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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1872, p. 1

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· l!tg ~anahran $ tattsman 113 pr nted and I ubl lied Etery Thnr§day ll lorn1ng by the Propr1eto WM. R. OLIMIE a.t the OFFICE-Post omce Block KTh G STREET BOWM \.N\ ILI E ONT VOL. XVIII. BO,VMANVILLE, ONT., TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBEI-t 149 1872. Joe nodded and a11llled m a inean 'i'ay as one does vheu he feels 1 ke n slande1e1 and a tra1t01 Clara lid not return the salute ROCK OF AGES So d c IB mad thought .Joe and I e ga. e ti o 1co another k ck that sent 1t sp nmng to tho fence When I c reached the sci ool 100 n I e fo ncl the ' r hng exercises had co1n n enced a l the teacher stai d nrr b efo1e ti e blackboa cl 1th a 11t of cl alk l l 1s fin 0 ers Ola a Saud "" rnrm g herself t the sto,e v1th her fl r t ppet over I er sl oil de s look! g 'e1y a 1 mated ·nd lovely afte1 her brisk e\ cniri..g walk You ill take you1 seats as so 11 as yo t can the teacher said impatiently as Joe ca1ne Ill clus ng tl o doo1 be] n 1 1 n w tl a slam Ola a moved to va1 d ti o desks and placed I er cop3 book upo1 ti e or e she I was to occ J J 'I hen 1t occ rred to l er th t sl e I ad b o ) t no lamp as the otl era ha l don0 .,. Perl ri.1 s so no o e pr ese t ca H are tl oir I ght 1tl JO suggested the teachor Nov Clara bes1de:t ben g a comparat1\ e strru ger to of tl e scholars present ~as [ ossessell of a degree of me1 tal an l u oral c lture ti t often tends to keepmg the mult t le aloof from the I ossesso1 Th1s vas one rcaso1 1 erhap.s thn.t no one of her o u sex made ti e des rod overt e of k dness to I el ll!ark rose I m a le surely v y fast " ed a tallo candl nto o e of ti e pot to I olders he l ad tho fo ti ou0 l t to >kc and 1th a bow "' d a " t blc ar olog) placed tho ! omeli b t cry suitable ap r ara.fa.: s where t vas needed Next l e 1roduce l pair of old stJle 1 on snufle s w th vh1ch I e na l J ulat d LI e vick a d then placed tliem bes de the ca ldle fo f t ire JSe TJ ere e1e i;; li l resse l so in<ls of ne1i nent wl c l a t cl es wc1 o exl b ted but J oe s laugl was d stmctly heard Claro lo kcd up nto Mmk s face and s n led w th a pleasant 1 g1 t u he CJ cs that I a rnte l Ma k all ti e even n· 0 E eryt1 ng ~ ent n s uoot1 ly for l alf THE POrATO CANDLESTICK :u hour 1:hen Clara fot id it nu essa.zy to tIJ the old no sn llers a 1d mado BY C W FLA~ DEB;; most It d 010 8 fail re 111 he1 atte1npt to clip the w ck off the candle Tl en ti ere was a other ill bred titter aro nd the room vh1ch made the poor g rl s fu1gcra tremblo au<l her lips q mer l\'.[ark went to I ei help and g:ras1 ed the back snu.tre1s as if he as used to then as he v·s 01ce M:ark Goodruff yo l may take yom ong copy book an l s t hem yo 1 can keep t! o candle n order \V1tho t so n ch conf s on said the teacher This vas the "a} Mark ca no to a t by SJ c brought 1 M ss San l all "inter hrnp o e or two I igl lB alte1 the first e erung b it Joe p shed t over into her ln.p n br isl ing by 1 er desk and as & s pecte l of do ug it mtent10nally After th · m shap Clara refuse l to me a lamp ~n l Mark al vays bro gl t two can lles a.1 d so tl e snuffer.:; ere m ieg tlar NO. 160 PECULIAR JURIES Once upon a trm~ to be a little At the IronmongeryI SO~IEIHING 60 50 0 13 Pll.ACTICAL RECIPES LONG 'VANIED BY EVERYBODY - OR- me A n" v mode of sshmg hnen has boen mtroduced and adopted m Gorruany 'Ihe particular nearly half a contur~ ago (for 01 erat or consLSts in dissolVlng tw o 1 o nds the editor of thIB I a1 er 'vell r e 1 en1bcrs: of isoap l about thrco g:i.llo a of vate aa the t 1 1e placo a id see e 1\ h ch firm hot as the 0 5 0 0 E-,;EUY Ol'ti.E HIS OR llER:O\Vl'li PAH'!iiEll' 0 08 0 02 I\.&:' L I-:I:OUSE AND ::lTf.: 0 D'S PAINTS, p re8t Mater als used and re t n and Dry c s VILLA Prepared fo1 in n ed1ate use and noth ng l ut tl qu rmg no further nuxture of oils i THEIR COMPOSITJON CONSISIS SOLE} OF - Pu1 e Ool01 Pu e Wlnte L ead Pi 1 e W7 ~te Zinc iM oeed Oil Spints of Tu1pentvne wnclD yen carefiilly an lsm ' I c illy corribinecl w.s Doyle, JU D rhe cons uncr 111 ha. e ny des red sl a le of Colo1::3 e t ho reql res to b " wit! the Pa 1 t s a B sh as tho ork by any n ember of I IS Io sel ld l t b PURE WHITE LEAD A la1ge stock 1ust received for Auit mn Pamtmg 1mpo1tecl direct from the English Manufactm er" mcludmg JAMES Genwne and colobrnted H.ooster br md~Gu u rnteed pme ALSO - All sla1 d>rd Colors 0 ls \ an shes u P ms Maten ·ls C U an l see how che p a. Hol se can be Pa ntc l a l De l t d o all tl esc goo Is l'lll be sold at red ccd G \LLONS M.\CHINE OIL m DIFf EREJ\T KIJ\D~ Ih.reshera and all parties req 1 ng such oJ.l nrr. specially l lVlte 1 to inspect the var10 s qt aht1es the p ice be 1 g far belo v anything ever 01le1 ed tlus inarket 2000 Dl'. Davidsou, of P yslc ans or Un "'erslty of Victoria College C rmduate and 1 m an ot the Toro to and University of Q K n~ton membe1 of tl e Oolleg and ourgeons of Ontar o SUl dence also IC ng St1eet Secon l ::.\iayn u-d s J!otel. G LEGE RADUA'IEOF THE HOY AL COL EnglaJJd and oul'g U dor lJn e -st) of ens CoUege of I hys o ans y and Res oo cast of .Mr 16 20 t>OO COOK PARLOH. HALL AL'<D BOX STOVES C i 1 ar:u vmg and now on Exh1 b1t10n The largest and cheapest stocl of General Iln.rdwa1 c Tmw·re m the Co r ty of Dmharn Del ngton B d g Bo ~ a 0 e Goocls J, .E 1eldmg, llll D. lcgc nunv I e: Augt s t 9 18 1 .JOI-IN MoT,EOD VALUE OF SHEEP ROYAL COLI EGE OF M Ell'.[BER ugeons En!ifland L ce a (} I al 011 of~ys ::3 Act ng Rea dent Med cnl Offlce:r Ulty of Lo o:r Hosp fL1 for Diseases of tho Uhesl Office Dr Horrl..m.nn s Orono Acooucheu.r St Ihomas Hospital J..ondon anc. cums Ed nburgh OJ Cul Late Res dent ------------ --- - l1otice-Removal n, D. STOTT, AND DEALER IN REID HAS REMOVED HIS CHEMIST D res deuce to tho house y occupled by ]) Crowlc on VVellington Stroot Surgery at hls old ioatdonce Sil er Stree rom10am to8pm Office hours 16Hf DRUGGIST BOWJYIA~lr'"JTILLE THE 'HL l!ER MINE<> I N BRITISH COLUMBIA Il e V ctor a Sta d d g,ives the follow mg b11ef p It c lars of ti e onderf l d s s i er o o ou Pac tic TOW.N HALL BJILDINGS, DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, G Uni<i; crs Physic an S n &c Office .., Kmg Street1..!1extdoo to Yello vleos& Qwcks RADUATE OF THE toRON'IO t) gA ;:. Dr. A.. Be1t11, Ya.r ety Store J:Sowmn.1 ville On o Dye St ffs Pnte t Med c 1es Perfumery Brushes Combs Soap Pamts and Oils Pamt Brus] es Coal 0 I and Coal Oil Lamps &c &c maybekno"n by o.pplic...'l.tiona .M.ts \'Vilaons Church Street T Sing1ng ltc Orga u at and Co poser ts now prepared to attend and rcce ve 'fiupiL:i Terrus 19 tf EACHER OF THE PIAN 0 FORTE PYYSICI.A.NS PRESCRTPTHlNS CAREFUL LY COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDERS COllRF CTLY ANSWEitED Farewell,lllcGee &ltutled;e, CITORS and Nota ~Pub c J ll F ARllWELL L L B_, R McGEE B \ JAMES R UTLl JJG E B l OFFICE Over Wm J\'.tcl\il r is D y Goods Store second door est of tho l ost Office up st& rs B .\RRISTERS ArTORNEYS SOLI J!!i/J' Fa 'tners and Plvys c a"' f om the C01 try w ll} 1 d u J/ete and of ti e b st q lit Sto l of M e l i es cm S Chesterfield, UCTIONEER FOR BOWMAN A VILLE an l TJarhngton R681 lence r.en Street le Charges Or liodc:rotc 'S Simmons & Clo ugh Organ Co 's --IMP! O\ED-- punctually attended to Q 13 OABINE']~: - ORGANS Tho1nas Stonllouse. .ri AND A f TTCTIONEER APl?R USER Genera Agent Da. l ngton Cc trc on ptly atlionded to UiD Ra,lcs R. D. e Fole~, L tended tl To"\\ sb!p of Da 1 n.itton Sa cs p ompt to Cha gc1:1 n oaera c lUouey to Lend. flleo r ty on t1 e 16 19 ICENSED AUCTION.EER FOR UE UNDEHSIGNED HAVING T beet ll.J poh ted agent to thel' ovinc al Per lJla e t Dwld ng R.nd gs So ety <Jf loro fe Ui prepared to ncgot nte oans o Heal Estate ost favow:able terms J B F '11 BAIRN R Peate la1lor S AND BOYS G ENTLEMEN MEN1S n the NEWES1 STYLES ~ _,_... GAR 30 Lf Cl=> = I Bowman' illc Fob 19 lBGB E = W. R. Chmie, I By a.utnor ty of or General Oftlco at the L REED SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES His Exccllc cy the Go' ern =- - Cl=> Cl=> Land Surve)1ng Grand Combination Organs FITTED '\ITH THE h e sad mov g to vard can Ile \VHY has a short woma Bee use it. 1s 1 n l Ol'l!:I l le for to any family Vi' 1rAT vo Id a pig ao r l c habitat on? H e vo Id tie a kno t a deal! t apg·t J d.o'a. l orders with wh oh he .1.ddxess Bo :vmn.nvil e P 0 March loth 18 1 PROVINCIAL LANlll mBy be fa.vo od - ·Surveyor ClvU Eng necr etc s proparod to N1rnLY IN\ENTED SCRIBNEH. S PATENT QULIFYING TUBES An im ent10u havrng a most 1muortant bearn g on the f 1ture re1 utat10 i of Reed In str imenta by mear s uf wluch the quant ty or Volun1e of tone s e y largely in Imallnglt on Co o B. Sher111 & Co, ofllOOPSKIRTS Boet New Ya k Ma.tor al ueOO Tho s1_l_pplied on bost terme.s W HOLESALE M MANUFACTURERS creased and the quality of tone rendered EQUAL TO THAT OF Till BEST PlPE OHGANS OF THE SAME CAPACITY \\ hy don t you take i t 1 It 1as oost metro ible enough and ten to one f it does not cost me more yet I would rather not say t to you Just now wl en you intended to lo me afa.v rn.otory King Street East Bo vma.nVJl e 16 39tf T ·A toruev Sol c tor &c O:t.nco n Keenan s Block toro FAIHBAIRN BARRISTER & L dsa 01' r I Dea.11 snook t' G. llann1ug, RO'i INCIAL L <lcND SU R'i' EY on C l E g neer n; d Land .Agent Offl ~and reSide ce Lot 13 3 d con Dn.rhngton Alo dern eft at t c ofDco of Robert \. roou E Q prompt 7 a ttended to iO P Robert Ar1nonr, s oe Bow a v I c Iss er of Ma ege L c enscs .Barr ste ang .A.tto ney at In. -:v and Sol c tor n Charcery Money loaned on Real Estate Otttco o Kmg R EGISTRAR WES~ DURR <1,11'.[ .John rt:. Galbt.uth, B L.A. W Office King Street Bown anvil e Agent atDov.; I e fo e Freehold Dw d g ARRISTEH. AND ATTORNEY U man ti l\[o cy to end on fax n eec rt tJ l5o ety St John D. llutches011 Ar'IORNEY SOL!UI B .\RRISTIIB a.nd Notary rstdoor east PostOOice p:ila TOR OFFICE F Public of Ii · R. II I'urner, info t.J e I ab tnnt.s of Bov.. man il1e and ta.rmerS of,Vcst Durhaw. that ho s now prepar ed to atte d Lo u.ny sales that may be en rusted o J n Cha ges mode ate 10 tf A B UCTIONEER WOULD BEG TO sma1 t & Smith, ,1.n,nrnTEHS <lcND UTORNEYS the Ont&no Bank &o l\.'loney fo nveatme Kt a.11 tlmes onmoat fa.~or&ble terms Al 1.1..AJ\ Sol c to s u Cha cc v nnd Inso venoy- Con eyan ere No n.nes Sol c ors !o my dear follow but tl e tr ith IB I prefer not to use vl at snot honestly come by !hats oool said .Joe stepp ng back and g v g hun an 11 <l1!l'11ant e r' ey from head to foot 1 ou must take 1t along ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, to got rid f tl e confo I ded th ng No I an not ;v11l g to lune anyth ng C"' be obta ned n these Organs to do th it Come its ti u~ tu be off fHIRTY FIVE D!FliERENI STYLES FOR THE P.A.RLUU ANO fHE CHURCH Mark took l p somo candles wrn.ppe l QUAIIIY AND VOil MT OF TONE UNEQUALLED t] e i n a pa.1 ei i:md ope 1ed the k tel en door waiting to close it after l s cont !HJ<: BES f MA.£.ERIAJ AND '\ ORKMAN~R.ll pni t n - -o - Joe U1r ist tho cn.Rdlest ck und'ilr h1s arm 1 ttermg sullenly PRICE FROM $50 TO $500 Bl·et me if I 11 ~o to wr t g school FACTORY & WAREROOM~ COR 6th & CONGRESS STS DErROIT 11'.[lCH " th a follow that uses potato d g o ts (Established i 1850) HICE & B \RKF.R ~Gl!NTS BOWJ\HNVILH ONT Mark la ghcd pleo·a1 tly as 1! he --o-U ought h s fr c id was u k g be! c o to · Jk But vhen tl ·> reached the mad ADDHESS SIM~WNS & CI OUGH ORGA~ CO DETHOll MICIIIG.\N and .Joo stalked tl b' J s If I el ca c rr ore scr ot s :i.nd pla:c ng his hand I on ti ' s sl oulder said HALLO! THERE' THE LOCKMAN Come .Joe v hats the se ot growl 1 g about sucl a trifle ~ LL YOU "HO NEED SHOEING come along and get Bnrgams for it s ac I Don t patro1 l e ine I said Joe break kl owledgcd by those of experi nee that ing aw iy from his light grasp ] very IS NOW IIIE body vonders '1hy I associate v1t.h;; o i This ls the Place to Buy Boots Who J.S everybody 1 asl ed Mark LEADING M \.CHINE and Sliues--None Bet te1 look og t p at ti o stars that Yere beg n n nb tu appear nr 1'HE D03fll'.ION OF OAllADA Clara San l for one D d she real!) 1 lSke l )[ ll t rn ng t Toe with n.n ca.~er doubting express on h s lrar k face Yes and sl e s l. :1 yo woro patched boots and sh·bby clot! es m 1N ever rrnnd th e r est Tl e less one I""" about o es self the better vl ether WIT RON BOWMAN & Co good or bad I 11 deserve to ha e the I-lam lton Onta. o world ·1 eak well of me So goo l n ght R & Tl OH.A.RA I .Joe As h s co1npan1on did not choose to r e Agents for Durham nod V ctor a. spo1 d Mark put h s h=ds to !us CM'S fot the mg! t was sharp and started to vard Dental Notice. tl e school roo n v.1th a br f<ll rt n I ve c th mat last Joe oaid kick J, :U. Brunacombe, L. D. S , A\iING DISIOSED OF 11'.[Y DEi'\ mg at a little piece or ico m h s p th as f TAI Oillceto Mr~ G WEBSTER L D S URGEON DENTIST ST PERIOR I ca Vi th pleas rre reco nine d h m to it l e to vent l 1s m thee to better adv ntage He wont get over that 111 a hurry Goll F g!:I nsertcd Teeth extracted qw n g ]us se nces ns a skilful Den st for 25 ccn s oacli An ox c eu I oo h Po der J lBt then Clara Sand tr pped pa8t m T J JONES I D · ro sale Ofii e u 1\.1: CJ ngi:ib ock Do mnn ille J nuory 81 187" comr any with her oousm --o-- Our celebrated V ox Celeste Lo us Patent Octave Co pler tho cl armmg Cello Vox Hun1ana. or Clar onot "l'i1lcox Patent Sto1 s and A I SEWING I MACHINE to @i S H SoM- one 10kedly s.ys tl at the re..,on vhy ery yo ng girls 1s ally t ko tl c l remmms nt f' s for n ak ng goo I b al is been.use tJ1e r mothc ;, 1 ake it £01 tl e while the elder girls th1 k they can age alone and fl!Jl m!Serably · ~]

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