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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1872, p. 1

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' ([,~ ([ irnahrnn 18 IMPORTA.N"T FACTS she 1 p cd d E\cry l'h1ust!av i'll!:ouung, 1 y th.c Prupr etor "\V~i R CJ__.I1VIIE, at t o BOWM ~NV JLLE 011 (($-Post Office Block KING SrI EET ONT VOL. XVIII. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEJ\iIBER 12, 1872. TO YOUNG LADIES A COUNTRY SCHOOL ==ciiEAP GO(fus A1 fHE GLASGOVV T HE STJHSORinEll F'~~·;~d~;~~~ ~~;:{ar Ratel \1 d m tes snec al attent 01 to " la1 e sco k of 0 IN OlWER TO MAKE ROOM FOR HIS I ALL IM HOUSE I1 I I £>res Bo"\ Goods, L.inen, Cott on & Silks ]0l cos Of ch ill conn e 1 e u ::; I cs o ntendj g 1 r el et s TI-TOMAS PATER SON Ue J ne 'l:l 1871 FAREWELL WINTER! MAYER R spcctf l y o of tl op bl co h e fact t hat he I as ope od ou t hls S,-1-., 0 0 K 1 c l kc of cl 0 F L-1 Ar_r S e lasne e be su1ris e<l. nBo yuan l'he CJ,\ IRlllONJI 1 "' a dandy, l be llllLllOSIE a tavour1Ce, [he SA llA rOGA a bca11t~, Ille ( HIC \.GO a i.,e1n, \.nd the or I A. lV A Che best oC all l.':l oh a. ar as of Hats a.ntl. a d s c1 styles m st t mpt th0 most llllSO y t v a head o-.. umeut --I~UL"C I ~Q -- i; est GENTLEMEN S &c gctsu ted b FURNISI-:I:INGS, &o (0 c Parson R1dewell s AdTenture Shirts, Collars, N eek-ties Braces, &c K ng a d D v G 0 ::ltlec't: a d Bes re a n ca.ll nt. the s gn of t1 c n 1 cc a l qual Bo vma.n.villc \..p il 10 18 1 PI UG ~OU 'W MARKU3 MAYER STUBBORN T FACTS . Ii one of ti e larger t o-wns of W orcester Co Mass used to hve a clergyman whom "e will call R1dewell He was of the Bai t st per s la ~1011 and very r1g1l1n 1 s dea.1:1 of nor I p1op1oty n He h 1d in I is e1 iploy an old ne ro 0 named Pom1 ey a1 d if thlS lattm I d1vid ual 'vas not so strict n his mo als as his 1naste1 ho ]..8 at le stave y u n -:> d o0 a1 d p \soe l 1n the reve1e d lo uie} old fo a. patter f prop1 ety Pompey v s l. uscf ll serv tut and t h e old clorgyu1an ne er h es t:l.ted to tr ~t l m with the inost As the c is a gr eat deal of rn1s1epre~entat10n rega1clmg the meuts of the cl1fferent sewmg machmes and many persons ha\e beeu misled by these untiuthful ~tatements we gn e be low the n m1cs of a few of Lhose who tested the Wa,nzei lYiaclune tnd ~ho afterwar els excl1,mg eel them with us for the Lockm u1 Osborn 01 Itaymon 1 - some cf them pa; mg us f'arcwcH,ll.iicGec &Ru11ccl;c, over $20 to exch mJe \.TTORNEYS B UIBISTERS l Nu }l-'n CILOB ~ SOLI J SJllU"S "'O ":rs ;c--u::===r e :---.·"'MR~ t'l- H \·t f :NJ-i'i'( D FISHER THOS JOHN SI ON JOHN MoCLliNG lo 1mpor ta t b 1s ness No'v t so harr eaed tl at thc1u vere r os1d1ng in and nbout th e to 1 s dry 1nd1v1d ials vho h ad not the fear of the dreadful I en lites vl cl J\fr ll de veil I eachcd abo t boforn the CJ cs f r t :v s t l e vo t of t er:io l 001 le to co1 g1 c gate on Sal b~th e en gs t pon a level piece of land I th o 1t sknt· of the village ail tho c race h o1scs rJ C SJ Ot S hid le fro I I C de se p eco of vood and for ::t. long t rr fl tl o S nr day evetw g rfl.ces vere car11od on tl ere w hout detection by the officers or tl ese-Yflte--n~ gl t l &v.e-s to ped t.J em - J E] H t l :\,ElL LI B" Jl M UEI B ~ JA~IE, lW lL1'vGE lJ A OFF CE 0 er \ Vm Mc.l\{u t y s Dy Goods Storo s co d loo est of t he Pos t u 11 · p Sta ~ G PEnRY do do do \\ E rJLLE Y >>M ED\\ \PDS MR LUMMIS Oa:it 1 ght R I WILK I NSON do clo S Ches h>1 field, IUCHAIW SH\W D rl ngto1 J P LOVEKIN Clarke VILLH o..nd Darling o Ros le ce Queen Street 0 1 s p nctua l} a tten le l o Cl ft gos iJ; Bl l\HN lo 1\ 13 A UCII ON EEh FOR BOWMAN Ne·castlc lo do MRS HILL il\f l\IB BARFOOT ·---------- - - -- - '.l'homas Slouhomic Ccut c J BELLWOOD Sa es do A UOIIONEERD APPRAISER Gen01al A.1.; e a 1 gto p ompt y a.tteu l~ to \ND S BORLAND Oro 10 MISS H iMBLY Port Darh gton 0 W SMITH Dar ngton County This h orse was Mor 0 a.1 stock vlth am xturo of tl e Arab an blood u h s veu s an l it :\aB gen erally k o v few l c sts could P"S I rr on t i e road Mr R de" ell w tl a dign ty b comu g his ca l ng sto itly dem ed tlut the Ji eec ness of h s l orse e'Ver afforde l h m a iy grat1ficat on ai d that fo1 h s o vu part I e would as leave havo any othe Yet 1101 ey could not buy h s Mo1g i. i 1 or anJ amount of argument pers tde 1 1n1 to S Vfll \ I OOKHo\RT Cla kc lHOMAS McOLUNG Bo vn anvillc l\f D '~II LIA ~iS lUJ:'i R BOYLE S1 EPHEN CLEMENCE Dailington WILLIAM CLEMENCE l\Hl THEVI COLI d do do do do Tyrone !Uouey to (,cud. b ee appu e fo t h e Pl ov nc o, Per nane t Building nnd 8aving s .:.:ocioty of r on to s p e[ a e ] to cgotiate loa 5' on ltcal E st:: te secur y on t l c 1noat fa ourable c H 1619 J B F U!UIAIRN R R LOSOOM13E JOHN BURN Manvois \u 1 a great lll[l.lly T HE UN D EllSIGN ED H.A \ D G MRS BROOK ot] ers Tho sh u ch was so r ear to the goo 1 cleigyman s rl vell ug th ·t he ·l mys >l k e 1 a.1 d his horse y s conseq ently Uo t,'<l t o rem a 1 i the pasture Po n pey l sco ere l ths t tl e races vere o'A. tie tapu:i ar d h r solved to e tei J s naater a ] o so on hIB o v I account for l t.: felt sure that old Morgan could beat any ti u g u1 the sl ape of hor~eficsh that co tld be produced u1 that q lartor So o l tl o very 1 ext Sundu.J aftern oo 1 I e I d the b1 <lie ndcr h s Ja cket ·we1 t out into th.u pasture field and ca ght tho h rse ad t J en r ode ofl to ward the SJ t Intendmg purchasers can enqune of any of the above ga dmg the merits of thcse macb.mes R Peatc 'Iadot R&H O'HARA G\R lO { G E NTLEMEN S AND BOYS ~ill~'l.S n ade n tl c Bo manv Ile October 5tl 1871 Do ruan Nit VE::;l ST"YI ES e F b l!) 808 HALLO! THERE·[omc o g a d get Bar.galns for t s ac 1 ffWl dgcdbytloseofexrerencet at \V. R. Chm1c, A LL you wHo NEED saoErna .uul Sboes--None Bet te1 IsE w r NG rREJOOKM\"li · · CA~AD4 MA aHr NE I S NO'V '!TIE Tills is the Place to BttJ Boots LEo\DING IHAOHINJ f,antl Slu 'eyuig '\.. IV HIE DO'JIHOli OF L REED J vovo1 do'aU orders th ·S PRO\ INOJAI I o\:-1]) s prcpa. cd to be favored - C vil E g eP.r etc vhic ho a Address Bo v v Uc I 0 Ma. ch 15tl 1871 D. Shc1·111 & Co. R & 11 OIJ~RA T l\i F AIItB HRN BARRISTER & ___ ~ J, 1'11 Bi un.tcom be, L. D. S , Goll YilJ D6'8 sc tcd Teet.h ex a.etc 1 to 2 cents u An cxc l nt foo h I ov. le fo 8 l Otli e J!.1cClu gs b o DANA'S ·Attor cv So c tor &c Li s ) Ufi ce l{eena s Block 0 er l Beall s Book tore -- --~---- -~-- PATENT SHEEP MARKS. l G Hanun1g, SURGEON DENTIST SUPERIOR TO LET The Pump Shop \.t prese t vo k cd bytJ es bscr be f::.ff Only b 6~ en nme« atcly k in tow - P y o r cur> o u. good Pu: npm ke 1871 ll e88 Po ssession of tl e a e for ~.... Casn must u.ccompauJ a ll o de s E SILVE!l Io Rent Offi fo n) 1uant ty w 11be61 od ntthc abo\ie me t o cd pr c -as qruckJy o.a the l\fa.rks can 'be ade a l ent '~ R eLIMIE AnCHl.H1.fD l OU1\ G JR Sar la 0 Order s n.ddrouscd to the C N \ l AN S'J'A TESMAN l at101 that ever came Ite \\ LOGAN Ca tw gl t Sept 0 t 4t.1 18 J 10 tf Dental Notice T nan H AVING DISPOSED OF MY DEN l'lllonev to J,oan. 'lAL Offi c t o " M r S G VYEBS I.l::GR L D S v; ti 1 Icasuro r eco me d h m to 1 re q 0 g h s !:le t;CS as a Bk lful Dent Bt 'I' J JONES L D ~ Do nan illc J a il.l'Y 31 1879 27 S1nart & Snutl~, i fo ves t ncn venc' Co eya. c N U e 0 ta. lo Ba k &c M o ey for ai all t1ooes onmost fn o o.b e te1 11 \RRISTERb AND \rTOhNEYS B AT LA'\\ Sol citori:; in Cl a I nso otancs Solie tors /fjj M GI E' Rl TLEDGE Sol citorii: Bo" n anvllle p -vn.ts fun l e. t.o Oft Olt tho znost flagrant piece of 1. nder 1 y obseri; a t10 said the ind gnnnt clergyma1 as they rode orr It is inost ansuredly answered. ono of the d eacons Horse racrng on tl o Sabbath utter eel the 1 ntBt:.e1 D1eadf II echoed the second deac01 An l so tho conversat on went on i. t t 1 ti ey reached tl e tor of age 1tle em nence ' h ch overlooked the plam where tl e racing "'as carried on ar d where some dozen 1 oi:seln en -:v th a scor e of looke1s on we10 issen bled Ile re1na ned mot ou. less t ntrl he Jal ode o rt ti o I ole alarnur g truth Now n y br others said h e let s r de down and confr o 1t the w eked wretches a l f they 11 fall do vn on the :i: knees and implore t.-od s rnercy an l promise to do so l 1 ore 've will not take legal nct10 1 aga nst the i 0 i th·t my 1s It JUDGE DENI of 1sh gto1 v s f 1 ed $1 000 an l costs for J s assa 1lt por o e of ti o editots of the Uap tol 'V :No less tl n.n 73 members ~ho sa t in t i e last Pad it Ifill be n lSfnng ft om the r ext THn1 B l e as ge tlcn en I a e n ade ::tr 1 a. ge ncr ts for inclos nµ 1 l one fa1m llv 000 ac1cs of land RECE:N"rLY a Dub Jq e 1a 1 sel i 1otty n.s NoliE l ut the bra o <le~ r c tie fa a p1nk entered a saloo1 kicked n. tabl :\.n Ii l ~na. 1 ~ss s J o e g ~gcd to be over dre v n. re' olver o the bar t I l married to 1 yo ing n1<t l :vhose l n.nd she and led he< fnthcr o it hy the em r ef ised seve 1 t in es THE C1 o n Pr1 icess V 1ctor a. uf J s .A vo r.AJS I ts l 0Cl sent to J:.t 1 for three s1a has ottered a pr ze of ii!8 000 ui he months by tl e L 'e pool mag >hates fo best essay on advanc1ngtho mate a.l 11os stnpp ng ch Uren n the streets and sol perlty of working vomen !mg the r clothes TaooE wl o don t bel e e ti ac a fly las 909 3G2 poi es 1 l 1s bo I} sl o 11 catcl 01 e and co n t tl em Wu c< yo 1 cant thmk cha.rg d yo t o b r1 g ho I hos n.lw ~ys h nay SPEAJ IN G- or theoretica.Lf111n l g Jos] Bill ngs 8a.ys tI at] e o icok e v :t ina. , ho vo ldn t o en s t a 0 to l os-c v tho 1t ha.v 0 the g o id n.naly7. 1 to se e if it pos.scs1::1e l the pro1 er i grcd1ents for post holes .. ......_ __

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