' CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA.NVILLJJ, ~HURSDAY,NOVJ}J~IBER 21, 187'2. P ~-~~-"' -~ - ~'""':'!'~rl~O~V~E~M:""'B""=,~ !i ~""'""'!"""'-"'-"--""~i~·~·"""1~u~;~l1f~ ;"""'"' ~~~~~ 1a~tl~r=e~b~l~o~o~d~a~t~1d;j':;;";~'.::::~:'.'""'!~:::~::-!""~:-:~ -~-:'°-=~-""-.!!-""-~"!lll""!"~ ~ ""!""""!'!' !"'!"!"!!"'""'!!"'!'"!"'"'"-~"""~~..,!"".'~"'!!'-""!!:__!!___!"'! _ ~"!!' -~ -!!:.!!!..!!-!!-!-~-""-""-"" -~ """"!lll"'!'!!'!'""""!lll~!""~"'!!-:::::=::'.'.:::::::::::::::::::::::~'!'1'""!"'""~"""=*'""'!!!!~"""""~ '=""'"~~~·~·~...,....'!;;'~"'""~',""~"""""""-"'-'!-~=!'l!ll""""!""'""'""'""'~~~!"!!!-!!!&!!!'!l"!!!!l~:S! 1 thelloodistlc Jc, 01 111 ch 1egnl1tes our ~[AUTl[Ull I I TO LET. 'J.0 O'"l'iJ;,.h:s OJ;' sp:ir1h~ 111 j c lil Stltuttun If -w e per<:lJ;)t 111 r u lJ I BY A Tr Ill ( A. tu \: Farm Property ing i t' b uocl plu 0 1 e d1sditng:e n ~ r--fh 8 p U ffi Sh 0 p I kee1 i I inserted on o. uevr princ1ple GOln f\l1Nf1S l c JL we w u 1 atu10, -1.uu lre i11va11u.blv _ 1 I 10\ nac<l fo1 om tr >ublc rnd expense 1t ro t>~ l e ., to expost nlate on the nrn,ny ad vau t ~,,, ul3 of sound health E1.1Hl 1f yon are Roomsfo nc1lyoeeupcdby I J iouc ;i O"\'erJi 1\Ic \rthur s Bto1e King St Bowma\ille 1 w , 1 :;earch < f tl c p ec1 H s 0 1ft yon rtre to 1872 1 ~tr o n g y lOC n\ 11 e cl cd to p1 oc tre ::t s111ply ·1 ·l of the Great 13hosh >ueeo Ite m ed~ and Pills and t ike as directed PRIC B;S MODER A TE I w I TH H OR SE l OWER & LATHE I !\tprcocnh\orkedlJy tbosub cnber Po"3e" I I] o rnre chnnce 101 I DET c , [ A RED RESIDENCES. -AND- - E sn ~1 1 IN"URE I OU!l PROPERTY IY THII I Agr1cedhu·a1 humrancei (Jo. SG WebsterL D.S -ANTI- F. E,7 People unacquaurted with pl\) s1 olcgi. . . alchcu1s t ry ue \ are of the quan tity of m n m he blood but all shoHld l 1 1 the 11npo1t ant:c ( f ke epu g up the supply £01 dt b1hty d 1seas0 and <loath are su1e to f llo\~ wl en t1 e quantity bcco111es t ) n uch.1educc<l Ihe Pe1u\La11 Sy1np (a p1 otox ide of iron) SLII 1 hes tlu:s \lltlt'le n ent nil l M r. tu crl n1:tn\ chr 111 c dis eaacLJ Ob v,ane frorn~o l lll l ttoss n o.. fan noon But 1 n ~e the lt:!.nd 'v1th vo 11 hni:;h ne-s6 to Loan. Save H a!f Y ou1 Mone; Offtcc !or Canada, Kingston · ! 1\IcGEE I I &:. l T Oo l tcito s J j ) f LF.f)(_, Fi I :\l'."I V ll t: l1:fH l :>!:J l u1-11 15l , --d tbhright :'\...il Ji or all 1y J y h e.: s cu 1 ncr h Joo soon tl Foi all my JOY bccau 5o o( the ilgl t Ah closer closer the sha.'.J \\ slides A id l eo.n1 ig s1 n "' d ll ti c hi.rht 0 s unmcr hll s 1 one t00 500 1 1se ns gon e , t ~ o soon too soon "e ha\ e of ten wo1 c c1cd v.het11 e1 there s a person i n ., 11 Nev; E1 gla.nd .w ho does I not kno\\ n,nd a1 precrnte the Taluo of THOSE TI 1 1 L f Surgeon_Dentist! \HIO H !I.> E. oc y1 e i tnn.ent as a am1ly 111cd1c1 nc? I t m adap ed to n1ost n.11 pur AH, I I'!<~ .iOJAL '1'EE'I'IcI p ns e~ an d 1s t ho Lus t p l Ul kille1 thilt can That d on t flt would do well to gr. e ltlm a. call b o us ed u wis t ..r: ? J.& W. J. M'MU H rrRY & (JO. · A FULL ASSORTMENT 1 I · F:ll ~r u.::; a ncl sto1.: k ra.1se1s hY\0 fro quently told us lint they Ji,, 0 geon very govtl :i. eau ]tr; ft( rn gl\ ing She1 <la 1 s l 1v Thu.L ltt~ L \\ :t. n Lo wh f. le 1 \ lllg h o.uds al1 y Cot a t 0 1 p<'1 de 1 8 to cow 8 and swine n :pertoct flt 1n tl o mos t. <lift1 cult C0.8<.ii .._o\_nd the da1s"f" will die a n 1 tJ ( wrn i 1 g moon lio;;f u ~n cl ~ f'"eI they drop their Joung_ 1 S G \\ haB been 'cry s ccoasful 1 Lns;:rlu1g I 1 \V11lfa.ll1ntheskJ :udtl o m1nn r o1>) g-1rne Stand.bu ied a l un 1uc \v 11 he o er t oo soon lhe powcers put thcmm good condrtton, 'l~TlFJCI 'L p AT Ii or all mJ Joy because 01 His love ·nd gne tl em strcugth to ca1e .nd pro -"'- · l:i -~L ES, 1 hl :-i le L he h.1,.r U ci. ud 1 e lea\ es and tho \ ide for theu :n1ckhn R in on I "Whcro the' hnve been dcstroved b:; disease or I ke one o er r'3:.i.clnng the Ivy tides Tu t.a .cl 11e ~u d s orJ vnglrn.t lsAye re ~cltlng to ca tcl o ~ tho olosin g u tc 3 da 6Y sta nu.13 Te eth Guaranteed I 0 And all tha 13 fmr witl.J. Lbe 1 ght of' IIi.s Io' c with out 'l 111end1ne11t s ik( t l con an a P u:npin:::. Hl a Alnp witl out stop pinJ the leak<!, RF.PE,;rA N CE IF )OU would be lo,.ed Ul t con1 n "n Tera v.c 1 t it'l } ascribe to ~ ellow 'i OcnJ 1 1ound unneceesary cnt1 ts l npo1 '°l ( d 't l c hus1 lnti.;!'J the prJn1pt and dec1<lecl w·1th \Vho1n JOU 1t e "t tin e fi t. Iece1 ed bJ puhen ts 1cbonng un Il" the long l nn a ti 1 ed chaiac.1.e.,.. or t.3i t J e~e d !i"' ::.ses n.,.01d I Co~ SUMPTION B ronch1tls D j spepfila .feeble 11 t i ar Act on of the hear" t1J1d ~long list of .K1ndr .. d Uuitiascs !."U0 a.ttnlJ s tn.tfl of lt ler vous aysteiu 1ted to a lo O..v1ng to ts brnc1.... g e fece s '1. those cen l - --- thotesultofcongerutnldefeot Ifyou,a;ue)our health <lon t uegleut liou1 Teeth e -w to cl 'v 11 be opcn<:;d L · C Q R N I S Hl HAS IHEM 1 - - GOODS, --'.lN'D-- '° :ith,i d.·~, liH~n h1 ,,; i.ua~. ~ h) o or ~ Tl ('S of1Tu J s truth hon >r and honest \ JS t11c lJes cn. 1 I tt 1 and gJ.\tlS tho lar.,.eRI 1utvrcst I ·0 fj wood is t hc1e th c;i fi1 0 goeth I out so w] ere ther ,.. 1 o tale ben.1 er tho stri.fe cense h ..A.N lll1no1s .,. . . o rrutn o fl lS Wn~RE no to plut gh \~a agnnst of $100 111y inan in tho S tate fvr a ° r )1E \\ r ~ r o Dj-Y - 11 n .1.dn0as to neg !r:c"" a cvn 0 l )r Cl d ~ hu,~ev ~1 sl ght 1 l 111 rt L l n: y f llo w and t11 nJh Dr ~ 1 s fn B ulsan of· W Ut ( hc11y has frc 1ue1 lly 11ed t1 JS nu ch h l d e l d o ai:le it alni ot u1 ~ a1 1 n hly c111es the J-1nmar:y dJscaset:> f th e tlrott lt n ._)i incl chlst \\ here (the1 l e U od1c s i uiJ MILLINERY. EVERYTHING STYLISH 1."h.11 GUGLB 19 the mo11t rell11.blo and etncn.clona R "-m"d u1 ni l ca" sof 8ore luroat llori.r&ct efl! ))Ip herh, flrunchltis Crri a.don of the Bronchial Tubes l:O common ln this c o.ng-eab o chw.&te~ A.9thma Off: nslvo J rcetb, t lco a ;ctl Ullma ~na. all dll!le&~cs or tll() Mouth For Publ o t:iprakera ·nd :::itngers \ti~ lnv tlnablo 'I hl1 in rcdlent., t.:D ttrinr,: lnt:l this G rglo c.ro ueod by a l I h) 111c1an11 andf<JrtbA cara cl the bov ) d1 order11 ar1 low Dndo1 te cllv 1.bo most popula in Lho ,Ma;U1ia H~a. 'vb ' p~sse11 it is f1~q lenLly :i..~ bu.tl us h who i1 0 1nally nt to1s it ., t i " [ I l I l ,.] T 'd ... uupur a l<.l·· O u 1.. ~ g 111 o te a 'l u ftoulth!jlTni lel1 8 p1olnb1Led :.i. Sc..a:r-.;n..u 1;; a b1"" of false n1oney 8nd L il lli 1 1 ~ 1 s ) ~ .. n a c () n I THE por1uation of the town of W1nn1 peg, Hl l}'lttrntoba HJ 1ow 1 467 having incroased nearly uOO during the year TnE ot~av;-a ct Zt I~ says j\f Flem l 1ng s rep >rt of the p1oposed l )Ute for the Canada P""c1fic Ra1lway1smo<i tstt1sfactoi y to the Govern1ucnt H E\ ARE LESS LIABLE TO GET Y'"BnY HARD ro K I L L - T1 8..t p eople sur out of 1epun tho l otl11)1' wnt ches The-.; are 'n ed t h e kpretn g ln11c0t t he ih ist1 mo1 e acc111ate tune kecpe1 3 A special wal'J ~nty f1 on:i tn0 Fa.otOl'J 11u1gc a id t he c1r1ble s thvants of fift, ' tJ$. e 1y \atct y nr s aao 1::. p1 of that they are hn.rd t Bowman\ ille Sept 20 JS 1 II To h f ' ] 1 k1 ern ot t o o n1 uu1.;1uuel ca :.ic:1er11.;~ \ lS 'PP,R::;Jf ltY E A~D lt:EOULATE 1 0 DE K1 01, a nd no l erne iy of our d.... is 8~ entuely i n 1 1 ar~( n v + ulantlno p1 1):;o c ns Dit D UJ.: .:(~ \'\ !:i !vIEDICAL \ lOTO R Y I1 t1111S powerful '\et II.ARM f"E!':.S VEGE llAUl] ] ESTORli. I lVE dyspepsia b1llH us ci:m1 1aints and : d l diseases ot tht sto1nach h ve r bowels 1nt1 ! HJtv c :i t!Il(;OUn te1 n ir1esu:r-1b e a ntidote THOUsA:NDS of people a1c now· careless ly o.1 lo' lilJ then1seh ~ g to drift througl1 T - I th e rewtio s1h hty ot the F sl e r E ~q Ca. h1Pr of the l U"B 2.J ccnu Jn o Mc L "' od M P P, J I P ostma s le r J E Farewell SA.Lr A.ND PI.ASTER AIWAYS ON HAND The highest price pa,id for Butter & Eggs. SIGNj OF TIU~ ~ W H <JLIMIE I lle. Di <: t:: n L~r 5 18 ~cal i gec t iii.t Bowm.!.n- COLDEN LION l\111g Street Bownrn.ni: ille llor ta.t te1 ng and b r ln anno into condl n Ho1 ~e!! Co\V!J Ca.lvaa Sheep and Pi t:> ~ l eot!. a:r'-:l i eco1nme11ded by :flrat clu.s :. Bi eederf! Stock fed VI 1th it haw o. \Vays talc: en fh at p ... zoo Milk Oattl~ p1oduce more mtlk and outte1 It fattens ~n one fourth the usual time the prchn11n111J sy1nptorns of consun1p t1on under the fa.t ;:i,l delus1on that they J. EGS IlESPECTFU n B sorted stock of Gen D1 ugs DYE 10 AN NO U NC. l!: thut ho has r1Je~ cd n. "(\ oll n.s 1110 ~nd P U'e Engh~h Uhcn icnls .Also u splendid s nok of tho nest carofl 11 se1ectcd ii STUF:FS a Edcctrw Od l lfo rlh 1m1 Mnnc We ght "' <iold Do 110 ' knot anythni 7 of ~t ~ It n f i t M t 11 1c ?101 J id No Crnl·. whk h l:annot be surp "' s ~ ed fo:i: o::tceUe lC \ ot quality An as:,ortment of Anilme DvM kept const antll on Jrn.ud together '1;l\h n, ch oice &c lecwon of DRl;G" Clill:ll'IOALS r A1EN r '.>1EDICINES BRU"HES COMBS SHOULDER BR ~CES 1~cPPORT ERS l H }. NEW J. 0 & R . H. H enry VI~ a u u sa.ves rood ./I ~I NLLdR Box oa..I\. T. I~.!\ ft TJf' O HUJ\ FI R RTI P.BEDS-. llT.:GII llHLL EU & CO \"r 1c 11 Una! Chem ~b: 11\'"' "" n~ St E!lst 'loroat.- E'or s J( b J HIGGTN BOTffUf D ruggist Bawruauvill~ t;JW URE D l\IH SE X J ON o; /,c &o .11.no llC\' Ga.U orv Ne Plus Ultra D A N ,/\_ .S r OlLS PlJ.:-iTS CO! Corner of Kmg & Tempor~nc e Stre et· , OR~ (E1tra1< :-i O)}O S L0(' 1 1 1 a 1 c~ to Tow 1 Hull 1 HlNISHEH P used 0 ~ UN CANNO I STAYWHEREHIS I t 11:>tJ1e l CHf C<:l tMed icineevermadc l C:'N d \!le e 11 10u t:o1eTJ11oat O:n ebottl t6 At the very lo e >o1 N ) 'r aud W l!ITELEAD C" HOHSE AND C \TrL.11 MEDICINES ( ~lntago Fall and Winter Dry Goods, - AT- It mu be the on I empenneo otr 0 I r a m to 1ti f) f; ttlofactio n 0 fl, I ' YllO nut) a\ or t etn "" ttl a cull e l h~ v. t U ~ r ! Galler) IPATENT SHEEP I\11.£.RKS, j A NEW GLE E BOOK \l"ITII PHN 0 AC COMP,A NIMEN ~ p, ct 1 50 each $10 pet a-o en nt "'{-XTHEREVlm r r n r NE PLu.! l' l' T ltra G l e B ool h u.s b oon introducc<l it 1 \s l e cn pronounced 3UJ er or to all other~ orb of lts Jund. lt i the in1gost latest flnoAt &n(l on v collect1nn of 1' c' Glees and Qunrtettos ueu.tl) fillof\\nl(:hha."\'oP an0Accom1a.n ment!l ad l V :;;ainple cof 1 s rn a l d post patd for $1 [>11 D - Co tntry Sto opci;ke1 s BUPI lif'ld on ad I stern s OSHAv\ A OR BOVd\L\_N \ lL Ll 'fhey 1 ike ~u 1.t ~ CAR RI AGES! BATTI~G-'S, Jes a n l slt C $ or PBOTOG RP_._1:i ~HS , LETH RG fl APlIS, Photog UJl h[j in POI cd rt orecl Pl OLOfF ~pl s 1lr; a la 1 1colo J L I ETETI ~ 5l.lll Drondwnr N Y M orr1 s, CHEAP Bo" manvrlle Oct lOch 1872 1 FOR CASH. I Tcpeka 1 \\ d ne!iday )a<:lt sh )t " l k 1i ~ a ln!4 wtfe n.ft er "'Inch he chu1 p ed fr l c l b ea!Jt 111 oi, in sane attt)lnpt t c1 t J f'l' 1 1 alt- out It l'C quued ti.:u t wn to u It l r e an 1 conVi.;\ DR SAM:t;EL .A.SH .M.\ l h~HlJ u1 11811 7.'. that k s to the pul lic for pas hberal patronage ould a no lncc tha he is no' p1epa1ed to fill 11 o de1s 1- l 1s li cu a n u1 uer secon<l to no cs ubhsluncnt in t.o.c count cs N RESPECTI:ULLY REIUHNING wATER OR 011 cor.oURS, I ICa1 e , in a fit of <lrnt I en .)ARRlAC,ES WA GOONS C1 TTERS \ SIErGHS &l J.[ f. ~U F\ G'T LR .ll:.Ll I Furs "\\hen John Froat I""lgns 1t key hole.a and cutting- figure~ upo if! Comfort. \VE1AT Y(Y(T PJ ,E \RF, with a tyrants awn." tli e 1 Flo o Cruyon > &c n c u,li> O l ep n el l JJJ tJu1 N O.N'I: t;l l B U.h:8JHED ::-iOTICE .AND ON TIIJ< ti IIORTES Remember tb nt n0Lh111g but the best material Is 1sed t\nd best\ or k n en cmploJ cd- thus cnsung d unb1hty clcgan c SI l cou1fort-tbe ruost mpotLant req u: sit es 1n a conveya nce y thlok not of bls a1 proach 1 iw panes h e strikes tctTor to the mulllt de lo p i;n cnt s t 1en ati acJ upon ph) s cal 3) s e"'lS uot content \\ Jth "h1i;th11g In u¥h ~·to MAYEE-{ Charles Silver Dl 4-LP.J t I { llcpal:rlng 1n ull branches of tl o trnUo p1'01npt u.ttcnde l to bas recctTod s lCll a f:ltock of .F I'R "19 that he 13 -prepared to fll pply all con er$ a.nd ln spite of tl e Ii ro~t I\.. ng \Lt J}H\DS QF I WILL KEEP ALL COSY AND Ills "'VARl'll GROCERIES FiiU I T S :MEEiiSCH \CM pro-..lde<l the} cnt,.uot tbelJ ee l cs to his l1!otection BLACK-SMITH WORK," Buffalo DONE Lu I I IN A S \TISF<l.C~OP.l!Y and Sleigh Robes, Fur Caps, COILAHET~ GLovirs 1 rnIEs 'IJNK crtEPE AL' " K "::VII~K SUPER[QR 1 "ANNER Ul JBJLRO"-D CO'iEHS A?\ D ( EILMA:t SET::; &c ~VY hen yo '\'.\ant anyt]ung the c 1rrrnge lrno gn o TU'[]:S MORRIS a call, n-ncl he " 111 u1t you - - - - ~~:~~n::~~ ::t~~tll~0°:~;1 ~B ilk ---~~ furs j I ·s I""'UR"""rrs IT I NC" s I GE ,. NTI.A E.!..I ME,.,_..:...."'1 -i ...L ""'I ~ "'.".I. X ~All k111de of nlte~~lEat:di:~e~~rr!:so~~:h_~:!lt ow l!l.n\'"ille Oct llJ 72 :\I.AR.KUS "\-IA1 ER are got up in thu be8t style and are "ell \\ urLhy lll!.'pc 1.;c,1vn Hui I I )m BRILR Ruor p Ip E S Dll DEl'EW 01' PI\. RI S FlUNGE onel>lf r.ant p } S o a. off re gn d eR c1mt ba.!. 011covercd: a. { mat R U :R ou tJdy -a -P rel y ' cget.!ble Con pou"J. -ne. cd b v pl J "'l o an~ D epe.,.- s M°fldlC'.a] Vfotor thll.t cu r M O VRry k nd ofu n lrnti.l th;r lfumor and over.,. 013easetl:mt(i~pend~ on I PU" tv o! tho- Blood "'ben tbG L n~s I 1vc~ a nd K1 @1-:rll and Qtl c1 ~· o.l ot gaus a ro not wa.stetl L you I th~ hope of UJll!l.ir· For the cnre (ff ScTofu l A. J r,l·ipe aa ~ .. ~ :tul! 1m Ji c11e na. ~ori.ld H~u. d S ..ly E or tr.11 15 ll'. lilcor~ :intl F in 11r S ortis of al Be< I· Ha.mor 1 0. tho Mouth and S}o1 a.ch, or So e E ~rs Brupti.on on the lrnaU at d Pimr I'.'!-' otelilil n tile face "l tt1ta.nd11 l're e.ui n il U; at' tad ef all olh er icmc<ll$R Iha fac t 1!I Hum on SCrot.i.h. lnn lJ s1mse of theSkl,n o! wl u 1::ver l'l n'l!fl'Ol' "'- un: aro l i(,r;\lJy d ug up a.nd c1J"1 ml. out of th 11 11:r~ 4m. n a. short t mo b y tha USO o f thu· Blovd 1l?m·dvllne bottle u 11 ch cMe· wJ I conviru::& tbi!I mo·t a er liOUi of 1t1 curat ve ~ftecb 1tt: l ron rt t:<tbul8t ngflro ihthesk1n i q PlruplMi Erunt an!I or Sores cleiu se 1t wl en yon find it ob ztru tod and11 uggnli l othe ve 11 cleiu1 '1 ~ -,o;l1111. it 111 f ul aul yotr 1ijal1n gs "l\'ll tel JOl wh·n XMp tbe .Hlooo. p ure a.ad t t ij h tt I.1th of the 1,-1ttTH w 11 follo· W!n.l vnc kc Po1~e:s1 g:s.Js t l UJ*" 1lnl'!l"rltof' act ng iu I\ po11'ert l a~ont ! t r \J ' "' ni l ongestiou 11.nd Ohr ntc lnt!Ol.mnia.t ion 'of th~ I lv·l' 11.nd ~ll th9 '\ s eral Org11 t. i Fur:'.> pr11..:e m cafih µa.id for 1a1v [ A N D A.LL KIND::; OE A call at the corner ef Km~ & S1!ver Rtrecl· will b e to tho ·dvan',.ge of TOBA"CO"'- IS S 1 mtondmg purchasers , , -" GO OD S 11 BARGAINS. A::RtGAI:N""S , '1HEAT BARGAI.N ~ OT Iiowmanieule J el JS · & LONDON. !Jttl}~~rHu;. (1 C:tnllial - ,.... ( F1nHls tn U 1 _.11~ "" e r I l JII J~ s~a \ N \TH , ~ .., · ~ oo [ ~J UO · ;>0'-t ARE NOW Gr\ EN J.1 TRJ::. I JP'" D Or f1\ 1 ~ l OI i:; TN ON IH E.A l Clea:a'J the V1ti:.>..ted Blood whtnevl!Y vou t\'ftd Cheap A SA.YAGE clothed 111 rags nnd beg: 1111 med with dn t cha.w:;ed to look iuto :1 clear pond and snnu1.n. b ck ail11ghle l at th e hideous im go of liunrself l h i:i lvn :tet I o gn.?.0<l the 111 ne t_pp :.1. lh W'M tho vie \\ So the n" n.kenetl s11111cr tho n101 e he looks onJy at lunrnclf the 'ilcr he aee1us to g1 \ and the inorc helpless l1rn pros1 cut ou t i f hs turn n.w 1y fl n1 lu a own '1leness to Cl111st t 11e sinner /:; i cfut::: e he fi11<1 JO Corner, I ill Store m I I J 1 .L.~ l Y in:i ro l at c u tab c 1 ttco Is I Lte 1 1 ell T' ~s a 1 d Lann r ~k ~ ta.ken on :'lpec1 ll~ fav rLhlo term s I L DE S( RIPTIO' la cc ~ gin1tcd 11 OF PROPER ~a 1ne thol~ flR 8 r CON ~ TlYRB \ '!'IO N l Ol J tt es of l ron11un1"' n )p 1 to then Hlers g 1hosc alou Ql n!'t te ' 1 I be [l.1 i n und tl at SE CUI..:JJ Y ~FOlJ r D D I I HE Iilo l nll tlc1 osl Lpp1u v lt1s a. Gentle Rcgu.latrog Pu gatlve 1u Vllllll ~~- _ _ n ~n~~'~ fl!O M I 0 oN For ll'emaln Compla.int1 -wl et1Hr in yatinf or cld t.t arr odor t> ngl \I at ti.I .I: d .. w 2 ot -..om~n ood 11e HEAD OFFICE-'IOilON lO ~.j ( .~. PUBLIC cu OPINION Cor '3 , J;;; ]._'it, , s' C\ r 141 tbetur:r.i. of l to the .M4d co.I i; ldO 1 l .u 5 o ·quAl In the cu"e of Rheum atis m Th·s-ptps" Li~"r Con1h.n t a n dtlso:i,1n1Mort h eKd e)~au HlaUder ts effect& an 1urpl' ,, l ~ t o 11- I _Ii 01 Hcg I\ 11 g Hlft Bowel & 1u1 t ~ur og 'h I .., .uo~~11 H cadit l · t;; ci=. lle11.d~ct 1 Neuni.lEf i;, Ji a 11 11.lu Wea~ n ~ N.:rv U >I n ss I a. Ai'! m tbe 8 do Lona ll.: m l Cad :ind i:;unui..l 'V~11.kn-e1:1.a and Deh It;>: 1ta c ira ti V e powera it.fl': hi' r. a_l ha!i fully J~ 6t..1.hec1 the or1gu1al idea tha.t at th 0 Library 200,369 G-! S '.I.L EI and peace in believing l 1 I:Iun t::f is fe1;:1.i::1 are forgot "cn rind lH t "' r p lte "' rn !..! l \ eu a sen"' e v .t ~e '1' ending} 3-07,8 .. 8 26 ~JU can get Q 1 S.L8 f lN ( OF 1 )l ( d s1n ::trrd :icceptancc in the Beloved TH1s rn the \ av I-!01 ace G rf!ok:ycon sol c::s 1118 dcferit T11e mn.n w1th t v; o \\ ooden legs congratulates Ju ms elf th11s he could n<ner be t1oubled '11th e d feet It lS :t. sot ice of pr )found snttsfn.c t1on to us thttt ofhce se l et s ~\ill keep aloof from ~ der~ ltud ca.n hdato w1 o 1 ~s not influence enough at \Vash ngton ( r !llbany to ge"" a. J:)wr.;epe1 rt )p o111ter1. i n<l c1 HoN J M cMumrt 1 P·osidcnt FITTED Ci11·01uc AND "\YELL SUIT FD Still A bt>:td. 80IH:bES ~ FJ PTP QLl !IITI >:> FIL1 ED WJ TI nr W = H ANO CIIv SIC Sy1:1.htm e ll rv ng off 11oll po ~ono 8 mal er 11u~d ReJ. 1o:r ng th6 Dloorl t ifl he:tltl y condition y und money :rn l beyond pri ce 11 )$ rRK GRF.A l BLUOD l URlFIEU. A:N"l> A L IFE GJ'f I~Hl RJ N < IPLE :\perfect RenO"qM.tor a t1 lnv gorator of " hun., lf fo r Disem1'C~. ' QC U ElOLLECTIO.N S Sold by 11.ll :Orug'~1at1 81: Du.lore SE!!D FDR A OESCRIPT·VE PAl'l1PHL<f ~DORE'~ YOU NC, SILLS & CO Bnth9 ( ) n ! ~i F'1re and Marine D the Sergeant it A1111 f:!. (fa <l.epnty snh as c u1 O\li n instant t vmpo1 rt.n clerk into the paste pot Bect1on of the folding roora. A t last -w e ancl manage '-' our O'\\H newspa.pe1 1vithout benl_~ called 11.SHl" e' ery h Jr to help lazv or po ~ tc '" ali l in ot 0 people 1'i h l n we <l )Il t k11u\\ uitl tu s pwu l BoBtl ti Muss worts tli ,.. _tlr t only beiie"r'· , . w ·"' _u"' J 1YI IlRil\f .\.COMl~E 1 0 Oul Strell people who do 1 t dei:iet ve ~Sf:IH1t.an.ce ~~ fn1 nvillc last \\ e sl a.11 keei> our otliue dear of blath '3 c1 Bo c al 1~ger.t fo1 ti\ e Pt ov nee 18 2ot 110 i lie p nl 10 ersk1tel:) and p l t1crd be0 g :us :i.nd ,.to ~ - - - -- - -- - - -- - - ;i.hJut our duly wo11 with t he sat1sf ict 10n 1.V O C {i ..._ 11., .ni· ti.:~' 'c. "" ·-::J I ia.t not t l1c mos t ere(l u Ious of nf k now111g t 1 pla.ce hunter3 "ill susp ect us of h ;;n tng any TIIE "\~ OOD ON FIFTY :\.CRES Ol crod1t with tie app n1nt1ng powe1s Tltu.t lo.nrl being north l olf cf lot 5 1th con Dnr s one of the results of [uc8c11lJ s election j hngton lH offc cd fm so.I 111 lots to mut 11urchas fer wluch 1\i e o" n OLH 8eh· ci p1 Jfoun <lly ... e,.., o in ono lot . A.Pl lv o". ~ l\erR1J1\l1~c\LE t,"l'a.teful' J1ilJ lin g tori f pl ;J :J.8't_2 l~ t t .shall be let alone to 1111nd affan s W <1 Id 1espectfully state tl ~ I c is now TEAPU~TIES treating r> cc essfully- the follo>-..:ing diseases ]i'p let sy or !u.lhng Fits ln tl c1r "orst forn1 B~LL SCPPERS Consum.pt on in its -.,; a1 ous stages ( ~1th Dr J s remedies cunsnnrptlon 13 no longer an 1ncu PUBI JC Dll'iNERS, r 1blc d Rease) B· u chitis Catnrrh tist llm t Gm"\cl DropH) General Dropfl.J. &c 1a.te ut f:! WEDDING C!l.KES who have been tuppt d several tilnes me curable under Dr Jame& trc \ll ent disease"! of the Got up 1 l th e be~t ~tile 1u d 01 reasoni~ble terms 1 y 11 s 1hsc1lher -.i he "hitr.at tl c Awe te At tind beHl bre~J k l ve cl llu.lly to c ::;tomcrstin EYE AND EAR, u.ll Pfl."ts of the town 15 3 I R JAMES ELEC r.JC PHY::i!ClA.N ONG EOH I FIFTY A ~E' · SCJdOOJ, DOLLARS Bool by 11 s p, r ) !Cl , y or TU OI :MUSIC Jl:'~ <[) ]._~ $ 3 · Errors and of youth Nervous Pr1"n 11.tnrc l)ecay all t1 c effects Debility of mdiscrction3 uf FIRS] Cf AHS 1\1 !\N "\\'"AN I ED for yo 111 a cure is gnu.ranteed Dyi,ip1s1a LI· er i I r a' ellm.g igC'nC) f01: t ho Tov; nsh1ps o tth i.ng Disco.1::ies Ll l diseases of JVomcn an CJ ldrcn thi 1 Cti. 0 ers cured nnd httle pain , J 11 1 S O\\ ' in "\\rIt mg WIth re f ercnces Sore Legs Saltwithout Rheum cutt.mg and SorofnJa in all its ginf~: undcr~ig I eel for h uiemi::is ou to lhe licad forms 11 1 J 1i:t happy to saJ d1 ::icnses \\h1ch l' H O l"ARA hu.-.. e 1 th~rto been thol1ght inc ra.blc arc no'v ·" ,'.. iv ::1 rapidly y1elt1 g to hls trcatn ent M his grater I Local Agents pahentaare will 11g to teehf"~ No Co.101ncl no !I.LEX FLETCHER cal ])1 u1n tu ise a.n(l will dts and ansv.:er all p upose hotter tl nn an>' othe,. B' it.'".! uso a house ca i be much better heated' ith one stove 1 Oan u lder the old syston1 "1th two or tllrce tr 1 HIS IS Tbute and ec o e toe~ THE MOST ~EFFICIENT 1 e1t occup) h.:sR rootu J I n1ercury no Mineral Po sons be ad1nuus seaRon b~ a sa' ing of woo .All who havo tr10d to.red in a.ny form tn any disease U et 1 vo tld 1 1 l ' \ 1t1 o it II (lm for mat " 1nt cu t lhe affiictcd who aunot obta.iu relief from their cost ~ The undersigned has secured the _ __ · other sources a.ro }larticul rl.) a1vrtOO to call and Right for Bowman' lllo Darlington Cartwright ...nd :!\Ian' ors and ts prepa1ed to fill all SEVER \.L GOOD FARMS IN WEST se~10rt.lco 1n 1\cile.on e Hall Bclle·1lle Office Clarko orders on tho shortest notice A full assortment p h .L F tl hours 11 n. m to 3 p m 01 Cook Pn.rlo t1nd Box Eito' e!I consts.ntly ou 1 t lll' nm or pat tic J ll.~s W1tY~r EDGE Yours ml1l>t re8pcc:tflllly hand I 1~ 1s F 'I' l'IOSarn !tf!"\rcli J 1£7 0 i ci l1 J.A.l!fES M 0 mnni;1 Do le ScIJt 14 18"1 - - -- Foi· Sale - j "ill th1t> cl l H1 p'.f.111gro r 1ti;eH i1 on~ r;1 l cd tree of 11ost age cy and oth er popula.1 " t ltcrs I rwo ba.ck number!!' L b nl ter 15 l'm lntro fur A Ocents Four b1i:>l~ uc t1ou num bcrs for 'TO cents r /; ddioss J L J'Jt, 1F.; R ~ o 0 9 B1 M·\ Ol ,lit < PJ 'Yo 11 Lo L.. a che rn for vv cents