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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1872, p. 1

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· &12& \'i Ats OF DA.KI1'0 GRA.JUM FLOUR -By I lus time everybotl) knows how to make is printed an 1 p ll hsl f L f{raham gems by the usual method, '\\. \ tch is .s n nly to stir the batter Just a Every 'l'lrn.ri>llay Vll.orn111g L little stifler than gnddle cake batter, by L e Prop 1eto1 ~ d bal rqr ickly 1u ~very hot oven '!Jue WJY.1. I-l CLIJ\1:IE t l u 0 i certau1 the tlunncr the batter the at the l uttei l 1St be tho oven It is also the Ol'IFJ!UE-Post Office lBlocli c se that ge1ns mrxcd w1t]1 water require Ii l1otter oven thn.n those mixed with milk KlNG STilEET BO" MANVII,J E ONT So if J ou cannot ha\ e a 'ery hot oven, T CONTAINS THE L!l.'IEST FOR c the1 1nake t1 c tnL~tt te of sunple Graham EIG~ and P10VInci.'\l News Local Intcll gc ice Uo 1uty Dus ne9ei Comnierc al :i\ -s fiom aud "nte1 quite thick or mix tho and an Atruct vc i\'l see la lY 9 I EH.1\.1'.S -$1 00 J er an un1 in n.d"l anuc $1 50 flour with milk Skimmed milk is good tt pad Wlthin six months-') 00 if ot paid till the _5 er ough tl ough new ot creamy nulk makmi end of the vcar N pa[ er chsco tmued l t1l all o.rrearages are prud exec! t 1t tho opt10 f l e long stem and a water bottle for the The garden va.1 ish 0 d I sav; n1y Jo, c KEEP UP THE FAMILY AT T!l. f11I tl e b1ead more short of co1 rse Have put be1 an l I a.1 tics iet si g pa1 e s i; itbout pa.y1 ? up v 11 be hell respons1ble for l1 e s b smoke to pass through when a great puffy no 1nore I sa.t be\\ Jl lei o l upon a i ough 1\rEil'T the gemp ms ' er; hot (I set them m tho scr ption until thev comply tl ti c r llc bag of black silk which enveloped a lady stone beneh It had I een hke a story of Alt lotter:;.i n. ldi-csscd t.o tl e Ed tor Jn At bi, Ol en l cfoie filling them) and then a scrap One of tl e saddest t hings abuu li a large post-pf\ d otherw se they ma> not be taken from MINISTERS QUARTER PAY DAY paused near me ands 1uatted down before tl e !l.rabiau Nights th is fa1 How v. oul I of cloth with the least bit of butter upon 1-<:1: .Rost Office fam ly ,]w hove Ii od hu!l1l togeth er SOMETHING LO:NG \VAN1ED BY EVF.RYBODY The follo" mg ocenc ta.ken fro n the lu. ls ape the shop of a young Jewel merchant for it end I knew n ot it I ibhtd o..,:er the irons \Vlll prevent tho ;. RATER OF ADVEilTISl "IG l n ler tl e (ld 1001 ti cc 1s th.ti sca.ttor no $0 50 Don t ask me what I d1tl with rnyself :::i gens f1om at1ck1ng Ifouse keepers who o! :t\ e v Engla d '"" 1th some :'.!hgl t shades t 1 tl e p 1rpose of examuung: Ins bracelets -OR0 13 to dl!i tant ho1nos ' l 1cli t akes I lscc as they 'ar et1es of colo1 g "\YC belie' c maybe w1t ess Only the eyes of tlus figure were v1s1 during tho remaining hours of the day 0 75 ht. o no gen1 pans can make ' cry nice E,ERY 01'iE 0:~§ OR 11u:o:a:owN P JU Nl'IEU! gro\V up one by one to J ears o.c inn.tur1tv o ·o cd throughout a g1eat port101 o! out country ble but they were blacker and n1oro bean I know no thmg of them G1 :i. h~un l fo1 breakfast seve al \vays 0 08 '\\: e leave o i r rcadera to adapt it a.s ti ey fanc~ 'lt is often the case lh t 111 the ca1ee and E:1.0h s bf!cqueut infie ton 0 02 tiful than those of an) heroine of Lhe Ar At 1n1dn1ght I sat npon the one l\1 I e n dough of flo 1r and sweet in1lk to then o>vn locl\Jihca Il e rticlo or ginally p b 1stle uf bus nesg letters gro'v n10 e n,n 1 'then mbcr of line~ to be reckone l l-. the space abrnn Nigl t· Entertamments and they bench aga.1n clnd in i course 011enta.1 pea. ed in the I'1t.? it an Reco de1 (sl i1nned or c1eamy ns )OU prefer or find pccup ea noasu cd by o. scale of sold Nonr a e I XV.~" J_t3r:! Ad' ertLSoments v thout speciiic ct rections will dress but with a r eVolver Jndde1 beneath more Lr frcq1 ent and fi 13.11) brother s and Cot ven1e1J ) stiff cno lgh to ro11 out easily ht on ine once twice threo t11nes and \J:I the parso sat :i.t I IB books one dnJ l.e published t 11forbda.n1 c] \ ged &ccording1:i; AND VILLA P_.>\_ I NTS, sight of each othez: A rap nt l s door l eard he All trn. sitory advert 3ements must be paid for I-IOU SE sunt a sensation through my heart to it I ho..d resolved 1athe1 to che thi1n to sisters 1v1ll en t11el5 J K ea l tl is a httl toll it an rnch thick, handed n Advortise1e ls:n:i.ustbc1nthe lhese k1 ir e 1 t cs ,,_ e nui.;h too sac ed to 1'1 P aush U llccto1 1 ad calleU to l ll\ t iraterials 1 sod ud 1e ,\i l 1ch it 'vaa happily a.a Jet a stranger nllo'v her to be torn fron1 n: e IL s love Prepo.1ed f r iuLmed1ate use a.1 d l oth.11 g but tI o I 1 ·.fflce of publicatiu U} 10 o clock 01 the \.V oil.nos t :l cit it into d1a nonda or cut off stripe The Soc I} s quarte fee be thu. Jig tly se;e1ed It t>kcs st oh a d.a.y mo 1 n g p ccecdmg tl ei fl -et rub cation an l D1y er.s quu1ng no f L her nnxtl re of oils Tu11 o t Belund the tigur.._. stood the less care n.t fhst sight that I felt but y-ears coulrl little while to '\Vr1te l cttel n.nd t11e ex. fl.J l 111 ike it into r olls \\1 t h the hand o:r A dollars a.nd ftftJ n ore ro merchants a lo l crs ad ert s ng by tl o yoa.1 a. v e r:r liberal discount wil l be mudc \\ e e 1,;o ntcd ti e pal'f:lon ii due fully veiled person of .Ln old female ser not have n 1 le it stronger THEIR COMPOSITION CONSlSfS SOIE\ Oi r oll it in"'o bu.HJ t vo inches in d1ametor 1 Tl ough a sntall su m this for llaJ.f a score I w utcd The ruoon rm3e Io ind a11d I ense IB so tr fhng the e cn.n h rdly bo an fl ~ Ltenu g theu1 a little or not at all nB you >ant Some grey hair strn ggled over a To" ctual ttu l 1,;lotl c and sloe exc lse for the 1 o,)e t Pi·te Color Pioe White Lead Pii1c Whle Zi ic Li i eed Oil Spints 'vr 1 kled forehead and tho veil even r e vcllow m the sky The feathery heads of ch oao u1 rolling the dough , eI,;+ thin and of 1 u1pentine and D1 yers carefully and scienll)!Ci Uy cornbined A loi.:1 g f un ly c rcle t hus Vl(1e1y vealed the upper part of her lugh n ose the date r alms scc1ncd to nod to me A t:u t 1t into square crackers p1cku1g the~ ~ ~~.....,,..._~,,_... _,.....,-..,,.~ scve10cl a l r tod a cu110 l S bit b t::aut1ft l The consumet caD I ave any desired s hade of Colors neatly l ut up in Cans and al S'uc '\Vas the guardian of a young beauty strange birtl utterecl a shrill c1 v A dog J f well to pr cv e 1t their pu:ffi1ng Orackerrt W. § Bo~ le, lll D he requires to h 1y \vtth the Paint is a Bru:;h as 1ihe \\ ork c:tn be do ie b) himself o I an 01 kcc1 mg l furmcd of e others probably !hat was a young be i ity thus aro lest 'v th son1e er a.rn in the m1xtt1J{i barked l heard ster s n1tl11n the garden welfare I hc t JUol:l t reinote R \DUATE 01 1HE UNIVERSI by any tnernb er of lus} 1!1ehold 70 hid under the silken balloon no and shrnnk hack rnto the shadow They h an d crackers require 1nore kneadlng than !Ill S of'Iri t) College l oronto an l "\le t;oria College Cobou g J 1cei t1ate or the< oll<-!ge )Vere not the s teps of wo ncn A.s I lis ten on t t fe .first of rnonth " i1to ha1 t on<ls and rolls which ate expected to It was like au 01 ienta.I tale Q/ Physlcia1 s al d Surgeons Ont Office one door thin ied doub t par o a page on n. ln.rcre sheet con '\Vost of L Cor111sh a Re~ lence S lver street fhe JCWel merchant 'VaS busy Vi ttli ed the gate 01 ened an l fo i r black sfaves t be soft 111s1de tl b onedoo so iLltof D Re lls surge Y Bow a a. l r g ie p11nc p _..1 e vs of t1 e ir 01 t1 hIB w11es 'lhe mc1chont of h 1bble bub bear1n 0 a bu1den emcraed thcref1o n1 A la1ge stoct JUSt iecen eel tor Autumn Pamtmc; imported ville Ont b) or tl cso kinds of biead-drnmoncls, · th o n1oon Iig It f cII u1 b on t h crn I sa v tn I this is ··letl 01 d sent to tho fannlJ bles with lus and my money :No one b lt .l:l.S I l oUs balls and crackers-are baked upon du ect f10m the English Manufactur e1 m ludrng J A IVIES d f noxt m order Son e meml er of the tl1t:: 1n the o ven \Vhtch should bo Chas. Kelly, the old woman an'v the beauty make a tl1 t th 1 Id th 1Genume ,mcl celebrated lfooste1 brnnd- Gt u L lLeed pme ha oyhied e si tcs 0 ad giehat snck h ousehold lds a little cont11b1t1on anl httle iugn with her exqu1s1t hand but she 1 cy mare e away owar s t c Il\ C ARBER AND HAIR DRESSER RE I w11 cd off clen.n T11ey \Vlll no t stick to ALSO -All stand rd Col01s Oils V armsh cs "' l ' ' 1to11als Call SPECTFULLY anno ncc01 to the: pub! c ·' ig I k ne ~ not sc ids it to the next und so v , till the it tnd will b t1 every f st I Iticommend · I wa t elie d th em tl ieau1 did it Tho »gn seened to say Wa t :l.S and sec ho\\ che1p n. IIo ise can be l.> untcd n 1 1> ru : iJl theso ti at he hn,s 9. c cc led to ll e business fo t;)r]y t o family ca.rr1eil on b the late \V II J d oodl'! and is J re l >'ia1tel goods will be sold nt re luced fig wIlL t tl lC 0ld won1au \Vit ll h CI I \.U dJS wh le circle is c mi letc Tho I tho Cl ack"rs in pn.rt1cular All these pared to atten l to tho wtints of tho publ u .1 l s circle goes r ound twelve tnn°s a y e"1 au d h 11 d line rn a manner nsurpo.sscd by any n the Pro What I wa1tetl for I hardly lrnc v I h d f ti t rd eve e rus e ou o c ga en a.1 tl brcadg n c sw cet t and bette1 I tlunk GALLONS MACHINE OIL OF DiF"'El'E!i [KINDS vtnoc Pu.t t.1oulu atten t o g "\C tot] ec ttrng d t d ft t iie l each OJ e is ke1 t well 11 forme l of the JOJS (t n I e all thu k so , our house) \'1 h But su0h u. t as v t i o it much r1sk unders to od the customs of the country " .. r1ng1ng h er 1 HLn s po1n e o. er of Ladies and Ch Idrm s hair .A call solicited 'l'l e Uolkc o 1 oured it o 11 t) rd door ea(.lt of tho Post Q,ffice 3U tf lhreshers and all pn.rt1cs 1cqu1r1ng s lCh 011 are spec1allJ nvited 1io inspect Lhe "n l1at h as 1 a.ppenc !"i I .s 1 l d soiro <s pla is nd " ir mts of tl e othe s 01 t s It b t most po pie profer 1;alt m the \'iell enough to be aware tl at I could not 11 e e IIc sproa 1.1 t l on the po.rson s do~k various quaht1ea- the p11 ce be ng far beloN" anyth1nb eve1 fcrcd in tlns Family g ttherrngs are freq tent 11 s ch {.llackcrs SJ th speak to tlus damsel or le aclclre·sotl by t l I d ttl t 10 rew m o my ian s a. o no e .And scattered tall about market Dr. D.1 vulso11, B lt l tile of sbinmg gold 'vas thore her in the streets but I understood wo ti ie count e1par t of th e one I IHt d r eceive d hot seholds ar d the old home t ta iliments RADUAIEOF THE ROYAL COL TUE W u rN i l'iG BusIN E;:;S - Josh BilhugB ne\ 01 g1 o v cold So1ne n u r L1ct lar And loss f on tl c silver mlne men n ell enough to know that Hometlnng' th Lt day LEG] of Phys c an.a of E gla l and 500 COOK, PARLOR, HALL AND BOX STOVES, s t) s I } ev allura obstrrved that & And ha kb l s they '"'ere cxcee lmg 1 n el Un vcrs t) of~ ctor n College Cobouig Ondc I tore it o1 en "ll] read these wo1 l v J fro n1 home u.10 11I t t) g o v '\Olj was in store fo r me lu the 'v :i.y of an ad i'raduate an l Pr ian of the Un e :;i;ty of 1.lus! for the poor d1 inc air1vmJ and no" on Lxhib1t10n ' \ 111 111 d 0 is s lrc to get licks in a fight I c)octfr of letter wr tl 0 OJ if the) loronto and 01 l ers tJ o[ Q e s College Atl '\:Outure My repertoi1e of gesture is not l LSc;ove1 ecl nll icu ti10 Ca I ip lI I ias c Kingsto1 meml er of the College of Pl vs c ans F rst came a. note io1 a I ttle s um .N o c tr of 'vell regge1lated u1orals kan re The largest and cbP-apesf. stock of Get oral Hu.rdware Goods and largo No Englishman s 10 I nodded a I ,.,as h IS '\VI fe The f a t e o f an un f a1 tll f n knew ho" n ~ y he!l t aches Bl ch neglect and ~urgeons of Outar o Su -ge y an~ I!oi:n \:i;,1llich tho poor ma.n la-1e1 u l g 'en 1n the County of J)11rhn.n1 si"1; the tcmptat10ns to bite a cowardly dencc also Kn1g Sheet Second doo1 cast of Mr often causeo to th lorn ~ b1 ·st tlut p1l To tL t ch par sboner near his home It sufficed A5-.11lie moved away \Vlte 111 tlus l an d is t o b e se";e d up in "' Yes ° lia.ynard s Hotel 16 20 1o 'eel the · tired heads m l 11 1 that tucs to sneak off with lm tale clnld 100 I they 1.'.fcT .. EOD. '\\il o n l e 1 1 e ] to me t n l ettvcn JOHN b guordctl b) her old atten~nt oho repeat f l ag o 11ue an d cas t in t o tlie r1\ er Dell ngton Bu Id ng l3ow na."lvllJe A 1gnitt 91871 re Jolla -s was all not much I know be t recn J 1s legs The wl11n1n b1.zness man would no, le so thot ghtle s If t hey J. }'aeldmg, iVI D. ed the mot1on Ad ien f orevu1 N 0.1 d a B lt nn orde-r follo :ved the note 13 JUst o !'l good rmgmg bntk i· wuth w ti ill I k ! knew the JO, that letter brought and EMBER OF ROYAL COLLEGE OF 1' att rt said agarn "\V th u butchers bill and n. bill or so n I l n. w c s 1110 1 rus1 i ec after the .J.: S 1rgeons En~land L centiato Royal Col c 1 11 see ho\V its b words we ~ 1norc to put gz:eenbax in a man a pocket For b 1ttcr an l bread to boot 0 ht est my nod Yes replied retreating slaves and - t1'oke lcge of Ed.inbu -gh (Lat.o l tes dent l elt o> m ud t !keel l ) the f, re;ide they than .d.2 years of v; l 1n1n Aocouch~l St lhonu.s Ho~p1t~l London and llcdoctorlal 1 :t.v.nfor] s small amount Thero was a coffee housocloso athand Eh7 sa1tl )[eel "' okol .Act ng R~a dent Ji.Ie<hco.l Ofiloor C ty of l ondoJl I'ho grocer had filed h s 1,;la.un \ ould not bo so sparing of the 1ncssages Hospital for Diseases of tho Chest) Olflee Dr open to tho street) 1ko all the other shops 'I1-'l: OGRAPHIC.i. L ERRORS - E very col That was when I Yes said Tom Herrin an s Orono Ar 1 J.l! rnten led their bills should count Are not some of us sadly in rnrears u1 tlus 1mn of a nc :i; spaper conta ns from 12 000 There with my bubble bubbles m my '\'\as do\vn wrlh t hat ba l feve1 thre e vcars \.Yhcnevcr I 1 s pa} day can1e Tl egooa Collecto1 ieckoned tJ em p hand I squatted on a cusluon and tnpped ago o.nd Sam had btien sl owing n1e a I art1c 1111-r? t o 15 000 dist111ct pieces of metal and tho Notice-Removal. l Ie n stc.r stool aghast and smoked I also ate something It 'I urk1sh pipe and my black hau d cousin chsplacen1ent of n.ny one '~ould cause an er R REID HAS REMOVED HIS Twas \bitter drug 111 l s brnnm ng cup SCARING A SERENADER reru.dence to the house lately occt p ed by may have been the conserve of pon1eg1an Belle had read me to sleep with the Ho 101 Antl yet some people lay claim to re To think h e 1 all li cd so fast Dr Crowle on Wellington Street. Surger:; at TOWN HALL BUILDINGS, BOWMANVILLE. ates without pepper of which '\Ve read rn wadd1 in Syria and out of t hese three his old residence Silver Street Office hours 1nrnlc tblo ~martness if they can disco'\: er fF om tl e 'J':itus 'Ille I es ] '\Vho knowa wl at pa1n tho l ar!>OU endures rom 10 n. 11 to Bp m 16-Hf DlTALllR TN the Arab1a11 N.1ghts It was s eet it La:it n g1 t ns our rer orte r 'vas going an e 101 in t io newspape1 When such. tlnngs an oriental pipe 1 pretty br l ette \.s the g0od 1nan llll.nds the1 o 01 melted on the palate It left behmd a and au exqu i.a t book 111y a<lventt re 1n 1 ome at a late hour h o } ca d in the dis p eo1 le ft cl a ' ore\ with a wrong letter Jn And says '" tl a I em 81 thoso yours D1·. A. Berth, A1 d they should havo been paid before DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, .li or delicious tnste and fragra.nco It Wn.'l ori Damascus \v1th t ho beaut1ft l ina1dcn , n.s t a.nee sweet strains 0£ n rn1c or at it they a1e sure that they could spell that RADU !I.TE OF THE TORONTO 11 scandal L s to religion S u enttal to the last deg10e bo1u Un crsity Phyfdcian Surgeon &c Oftleo vl it h e 1t first sup1 oi:ie 1 to be 1nus1c but s1ngle word right an l they are happy for Wl ich th o :\VO Id can i ever forget en King Stroett.....11extdoo1 to Yellowloos& Quicks a whole day Near 1ne one smoked sometlung \Vlnch pro'\e 1 to bG p r 1 c prLllJ s truns Dj e Stuffs Patent Med1c1nes Pe1fume1y Brushes Con1bs Soaps Paints a1 <l "I e a IUu.1 of case like 11 J tate1 W-aricty Store J:sO"wn111 ville Ontar o Oils Paint Brushes Coal 011 and Goal Oil Lamps &c &c Is un ible to pay 11 debt stronger tha.n the tobacco- hasheesh per au<l otl e1 d sn1 l so u 1d.s t11t seemed to WYCHERLY THE COMEDIAN An. rHMB ""I C ]0.R l\'11LLIONAIJ.tIKS -The haps-that sent him by and by, mto " come fron1 i bosom rn.k d with nsh Oh ncse ha' e a m ost ingeniona met hod of 'VycherJy the comoc hri l 1nari1ed Lglrl Sof'tl) 0 1 r 1eporte1 clrctt J eai:c1 r1.t strange s o1t of sleep lus C)es half open EACHER OF 'IHE PIANO FORTE J ecko1u ig b' the aid of the fin ger s per· of o ghteen >vhen he ,vn,g ve1 g ng on c gl t\ T Singlllg &.c 01 ga list and Oornpos('.r is now l11s hands droppecl on their backs half PYYSIOIAJ\ 8 PRESCHTPTfONS CARJIJFUILY COMPOUNDED vm UL ORDERS last d1s O'i ercd f o t ril enco t he aot 1 ds fo1 n ng all the opcr1t1ons of addition, 1'J"Gpared to a tte d o.nd l Coc h c p pils le ma CORREUILY iliSWEUFD shut aga.1ns the cuslnons the pipe shll Shortly 1f te1 Providence vra.2 p c sed in p1 oceedod mny bo kno v by ipplicat o i al J.1rs Wilson s ~ youf;l1 vcr whose t pper s 1bst1ac ior 1 u11lt1phcat1on and div1s1on Church Street. 10-tf its ine1 cy to t he young 1von1an to call the lip t he b arber could not I av be \Veen ]us lips \VIth l nrnbe s fro111 vi e t p to 100 000 · v\ it! lll the coffee shop a sto1y teller old 1na11 t o another and bettci world - !J Le! of h rnzor bbtl Ev e1y ilng ~1 of the left hand 2ep1esents Faren ell,lllcGee & R11tJcd;e, jZtJ!!- Fa> me! s dt<d Pl ysicimM f' om tie Oou?lb 1 will )<nil u .r Stock of Medicu es oon p a1 ture f1om tluo do\\ 11 a httle flat basket for eontrr Bt t ere he took lns fina.l d A nine fl 0 11 cB as followR -Tho little finger ARRISrERS, ATTORNEYS SOLI e1pte and of the best qual ty this ho sunun on ed hrn yo 1110 >v1fe t o his but1ons a1 d began l is narrati' e t\1th OITORS & d Notary Publle 1ep1osents units the nng finger tens the bQds1de nun ann o unced to h ei that ho '\vas In tho name of Allah? J E FAREWELL L J U,, R McGEE B A 1111ddlc nnger hnndrccls the fore finger JAMES RUTLEuGE B A It was about tho gena but I had lit dymg whore ipo l ·he wept b1t te1l~ 0.FFICE -Over \\ ni. l\'[cl\1urtr3 s Dry: Good!! t hnl su.1 ds tho tl u111b tens of tho tsn.uds up m be l and W>cherly lifted In nsolf ,-- ltoi e Hecond door west of the .Post Oiticc 1 tle co11prehen1non of the hi.le 1ny kno'v ~ 1 1:1r the t hree JOUlts of each finger are .-.. 1htlrs gazing with tcnde1 e 1notion on h1s \veep ledge of tho longuage berng so poor \ y,h lo 11ouchecl f1on1 the p tlin to1vl1rda the top nig wife sn. d In its n11dst I i:un a figure passfo lo v1ng tl1ey co t nt ono t wo and throe of of S. Cl1esh·rflehl, l\:1y d earest l o' e J h1n c a B loin 1 pa.use- make a SJgn to me the uc1 01n1natio1 s as above J ame l Four; .l UCTIONEER FOR BOWMAN It was tho old tvoruan the e:el'Vttnt of pron11se to exact fiom ) ou before I q uit ..dVILLE an l D J.rl ogton Re dcnce Queen c aTI<l s x ato cou nte l on tha back of Will you Street 01 de1s punctualJy atte le 1 to Charges iny 1nyster1ous l oatity I flung a coin to you1 s de forcve1 ho1e l elow Moderate 13 assure mo my w1shea \v1ll be attended to th· story teller ;md followed her - AND- She went on for a long while until I bv y l however g1eat the sac1 hce yon 'J'ho1nas S1onhouse. began to tue at last she pa1111ed under the "\Vlll ho calle l on to makQt l CTIONEER APPRAISER AND TI01r1d ideas of suttceH of poo1 Indian Gene1'a.l .Age t Dn.r gton Centre Sa es shatlov of a blank wlute plaster wall of a :t omptly attended to 0" this tl e Collecto1 no 1 ote took ,,,..ido s being called on to exp re on funer house in a qn1et part of the city n.nd sud Hf: gtbblelhssto1y t1u o gJ a l py1ea \Vlth thcu dece a-i:ie d lords and mtls tlenly lettmg down a long wisp of gray Then slowl~ fo lded h s 1 ockct-lJook R. D. l:'oley, I took fr m it a letter- a little crook ter Ii ishti! 1 tc1oss the br:un of t} e Io r A d lookeU as if he kne v l! CENSED AUCIIONEER I OR ' ' itb 't. con vulsive effor t nr d He took 1n1:1 hat v t h a cheerful sm Jo ed thing \VI itte on b11ght paper and 'von1 \n file l o >rn l ipofDarl gt Sales po lpt y ke1 led to Q } argcs moderate Ile.Jo c g 1n duty donl:'! desperate resolution sl e (">aspt!d out ar d1enched witn p rfn1oe I hen rode a wo.3 to J a home a nilo I tore it ope It va~ WT1tten in gueer ass ua.nce that 1us c mm inds ho vov r .At set of Decc n be1 :;is i dieadfil tl1ey n ght be sl v 1lu be ob yed !Vlone~ to Lend. English 1 ho pa 'Son rose us he left tl e to om ~ IIE UNDEliSIGNED HA YING Then ~ J cho1ly wit h ~ gl astly smile I a little English kno1v it began A d botvcd · tJ u. smile of grace been appointed agent fat t1 P. P vmc al Per sa.1d in a lo a ld solcn1n vo1ce But l 1s heart.resembled t rmned tomb My mother ahe English anent Bmld g a d bav ng s Society or Toro Most beuull s r.repared to ncgot ~te loa s on R cnl I II sp tc of his srnil ng fuce My beloved rne the I a t g io g est ful I wait for you Come cur1ty on the inost fa\ o trab o Wr r 1:1 IIe losed tbe doo 1 d 1 sumed h sch r 1619 J B EAlltB HltN 1,~ hen .she said 1nost beautrfnl d1d I ha~o ton ake of you is - ti at :vhe1 I anl 'IilJ n d h Mgncfsa d(eu !; goue--Q1c10 the poo1 \VOn1 an ::.ob bed and He seemed half i..:1 okbdtor n. brea th of :!.ir sho 1nean you 7 asked Ned in amaze The 1 burst u1 a flood of tea s cried m ost vehoincntlvj-w ht>n I Lill in Yes sa.1d loin of course R Peate 'l'ador. l i l lo v-[the d1sconso ate '\ifc 10a1ed !Io ti o ght of his cJ lrer s 1 ecd} feot '~hat do the gentlemen look l ke ENTLE~fEN S AND BOYS GAR IDs ba1 iel ofn1cal us gone MEN'IS maile 1 tha with hTiefl- \il en I a1n no 101 ge1 al eavy thern asked Ned NE>~ES! S1YLES And the question a rose i:.Vhat al o.ll 'c eat1 seen a. 111ic1 l lc aged n au u1 a single ga r Bo\vrn111 '\ illc Feb 1fl 1808 30 tf Where shall I go7 I asked of the old burden and tie on yon'VJ at ra meut shall we 1 ut onr mei t roll g ovei: in the hall Vrt.) c on ~ t Ji:; Oh for heaven " sake ho ·led Mrs woman Ile thought of l e avena ho v ti cy lO fed c :l \ ith rr th and l:laJ ing \Vhe1 ever I c w \\hat am I to de 1 IIov; t1 e lill es gn c l a g o W.R. Chmie, She beckoned Agam I followed But ·wi en \\;as ra ens ront u lpa d1 I con1mand yo 1 rny de i. young st I pod laug1 JJ1 g long e1 o 0 1 to s :t..} a 1) Wo ~ alked Oll sho going before I follow SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 01 a lilly ar1ayed fo snow 1 t]u g Oh tie ucn Ohtlie h he I llth11k flo>v of s p111Ls wifeBy aut.uor1ty of His Excellency the Govern ing until! she paused before a w]ute plns er Gcne1nl Oftlce n.t the Statesnianoffice i:.v th tonder en <if ons all astir of tl eu Tl i eportcr had lkeU l:lG\ e1 Yes y o s Jo, e sol hotl llfrs ~\ No f:l cret doctor ho replie d I tered 'vall in tvh1ch '\as a na11ow door In the pa:r son s ]leaving bi east s l Ll cl s fro1n here the .sc ne descr bed lu:n c goc. o ic of tl "" best wives aud 'vhen -1 con1n a.i 1 Jou on parn cf 1 ic rr ng I-fls children s mot! er ho thougl t of hernlock1ug this she motioned me to eute 1 U Land SurveJing. o cu1ed hen 1 e met the d o:r ietu")llng I go t }!o ~she' I o I ad done her best L s i e l i.s al ~ tys ~ k1nd "ord and almost tre ... d1ng on rnJ heels 1n her n1y n1a.led1ct1onStill need a h ood and cloth n.nd threal \v1th a ' ild e xprcs~non in h is eve and a of cucot i e1 ient foi me and >vhen I go y e s clear groa ned sh e h o11 )I 0 h nste mstantly slipped 1n after me and L REED PROVINCIAL LANJ!l l. cl css and a tJuckcr shawl FITTED WITH IRE NWWIY IN'ENTED stricken \v1fe pair of suspenders and ~ J 01 t1on of a coat hoine sl c 11 ts n 1e Lh Lsnulo and kiss · lurve~ or Civil Eng noer etc is prepii.rcd to relocked it T 11 p essed Jn sp t J e knelt n d p ayed tofa.J.J. orders v;lth wh ch he n1a} be favo:re<l ' -Never to marry <Ln old 1na11 i;:,ain tail n h s n1outh Such is 11~e a ong the an l tJ1e it a is sure to be ready n.nd she SCRIBNERS PA IENT QULIFYING TUBES To ii e gloi1.oUB Loid of all B wm8Jlv1lle P 0 I found myself m the most beautiful ll·rch !Ith 1871 Mrs "ychelly dned her eyes and m Io' yin 'I1tusv1ll e and 1vo bel e\ e the I has do 1e so in :i.nJ httle tlnngs through garden imag1nat1on can depict A fo 111 ~-~~~-~~~~~~~~~~. Tl e evening ca1ne an 1 be n: et Ii s ' 1{e An invention ha.v111g a most importn.nt bea11ng on the futttre reputa tion of Rood In the inost fervent manner p1 01n1sed that coursa of truo love 1s inore tumu tuous a1 d the day to 1 1 ase me that I cannot find it And lus bloom ng or<hild 'O ine ta111 played rn the centre and fio :vers in struments by means of whlch the q uant1ty 01 V olnme of tone is rnry Ia1gely m B. Sher111 & Co, she no er '" 01 ld And that f 1 ti ful 'vo 1 0 1gh then:i than n.nywhe1 e elso "\Ve lo u:: n y h eart to speak an unkind "01d to Yet nought t! Cl f.lit v of the nward strife creased and the quality of tone rendered the n\ost gorgeoua colors bloomed in the '11 at harra.ssed the sad d -..: Ine 1nan kept her word fv1 life HOLESALE MANUFACTURERS ndeed auybodJ splendid vases and urns that surrounded ofROOPSKIRT8 Best Now York 1\ EQUAL 'IO THAl O] THl BEST'PlPE ORGANS O] TIIE SAME CAPAClTY IIc sa.t serct o i the cent1 al seat --·-4--al n.eed Tho trade st1ppl ed on b~t tcrmes "\\ hat ui!] t ence then has won1en over And his > v fe se ved near h1.. <1 s le it Beyond it was a rose arbor Obey :ra.otorr-K.ingStrcet Bo,vm&nville 16 39tf TH J:o Do~ton --o-His child1en l O'\ ci-ed about his feet NEVER fill the ato> e ino1e than half or 1 he naa Cleated a f erco tho hcn.1t of man to soften Jt and n1ake tt mg the old '\ Oinan s n1otions I en·ered crusflde n.ga111st Mansard ioocs I ri.11 the !\.nd ho to be cheerful tried tl-\ o thirds full of coa1 e-.; en 1n the coldest Lo ll· Patent tho do01 of tlus fragrant retreat the fo t 1 latio i of cheerc l and pure emo Vox Humana Wilcox Patent M F URBAIRN BARRISTER & Our celebrated V ox Celeste pr nctpnl c1L1t11;1 ' Octave 0 1pler the charu Lng Cello or Clar1onot Stops and But wl en h( vent to 1 s 1 ghtly b ed "I\ ea.the1 \\hen th fire is lo ' ne'er ·Attorney Solle tor &.o Li ndsav On the inrstant two beautiful arms t101 " Sj e 1 genth thon g1eetmgs after 0!11ce in Keenan. a Block Over T llcull s Book lo sleep t ll tie ak ng morn A. D UTOH Judge on cont iction of L cul t h e toils of the day l1 e over cosLs n otlung were cast about iny neck and a voice like shake the grate or disturb the 1shos but ·or<> Ile rol t as he p llov; ed h s ucl ing head ALL~HELATEIMPROVEMENTa that of tho mghtmgale softly breathed aid from ten to fifteen s u ill lumps of coal prit for having four 'Vl es decided - IIn nd go fLL1 ln ma.king the h oine happy and lho.thcv; slelhela.dnccrbeenbo 1 t'. G. Hnnnn.g', and set ll e draft open When these ue h<n e pur sh nent blentJ I hfs 1nit one \nd all ihat night was h e pillo drowned theso words peaceful Can be obtamed rn theoe Organs \i\ t I tJ1e toara no oyo cou l ee heated t1uo 1gh and so1newhat tgn ted add RO'V't1~CIAL LAND SURVEYOR Oh how long I have waited f01 you !'l 1' rnNrnG Yong Lndy Ancl so nutl! S 'VihOoncc fo the tha.nklessgro n~l AusTH.iL 1 aha d u st1a11gc thlnge 1IIIRTY I'I\ E Dn'FERENr SH"LES F0R THE PAilLOR AJ\D TUil CHUlWH P Civil E:r:.:lrlneer n.nd Land Agent OtHoc and t1H:i amount necessary for a new firo but JOY of my soul Ada1n was' ory happy2 :Nov can you t ell and par t1culaily a z And ble 11 pon Ca.Ivar} a tree . _ 1 ddenco Lr;i.t 13 3r l con I>tul gt.on All o -ders QU11LI1Y AND VOLUME OE TONE UNllQUALI ED umn.l forn1s rnngularly do not disturb the ashes ye' Let the inc wh at g1c ts rro i. fell on lu n7 Schol lft a.t the of Robert .Armour Esq prompt -E PD nm BEST MAIERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP It was the gnl whom I had seen at :r & itended to 40 dcv1at1ng f1 o n all otl er types on othor draft be open half an ho1.1r No'v shake ar Please n is rs he got t ' n e - -o - tho I kuew lier 0J ea and her cor t~ tents :\ 1110 ~g tl1em the bud called out the aahes Ihe coal will be thorough 1.-Robert Ar1nour, hands It once antl I knew at.o that I had LovE is scd tu be hhnd but I kno v lots cipoz <.'l 1nou1 cl bn1lde1 s truly remark· PRICE F'R01\il $50 TO $500 ly igmtcd ·nd will keep tho stove at a EGISTRAR WEST DURH!l.M met my fate I loved her on the m stant able on cr.:o tut of its habits and l ecuhnr of I hcllows lU Jove \\ ho k :i.n see twice as FACrORY & WAREROOMS COR 6th & CONGRESS STS DETROIT MICH Issue1 of :h{o.rr i;,gf3 L1ceen scs Barrtater ang l 1gl h eat fro1n six to twelve hou1s ac 01d a.a well aa she seamed to love me tto1ne} at Lav and- Solicitor 11 Cliarc~g Jill tys lI '"hncts 1hc inalc n.nd fen ale concur 1n n1uch1n thou gals as I ka 1 --JoshJ (Estnb] shed in 1850) llg to the col lness of tho veathei In oncy loa e 1 o Iloal Estate Offlco on ~ ng RICE & Il ~RICER AOl!N ro BO\\ 1gN ~ ILLE ONT TOMS STORY Brother said N ad t he const1net 0 11 of n n101u1cl of l ea-' es eet Bow Hi-l "Ille vory cold tveather aftci t h e fhe 18 n1ado --o -¥ D o:FS not a J ounrr n10 h e1 s } eart le tp ' I can t make you unde1stand that de add fire eve1y h ou r g r Q.l d n:ttc1uws t tat 111 then dcco.y gon B~ 1\lAitY KYI.E DALLAS ADDRESS SlMlHONS & CLOUGIT ORGAN CO DETROIT MICHIGAN 4th JO) when she beholds he1 d ulmg J ol1n f{. Galb1·ait1t, hcious emotion said Tom s1glung e l t I:h"'y sec1n to know ex actly · babes 1st 2thl ARRISTER AND AT'IORNEY !l.T Did you ff\; er hear of my or1e11tal ad There we sat togother talkmg like lo> th ' rll be em oh od by tho IN purchast Jg f Ut 1 s 1rc test of hat I A\:\ Otfioo Kn<» St -eet Do vmo.n\ ille vent uel sail Toni perr.:l u g himself 1~p ers who had boon parted for years 1bly Mtle m LOCKMiN She dealers cn.ll a pnrne fu1 HI the length and n te~rntion On the top they Agent a1.Buw u.nv llo for the l ieehold n u! l g HALLO! THERE'! ·ociety l\lone!i to lend on fa.l'm security on the co1 nt1ng house desk Why yes that shpped a 11ng upon n1y finger I gave density of t he do vu next ti e skm t n. ho1 o aud into 1t an ogg I!! This A LL YOU WHO NEED SHOEING Yon don t su.y so droppe l co ll l3 of tl e moundf.I twelvo -1::~ comealot g and get B arga ns fo1 1t Js nc Your oriental adventure asked Nod her one from 11 tne I vowed to bear her can be reach!] tlctermmed by blow1 g a I s lny yo 1nges t t1011 lo ov,:Jedged by thoseofcx])e! cnce, thn.t St. Job11 H. Hutcheson. m leed \\I y wl at '<lcar J tile m e t fet! t 111 r.:1 c r £ It nee by tl ree in h e1ght a1nnzed a\iray to th 0 land · w here l )' crs 've1e not brisk curre nt of iur frorn tu rn outh IS N01~ TUE do o eyed cher1 b he is lo l o re ARRISTER AITORNEr SOLICI Tl1ls is tile 1·1ace to Huy Boots Vi ell it s ' otth hearm 0 aa1d Tom the slu.ves they were there anu she prom agamst the set of the fm E nc1 og t the 1 l nbe1 of eiglit is ar t1st1 If the f hie TOR a.1 d Not y P Ullc if it tlitl h appen to mo It was wl1en I 1s~d to meet tue at the little ga1don. at opena 1eu.d1ly exposing the slnn to the and Shoes-·None Bet te1. LEADING MACHINE Oxi"ICJi: -Fl.l'st dooi east of Post Oftice up stalr9 'J ITE Ott iwa C t Qen B \ya ' u ild c illy 1 dged n.nd oo'\: ore l \\1th Joorae sand was in Damascus a mere attache of a 1n1dn1ght When 111 d1sgu1sc I )l ould con view lt1Jeot the article but lf the do" n n11h.0 <1 e of uu ti le la. l es st r to see A. ll t l l s 1s do e lll thti da1 kneaa of n ght Wo are now n a ufa<!t r ng from tl ci best la.terlal Boots of any de~iled 1 attcrn w10 war IN 11IE D011LH01i 'l'bom.u CJbr1she, grn.Vo d1plon>.at1c Jar y ~boy of twenty vey her to n place of safety procure the is so dense that the car noL r enc I '1.dyD ffe1111 i on e i::1.d1 tJ e o s~uJets sot 1 t 1 o "'1 e cf<. net emy nay HO "\'\here CANADA ranted to fit o no sale The :mbscdbe feels gro.tcf l fo tl e, ery h'ber ING STREE'.l BOWM!l.NVILLE who might a·" ell h· e been left at home urotect1011 of our consul with whom I was tra.te it or at most sho \ 1:1 bt t a s1nall por tho othe1 dn.J do u0 he s io.t [ 111g Both pnrcnte She th i.: 1casurc 1B luclden Age1 t fo the following Brlt.1.Sh and Cu.1u1. al patroangc 1 e ho.a had fo the last tiftcen yea.:rs HIS PROUD POS!'l'lON IT HAS I suppose and woul l ii>Ol c ta continuance of p bl c patten intimately ncQua111ted and marry he1 tha.t t ron of skin, the ar t.rclc lnay be ~ccepted the n 1 nrs le an carnc'"t p la.nforsecur1ng the iiULll Insurance Corupu.n1es viz Ro} al Live1 dresses pLu ly a nd sen iblv weaJ.~ 1ih1c a ttained th10Ugb its nheront good qunl tier:; ago l a nd T do Drlt sh A1ner1ca and l ov When veiy mght I should say so said Ned I would beg t o sa;i. Lo all v. ho n. c i lebted to Tl ese q ill t ea a :-e e1 plic: t d -i.r b l b; cle soled boots H.I d dous not feM o , alk p 01 o,,,1t 0 1 eJf a new gonerat1on w1th a Agent for llo!ial l.1a.1l L1ne of Stcnmc1'8 and fght LI t.l ofl.Joats and Coioner for U1 tell me eithe by note or bOQk acco nt ti ey n u l ~anue M l Lptab hty l cs 1( s a. i;core tnor of eq ua you belo gcd to i d1plomatlc parti.: and Bk11l ind apparent ' Going it fast said Ned con~e tothcs ratr.;l tJ. ~}all Pa5tcx-per1cnceh s HAIPINESS beti"reen husb.?1.nd a1 d : v;ife fr In o1e u il of th1;; c1 J o th" utl ei OI o r. p ec s o u po tnnce ] o f 11 p~u tioulurs a ldrei!ij to tl o Oountl"s of ~orthu1uberln.nd and Durhl).m taugllt n e that steers £I.le m ch e LS er b1oken n l\!u.nufact u ei s 'vete tn D1ma.ecus Yo 1- ,Yelli Tom· ghed can only b e Becurcd by that constant t en .c~cc the tnud cl est ciu::;s1ng on 81 :uks knovrledne f cer ttun naLt il la"i s t11at 1n1 . . v;l en young- fall o "' ~l to run untll fo to 1lvo I was ill a barnar said Iom Eng yeurs old t s 001 s1dcred a break neck age Now ply ~ reaso11111g faculty Thu· tho eggtl \\ II.sON BOW~fAN & Co R. H. 'l'urner, Sllddenly as "e ·at there said he, derness and care of the p:lrties for eiii.oh s ee all tt o.t are in and all accounts due this hshmen alv; ays haunt bazaar.Ii 'vhon they te inc b ttod ~1t~ ont tl e detonbon of the UCTIONEER WOULD BEG TO fall \Vil be expected to p Y lP t he old woman rushod mto the ai bo1 - other which aro based up n \Varn1 and de lin.n1 lton Ontario A LoGIS\ Llll iu:in wl had 01 Iy been S D DllADSH l.\I aro 1u Damascus int'or n the hab ta t:. of Bow ttJl V'Jlle n.nd 1 the1 l 1rd on the nest in a cluna.te that R&llOHARi Down ai " Ile Oct 18 1 1 Is Sh· wluspered a word to my beautiful lady tnonstratrvc love tu"IUers of '\Vest Durhan tt u.t he is nov. prepar The 1 cart dernands acq u nted v1th a gul t o nig hts attemp Oh said Ned do they! l10t lcl be fatal to her lu cun:finen1ent di to attend to o.ny sales th t may Ue entrusted love, who \vrung her hands m te11or .Agents for Durham an d Vlctona ln Ills dy111g tho.t the rnan shall n ot sit r eticent, self ed to k sa 11er at tho g;.1.te · him Ch rgos moderate 10 t! ' I had bought cigar ca11ea a.J1d s1nok1ng ' Fly for your hfe she sad absorbed and ::nlent in the midst of 111.a depos1tio11 he told the doctors that Jl st as D:r-:_1i I N l!l t1 e d1ffe1 ence bet"" con expert capo and tobacco hags and all sorts of ' If Allah spares my life I will lnect fa.m1IJ 'Ihe woman tvho forgetB to note he k1ssod her the eart i shd o t fro n. n1c1 tn,l plu losophy s111d a schoohnas tor Smart & f!il1nith, Dent.1! N ohee, things said Iom I had slippers and Jou at ti e gate at m1dntght H not and provide for the peculiar1t1es of her under lns fe et nntl h s sou l \\eut out of to one of hrn ] up ls .J, !'ti. Ilrnnacombe, L. D. ' Wh) str re scarfs and a s hawl £or my mother nnd a adieu until 've meet in Pa-radiee ARRIRTERS AND ArTORNEYS husbands taates n.nd 'v1shen tender~ lter Lis inouth w}ulc h s he t 1 'tO i ched tho phecl the boy exper1montal philosophy ..l..T LA\V Solicitors in Chancery and lnao URGEON DENTIS T SUPERIOR HAVING DISPOSED OF MY DEN garment of re d silk and gold thread of T·ny Conveyancers Notaries S0Hc1tors fo 1hen the old woman seized 1 l6 by the home undemable for !nm In a wortl stars L ater de·patclies sl o v tha what lS asking you to give us half a holiday, Gold ll'illings sertcd Iceth extracted I.AL Office to Mr S G \VEBSTER L D s "hich I did not kno v the name ike On D&nk., &:o :P..Ioney for fnvcstmcn And I arm hurrz:cd 1nc to the gate pU:sh(;!d n1e tor 2 t:e ls each .A excellent looth Po vUer I co, 1 'W1tJ1 pleasure roc01n1nen l bun to all re p,·.U tfmo onmost !En orable terme o'er present and e'er deinonstrative gen ailed h n1 w is the ol l nan s boot I z;opol and nat nnl philosophy is Jou sni llliJ forsnlo Offlci in l\fcr:J n!I e J: loo,k qu1ru1g his 13ervlocs ae n akilful Dentist was bnyrng a pipe of orient.I atyle \nth~ ol\t am! locked it l>ehmtl me I tleness muat re1gu or olse the h eart stones led gently from tho rear D on t ;you wish Jou rn :i.y get iM Q[, rmahrnn ~!atrsman I VOL. XVIII. BOWlVIANVILLE., ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28 1872. NO. 180 At tl'le Ironmongery I L 0 D "SJ ~u~iuie%i~ !hrtchn'!· G PURE WI-IITE LEAD. I B 2000 I G 11 0 M D. STOTT, AND D CHEMIST DRUGGIST - ---·-·· - G -------------- 0 B ' Simmons & Clo ugh Organ Co.'s CABINET ORGANS ·· A L ·u ! T = =- = G I J Grand Combination Organs W T li R B I SEWING T nm 0 M.AO HINE m B K ~ It; A B s., -- S ·

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