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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1872, p. 3

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~~~-~ -~-·~-~N~:-E~~~-~~~ - -~ ~~~-~~~~O~ I BOUGHiilTH~RIGHi TI M E ! CAN_ADIAN S'tATESMAN·, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDA Y , OCTOBER 24,1812 SEVERAL Dnrha1u. M a rch , 4, 1872. For F all and Winter Dry Goocls, A'l'- ---·GOOD F ARMS ~a.c! IN WEST Orono. FOJ: pa1'l..iculars u.p:ply to J. N, R C'fLEDGE, A VEHY LARGE STOCK OF B ATTI~:rG-:JS, Cf-IEAP F'OR CASH . llow1nanvillo, Oct. 10th, 1872. Fall and W inter Dress Goodsj Sltnwls, Clot!1.s and Overcoati11g, "·ere bought last spring before the great rise in the 111a.rket.s, and ure now u-fferecl N e P lus U ltra A NEW GLEE BOOK, WITH PI ANO A CCOMP ANIM!i:N'l'. r Price $1.50 euch; $15 JJer rlo~eu. Furs for B~.<\.. Y Vlhen J ohn Frost r eigns it ia v;ith iL C c)rr1fortJ. tyrants sway :· not c_ontent with AT EXCEEDI NGLY LOW :PRIOE B AT THE BEAVER, BLOCK. FOli 1'HE BEST STOCK 01« NEW vVI-I AT YC.)1J PLEASE, whil:ltlin ~ through keyholes and cutting flgi11·cs upon the 'Yindo-w paues, he st.1·1kcs: tor l'Ol' ~o t ho inult.1tude who think l} nt o/ his np1 1roach. 'l'o prc,'c.nt s udden uttack upon phyewal s ystonrn, iV!EDICAl VICTORY. DEPEW, OF PARIS. F RANCE, ·n omf:ueut 11byi;idan of foreign. doBceot, h11"' di ~ cove red 11. 0-rcat lllood ltcmedy-al' nroly Vei;etb'l:ole Compou"j -n:lmed by phyaician s, D epe w's .Me di cal Vlotory, i.ho.touxcsevcry k ind ofunbeal thy Humo r,11.ntl svery dise:v:;otba.tchrpendil on impu.riLy of tho :Blood, whert'l the J,u.nga, J.ivor , and Kid neys, and other ,-itlll orga.:ua, lll'tl :uot waetcd l;ieyoHfl the hope ofrepotr. For \-the v~ure of) Scrofula, lll ryi!ipela.!l, !'alfrheum, Ec:.:em_ a., ficn.ld-licad, Sualy .E ruption of th 'l'I Skiu, Ulccra, ;incl \Terer Sor ~ 1t of 11.ll ILi~dt, lloib DE PEW'S Ctinadian ottons and Tweeds, i Canadian Cotton Yarns and Carpet Warps, ;n&. MA~YEI:t ba::i r c1.:ci"vcd snch a l:ltock. of }. i.Jll ti , t hut he is pr epare::l tu sn pp lj· all ~pitR. of tho Frost l..._ing con~cta, a 1 1d i1t C>tnadian Blankets and Flannels, Canadian Hosiery and Gloves, '.I'. DARl~INGT O N, °"VILL J<i:EEP ALL COSY AND H is ..;v .AR l\1: provided they cu trust then1 sclvcs to his p 1otcclhH\. Buffalo and Sleigh Robes, Fur Caps, n.A1 r,no .n.n cov.l!:n.s. coLLAJtE'I'S, GLOVES, LlLDJE3' ~ll'N"K. :MI~IC CR.EP.l~ · .1.\.L.ASK~1.._ I Hi.s AND GEil M~i\. ~ SETS, ~~ v .. are got up in Lhti b ost style, and arc well wo r th y in specti o n . .A HF. FULL"i~ GENTLl:CMEN"S i ntenditJ g purch asers. _ Dow1 na n-vi1lo, Oct. 10. 'i:!. FURNISI---I INGS ASS OR 'l' .ll; D. jlEJr AU kinds of li\a·r; altered a.ncl repn.ired. H ig hest price ln paiJ. fo1· rc~w· furs. A call at th e corner of King & Silve r Streets will · be lo the :tdvantugc of M.A.RRUS l\1:1\ YliJR, Huuior iui. tbo Motith and S tomach or Eyee. , Sorn, ~1·u ptionon the h tw.d, o.n d Piwi;lcs or Blot obos on the face, it e.ta1.1ds l're .ewjueutly at. the hoa.d o( all otluw nnnedios. '<1, The fact is ; ffumvrs, Sorofula, ii,u.d ]Jieea.50 o:f tlioSkiu 1of wl.n1teYor no.moor natu re, arn literal ly dng up u.o.d cnr riud out of the sy<:1tem, in 11. short time by thei use uf this Blood He11>e1 l)'Ono J:iotllo, in B ~ Cb l:a::ies, wlH c OD.Yincs t he mo11>t i ii. crod uJou~ of i ll:i c LL!" nti v o effec ts. {:ll!la.ns6 the Vitiated.Blood whenevlil" y ou nnd itoi J rupuritii;s b1u::1d1lg tbrougl1 the ::ikiJl in l)im vlo!I, :Eruptione, or Sore~ ; clea.u::io it when yon fi nd 1t ob. 11tructed :~ n d sl uggi ~h ill U1u v .ei mq cleauae it when it fa foul , and yOlu focliug11 will te ll you when. :Keep the~'Rloo d pure and t be heallh 1,1 f tlie ey:itarn wi ll follow. - GO TO THE BEAVER BLOCK. HAS just rccefred a quantity oF ORANGES, All Goods Sold on t h e one price CASH SYSTEM. The bost. Tailoring establishment between Kinston and Toronto, AT THE BEAVER BLOCK. FALL GOODS 6:&.. LE~fONS , ~~~~~~~~,~~~~'-'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- It i s a Qontle Reg~l at ing P urgat~ ve,a.s ~ell <'!!a 'l'onic &c. F<>ssc.;Slta g :tlsu the p1;c1Lhar mu11l 9f actinR' as 11i"11owerfu l agent iu relieving Co u ge11tion, a1~d Chro)i ic J of the J.,i,·er aud all t he C11mpboll's ce1ebratcd' Soda. W atcr, Lcmou.ade u.nd S li.tSaparillti. voi·y t1uitable for summer drinks. ' .All the abo"·e \.Yill be kep t constant].)~ on hand <luring the hot weather. Darlington has just roceived n.nother lot of ilno '.rEAS, which w ill ,be sold oho ap !or Bowmtl.l·Yllle, Ont , t Al so, ~ KorinoLh COCOANUTS, PEANUTS, In the ~ m·1·o;:;a tc Court OVEST AND t)l COAT- Northurnberla nd and Dnrh run . NOTlC~ is: @P lvt.AICER.S.0 Con s ta nt c1nployfd nwnt. h ereby given th at ln:unc(l.intetr ttfte1· l he I Applv at tion of twentf-ono da.y~n.ftcr the flt·st p ubll cation I · Ii'. F. l\-1cAR THUR'8 h ereof n.n applicution will be rn11Uf: tu this h on- · Ho wn1n.n ville, Sept. 18, 1872. ~ira ble' cow·t by J\·l rs. 11:1..J~t. MI'l'OIIn:f.L of t he 'l'O\.\'nsliip of n a.r iu n-ton, in the Cour1t 1 of . .Q nr-.i,: 1 11 h ain und P rodu ce ofOntu.r io, 1noth cr of\V1lhu.m ~·w :a1.1tct1, l\I1tc!ic.U,lu.t~ of Hi e Stti ~ l 'l'o ·~ n::ihip of D tu·li1~gt.un, E XPERI'~NCED 1\-111.IilNF~R, Yebn1an deceased, to be npp·), nted i,;uanltan or -~ J.:J "\VHJiaw 'George l'.1iu:;hd1, t. h e i nfant :"l nn oi' the . at on ce; a.lso, two Hppt·cnticcs (g irh1) t o saitl ctc:;enscd. ELlZA l\l l'l'C neLL, . l earn the 'l'ai loring bnsinc~~CLoNG nnos. by .Farc.w dl ,\ J\lcG ee, Bffwmanville , Sept. 23, 1872. 9. her SuL0! to rr~. - - - · -- ··· Date<l t hig 25thduy ofSepte1nbcr, A, D.1872. O F THE UNJ1'ED COUNTIES OF I r' PAN1', AN Lb ' : :r .: or IH u:~ l e, u.t LllO <la\l"U worn a n i10ud, t 1.111U.Hl> of li fo, thll Mcdivlll VJctor1 hn~ 110 e qna.l - --. _ . . In the- cUrtt of Rhr::o.ui&Uijm, Dyepepa1a, Liver Comvla.inL, and di ~e ase~ oftbo Kidm:jt1 au il Dladdcr, jts ei!ecb a.rt11iurµ r it1iui;f lo all. .- J·'oi; Ht3g ula1i 11g t llo :Bowcla , a.nd curiug BiH0111111 ess , Hcmlache Sick. lle~dw;:;he, N eu ra lgia ·. J<'cmri h: Wca k ll Ci ~, Ncrvuus. n, Paiu:.i b1 1.llo 8 id a. Loins t1nd Back, uud genf11·u.\ W cakuc's ~ud Debilit y, ih cura.ti v.ll p _ owou Jl.l'e be . y ond muo11y and beyoud price, 11' l S T ll 1'l GU.BA'!' 'ViHceru.1 u~ iru1iil. l' o,. f i·1;1le Compla.intJ, wb!ltJJor in youn g or o)d, or ai or F. F. McARTHUR. ....,,,~ ~·""'-'<,.,..,... ,.....,_~-.,;.-------"'T'------------------B o\;·1u:in,·i lle, SP-pt . 18, 1872 Change of Busin ess IN THE WANTED Two or three experienced ARR IVE D, P I ONEER BOOT & SHOE STORE [EstalJlishcd 1833.] llLOOD l'URIFIJillt,AXD ALII·'E GJ Cl l'LE a perfec ~ Ilono,-ator :\!ld Jnvigorator ofth R Vil"G-PRl~ . S yste m ; cttITy i ug ol! Cl l1 pQtsono utt1_nil.ttllr a nd Bes. to1·iJlgtho Dloo<l tn 1t.:s het\llhy condition. MILLINERS, for the work~room . B O"'WM.ANV1LLE , June 26, 1st~. In retm·ning you my 1:1incere thanks for the ~cry liber?-1 1n:i.t1·o::inage ext.ended to rue, s lnoe rny comroeno1ng business: an d a s in conseq uence o:! ot her engagmnents, I a.i n cornp cllod to relb 1 quish the aan1e ; I have great ]lleasttL'O in r ccomn10ndlng- to you J.1eSSl'S . .ANDERS ON & co. n1y liUC· ce.asor~, ·who are in every way qun..lifted' to gtv& you a.s IJOod Goodi;i, a nd on a~ f.:t.\'orable terJIIJil si. those given by n1e. Solicl cing for them your patronagf' , I nm yours, --.- . -.. . ·.., -- Ad n un1sh·atBon .N ohce. --:----- s ave y An<l get w ' "" !fJ-0 r us. for (~em, a t our Bones . Sold b:V a,ll :Il?ug~ist2 &; :Pea.lel'S. SEND FOR A DESCR IPT·VE PAl:lPHLET, ADDREcS YOU NC, SILLS&. CO , Ba.tbt Onta t':lo. 1 ' '· Apply to MISS McTAVISH, at l\fURDOCH & BR O'S. Bowmnnvillo, May 23, 1872. 43-tf ""\"XTHITE J,EADS, " GENUINE." 'ff .. N o. 1," " No, 2," und "'No 3," of this Slrcct. of the late P\·ov ince Canalla.. ~J Victoria. P. S .- 'fb cy 28, ~7, Creditor s a nd other Pc1 ·sons }1 a ving au)' deb t or I claim upon ue effecting thu\.te of G EO HG Ji: , A.J'ln'cntices \'l'autcd, MITCH"Jl~J.J.. late of th e 'l'ov1nsh ir1 of Dar lington , ! i.J1 th e Uount)· of Durhu1uj Yeornnn, ""·ho died on' AT TFIE o r about tho SEVEN'i'fl JAY of MAitCH, 1872, are horoby '~':l uirea to send i n Lhci-r da.irnH t o hh; Adn1inist ra.tnx, 1.UCIND.A. MlTCH."ELL, at )~nfi eld !Jost Office, Ont~r io~!-' 11 01· hc~orc l:!i~ FIRST A few stou t la cls to learn tbc Machinist business D.1.\..Y OF NOVE:P.1BER .N E X 'i': lllunediately af' ' ter ·which dity the said _1.._dminislrat:ri_x ·w ill pro- f Appl~· to coed tO distrib11to the assets o f the said deccn.sed I A. M . GIBSON, a.n1ong the :p e1 '50Jll) entitled thereto h av_iug re· , Mi~nu.gcr. 7-tl . gard. to t·he deb\,s a11d clai 1ns only of ,vhlch s he I llowma1n·il1c, Sept. 11, 1872. Bha.ll'then notice, and t} LQ l:! tirl.Jtli_ nis· 1 t ratrix -will not be lio.blo for the assets so distnbL1- i "' 1 ted t o· any person uf' whol:!e d ebt or clatm f.!he shall Wanted Immediately. , not h ave had notice a.t the ti1ne of su 1.1h distributiOn. A_ntl n otice is hcl'eby g iver1 to all parties indebted to the said Estate that p a yment must be FmST-CLASS SHOEMAKER, CA.forthwith 1nado to t he ::mid pn.ble of doing general ·work. Constant l~UCI N DA J\fIT C1:1 li J l~L, En1pluy1nent. JOH~ Sl\fALE. bv Fi:~revvell & ~1cGoe, · her Solicitor s IlO'\Yn1anville, .J une Hltl11872. N PURSUANCE OF THE S'.L'ATUTE . . Ontario I of I m11r;t be dry and ole11n. cap. sec. notice is hot-eby givon , t ha. t u.ll - - - -- - -- - --·- - - - - YOIJKG & BRITTAIK'.~. H onse a nd Bedd in g Plants. A LAIWE and choice selection of House and Beddin g Pl·nts for sale, cheap at BOUNSALL'S. Bownm1villo, llfay 23, 1872. 43-tf AT RICHARD RREJ>, B oiuJttan-vzlle Mach£ne Works. brauU, arc n nsurpassell for b ody und brilliancy sh ade._ Paoknges contain fu ll nett weipbt. l h o );ubltc ~re '~tu·ncd that cert.aiu other brll.llds ~:~.l. Jbs. 8 o i·J, ui every so-called 25 poun d'packtory £nt1 Vloll,!!1_. Yicton:1 Hall, Melinda Street. ~x~1nine the b rand and d o not be J)Qt off ,Yith Toronro, Ot1t. · ld b nfer1o r JHdnts. The beAt i s aJwnyis cheapest on 'fhl) f ollowing Genuluc rrcparn. tlons arc so . 1 Sold in Bo\\'n1a.n v- Ile by John H igginboth'a 1n o.11 Drnz~l-at~. J3c ~m:c (~(l ask 10 ~~~JlO TrJ.ILl.A. · by respootnblo dea.Iei rH in Pa.:ints through out o · l'r ..~.i.'.O.:~:~.Tl ~'~S, nn -:. eea a you gc · tarlo, a nd to dealers only by ' Rol~ Prn:Jr1dore ,,nil :Man:11l!lctnrer;1 or tho Celeb· ~tcC Vi ~tad"' atr h oltc Prcpar,it1ons. L~l>or11 ' ·' ~,f REPERENC I·; TO '.L'HE ABOVE IN change in the.old estublis hecl house of Mr. pu :rcha~cd his enti1·e si:ock to which 1-\' c fLre daily Recd, w e beg to 1nforn~ the lnho.l:;itantti of Bowwanville and s urr.ounding countcy that we J1ave adding ' t ELLI01' &CO., New G OODS o ff~e lATfST Stle ~'\.XD Toron FIKISH , TO LET. T't .i3 J CL!.7 is higoh)y ICC(>ID!UCndcd to J,:1 d ieB 8~ & mo ~ t iqrcc:ible Prcparat10n t or the Tolle ~ . For D:iantiryin_s 1.hG Complexion, an<l rendering tho Bkin Sort Whit.o, Clear, and fren f rom Dryneu, it is unrivalled. It w ill quickly romovo a.Jl Uednee8' \VITI! 1-IORSE-PO\VER & LAT!ffi, n.oul!ilnc!>s · J'n!l., lrrm:.k:h:~. Pimplee, nnd otbcrim· p ortcctions'. F or ChappC'.d Hands 1 Ch ilbb,lnEl , J!rost At preeenL'vorkcd b~- thes ub8crilier. Possession Bite! n.:11.l S-ira 1 ..tps, it cannot b1:1 ~orpassed. givei1 immediately. t"i'r Only busiucisa of the kln d in town- pleJlty of ou ~tom-raro clla11ce. for Pde') 2:; ce=i.ts. a good P u mpnlllker. ~g:::i~nod ' vith dur ability, all of ·vhJch will bo A The Pump S h o p IL. SILVER. CoMll'OR'l'IXci. - '; Hy a thorough knoi.\·ledgc o fth_ e natvrnl hnvs v,rh ich govern the opera.ttons of. di· gestion o.nd nutrition, iui d by n. careful applica-l~EA.SONABLE rr.F~RMS, IN A tion of the fine prop cl'tics of well-selectel1 cuc?a., desirable localitl' in the '.l'own of B ow 1nu.nj :Tuir. Epp1:1 bas pro vided otu· brei.t.kf3;st I.ables with \ illc F'or p a1·tlcuhtr s iipply to a delicately :flavor ed beve,rage \~,h 1cl~ ~16.)~ saye, ' l \. & H. 0 '1L::\ltA · u a many h en Y\" doctors lJUls . -Ottnl f3ercncc 1 Market Builrl'i ngs, Gazette.· ]'y[a,de · aimpl:r ·w ith B oilin l6 "Irater on f s-tf. B o\.\'·nuinv i nc :Milk. Ench packet 1s 'inbclleil-" J A!\n~s J1]Pl'S& · Co .. Ilomreopathic Chem iBts, London." AlsQ. 1 - - - - - - - - - - -- - - · - - - - - -n10.kers of.EppH'S Milk}' Cocon. (Cocoa an ti Con- J UOltl·41 a11d Lof]o i1ao·. tsell l\11lk). \ .., " BREAiil!'AST.-EPP'S CoCOA. - GHAT.E F U J, AND 'Jfwo Jhveilin;.;· Jiouse;;; for §ale, - - - - --·-- ---- -- ON Bowman ville, :J!r!a.y 25 1871. and brlnging i uto condi· ·.i0u, !Ioroes, Co \vs, Calves, She e p and P1gs, u sod and recommended by tlr~t class Br e edera. Stock fed witb ·1t h o.VE atwa.y~ ta.ken first prizes. Milk Cattlf l ~,:,~, . t ~·..n· :a.t tou~ng· 1 ". :- <::i" . M c CLUNG BROS Equal t o Anything over bcf oro o:fl'crcd i11 this n11irkct.. Fro1n our fa.ciUtiea '"·c feel confident that 1ve ca.n place before the ])Ublfo, s uperjor goods at same rates as tho13o chnrged by othel'a in the for an inferio1· art icle. Cue;tom work n1ade Lo or der u nder t he innnage· ~eut of Mr. John Reed, '\Vho Juts 'been the lead· tug '"·01·kma.u iu Mr. U.eed's eata b lish1 nent for the slxtee n years, .ALL \Von Kou AR.A.N. 'l'}}l~D as represented. Trunkrl (Sar.a.t oga and others) kep t constn.ntly OU 'I'o iten t . Thia To::LET SflAI> posecs3cs all the wcl1-knOT\"'ll BOUT 50 ACRES OJ!' LOT No. 14 o.~ t ti~ep tlc nnU. dt fl~nrc ctin.11: p rope rties or Cnrbolic Con. 5, Cartwright. The Jnost of tho lu.nd Acld, i:i agreca.hly ~conte~~ h as a. hen.Ithy actJon on htL.9 been in pastw·c a nd meadow for 10 yen.rR. tho l!kiu 1 prcv:-.:nt3 l rr1tat10n,__removes t h l) cfi'ecb A q_uun.tHy of fqllcn cedar of exccllo11t, qualit.y of fJ O!'SpU"o.tion, 11.nd s hould oo reg ularl y nsed by fur sale. Apply to t a.m11!c 3. cholera , Smalloo:x: aud J~ evcr PnUenta should bewas!l'.!(\ with this Ro~D: a2 d 11s uso by J~c '-' . \\'. LOGAN, pars ono I!:i.IJJe to infection will materiallv prevent C.a1·twright,Sept. Oct. 4t h , 1871, J.0-t_f. \Ile l',:Jrca.d or dlscaso. Prlco tO:conts p~r Taolct. prod uce more milk and butter. · It fattens in one fourth the usual time, a n d saves food . .I D O LL.4 H JIO X C O N · T ..fl.J\"S T l rO H U.NDRBD PEB D 8 .. HUGH :MILLER & CO., A Aarlcult.ural Chemist.i;, 167 Kln& St. East, Toronto ho.ud. !'or :r1rn,le by ~------- ~ W :11!.tCfl ! ---- -- TWO OR THREE RESPECTABLE to person s can obtnin boa.rd by applying ~'A REW EL\,, THE HIGHEST PRICE IN FOH H IDES. CASH J. HIGGIN.BO'rHA1'1, Dl'llggist, Bown1anville. a.s general servnnUI in a s1nall fa1nitv. The man ,vould require to und erstun (l gard c nlng nnd ~he care of horses. . For 11arUculars ti.VP\~;. ~3. S P . A.LDL~G. EE!q_,. St;ugog Streel;, Bo'\Vlnnnvillc. Augus~ 21, 18'12. 1-U'. A MIDDLE-AGED MAN AND WIFE, 3-tl'. MRS. JOH N l{lug S t. Bo\vn1a n v illc. - - - -·----- --- -- - -- ·- - -··- !!iorief y in rnan. v.ille. ·L ADIES A:ND GENTLEll1E:N, 1 DAN A'S For ~ al e . 3 firs t-class workmon wn.ntcd-non~ other need apply. .ANDEH,SQN & CO, Bow1nanville, Jwio 21, 1872. P A EN SHEEP MARK . ;c:-c::-:---=-:-- D.AIJ, y LIN :1£ -· American Org ans! LJNG to <LS~dst in the forma lion of n. C: horn l Socict,y i n th is to"' n, arc i·ecjuel:!l ed to lc;tve their 1u:une::11vith lho un tlersigne( . J\. i uceti 11g wil1 be c;illod a t an early d ate to 1nakc the p r cUnli naxy a rrangcrncn ts. 'F~D\Y . A itD .T. \VIII'l'R. "P1 ofcssor of l\{m;ic. wn- A PPL EST I I Burden i I i a r e p1·e pa re~1 to JJuy any quantit.y or Good ilfercha.ntabte Apples, -AND- WILL fAY THE HIGHEST P RICE. .B owmn.nvlllc, Ang. 27th, 1872. 5-tf Thiil Guva f3 "'Tfl._Pid cnro for all Skin DisE'allcB, s t.rce1 .at pre!:i"nt oc. :uplcd by J. Christie, Esq, Stntion ll.g fmt. iror particulars enquir~ ot C n.t~, wounds, Dr 1usee, lla.rne, So ro.~.i Ulcen1, Uing· w :::irn1, 'i'ct!cr Eczcmn., Scald i:Lcad, Scn rvy, V\'111, '1'1-!0MPSON, HESE ll1ARKS ARE THE CHEAl'Ab~c.:a ~~ei, , Ilo1 ls, P imples, &c. It poee eE\fl es all thtt Kin g iit. EST.-tho n1ost h~s ting, tho least troublesom e elcaTis! ng 11 nd virtues or Carbolic .Acid, fl. lid 1uost co1npletc ever invcnt:.ed . '£hey w hl cb bne beon rou nd b .v Phys1clan15 every-whore toposst:'i!S carat!vo qualities 1.1.ot dii;co'lflred i u a ny u sed nJld reeconnncnded by n1any of the hest Breeders in Llie Uuited S tates a nd Cn.nn.dn. such otucr ~:i.l 11repara.tion. J?rico 25 cents. ~U$ G. H. Loring, Salcn1, Mat!:;;., f'rel::! iden£ New Englu.nd V\7vo1 Gro"'·crs' Societ y ; .roh11 S. Ross. licnucpiu, JU,; Professor M·. l\filr,s, of tht' State Agr:icultul'al College, Lansing, l\fic h.; Hon . Geo. Bro\vI~ 'l'oronto, Ont.; John Snell, Edmonton, Ont, un ea.cb:Mnr k is sta mped the ownc1 ·'a name a nd the sheeP 1":1 nu rn ber. They will l)e Eent/ret: by nlnil 01· express, fo r only fo 'U1' ccn te each and 'l'hia G.UWLR in tho mo1t rolia.ble and emt!'Lc1ot:& ·will last for 'l'WEXTY YE.A.RS. ' Remedy in c.ll cases or Soro Tbront, Roancncis&, Diprhctl:.., Bronchitis, Itrit.a.tlon or tho lironch1al lS'3!l. Cn.sll must a cco:riipra.ny o.11 orders. 'l'ubc1 60 common' iu this ctmngenbla climate Asthm~. Otl'<Jnsivu J.henth., Ulcerated Guma, nnil AllCHIBALD YOUNG, JR., all <hse.a.see or t ho Mouth. · For Pnbllo Sp"'akex& Sarnia, Ou t C\Ild i:;1nicrs it le i nvalnablo. 'I'hn tn-:1redient11 enI'\ Orders addressed to t1ie·GANATIIA ::>r ST ,\TESMA N tering iut;:, th1 s G11:rgle aro uacd by all Phyalci e.01, Office for any q uantity 1vill be filled ntthc nboveand t0rtho cur6 ol tho c.bO'f<'l d1l:lorderJ$ n ow, nndoutitcdly, the inost popular 1D tho .MaC#rl.Q. nten tioned price, as quJckly a.::i t b.e )fiu·ks can be 1110.. il enndscnt, · ~a. l ' rico 25 cents. STC "<E CCTTAl;E ON LIBEHTY 'XO T ROCH E S T ER. rrIIE NEW LAKE STllJA:lfER 1 t-f , O RSEJVIAN, Vt lll, on or abou\ 1<· 1 \l..ri~ ll f'X t, <.>Omn1enco Ji. t> , reg t~a.1· da.Ly . 1 '~ . · ...... ,e r1nitt : ""t~ ! Leaving Cpbourg e vcl"y n 1v.t1ing a t , ..... .,. ;:: 0 z-f H?pe a t 9 o·cloc kt.for Itoc.h estcr. councctt11g there ~1th Ne~York t..:entrnJ.. N orth ern Central, find. Erie Railway. f1,1r all Pl",>jJ_1ta East, South and SouU1 \.Vest. RET U R N ING, Leaves Ch~r1ot.t.e , Port ofRvches t~r,e very even ing at 9 t;1,ock1 (except Saturdaya. ' \'hen she leaves at .. o (,l ocK ,P. .M., f<>r Drighton), The Steamer calls a t Brighton. l\1ondii.ys and· Thurs~a.ys; at ('.olborno, every day except \Ved nesday ; .at \Vlutby, Ughawa, Dcu·lington and d ay, i:ih uuld freight offer. Ne wcast.Ic, un \Vcdn es_ Dcale~-s in stock: wlll :fiud this the cl:u~u.Rest ~~~k q&~kcst rou te t o Albany, Duston, N cw W . R.CLIMIE H .? - - --·- - - - -- - lllone y to l~ oan. ~[RUN WOOl & fANG~ GOO OS STOCK, FOR S ALE I 'l' Y to hr: rcpo.irl in instalm~nts to sui( borro,vcrs, wi10 nrc u.llo"'·ea to inn.kc such pay 11 1 e nts, in addi tion t.o instalnieuls, as tlley in ay find convenient, 1nR.y be obtained fron1 t h e Ca nu.du. Pcr1nn.ncnt Building ii nd Snving Society, by applyin g to FARE\VELJ~. McGJ:CE & RU'l'LEDGE. L OANS FOR FR01\i ONE TO TWEN . m Priva.Lo fu1JdS to lol:tJJ.. Sohcitor~I3owman\·ille . H H p z 0 H 0 · ' · 34.·t! 'Add res s, R. C, C.>\.H.'rER Port Hope , but 61 ~ I ~ i:::i J.& W. J. Tul'MURTRY &CO. A F U,LL- ASS ORTMF.NT NATURE 'S OWN VITALIZER - A'l genuine ba.s tbe nR:.n,1 ~ (NO'.l' "I'eruviall Hark , 1 \. 82-pnge pam~hl et ft'llt blow· in tho ghv;H. J. 'ro d oto;. ~I-\ ])l'T ;:it.. fn. "E. · J. P. l>i:Ns~roi;."K,l p . t ' . _ _ yew i"ork. Sold by a.U DruggIB s. 1'l'er1 tTtan _V" T Co. h ave now· e omplel.ed their T wenty-First : ea.1·of b nsiness."'ith a eonstant n.n d sti ll increase of _grO"wth. AB Lhe 111auufo.ct.ory is one of the : odest, iL .also . ranks a.1nong the hi~hest in the oountry. During the lo11g experie.nci;i ot' the ma.p.1lfa.cturers, thCy havo steadily added to the ca of then· inst1:11men ts, u.nd hu,yc availed tbemselv~ of every t.ncthod. to- iinpro ve the quality and to increase the m ecb(Lnical facilltics for the performer. .And though they expect to continue tho conrso of improvenwnt, t..hcy are abuodant·lYsaUsfte~ w~th w~at has be~ n done e,nd with the esthnatiou i n winch 111 strt.enlente held by good judges of music . .As heretofore they \viU n sc tho best materials, without rogard to emit, a.nd give every Organ t he moat r..horougll wo1·kmanahip, '!'hey e specially invite compfwiaons as to the quality and volume of tone, and as to the ctfoct! ve 1.nechu.nical appliances. They call nttenti.0 1 1 to the fact tbo.t their Orgu.ns · .:ioltl AT E Xlle1ncmbc1' tho place, two doors Vi' e st of :h!ur· 'l'REMELY LO\.V PRICES, n:';l lo-..v as is !":llnrgcd It ·wlll be tl1efl- aim to give satisfaction to nil " ·ho do ch Dros. J, S. F I R E AND L IFE . for of iu1 inferior sort. }lo.ylng a lnrge, may lavor th eu'l. with a call oithel: at th cu a.nd thoroughly a.ppointed 1nanufa.etory, e1uploy J Gallery ju ing none but skilled wurkm nn, a n(l b tn'. lng 1nadc Snh!licrl be(l Cnpltul . .... . auo,oocni ,ooo .. 9,;;00}000 a minute division or Inbor,th ey nb1e to pr~- OSHAWA OR BOVi'MANVILI E l "nnd11 in .lliandt over .. , . For SaJe. duce Organs a t l e~<;s ratcs thµn moat oompeh· ... ... ..J_ · lll!~A D OF!i"JC]l; Ji'OH. CANA.DA. IN tora. 'l'hey make all styles and sizes or 'l'h oy bellevo, also, Lha.t among o thet' things, In the r rown of Bowma.nville 1 TwentyMON'l':\lEAL. they earned 1~ reput.atio n for f11i r cle<J.ling , eight acres of land belonging to estate of thd they woul d aasn rc cllst.ant puroho.sers that LL DJ£SCRIPTIONS OF PROPER- the late DA.VI D DOWNEY. For para n Organ wiLJ ever lctive tJrnir wareroo1ns w iLh ' TY insul"O(l ut equ itahle rates. Is ola ted noe ir kno,vledge, that j1:1 not in evor y r espect perd,.,.·cllit'i:;"S cnrl. fi-i1·1n r isks t nkcn on specially fav- ticulars enquire of fect or its orab le tcnn~. As th e.,Y ha.Ye bE>fore stated, they intend to seLETTERG RAPHS, THOMPSON & BURNS. Life Im-;uranct1$ grnnted ill all Uie nHrnt approveu re n. fri c1ul in ever y purchaser. Their catalog ue ed 1ne.thoda. Tl1 oci~~ 1 1b11 ut t o 1ustu-e \·v-ill ltcar in .Bo1vnu1. nvillc, ]fay 23rd, 1872. 43-tf with full descri})tion u.od accurate CJ\ grn.'\· ings, Photographs in or h·ot J', pl1tin OL' colwill bo sent free t u any a rldress upon upplcation. ored. P hotogro,ptis finished in Jndia I n k or Se- mind t,hat 8ECU R.I'I'\' fillOVLJJ BJ~ 'l'llIL F l HS'I' CONS l IHJlL\.'l'ION. AJI necessary ilifo:· ination c heerfull y fu inish cd. pia, nnd colored eith er in 1!'01· n .itea o f pre n1iun1s, u.pply to the undersign · J\.ddress '!'HE S~fl'l'H AMERICAN ORGAN CO. \'it, 'l'I-I0 1·fP S ON, 'l'i·on1ont St., opposito \ St. , 13-tf. 1\gcnt fo :r.BO\VJ11 a.n,·H1c. Boston , MaSI:!. J . M . BRIMACOMBE, Photo Crayous, '& c. of n111n·v ill c, 'fhoy uro nlso to nni.kc aueral Agent for the Pro\·lncc. DEALER IN G Bownumville, April 10, 187~ HE SMITH All1ERICAN OltGAN Photography I ~ I CAUTICZ N· ,, 11 rr P· U1 - GOODS, A ll D - - MILLINERY. - ------ -- - -- - -- ---- P ·H " QT Q GRAPHS A S.G.Webst erL.D. EVERYTHING NE\V, !STYLISH &. CH EAP .i. \ l'W l.L I TOOJ:: 9J' Tll'.m PETER'S ------ - ------ - WATER O R OIL COLOURS, ALL and Charles Silver PROVISIDNS, F inest F a mily G r oceries, S urg eon D en tist THOSE WHO HAVE SJ.LT .A.ND PLJ.S'l'ER .A.LWATI'! ON H J.N D. M us ica l Library CONSI S'rING· OF FIFTEEN VOLT:MES FILLED WITR CHOICE PIANO M USIC. VOCAL COLLECTIONS. Sll.t ning J:t _gllts. A choi ce collecUon of beautiful Sacred Son gs. ~ llea r lh a n d llon·c, )'li ·e s hle E t:l 1oc.1, and Sweet S4n11111.!, 'l'hree ·v v1umes of easy Songs b y 'Vebster, Persley, etc. Gulden J.cnve.11, Vohunes I. and TI. ~ The two volumes contain n il of \.Vill S . Hays' Songs, Prl ccleJJ.11 Gen11, A collect.ion ot'beauti· tul Ballads by W, Tho1uo.s, KcUer,t:J eLc, KI~DS OF VIEWS, NE'V TIN SHOP I N BOWMANYILLE. l nhal ii JNGIXtl, Jt I A.NO, TIOLIX, Ja.t.JtM.ONllllU Such n.sviews of R esidences and Gurdens Croquet o.ntl Pic-nlc Groups, l {oracs, Cattle, .£.c., AN D TffR 'l'HEOit~ IGROCERIES , 0 .F ::t1CSIC. LAND . 'l'eo.chcr of the above. Application for t erm1:1, &o., to bo made to l\f e.'3Sl'.il. R. & H. O"Ht~ra. S to.t.lo ncrs. 42-3m. x J OHN CAMIDGE, l\1US. DOC. , ENGF irst 1·1 ·ize Cultivato1·s. r~producl'ion of oltt andfadedpict1o·e&. ~n_:anvi-!_le, Jun e fit h , 1872. 45-tf. . w J >a.r tlcnla1' attention paht to the copy#ig Wood Fol' Sa~e. W . G. RE_ E D, J\IlJCH P LEASURE IN INI I AS 1 ron 1\1 ma the ofDowma.nville aud s1n rou1Hl l ng countl'J' tbnt opened J1 c li t'!.$ FR U ITS, Ml!ERSOHAUJ\f AND BRIER ROOT PIPES, AND ALT " KINDS OF The highest price paid for !utter &Eggs. T EETH ~IQN A R'I'IFICI A L ~ That don't fit, would do well to itve him a gQJl. out <'L New 'l'iu Sho p in tho 8to1·c .Y occ.upied by Jolin .Allen, l'Ol'ue1· of T era, or l.n one lot. A p1iIY on the nren1iaes, hantl a well ;;e)eu1:cd s t or:l;: of stovc'n. J ,tp· tb e attention of form ers to tho on e-horse a.Tid J .A:l\'.IES Y ~AJ.E . a11:oed,11res~~cl and JJl<1 i11 'l'iuwft.· r c, . Dn.rlington, July 3. 1872, · t ·w o-horso Iron Cultivators Ulu.1n1faetured by him, 4!J-tf. \VJ1ic h he will sell and 'Yhich f1,1 i· six years obtained J1 reit 'Jlrizes "ClIEAl' AS 7'.[[E CHEAF'ES'J,'." ut Pi·ovincial and Local FA.irs. 'J'hey a rc undoubtedly the best hnpl ement of the kind in uee. Lumber and Shing-Jes :Speeial nt.lcntion pnid t o o.nd '\\ in l· ver .r short tim e 1n u L "O Lha u rep:.1.y their co1:1t, iu the offlcie.ncy nnr1 cxccllcnec of theil· UOR SALE, AT l\1Y MILLS, IN EA V E'l'RO UGHIN G AND JOBD ING work. Inspection invited . A. supply of Cultiva- _j_"l:r Dadington . Jt"!iJ' Orders from th e country iu·omptly n.Ltendetl tor!'! no\v on ha.nd for the sp!'ing work, and \vill A . B. CA~IT'BELL. to . be sold at 101vel:lt rates. Dn1·Jington, Nov. 29, 1871. 18-tf Jt,j'f H·i~heF>t price "J}fLid for H ides, Sheepskin s WON HARROWS n~tg~, \'i.'"ool-1Jiukb.1ge, Corner, l'oath ur~ ~uul Horse hafr. of a superior kind , also on lur.nd. Pay 111> :uul Save 'J.'1·ouble. F::i'f' Great iw'.lucc1uen t~ held on t t.u pedlcrs. N. B.- I'a1·n1Cl'8 wRn1,i ng 1\filk Pails 01· Pn.ns BUGGIES AND WAGON S LL P AR'rIIlR lNDEBTED 'l'O '!'HE 'voulrl do ""e ll to call a.:ud exu,i:ubie my 6toc k be· ~on stn.ntly on hand for s:1le. , fore 1Ju.r cJ1asiug cls r.,Y hc re. A s llarc of PuOlic u1Hlc1~i gned t rcC]ueF:tcd to pn:v up before n.r All kinds of B1U.okSn\1th "'Ork done on the the first of .J<'c hrt1nry next and i-;ave trO ub le. p.u.Lro 11age respoctfnl1y solici t cil. 5hortest uotice. A call solicited. W. G. REED. 1~1. '£. IIOSKJ N. 15-3itl. · I. WESTC01"1', Bo,,·manvll Bo1Y ow,nville , Jnn . :.l,187i , 23-tr J~-tr. Bo·wntnnril!r-, J\hu·ch 8th 1 18il. HE SUBSCitIRER WOULD DIRECT rrHE WOOD ON FIF'l'Y ACRES OF h I NG AND DIVISIQN s;TR EE'l'S land, belng nort h half or lot S, 4th con. ])nr. · ~ · hngton is offered ! or sale in lots to 6 u1t purchas- j no,vn1a11villc, 'vhe1-o h" 'vill keep con::>t uJ>t.l.)' on Teeth Guaranteed OF THE GOLD:i.N LION, a po1·feet fit in the n1os.t difficult cases.~ S. G. W. has been v ery tiuccessful In O rn ~ INS'l'RUMEN'l'AL COLLECTIONS. jl TOBACCONIST'S GOODS. AH,TLFIC IAL PALATES, " 'here they have heen destroyed by dlRcase. or thc 1·esult of congenitnl defect . If :roLt val ue your health <l.on't n eglect your Teeth, R EMEMBER THE S'.L'AND, ONE door cast ofF. Y. Cowlc's ; l{inget:recl. ~[AUTlfUl GOlO fllllNGS inserted on ~. ~ ~ Dovnnan villc, June 12, 1872. ne-w principle. A (), G. H:a nning, PRICES tu, MODERATE. P L. SURVEYOR. ORDEHS LEFT ~tien<led nith C. D. Spa ldln.r :taq., fioome formerly occupied by T. J · ·Tonoe. o·er F. MeArthw·'s atorc, Kina- St.,, Bowma.:vtue. 187'!. 171-lf = ~ l'n.t ry Jo'l1· ge l's, Jl nitic Ch·ele, and Youi~c P Jan11tt. 'fhree volumes of vcryrll ea.ay Mu~ic for young players. Pearl Dt"O)IS a n d lll usJeal Recrealfons . Dance l\fuslc. 'l'·wo coUeotions of moil er -trJ a te difficulty. PleusattL Mc 1no.1:'les~ A collection of beautiful -piece s by 'Vymau, Jv!uck, Dressler, etc, Gold e n Ch.J.n·c s. A collectfon of brilli-h ~ &nt po.rlor l\f u,~ic by CJ1 arle6 Kinkel. B rll llautG cn1s. A. s plendid collection by \'ilbrc1.A1lard, Pa.oher, Kinkel, etc. ' Price, $i:.50 p(J1· v olum e, elegan tly in cloth, wlth gilt side~; $2 in plain olotl1· til.75 h..L boards ' .A.cldrCf:IS, J, L . P E'l'ERS, w9 nrondway, N ' \ro \'l'OUld call attention to 'l'h e Opera. at l l o:w1c, u collection of over on13 · h undred beauynu t ::; p~n. ~"'·:~a . _Pric~, ~ 6g bolllld8 Y.W b. ·loill and giU. ~.:.·ado p <', :j4.

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