· I CANADIAN STA1,ESM.AN, BO,VM-ANVIJ__;J_.Jj}, rrHUliSDAY, OC'tiOBER 3, 18/2. TheGt·t·at .l!'en~aie HemedY.j-~ --~ B-ARG A INS. -A - G ~ ~ 0 Y]General Sew1nrrMac1,1·ne Agency TO O"VNEHS x;;m,....... 11' = 0 1" f(JR M( ~ES PEitIODIC \I PILLS BOi\:\IAJS\IILE llRNITlhE HING CO 6 II Farm Prope1 ty -1..ND- C autm1· ! ! Cauhon ! ? ! - - --- --- - - - -- -- EAR,G-AIN°S GREAT BARGUJSS 1HNll ~Cll urn JS\rn GHEN AI THE ' Cheap I1on is va,lnable a~ a 1ued1cn1e has long been kuo\\n b ut it is ouly s1nce its preparation in tl e parh"'ula1 fo11n of Pe1 11v1au Syr 1p that it .. full power ( ver d1se se has been 1 rought tc light Its eilect m cases of dyspepsia u1d delnhty is n1ost sal 1HAT appointed J eta l .agc t 0> tho Ho nun il!e F 11 t le 1\'1n 1 u 1 ng lo g i ow n. l os ion to till all o lers t 1.1.::i low 1 tte s un) de<t! 01 1 theco 1 ll 2G HOJH S MAN:-!ING T HE SCBSCRIBER RAVING llTWN Corn for Sale, DETACHED RESIDENCES ~IAlnrnr BUILDINGS INSUI\ErOURPROPERL> IN lllE Agl'1c11Hural Insurance Co -AND- Save 1£aif Your J11o n<lj for Canada K111gston Corner PUBLIC h1 Store I "\\~hole lo-39 tf to b~e~u1t~r,e OJ Cracked M c:llJlam;a IJ. ·.r oh~' utory pcrs< 1 s a..t parently health) on re t1nng die dnr1ug tho cner\ 1.hn 0 ho lrS The f1on1 three to five u tl c inorp1ng life tu1~e being lo\vost at tho tin1c nature in ore readily succu1 lbs Ind1 l tcluals on tho shady aide off rt> and whose'1ttlity haa been _intparred aro most suscer u F(-!llows Oon111011ncl SJ rup of Hvpophog ph1ter:i w ll s rnt:nn in i tonn the ner:\ ous ayste ll and tis use rn a n ocess iry p1ecau hon agn 1st p· e1nah 1r. ntort rthtJ ?tlANY OPINION Co1no St io J:N A "'J·lesu ul li :u·ni Jor "°ale, IHE COlNTY 0.F DU,lH \M t'; o 11 n of Bo J q Ule Applie ttion fulyJ .,,r.,fed t1eo110 1nal1let t11'1+ it tho :; 0 100..ngot B \TE~ l rOJ l"l. OtOl Bov;n 1 Octol it lS I 10t.f In ,-VEei>aorl!a1n l G i\J NtS'l EXPE:N DITt;RES .1'.-.1...m honor of the den.cl H eaver has l tte1ed no prol 1b ton and Earth is not tn.1 1re<l bt t be wtlttcd b:-, ti en All tl ose bco.ut fnl e 1ble1 l8 'vh ch :i lo1u tl o 1 a 1 y tombs around wh eh ·we 1 'o tolngo1 a1;sure IRWf rf! t \\Oild of Vt'(Lrm an l 1 g I e tl ts the adornln~ of U o ~cpulc1 ie8 cf I l o ~ l 0 er.i all.~n i ite>i o g e an l soothe 3 tho "ou le l heart It also ohcc1a the be10 n ed to kn0;., tl at an a.di to al e1n be 11::.hn er t of tl e grave prcscuts stro1 i;ei attra.otio1 s to u.r rost the atten tion of the i:;tranger l\nd c o. ises hu to pa se and lea. n the nam of one who J1as sh.rued so 1argelv- n the lo'\ e of otl Gl'S \\Te take ti 8 I 11 l io fol r yo l tln..t ecanrlllo1dc1sforclec01:a.t gtle g1u.v-e~ of de1 L It.: l f e lri1 a t low J1giue:-; x c ud m the best: a ylc of \ k u nship MON11VIE~IS 'I rnLE ETC Fl'I' 'I'E D "Lo ~ C KM A· N" D. CHEMIST Jarnes Morr Is, FROM' PA.Ins F nANC rn has stn1tcli i most succegsful tra\ oller on a to1tr l aund the earth he ls to v1s1t ct cry cit) · i ow11 and village and 1c1.n::un to convrnc'e the inhabitants of the valuo of Ins n11s~1on he has reached the Do11 m1on of Canada eand aa usu<\l incets \\ tth 1nparalloled suooess Tin· tu>ullet ls DEPE~ I;! 1 VIEDHH L VICTvRY the m ur BLt on Pl R1ru:R ttL:Ltu.t.11,} cuunu ft 11 dn1ea.ses of .;. H hl ood of Lhe stun1&ch l VOL aud n cr vo is S"tst01n anti. rs an angel of nLPrcy -to th se suffering AND rm \LRR IN DRUGGIS1_, Co\. l:tRl \.GES \\AGGONS 101VJY lLfLL Bt"ILDINGS, BOlnll 4NV1LLE. DRUGS, ' MEDICINES, AND Oils P·mt Br rnhes Ooal Oil and Coal 01! L CHEMICALS, llll]!B (UTTER" l f1on1 costn eness 1o11nale '" eakness s1cl headache a.nd b1he. ... ne3s D\ u Sluifr:i Pa.tent ltlcd c ne8 T-\~1 funte1j Brt ~hos 001111 s So ips rs &c P 1nti:1 Siu t cl SLEIGHS l,: ~ \C T RJ; IN IIOR'TRS1. NO lI .E AND O:f THE O:F TII:E l l :>l'E T Ql: AI lT't OF JT.L! L' & AMElllCA ~ iYIAJWIE AN> PYYSICIA:-!S PR"~Cm WOTOI!ABERJJEl N GR' l\'UI supf!] ed n 8 u1 notice 1 '\ e 'i.: th ng perln,1n1ng to C nctcry o l ilf meet i~;~ P atten1 on by lea,ing or IONS CAFEFCLLY COM!OCNDED ~ND AU OR!lF.R~ COI HECT ! Y \NS" EFF JJ pt 'tu.q .f.tl:l! Farnie s aJ d P iy~icut s fl on the Co 1 Bowmrnville 1-W 0 lll~ li. no~ dl ete e id 'f th best 7" rht / t y it ll J d o ~ od of l}fecli 1 u11 r:m i ALL KINJ)S O li' BL.ACKSMITH ~ 'l._1I F tC101UL\'. \V RK, MP 1n Thom" Eclecl1 c 0 I ff 01 th 1 en LI'! l)o 110 t /; noiv JN ~ nli;.;r1 SUPilUOR MANNER 1 5 ....! Oxfor 1 St fV 0 IS ptcn f.tr I 18 1 to b e thgrent1c r ect fIIOMLl.b HOLLOW \Y t (late U S ran l) Londmi 17111 At tli_e Ironmongery I ;:,OJ\lETHINb LONC ¥\A.NIED - OR- \\1 n JO t , ,;it1t u ntl n g n the ca11 ago I ne gn e J \ME" 1110 EtRIS a cn.11 and h Bo" ~ ill s l t you I T:IJ:E 54th VOLUME' Jno :\:teL<>od M p BY O\V~ E"\ ERYBODY PJ\l1'1ri l'Eli:' Onctoo1vi stoftheOutarioBak nla Sewing Mach111e / ~~;i'"~~;,~,.'; De ce1 lier r; Ontnru.:. P'jnk r J B THE lL L tST RATED l ootn ster J VJCJn E 11 ·"1l l villi! o t 10 1071 181 ~ Agent for Cobourg and t,.,.. E \ I.lli:,"l' Ol'liJl<j HJS OU HER: WJLlf \1! T FISH W R CLrnrn Locnl 1'g,nt al Bo~ma \ il1e 18 Phrenological Journal, A FrnST Cl \SS J3w.1'" L AND lf~ 0 D "F{ I VII_.I_,A l?.L:\..INTS, I IOOU IHI FJllU:T l'RIZI Celebra1etl Ilra<lbm ~ FAMJLI JJl 1GA.ZJNE l 11 e1 uc l fo 1n n E h de use 1nd notlung h lt tho p nest J\.T :i.tcr1ab t sc l and re ]Ln11110 u fu1tl ~r tn1xttue )f oils Turpentine '11 l D1Je1 8 AT fCIF THEm coMPOSITrois CONSISTS soLEl oF _ 1'111 ( oln Pine lVh1tc le{vl Pn1 e Ith ilr Zinc Lwsecd Ud 'Jpu il of 11 l'JJC itMe and D1 yei s cai cfully un<l scu itif1cally com bined 1:--1 re<J. nrrn'\ to b n w1th the Pr.11 t any rncn1bcr of hrn houscl old Sc T "t l eld at 1o o to o'er the u ost icno 1 o 1 g Ma J ui o ti c lJ. u o ., r " f;c rh i,s 1s on y :.t onfinn tion o HU:-l JOHN~ :\II S JN 8 A 1 ugo stock JUSt iec~ned for Autumn Pamtm~ rn1p01 ted 1 noct from tho English l\Linufactureis mdudrno J \::\IES ~ ('xomuno and cd( brntod Roo~tei brand- Guaranteed pmo ALSO -~11 slanJa-1d Colors Oils '\ arn1shes and Pa1nlerl':I ].ftte1 11lis Call and see hov. <.;heap a. Hou~e can be Painted and Decorated 1 r all these gu Us w1ll 1~ SCll l aL 1elltlc..:ed figut~~ GALLO~S p e P o ly ro i l l y ti c ( ou.t Cat ud :i1 iblle a.1Hl prov cs oonclusi\ clJ tho ;:,l: l ll:1uu1uT:i.: IOC'K~fA ~ lNJU o' f~ 1 11 ornr.ns tJ l JBo ~~:T~~o ~;;~ l\f SH ( ~ R f H 0 H \_R "hol nl Hc.tal s R CtG H OFI~R \.gents Also a.gents t G rnl1 h Se"' lug J\'la Ue ri 2000 SONG ECHO FIFTY A :'-!EVi SCHOO! DOLLARS Book by H s l Cl' \\ OR'l TT MACHINE OIL OF DIFFERENT KIJSDS &c t} Threshers and a 1puhea:1equ1r1n.g such 011 ~\1e 1.lpe ially 1n"tded t, 1na1 ect \al'l 1r:i 11W.1L1es-Ll1e11icebe11~g far below an)l.lunge\er ffe1etl1 fl,. ina.rkct e OILS PUN!H COl ORs \ \H.1\ J:-.>HED Bal er 8 nge Ho e a d cl e Uo LT o" \\ Jll at r; .l\I tel n es \\ 0 J a'\'. o also o l l a l a full stock of. the r I I l LI '\\ ANZ11iR l\1:e.ch DM Perso1 snot sat s11ed w th o e l\I tehln c ca1 change foi- ~ y otl ~:r ns lCl of thlJ t~ ii LYI! momOcr .H & lI 0 Hara. g 1 tt ~ S.!i \ING MAx NlL Dlla01 .JOO COOK PAHLOR H t\LL rnD BOX STOVES Tl ( \N"ADIA!" l Jf.':fT '.\..t the ven lo~ tud·t\iHill IF.\D st pr es I n; s1 pplle l on ud O'F :MUSIC k~is Prlce n 5Q 1e> F 0 R $ :l teen befo -o l cl 1 c fo a 1 g t! of t 1c a.nd \.'ihe1cvc1usedJs,\ellltlted ne\er fa.ln,s- 1n L dozen Co1 l·· · o>er s<:BSCRIBLRS SH gle ~ et c Al give }) 1 1 t rel et when to PETERS MUSI('! <\.L bea.utlful Songs D1 els MONTIILY a1c gettl t g their Mus c fm Ie,,s thu.n etc by '\\ill S Hays t \ o cc1 ts n ptccc fhose \V cbstcr rhon a.s etc who ha.> e not sem ti JS Evorytl Ing :i;ne:· fr"' h ).fusleal I\!Iu.gaz1ne and spall Ung Cu tel b'i sl ould sei I 30 ce nt>i for a sample copv 1h ~nd «:pc~nrocn pages sm nl 11 8 10 18 b" l I J s !rec R: 11 I 1fl cop1e8 Th omns ICinkel l c:-;r nui.lled fr e of postnge cy o.n 1 oil er l op11lar c to toachClB for 65 ceJltB WT 1crs 'I wo bao1r. n11nbcr,, IJberal terms for intro lfor 10 cents Four ba ~k uction T ...vo hund.rod new and t1m.el;; used 11 ti. ve J :i e 1 e\er kno v 1 a ~ glu case of cl ssatisfo.ctlon whe1 e tho d rect1ons hu vc been properh followe I 1 ut on tie cont1ary all arc delighted w1th.1ta operattor s u1 d speu.k u the 11ghest tei ns of ts v itues a l 1 ag1co.l eflcct \\: c spenl from experuince n tl c mnttm I a' ing te~tecl i t thoroughly and t1 orcforc tho~e "'lo .tLI o I'! rc11 g 1o u u1n of the con1pla.1nts -rur \\ hich it is rec om ne lded 1nav depend ii on 1t be K .ii S'\fl lf:g }{e JN DESTROYER hus 1i11nmg lnd no" on Exh1l,1(ion The ltrgesi. and cheapest stock of be11eral Hiucli"a"e I in"' Lre 1n thP. 00111 ty r lJ111han1 The Osborn. J ~1Tu:TP80N l s n f{Sl)J h-.:alwuy HORSE AND Cli.TTLE "UDWI NES Can1age GClods ant1 J'\ D Co ntr) -lantageo s ter1 s ~to1epf \):RI LS p 1bhsl ~cw Y.'01k ~1... BE-;l' 'I. ND C'IIEAPES1 FROM '\'\ fJT(IMt-' f:KIN 0 8 l ,JOI-IN MeJ .EOD. L CORNISH J THE HARD TO BELIEVE. True Nevertheless! - - - - o.--- - C NADI \\ lNIEl IA~ COMJ IO".'JG 1 \ l NrNC:<.:: ATi l TTF.RF. lH q iionnc ABOUNDS :\. N U\ IS '!<'. I A 0 !:'IL B::;CRIDE 1 on I nutn bers for 75 ce A<ldreas B1oa~ew !~ J 1 PETERS b99 d1cay lotk Cb1·01nc D1semms. 'Ihou.stonIBhLng e..tl L ey oft.lo fl1:1 1 ~ Pt1 De oycr in curing the di:i.cases for Vi hich it is recon rr 01 <led SJ:!:l._jts wo1 de ful effects m s lb dnn g th!:! t-Ortu.roub pa.ms of H.heun at1,,m and n 1ehev1ng Nen ous A.fleet o . ., ent tie it tO 1i ,gl ra1 k. ln the lbt of l{emedies 01der8 arc conµ g 111 frm ModicJnc Dealers 1n all l ar s of the country for f rLher supplies a1 d ea l test fylng a~ to the un1verHal sat stuotion it g ves Tho CQ.nu.dian I tin Des:Lroye1 1Teve;- fails to give imnrcdlo.to Ielief All Medicine Dealers keui: t P l y~l<; t fi 01 1 l 1 nd use it -and no ramllJ will bo ?i ithout it after t r;y 11 g ] Price only T'V'ient} fi· e Cents per bottle For sale by Vi I ..A.tkmson. an l DI Deani;. 1:il a\\ a V\ 1 11 y l :r J }l fi ~ 1 e iii d J BJ 11. i:. lJ1ooklyn b>' John'\\ arrcn D St tt a1 d all 1ne.d ie1ne dealers Cd} ·Rural New Yorker urn R & 11 l I \.T ':>l"ATfON L FA\OIJ'(E GROCERIES VERY CHEAP. Farm a1zd Fv eszde Notice. rIWET SEL't co TVee/J; G l_, ILI US'.l Ii.TED ood Cooking Har:srns only 5 cents a pour.d, and still cheap er by the box 11HEY ARE LESS LIABLE IO (,EI J Sold in Bo vn an' Ille bJ J IJ1 0 g:1nbo han 11 d .,. UM MER DHY GOODS at cost { iO f I ON and Woolen goods are advancrng, but } Oil ran bU\ V them at El 1 101t's, for a short time at the old pm es Now rs the hme to seem e what you need '\'el) atcl Bo 'iIDtl.ll\Ille Sept ZO 18 1 ure w I te i e l ec1 tj ~ ih .A. apeclnl v. mro.nty fron1 tl e Fo.olor n1 of1epalr than othr.t:'\H1tcheB 1 'Iheyare " tl N I viJI nut 1 e resp01 s ble fm n;; tlllbts ! tracted b) my "'On \Villla11 Jmnes SuJle) "ILLl.AM 'OJ llarll g o June 12 1871 OTIC1 IS HEREBY un EN IB li.T r fc~ 1G tf 11ohce. Western Assurance Com~an~r no'\ I oo t ested bc1ond nil flUOBtiona l th cd ct of t1 e p bl c 1,; ti ut to d ty ( nplhtl Stock ~htrpltllll EYE !\ND E ill T lll S CELEBRA'IED i\1 \CJTJ NE HJ£ i D OJ I 1( l - 1onoN I() } Ulld:iJ OS 36 l fl4 I Re('..ei1>·~ 30th June 18l1 fot the Jt.ttr eudlnu} "'. 8 8 06 IMPI.O\ EJVIE ' I Pu1·ifiicat1on ot the lnVlll"Oratwu of l!!i! stern, and ie1 "' ENTLE l\1EN m "ant of a neat fittmg smt should G oa1 h at Ell10tt Fash10nable 1,ulm mg F st.1hbshnrnnt ~ call Ho" T McMu1rnrcn P1e·irlent B H !.i.J l f\ r lVI tna 0 1 g Di recto nm HT 1~u ~ lLLLSrR.TIONS alResto10.twn to SomidHealth Jt.,:i'i' i:iaL1sfscl1011 guaiantecd mall 1oasonable case~ Fire and Marine INSUltA.NCE - ----- ------ - - - Royal Insurance COJ\1P A.NY. I<'IRE AND H ~LLIOTT, Jr. 11.lobert Young, AT LOWEST CURB.EN'r HA.LBS I THIS IS THE MOST EFFICIEJS T and econom cul Drun in so and w ll d o h ~old at 11 bo.rt one-Im.It the I l EMf'l ' r' (Jorue., of st. l'aul F1·anco1s Xaue1· Street,., llPll.at-1 $10,000 O{llt tribute Jnore l: e. t occ py lcs roo111 o.nd answor 11 pnrpo c I ettor tl an UD} otl CI By ts nm a 1 ouse can bell lCll better l oated th one. sto'\e :=-an under the ol l systern w th t o or t l ec tcovcs-tl u>i more thar DU) mg for tself in one 8cason by A aav1ng of\ OO(l Ali who have tr cd the111 wo ild not be n.1thoul tJ e r tt } I c~ tl ri.:OHL TJ~ n le ed hU:C sec 1cel Ji:Rlght f i BO\\ n1an> illc o.rlington Cart·wrlgl t Clarke antl Mn.11\ ers aud 1r; pt epa ed tu fill all or lers on the shortest notice ~\ full afisort mont ofDoofo f Lrl 1 1. 1 Bo.x: 61;( \.C~ c1 ~a lly on l an 1 16 18 F 'I HO~IIIN fl&'ffe t't tl11e1 iUadunel'I I su anca for. one or tl ree yearr; Dw I I gs Churcl es an 1 '-'!choob:i in C1ticni o ns and Countr~ rates in t 0r ne f pol cy part to t1 c Jj nrmin0 Conul'l.unit} 81 cc1n.l Low Tu1ff of Rates covflrll g vitl contents J Jneos 'II c,,,c rl r L or.'.Lble o Dota~} el li'fi N ~ QIJ \JS1IT'< 01 hOOD UED \R leat..h01 a.,, o ti.n o g::>o hi Ha.s ca.rr ed otr p1i: es _L-.l_ l{nlb n.ntl P i;;t s for Hale U l:l u Lt..he ~t ll lP o· er tho II owe '-'lmgc1 I oek n~1 \\ 1 ecler & u leh e1 c 1 t. Tl!R Pt<ICE OF OTHER MAC!llNES DOING l.HJ Lll"".1: \\. OHK l equally at hoinc on tor J\-:\lES '\E\I Lot <:i J I Co l!Jt! Dec 4-tl lo L '\"i 1hm1 Vii an er RaJ ond &c kF A 1 crfe t Ma.cl i o G ara tee 1 or o s ale Bow nan ille ~or t A.:nntuillneonu ncr Funtl!! tn IllllHl OVt' I "000,00 9,lSO u u m.11. Lo·ne, n.A J,.f,, n., Ii.ND A'lrORNEY \T (11:\ ce Y"' lJ 1::101 e t:J Musical Library J»H, GUELPH BAND FIRE D:E<;PART:i>-IENT l.10ss or D 1 ago by Fire All dcscr 'hoJ r; or l ropcrty Insu1ed against t~ o Im al l ates LOSSJ ~ PROMPTLY ~EllLED WITRO-C T HEfllllEJ.:CF. ronm HOThIE OE! IC8 ARRISIER B &c &:c.. ._ fl\."\\ Sul .111u-:un 41 tf <m;~IST l '<G 0 Fl F'TEE-:-; \ OLlMEs FILI ~D \ IIR w 0 illr.:e on S1h er D eet Bowma v1llc CllOlCE PI \NO l\il o;IO onloa;ntern.x_ to~s c1' S) 16 41 LIFE DEPARTl'UENT _sornEES ll!:A l'Alt!IEf< Still A.hf'ad. CAUTION -.All G'enitine has t1 emu~~ 1 ep;url L Syi!ul ' " (NO'l I'eruvinn Dt1.:r.k } \. 82-1 II.Ke pamphlet ~nt J lo v U tl e g :·B.~ fl'N Nt' v io k . v )CAL COLLECTIO" S BALL SlPPERS Pl:BbIC DINNERS WEDDING CAKES Oot l n the best stvle a U on reasonable terms I :i tl c sul sc ibe lJ c whitest tie 9Wcctcst andbestb ealdel1ve1el<l1.l) o u tore 8trn al p1uts oft! e to iv l<> 3 A( E:!'LS eJ l D1c; ll 8old by all Drugglst.11 · 0 t~ Pro1 r Ht r AA Df"'1 I:){ \\ AlS TE 0 :n ER Y \\ l i RE ha:i; ing l ~ i udded tl e1cto al! a result o inesB of the Pa.~ Cliums C ~h Bonwei:i \u i <;:S tu U ll x1 e ALEX FLETCHEH ~ PIF. N fTD IKDltJl\fE~JS .Notice 1"hlit nri.nl otJ er \\ho hn:t:e been n tl c ab1L of prncLlco g w.th ball c u1 lge on tho fi(Lt y; U pie tse l ear n l that from tl e 1eser t t me a y consent 1 ithel'to ;;1;Jven by me 1 s al solutely w1t1 lrnwn and any one fol nct "' 1t illy contlnl Jng n fie pro.ctiec after tlus l otkll 1nust be dealt with as the la\ d reels A PEHRY F HF. ME1\Ull£ltl:i T l Ol \ OLCN Pl ER I]:>EHSONS DooJ.._ Olll<lin~. H \.\ING BOOKS JH 11 or tcr1 t1 ~a [ e~ of 1':l~ ' g Cc 1 pl) G[ ELI'JI srm llvG ~1AOJi11'ECO l I I ( BRO\\N F RA1':t\ES Bown1anvill1J May 30 18 l '12 tt WA g n the book I line vl leh the} wish to ha\ e bo nd can ha.v tl cit u le l'-1 fU !'!cl tl e l ~ .L ta1 11 l09t 1 LlJl~ at}lQ and on. tJ e shoi te i.. not ce b leavn gthcn atthc ST\.1KSM.A;-.J om e llr1 gafongi.:onrbncl ZI~E~ ramphlets or a1 >th ng GUE! PH, CA:JS ADA Iw · El acopal Methodist l\lh1lster '\ I ( T l.J\ITE n & H OJI.AR\ \\} olcsa.lc age ts theCounte80fDurlam Onla1loa d'loto1ia JrJr Spacial induccmunt$ t o 1..:1\ e agentio