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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1872, p. 2

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... rr1 HUR~DAY, ocrrOBER l'i', 18"1'2. 0 ~"!!!"<'!A!!';l'S~e~:--~re~~a~·~1~t~f.~.~7~1~!~\~;-s ea"l::~~·"!'!"'9t!'!l~ ~R~~K;E;=:;1~0~ VV;-~N;.S~ ;~!;.;P~I;A~IR~~"""T~~~~~~~~:"::~~1.=t~~~i~r·~II~~~E7,;:;:~~::i";:'~~~~~~~:;;f~~~~~~:o="'~"""~~!!!'!'~~~~~~""':~~~':""!'!!!:!!""""~~""!"""':!!!!!!'!!j!!'""""'""'"""-"'.!!""-""-!'!!..~-!!...~D ~"",E""-~D-!"~.."!!.."!!.!!.!!.!'!!!!!"'"""'~'~!!'!!'!0!!!"""'!111111!'!!!'!"""'"""'"""'"""'!!!!'!~!!'!'!...!!_!!..!!!LE"l!!I CANADI. A.N l'.·YfAr:rESI\fAN, BO" MANVILLE, Apply to MRS V R CLIMJE , GRAND [ME TRUNK RAILROAD UO'l f E ~L The \] n ·I oxh1bit on It com ect10n v1tl tl e Olaike \gr cult m I S ciety was held in N t: vcastle o l the nd l IBt n d 1Iho sloi;seaso1 D els I v-o shea.rlu g e 1es 1st an l 2 d John WI tfield 3rd Moses H,nbly 1 vo · ·c 11 nbs let J G J l ott '>n l co b 1st u d 2n l an I ~rd Joi Whitfield Boat small b ee d 1st Joh l J lge ton hid J no Green So v large bi ed 1st Nelso1 M lo jll 01 t tl So v s all bre~ l ls t Ji Tob b · b Pair spr g I gs lai ge brcol 1st Roi t I h 13 las t ss uo So pr ze of Hooey i ct l o r s l L Esq l_.,a1r f:ll I gs s all breed 1st J L - - - - - -Po c1 2 d lhos p ve 801 t:&E - lh e tea POULTRY JA>rne II Fall Opening! AUTUMN FASHIONS' BOWMANVILLE MARKETS Fall Wheat l er b s Spr ng \YI e:\t Oats I e l s P ens Butter E gbs Flo 1 1 0 100 lb Baley Clover See :l. P t at0es \fool R)e U tobe 17tl 1872 l 20 @ 1 25 115 @120 ! ABU l!ME so @ ~fi I" 0 to erect a 1 rt.BJ 1 1mn fu incb"r1ates a ld h.a.\e advertised for as 1 ll.ble s tc ear tl o e ty of Ham ltoi necessary bu ld 10 s liq or traffic 1s t be allu ved to 1lo i isl n o tr m dst then it IS b t 11gl t t.1 a,t ti sc leg Lily re1 do od bosoUed all holple" oo @ uO 13@ 11 10 @ 12 $u20@v0 63 @ Uu o 00 @,o 00 lO @ 30 33 @ oO 60 @ 60 Magnificent Display -OF- IORONTO MAJ1KETS October 17ht $6 3U @ $6 5o '\ew and llicli D1 es (,oods 1 32 70 1 30 dDtco d 2 dJ L 2 @ 2d 67 @ lo u T LS 38 @ "2 @ 39 "3 roo@2900 Murdoch Bros ha\ e 01 e1 c:d o t nn 11nmen5t' Stock of NEW F'ALL Goons. -)ea s Id 1st and 1st Robt Collacott 1 ta <l 2 dC nl b -OF- :\.LET G re tt care has been t,iken m buymg the Stock and as no u n,s but FIRST - CL~SS GOODS have been purchased Custome1 s can 1ely on gettrng good valu e fo1 t heir mone} Real Estate J P Lo c ) ear o!U J' P Love } one ~1 s ie Spec1 ne1 cm pet hou o n1adc ls M1 s J as Polla d 2 d M s D i\fcConach e FINE ARr Lo\DIES \\ ORK ~e Pb to 0 rn1 I y F Els rth P eco vo1 k qu l t silk M ss l col Quilt a1 y other mateual 1st itfi. "-A Garr Sb) 2 d ?..ft ~ Fer 0fl so 0 !tu 0 1st 11 ss Pool 2 id Miss 'lomJe 3rd Mr. Mo Ito Co te11 '1 e 1st Mrs Cl apl I 2nd MssHun te 3 d ~f s s Joi JO Crochet q 1 lt ilf1" L "- Yu 0 ht 6 sk ns stocl ng y n Mrl3 D jJfcCon 1 ache 3p ool r stock n 0 il pa ' voolm sock 1st ~[rs D ihcC i ua l 10 2 I M ss St.Iker Pa11 xn1tt eus st 1 1J1ss St lkor IH ss L zzy Uout1e S1 e 1 ne en bro le1y 011 s lk Cl aplu Fht ors led voil l st Iii.. '~ Lo el 2 id Mrs ~\ Cl pl n "\Vorst e<l. :vork ls li-'Irs Pope E!swo tl E b1 o dory ou othe1 i <1.ter al 1st ~! ss \ Gibson 2 id Mrs DM d Arnott Oro l et lr cottm 1st M ss 1I1ll Zn I Mrs B ngha F ) amtt r g n v ol 1st Mrs A A Gamsby 2nd ]}f SS McN a ghton or I 11,,. Bell Oout1e Fancy 1 ett g 1st an l 9.1 d M" s J Pol l·td Fl·t bra dmg ht Mrs H M nro 2nd Mis F ergusou 3rd Miss JlfoN a ghton I:: a sed braid og b.frs l erg I SO Bead voi k 11'.Irs llfoulto Gt pue vork M ss AGbso If t 1 ork Mis GM Long latt1 0 ]st~l\if s rfi.yl e 2nd ' ' Loi; ek1u G t Jen 1 s sh rt lat Mrs l\fcOonac i o 21 d S A Ft lier 3 d Miss lilly Chapp! Nee Lle vork 01 an e tal lst :;\i ss F')t} erg 11 2nd !tf <>s !tlLN u. 0 lito R g o I " T o rJe 2 n l !1 '1 iss P ool i~J.J S':I Ohn.1n st t l A'.I BS Fei g 80 l Raised bcr1 n v; ool wo k ~f rs G 11 Lo g :Netting and <lain ng bhss L zzy 0 to S lk br id ng l'l1ss Lizzy Coutie Mosa wotk Mrs J s l llard \'f ox vo k 1st lli as Poi e 2n l M ss El v rt] ' Vax fto v-ers ~lut F Pope 2nl M ss ll1ll Feother fi era l\1 ss Magg e Giaham ~rt1tic1al fio vers n ot vax Mrs \V n Lo' 11 Berlm vool flowers Mrs F P ope 2nd M·EK rk Pebble woik l\Irn A AG· r sby Pe l l a N i g 1st M ss Warner 2n l Mts <\. ~:tel tosh Pa ting in vater colors I\frs Dro v1 j Crnyo i dra v I g 1st 1 u 21 l Mm \ :!\Iclr tosl Di: ed flowers iatne 1st ilf1s A. A Ga lsl y 2n<l !vlJ.Sc::. Tot rJ e Shell wo1J 1st ~1 ss Els vortl 9 id Mrs Garns by Mill nery M ss Stalker Agr1cult ru.l v1 eatl MIBs Polly Alb Lace vork 1st and 2 1 IVI ss \.. G bson ¥\ h te co 1te1 pa ne :\'Ir T :\1c0 llough pan I ee Ue worl iI1s M 001 1ach e The above t o be11g spec o.l p zeo of$3 and~? presented b) A McNa ghton Esq I L OWERS a d PL \NTS 3 Go ~n ls 111 fio ve 1st II M nro 2 1 Dr i":fcNa ~l tor EX1H<\. Fancy -wo1k M1ss To 1e l\'fex1ca 1 ork 1st 1\1 ss Pool 2r d l.\Irs B ngha.m O Uect101 of flo e 'S 1\1 ss ] othcrgill Collect10 of b rds W Hall Collection of plants W Oh"[ I t )3lackbe ry J ittam " Cl apl n T n spray ork Mm l Pope l\.'lono chron1at c clr:=t v ng Mrs '.\..Mel tosl I n.ble ln Lt cotto Miss I erg son Pap r bn sket In 08 .M:cM rtrv AUC f ION SALES Dress Goods r BRODIE S HOIEL he to of Bo vma \'l c On SATURDAY, Novem~er 9tn, Plam and Figured LustI es Plam and Tartan Wool Poplms, Metz Cords Figured Repps Empress Cloths and an end less ; a11et} of othm nm\ Dress Goods 1st J C 1 ell Z d 1\ Bellwood 1st A T ·ml lyn 2 id 1st I B ackb i r 9 ud ilc 1 t J.fra l obt 1\io G ee 2 l 1\l[ ss"la y qu lt ng 1st M ss Mn y G ccn \'\ oo cu blan kets ho c n n e 1 n a Robt l\1cQ a i Gentf;! p rud Io nc adc 9 J. R B S1 ks 13 sko1us sto k g arn lB 11'.rs !f y G bson Ms "01 B1ack Alpacc is Double \Vup Black Lustres Cobourgs , Black Paramattas SALF~ T Black Crepe Cloths AND J\Jrs BI ACK ME1 Z CORDS S\~ IN E Boat la ) b eed 21 d F W ! Iron 'V McDonagh of Ne castle 11 the cha.1 B oar small b r:,ed John Col:vell 'Ve dee1n it unnt"-Oe ssa y to say anytlung B (lar p s nall 1st W S Ln Z l J ti ie r f ame 18 1 Bell oo i 111 i:egar l t-o th c s1 eake sucl that the annuun ce1nent o f tl ell com ~ v ~ g lRt "' Samisll 2 d Id} 0 1 uo so v in pig B la or ieavy '1 tl ffi t t b t 1 Id b mg· 10 1 es 1 cien o r og ogo er a 11 g J a p gs J st H Munro 2nd I: of the most 1 ate l dvocn,tes of tl e l e per CCCL seoftho l esen clay- ~llnd dr ess a I ubl c meeting 1 tl e Di 11 Shel of this to ~ n cu nmenc1 c- a.t 1 o cluck - Re pr: zes of lanby n !La b 2 1\fra l Ileln La, nl En 11\i 3s Ma.. y ( en MILLINERY ok oo o vors d I Mrs l M Q "' C :o 1 ct vol :;vr:,~ 'Y ..i: b oidc cd b aid vu I r'v r Ol.., n L Fn. cy c:; knitt 11 t.- ----2 g ls li:it I \e1y la1 gc a d 01 cc Tl e sned v 11 be I Grose seated and made a..<J corr 01 able asp ss b1e U on<l. so n 1 0 l /e, F "\'.'\al lTon but sho ild tic veatl er p1ove orJ cold POULTRY tJ e meet g vill be hold 11 th Tow Hall Pan r wls g H Mu ro 1' IJ' lo vl s 1 o a J s Rutledge Tl e Terrpcran !! cho ""ll s g se' e a ur p r fow s b a na J p Lo ek .A l ss on f eo Col Pa r fo ls Span l W Gruse propr1ate I cos Ject on maid of Cou y Le ture ~ 1 I P at fowls a ·y otl er k?n d 1st m d2nd H l\Iunro P~ rt rke)S 2nd \ [n il lyn TO NIGHT Pu Goeso T Gau sby 2n l R Hugh g y ~nib ~~~er> on n s n l ;;t M 8 L:i. nlJ b. u ::.ns M Y G e Boad 0 1 l s tfr 1 obt McQ u.ld l-1 G b -M J n 1c :In. 3 n. u r kc -i;1 1 Jlif a 1 11 1 .t+-- - --- ~------~-~1-"'h(W)Xh~.bitum..of l\f1 lhnecy:.auu'--M1llmer) Goods 1s very exten and rn tummed or un trunmed J d 2nd :\Il3s d and 3 l 1\{rs AT -AND- s Rcmcmbed1»t R a.v J Bredm w 11 lee Pair u cks 1oiv n ht an l 2nd A Tau ture in the \\ esle) an Met] od st OJ urcl n llyn tlus town th s evening 0 ti e s biect of Pa I luck. ylesb y r B agg Iris l Chara.cter \.'\ o bel e\e th s , 11 Pan peacocks (extra.) G A J acobs GRAIN and REJ DS Iwo busl elts fall v lC t 1872 l'.\ ho a ino:::;t 1nterest1 g le ture erald Isle affords ab 1naant rnn.ter n.1 fo Ste ait a ion111nt c :ind e1 t 1ta1 u1 g \ l l1est1 T :\"O l shcls t!f vl e t 1st \ Grose and 1ts mhab ta1 ts a o possesse<l of s 1ch a 2nd R S te n t Zr l W I VOIJ lwo b ushels SJ 1 ng vhe L t a 1y other d ivers1t y o f cl arac e ti " t ' prese1 t a t on kt id l at W Moffat t 2n l g Ste vart 3r l of the pee il a.r t ies tl ereof cannot fail to A ra blJl instruct and i. n l SO Be at the cl urch T 0 bu 8 1 els pea.'5 la ye YV Mohatt 'l l' 0 bus I els peas m. ll A r tn1blyn n ot later tha 1 h tlf past se c 1 0 cl ck Adm1ss on 2> ce1 ts P1 occods l a l of 'I vo bushels oats 1st G Dobson 2nd D Atnolt An cxc<>}Jent carr gc f Church f nd T 0 busl els hnrleJ ;. 0 6 0 cd ]st lish nc t of ~I1 R McL!l ~hl n E 11 s W Moffatt 2 l R Ste rni 3rd A ram A REIGN of teiror exists n.t I r cse1 t 11 blyn ktllfl co nu ned c lt1Vntor and see l ao er the state of Ark:i.nsas caused by quarrel rwo L lsl 1 corn 11 tl !1 ea 1st H sod E o v stuoolo p1o v a. d str1 !f cu.tte i mg bet~eei vh tes and egroes Ihe II M d<lleton 2nd G Jacobs fron1 the 1mplcm !lt 11:i.11f ictory of Syl l d One l us! el flax see l T Bragg f feohng was bre :ving or aev era iy One bushel t 1motl y seed I Brl'ogg culminated on '\Vednesday eve ang 11 ~ One bushel beans 1st R Hugi sou 9.1 1 fight m ,v] ch o 1e negr was lnlled an< T B gg several wou idcd Tl e trouble or 0 t ate l FRUITS 12 npples fall 1st J P Lovek u 2n l 1n the kill ng of M irrry tl o Sheriff · ne SIX weeks smce by F1tz1 atnck the Co t) H ~Iu1 10 PRIZE LIST CORB.ECTIONS .,,_ tr d tl b king up of a Con 12 apples u~nter 1st Dunean Arnot t L'W'g s ar a i o 1ei1 nd A Tamb yr 2 A ser' at ve meet g week n.s reported l 9: a.pi cook lg ] st D nc A.r at tho ti e F tz1 atr ck was to have bee1 nott 21 d H ].f 1 ro tnod th s week a1 d to pre en! the trial Desert apples l s D Arnott 9 nd H 1 0 from eommg off t '" !Joi eved meted M~~~r~ety a1 Jes 10 Im ls 1st D A1 ott CARMIGHTFAIR the 1 egroes to nrn n, d aurro 1 d the to ~n 21 1 H I\i In s1me ;v] l tes 1 to v 1 armed a id <hove \V1nte1 pea s 1 t H I\1 mro ?nd 1\-Ir evelJ o 10 of vl ch v bel1a e occ re 1 1 <\ ncd to des (. ester the markmg of boo] · by the J does rhc troy t1 0 t o n A.nd at last a nts the la u e t ea i;; st J llu te1 2nd A Tan follo v1ng are tho alter~,. ous f on tl e I t b 11)1 milt a a.s being callt!d out to 1 ieve t t Variety I ears (; <ls H iVf mo l sledlst tl reatened rot aud de~~ Spec c er :tbrtpples l at 1\[t Chcste D gl t broad: m~ e "'ti:rr-J-Va 2 a W 0 a1 Jm Dn ght two year old F llv Z OoNultJ Glr!O::i"AL M1ss10Ns - fl e \ Spe men t:orap es 1st and 2nd \.. Ma r nual m ss onary moet ig ll the Conore"a 'i EGET <\.BLES t1onal c1 urch of this t vu n coI 1 ect on B 1g potatoes late 1st nd 2nd G Baker ,nth tie Ca n.d.1a1 brn.nch of Lhe Co 1 ~ 1 e l~ :ig potato s e<l.rly 1st t 1l2ndG Raker g it1onal M ss1 onal'} society will bo h""ld 6 k ds v<.\ ety potatoes 1st G \.. J acuba co1 i 2nd D \ rnott 3rd G 01 We lnesday C\: nu g 30th inst n1enc1ng at half past seven o clock Rev Bag tur ntps 1st R Bo iott 2nd J GI Josp T G Manly aad Rev D McCallum 12 t"blc ca rots 1st ( ~ Jacob· 2nd J the Deputat on will leh er addrosse to G1llesr c gether witl res dent nun stera: 12 boets 1st St 0 0-t1 r:s & Cassels 2nd D Ar wtt P1LOFESS011. \V ll!'IE s OONCEl T -All tho 6 parsn ps ] st St nge1 s ~l, Cassel~ arrfltngements for tn sconcert a.reno~ co n G 0 Jacobs 1:3 ou1ous 1st St1g1;:> n3 & Cassels plated and the progi:a nmcs w 11 b e ii:isue d \\ I ovok i i a few days Notwitl stand ng 01 " or 4 heads cabbage Ist G Baker 2nd Mr two disappo1ntru0nts tl c p1ogra1un1e n1ll Foster I rove a very stro1 g o 1e Mrs Brent3 1 ea<ls caulttiower 1st St gge s & 01.1s one of the most fhusheU and. arhst c p an aels 21 d G Ba:.\.er tats in the country- I as conaented to g1 ve G Baker one or two instrurr en.ta.I solos and Mrs 12 tomatoes Mackie of N cwto1 v lle 1n add1t on to the & Oas~cls Newea.·tlc 'ocalsts an< l l\Ir K elly of 4 p upku s can ~rnott Bo ·man ville will supp Iy t nc vocaI par t of S 1 J B 10 kle)' f iuas1 the entertainmen t vh1le Mr Denton I Collect on gatde i 'cgct n.bles 1st D n1 Toront will be a. host 111 lnnself The ca.n Arnott 2nd \V Lovckn :i.cted <Mi.ra le-the suggest1 ns of so na 2 b 1sh t cld cariots 1st T Bragg 2nd i;HEEP ll dd t 0 ti e eve n" " R Bennett lk f 0 Newca1i:tlc o - v a i 2 b tsh n a. gold "\\. iz1:1 l I st n l 2 id C Cots vokl aged rnrr 1st Jol i Samels entertamment "j ile tl c Now castle Brass Baker Yca1 h lg ram lat H ol nes 2nd Band will d scou so sMet mus c "e D URY PRODUCE John Edgertoi trnst the rrofeoSOl "ill J '" e a well filled Chee e 1 ome made ls and 2nd M18 ltn n lamb 1st Jolni Tr~wn hall W Ron wick 0 - 1~ BONNETS, every taste can be consulted, as the vauetv rs so g1 eat In Choppers Wanted T hn.i; o tl c vood o fifty no cs of lnnd cut in o Cor 1wood s ap U as possible w1 I pay to good cho11 e :s the folio Vl g 1 r es 11u g t e m o t ol Octob r 80 co ts po cord D ng tho montbfJ of 1' o embo and Dccen ber ., cents per co d 01 nnd aftCl" Janunry 1 t 1873 70 cents per 0 rrHE UNDERSIGNED WISHING TO f OWfRS, A NO ffATAfRS, IA.CES ETC I I I d ALSO 1' AN TEv E 10 DIA'V TEA.MSI'EHS we claim to ha\e the finest as \.'VOOD sortment to be found n tot e In Black and White l tf Chance. REAL LACES A LACE UOLLARS we ha\e a la1ge ass01tment AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL. OUR STOCK - OF~ ~\anted, A n.t N iT t1 es1 lonco of the s M other 01 the 15t i i ot by the Rev Mr Bond !Yir FitEDRICK C.&.MilLY~ of Toro to to M rss E " Cm~ r \N of the 'lo vnsl tp of Hope BY tho Rev Joh 1 Bred n on the 10th u t Mi GEORG E Wu LSON and Mrs" Enz; Col err bot> of Claiko Tom sl .!' ea \.. d ° once lso two 1 p c t ccs gi lfi to le II\ Jo ng bus nl~lc8LL N BB.OS Sop9318" n EXPEltHNCED MILLINER I weeds Fane) Coatmgs Pilots Bearnrs Pctershams Meltons &c &c &c I ""m .,et Oct!! 100 lbs fo r th m at YOl: Ml & BRITT.A.IN Outar o St ect they n !t l e v nn 1 clefi.n Will be Founa Unusually large, P S MURDOCH BROS

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