'Cr !) aOO :. iu 1uest101 a.l le ce Hflc tes on tlle GREAI .SJiO TllE ltU:R\.LS EDt'lORlAL STAFF 1s tl e largest and ablest ofa1y Journal nits sphere while its SIION.f ES R E MEJlV iind aat r yomscl,cs Uustra.t101 s J} pograph} Etc arc superior FIRE DCPARTMENT Beside the >vntings of the conducting and as Price if Remedy i i L :t ge P1nts $1 soc Ed o s its Corps o f Oont1 ll ltori; s Jar All dcticr ritions or proper } Ins rel ag ~ nl:lt Jr.<:" Jror Sa e by nil D uggists n d Dealers 1 n ge ate Lhan tl at ot 0.1 y othe ROHAL AND LITI UAI ... LoSH 01 Darnage by J!"irc at mo le Late ates J Mcdio 1 e Agents Jor Dov; 1 11.1 1lle - 1!css a J PAPEJ t--so that Mooul': s ItuH \.L ts ti e Organ 11 LOSSES PROTull II Y SE'IIL.KD Vi lfH0 1J'l II gi: inboth D 8to Ii \Vholesalc Age t~ and ti rougn whfct great aid bet eflc1 \.l oJforta REFE11.E~ CE 'l 0 THE IIO]ilE OFFICE Northup & Lvu an Ne ca~le to vard UAIE of the Ontauo Veter a Y col cgc 1 for ti c: 1nhu.b tnnts f Bo vn ru U t'3 nnd s urou1 drngcount y that he b is cuu menced ll e p e e f h ~ Jl ol~ss on an] can be con solte 1 as to tl e disc i,scs or hor::.e:::o n.nd cattle\ t ( lo.,; er s I ~e1)' ut:l.1cc l{1ng Sheet llo vru ~1 2~t~ begc: V to ETERINARY SUitOEON GR\D h sold at abo.1t onc-half'the pt'H'e c-t tluer fll.iclunes I T L<::d<H' Ralls and Posts. tl t1 o NY QUAl'i £I1Y OF GOOD CED Ul Adelre1cl Ra ls aud Posts fo s a.1 c er ut e stun J J \JWE::; \ E \1 Lot '1th Con 191! TIIE PltlCE OF OTllEH. l\f \CHINES DOING TifE LIKE '\\ OB.K TfO cq ally at hon c 01 LcatJ1e as on fl e goods Has carried off prizes over the Ho vc 81ngor Lockmnn '"-heeler &: \-\ laon Wan zer llnymontl &o t".ir A Perfe t J\1acl nc o no so,le Darlington D ec 1871 PETER'S Ti~E 1·1·oclaun lhe Glad l uhngs Colem:in V \. §mall I'at 1n l\'anted. cxdin i_gc ( oud l ot ':;e ar 1 lot it a thr1 ng 1 ~1.ccl ga1 101 a small 1a tm near nu~ an lle ff:i. 1 rn' u th 01e LL l o lSe an lo t v1ll 1 a:-; bu.lance in no e,Y' Cull 1nrncd1atelJ: in pc1so o u. lrl 1e3-\\ N I Cl-IOLC: Ilox: !l 41 tf Bov,; mu.ui. l c n ~ge T HE liNDERSJG::-IED \' ISHES ro GUJELPJI llAND Musical Library CO:-ISIS l!NG Q] .\ND 'IUEU)LE ltl 4-C:UINES FH'TEEN VOLUMLS FlILED \\ITH I CHOICE PI \NO l\1CTSIC LIFEDEPARTMENT. Assurance o i I 'es g antc(l on r1.n o rablo ter ts a id 11qucstio n.blc securit} otleicd to Policy h Id r :> tl('s1des the La\"gc Paid Ur Cap 1t.o.l uf tl e Cu r 1pu.n) As~ era ha\'e A l d to n al 8ecur ty n the UNfll\111 F. DI IA BILI l Y of a 'Vealthy Pro1 r1ctary Tho ~pec1al Life Aaaura.nce Fund now J Uanhood, Hon' lf,o .. t, 11101" Jlte~tored IMPRO\i EMEN T origi.Ju1.Wd a n d comm tn cated to tho peopl(! I the] tire as n the Past the Ru1:..AL s Mot WJll bo Exel~no) except in pr co wb cl1 I aa been rci' iced r.nal ng It the CbenlltlMl llu nud Family "fet:'k y ln ll t>rJd' WHY 1 Sll\:IPL'Y because the nun1erons Valaa.blo \ medicinal vegetable ingred ents (some of Yh ct \.\: e will· entton such as tho Extraetis of W1lr. 'V 111. II. I o'\ve, U:. 1" f, f,. B , Chem Ba.rk Podophyll 1n Jun l er Q a Smart veed ba.ndclion llyoacyamus Uompouncl Extract of Coloeynth J t.lap Socotrine Aloes o\RRISTEP AND ATTORNEY <\.T Capstc tm &c &e ) wh1c} onter intoLhe compo LA"\\ Sol 1.ator1nChinceryandlnsol,ency siti.ion of the r.01nbinod n1e lie ne are a ch a1 l so &c &.c harmoniously class fled o.nd con1pounded tl a.t It 11;1 made tho most wu.rching: c1rah e n the 0 fJlec on Silver Street Bow na l' le kno,vn v. orld and cannot I Ip but net on the onloan crm.x. tof;l:i~ en. sy 16 44 system in a very sa.tlsfa.ctor) and desirable man ter Noma.tterwho.tJoura1lment u1ay ~ or of how long standing t i.v 11 1ind the spot ast.cimsh YOLI by th~ ro.ptd manner m wh ch YOl 18 72.. SPRING 187~. are restored to porfeot 1 ealth and full vigor Pt·o Bono ll"ubhco amounts to $6.603,2:1 o. > c-.. 0 .. $ ..,,3 ' 6,NO rnE SUM OF I h11o'\ 1ng l eOJ n.dded thereto as n result of the Bus lnc!IB of the 1?nst Yea. u.fte1 U o Payn t of all C1nin1s Cash Bonusce Annu1wes a d E xpen ses of every Descr It on Tables of Rates Proposnl Forms and full mfor matfon can be obt uned on applicawon to the un dcrsigned H L ROUTH E F BEDDALL Chief \.gents for Canada A PERRY Fire Inspecto ROBERT AUl\.IOUR Aget t t: tBo v n n.inlllc N B - Thcfi1anco.lp0Ritio oftJ c R:'.)al1s1n no V'iay affected by the recent F.Lle u.t Chicago tho Company hln ing nu Age1 t doi g businesa: in that City l~ n1 I I 11 tY on tl'tc radz ;(},/ 1 ~ ne) of Spcrmn. THE RURiLS ILLCJSTR\TIONS tonhrea or Semi a.I \.Veak1 es~ In vol ntn.r~ Sein1nal Lossca Impotenc) :\ien al nrc Numero 1s \1nricd nnd Bco.ut!ful In lecd 0.1 d Phj s1c~l lnc1ipa ity lmp edimc1 ts to l\1ar our a 1n s t o render the whole paper e::too~tlon nage e tc also Comsu mph n .Epilepsy aud nUy \. o.lunble and acceptable lhe IlUHALS Re F ts mduced b self nclulge ice '!' aex:1 al extra v 01tsofMa1kets C101s Finances etc rue full a d reJ 1able and alone wor h double the pncF cc of the 1 nper I1 deed next to vour locul paf!er P1 cc a sea ed en· elope only 6 cC'nts ',lhe ce ebta.tcl a.uthor 1 thu:u1.d ra.bleeasay l\1001ui:sn.unA.Listheo1 e:for YouraeJf :Eam ly clellrly den onstrutes fie n n. tl rty 'tCiU'S sue a.I d Er et ds ccssful pn t l it ti o alauru g oonscq ences of self ab tse u ay Le r d Cally c cd w Lhout t1 c dn. gcro s use of 1ntcrn al medic nc 01 tho ap STYLE AND REDUCED TERMS I p <lat on of t il e krufc po n Ung out a in ode of E a ul nwnbcr of the RURAL NEW 'Y ORXP:R for ure a.t once a mple cetta a1 d offcctual by meanB of vhlch ever} suttc t non ntter what 1872 will comprise SlxL~en Quarto Pages (larger. h s cond lion ma) be 1nay c re h msclf ohea1 ly tha1 Harpe s\Veekh)printedfromNewTypc on extra ii 0 and hen." y pa,per and Illustrated uv a.rely a1 l rad c dly This lcetur 1:>bo kl be n l1 e hand!3 of every and Prllted in the higheBt at}le of the Tyo yo ith an 1 c ery wa l 1n ti e la d gupueatA1t Se t u ndc1 seal in a I hun en"\ elO] e to a1 y tLd TF.RlllS tn \·lvitnee J-S1ngle Copy; $2 50per dr~!'ls post 11a.1 l on reuc pt of six cent.a or t vo y~ftl' 1.. Fi' c Copies fo $12 50 Seven Cop ea for ost stam1 1:1 $16 'Len Copies for $20-onl) $2 per copy Lib Also Di C t1 er\ els 1.fa.rnuga Gwdc eral I rwn una to o.11 furni Clubf5 Sk!eelDlen rice25cents: Numbers Sho'v Bills etc sent free Addrces Add css tl o ct s D D T MOORE Cll.A.S J C KLINE & CO Ruro.t New 1orkoc0ffict. N·'" l'.o ..kCfty 12T)low Ne\ Y ) k P oet Oillco Bo1 183 J c1 USI PUBLISHED A NEW cd!tio1 i; ()cl~br (w huut 1tcd of Ji',s~ H! Dr ( nlVCJ -..veil S B are the best s n J lcgt i o e d rable nnd 1cl abl e t1 an ny o ther~ nglc tL ea. I machine Lnrgc1 \n d ·work with great ense \:Vill do r: c k nds of domcstlc sewing in u perfect!)' ::;at s!n e Lorl man1 er llas t<t.ke1 first prize wl ert.v exlub ted ~ ~ I A.I. choke collect on t fl.I ;:,ac1ed Soi gs ~ Hearth uul llonu, ·Itc<,il le F.('lloCll a.ntl :!iwet ts >untl~ lh1 ec Vol 1me~ of e i.s Songs by Vi- cti ter l erslcy ete (olden LCa\.C!i Vol 1 n cs I nnd 11 ~ The t o vol mei; cont11 all of \\ill S IIysSo g J')s 4 en\~ A oolleet on ofbe111t f Ll .Unl ads Qy \\ alluce J l omas Keller ofbea Sbln in~ J,i~l 1t111 VOCAL COLLECTIONS .i\..GEN'IS \ ANJED E'ER'Y"HERE SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS O a"' l'.ou·< ~ ~ I-Pl I 1s warranted an I to make a per Throat Lings &c &o aawe l be rehed upon d1seaijet1 of the gAst 'oOrgane 0 .,;n.tioua SklD DOLLY"\ARDEN-DOLLY\:.A. BDE~ Discas~a Ii :un disca~ea ans ng fion ImpnrityofthoBlood ex:ceptingtheTl rrlSt.agt' Tl ls '.\lcd1cmo 1s plcasa1 t and aafe to tak e ·no FA S H I Q N S JI I fi 00 k ft and Pills and cont& n ng teahn and Corll ftco.tes of Cures ca.n bo obtlUlled by seCl ring the Creabs,e. the Hand book or tho .Almarae and J, from nuy reapectablc Druggist in thft Dominion-ft'oo Pnce. ()f Romedyin large Pui( Bottlta a.Mpt!lt Bo.t2'5-cmla: 100 ofCousuroption F1rtbAtiuforn atlon w1tn full dlrocttons toruslngtl l}Q100.tShoshoneesRemcdy THE L'TEST FASHIONS ODT :i. ID d lllg. For tonns es or sewing &c a.ppl) CU ELP H .SE1VIA G M.AOill\E 00 l GUELPII C.A.l'lA.DA ~nnlp I~ber.:M:~·PC:l:I~·:: ":::1:e;r~:f~::;,s ~ otoNS 1 IlUl\-1ENIA I COLI ECfJON Fnlty JI L11e-elf!. Jl1~ (J1clt nd(Jl r1:u1ht llree,ol ines of ery :fca.s3i\i ;:uc fo 'iO l grla:ves 'J Pe i1 l Uro1>s andll n !iit t.1Uccrt ttl:l:n'il D ance],'[ s c l vo collcut1ons of uo l br ~ ate fl1cults t·J eus rni '1cmorh · \ collectlon of l.nt rio.rlol Mua c b y Churlea K nkcl BrUIJa.nt t.emi;i \. s1 lcnd1d collccw.ou bJ \ lb:re Alla, d Pachl:'1 IC ke etc · Price $25-0purvol u1e clegi.nt1 Jbound8 la. clotJ tl glit s des s:;2 in plain cloth $1 5 1 boar<ls o1. \tre ss J L PE11ms 599 B'oad" ay N 1: \V c -..vould c ill tten t on t o The Opera ut llon1c a collect1on of over 01 c hundred bea it1fulope1a songs Plico '51 Jn tlloth gjlt: l l aide prtco $· ~-J I Patterns Just rece vc 1 at 1\.1rs A lf'letchcr s Dressmaking emporium Patterns of 5lpnng Fashions for sale DieE.~1 ak ng and fitting as usua.l .AJ rll 1 l\JTICl ALEl.'. FT EI CHE~ if ZINES Pn.1nphlet» 01 a ) thu i:; In tl c book Jjnc wh1eh they v1 .. h to lave bo tnd can havn ...,. tl1eir ordorti Jllled the 1 eatesta.nd1uost durable Jt;t: R & H 0 HAR:\ \'\'1 olesa.le o.geuta style aud on tile sl test notice b_y leav1ngtJ om the Cormttes or Durham Ontario and Victoria at tbe STA'lBRM.A:-i ofl ee Bnng along yo rb1nd UT Special inducemontri: to Lh.,, iigentll \V n CJ IMI:Z Janurr 18th 1871 ]-...ERSONS HA.VINGBOOKS IYLlGA _, I j = rn ·

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