· C_,_i\_N_,_4-DI..AN STATESMAN, 130\VlVJANVILLE, THURSDAY, OC'rOBER 24,1872. General Sew1ngMac~ine Agenc~ Farm Property O"\-VNE1.~S TO OF -\ND- DET.ACHED ESIDENCES ;\fARKF r BUILDINGS INSURE10URPROPERil lN1RB Agr1cnlhu·al ln!!tll'ance Co -AN D- J 13 m[1JH<:"8S lect a. con;::,h OI col] ] o vovvr sht>ht Consu11 1 lOil lll(l.Y foll ) 1nd t11ough fJ<r TVista s Be I.la '.f t 11 l Cl 1 has fre quently cured thu~ 111 11,;h he dP. 1 d t$ 8 l :>e it aln1ost u1;\ aua.bly cu es the prunn.ry dl.Seases of the thron.t lru gs ,.,1 1 cltc::.t where other iuu1ed1cs fa 1 ill "\'\!SE TO D !l Y - H "' T Jrlc.:J\ii::rRJ: CH P1es1 lent \LU A 'I 11 B II fa1 n 0 nl:'> D11ecto1 Corner PUB l Corn for Sale, )1we 1-/al.f Yom llfoney BO\VJY.IANVILLlD, I Read MarineINSURANCE Store \ u get "\\Thole 1G3ltf 0 I 01acked· j ol<l and ;)be l Company in<:: ires no f 1g b t Farm ProptJrty lnd detach d Res Uences an.d Tss 1e~ Pol c f!S n.t GrC'ntely Reduced Rn.tes ASSE rs $500 000 00 ~rHIS Office for Canada w~bl Krngston T 0'\ ESr ( URRENT RA rFS WE 111 consider Tt ll the of strengt11 and po" er h ut a\\ l.rc thtt1t is t ls sane ulu u.ent 11 the systen1 that g \ ::1 us 5t"ength a1 d VI;::, l ;:tl d that an ll11;U ffi crenCJ of it ca.uses "eak ncss and debility Thu Peruv n K:;; rur a p1(tox1de of iron is p I a.1e<l exp1essh to supply tlus v1tah:i:1 ng elenicuL - r:Ih \t I eop e F.I I the dra tiu purge an l the terrible suJn ants of fift:... I years ago is n oof that theJ ~Ie ha.1 cl to kil I ri 1 o inot t of n1odorr: n1edic::t.l 5c1encc \.rER1: 111.RD TO KILt OPINIC)l'J ( o nc Sto t tlll Bo :or-mnn " L Q K M A C I 'f>.r " J.. "i. Deposited ~1th the Finaaco .M1n1s trr fat &pee1al benefit of Cans.du1.n ?olit.:~ l..iohlera over $100 00 Seo ti a foll wing Cert fi cates - .i--._ _,_'i._ N J) v\T h LL R TJ l ' i - s" to certtf1 1hat the Agr cnlt tral Jn sur tnce Company ha" in g depos ted in the l st1ds of tl e Rec(I ver Ge t c t\l of Canada. tl.:Q :illrr of F1ftJ four Tbousa.n l n --~-~---~ ......,,, , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _<ffCIT ______ ~---- drcd vn ed tho dc1let11g ht11cut D. CI-iEMIST I l( IJan1es Morris, AND DI \J l It IK Dl=(UGGIS7 and no 1ernuly ut 01 d:i..\ IS so cnt1rulj in hnr1non:;; with thrn philautluo STUO'V - T011'7V I:f.11LL BiJILDTH,<;;, n1)1JiJJ1.ANVTJ,l 1. :18 to cl\r y uu tl c bus neils ln Cana1a of F1re Insurance Datetl at the City of Otta.WI\ the 2nd dn.\: of J ne 1870 JOHN LANGrON for Mu.: ">ter ofF1nanc:ie This is to certify tbnt I ave been n.cq· a.iI)t d w1Lh the Ott cerfl ari d ::\{anagcrs of the Agne iltural Insurance Cotnpany fo1 roan Dollar~ in Un ted States ~d by the Act of Ou.nad11 sec .. 2 ts hereb' 1 r.n lEC<l Prre R n hullds n.s re 31 '10 cha. NOI DE pie logtc as DR DEPEVi S :MEDJCA L V!UIORY In t'1 s poweDful 1et JT\T1M LESS 'ECETilLU llE6TOR\TI"\T dvspeps1a billions co)nIJL.1nts. and all diseases of the 8tomach ]1\ei l O\\elsand ·H~IVCf:I encoun tcr an 11'1 es1shble rtnt1dote DRUGS, MF.DTCTNES, AND CHEMICALS, flR Pn.tent lvled1cinos P e1fu lj P.r1 s lC$ )Jl. g 011' Pn nt Brus!"" Coil 0 I und Co;l Oil Lamps c ar ~c CUTTERS SI.<EIQHS NY. $.'.[YT E 'OESIT I D years 1t (i also \'i ltl the b JS 0!;31;; operat101 a of tl e Company fl.nd l av~ no hcs1tn.t on 1n tecommcnd ng it RS It J?0rfoctlj safe and re. 1 ablo Con pany aod its Officers na com1 e tent and hono o.ble b <:t\UC9s men and as 1L s 1e~ I tncl ed Dw lh gs and bns $530 000 Assets I con Jcr t rCfq, ons bl e beyond nt y cont n otl gl) t ]Hu P OJ(l1ty und d~ I g'='ncy lEous \_NDS of peopl.., ate now c"'relcss ly a.llow111g then $eh es to drift thro 1gh the prebminar' symptoms of co118U lp 1e fa t al delusion tl at the\ t1on nuder t 1 are troubled with nothing but n. sl1ghi coll IIo ~ nocessary IS it the1 tnat a cold sh(}uld be car"d foJ fron1 1ts inci1 en C} and evtny oxert·on 1scd to 0 et rid uf It BrJ ans P lln10111c 'W :tcers will stop the h01ck1ng co g'h. n a fe'i'i nunutes :-:.nd by their influence o l tho l r )Ilchrn.l and pulmona1y 01gans ~u fc irs of danger ous results will soon be drn"'1pate\1,-b1J-t PY Y"IOHNS PRE CJHPrJO"R f \Hl E Ul l \ C:OMPOU!< m n AND \LI oum ns >' ~>< > WEI ED ! I ~ D D CAL\TN M P P "\V have l:XnmiDed nto tlie condition and conm crL 1 ng of the Agr ct lt1 Kl Ji a runc.e Uomran\ nnrl do fully concut with Mr o,., en 10 rceomme rl1 g 1t to the F tr ne1s ot ttns Prov1nl_;e a.s one perfectly safe an 1 rel ul e 1n \\ l.Licb to insure thei r propetty ~t11n [(etc and of th· I fin bail ~took '&.,,,,,_. 1 a> nte? .s and P.7 J u;~ ue>t 11 ul·vy i t1i f o i t7 ( o it y c U 1 l o 'r Stock n; i'\fPd'I: 1 cs co n ALL KJNJ;>S OF B ACKSM:ITH SATISF i_( ~ yV, -RK~ ])0~1 Mm" ts w l h t<l 1seU olive 1 e o ::. to Stocks and Stock o to be the be t :IHosr.s 8nn1'rr D ltl1ns C1eel I s Oil to l e tl ob 8L l l l L\ \ m } Flourmg Mill fo1 l 1( t l a.ting p urusei:i Ont I OU.TL\' J 0 CLARK Banker J CAI RU'[ HERS&. Cc. Omo A K1nKPJ.TRlCK n M Bn1rTON' We v. ould refer you to the follow ng gen ln rega.rd to tl e tespons b I ~y of tOO t_;oi:npanv -D Fi::.her Ei:>q Cnst er of tl e Ontnr11.; Pa.nk Jno 11.l cl Pod }1 P P J B Fa rba LL Esq Postmaster J E Farewell Esq Barn3ter Agent for Cobo ig and v1c1n ty ~lcmcn find IN A SDPERIOJ;t 1 :MANNER ot lrl ratl e I a'\ e Stoel s Oil than an) ever u~ed nm:; e::q er ei ee of 20 :i; ea :'E:I At the Ironmongery I SOMETHING LO' G W AJ\'I ED BY EVERYBODY OR - ~ "" 1 \ ·\ 11011 "\ OU · w ant a.nythu g 11 the ·o" !me give JAMES l\IORlHS a Fui eu tt ro B ow & Pnternou \Vh1tby Ont Gli 0 { lE IlLAKE call au! ho l suit ] ou 18 ly One door'¥e t cf t.hi.: Ontu1 o Bank Sewing Machi ii_e I they must be taken tune Svld druggists and country dcaletfi cents per box i t O} ,JJ nowmn. v ll~ Oct 10 18 1 E\ J:>,UY OI\E E.I~ OR. DER: @WN .P \l"'TER' TOOK TDE JclllST PRIZE w R CLI:ll!E ville Deceu:ibcr ti 18 WlLI IAM T FISH L0cul .Agent at Rowman "\VHAT II UL\.IMS 10 BE AND TO DO - l'bLr'LE~OD'B Tho Great Shoshonec8 ltem dy clalm::; tu be purelJ , ege"a.ble It clauns to cont.a1n gro1 ter curing anrl he tln g properhel:) than iny othtir lterucdy 01 C J:npo nd ever duicovcrud It cla1n1s to ha\ o I tiI fortned n1ore Rad rnal Pern1n.nent n.n<l. :\..s to111sh1n<V Curef:I "here it bas beon Hl use th 1n all othe1 netl1c1nes or co1np ouJ ls combniecl lt clauns to le med bv regu lar phJ Slt.:HLHS and to lun c 1J..,en ~lupped hnnLli:eds of 1uilcs to th en It chuns a inost supreme 1 ow er in R:t.chcri.lly on l Pern1ancntly Purifying an 1 Enriching the Blood It. clauns to restore the Lun(l's fronl t}1P. .ii irst a1 d Second t:Stn.g s of Bio 1 eh1t1s and Con:-;u1uJ.Jt1on to Pe1 feet Health etc etc and to yo l wo say lrJ it HO(TP,13:' te and find it 1fo.ngor Ont Osh11wa Ji eb AND VILT_,A PAINTS, I I>rcpil.red Ior iu 1netl1ate use and noth1n 0 but the pute$t ~iater1als used and re qu i1ng no further nnxturc of oils Turpentine and J)ryers \.T THE Cc1cbra1cd Bradllllr! t Piano JF01·tc. IS 1 THErn ( OMl'OtsIIIO:t\ CONSISTS soLm OF - Pu ' ColOJ Pu e Ir lute Lead Pu e H Info Zinc L,nseecl U·l Spii it< Provincial JExJub1twn of 1 u1pentinc oml Di yen ca1 efully arul scientifically conibmd The cons u11e1 can SULE PROl RI,; TOH S'IOCK BROUGH \M \_GB~ ONT her~qt11~::1L)bLJ I a'\ u anv clei:: 1efl ~l "OP. of Colo ea.tly p tt up ln Ca is and nl wi1hthel?::int1 n lr1Rb nRthewJkc: n ha l re iy n 1 i::.e f ... .J. HI b.,.: L iy neinber of lus housel old J on TJ E DOM NTO?<; c10G ..t'\. tt ' ' EDSTEH Dos: 13li '1 01onto PURE V\11-IITE LEAD. A l,Lrge stot.:k Just iecen eel for Autumn Pamtm.; nnpm ted duect from the English l\: ! :anufactmers, mcl 1dmg J tl,.:\fES Gcnumc and celebrnted Rooster br,~nd- Gll<U inteed pure AI SO -6.Jl ·Ion ln1d Colorn Oils > arnishes and Pamters l\fotenals Cai n.1d seo ho\v chaap a House can be Pa1D~ed and Dec )lated tor r.11 these oods \\lll be solu t red ceu .figu10s IB 801 T GIBBSOl aw.a Ont 'l:'.B:IE 54.t:h YOLU:i'l'.B:E' 1 rn12 i °' C u··l of' Than Ii s :Fl.. P E A I>.[!> 1-2~ TAILOH in1c o s customers nn l f 1cnd" and wo l l beg f so. t1 at he hrts ren ovcd u the co nor of 1...._ing a l On tar10 streets v; here l ·will be glad to "'ec ri.s 111 -i. qf the i:ood u tt red t l good tempm e 1 ones as please tog vc hi n a cull Bo' m.a,n Ile No'\ <Nnd 18 l °"'XTOCTLD REiiPECIFUl f,Y 1' l 'IURN 1 is ~nnccre tl anks to 1 n RE 2000 (,\l TONS M"-.CHINE OIL OF DIFFERENT KINDS Threshers a id all part10,, req uir ng s 1ch O]l are "'pec1all r i 1\iited to ntapec the v u1ous q_11al hes-tl e i1ico being fr tclow an;: hlng c\cr offored in t]113 m:irkot 0 I 1s 1 onl~ a co1 flrmntion o I he c 1 c ie Ocne<l by the Great Co.1 ndLOJl Publ c and pro' cs c01 cl s vel tl st f i.uuOKllli Dy E , r l 1 ~ s <]1chcrnnot be SUl")U scrl for cxcellen y of OF TIIE L 00K "i\.I.4- ;'\ O\" ~n A L OTilERS qii't~uni\n "~~~r1 ",~~~ti°!r ~hn~ ~r;~~c~";Pc,' .tFR &; H 0 H ~R \. "holes ile and H.etUl lect101 of Agents Also agents for Gue ph Sen.1ng l\Ia DRLGS clu.ne Co Gto' er f:' Bu.1tc Si ger Ho vc and CIIEMlC \L< \\ 111 ans Machine "\Ve J ~., r. n.lso on hand P '1EN1 MEDICINES nnusmrs coMns a full stock of the LirII 1: VV A..i.'lZER !l{ach 1 f':~ SHOULDER JJHACES Persu ~ ot snhsf.ed :v th one 1.incl ~UlPOHIER~ &c &c change for any other in <le ofthu tv din., OIL, C c1n a1 f NOlNUE t1 I he 1 a t.ed stock ot G TU o D lg Al .... lly f;lclected l Gt~ IN J!l f) 'A' 1:11 AM, Justheli n.t 'Ioronto o er tl o most rotiol'fnc ('JfEl\UST iND DRUGGfoT Sew Ing Mltt h u t.ln l the world among '\ l lol Ebi5 P. E ~PJW1FllT11 TO AN we e tl e celebrate l l{o \ e Vi l lcr & Vo. n nd 1 ~a d B ocl cccnc n ~ ll as Pure .H:ngli;,h &c of the i 1ost pre-viousl~ lIO! JOll'N SJMPBo?; S OF (!\ ION F TIIEffi MERTl S Mes s ~ 1 Bff\Ytn a 'illc Sept ;>th 18 D R & Ti 0 UAR\ Gcn0ra.l Agents Bo n 1u1v llo ( ONT.\.RJO BA:NK PAI~TS no1 on> NEDElO'l 600 COOK, PAHLOR H '\LL linw:ire in the County of .U rrna.1n Delling on DlUlding Dowman Ile ~ugust \ND BOX 81 OYJ S Ca.1r1 gv Goo lt> and ' \'.RN f""'TfEH antl \\ IIITrI E ~D SONG EOH J FIFTY kine Ir cc $7 0 per E A:0~1~~ ~:r~o~: woRP~~4:1¥ rwo h u d d new and ~ au1vm::, and no,, on Exlnb1t10n The largest ond chear est stock of Gen°1 l Ifordw.re fl 18 1 The Osborn. J 0 IMPSO:-I OF' 1HE dozen 0 I~ ~ :.~ C01l is ovcrsUBSCRT -en'S o [ Er.Fns l\1usrcu :rvloN rrrLY are gettrng t1 e.n: i\t c fo1 les:'I th L tv. o cents 11ccc Ihosl.! lolave1ot see t.l JOJ:IN J\icJ,EOD. Fl OM \V 1HOMPSON ESQ DJREUTOR HARD TO BEL,IEVE. 'True Nevertheless 1 ----·o---- L CORNISH B Ul JJll IH TIO'i 'l.L 'l.)l A.[ I<\.!\ BANK IoROi\ 10 tr uch 15t11 1870 l\t:E SRS R & I-I 0 H l-: - cto I & R OH> to tt'.la l ers for s.., ce fo GitOCERIE8 VERY CHEAP. I'll otscc. G l) WI:-< TERR ·S COJ\'U 1 ONG EVE"J1' GR 'RF. HF.RF. PlO~PlH1 1 'i ABOLNDS ADNO\ ISJlr. l.M.IJ ood Coolung Ha1su s only 5 cents a pour<d, md "till che 1p er bj the box JL '->UM MER DHY GOODR at cost. -1.. out ofrcpu. r thaJ other watches l Jc:; iua 1nore accurate tin10 1 ccpcrs "-Y' A f:IL i:tl "':i. ) (Jo 1 the J: acto1y with eve \ v.:atch Bowinanv1llc Sept 20 1871 nrnm1' ~ltE LESS LIARLE TO (,E'1 OTJCE IS REl"U:B1 on E.N IHAl an) IN h ted by n y iliw.n Jumes Sulley 1 will 1 ot bll reij); one blc for :i. so \ debta cou VI TI I IA~! SUI LEY Dt1.rhngton J me 12 l S 1 ,t:autJon ! ! Caution! ! ! 101';lUll$( ltlH:Cl<Olt JU:OORE'S V them at Elliott~, for a short time at the old pllce~ ts the tlme to secme wnat you need. I iOf l ON .md Woolen goods are ad>anc111g but 3ou ran bm Now !Yohce. Rural Nevv Yorker 1HE G IBAI )11.JlUN\. L .FA,0R1TE Z.a11n and .Firesule PROFUSELY "f;Veekf; J H IZ \J3ETH C 'WICER Bo-w1nanv1l e Jan 9th 1 7... 24 tf ed rl'HIS CELEBH \TED Ai iC:FTI :-IE ..l.. now beer tested be~ on 1 all 1 l 1 th t of the p1 bhe s that. to du ILLUSTATED l])tll'·eic- ttion GJf tlnc ln~11gon.i.tmc~ oJf s~ ~e1n, fl EJ'\1LLJ\II N m w,tllt of ,i nedt fittmg ::;u1t should can t T eml) at Elliott s Fashwnable Ta1lormg l ::;tablishmont I 1 .. .nul H ELLI01~T, Jr. Robe~·t Young, GRAD IJ:!i$ SOid a t j)J·itC Royal COJ\fPANY. J:~IRE l' UA.rJ of tho Ontario Veter1n.flTY COllP.gri 1 ega ton fon tl e 1h1:1,b1tants of Bowma.J:lvillc n ds1'101nd1 gcomtrytlatlolasconmenccd t.he pra tke of l: s p ofcs ion lll d Ca.I bo co s llt..:d ns to tbe di cases of 1 o es n. 1 ca,ttlci t GI( H [ '\ c 'Y oft ce Klug <::treet Bo na ' le 23 tf '!:TETEUIN \Rl'. SUHbEON abo.sf 0Ile·ilal.f.·t1te C\t t!11cr Jll.1~la1nCt.'f AND fEMPOR UW OFI ICES Corner ot· St, Paul and J<'rancot" X;n ier >;,treet!!i. 11pltal ,t.unn11llnco1nc r 'fer Fnntls tn !Jnntl O"\ r I I HOSR1" !HE P1'IOE m OTIIEU ~{AClllNl!S DOING THE I IICE \.\ ORIC Is cqua.i.1;1 nt hOJ )e on as on fl c goo ls ]{as car 1cd off p1 tzes NY QllAliTI'lY Ol GOOD CED~H leatbt:ir R wl!; tL 1 Posts for an.le e1the1 at the stump O\.<' 11 ~ 1-fowe :>-:. ngcr LocJcm~n "\\heeler & \'.~ 1lson Vi anzP.r Ila) mond &i.:.. t::ir \ P eifc t 01 del '\ ered JAMI S >EAL Ji.fa.chi e G uu anteed o no aalo lot tth( 1 Darington Dec .J.th 13 1 HIW' V-cm.a· fi:uls :uul Prn;tl'I. A L 11.Vm. JI.~ ow<>, B. A If,.{,. B, _Jt r ~ \\ Sol SLc &.c :FIRE DEPARTMENT. .All dcsmlpt u ~ of p opert 11 s1 cU ttgu1net J 0"8 or Damage by Jj l'.l.tmode1atora. .es I OSSJ<:S PHOMI JI y SE rl r ED 1urnoUT HEFEln !\CE o 0 THI HOME 01 FICE B ARRISTER t rnD \TTOHNEY \T Jll CJ L ~tu) ill l Insolvcnr::v UllD '.IREUH i'1 lJI o o tJ her Street Do lon1tG n1:\_ I~" ct R 11anv llc ::.y16:i:l LJ:FE UEPA&r:;:cEJN r . Pulley holders Beside IJ 1:1 T t ge Pa. u l l ( ap ht.l of tl e Co1npanyf '.\.ss 1e1s htt.\.e <\ 11 1 v al Securit) in tl o C ~ J::HITED Lil.BILI l Y or a N" ealthy? -opr ctnl'y r1 e Spec al Llf~ A.ssur11nce Fu l io a.mounta to tonns snd unqucstionah1e sccur l) Il:nalaoo~, Asourn.nc( on Lh cs gi l c 1 on fa voural le oife U to iliow J,ot<il, Ho'lt Jlh· .. ~m c d 1 nalNe\.\ YourerOJll e Ncwl'o kCtv !'iitll 1 A ht "Hi. soIREE S To Let 'T'ha Pun'lp Shop. ~~ lllA Poil' 111::; .tHLL ST PPER"I l'UTIIW DINJ'\ERS a e tl c bc<it a 1 s n1i l st 1 ore durn.l lo eli ble th u a y otl er B gl t b. ea 1 ud Larger u1 a_ wo k' 1th great case \\JU do k 1 ls of dou1est c se v ng t a perfect! sat:~fa e to1) n nc1 Has taken fu t lJIIze 'be 1:.-v ex.h blted $6,G03,Q10 TlIJJ: SL }I Ob llH HORSE PO'vV] R & LA I lH t'tt ptese11t w 01ked hv thP sub E SILvEH B o'\ :m.nn-v Ile 11-1 1 2 l ti 1 $736.~00. l av1ng l een n.ddel tbe.reto"'s are' Jtofthe B lS ine&& of the I tst Y ca af e1 tl c I lY nent of all Cle.ims f ash llonuses .A.1 n rlt es uJ d Expe1 se8 ef evcrv Dl!IHC l t1on Tablee of R il.e~ P1opos11 Forms an 1 full nfoi Tiation c \.t be obt 1 W o app11cation to the n ers -"ncd II I ROU'l'H l~ l BfiiDJJ \IL Ch of Agente for Canada A PERRY :Eu e lnspecto I OBEJH ARMOl: R '\go11t at Bowman illc N B-fhe:fina·n cialpos1l oftle R JaJ1s11 l\t'I wa.) atrcotcd b\ tJ e ~r.r:nt .Fi I'\ i fl ij;O the Compa1 y ha'\ ing no Age t do n"' busine s n \ ;b&t sc b er Poss SB101 give l lmmediatelv Onlv b ness of the Ju l t o - 1 lientJ of Cl s1.om rare c1 fl.nee fot ~ ..,ood 1 un1n1 akcr \Vontlcrtul cnre ot Dl!ll asc. n,ung l Hool~ B1nd1111'\". A(, ENTS 11 A.NTED E"\ ER Y WHERE SPJ 1£).l])l]) JNJJUCli;Ml N l~ l :u·u1 ~oa· §ale ] AlPlJ ZIN ES P-1.1 pblets ora lyth1ng in tho book line "'hchtleyv. shtola'\e bo ll l:f1 t'l tave their or lc1i'! filled n tl e e it.est ll. d1noet llunble style andonthosho1tcst ot c l;;Jca'\i gtJcn attheSTATESMAN c fllce B ugalong~olrbnd T C BlW\\ 1' 'Er scopuJ Motl10 l f!t :?ti ruet P.n I I ::>EltSO.NSili'vH\h BOO'<S 'lfAGA '\V R (I D!Jli:' For tei n.!: atu 1ple>i. of ·ewlng GUELPH sEwga C:o n.i:yl~ l£Ac11nEcoJ: GUJUPH ~\N\DI C1tt DINSMOHJt; ol 3m !I j tl ~ Countlea otDurba.m W ~l~l$fAl Ja!"R & .B: Ol:IA..RA \:Vlolesti.le ngeob Ontario and Vldo1 i.rt 1 tf!:tl'nfln.h te Li\"9 a~nt~ tt