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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1872, p. 3

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CANADIA_N NE Srli ArI'ES~IAN, BOW1VIAN'VI1~LE, ""'"'""'"""'""'""'"'!'!"""'~"!"~"':!~"'='~!':!~'=!!!""~!'!"!!"'!""""'"-""!!'~""'!"""'!"""'~~~"""':!"'""'!!!:'""'"!';!"'i~'!"'""~"~~~ ~-~- w 1 A l}REATIH1DiLil11JliJL;Llv~RY. 1 B OUGiri; ' - '.rHURSDAY, OCTOBER l'r,1872. ~=- AT TI-IE RIGH'r TIME! A VEHY LARGE STOOR OF Fall and Winter Dry Goocls, -AT- SEVERAL D\uhu.111, GOOD FARMS IN WEST I Fo r hn·d a1 Jply to ' J . .N. llU'l'LRDOE, 1\fa.rcl1, 4, 1872. Orono. :a .P..~·rTil~G- :;S, c HEAP FOI-={ Ci-\S I-10I -----------~~~~-~~=·~-· ·=~--~~-~···-..,..,.,.... ,~.., ~~ ·.< , ,. ~ ~ Fall and Winter Dress Goods/ ! S ha:w ls , Cloths and 0\ c1coati111t 1 · w ere bougl1t last spring before the gretLt rise in A NEW GUJE BOOK, \Vl'llf PI AKO i~. C COM P.\.JSTME~T . I'ticc $1 .50 each; $1.") per dozen . [Tlt1a Gli:;c-l?onk lnts been i 1 ttroduced, it been pronounced surierior lo all ot.ltcr workr.i of1ts kind. It is the largest, la t~st, finest, A.nd only collectirin of Nel-v Glees and Qur1rtettcs, nea.rlr all of which bin 'c PtanOJ\.cco1npaniruent~ ad lib . :::;,~nlplc co1ucs n11~ 1 l e<l , po::it !Jtn<l, for$l. ~ 50 J. L. PTI:TERS, 511 9 Hroadtvn.y, K. Y ha~ Boivmanv1lle, Oct. lOtl" 1872. .. I I I I , /Arr AT I 1 I the n1a.rl,o~s, and are now offered W HEREYl£U, THE NE l'LUS LOW THE BEAVEH BLOCK. FOJt THE BEST STOCK OF · Furs for ~.:--~~ ~ ~-µ :. .,_4:~~ i1.._ ?i~~\,~ ; ....~ - , Corn fort. I I l 1' l10 NEW SAY '\V HJ\_ 'l' Y(YlJ '\7hen John Frost reigns ii is 'vith a. t.yr.tnts sw,i.y: not COJttent '"'1th whistling th1·0Hg:b kf!y holes and cutth11; figure " npon th» \\-mdow JJ<tnes, li o :;tnl:1~3 te.-ro1 · lo tho 1nultit 111 k think not of h 1 s ti 11 11 t·oach To p::e vcnt sudden atta cl.. u 1 1un 1 1l! ~'SH: .1 l sys l c1ns , fVl[(]I CAl VICTO RY. n ent ph yswfa.Jl of foreign descont, lrnit d111covored 1' Gt oat Bl oo ll H11m e'ly-a. .P ure\ v Y tigeluble Co1r1 11oun..:I. ~n amed by :phyi;1c1ans, DsPQw ·s M odic:U V:iotory, t bl\t cures e·Hry krnd ofu:nhcaltl1y JJ 1 1mo1,and every dhw11.1:10 tha.t d opends oulmpur 1ty of I h0 Blood, wh11re ib.1'.l Lung~ . L iver, :;i.1td Kldniiya, iLlld other vita.I or . ga.ns, are uot w:i.stoll beyond the b op~ ofr epa.u-. :rb.eum. Eczom&, Sc.tld-He1:1.d , ~:kaly li:nt11t1on of the Skrn, Ul oore, ,ind F6ver Sorel:! o! all )pndB, 1301l s H umor 10 tho M ou Lh a.nd Stomach 01 Eyus, Sore Ears, Eruption on the IJcad , aud Punplos Ol Blotches on th& face 1t. stancbl P,r B.om1 nc ntly at the liead of a.ll otl1c1 re 1~1 e<l1e~. Tho fac t 1e ; J-lumor;i, Scroful a., a r e b teuJJy dug up au1l cair11:d out of tbe ~ystent, 1n "'short ttme by tlie u &o of th is rnuoll lte1ned3 0no b :'ltile, iu a ~ch ca.sers, will eouvincc the mo~t ln<:l e·l u lou!! of its corat1ve effocls. {:loan s e tb.e Vitiated Blood wlumev-eryou fl11d its I "ll- u1 t1esbursn og th1ongh the sk1 u l JI Jl J1uploii, Eru11t1o ns, or Sorc11 , c le a,n~t: 1t wh<!u yon find it ob:r;tructed and Jl'.t11rrs1sh 111 thu \ e u 1s; c.: le.011>0 1 t wlwu -i.t i~ foul, li.Ud you r fod111g1> w ill lull :\OU when Xc.:ip the' B lood.1mro 11.nd the .b_palth of_!bo "Y"tem o.Lu 1110 J1ecu h,\r mori t flf actlng a.:i a powerl t1 I agent lll rsliu~ 1ng Oollgest10n, and Chronic lD fia mwatiou. of tho L1'nJr aud aU t ho DEPEW' S , ICanadi:m Cottons and Twee<l.s, I Canadian Cotton Yarns aml Carpet Warps, Canadian Blankets and Flannels, Canadian Hosiery ancl Gloves, MA I -)} J_ - - - \, 1- -:r-TJC...~ I :DR. DE PEW, OF PAR IS, FRANCE, an amf- ·~~ l_ ;,-::::_:'} has roce1vetl suuh a f:l to uJ.. o r ,;_,· tr; i; ~ t,hat hu h 1>tc 1 1111,'d ti) s uppl ,1 e. 1 c :J1 1c:--;;i, .n ·l 111 r·1Hte of lh e l<'tORt hJil,C: I~ t-i-.: ]-=> .;\.__[_,. L 0 SY A N D ~V AUIH "'°ILL ac c For the cure of Scrofula . Ery~1pcl8.ll, Ralt- 'Jl.'. JID,ftRJ;1rNG'i'01'"_. H 1'l.S JUSt. received a qunntity 11· , Buffalo and Sleigh RAll1R01\D COVnHE 1, Fur C aps, GO TO THE BEA VER. BLOCK. oF l"OLLA FU:'l'R, G 1~ovr.:s , l.'\DLES" l\llNIT, CHEPF,, ..;\L.L,Sli., \ Jl.UNK, ~1. ND GEU.J\fAN Sl':1'S , &c, nml Ih~e:tse o! tho Skin, of whatever uameo r na.lure, arc got up i n th.1· b;;)st style, and G T1~ NT r _ , 1( J\:I E .1 1'1-·s I-"U J={ NI S Ff 1 N G ~ DH Goode ' ' on the one price G'lBH SYSTEIVI. FALL GOODS ORANGE>!, I.EMONS, COCOANUTS, PEANUTS, AJ::1 0. K enn eth Carn pl>dl's celebrated 8odn. Water, Lomonadc· and Sa.r 3111u1.r1 lla, ve:1-y suitabl e for sunun er dJ 1uko._ All the above ·w11l be kept constantly on han d during the ho t \Vcather. Untlington has just rec eh e1l n:iother lot of vory fine 'f ri:.._'\S, >vluch w1LI be aold oheu.p for cash, llE FU J.. T,y ASSORTJ;:D. A-11 k of X-'nt'"4 .tltcred and t'C}Xtirad . H1ghest pr~ce 111 C\f>h p;ii.J fo1 i .iw fur s. .A - cnll iii tl1e co1n e 1.-of l{1ng - & Silver Si ::--eet~ i..v iU be t n t11e n<lv ~l.n + ng-t.' of intending pnrchasers · Bowma1n:1lle, Oct 10 "'72 ll'IAHK US :M ,\YRIL ~ v.1Jl follow It i s a Gantla Regulating P urgative,u\s well ~s Tho be.e.c Tailo. mg estaJ>liilhment between Kinston and Toronto, a 'lonw, &c J'u~ s e~i;11 1 g- AT THE BEA VER nLnCK. Bow1n an,·tllc. Ont. f Nort hnn1betl:-tll(ln11J Du1 han1 NO I rcr.:: b I () ji! TILiil{E.HS. 0 Coru1la nt C'!lph l) (Vd I 1cn1 hereb:; g1n'n , that h1111 '.)d b l tel} u.ftc1 f i ~ :p 1ru- ! .Appl~· at tion of twe11 ty -om·(Lt) S!l..ftc1 !h e tlrstJ)·. ' h on ]' Ti' J,fc i\_H.'1'Hl1 R'S hereof, an ,~Jlplicati )n wlll be n11i'I C to 1:..:11s hon Ho1vrrmn...-1Uc. Se pt . I S, 1871. Otllblc COlll t by Mt·s E1 I Z .\ J\!1 ! Ulll.f L ol t he 'l'o\vnsliip of Du;r1 Jnf;LOn , lit tbo IJOun t' of Durham P1·0\·1 11 cc or 011t.ar10, 1nothe1 OJ: \ViHinrn M1tcht:!ll, la teof the satd l'own shr» of Dt:t-rhugt ou Yeou:rn.n, rlccea!:ICd , t ,) bu. appn1nt-3d g u:trd 1 a.n o l ~\'l' TIU~ V'i-~11li.\n1 Gcorgo :r,1:1tch~I1, lhe tn fi.~n~ c ~ ' ".u , 1 O F THE UNITED COUNTIES m· l I"'. PAX~', OVES'I' AND 6)1 coxr- "Vi sceral Oq:::ams For YEimals Com}:lla.ints, "Wl1ether in young or old, m1trric(lor s1 ug le, .i t tlie d11wa ul wDmiluhoo d, or :it theturu of h fo , the Me d.1caJ Vtctor.r baa n o c.qual In the- cure ot Rl1eumat1ilm, D:;-;rpem1ili. Livct Compl:unt, 3Ud 1h 11en11<.1~ of tl1 0 K 1clJJ1::ys ~ wl lllailder, l ts cffods ure au q) rJ~ · ug tu all. l<'u1 l!.e g n l.~t1ngtbe :Bowels, and curmg J:1 liou\!ueli~, JIGid.w ho tlick. E'lla.dache, Xeural g1u, } 't,mnlc Y.le,..k no!U, Ne1 vuusness, Pa.1n s iu lbo t:Hle, Loin\! ~nd Bru k, ~nil ge1rn1al 1\'e tklle·s -'.\lld Dolnhtv, 1 1~ cur:.i.h-vo powers !HO be. J'OIJd muuey .md boyolld plico, l'l ' 13 TH f>, ORl1A'I' :SJJtJOU J>URJ1·'1J<:R,AN 0 A J.JIFH GJVThGPRJNCll'L.l!l a :pt1rfet t TtenO\ atol" and Jnvlgor:itor oftl1e System: c.a.rryrng oft r.U l po1so uom1 m.tlter Mnd Rea. tornig the Bloocl to 1t.s hH1.1lhy co.ud1twn. F. F. Mcc\RTHUR. WANTED 'l'wo or three ~xpori enced Change of Business 1N 'l'HE ARR IVE D, P IONEEB. BOOT & SHOE STORE [E;,ln.Lllshed 18.38.J said<leocu.sed. ELIZA Ml'l'UE by .ll'a.1 cw ell her Sul it Dnted thh:i: 2.Jth ilny of Septum be l , - - - -- - - - - - - - Bowmaiivit!e J}fachine ... ~e, . D. 1872. A few i:;t.out 11\ds to le.:u'n the .:\fachlnlsl bus1Pc:>s Sold bv 1'.ll llruggish 8' :Deale:rs. SEND FOR ~ ..1.JJply to DESCRIPTIVE P,llllPHLET, f.DDRE,S A.~J. O L ESON, Ad111inislra tio1m Not acc. of the lute Province of Cl111a.da, 29 V1cto1rn., 1 _ _ cap. 28. SC('. 27, noticf: is hcr eb~' g1ycn, tJui.t t~ll ' FIRST CLASS SROE 1 u· '\_J{.Eft CA Creditors a.nd otbc:r Persons hnvlng nnv 0 1 1 /~ 1 J.YJ _, , " claun 11prln, or ofl'eeting the Estate of GEORGE ...c-~ pn.ble of doing- genera l \'. 01k. Coust u.·i t 1\.'IITC}llr.LL 'late of the Townsh11) of Darltng1 on, , :G·n ployrnent. in tlto CountY of Dul'ha.m, Yeom.:i.n, "~ho rlic<l. on JOl!.:O:r S"l\L\LE or nbout t.he SEVl'~N'l'll D.A_ Y of l\iIA nCH, 1872, Boi....-man-vdlo, June J!Jth 187:3 arc hereby required to send J tl their elaimo to 111:-1 _ ____ _ _ - - -- - - - - _ _ _ _ _ Adn1uustrat.rlx, IJ-VCINDA l\1l'l'C11ELJ_,, at !Cn rteltlPostOlhce.Onta.1 io.ou orbcfo1ctheltlltST ~ii·,~ro DW(~liiha~g 1II01iS CS .!O!l" D~\ Y 0]~ NOV"'"E:\-T HEH. NEXT 1m1ncdl ~t!.!ly af, " ter i.\·hich dav the said Adn1unstrat,l"L x: will pro- 1 ~.a.c, ceQtl to distrlbute tho EHf~eL& of the said dccc~.1sed I ( ' ) N REASON,' BLE ".rERI\18 IN A si.n1ong the persons e nL1tlcrl there t o hu.v1ng ro-, v - i \.. 1 , ~ gn.rd to the debts i:Lntl c la.ims only of >\ lueh flhe J . de;s_1rablc i?C'L,lt1y in the To" n of UO\\ rnaU.J shall tJ1cn have b!l.d notice and the ailininis· , \ 1lle, li ur p"it 1c 1u,\.r1:1 applr to tra.trix "\Vill not. UelHLble for thoa,.scto so distrlbu- l H. & IL O'lIARA., ted to any person of whoscdebtorolaim she»ha.ll l\fu.tkct l.hnltlings: Il&li havo hM not!co at the bme of such ilistril:m· 5-tf Bowni.1:.iVJlle. tidu . And no.tice is hereby given to all pa r ties - - - - - - --- _ _ . __ iuclebted to tlw said Estate that p1Ly1nent must be !ll~ "l l ,,- , fortlnvilh u1ado to the said!·1hix. t1.Ji14);Q ~"(:1 ~ft( u...O{agAJ.II!~",, LUCINDA !lilfTCfJELl,, I N PURSUANCE OF THE STA'l'U1'E -~Va1~tet~Immc!lfi~tel;- _ _: I G:llo Pro11detota r:nd Ji.~anur11.ctnret? of lhc CeJebmted Victoria. C:.wbo h~ Preparat ions. Labo1a· tory nnd Wurks, Victoria. Hall, Melinda. SLroet, Bowrna1n 1lle, Sc11t, 11, 18ii. :'t'lu.nugo~~tl ! YOUNC, SILLS&. CO, Bath , On.tarJ.o. Bowmanvillc, Mu.y 23, 1872. "~o. J," .. No. 2," ancl ··No :J," of t.}118 brand, <\J e unsnrpassed for body nnd b1·illianc~l 43-tf In returning you my ~dn ccre tlrn.nks for tho vei·y hberal p 1 ttron r> µ'O cxt('ndetl to n1c, sinc<l my com1nenc.11iA' Dus1ness · nn d n:; in consequence of other engag"cments, I ,1111 compelled tore llnqulsh the E;U.IDC; 1 have g rcat _ _J ll<.l<UHllO l!l i euon101e1Hl· !11 g to you :i\1essrs _ANJ)J1.JU80N & CO, 111,> wucce1>sora, who In every i.vay q1111llfied to give you as gootl Goods, and on as fa.\ ornble t e r1J13 as: those g1vell by inl!. Sollc1L1ng fo1 Lhcru yvur pa.tron11gi:, ~TBITE l 't I.EADS, "GENUINE," Hou~e and Bcddi11·,. Plants. 1'! AT N lm1"ERENC1r, I cluinge the old Reed, to inform l' ~I CH.~H.D Itl-.:ED. T~~~}~l~~t;n,.,. Gcnn~ne Prcpara.tlons a old by I nu Druggists . 'be sure ask for the VI vto1nA l'n:JUl . ~.Rh.T!O~s. 1:1.uU eee that you get them, 1~ud ri:re ofshado. Pn.ck11gcs contain fu ll nett '\\CJ~ht. 'L'hc l,JUbhc wlu·ncd that certain other brands a.1 e 1~ Jbs. short in e ' cry i;o-callcd 25 pound?}lacl~ u.gc. Exnni lne tho bra.nd nnd do not be pnt oft ·with nforio L' lJH.lnts. 1 1'he be;;t ls ahvays cheapest. 011 Solll 111 Ilowrnu.1 n - llc l1y .John 'fllgglnbothau1. by l'Cspectable den.lei rs in Paint.a tluoughout 0 ,, anrt to dealers only by J.:LJ.,JU'l' &CO., Toron TO THE ABOVE I A LARGE and choice selection of Honse a11<l Bedding I>Jants for sale, chel\p ui ~s t abh·1hotl houso of l\{r. h cg t h e inhata~anl.:3 of DO\Y· 1n11nville and surrounding c o·111 t iy thn.t wo hn··e puroha i;ic<l hfa entnci stock, to which 1,·e daily ttddiug nt BOUNSALL'S. l1ow1nnnviJle, ~fay 23, 18i2. New GOODS oftnelATtSTStle ~'\ND I 43-tf .F'lS l'.'31:! , TO LET. Skin Hoft, \Vh1to, Clea r 1 a nd frco fro1n Drv1 1eAs, it l~ u:iuvalleU. It wtll q_uick.1 y remove ail Itcdllcse, n >U!?llllC'$S, 'i'at!, Freckles. I·implcs, antl oLb c r 101))Ufcc.~ on~ li\ lr CbnJJpnd Ha.nda, Chilbtaintt , Frost lltWs :\utl S lfe L ipa, it <2llil.Ot be 8 urµatiaed. 'l'hI::! .T.1:r.t.Y is b l;::hly recommended to Lri. dJes M n m o it a ·reo.L b le Prepara tion for thn 'l'oilet. l"or :a~nttH.Yi l' g the C01uptexion, uotl ro:u cl ering tba combined with d u re.b1hty, nil of which w11l heo CowHl T he Pump Shop ~\.t by Farcn·e~1 ~ ~g~gi~OTs T\VO OR 'rHH.EE RESPECTABLE persons 011 ·1 obtuin MB. ~ . ' · ~; " ' ' .. ' McCLUNG BROS Equal to anything ever before offered in thi3 ttht1 ·kut. Fron1 our f<tcililic s wti fool eonfident that lVC can pla.ce before the tJL1bhe, ~ up euor goods at sanie iatr.s a s those c harged by olherR in tho t1ado for an i nfe1 !or a1 ti clc Custon1 ·w ork 111adc to onlcr undo" Lhc lll!lnago1ncu t of Mr. John lteerl, ' '!to ha.8 been the lent!· ing \\'O d~nHlJ.i 11t l\ir. Hcr:d 's r.<itnbli8hn1cnt for tl10 past s1xtoo11 ~' <: ~u'S, ALL 'IV Oltk 0 lJ A llA_ N· 11£F D ,1,:,i - - -- -- - - - - - -- -- --- - - - - - - to board b:r a.pplJ n~g natural la.» a v1hicli govern tnc operations of d1- -- - - -- - ---- - - - - - gestion and nutr1t1ou, and by LL careful applica- CR~oJL·;Jil f,oci12t _ ,i' iita Bo~irtion of the fine properties of well-selected cocu1\, Mr. Eppa hn.s prov1derl our breakfast tltblcs i..nt h t~D. 3Ii'!l W~l!c .. a delicately fia vorcd br:vernge ·w hich zn,1y t:aNc, us many heavy· doctors' bllls."- Crn1l Service -Gazdte. Made sin1plv ··uth Bq!luig \Vri;c1:.on JLA-DI]]S AND GENI LEl\'I I~N . \ VlLMilk. Eooh packet 1s lnholled .TA;o.'ES Br18 & J_.I:~G to :lss1st 1n the fo1·mo,t1on ot a C'Jiora l Co .. Homroopalp.ic Chemist<>, L0ndon. " A)so, i ' Socwty 111 thh1 town, nrc r equ ested to 1cn.,·c t he n· makers of Epps s /\1llky Cocoa. {Cocoa l\lUl Con· nn.n1c:=i \VJ th the u n lkrniguecl. A. n1eetu1g will be leu.llcd tlt nn ca l'l:v date to 1JtO kl' Ute p roluuh.ury denser! 1\I1lk). u.rrangemcnt..-;. -~---- BRl~AKFAST.-EPr's Coco,L - GH.\'l'Erc r, "'Nn COM'll"ORTtNG.-" Bv u. thoronghknowlcdgo otthe &. tf. J OITN FAlULWELL, T ( i ng St. Bownrn.nvllle . P11c 9 2.:; ccntu. \VI1l'l! IIORSE-PO,,rEn & L.i\TIIE, £;'or r~i..~t i.;; ,11 ' , :::;- nud l·t:ngi11g n:to cond1 present ·w orked hr the sub8er1ber. Possession 1. ".ion, I!o.rl:!e.r.:., Co·ws, Calvos, Sheep and g 1ven llJJtncdia.tcl)·. t?i Only bus111t":ss of tl1e Pie;s, tusoc~ a.1."l 1ecomm.ended by finst klnd in town-plPnty of CUF;ton1- raro chnnce for class Bl'oeden:J Stock fed with it bave iL goodPn.1nprnn k er. nlwaya taken first prizes. Milk CattlE Jt,. STLY1~R . Br>\"tDlUll'V llle, May 25 1871. 'a'o lilent. th'.l B.:tll r~av cr1L; i rrft:ltlOU, r etn0VC3 t be efi"ects or p fl~sp i r'1.l o .i, ':.·Hl 11holll!l be rc;i:nlarly trne<l by f \m i1 h·~ . u holcr2., $malloo:: natl Feve r l ':. llcnte shoald iJ" ,·ni.t1't ~d w th tlna Sos.p; :rnd i f:.8 i1 f! c l)'l 1> ~ rs :HH! 11-: ') \C t.o tu rcctlon will tna.tclinltvpr~vcn·t th0 ~prn;.d <Jf d i ~ ....1.' o, Pde~ 15 c e ;J la pt:r '.fa L': lct. ·r a~r,:::~ SOAP pQesesaea all 1110 '~ C' ll-k11nwn nn t : s cv~1c ::i.ud dl"~n fcctl ng propcrtir:::; or Clll'bolic Al.old, i~ a;reNitlly ercntcQ. illJ.9 u hcu.lthy action on produce more milk and butter. It fattens in one fourth the usual time, and saves food . . . DO.LL..IR BOX C O.I\'"<> T.,:JI..."ti·S '.l'WO Jll/o1"~JJRA'll l/.E.EJJ,'!. HUGH :MlLLEil & CO., ..\8rieultural Clumush, 16'i King 8t. Eut, '.t'uronto lClJtC);;entcd. 'l'ntl Con. 5, Ca1:twr1ghl. 'l'he 1uost of the l n nd hn.s been in pnstLll'O a.nd n1cadov.- for 10 ycur::::_ A. qua.nt1\y of f,illcn eeclar of excellent quality foi sale. .1.l ppl;- to \Y. Cnrt\v1Ight,Scpt_ Oct. 4th. 1871, LQG_ U..~. A l\Ol-CT !iO ACRl£S OF LOT No. H, 'Trunks ( S n1n-tog~~ nnd o tlicw;) k ept con stan t! )~ · o n lrn.ntl . .E'or1!!<13alc loy J 7 " antccl ! ring. 11' ho( - -- EDW.ARD .J. \VIDT'FJ .P1orui:iao1 o:f :.'lhwk 10-tr. J. HIGGINJJOTJIAM, ) Druggist, BoWlnanville. Ia THE HIGHEST PRICE IN FOlt HllJES need tippl.f . fir9t-cla~s "·o ~k1nc n CASH " ·u nterl - non c olhe t .MIDDLE-.AGEDI-rAK AND WIFE,! -----~,~"" """""' "' '~o'ulll 1e1.1 Wi~er.s:rnond e:uacnlng the cnro ge_nernl 1;crYa.nts in ,:t smullfamilv. For partiCUh\l'S 11pplr to - ot horses. c. D . srALDTNG, Esq., Bowmanville, August 21, 1872 tlcngDg 8J~(i:ct. A P P L. E S T , ;:r-"{iI"T:::-;;;::; en \IV e r1~y ' C:u t 1 ' Fo1· I 1 ,... ~ale . T'1il"J B \ L\B i' 1 u ·e piep:ned Lo buy uny qunntiL} er American Organs! - --- - Good Jierc!wntable Apples, - .\ND -- Ab 1cC 'l<t CJ , llo :;,, Pimp les, &c. It pus 13e~>1e f:l n ll tlio cl"a"st ng aud 1l .rli ug \ltt1t0ij or Ca.rhol1 c Atl d, wl u cll h l!'. l1 ca"1. f ..;Un,1 b 1 Ph, sicl:ins everywhere wor !, n' o,1 ll 'J.~' , I\. rar "r1 Cllfc for nil Skin DiS<'!'.!Sefl, H1iJ, D1·u1ecs, Da.rns, Sotes_, Ulc:.;i 11 , Rrnl.:"tcrl Ec zem~ Sea.Id llc:id, tlc n rvy, ___ ) streel. u.t pres .... nt oc. np1cc IJy J. Ctlrfst10 Esq Stat ton n.g,·nt. )for p1u enq111re of' · l\iill ON J.JIBERTY I I I WJJ,J. l'AY THE HIGHEST PWOE . Jlowmo nv Hl c, Aug. 27th, 1872. o'.!J.c: c ....un1c.1t to 1) ' B ' ~~ c a r,.tl . lj qu.ili UC'! not J!r~1 1~rn. ti on . d) SCOVCH' ll I'1·icc25 ccnLLI . 1 l c.ny ~-tl ~tRllN \~~{~~.~~~~-GOO O S Thia 0.l!t:lLE je t he ffi'.)St '.l\W .,) :...: C·l -'llll .JU lll relia:\Jlo a!ld effic '. cicn a H ·_.1 0.:l , i 1 Jlc"..'·;: 11of Soro 'l' Ilo··rscnc1-:i> l>1r> . ~c.i 1. :U rnucllills, Inl1nuon of t he Dro1~ ~ luul A<>~llu\ ~. Off,' ns1 vo J-:rc:i.1h, .nil ( \:ri: " ~ ~J".. !"1 or t !rn ~lo,tth I FOR SALE I tlispo~e J..l'_J_ leo.Yc Bo,vm cn villc for so1n c umnt.Ls. i.dll l\.£ISS STOUGHTON, WISHING TO c .. nw~eab!o c\ur.n.lC, l lcc r!l.1.c d Gum:; , find 11·or l'ubl1c :;;J)(:'.:>t:c1s n U'1 1 i ng:~ra iL l LI iCY'1-lm. lJle. '11 hc ltl rc<lu.: nta lll· I 11 - i 1 1~' ) U 1rn G 1rg:1c i..r::: ni:!cd hy nu l'll)·s1cJn uro, ru i t ~ '· tl.i" c_ 1u uf ihe l:bO\ J <lt~ontor u nr) 1,(1\' · 1·1 v!o , l e !Iv, 1ho 1nost populru- in tho ~1Ia te1la 11... J,;;,. l. , neo 23 ccn t!:3 . UHi;! -1..ESl', thc1 nostlustilig,th~lcast, troublcsonl e, 11nd in ost cODlJJlet-0 ove1· invented . They alf' u sed and i·cec01nn1c1 11lcd by nuiny of the best l31'eeclers 11\ the Lnited States and Ca.n~da, au<:h as G. B. l 1onng, Snlon1, Mn~ s., Pres ident Ne\v :Englund \-VvolGrO'\Yors' Society; John S. Hot:is, Heunopln, IH,;, Prof~ssor 1\f. 1\-liJe::i, of tht St.ale .A guculturul Uollegc , Lansing, l\fieh; 1-lon. Geo. Bro\vn, 'l'oronto, Ont.; .l ohn S ncJI, J~dff1on ton. Ont. On eaeh~Iark 18 oltunpctl the o wncr's na1ue and t he shccv's nun1hcr. 'fhcy will be se11t./ree, UJ wail or C~JJl'CSS, tor onl11 f u~o cerds t ach, o.nd 'tv ill Inst for '!' W.l!:.l\'l'Y YKa.Hs . tSl. Ca.ah must accompany a.11 orders. nl1 HESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAP- Wm . 'llIOMPii;'· St Bowrr'lnvute J\.fny 26 1871 g ' · - - - - ------~ - - - - - ---=---- ANDEilSON & CO . Bo"\\ manv1 llc, J11nc 27. H372. DAILY - ~ LI.N -:u;- - - - · ro R OOEI: E STER. rj1HE NEW LAKE STK\MER NCPRS J:DMAN , \Vill, on 01 a bou t 1st .A1n1l l 1 oxt, cum1nenee he regnlar daily t11 ps, <Ice }Ju i m 1tt111g,) Leaving C,ohourg cv1 ~·y 1110J 1u 11 g iLt 7.3(1, Port IIopc CLt 9 o clock;...for Hoehesll:'r, co11n eoting-the1a with New York v en trtLl, };01 th e1n Centrnl lLnd El le TI0.1l'wii). for alJ potntr: l~il.~ t, South' and. Sont h \ \/ t!:-3t. RETUflNING, Leaves Chailo tte, Port. ul B. Jchester every evening 11.t !) o"clock, (except S utnrdt\Yg when she lcp.vcs at 2 o'cloek.P. JH. for Brlghion), £.he Steamer calls a t J31if,'hton, l\'.Conllnys rnulThul"sday~; tttColbornc, ev e ry day t"xcept \.Ycd neftlday, at Vl h it by, Oshtiw t~, Da rl ington and Newcastle, on \Vcdnc8tlu.y, i:;hould freig ht o'irer . Dealers 111 i;tock \YIU fi n<l 1lna the cheaJ)est uud ll_Uiok -.:s t route to .Al ban), Boston New York, &c. ' 'Adtlrcs;;. R. C.,. C .AR'l'l~R. S!-tf .t'ort 1Iopo, Ont of the nbD\13 buf:l1ue:,;3 on i·o.;·i c tern1s, Applicnt ion t o be roudc ftt her st01 e, 01 by p ost, bBfo1c 1st Oct.olJc~', I\:uig: St., Bo1'.1n nn1 l.'t 8eptcntber 18th, 1872. 'l'! ta i: ud 'l'; i 1 ! ·ltl 1·~ "C tfl . ( holcr.\ , Sm~l lpax, :o ncl i II 1nf _ct i ' il~ !li i>o i.:-o~ I t '\\tll l>1~\ e1 t ( on1 ; gJ01 1 n1 f;:~·-':-."'=-1',\ ~'i'I:' ARClllBALD YOUNG,.Tn., Sarn1n, Ont 01·ders >ultlr ef)Se d t o the;CA~AJHAN STA'l'b:SMAN' Ottlcc; 1or any quautitr v. ill b e flllod at thti above~ mcnlloncd rnlcc, as quickly a s th o Mal'ks can be mnde and sent, W. U, CI,JMIE !Roney to :r,o:ln. i ll n Sll l'OJ! l' l)Y{l"' 1 i-;-ocr ":: i·TLttn Photography 1 J. 0. & R. IL Henry\ I T A VE SECURED MR SEXTON'S _i_ fine new Gallery, 1tcn.1 '\ A; ,~ , t:.Ltl fot ll<' ~ tl' o i t'·! n ti. '~" '·" t 1 1 Cl!1\ i ,\ frC1 .!l,1l'litc.·.···c"lJSC/tflb!ll"· l ~ \ l;! (!11'\'\· Y/'!1' MO>l ';1 ·1ll<! ~. Ho ~ !ll . ~~Hc::i, fJeic·~ro:: cl:o ~ . .'tc ? f{'. t.. I· tsiL<v : , c ~ n b n p ctcrv · d f o> n p u t ~l'i :ic:1 (' 11 i / 1' s 4 C·t 1l· Jt for, J ::: '.> ln~:.1ln:i.lllc L' r ;n ~1n fc c 11 1 r:r\\' [! 1:; Cl.:lstl "I, ll . ti ll'J, Cc;.,1"p.Jol:;, Sl·11.J t.q , blW.:- r.:Ll ! · - c~ 1 1Jol!c A~tl 17<.:r!: ll "' le~! c·1 l ~lit ~ }1 · }{0:11f \ ' ll 11H'll'>'lOn C:'>, i.1p1'.:!' ·).\"~' l > :·ll r1·.i rluct:i , a~ ll! <.: l1 ert D1 "ir.!~ 0 t·n t f, .. :c~·r 1150 Y"t' ·s nt :r:r rc, n . 'l'Y ycais, t o hi) ropaJd 10 msta.lincnts to ~nut borio-wcrs, '\Vho nr~ auo,vod to nul"ke such pnyme11ts, m addition to instalments, aB th e~c 1n1L~ Jind C0 1Lvcn1 ent , 1nay be obtained frotn the Cn nadn. P cl'mn..1 1e::11t Building w.ul SnvLng Soc1ctJ, Oy up-plying to li'A<\.RE\1\-"ELJ,, l\fcGEF. & R U'l' LEDGE. Sol~c1tors, Bo~, n1anville. ..WPliva te f'u11ds t o loall. 61 L OANS FOl< FROM ONJ;1 TO TWE 1~ , H H t !on. o~ in fl::c tD v·, t11 "l 1· ics. P, rc1 1:.!J cu, L"' - - -- ------- ------ - -- New ~ Business I I .~ J. & W. J. 111 'MU l:t rr BJ Y&C0. Al'tE N.0\:11" SHOWING Co. hose now completed their Twenty-First (En trance opr:mut..e entrance to Tor\ n Hall, · onrofbnsmess -..v1th a constn.ntandst11l 1ncreaso on r erupe1 ~nee SLi.c0t1. ~r gro-..; t h. ~\ s' tho manufactory is ouc ol' tl1e ·odest 1t also ranks nmong the hi~ll ost in the It, v>'ill be tl'eir a.1 111 to givo sa.tisfnctim1 to all who 'eounti-y. During the long experience of the u1ay lavor thc1n 'ivft h n. cnll e lt he1· Gt. t hen ma.nafn.ctUl'era1they have steadily ad1lcd to th<· I Gallery in o!the1r m:strun1enta, and have n··a.tlctl <themselv es of every _method to unprove Lhc OSHAWA BUWJIIANYILLE quality of tone and to. increase tho 111echanu;al facilities tor the performer. And though they expect. to continue the cou.rso of im})rovcmcnt, They all stylc6 and sl.:.Cs or thoyaro a.bunda.ntly aa.t.isfle(l "'~th '\Vhnt has beon _ i done, and wlth the estin1ntion in wh1ch their in~trumeuts are held by goodJutlges of Tnus1c · :1. _..... , .Ar:i heretofore they will use the best lnaterinls, without regard to cosL, and give 1~vcry Organ t:.he LE · 'T'TE' RGRAI'HS 1 moBt thorough -..vorlnnn.nshlp. They ospecially invite ooroparwons as to the I quallty and. YOlllllle of tone, and ai:i to the effecL- PJ ·ologrFLplrs 1n or ivory, or co\lvo mcehn.n1ca.1 appli a nces. They en.II attention ored. Photograph s Hnu;hcd in India Ink or Sc~ to the fact.that th eit· Or~n.ns nre sold AT EX - 1 pin. nudeolorcdeitbcr1n '.rREltfELY LU\.V PRICES, 1tS lo'v as is chntge l for many of 11n uifer1or sort. Bo.ving a large, and thoroughly appointed manufactory, cmplodv 1ng none bnt skillec\ \VOrkmen, and bavu1g n1a. e a minute division of Jubor ,t.hey are nble to pr o P h oto Crayon s. &c, duce Organs ut less ratestho.1' most ccn~p ct1 tors. 'J hcr n.rc also prepared to make 'fhc}· bellCS nlso, that 11mon.,g other tl11ngs, thoy liave-ed" reputation rnrfi.h <le alrng , thil they '\'ould a1:1surti distiint pu1cba.s ern thn r, ~ · an Organ will ever leave their \varcronnlii with .::: ti ch as vie1\S of llosi dences .1n<l Grutl ous, Cronoclr knowledge, thnt is not in every respect perquet and 1")1c-nle GroupB , Hors es, Cattle, & c., feet. of its class. As the;v h1ive brifore eluteil, t]u'.\y intend to soc_ .,J' Pai iicnlca· atl,mtton p a1rl to the copy in a eure a fneud in every purcha1:1er. '1'heir ea.taloglie lP'Al 1"!/prorlw.:Uon vf old u n djaclcd ]Jlcturc.9. with full <lc'lCl'lpt1on a.nd 11.ccul'atc cnf?ra.v1ags, BowrruLnvi lle, Jnne Gth, I87z. 45-tf. -,,orill be sent froo t o ,Lil! u.J::!.;ce13 n pou u.ppk,'LhOll. - - - - -- - - - .x.gfu.~~~!JSa:ry inforin~tion cheerlt1lly fuin 1ahed. C ~i B_··( Ct _t" '.8,1~:,a niJi § T HE SMITH AMERTOAN ORGAN Corner of Xing & Tempcrnncc Streets, J 'l'h113 Pr.mAr:\TtQ;:<rB ttncrrlil.ll cd !ti it~ rn.:icl1t· on 1nakcrs' li!livce, l-'1 .. uo Dns 1ud ('J]t-Jela, &c. Nothlug ha9 cv cr h c~d tl ..,cu,c t~ d \~· .u:h. i11i., 1prnr·g into r opnl:ulty 1:.'or-0:: c ruc.::: v, or b'1<:,1r,o or f"O Pocket fo:r Sburpcn ln~~ aut1 Pol t~ l1 LU!.;'Cu~'e r r. 'fa h f· nu d t\ nh·c,,,Ha~Ol'J, 1-=m·g1c 11 r.~ "' rnint·nr i; S':oti· l!lU.)h va l.: o1n ever/ h J.1.~~!io!l 1 1 i,,1 ,.·o r~i'll C' l> to:u g :;~.:_~~s(·fu.l n e~~ P. iro :1; " '-mt~----· -- p H:QT Q GR J.'PH S I Royal ·'"PAN-.,,;:/ Ins 1urance 1\ 00 .l..'l:'..L or _['. __]___ · I IW ER 'Q I AT R OIL COLOURS, LIVERPOOL & LONDON·IOn FIH E AND LIFE. ~u ll!lic rlbeel it:tnHal 1:·u:H!.~ fn llla n.Gi. , ""er 1 FULr_,y tu inform the public t1int a s l\[r H_ 11.ccrl's ln1::;incBI;! h 1lS chaugod h(Lnds, he hrw resolved t o opon bu s1n fl s~ on b is o wn accoim t in the shop two c1001·s \Vest of l\f,utdoch Bros., ·vl1ore h o v-..ill keep on hand a. first-class stock of lJoo1 s uni! Shoo!'! suitable for the season. Order work w ill b rn c his prompt attention. 'J',\ cnt;r ll~ o years ~per1cnce in tho tradc, 1norc U10.11 the lni:il two or which be h as spent tl.-"I cutter, nnd gene1·nl llllln ag cr in J\lr. Recd'8 establishment, Juw given hnu opport111ut 1es of lr,aru1ug 'vhat tho pcuple i eally want. Ile has therefore no doubt of bClllg' able to E(IVO SLLtlsfll.OtJOll Lo all wh o shall favor inm with u call. ond hopes bY~nv1ng due attention to businesstv re· c cnc a !all' shu.rcofpubhc support J, SMAJ,E. Tho Hew stuck '·ill bo opened mrrn SUBSCRIBERBEGSRESl'ECT- A F'ULL ASSORT .M ENT 0 NATURE'S OWN VlTALIZER ,, (' bl o Per·JYiau 1Srr_u11,'? ~ CAUT ION . -All gennlue has the name (N U'l' n the g1:iss Nr!1o .. vrk r lh!iS MOlt R, Propr1otor, F·~ Dl'ov :j t . Solcl b) ull Drugs:is~ "' A 82-pa~e pamphl C't frnt "Pcn1vian llmk, ") [}} rn I GOODS, --AND--- §at1u-d:iy, ti th Jn1>fant. t\ Re lllembcr th o place, o doorr, Vic<it nr l\futJ, <loch n .. os. s. $16',000,090 9,504',00C> MILLINERY. SJJ.Vvebster L.D.S , EVERYTHING NEW, !STYLISH & CHEAP A. \LL KINDS OF V fE "VS, awc:li"'l;S n nd htno :nek:o:; w1u~ 1' on specin!l ~ f:l.Y- ticul.:trs t!nqu1rc cf or.iblo l e t ·11.i. THOMPSON & BURNS_ Life J n!5 ura::' C.P!S gt ,1ntcl1 i n all th o ntoEt t:tp]Jl"OV c d methol s. 'J' h u;.i0 ~ho l' t 101w; 111c\·, ll lJO"t r111 Bowrnanvillc, May 23rd, 1872. 43 tf mind tlint S ti:CU H.I'l'Y S UUULD B.11::: THE FlH.ST CONSIDL: ilA'l'JOK . .i_~ rry In the Town of Bow·manv1lle, 'l'wcntye1ght acres of Jand bclo ug1ng to estate of A. LL DE8CRIP'l'IONS 011 l'ROPElt- the late DAVID DOWNEY, For par1 l'Hl l! Nl JlE.A D U1·'Fll'E FOR CANADA l\101\' l'Hl!, _i_L IN :-it t'!lUJ .t 11lo l ites. I~Cl:.1 t Pd 11"1J.L l'IOOK: OF ~Ji:E P E T E :R.'S I1'0! i ates of 11· e1n ii. 1m ~, :q·ply ! u tlte undc1sign :lJ-tf. THE Sl\:IITll .i\.MERICAN OHG-AN co_ Trctnon t St., opposite Waltha1n St. Boston, :i\fa,_,s J_ M BUIMACOMBE, of ntfLn'\ me , w e norn.l Agent for the Provmce. G Bowmanvillo. Ap1il 10, 1872 vcr, 'l'TfOJ\i'PbON' ngcnt.. 101Bu'\\maJ1\'1ilc. TAILOR, c11ston1ers and fne11 ds, ,\.nd wou ld beg to SILY hclrn,5 1emovcf1 to th o c0111 e1 of JCing iunl OJJtu110 stlccts, ~vlle1ch '.! \\ lli be g la<l to i:'l:C as mu 11 v of tho irood-1tutw·ed nnd good-te1nnercd on cl:l 1~ pl ease to give him a. u,iJl. Bo-i,\'n1anv1l!c Nov. 22nd, 1871. 17-<.f - - -- · - ----- -- - -- -- -- --- Charles Silver l>EALRR IN Finest Family Groceries, Musical Library CONSI~TJNG OF FIFTEEN V OLUMES FILLED T;!;[OULD RESPECTFUI LY l'rn,. 't 'fUit.t-.- his sincoi e th an l~ ti to llU1neroui; TIN SHOP lN BOl'il\IANVJLLE. I GROCERIES, I Surgeon Dentist THOSE FRUITS~ S.4.LT AND PLASTER J.LWAYl'I ON HAND. CHOICE PIANO MUSIC. VOCAL COLLECTIONS. Shbi.lug l.ighti;. A choice colle ction of beautifu l 8u.c1cd Song i:l. ~ ~ AND Tlllt T}IEORY OF MUSIC. LAND, Teacher of tl1 e tLbovo. ~"'-pplicntlon for terms &:c., to be n1ade to l\Iessrs. R. & ff, O'Hara., si.a.tloners. 12-3m. x J W . G. 1 OHN CAl\UDGE, l\WS. DOC , ENG- Wood Jf'm· ,...___ ~ ·~l e. PIPES, lnnd, be~ng. n~1 t~1 l10Jf of ~~t 5, 4th cou Dur- 1 Ho,.. rna i t \ lD c, " ·1ii>r c he v:W kee p constiLn tl;ir on bngton 1 l!:I o il~1i<l l~1 8.1le u1 lots to suit purchas- \ Jialiil a ~-ell sclucto.J. r,tot t, uf s1-0vos , Jn,po ~ pply 01] tl~~'Slo/Ee~F fl:m.:cd., IJJ'(!S'3t;id :.inrl }Jl;t.iu 'l'h~wn:ie, the attention of far1ncrs to the one-hon~e n.nd (HS, 01 in AND ALJ, KINDS OF tv.·o·horse Iron CnHivators nHL11ufacture1l by Jum, Darhngto1J .Tul 3 1872. ' .1 .1. t6."tr vh .di liC'\w!ll 8c ll a.nd "Juch hn.\'e for six yea.I'S obtriined flr ,,t JJl'tzes ___ _ :__Y_._ _ _ __ _____ _ :_ " 0!-TEAP AS ~u: OJJ.EAP E,.S'l'." a.t P1'0i.·rncial anll L'.)Cal Fn.irs. 'l'hey are undoubtedly tho best 1n1plon1ent of Lhe k ind in use, Llli!llb~l .. ::uni:i:l §liU:si g·1cs ~pcc'a.1 r.~ntion n_a.hl to _ and ·vill 1n a Yery shoet tin1 c 1n01·e t1111 n rcpu.y their cost. in tho cllicicncy o.nd excellence of their ]\ff MILLS, l?\ BA VE1'lt0 UGHI!f~G ~~ D /Olljl,T~G\ OR SALE, AT -work. Jnspcct1on invited. A 5upply of Culti\·aDa11Lngt.on. tu~ 01'Clm·s from t ho co entry promptly · ttciulctl tors now· on hnnd fo1· the sprmg: work, and \dll A. B. CAMPBELL, be sold a t lo-i,\ est n~tcs. D,11·1tngton, Nov. ~'f), 1871 18-tf atrIIi~bo"-t rn.'H'CPD..itl for J-ti<le ... Sheepskins REl1E?tIBER THE STAli-;D, ONE IRON HARROWS :RcLgs, V'.'ool 1),,, Co pper , E'eathe11:1 ancl . door east of F. Y. CO\Yle's, J{tng stroet. of a superior kind, a l so on h rn d. D?i' :i ff:!. J"?<ll HtH"'cht\i.r I I liiL :l 3t t~l~ ::]1(11. ~ave u.1·ot1 '"-·f Ml.i.C. P:..U Great inllw c mcnts llcld out !Jo pedlcrs. Downu:.n ville, June 12, 1872. nu G GI Es J.\. ND \VA G 0 l\i s =-'I. D - l:'t:.Ul.!' l " '\Yl'.n!mg Milk Pa ils or Pan s constantJ)' on for sale. ALL ~ p !\RTIER l NDEBTFD 'rO 'J1HE '\Yunld do "\\C l! to cu\l i11 ul exainuw m,v stock b~- ( - - - -----------------~;.i fo'"c lJllH hn." tng: d(je ><lwrc. J\ shat·c of l ") ltl.Jlic ~KJr .A.IJ kinda of Dlackf!mith work done on the u ;, r;.cr::::)gncd r :.-cquo«lctl to JJ11.r up before l)fLti·ouagc 1 cs11 ectfully sohc;tcd. '1. 1'tJ{" · ;u_31Blllft§', t.hc ft1 !1-~ ot l· ebr ,u\rv r..ext .l.n<l StH c trouble. 'V G REED 8hortest notice. A cull solicited. 15-3ltf. I. WES1'COT'I', Bowmanvil E' ·r, HOSKIN. ., ' ' " ' pL. SURVEYOR. ORDERS LEFT Bo" nJ,1n\ ill e, .Jitn. 3 18i ! , 23-tr JJowl'll'.'Jll.\ u](\ M::\rclt 8tl1. 1871. 32-tf, _ ·w ith O. D. S11n.Idin.i:t E!!!q ., a ttendee! to. First Prize {;nHivators. D .!!'011:\iIN c+ llle U1 11;i.b1t!'tut.a ofBu .vn1unvillo o.nd s 11t10111 i1li 11 ~ c o11r1 1,1J l hat h e l 1a:'l 01w11ed 011t p, New '1'1n ~llop h 1 t llc ::ito1c lutcJy occupied br .Jolin A llen , c u~ a·'t of IAS REE D,I PIWVISJ0NS, WHO HA VE The highest price for !utter &Eggs. TEETH M UCH P LE.\SURE IN IN- ' ARTIFICIAL ~ MEERSCHA.U_l\.l AND BRIER ROOT 'fhat don't tlt, would do ">'ell to i'iYe him ~ oall . rrHE WOOD ON FIF'CY ACRES OF h ING A:\D DIYI810N ST REETS Teeth Guaranteed PALATES, llSIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, T HE SUBSC!1IBER WOULD DIRECT one a pe1fcct fit ht the moat LUtficult cases_ S . G. \Y.has been vcr;r euccessful in h1sort1ns- TOBACCONIST'S GOODS. ARTIFICIAL [J) O ~ 1-Ia) s.' So11g:::. n~nrfh nnd llo rne, t'h·ei;Jr;e EeJ:1oelil, tintl S,v .. ~t .!:'ionntl!·. Tlu ee Volum e..; of easv So u gr~ Ly 'IVebster, 1-'el'sloy, etc. Gohl4 ·~1 Lt·JLveH. Volumes I. and II.~ The t\.;O volumes con tain all of \ Vill S. P r lcel'!ss Ge1n~. Acollechon of ben.1~ t1ful Bu.lln.ds by \V aliace, 'l llOUH\S, Kcll~r.tlj eto. JNS'l'l-lUMEN'l'A L COLLECTIONS. l<'ulr;t F!n&"ers, Magi~ i:onn~iPJanl~t. 'l'hlce volu1nei::; of very(IJ easy l\fu131 c tor yoUllg players. ate. difllculty. Dan ce !\.fuBw. Ch·cJe, and F i.vhm·e they h ave been dc::;troyed by- di 1:1~as e, or the result of congcruLal dl!fcct. If you Yahte J our health don't neglect yo1u· Teetli_ Ii I I I I ~fAUTlfUl GOLD fllllNGS insct"ted on a new 11rinciple. ~ ~ l 1 t·n1·l Dro})S ond~i ni;lcnl Recreoflons. Tv. o co ll cct1ons or modor- t:l ,, ...- . PRICES MODERATE. Rooms forn1cily occup1etl by T. J. Jones. oven· F' F l\lcAl'thur':i sto1·e, ICing St., Bowmatrllle. 1 87!t ~l-t:t = ~ A collection of J:;t~\~tl pieces by Wyman, Muck, Dross-~ ·~old en Cllhiu~9. A collection of b1;lliant parl1n· l\I11 s1c by Charles ]{in kc] BrllllHu~ '·cu1s. A s p len ~lul collection by Vilbro. .t.\ 11.tud, Pachc1, J(1nkel, etc. ' Price, $3.50 per' olun1e, elega ntly Oouud8 in cloth. '\\ itli g tlL sale,, ; $2111 plain cloth; ~1 J 1 le:us:u1t fllc1norJes. J . L. PJ\:'l'EH.S, 59'J Droaclway, N 'Ve \voulll ca11 utte11t1on to The Opcrn :it l lon=.e, a collcct1on of over one hundred bea.ultflll opc1 iL songs. Price, $5 e i!l cloth and gilt. Trltde fJrice, ~1. 75 iu boards, .Address, Y .lll

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