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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1872, p. 3

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ti=: _ _ _ -__ _, ~_.._ ___,___ s~ ilw±Jz_ ··_ ____ ?P ... L __ _ A. Cbem~ct·~l FTood 11 nd Nu· IBOUGHT .L\.T 1 t1·1 IV~- -- Oil c. I thought sa»s th c G er1 na1n~ , i~ud they n1lgll t atld, no action, SlnCe Phosp hontA u.nd its c11n1~ pounds are knO\\'J\ to be the ruot:iv .. p nwer oftJ1e 1nore tl uLr\ hal f t he tu atcrial ot 1 -li u li.11111(1,n bo tl y ne r vouS IHHl n1uscular syst ern . ' l' hoy uoostilul;e · .. · CAN~tbI.AN' STAfrEsl\iIAN', BOWMAN \tILLE, ~rB:lJRS:OAY, SEP'rEMBER 19, 1872. .. . . . ~--1: ...........~---------·--- 2!!£L ____ THE l:?.!GHT I JAJ{.GE STOO l\.'. TIME! I AGREATMEDICA.LDISCOVERY. ,_ I ' ~ 1 ' W ITHOUT PHOSPH<JR.US NOj ~']"' \7 J~Ri;-- OF ,...._,, I I : I isabso1utc1y es;.;c:1 tiw to nutritiq!\· ns thcr pron 1otc the co :n·ei,:;10n of alomnen 111 t h e foO(l 1ut.o fibrin e which i<; t:lio vi(.ali~i ng agent of pure , h calth.Y blood. They arc now coming u11ivcrs.1J 111->e in Europe u11d .Ame rica ln the trou.t· n1cnt of Scrofnluus, Consun1ptive tinrl ' ren ereal I ili ~cases , wl1iuh lll'C c 1n1~e.d by i myioveris he<'I o r poisoned bluo d; and 1n Uurna'lC 5 01· won1e11 r,uf. 1 fering frou1 ir reguladtic:J, ohstt11ctions u.1ul ex.;; disc h n.rgos, in pttlc, Jl llll .I' ohildren, and that condition o f u orvous a n(l phy~ie;tl )J !'Q.8tra.· ?.ion resulting front batl hahH,~ , (~xc~s>;i ve n;;o or. l!'ltl1nulanW; 11.nd tobacco, a.nd all th 1ll. t.rai n o f e vil s known :.1.s life . Th o grPa L l'Oliahili1J' a.ntl promptness in its olfcctrS in imn1ccliat;Jly i.tnil pcl'~ Jnaue.ut.Jy n:.,t.nrinµ- t11c dov i taliie~l cOll1'lt it 11ti01.i hn.a 111nde D1t. 'V HJ1JJ1~LF~Il'S COl\11 l '0 C:-./"lJ El ,I X · IR OF Pl:fOSPl[A.'l'ES ·\NO CA LlS1\ YA a. p;ro1~t fa:Vouritc with t.hc Plly sic:i1 t n::1 Ulld 1mbliC'. - :?..Qltl ut $l.OO. bein g fou nd i n CV<'-1')' t.issuc, and Lhcil' -presen ce ··all ct . . , ndW. ·. Illt er D ress.t G 00 d.S . .- con. Ca.rt\\Tight; 65 acres cleared, nnd the balance c-o\·cred with good lrn.rd\vood and a. ltttlc cedar; well \v ater~d: dwelling house, barn aud stable 011 the prerwses · well f en ced · ~'OLlng orcJ1urd. No better l<\nd in' Ca1 't\"Tight, ' A p 1 1Jy on t he premises, to TI-IOS. DINS1'rI011.E. Ca.rtwpight, JuJy .U3Lh, l872.. 51·3nt. loo AC~ES, Fa1·n1 t"o1· Sale. BEING LOT 5, 4t h - ----- RJ:i~AD! · 1 1 · Shawls, Cloths and Overcna.ting 1 were bought spring before the groat rir;e iu the rnarkt:i~, Photography T J. 0. & .R. H. Henry REA D inu1 :Lre t i o w offere<l. LO'W fi_ J: ·J{I C J;;S R A '1 <' THE BE:AVELt BLO( ;JC. NEW \ DEPEW"S VE SECURED MR HA fine new Gu.lien.-, E A D 1 · SEXTUN'S Corner of King & Temperance Streets, (JDntr11ucc opposite cntra..1100 to '.ro,vn liall, on 'l'en1pcra ncc S ti:cet). It \vill be their alu1 to gi ve satisfaction to all "'ho tnay iu.\'or thmn V'.ith a cull either a.t tJ1cir Gallery ill FOit THE Bf, ST STOCK OF BAR. GAIN~ -IN- APPLES! Burden and Werry are prepare<l. to buy tu1:,· qunnt.ity of Canadian Cottono and TweedR, Canadian Cotton Yarns I MEDICA!:_JICTORY. ~'lnnncb, OSHAWA OR BOWMANVILLE. They mak e all styles and sizes of and Carpet Warps, Good 1vfercluvnt111>l!l App/,,,,., - -,\N l ) - " ' .ILL PAY THE UIGHl· :s·r P HICE. I ! Canadian Blankets and I nent pl1ysicia n of foreign desc"nt, h:u discov1 red a. Great Blood Reniedy- ll.Pnrel y Vegetable Compound - nawed by pby11ici:in 11, Depew'& Medical Viotory, t hatcurea eve ry ki nd of unhealthy H um or,and t1"t"ery tha.t.depc nd~ o n I mpurity of tho Blood, wberf!I the Lungs, Liver, and Kidney!!, and other vital or ~ ga.rut, are n ot wa.sted beyond the bop11 of repid r. ;JJR. DEPEW, OF PARIS, FRANCE, ·n ·ml. PHOTOGRAPHS, LETTERGRAPHS, Photogr1Lplu1 in porceh~iu or ivory pluil1 Ol' colored. Photog 1 ·a.phs tini~hod in India Ink or Se· pln, u1Hl oo]orctl eithnr in DR y GOODS AND -~ow~~n,·iJ-~~~~~g. 2ilh_,~~~·- ---------- -~~tf I Rare Chance ! Snlendid Business c--riiHE GO TO THE BEA VEH BLOCK. FOR SALK All Goods Sold on the one price () } ,ff.!I bYSTEI\<1. The best Tlliloring establishment between Kinston aml Toronto, AT TH E BEAVER BLOCK. rhotun .l!:ozema, Sc!!.ld.Head, Scaly EruJ?tfou oft.he Ski n, lrli.:era, and Jo'e vet S or es of all k1nd11, J1Gtl· Humor iu the Mouth and Ol' Eye9. Sore .Ea.r!!,l!:ruptionon tho bea.d, and Pimple11 ur Jllotobs11 un the face it eta.rids }>re .emi nently at the hoail uf all other ra~odies .- '!'he fact i11; Humors, 8 c1 ·vful!I., and of t he Skiu, of wbnteTer name or Jllt.ture, litera1ly dug u p und c:uried out of the 11yitew. in .a. i:ihort time by th8 ua8 of this JH ood Ru UledyOno bottle, in s:.i.c.b cases, will conviuce tho ni.0 1 \ b1.4 credulou3 ofita curative effect!il. For the cure o! Scrofula, Eryaipela·. 'iaU0 FALL GOODS WATER OR OIL COLOURS, Jlhoco Crarou.5, &c. 'I'hcy &1·c also prcpnred to make J\IIILLINERY, <Jlea.nse the Vitiated Blood wheneYer yott ftnd Im pu ritie!J b!!!!_Lillg tb.rouft tt e i,:h:lJ,.J.11!1:1 U N-D E-R-S-I-G-N ·1~ D BEINGabont to retiro ft·0n1 the r'A.B1NE'l' und .UN OElt'f .A.KING Husiues btt~ do,_,ddcd t o Uiaposc of his present large n.n'l proftt11 ble bn~incss a t o.nd wbich affords a11 excellent ofJl)()r.tnnity to any ona "'iahing to engu..g e tn S1l0 l a business. "rhe pre1uises and ,,·Jiole stock~ht-tt'ade will be dis posed or a.ta Btu·, and on <'U.SY te nns, 'fhc liltOck in hnnd is Jarlfc and well iltJi,iorLcd, u.nd t.hc l'llll of custo1n excel1e11t.. For term s anll ot her pn,rtlcuhwH, appl y on t.hc pren1ises t.o. "\.\' . II. P.A RK. · Prince Albert, J uly liLh, 1872. 5:1-tf. PrinOe .Albert, establitiJ1ed OVCl' (u urLcen yc/J.rS, - :Eru11£fon11, or ort11t; H 11 it :ia foul and your foelingJ:I will tell y01t whoo . :Koep tho 1Bfood pure and Urn boll.Ith of the "YJ:l t·m will follow. atructed &1.otl sluggiab. i u the veins; i n P~m 1i1ea, w e ~ tlol.l It ob~ clea o~e V whon ALL KINDS OF VIEWS, Bnch a.a v ie,va of Itesidcuces u.nd Gardens, Cro· quet &nd Plc-nic Gi·onJl3, llorse~, Catt.le, &.·c., ,.,. Pu, uttontio"- pqfrl to the copyi><{J a·11d rcp1·od·i~ction of old a nd faded pi.ctttt'CS. Bown1an\"1lle, Jnn c G t h, 1872. 46·tf. aa a 'fonic &: c. Pos$O.ssi ng a lso the pocu.liar m erit 1>f acti.u.g a~,; 11owerful agont in 1 ·elieving Co111:11 intion., and Chronic lnftamroa.tjon of the J,iyer and :dl th· "Viacer~l It is a. Gentle Regulating Purgative. as !fell Organ11 . GB ,() ~l '\ i' j RI _ IJJ1 l s'1 F. F. McARTHUR B ow1nan v- illc, SPpt'. 18, 1872 ald, married or sin~le, a t tbe dawn of wourn uh ood, Gr a t t411turI1 of life, th~ M oi.licaJ Yictor;r hu no For Female Complaints, whether in young or Oha-nge ot Business IN THE Sin11no11s & Clough Organ Co.'s --~ MPl~O\IED -- PIONEER BOOT & SJ ro1: _..;: J RE CABINE'l-, Ol~G AN~:~~ --- A ND CC> Cil'LE a. perfect Renova.tor nud lnvigorato1 · of the Sys~m; ca.rr ying off ull poisonous' ".u.d Re~. toriug the :Blood to it.a h ealthy condition., Neuralgia, F em ule esa, N1.1 rvous. nestt, Pain~ i n t be Side, Loins u.nd Back, and so uera.1 Weak.ll.ees nud Debility, Ue curative powers 1 ue lie. y ond mouev :wd beyoncl -p:ric~ l'l' lS'J'lll<JOltEAT B.T~OODPtl"RIFIER,ANDA.LTFEGIVINU f'H.IN . «'Jom plaiut, and di8Gll.8C8 of the K1d1.1eya and }.lln<ldt:r, it!i effec_ t3 arc 11.U.fprisi ng to u.11. 1'~or H~g nlnt i "il.t ho :Bowelli, :i.nd ..::uring )>iliousness , Ht:adach t> Sick. equM. In tbe...cura ofRheumattsin_. J)yi1pep~ia. t,h·et ARR IVE D, D,\ILY 1'0 LINE AND R. 0 C I-t ESTER. I 1 rrHE NEW LAKE S'l'EAUERJ \\7111, on or about. lst Anril next, connuenco h e . . regular daily triµs, (I<:e JlCrinittin~,) Leo.v111g Cobourg ovcL·y lnorning at i.30, P ort }lope at n o'clockJ..for H.uchesLcr. co11n ecti.11 g there with New York ventral, Northern Central, ancl Erie Ro..ilwa.y. for all points Ew;t., South ancl Soul.b W est. ' .H J!!'l'UltKT NG, Len ves Charlotte, P ort of R ochcster,eve1·y evening at 9 o'clock1 (except Saturdayfl, v.. hen sho leaves tit 2 o'clocK,P. :I\'I .. for JJdgh\..on). 'l'hc Steamer c.alls a t Brig hton, J',ionllaf8 n u d~ 'l'hlll'!:itlays ; atColborne, C\'Cl'Y cll~y cxce11r. ?led nesday; a t \ Vliitby, Oshnwa, Du.rl.ington, n.nd Ne,vc~st.le1 <1.11 Wci:lr1esrla~·, shonhl freight ofrer. DcnJers in stock \·fill .tind thfa U1 e ch cti]Jeat and qui.ukcst.. ro uL e f;o J\lba.ny, Boston, New York , &c. Address, G. C, CAltTJJ:R, 3{·tf Port lTone . Ont CROCKERY. NORSEMAN, Mu1·<loch I Sold. by a.ll :CrulrQ'istl It :Dea.lors. SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET, ADDRESS YOUNC, SILLS II. CO., Bath, Ont..n.l'io. Bo\\' MAXVILLt~ , June :w, l 8i2. llro's In ret.ul'ning you 1ny siucero lhu.nks for the wery libern.l pntronng c extend c<l to l11e , since rny ' reotumcncing business: nnd as i 11 conseQu.enc~ of oth er eng11gements, I n1n cmn _p ollml tol' ehnq wsh the Batn e; I ha\'C grca~_pl~u s~iro i.n rcco1nrnending to you J\'lessni. Jt!\JJEHSON & CO., In :r sucICCtJSors, \V'ho are in every "\VILY 1111alitied t o gtvo :you as ~ood Goods, and on as fu~·orablc Lenus a1:1 those gn'cll by inc. Soliciti ng fu t· tlu.\11 1 you r pat· a·onagf , I LICJ ! :\HD H.E _ Jj;J), 1-- = = AT Have still a Large and Well-Assortcp IN RKl·' JJatENCI·: 'l'O THE AJJUVE cntii·e :->t:ook , t o w hi c h wo an.·. 1\(1..Uy 'l.'hi.Ji J.cLt.Y '.i3 l.JjglJ.lyrecommended to L :i.dlcs A3 !\ n -~tccnb lo i'rcpara.ti~n for thG 'l'(·ile~. :For Be'l.utifyicg t.1 11) Ornuplcxion, 11.nd rcncl cruig tl!e Stock of Staytl6 and Faney Dry 1118.nviUc anrl. surrounding coun try I.hat we lu1ve pu nt-~n~ed h i~ change in the old m;tiiblIBL! cd hbuse o f l\llr. Recd. we beg to inforin Lhe illhu,bita:1ts of Bo,v· <,tdJ.lng New GO 0OS of the lAT[S TSt~le A.N"D FIXl S ll , · COU~bincd with!i t.y , all O( wh k .h will ho · ,ronnd GoodB, which they are d,_ , t<lnnined mo it Skin Soft._ Wh ito. Clca.T, and !rec fr om. Dr:vucse~ 1t i'l iaHLvallctl. I L will quickly ~movo all Jtcdnc~a. H.'.ln!:!.lUl.' !l:,,i, ':f:J.u, Freckles. Pimples ·. nntl . othc{ iw· McCLUNG BROS to The Pu1np Shop· WITH HOUSE-POWER & T.A'l'TfE, Equal to anything 1.wer befor e offered in l.hi 3 mark et.. p erre:,; ,!or.11. 1:'vr Ch:i.pp~d Hsnde 1Ch1lbla n.ii;i, l·ros t Bi tc3 S J tC Lipa, it C<umor; be surpm.1aca. l'r ico~ ~;j cents. at present worked hy tlw ~~---'Vood I·'ol' Sale. '>llbSBll ·cribc r. P oow«lon givon lmmed!Btcls. Onl" business of the kind in --pl1!nty ot' cu:1tou1· rare chaucc fo L' a guod tH11up1nnkm·. at j)l'iCOS a" Jow !CB any in t)u K SILVER.\'ille, :Viay I -1 ;Ftom our facilitie s ·w e feel conllden t. 1 ,hat we cu.n ·plrLCo before the publlc\ ~uperior goods at r;nme ll'n.tcs is those charged >r oLIHJr8 in i.h e trade for · an inferio1· article. Grand Combination Organs SCRIBNER'S PATENT QU LIFYING TUBE8, ~he ~ountry. ·Custom v:ork 1nadc t.o order under the· ~mont of i\.:!r. John Reed , \Yho has b~en the lead· Hng \Yorkman in 1\-Ir. R~ed 's cstabh!'lhmcn t for sixteen years, AI~L VVOH1CG1..~ AnAN· 'l'E'f~D ~s represented. An invention having n. rnost i1npod. .ant bearing on the future reputation of J.lced Instruments, by means of which the qna.ntity or \ T olumc of tone is ,· ery 1.irgely in'Trunks (Sara.toga. and other<>) kept coust:antly cr eased, and ...the qualit.y of tone rendc1·ed _ on hand . Th!:i 'l.'ocLt:l' SOAl' llOBSessee nll the wcU·known e.ntl:;cJ? tk rrn ( l d tslnfcctlng properties o! Co.rlu'l!ie A.cltl, is ngrecably 1>ccntcel, hu nltcn.ltby action on th'.:l ~ ·riu, p rc vc 1 1b1 irritn.Uon. r emoves tho cffcct1 or pP.r~p 1 rntion , a'1.ll. _ ehould be rcgalnrly mH·d hy . t ·tmliies . Cht1ler:l. l::l~lloox &Ull. Fever .P&llcn til shcr~11U. be wash. ell wlth tht.a Soa.v; and i ta ni;;e by p e nn~s Ji :1hla to inrcctlon will·ia.ll :v pn:veut. the !'iprc:i.ll or tl1S CA ~O . Price 15centa per Tti l,,lf.;t. lan<l, being north holf of lot 5, ith con. Dn.rlinglun, i1::1 offered for so.lo in lots to i:mit pu.rch<Ll::l· era, or Jn O"i' O lot. J\pply on the prom ises, J~'\..ME$ V~EA.LE. T HE WOOD ON FIF'l'Y ACRES OF -- ---- - --~--- - Da.rlingtou, .l ulr 3, 1872. 1,umbe1· nnd Shingles 19-H. --- ·--·--= C~ A di~count of FIVE PER '.THE HIGHEST PRICE IN FOR HIDES. CASH EQUAL TO 'l'IIAT OF THI~ BEST Pll'E ORGANS OF THE SAME CAPAClTY - -:o:-- -FoR SA:LE, Darlingto n. This SAr.>u 11 n rn_pid cure f o-r an Sktn D Is.:-at:cfl, Gu ts, \Vottn tl.:ii., Dr.-: tseg, B urns, Sorc!i Ulcer fl , Ring~ wor·1l 'l'c;.. tc r. Eczema, Scald .uenU., S cnrvy-, A.b .Jcc'3·;cs, llo'ls, Pil\1plcs, &c. Jt JlOBscsse e ull the clcB.""!ling: nntl h ··!l.ling virtues or Carbolic Aci<l, which. h;H; lJ cou f vund b ;1 Pb yeiclans eve rywhere to l):J-!:J :He c1r1:.tl1·0 qunlitioa not discover ed lu any oth er cu emf cal 1ir.;,.;parn.tlon, Prico ~5 cent s. Al' MY- MILLS, A. B. CAMPBELL. IN CENT. will also be made ou all onsh 11 ikst·class \\·or kn1c.n wantcd- - noue othe1 a1eed apply. _l\NDER SON & CO. Bo"\vmanville. J 1me 27, 1872. Our celebrn.t.ed "Vox Celeste, " "Lo 11is Patent," ':\r ox IlnnHirw. ," "\Vilcox. Patent' "Oct Coupler," the char1ning "C(~llo" or "Clarion et." Stops, and Pay up aitd Save Tl'ouble. undersigned nr ~eq tle&tod t.o pnf up before the:-f'!.rst of]'eb1'11arr next nnrl sav o trouble, . F . 'f. IIOSKIN. Bownni.nvillc, Jun. 3,18 ~2. 23-t f - - --- - - - -- --. Darlington, Nov. 2!!, 1871. J.8-if --- - -- -- - -- --- - -- .t-\..LL TI-IE LA T'E IMPROVEn1:13~NTS, Or~an ::: . A LL P AR'IJIIlf>INDEBTED TO THE I purchaseRover one do!llld·. Fil"st P1·i:t.e Uulti'i'ato1·s. The Grocery Department is al~ SUBSC~tIBER Royal Insurance COMPANY. 0 1·· Can be obtiLined i n these THUl'l.'Y-.FIVE DIF.FlrnEN1' S'l'YLES .FOR 'l'HE PARLOR AND nm CHUHOH QUALITY AND \TQLU::VIE 01!~ TONI!; U~EQlTALJ,..ED. 'I'IIE DES'!' MA.TJi~RJAL AND 'VOHK..l\fANSHIP. -- :o:~ ~ LIVERPOOL & LONDON. FIRE AND LIF'E. snlios.ertbcd CRpitnl ... , ...... ... $10,000,000 F11n4M 111 Dn.nd, over . . . ........... u,~no,ooo_ PilIOJ~ (Established in 1850.) FRO .M.. $50 TO $500 AGEN'l'S WAN'l'E D TN EVERY COU:-l'l'Y. - - :o:-- · FACTOJff & WARER00111S, COR. 6t.h & CONGRESS S'l'S., DE'rROl'l', 111ICH Thl3 G.illGLl] 111 t ho most reliablu and cffi c.\c loc! H nncd 111 all cri.~c !I or 801 ·0 '1'hront, Uo n rsen e~" Dip t.licr l i, ll-ronchit.!et, IrrHa.tion ot tho D ron1:hinl '1'11!'.> !:J eo common in tltia c uo.ngefl.b\e cl1mute A" 9t b.m'.l-, O.T~n! lvo Jwcnth, Clccrl\ted Gum!:! , lrnd All il i:ie a:3C-9 of th() Mout b. For Pnbl1c ~p e-. r.! ii.nd b in gers it i11 l nVilltmbl c. The 1n·:.rcdicnts tn· j ;~ r i 'J~ l:.i tu ttlia Gergtc nra uaod by fl.ll Pllysi cian11-, LltlfJr tbt~ curo ot the abov,:, dtaorllcr~ urc now, undo 1 . ~ ccl ly, tho Jnost popular i.u 1bc Jllattrta HEA.U OFFICE FOR UANADA Ii'\ ]IIONTREAL. . TY insured n.t eguitable;;. T~olatcd ..dwellings and fa.rtn risks ta.ken on specially fa.-vLifo Insm·a.nces granted in o,U the Itlost. u.pprov·-ed methods . '.fh ose about to lu~w·e \VU1 bear in SHOULD DE THE l ~'IRS'l' CONSIDERA'l'ION. 1,oL· rates of prmuiu1no, apply to th e undersign · \V, TlIOl.'IPSON, <Om.h lo terms. .~DDl1ESS SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO., DETROI'.l' MICHIGAN. .M::!:C'J ['r ice 25 cents. the attcntjon of fa.rmcre to thu one-ho1'Se and two-horse Iron Cultivators rnan ufacturc<l by him , and _ w hlcb h~LYC for six years obtained first prizes at Provincial and Local Fail'a . 'l'hey aro undoubtedly the best implement oftbe kind in use, and will In u. very short time n1ore than repny their cost, in the efficiency and excell ence of their work. Inspection inYitcd. A sup:ply of Cultivn.tots no'v on hand tor the s pring wor k, and will be sold at Jowcst rttte;J; T HE WOIJLD DIRECT supplied 'vi th Ne\v F1·uits, Spice~ IRON HARROWS A LL DESCRIPTIONS OF PROPER- NEW SPRING --AT-- GOODS I tc. Noit-> batter Jn quality.and non! of a. snperlor kind, nJ.!:iO on, BUGGIES T?iti& tm;r.:-.·::cr ANi;i i s a snrll 1~rcvc·1 t Ivo or ':" ,.-rir. ~11 ttad 'l'yµ h o id f'cvct~~ Cliolcra,· Snml lpO:'>', nnll ~ ll ir· . ( t!C ti '.) ut<ai~c.'1.~IJ'i. I t wiH urcv:::f't C'ont. ·g! on in C.1Uk. It i:J ttlao InVal;:t:i.ble for J>tl:'i n1'eci I· g \V:it· r 01::..::ct ~, Dr;1il~ i1, . CCH"'})ool s, SLi..b'c~. Sla:<:i'1tl·1 · hon:>::fl, .~ c . , 1111< 1 fo1· dcstro\iD.i? n<~ :? "- 0.: 0 11 · 1 ·. !llr.\"~il fro:n.\vtrntc~·..t;.·c :1u so riris i!l g-. l t ,, jl\ d !'l l'C ri 1n1y nrosouito cs, r,fo tll 1. Jl'llcs. Cocltroi:.c:.1P ~. &c- ].fr. t, Fi"Jl!:l~0. can b e 1)rcservccl f !'OI!\ pntref: 1ct \on 1 ~ )' i· e C.i.rtlolic A.~ il was selceicrl hyll<'r M:·.j. ~ t .\ 'n Ro;:t:f s"ion crct, in pl'cfcrc:JC ~ r .1 a ! I Pt . 1 r "J)r11d.t1 C\i!., B. ~ tlie lH!5tDl5iCfJCtU1!. f.·r t'.1c ·, t1'\ "J·t,· tlou of iufcctiouJ di2tascB. Price :,.(..i C· U ~ ~ : AND WA.GON· S r m ind t hat SF.CUltITY :SAT T I ::t:\f G POPLINS, JAPANESE SILKS, FIGURED and PLAIN LUSTRES, PARASOLS, llffSLINS , LACES, PlUNTS, GLOVES, &c. s - constantly on hund for Bll.le. z:lr AU kinds of Blacksmith \VQrk ·done on the ehortest. notice. A call aolicited. I. \VESTCOTT, Bo·w111anvill cheaper, agent forBo\vn111.nvillc. Ca··lf ot·~~hanl1~, I ffJ~~A .American Organs! EXCELLENT Bow1nanville; April 24, 1872. VALUE J.& W.J. M'~iURTRY &CO. A R.. P E A ·:C'-E I TAILOR, discount will be made I R.E· W OULD New Business 1 WANTED Two 01· FULL ASSORTMENT - ()]!'~ TURN his sincere Lhanks to JJs numerous cust.omcrs and fri ends, and -woultl beg to say Lb 1~t he h::i.s removed to the corn or of _ l{ing nutl On· t&rio street.a, where h ') will be g ln.d to sec as many of tho "\'OOd-nttt urefl and good· tcmpcrod Ol'\C~ a.-s please Lo g ive him a call. RESPECTFULLY Groceries of TWO AND A-HALF Pf;Jt FULLY to inform. t.h e 11uhlic that .as Mr. IL Reed's business hn.1:1 chi~nged hands. he h as re· sol ved to 011en business on his o·w n account.. ii1 the shop two doors "\Vest of 1'-!urdocb Bros.; "\Vh erc he \Vill k oop on haull a flr st-cla.<1s stouk of Boots and Shoe!! suit.ii hlc for t ho season . Ordel' \Vork will have his prompt a ttention. Twenty .five years experien ce in the tl'ade, n1orc than the Lwo of \Vhioh ho has Hpen t aa cutter, and general 1nu.11ager in lHr. Reed's establishment., has given hilu op})ortunities of lca1·nlng \Vhat t.he people reall y \VB-nt. Ile has t.h ereforc no llouUt of being able to gi-..·e satisfact.ion to n.ll \vho shall favor him wit.h 1~ c11l'l , LlJHl hopct:l by glvin~ due tt-lte!-1-tion to b usiness to re· cei\'e a. lnir sha1·c of p11blu: support. · ,T, S1\.1A J,F., The no\v stock '\v ill be T HE Sl:BSCRIBERBEGS RESPECT- tln:oo exl.)el'ienced I ;f~nnv~N;~2:, \~~ 1t-~~;-~ A NEW GLEE BOOK, \VITII PIANO .>\.CCOl\-IPANJl\.IE,N T, CEN'l', on cash purehases over one fo1· Lhc ·wol'k ~ rootn. ApJ<ly tu MISS 111oTAVISH, at MURDOCH & BRO'S. 43-tf Bo"·inllJlville, M;iy ~a, 1872. JN BOW111ANVILLE. GOODS , --.&..ND-- Price $1 .50 each j $13 l )C-t dozen . House and Bedding; Planfs. ·11As W. G. REED, W HEREVER THE NE .PLUS dollar, except l·'lour tmdGrnin . On Satui·day, lltb Instant. Fon::VJING tlle inhabjtant s ofBowmanville n.nd snrronn dini;; co untry t hat h e J1as oIJened out a Nc\V 'l'i.n Shop in tho store li~tel y occupied by John Allc11, eo1·ne.L· of - M.CTCH PLEASURE IN IN- MILLINERY. EVERYTHING NEW, (STYLISH &. CHEAP .J.. FULL STOCK OF TRE I I Ultra Glee-Boo!.: has been introduced , it hM boen pl'onounced superfor to nU ot{ti::r works of its kind. It i<> the 111.rgest., lutest, ft nest,, and only collcctlon of New Oleos a.n~T Quartettes aq: h'b, OQ. nearly all of vthtch hav:u P·io.noA{~con1pani1nentg' Sample copieS mailed, post paid, for $1, '. ' J. L. PETERS, 59!1 Broad"'"·a.y, N. Y. 500 'l'eti, Dinnex :md Chamber s~to, in Remember the rilac ~. t\vo doors ' 'rest of 1\Iu.r · l l o\v1 ntp1yillc, ·w h ere h o 'vill kcerJ constantly on dooh Bros . J . S. 1-Ionse and B edding Plants forsn.le, cheap luu1d a.. Well ~elcct ell stocJt or stpyes, .Taptinned , ptessed and plain ·rJn ware, - ------ - -- - - - - . at v.·hlc;h lie will sell A LAltGE and uhoice selection of KING AND DIVISION S'l'nEETS Fot; Sale. DOUNSALL'S. Bo"·n1a.11vil1c, "CHEAP AS THE CHEAPE S 1'." Special n.ttentiou paiQ to E ..A. v·ETH.0 U G II IN G .A.!\ D J O HBI~G Jt¥ 01·dcrs fro 1n the counlr y promptly a ttended ircyofbusiJ1eas,,vith a consta11ta.n1l still Q( gi·o"'"·th, As· tlle ·nu1nnf11ctory i~ on~ '!f t.he <ildoRt, it also l'6Jll:S a.1nong tho hl~hest in the country Dnring tho 1011:.;- expencncc of the jnanufaCturers,thcy Stendily n.dded to the T HE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN the late DAYID DOWNEY. Co. now con1pleted their ·rwent.y-.l<'i1'St ticulai.·s enquire of In the Town of Bo,vrru\nville, Twent.yeight acres of Iand belonging to estitte of l\Ia.y 23, 1872. 43-tf F or par- to. China and Stoneware< THOMPSON & BUltNS. Bow1nanville, May 23rd, 1872. 43-tf . , ., W J-Iighcflt p rice pahl for Hirlflf>, Sheepakins Rngs, "\Vool-picklngs, Cop per, Fea.t;hers 1in<i Great indnccincnts h elll onl.. t o pcdlers. I ~. D.- ll""nrmers ·wu.n th1g l\1ilk Pails or Pnns \V01Lld do \veil l..u .call i',lHl csn.min c n iy st.oc~ b~ fore pu:cel1aSlng el sc1vherc. A slunc Qf P u blic paU.·onage rnspect.f'ully ;;olidtct1. W .G.IlEED. 32-tf. Dow1n3.uvillc, 1\'1arch Sth.1871. a@" Ilorsch ttir . Finest Family Groceries. SALT AND PLASTER ALWAY@ ON HAND. fgg~~~fv~ t~p1re~~~~u~~~f:o1iui1~l ~1,~\1~~~;~tih~ Q_ u ality or tone !lll,d t.o incre11.s e the 1ne.chanical taciltties to1· the pcrfo1·mcr. And though they expect to conlinuc the courF.Je of i111pl·o ve1ncut, the::r a.bunda..ntly satit1fled \Vitb l\"hnt has been done, and ·w ith the catima.t ion in \Vhlch tlieii· in~trumeuta are held by goocl j udges of 1uusic. As bcretoforJ! they will u,;c the l)).atcrials, withott.t regard. to cost.. 1uul give every Organ th e n1ost thorough work.ntn.nship. 'l'hey especially invite con1pa1·isons a s to th e quallty and volun10 of tone, aud as to the effect · 1ve mechanical f\pplianccs. 'fh ey call attention to tho fact that their Org~ns a1·e tlold -1.'£ EX · TR.El\iELY J..0\V, a.13 low a s ls charged for many of an in ferio1· sort. Having a large, and tho1'0ugllly n.ppolnted ma.nllfactury , employ jng nono but skilled ·, and hil. ving 1nadc tl. minute divisionpf lH.llor,they arc n.blc to Pl'O·· duce Organs at less rates than motlL competi· tor1'l, They believe, also, that n.1 nong oth er things, they have earued a r eputation for fair dealing, thd they \YOU1d asBuro dis lnnt p1u·uha.Bers thut an Organ ·vill ever theit· wareroo1ns ·vit.h noeir knowledge, t.ha.t is uot in ev ery r espect pol'1oct or its clasii. .A.a the-r have bi~fore ::;t.atcd, thov inien1l to sucure a friend in every pnrch~u~cr. Thei.r cataloguc ·vith full deacriJJtion and accurate cni;i;raviugs, "\\'ill be sent free to any addreas upou npplicatiou. .A.II necC85.'.l.ry infonuat ion cheerfully fu1·ni~hed, ~ -\..ddreS!i ~---·----- - ----- Charles Silver DEA!.RTI. IN GROCEltIES, PROVISlfl:'.'IS, FRUIT_ S, .l.'· .'1. 11··..,1· . ~·. t <:1:, ii1:( ::,n..;:!. b l'i!! g in g into condl.· i. ·. ::..·;~., Ei::.)J ~-.:'!S, Gov.· s , C~'.l vos , Sheep and t< ~r.,,, w~C!i.t lt-nd reco1nrnen d od by first· 1 _ ·. la r:>..;\ Breelio ~·s. Stoel:.: ft1 d "\Vith i't bave n.Lv1ay.s tak en first prizes. 1'-filk OattlE produca m ore milk and butter. It fa t tens in 0110 fourth tlle usual time, and saves food · .II DOIJL.8R JltJX CO.JV'· II.AS 'J.'. DA.HI,11\'GTON, jnst received a q un.ntity o F Con1e and see our China Hall. I---·- §till . ORANGE~, A .l l Ctltl.. - - The highest price paid for Butter &E~gs. [SIQN OF THE GOLDEN LION, King Street, Jlowmanville. ·1v1I~'\'"8 Trv'IJ 01,r.,,'\·11R.Z<JI., P.E;Nl.,S. HUOR MILLBil & co., Agricultural Chcmish, 107 King 8t., Torot1to I MEEnSOH 'Ul\1 1 1 ~ilND J. H I GGlNllO'l'.CL-\.1\'l, SOIREES, 'l'EA PAHTIES ' BALL SUPPERS, PUJlLIC DIN'KERS, WEDDING CAKES and best l) rct~d dQliveretldc:wl,y to custorner s4.1n o.11 pat-ts of tl1 e town. . ..... · .. 15-3 LEMONS, COCOANUTS, PEANUTS, Also, R.cnncth Ca1npbell 's celebrated Soda \\"'"nt1;r, ; ~c;nonado ancl Sarsaparilla, very i=.-... 1 tal)l ~ for sun1mcr drinks. ·.\.ll tho above will be kept constantly on hn.11d during the hot ..,.,·catber. Darlington has jnst. i-eceiveli another lot of very lino TEl\,S, ·w hich \VIII .be ~old cheu.1J fo r CIULl\, ~For one lilOUth ve will .,- . 0 a diseount on Crocke1y of TEN PER BRIElt ROOT 1 Got nuin the best style and on r cnsonalil_ e torms Drugg1st, J30,v1nanviUe. b y the subsurilu~t\ ';l'hu w~iteo~, the sweetc~t Bowinunville, Ont. -! ·tf CENT. on cash purcwes. PIPES, ·.\ND AJ ..J, l{INDS OF Fol' !iiale. ALEX. FLETCHER. . Durham. Fo1· Sale! SEVEHAL GOOD ~'ARMS IN WEST March, 4, 1872. ING· INC~, S 1lOBACCONIS1,,S · 1 GOODS. 'f!IE SMTTH AME\tlO,\N OltGAN CO, Tremont St., opposite 'Valtha1n St. Boston, 1\{aas. J. i\l. llRlMACOMnE, Bo wman ville, Ooneral .~ge nt for the Pl'ovincc of Onta rio. BownlEulvipc, ...··\pril 10, 1872. i RE!VUJ;\H;l!:R THE S'l'AND, ONE '/ dO \~ r ea~t. ofF. Y. Cowi e':>: l~ingsleeet. How nH\ll'{iUe. Jn·H~ rn, 1 87 ~. strcci .nt pres,.ntoc. mpicd byJ . Cttristie, l<.::sq, I ]'ti ot.icc. SttHio11 n.gP.n t. iror part.im1lara engui r e of I -- · Wm. ·ruoMP~ON. i\iEJl:IBEitS OF VOLUNTEER , "St. I Militia. n.n'l ol..hCrH \Vho h;tve been in the 'Dow1r '\UYJJic ~fny 2G , 1871. , 111.~bit of practicin g ·with "ball c<irtrid g e, on the - - - - - - - - -· i flat, will please b ear in 1~1i u d th~t fronl the ie.: ~ "' · 1'1f'f J· t . ~. I , I p1·esr.nt tilno uny co1uient;, Jnthcdo gfvc.n by lnc, ~C\\ ialtg 1u1.:b.C lllle . 01.. ·~tl C. Is n.i1solutel:f \vith < lrawn · m1tl any' one found -1 ·wilf1tll)r confi.nui.n_g Rifle p1:'a.cUcc '.1-ftor t_ h is notice LOCK.1\1...t\..N, NEVER BEEN IN nrustliodcuJ.t"\v1th u.s th e J u·w d~ 1·ects.r 8 11sc, \\'ill be sold at n. ba..nrnln. l!:nqnlrc t\L I. RA )'NE~ · the S'l'A1'J!:B)!.A :S ofllt:c. now1n a nvJ lle, rrra. y S0, 18i1. 2~- ttf 'l'C'<E CCT'l\\l;E ON LIBERTY -- --- -- TJrn For app]y to .J. N. R UTLEDGE For persons who want Bargains Orollo. PIANO, 'VIOLIN, JIAlt1UO~IU~l and have the money MURDOGH A N D THli: TllY.OHY 01.r .MUSIC. A J OHN CAMIDGE, M US. DOC., ENGt'~r t ernis &c., to be 1nade to l\Iessrs. It. &; R . 0 Hara, S 1 1,\-UQnors. 42-3nl. x BROS. is the place to o an<l iow time, · LAND, 'fea.chcr of the above. .'\.p111ication J

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