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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1872, p. 3

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C~ilN ADIAN T' J~~a~mo:-""'~:--":..'-~:::....:?"±i!ir~ srrATESJ\IAN, BOWMANV1LLE , THURSD.AY, - - *!. ~____:::::_ - - :±::':!± - - - NO,T} ~MBER 28, 1872. _ _ _ _____s.=_ ____ .:::__~-.~=~-!'_ !2· ~"'!"""'" ~"'= ~ =~="!:: ~~'! ~-"--"'-"-E'_ "!'!'_ "!"'! _~ _.,.'!"' -"' -'=.!'!' __ :'<'" " *"!:'!!! _ !'S::::S:: !'!'"!"!!'!!I!!'_!' P .A R : m n to gn c lessons, in i he c vcrunga or ou Saturda.J s, to prh ate pupil s <Jr i o classes in 110.,ition , Gre.,k, Latin, E ud al andA lgeb1 a roHN Be I LF.H, M A Add1eBs " Box 61 P 0 ' the foll 0"\· 1n g subjec ts - French , lJJnglz sh Co111r r -< :: ::?"- - E-L() T - 1"' _, L- 1...:-4 - FoR .b.:vERYBon Y/G I L-.i r A SGO"'/\r HOUSE T V V · \Fall Openi·ngl · - - - - - - - -- ~------ - - - - - THE u"NDBRSIG NED rn PRE- C hoppers W an tedf -1~ h ave t h o 'vood ou fi fty a c1Ps of h1.11d cut in t o Co ld \VOod 11s r ap1dly as iwss1blc ~ ill p .iy t o good g puees ca oppc r s t h e follo \ \ n 1 D ur mg t l1e mon t h of October, 80 cc11t.a p er cor d, D u1'1ng t l1 c m on t h s of Nov c n ibcr a nd Decemb ei , 75 cen ts pe1 cor d co? < l.1 u.nd after Januar y 1st, 1873, 70 oeuta per .1LS O, W ANTE v , _, }.'" I-IA.MP 'fOJ:.T, J ~ .v . . fD ..fCI-iLY ! 1'1 1ITE UNDERSIGNED WISHING TO .r I The subscnbe1s stock is now THE fAMlLY PAPE R V E , Olt 1 Hb Offe1·, for QR.l e 0110 of the ir1 ost cx:tepr1 vc UJ.11i r ornplcte :.t ~s01 t1,1e11ts (}oods to be found in any ~0·1n t13r ...,to10 ,Jt OntP1 io ofi Four Doilarn a Year ini1dvance· Oon(1uuicc1 Ahl ~ Ed1""l'!d \\ tth out Po1. 1 IJ,1bc.,.1Uy ~ '""cut, 10 n null · .n E'tm ybod y, a ,-.;cl P { 01 l ,, fl I [ con·r~c l r \le' RY ]-,ULL A ND SELECT! AUTUMN FASHI ONS I SPEOI.AI, Arl'TENTION IS C_j_\ LLED 'f O H I S STOCK OF llo\\mam 11le ;:~:·.ed, O V EST ..~pply at --- - And notw1thstamLng tho great advance in the price of all kinda of goods, from having made l11a porchase early he is enabled to sell V11th ont any a.pprec1ablo n.d va.ncc on foi aior puces __ _ _ tJ MAJ\"E.RS 1 . ~--- I"' PA N T, O cons ta.nt e1n-plo:;: ~me ut c~ND OCOAT· J' P )foA R1liUR" Bov, n1nn "rillc Sep t 18, 1872. THREE TEAfvI STE R S; DRY GOOD~, GROCE!HES, P_1HNTf', I I j1 .qr~DIC~l !l"a,,"t..' 11.1h oa v! n<; l (H?.i" e11 o; lnt c:·:n·{ a·o~. nn·1 f, afty·f. no FPH co.11c ' bi o, in l el.stu e l lou.t .,n 1..·n ?d to < ollcct VELVJ.:::TS, '1 .1:\ .BLE "-~" -AL U\ J ~NS "\.'"EJJ.VE TEENS, DIA " -" IlT.J A. ~KE'f S , BLACK SILKS, , Ewn S ub c n"bcr lU1l1l C ," C.A.N.A l)IAN 'r\\rEF.DS, nn£f 1 o A ge nt u.utho1 n o u1ed"iHCl6(l 'J'l~ c Cu to AND TOWELING, CO U NTERPA!\ES. QU I L r s, Magoficent -OF-- Dis pay A N l.V antetl, E XPE RIENCED MILLINER , !\it eCJJl. 1NG BitOS it unee, nl so, two a1) 1 n cn t1ccs (g irls) to leau1 the 'I o1lo11ug busincs=>, .~t. llowma nv1lle, Sep L 23, 1872 9 m1bsc11be1 Hoat d will b e pro' 1 dctl. f or 'tl Oi kmen on th o p .. 011 11scs if de'01rcd n oL e or boot... uccowi t for lllack slllll h ::i ,vm L:: ' a ro i c<n1estcd tu B""tth lhc sa1n c un m ed uttely ' 130,, n1au ' illc, Oct 1G, 1872 12 t ( , IO DHAW WOOD I'a i Wcul n s 1 n .Ldc k no" n on n.pp11catlon to t h., HARDW Al m, CHOCKERY. """t:~ OILS, p 1\ ,.r EN in"' ~v 'le r"?JJ1,S. , !teTI' 'ii~ ( t' ~·.JY "'Id r ctiu· i. a JI tho pt-om1uent ft;p,truu;1l;Jt u e P1c""11 nr lt h h fo1 u1, r.nd cu1u b.ue \ Utlt tue1n 1l)p, be t of o J) (' j 011 1 no.,la in ~k- a.s al so a v ei y full assor tinent of TIIOS T HOMAS N l3 - All pcraons m debte<l t o 'l' T HOMAS by I Plt It cn·11h 1t< .l!h "~ENTLEMEN Q "-.J SU I'l'" .._ J....J to O"cier i .._ ·1 .L t1A latc&t and ~ ))ollar '" cmo e 1eacungn " " .:\I::igu.znH> or rntt 1-'anei '-' l lft ~~ni<'nt~ '.ll bo 1 aur-d u1 d o u1 n.rm 1·1 to <lcc n 1el'llt:lJ15'tei < ni-,of Ho1 1e~rJle1 , , wli~1 n g \ 1th Lhe1n tut 1;e1 1$ Of o~ h er cou.ut ues I t. w1 U ,..,.,,.,, tb. l1~U. Jl!ni!"B.t rn1>L~: of GLOVES, HOSIERY, S MALL W A R E S A ND Bo ~ino.nviJJ e, Nov 7th , 1872_ rrRI2ifl\.f INGS New and Rich D ress Goods. S ave Your Bones Aud get 50 cts 100 lbs for the~n, at YOUNG &, DRI'l l ..\_W'S Ontr~no T 11e Q " e b ec Rubber Compan7 inost approved n1n nne1, and on ttl C '!h ortc>..t notice, f 1 orn J1.. ,o. s111or·able 1 Cl. o t h PS an rl ' ']' Vtf'CClc 1 Th P 1L~ t l'Bt N ca1 e f l1ll y SC j '...,c t et · e'~ y 01 1 '\. Fuslnm " P lat1 CS 1 CO'Ul a1 Jy l OCCl'\ ed h · ... -r'""' ......~:N· R~ - 1t-:1T 7 __("_'.!_ _ t~ __ ~ , , "'!'!. II:~ ·' ~ 1 n ~ ·~ ~-· -- - .. .,:;..dl.,~.,~1.i. n.nd lP~·o r, ·· ~n.n11'.u' r 1,111 (Ontn..n :in 1cgn1 1t F ull 1'1 g"n ngoH he.-ytoue<l1mve1 , c·ceod l' 'ye"' "'"'""""0111 T HOMAS PAT EB SON. Street I B EG '1'0 I P S -:rhoJ must be d1) a clean ot the PltUlii.: to the n CALL THE A'l'TENTION I 111 K lll '\ a h.t<: - OTT J ~-> ...,., ' L-1~ L!luo1uo.::. o· L1lho6 1aphs ev er OftQ1ed "l)1en1n l1)8 b ur Y >< l ph~c Olll 3elver; be yond co1npct. t1on ior, 1n nadi t1on ~our Elega nt ~ ~1 1~u?w~ 1"111 be gi ' en ~o en.en subset t bcr .No _ _,_ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ New St yle of Patent Clasp F elt lloot , z. · Ji~ ta1 nc db) sub sc1111t1on l\o _ 'l.Kont 1s u.utho11zed to col lect ,u b8c11 11t1ons l.nt.1l t he l ' htomos nre de er crl f o fhc1pL1t 110,;ia pbJ> or "'or11out plateB! b11t tnJl C1uo 1 n oi:;, naclo c :<prcf::Sh f!nll cnn 01 1 y be ub F_ F. JY-1:"' AR,TE:u:R, HAS REOEIVED A SPECIAL LOT OJ' Murdoc h B ros . a gieaL nnpro" mnent, dom g away w ith all an· uo~ unce fron1 the ol' l s tyl o of stJ.aps a ·vl bnc kl~ . SH() -.--, j ~ ~ r- .. f ' - J'r>-.J 0-~ 1£. \'E H. :: PES CRIP'i'T011. G-J:'.NTS 1 LA]JI J~S, · ,II"S"S 1 . , .ll!A ··1) l" ~ vr ~l TLDP. ,.-:,-, -, .. .L l"l 1.., Ga1L1 l; ~n d [~al~norals lll f,reat va11ct1es J ur.1es i en o· ... ; tlH ooJci.; 11011 1 aISed by w.1ny fo1 ou one vt ii~ t" to bh dc;."fL11co of tL bo1111 rl \ olnu 1i:., 1no1el/ !JC"<llrn" oth c"5 'JH\.Y U\VA i t N~>. !, 7n 1.? " · i!." l · ;1 ti: .u11 <1J1 .. u - \ chn.rn.ctc1 f1 en. s.11 o r1~ u1:ll p 11 1 ~tH.11 PJ K neghoff, t h e cm inct.1t u.111 '"L:;.,a JJtunbe, .n g Il l Cauada' 1l u1tet1 u 111 \ 01.., l dnll1 l on a t t'l c j_3 ar s Expo <>tl10 l , i~ad > l.) fin"!lv p n~huscd hy E1npc1c1 Lr;., Nl.llJOlcuu 1 '0 11 l J o H<l l uutcs No. z~ . -V. c lio n )t <.: 1a1ru t h is < l e sJJ"ll a s 011~ n " I hu t \lt.1c1 ihv 1 r~t U! t OHlO Th e ori. i::-tui:tl 11a.1.1.1W.1 J rn b y lC . 1 ; nc-; of Be hn, nntl t.11e "tc ct 1 t.:TJ1e~..,ut..h w 11h1,,, t1c1ornc t.hc ·n oat pop l lrn: nncl "co1n·:n tu...., ~h( lughe-:io pn· e ~r r. uj of1ta s1zccvc1inpo.1tci 'Tnecilou1Jnrfo1ourChro r n~Q b b1 LJ,t: ( llllll~lll _,_\.r l.M l ' lbl 011111.!'l \\ hoxQ ( t"" 1 .e~ . . !":'i~!'I nnrt-t:!olcr '-'! c t ... hes ,..o ·>o' en 1l~no.nn:uut1olug .... cltu.:~, Iu ~1Uo11~1 u gt lns n.<;onc(fu t. r ~ 11 "' , vc 01111 l d n c1{ to 0 1u 1u.lo of sclcv ll ti f1 l)""t n H}) e , c1 j 01md I r,('~ v, _s: 1 f ~ to1it '.o~ 1·~·i~1>Jffil'lf I <1 f Exe~r.c , 111::1 ~Co·1 '"'"}'"' 1;.(r,to n 1 1rn!)cron c and by t ·.,Fi a il \1 IL 1c )j ) 1lle tv.o fo11n I li c h~tg~ pa.' o f; 7 .1..luo1,~ C '11at io.. , o\ e1 pub J u1 tlw.1 cacli t>i b "l) 1bc1 gets t t hc(,t1& pat({ 'l' hc} ct u be F1 uuod, 0 r Boun<l 1u V ol have opened out rui 1mn1ense Stock of tu T wo 3 t! OR THR EE RESPECTABLE boa rd by npJ:Jl ying F or ~ale by p er son s can obt a.:in llOO'l i..!'. '1J 5HO I-': DEAL EhS G EN!!:R ALL'r , MRS ,lOIIN FAREWELL Ki ng St. Bo,'i 1nanv1llc . Ua1.·c Ch ance. or cl es1rous of g ettin g into n better p a yin g one sh ould n ot fall to sond ~l 00 t1 1U partJou lat s, mst ruct1ons a nd sa1npltls whe r eby they will bo e nab led to n1n.ko from $1000 to $3000 1)Qr a n I~ 13.E~HY I l NEW F ALL Goons. C~mu.· Rails and Po!!ts. for s al ~ . a.t t he QUANTI'l'Y OF GOOD CEDAR A NY Ro.118 a.n cl l :>ost.'i either st ump or ered JA.ME S V EAL L ot;}, 4th Con D1 Hllngto n , Dec Hll, 1871. 19tf <loh i, BUSI NESS A LL PERSONS OUT OFtor P . LE MONT & CO J"JGSt J i.u ncs Str~ot, };l ortt rCo.1 umu, address L All W ool Tweeds at 75cts. A -- -- - - - -- - - - -- ---- N l:i: W L OT OF SHAWLS· ..! .: i=PJi1T T· 01·cr-sh· »s ~."»~[JBPJBlDQ kept cvnRtantly ~~ and .iLl!J LJ .!LaJO on h and ::i Great care has been taken m buying the Stock, and as nothing but FIRST- CLASS GOODS have been purchased, Customers can rely on getting good value fo r their money. l\'otice. in th~ b us1ness l u.te l}' CflrllC(l on b y n10, u \ Bo·nu a n ·ille, to 1nv eonsChurles lV[ a nd "\Vill10.rn H. Co.,v k er, I h ereby icqucst all those indebted to n1e b y book a cc ou n t 01 othc1 w rnc, t o ciiU ltn d ect.t le forth with ELlZ.A.DETII GA\VJ{J?U B ovn 1.1un1lle J au !lth , 1812 21 tf <:111··1 o .t· 'l'l mnB 1s . TAI L OR, ,~TOULD RESP E CTFUILY RE ' f 'I UHN lus a ln ~ere t.hanks t o l 1s numeroue cusr;onw1::i and f riondR und woul rl beg t o say t ha.t l1 clvw1cmo\cd Lo the corn et Of Kin g >Lncl Onta 110 streets, '" h e 1c he ~ ill be g lad t o sec a s ninn) 1 le.t'le to g1v o hi m a call o f t11e i.;ood nn.tu1ea an d good t( 111pcred onea a s .HowJuanvillc N ov 22u <l 1871. H AYIN G SOLD OUT MY INTEl{E ST AIRo, 'Iitt-c rr"u..;"'~· - 1' o E 1cg l E1; ed T tle P · .,es ~Jll Uc furu1:ilicdeu chJeu fo. ou1 interj es t 1s gt..,(1. 1ly "'~ , t1ll;e1l by tho ce1 t o.p-.i," that o u r 1 ~1.lkl " J.!l be p rese.i vcrl n td bo11 1d .::)r:~r li"i; 1cl-. -01)1t-l p u b,Ls1 ets s ru1 1 ·\ c eoulll . p µt 1 hk1 OUJ )11C3( nt J'vlo11t1ll} for W luclt inducei:i n e pubJ1c $0 lHitn <:t<J ·" 1 to p <1t1011 zo us, r.t tl wo fe'.lr 11~1 ( O;::nv2ti 1.,1nn wb "1'C 11ot. 1tJl01d 1 b ms kl101i, s!uugltt foi.:,,a. tl ~ l .'.l. dl. fl .J' l ' W!!- 11 <I] IL Lh t 1' t: a:.;s.. fD OUI c ;Jo ls ll:i CO fill tlJSOll -tlLCU letJlini' ho 111 o OoUa/11 a Yeo1, bit our s ubsc:i 1 that ' c ha 0 e done ~o [tnd u1 ~p i l e of h on 1 11 111" r ':.c:u the pn.1n1 tliat 1vc c nnlot i cti~11 1 its exnens1ve fc<ttwes u.Ju.l fur111::ih 1nnle tl:.t~1l ro111· l une~ ~8 JJ},,1 v Jl1ll ll1Je 'S OJlIJl~S 11nl/ 0 <11' 101 0.;lyL;><ootheJ>mo"" "Y ' ctv>lldo t, , n<l the p1 cs1 n t a ho n of t he Chru·u o~ lll adv, is { YldCH CC tl 1at 'VO u Ciln wht1t ""e :IU} 1 OUS 10l\'I \VOJtK n,~ de t(, order unde1 the n1a.nd,gon1cut of I'r1R J REED, w·ho Fon1 lt~ali1u·· n Jic t r P .1yabl e In ~ttlv.uice . has been the leading "or krn tn lll tho PJ.onc o:rl~o ot ..,~ /:31 oc Sto·o for the pi st 16 years S1.iJ1tl Tl' ;:c c~ut S LIB1 11101 tiauiple C1. 1J· ht! ge q ua11{ .ty of 1 L1R LTI'TJ{ S-Su,1d,-~oga a.ncl othei s-to1 _sale .i to sat1sfieJ. th . . t r~ J.S \\re l>umuun.,, b e "".\cctf)cc~ 1 1dtrrt\ccf11l ' J)O::;e," 1 1 f! fo1nt the b 1 \3 c.. conq111u10 ·1 for No 2, the:s; jotn1 1p '" !.tl'r.. io C l u0Jl103 ' tvo sweet to1 anyttton[f r o. 4, lf"1c T~ ~) 1 r o 11 i 11 i ' tc1 g._ tVh ut lire inOU 1t 1 1 l1i;1~-ik ot1u-Gi .·nU. e\e1~ heme ~ 111 -..~ anu t J t d t1 1c Ul~ TI ctnettc of SG\reu N e·vv l ot o f Dress Goods. A SPLENDID STOCK Wm . Ill. ; , one, Ill. A.!f,.ll,. llll,, &c.,&c B ARRIS1'Elt AND A'J'TORNEY-A'l'LA\V Sol ic1to1 in C hi:~nuer;r and Insolvency Sil ~ 17 lf OF Dress Goods P lain and F igured Lustres, P lain and Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Cords, Figur ed Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Cobourgs, Black Paramattas, Black Crepe Cloths, AND fH. cGt on er St1 ee t, B(n vni uJ.n il lc , t o ~ s. o nloa nterm x. ca s j l fi-4 -1 AP P LE Sf Burden and W erry a rc P'"epa.rcd to bu :;: Ull J qn u,n tity ct. , AL L !?f:l}CEIV.JJ' B ES'/' ATTENJ'!O:V ~N INTE R OAFS. streel at pre::;An t oc up1etl JJy J Chri.stie, E s q, S tnt1011 J;i..g'f1o t )!'01 1i(l. rt1c n lars enquir e of Wm 'l'HOMPSON K ing St Bo~ D S TC'IE CO'! 'TMl E ON LIBERTY Good J!.lercltantable Apples, - .A N D-- WILL PAY 'l'HE HIGHEST PRICE. llo wnunrv1lle, ....\.ug 27lh 1872 · tf '\UVllla r~1ay 26, 1871 To Rent. .1lU T ¥ ork (;-,uanmteea ar. Rep1'e1Jented, HENI\ f. H SAG!c 2i.J Ah~ ~ 1 v..".!0 B1 uu tb-~n ", N e w Y-or l.. tit., .Buftalo, N Y T H E CHE AJ!ESJ.' FURS IN CA N ADA. And f1om our foc1hties 11 c feel eoniidcnt th,it wo can p:acc befo1e th e public supm 101 ,;oorls al same rateR i1s t:1osc cha1ge1l by others 1u tbellP:~ y ~·R~ :hncl §:lwe '1!.'Q·oubH e t rade fo r an rnfe110. :11 ti · le 2 more ,fast- class v,orl men W<llltcd-none __ othm n eed ap ph ,~, LL PARTIFM rnm:n'r:nm '! 'O TllE .A has BOUT 50 ACRES OF LOT N o 14, ALLA N L I NE . OSRAWA A Cll!:l:< OY. Con 5, Ca 1twright T he m ost of the l and b een ui v a.sture a nd Jneu. tlo \v foL 10 J oars A q u.intitJ ot' fa llen ced at of e:xl.\ellen t qualtL y for 8ale A1 1pl y t o THE HIGHE'!'l' PRICE l~ CA8H F OR HlDES ANDElihOJ"f <~· CO. Heccl'o Old Bo~v-1n anv 1l1e, NQv 13, J1 Ti! 16 " I I I llowrn ~rn1llo, Nove1 nbor 7th, 1872 Rev W LOGAN Cartwright l:iepl . Oct 4. tl1 , 1871 , 10 tf ....cJa... tu1 d~l'S".>;11erl r r0qt e"'tcd to yiu.y u p b oforo Inc '[rsL '" ' ""' " _d 11 ' ··" ndlo " 10 '~'.v~,ti~~~bN B o ok BiiUli1111;. Iuie "h1ch the y '.Vl:.ll to have houiul , c an h a.v c t li nH 01d ers fill ell 1u the ueateo;tnnd1nost d11 1a.ble stJ le n.n d on t he s l1 ortest n otice, b' lea-..1 ngt h ~n1 a t the Dr 'I. rESb( \N ottice B1 n1g ulon g you1 b mc1 ng. 3·1512_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _::_: I EVERY DESCR! PT ION OF H AVING BOOKS, l\IAGA] :>ERSONS - ZIN ES, P i:unphl cUI or o.nythlng in 1h c book WINTER SER VI CE! "Cnd or Contract. with - the Cn11n d1a.n Go-vernment. for ca.r1y11ig the Cuuatluin a nd l ! s M a.Ue - "W!!Tante~~. -~- r""7- l§~a·:ay !Jil.eiinen·. i;~ ~7' ~:..;; --.... _. 1'- A ract 1racle>1n1an"\Htlu 11 15n1 n tl· l 1 ~ll~ of 01J C<t ll at tlus oi!ice COMFORTABLE HO Ul:lE l'OR A {""i/1.§IJT. ON 'IHE PR EMii.i;:;s 01<' 'rHE Wo '31ll.J.s ri he· , lot ";(} JO th 1.;011 D~\ i '1ogtou, al.lout 1he 15Lh .2u1g ust l ntJl .~ he1~c1 i IB1ug '.l ~fl a1v uld 'l'l1 c ow11· r1s 1eq C<itc rl toprooe: p ropcllj , l J J co )t::; J df':t.(c1l fl.w.:;. BltAHA.1if ItO~~ U cf'rii! _/ \d -~...<::::~ l).t !f.~1 I>' ' ,..I "'*Ci r.·.f l~4 [;:_,~ PLAIN&ORNAMENTAL PRIN'FING E XECUTED WITH STEAM LIVE:F., PQ OL , WEEKLY TO LOND O I'fD ERRY \ V H CL IWilE . --~-· ~---~~------ 'VaEded IHuncdiatdy. F~m pl oyn1en t A.ND G L ASGOW I 1· NEA r N ESS A ND DESPATCH, 1 BLACK METZ CORDS. ' A FrnST·CLASS SHOEMAK ER, CAJJ -1.blo of doin g gen eral \-; 01k Con stn.n t Dr111 n.z~on Ko' !), 1872 "" l t,t.t{t Boi,v-rn anvlllo , Tune l!)t 1 1 1872 J OH N SMALE l antl, l>e1ngno .. th l aJf of lot ! L't1 (O..'.:. Da1 J1 ng ton, 13 oft'e1ccl to 1 s de 111 l ots 10 1;n 1t 11~1rchn.s'l1J, 01 u1 one Joi !\.pp1} on T ·te 11l·c3 J A 1\1J ~ V EALE D1 \IlinJ"to 1 1 July.., lS"~ lli-1f T UE WOOD ON FIF'l'Y ACRES OF IF lJ R l\f Irr u I=tE ! N E ""'\·'i,-r -- '.ll'. llil.~!!.S.lT/iil.l'ii~'.ti'®i-;,, HCll\« 1 A 'l' THE 'l'WG aBweJling !Hoa!'l CS fot· ]E[AS Jld 'q 11011h'y °F STA'1~E S MAN Sale, Prospectus for 7 873. (>RANGE:.9, OFFICE MILLINERY The exhibition ofM1lhnery and Millinery Goods is ver y extensiv~, and m trimmed trimmed > 1110 O ' rvo \Ji OJ.t'tl v.,; 0 lQ""ICHOliLS 9 E ll.LY \ lili !\IJt lt MANN.IN ! , ) T Bf\10NE· 1 COf10J 11 U'l'S d esirable lo ca11~J Ul Llic To-;vn of B ov. n1a u 1 dondcrry Que bec a ud Mou trcnl, lea.Ti ng Quo :B'ol' part1c u l111a a ppl y to beu cvory Snturda j,,.. on arriva l of tho H & H OHARA ]\T ig ht E xpross rronl J\{ont real l\Inr kot lltu ldJngs For nm,;r n. Y1 c~k1J line bo t1vccn Gla!:lgo\f, Quebec G tr Do1Yman' Ill e. nnU...l\f ontroQ.i :N REASONABLE TER MS, IN A Scott Scanl11na. 3,000tons Ca pt Ba.lla.n· l y n e Pi'llSSlfHJ, 3,000 to1u1 J . .1eut Dut ton E N It. A u strian, 2 700 t ons, Cn.pts m J. ' ' " yhe Ncstoria n, 2,700 tons, Ctt_ptam A .~ll'd l\-Iora\1r.u 2 6.iO tone C apt.ti.In Drown P c r u. v1a n , 2,600 tons, L le ltt. Sm ith, It N H. Gcnnatiy, 3 260 Tona Cap t o.' n J Gra b ti.m. ] o rn11n g a -w celd y line between L tVC?J>OOI TJon composed of th o un ilcthoted F u ll J .. o w"rW Doub le It.n g 1ned Cly de Built Ir on Stoanuh ip11 ' P oly n esian 4,20f) t ous (b1uldin g}. SarmatlAn, 3 400 ton s.,(bu1ld1ng) Casp i a n , 3. 2.,0 ton~, Ca p t. · J 1 HIS COMPANY 'S LI N ER ARE: ~--- ~ ~--- ------ PE_ \.N UT;:;, ...._..,,.,otic.e.. ~--~~-~---1~"""--~'~ '~ -'~]!,!io;;!.:~9~F ~~P ~A ~5wSQA A:j.i;IC...~---~~-~....""O~h11n n- to L tverpool and Lond onderry, J' lr1ot Cal.nn frou1 $81 to $91, n cconUJtg to a coommodA Ll on St eerage.{ :is 3o in cl uding a plentiful s up~1r o r i.vcll cookca p1 ov11!>1ons e5Cl Y'-Od ou t. by the Stewtu ds bcl o11gn1g to t he Coinpn,n y 0H h 1.11Ht to Gl,i:o;_;o-..\ li 1 r st f: a b111, S ~l . Intf!IP', $ 15 00 , SLoerttge ~~g 1 su~f .~~t~ rl~c~1c;;i.i~~q goo l"01 six n i011t h·, ht· Pr cpa1d European P nsscngc1 Cot tifloates aro l S<lUCd o.t Ti ed n Ratr !'i i;o p arties vnshinc to bnng out t h eir fl.1c1 rl;;i f :E.n gla:nd , llela nd Scotht.n d to an~· p r l t of l .... b. The Slv'1ti1~1Hp:! of t h \.: ~'\1 o i ti ~al Ol.\ean S t eam slu n Con1pa11 ) J~nrl l.}H t. J! t ~rn cn goi s a t th e G rand an1 10U1\C6 lhat h o )1[1~ Coll n1enuedlJ11nLJ e"'Slll B1 r>,.-.;m t1n il lc, n 1 1.hcp1o.;nn An :Cllu atr~t;')t'I,. ~~o :nt°!:i lV J1Y~1~n ~l~ ~12.i·" o "'~ 1a1cly oc<up11 11 b .1\h \V, t"o door~ VCX'SQ,lJ.'J a.dl-:C.:Otti~d i O l"i0 ~h 3;" ~i.d"" ·rreo;'- Of JI ( l:\ Cll <! bh01.; IOLOl A, w ltClC he H' p i e pa\c ~ t') till all v t101t1 J.ll. the f'1r11tu 1;;1 H1e sc1nost l!'e~_..~tl1o:i.l 21 f:.:.::i \tt'cn.'li!l. IL1 .l!l,7 Ji n(l fidecn J C:l I'S ~xnc1 10'1C'C U l (; .h ill I A Bio-prasont~t-l.V'O ffJ Cll~'l1l1~\... \-, oil, \jp11ol~t<:11 1 g o.nrl. L nd e1ui..11.uig ,l1c fee." on of .6.mcr" ca"?.'l. rgast9 ~ cor11 rlcnt t~,.~ h e vii.I ~n 0 sal l' I tel lOH to tlwc;o fl v or n;;Ji n 1· lthv1 l c10 l 1n 1lutcofv ll J1HliHe ... p aned ! 1uh, ·i..:s Jz· ~t 1 v Uo in)sot aJ! j l~o t l!J. OL J~8YT.~ S l :Gt<3 'tUd 'i : ka l cpt r( , i., llhl.tlc ! ·lit lC").lCttl11l') I j r i \l 1 ~1 ce'ebr!lte(, ~ ( i!u. \\rate , Lemnna.r:!e HHl i::>ar -.,p3111lu. 1 c i y ~H11t~t1< 1 fl 1 !"!TI' r d. Juk::. A W the abo\e will no i.cut. (O:to:: ~n !l.r o::i han~l 1t.t.dll\S thv JJ.0., "\ 1 l <.LtltOl Dt1J u1;::;-~ ~ n hi.~ ,u · JC' "'hc~l " 'lO!het lot of f er J ] l \.S \' ;J J1l Loo S:)kl <;heap fot 1 1 T\:".rtn :. .1 11 Cl·<t1pbe1. 1-1 N for sale Book Store3. l Pf.f\.Y~' U'1' 1Jc Or t J I w ill n ot be rW\'~ O RS blo tor a n:-; d~bts con 1 li ~m James Sulley t ruotcd by Pl y .son , '\\ ILLIA:r..1 SULLEY 4$ tf D ~11 l n gton J n nf! 12 18il OTICE IS IIEREilY Gl Vll;N, 'rIIAT .Ll11.; .i..,L ' t -----~-- ' ' CT_.1 C.'a!J.~1~~CII· ~!!~~b §!~§ U]_g n~ <t; ~ ~1 ;i' - - {~~/£~t,i-rne$1+s co~t , rndthe 1i::a1ethc£/1101nos, 1'11l":J ALDl1.Vli, \"i l'tic lS!;; Uu.l ' -; 11..11 "ll 11 t re~u1 u.ut.y hi'~ none ot the lctn po 111.} 01 loJ rJy rn 101 estclu.u tu:te t sh r.1.~Jof oi....inn\ p e1 1u<. e It 1san clc rftn t ~§ llll3CClltn}" Q f pu .. c h $llt and ~l uc cful htcr,tt4 1e, a .utl4 1 coUevhou of pu::t111~~.tiie u11 cs ... i:pccunv11 !'! 01 :.utl-.11e sl U u blaci.. nnd ,-; h 1te .Agho1.~~ll (ll.Ch SU CC"~ilillg 1nunbcn a1fords n. fresh JJl,~ 1s · L' C t o its fl , er1 i.J th e .r v ul ue a ..... d r~nted. .r:?,' !:ic:iu1 y of 'l A l been i./.ln.c Wlll beal e m ost 1~pp~ft1 1 n.ttc1 Jthr:. hm; b ound u p abt1lec os0oftJ10 J C ll \V\ule J lhci publ 1 catiou8 rna.Y el trni. ~u per:iui che 111 neSH, 1::> uompa 1ed ·w n h i lv~ls of 1i r,lm1lm cln :i~ , 1 IIli A LJ)Li\'.liJ la a u 111que aticl 0~1gu1 ilco11< e alon e l\lHl un11pp10< eh ~i"' f.1 ed- .~b-01uLely 1v1Lh o u t cou1 pct l LlOil 1U ~l ·'1...-C 01 e· 1 u1aut.c1'fhe p osso so, n i n comn etc Vt·lumc ;:: ~nnot du :plie 1te tho q u 1nut~ or fi·1c pa or ind eng1,v n1ga iu auy 0L hc1 ::ih a oe ot n.:; nbo1 of > olurn es U ;:-G AR SJ:>~ T 0 :B:'l!:X:A.'<:E ., 1B1 Pu1ihc pationn.gc 1cspoclfl11ly ijO c ted DO'"'il ll0..u 1111C ) : o,.,.cr: bt:l D 1S7'> l".lJ'IC'R ~ Jtj {)-; 11 1 ~, ;t·;~ o v ;., \']' ) f'{ ~1. n Mu.r,<;, CA]!PBELl~ IN 18 t I NEW I [I - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - !fy(~ .J lfS "O\" '- LL ·I11J"' l'"I'T L ..l"' ,.,. lJS'J',D I" J.i 1~ ,. .L!J ~ _, CI P\ u::\1an11fo.~·0 rh:~" Elits~:i jJJ. r. I' ~ t~~o~· Ac. § ~!i:~c::.~~.3!!..!! C ~f~iifl .-:; · ri 11. , ~ ii:.':ii1{';J.3:r";~ uer~ ii. 111 D~I Jl !l[;tc1, No' ~9, 1,71 AT AND- s A~D 'l u 111ors taken o ut u,nd cnr ~fl 1Vlthout t.he \1se ofth e la11re b 1; Dn D P_l\.l 'l EitSON 'Ille best of rcfci e nces g iven 11t Dow1na11· 1llt:l and eles-;vh ere OFF!CE -f'.hll' ch S treet, Do ,, innn-'i lllo Do,vmo.nvillo, F e b 21st, 1872 30-t.f A '"° LL K INDS OF CANCE RS i{Cri:;. t h ereby 11 \ oic!l",., P Jc u~ual d.1 a rg63 ot C&l't u1g and h n 11dlu1 :i; of bugj;·1ge E :!i: Jlrt s" J 1 <1 HH le n · l c.1 lland on aruval of th o Ocean Stcan1 ,,is fo ~ 1\1 o u t1e.!.l l oron to, a nd !i..l l paSf:\e1~e1s il un k lta il WlJ "\Vl, uJ P o u JL A.!'iD n T'o 'I'ho P n1np Shop -r WITfT HOltSE-PO>VJ;,R L Corn for S ale, Wh o l e or Cr a ck e d· rn so Jtion -1 Nol w 1th s ta.ndn1g t h o 1ncr in the _ pnco of f1UhRcrlpt1on l(l.Bt ) 1 n.11, \Vh cn I'liE .A .. Lf)I_7\Tl.:. a s sumed llff p1csont n oble pto_po1t1on s rincl 1e p1 csen tawve ch ~r,ctc.i , tln~ eodion 1ua11 11w1 e t h ru1 d oub{e..d d n11ng j '& tuc tsl yoar , plO \ 1.1 1 ~ t hat tho Ame1 lean [_.@9,_\p11 b ic tpp1 e c 1a. l c, nn~ will sup1io1t ~ sui ctu~ f'fl o1t 1n t h e c tnsc of A1t 1 he p 11UJ1fihcr s an"'>lO rn l o J1IBll fJ' tJ 10 ro ith con ilnc n cc thu s tlemonsL-ra.t-0<l, }1ave cxe1l c<l thou1 1;;e11'e::. t o t be ut n10.:.t. t o cJ e,: f lop i J 1( t 1n1pt o\ c tho I" ill run S t JCk i; OJ1 ".,sun\!L 3.Jl\ otl er 011.u ·wor k , a n d the pJ.-inaifff ~ fol the conung year! the D o1nn.uo 1 1 <Wl d T p i elc1 i t to t'.1 tbet HL 1crlU or CLS 1111foldcd by rJto ~ 1nontll 1\ 1 s s ul i:>, "il Oln oU, or fLHJ o ~h fr u se"' on t ~ ei 11ncry astonish <tn d delight. C\ on t h o 1no :it 3angtll110 1\ 11Jt:-<n1trtso:;.; 1! ' 01 e 'lan J oso Jlt II all ~« 01 ks fn en(l.l:3 or 1'.HE Al..D JATJJ.:. I h e p 11hlis h c1 s a!'C 1~ 11tuo1 1 ., e<l 1 o an.11011nco <le 1 l flnd Sloe& s 01 to be the b est oil I lh~\ e O"\ c t mgns fron1 in a n_y of the mosL t n 1.nenL .u l1st~ of .A.1 neu ca I n o.<lcht1011 1 .°R'~ TFII!.- A f,JJIN'f1' "\"1 11 had i n 1in FJ ourin g 1\lltl l for 111 h1 ~cn11ni; plU1JO"C8 i opr odu ce cxai n plcsor~ tho best fo"c1 g l n1a~t Tl 1111 u ~ed ollvc ino' ious to rsto cl~ s, · n d I Hnd era, aclcctcd with a view to t he h1ghrut .u 1..tst10 Stock o to l.Je the bcti~ l\losE~ S'TITH, Dnffin sCie ck On t -SllC CIC !lS andgt'{ t le~tgcn e 1 a l 1 n l1 1e,, i;, f'L\01d1u g a uch as h n.v:_e become Jo.1 n1ln ', throngit phot o [ " ould i, 11 e.1 J ,ivo Stocks 0 1 1 t.b u.n nuy ...~ u.tghs, 01 copies of any k1nc1 · r11e ou n te1ly >tin ted plu.tes tor 1873 )tif -;-.. ill u p1 Olluco io LU of e> u u~cu n iuy u:xpeucn.ce oi 20 ~ ea1 s GE ORGE Br Ah.Ji:, Joh1 1 S. Du.' is' 1n 1out.lm l ble cl11kl ske tches, nµ J'o rc1nn,n fol Il!O>i'D & r a.teruon 1 'V 111tby Ont ]'lrOJJ!l i t c to lh o fout ~JOnson l'l ihese pl iles ap peaung ll\ t h e issues ·for Jo.nuary, Apul, JulJ I J 1 .rncd Stock's 0Jl C1.ncl I tlnd i t to excel iud O utobei would be alone \\D""th 1bi!' pncc () f a ye111 8 SU bSCll pt1o n '~j j J h e p opular l'.C!ltlllO o f all 01 l 1 havo e-- c1 ~umd1i1U) ~arn 1rw.ru1rac~u1m <>-f. to1 and Oli\"C 01, a. cop1o u.sly ill ust1atiJ.\~ ed ' Uh1 I S~ts numb cxpcr1cncc, .~nd llli.1 c Uo:icd Ca 1 t:t will be con t.u111e i l o r:o1:15t1ss s1 1ch i 1' a 111 nli 1e 1H mc1p.ilJJ ple\ 1ot1H Io URU1g St.ock f:I 0 1J. JAuo:u 8 I AJ t En , Grcc111'ood e pitome o f the u. t t '~ o ld u.t a t1 itling, '\ 11 1 llOn1n1 a nd tho s11bsc1 tpt1nns ol thomsancls 1u ..,vely motion of the coun tr y_ , but, us t he usetnlnei;s nutl \.,,.e pr efer SLock s O.Ll to either Snerm, Oln e or attr act1ons of 'l.'l ll!J"{ru----r;..ALT)JLY.Ii. cn.n be en any oti !:11 oils cvo1usocl,1 or cxric_rieTHlt.J showH it hnnccll, n1 p101J ort1 on~ 1 o t11c i1un1e1w&l in SPAL"'H t oc. SoN Mn.rkha1n, Out c r ease of1t.s suppor te1s t.he puOl11~hel'l':i 11l upmse JJ t )' 1nake "assiu a.nce doulie ~ui;e,' by the folk1n 1ng I rnse St.ocK'a Oil on mnch1nor), u]ti( h ic unpa1a lleletl offe r of 1 \ ( 1\cs ltbou1 t OUOtirn es Pet Jninut u, a nrl fu 1d it r11c on l ~ o~l t.'1 ttrri.vcs sRI isfa.ction J CJHJHCimLL, Dr~n.;o r, Ont I) Sll. \ ill"' O\tr u1l ut ht J Oib 11nd ~ t h .... t1nn. h t' of t1 11s Uil is \\ell Imo vn, it ,s uunecc&:i~:n fo· 1110 t o sa tQt.hoiea::>OTL~"h"11"-'UPtlC~ f'BaU r11 l1e10 1l I ll..'J 1t ~ u. well know n f u t t hvt it Vvlll n,.,1~1 v1 g u 1:i i. org:ttt111ck 1n t1iccoldcst1 eathc1. 'fES ril\lONI \LS 'l a~ .JOSEPH H ~L-L ~L\.cl:!T~ :: \\.,..ori::~, Osl aw<'\, 0 Jt , ~ipnl li, l8 7 P Gf.:O Il SlOCK, L sQ llrom,,h. 1 D r. \t ' :-5111,-\,c l1ne lJeen u-:; u1 g ;i Otll' Lubn ca l1ng OU fo1 t he p u;L fo·1r 1no1 t 11s <in l c,.,n '-'.~ ~ \\ l tl ou{, hc::;t1 11tion l h a t it is t he bost 0 11 ....,c.h ~Hc cvc1 l1 Sc11 It 11:; ... l~ o ch' <llJ, :i.u ~l I< st.s 1011go1 tt H1ll i nJ otl ic1 o I , 1veliln c 11 n 0111 ltuge lfioot Lio.... Pane17lla'l 8 \ i tlloncuiJrn~ Jt lncp , l lJ.e toow clean arnl bught "\V·' tlo Lot Yi ant a nythui,; l cttcr o~ ~ h1l11 t u.l.oi Yo111a 1rtiJy, J' - GLLN , P rest a,al 1s ~1¥lllg ( u t1 t u 5,1 t '";ilt .... t ;,___, , n J h lLUllO Jt Sa\u1g- tnc1e ill 1101 1 2 t'1 tlucc huui1tt.:d l>e1 ceu t 1" 01t,a.1· u & LA'f'HE, by L11C . A.LL.A~ Ll Nl!i G\llllOt b e illlr pnssed by n.n y ot..her hne &float l: or t hrou!{h -pu.~s ige tick ets an ll c v ory lnfo r ma. t.lon, u.pply t o S t eautsl nps " '111 h e d esp a~ch e d fro1n Liverpool a.1· d Po1tland n::i follow;; I l'W"a .L! V" Il:TIPOOL F f Ol\I POR1 I AND \\ester n points and 1hc fi\ 1.:1h lie~ afforded to c1t nrcscnt W01'kcd hv tho c ,ubt-ilJl !Je1 .John l'lll:cDougaU . tf r,1re ( h.1..,ee tor ~i. gr od pt 1nnrna l bn rnf S" 11 t.hc .r'O"' :cs on go en i.:1i ucd1.a~.J y Onl!r I~Ptu 1n t.oYt n-plou .,. of c tts ton · < · J --·--------- - Notice III BEUNT...:\N, l\10llA. \ IAN · ~ A }.'f.A.PIT.A.N, SCA~D1'L1.. 6th No v l! i IL \<.,.Elt. BONNETS, SUBSC!UBl'll~ \'10ULD DlRE CT tent on o" ItLrll Cl 8 t o 1l e 011 e n o1;:i12 untl L" o hol .;.CU on C111WvaL01.:;J Jnfl.nulu.cttucd b_. 11101, itt..d \\lHl hht\ (' for ::;u yea ~o l.i t t nedfu st pr.1 :-:es aL P t ov1nm ~I nnll Local F u~ ! 11..,y <H e u u dnltlJU'dl? t.h c best imp cn1ont, of tho kind 1n 11ae flnd v ill H1 t ' ct \ f; ,t01t l11110 11101 0 than rcpa \ their cost, n1 t 1 1c cffie1eney 1ut~l ex....t Hence of thcl.r nu,k In p cot 1on nrv1tcd A su pp 1 ~ of C11Jhvit to1s nowouluuullo1 t11e up1 1ng \ t 01k, ~ncl 1"illl he sold <lt !owc::it uHes. ffJ1HE Ji tno ...,1 I every taste can be consulted, as the variety is so great. In fla.t, \VHl p lease b ea t 111 mind th at f1o n1 th e present tune , a ny consent, hlLll et to given by m cj is a bsolutely \ Htl1d1a vn 1, und a n) m1e fomH w ilfully contin w ng ltifle p rac ttco a t1 e 1 t bi::J not ice m u st b e deal t w1th 11s th o l o.w llu ects ~~ RA YJ\ES. Bo1\ 1na 1 l'nll e, li:Itl.) 30,187 22 t i Mliltia a n d others ' vho h ave been i n tho hab it o f pra.cticu1g \\1t h ball c artJ L<l gc, on t h e T H E lliEMUEil S OF VOLUNTEER ltith ' · · 2'.:h d" P H USHl \. N · 30th N E S LO R1 A N°1 ith ,Deo, !nd. J)ec, llth .. 16th .. 2:lrd llOU1 \ L..\..N 1! ' 6t h 0 1 10 H &A ALLAN ..ri.i;eu l11 , llon ln:!ll T, 91'!tIJJ A ~cnt .Pv::;t Oftll.\c Osh a lTS S T E AM J.~ f l \\ EEN FALL G OODS fOW[RS, AN 0 rnoN H ARROWS of a f: llJJenor kind, 3.JSO on h"-nfl u B mumamnlte MMhme vVorks. f[AT n[R S'1A fe". sto11t lads t o learn t he :n,fa cbunst bl'S11\CS~ _\ pply t o ) AT TU E LO N DON, QU EBE C, A1 D ISONTRE A L. BUG GIE l:l cnnstn.nffl\ on h. ncl !01 sale !..ND WL \GONS ..A. Ivf GIBSON, ::\Tano.ge1 ,"ZJ" }\ll kn irla of Hlack"3m1th ' \ ork llouo on J1 1:1li.01 test notice . A. c nll ~ollc1tcd TS t i E 15JI \ VO l l. I>own1f!,1n 11 LACES, ETCI, IlovnnanYd le, Sopt 11, 18i 2 7 if "\Vant ed ! f:i.. !9jll?km· !d to lie to 1:!7:1w~n for §ale, , I N THE COUN'l'Y OF DURH ;l.M, 1 ll0.ll t h e; D\\ll o"E:>'\i1 lfi!H'1 1le ,,~pphcition J ~ B/.1. TES P1op11eto) Do , .nan' illc Octobcl 4. tl1 1371 10-tf we claim to have the finest assortment to be found l\HDDLJ~ - AGED llfAN AND WIFE, a s g en r:rn.l sorv nn ta i n a sma.llfn,tn ily T h o nuin -;, o u ld 1 ~rn ro t o u n d e rstau d gr~rdenin g o.nd tho ClU O of hou~e s l I'o1 p n11:1c11.lnrs app l~r to A TEM P ER~EV'S C oru poecd LINE .H W!E:!;C':! l':!;: O~It,, . _ _ _ __ 0. D SP ALDING, E ·q R ow1ua1n illo, August 21, 1872 ARR IVE D , In Black and W hite I Bc ugog S t reet, 1 tr ot t11c fol1 0\\1ng l'ni;t Ch\.lj~ Iro n Stea.1ncr s ~ ---------~-- -------- SCOTLAND, T" EltD, MEDWAY , 'IH ~Dl!E S, F or §a.le. '.\'IGE.f t 1 N l l .. E ;" SE.V 'ER1'. a d d1110nal cl1a rge;' llpau oi beaut ifu l 0J. ch 101:'1os, GEO B S TO(; T\:, 1£sc-, 11Jte1 J J H 1ll , th ci ennncnt.1'... 11g-hsh ]Jl\.lHter '31~ -Yom e-xt1a1nn.cti 1neoil ncti\er t o Jhc pwt urcs en titled I'h e V1llu~'.:'Helle 1 1'"'d) p '""'1 1c Uo1 10 1i':"1ct~tu 1 g p111no«c:f'l t n1n J ' <l ' C roi:is111g t he l\[ool," .~1 c 11. ' :.:v n1c l:ic.'l-i\ c tlnng us ed m fal' Ll~l krunn1 tu me, it \Y u e1ther p u nted f1om 25 diffe t ent jil:;..1 c' 1c.q1) n1if:. 25 1nt g,i!ll nor co1otlc an(l warc8 ::i.Lt;; f" c t or1 )Jt e!:JSion snndr..1n1sto p <L c ' teac h ri,c t1u c Ihe V lt Y t 11 1l~ :vo11n1, 1.. l: 1.RI,YF.LL - 1n1no cht on1os n re isold l or $:10 pc1 IJ< L IL, _,n the s o L r. ;p toi-i.n1r.ron art s lo1es .A.~ 1 i1s!hcuetcnn111d1 on o r 1 w con ,--iJTO I~ ..., fOCl(. J-)Ro l GHA·I ".N 'I Uucto1-s to kc· p 'J. /u Ala i 11 c out. o~ tlw retch or i ' ' v (Onrpet111mi 111 e1or} c.le,l:l.ltlllC tt tl1n di 00.101'" 'GL:XT FOR rrrm DUID:\ ON w ill be foun d coirca\JOUd:..u,.,IJ aL.e c l of nny t h it SI OUK t,, v. I GS I J£H Dv.:r. 1'3l!, 0an b e offcted by ot ~er ue t 10d1c11l Lvcr~ 1.n.i!J 101 onto 1 wnb c1 >\i 11l r ('CCl\ t 11 ce:i i,ihe..i. tc 0' er thti . g-11 ~ tu re of t he publisheis 1}'l·a1anic~111 / Ll.. ·t. tlte 1 GIJ3D Oh.i>Y chron10~ de.ln c1ed ,,h,dl IJo C(]lla l to t1H R.'.lntrJJcs t'ur1n s hcd tnc 11gcnt , 01 t.he mnnfl'{ ' ill be r e .fund ed 'lhc diBtl1buLio n of i.Jctwes uf tilt., g1.ade,c f1ee to Lhe orubl$e uoe ,,, t o a. ~ 5 n ... uu l ~ cl.l 1v1 ll n1a1kan epocli Jn t he h .sto1s' o,. ..l\,.b, t:.nd, cous1del ing Lh C! n 11,1 ccc den t<.:tl i..: l !'l\ P ic~~::; uf thD vt ico 101 1 lte .dldine 1t.self llto i u, el ii~ lxl1 tJu honor of t.llC tl"-'tU, lf"'a.l. c n ]1,u.i sho rt or a in trucle,ei. en to th'Y"'C hC"'l ::i1 (ldfHlltcd ullCl vd no p101 i!J11 1ou t~llll J-::n. Llt 1s J ot w ith t he n.chiC'iCf'l(lll l Of lll\(llilYCj"; Il.l\ l i U,D(l I i ~Jl 1 ( d h1 t; be11 01lt 1ed, b~ t heu, _\.ll improved 1 neclla 111ca.I appJrn,n o&> [ t 01 Jlliuitr a those DC" lllJ ul c1·1hleln5 1' ludJ ::i.rlu1.:i tion 8 of t neE4 cl tOJlJOf:I, 8ee ;.;;o , cn1be1 t<is1 ii o r 11 10 n 1 ~1. n,:. t or.u b ... 1r o u1 d ' h id 1 1"C it ~ t l ure 1UD! NRJ t o llngc1, ~ls~u c us 1v0 tHJ n1 .t "01 ld of 'l'hei ~itor e.ry Dep:.xtmon~ itd'Htncc ior the vca1 187J '>ill l et cl \{' ·HWwut E very subscdbe1 t o The A ldi'f'.,P., i;vh c pn.ys Ill (Jt:hA\"'l!, J.!" ch 07 , 1871 l REAL LACES AND In the Town of Bownu!.nv1lle, T\vcnty- T h e Stco.mcr~ of t his J..vw tu o intended to Mlul Quebec t1n d Mon tlf" e\ ery 'I U E SD \ i dut · e1ght acres of l·nd b elonµ:m g to estate of fro1u ing thn s eason o f n e,vi~<tt 1on of 1572, and fronl tho Jato DAYID DO~ NEY For par · London every \.Yed·1csdn,y calling a t P lym outh on th e 'Hiy ou~ l h:rougll l1 ckel s frorn nil t1cnl ars en q uire c.f point s w e1:1t at i ed.1ccd r a res C c 1titl ct.Ltea 1s~ned tiM d esirous o f h~ 1uglng out t heir fri end!; THOMPSON & l3URNS. toI r.a1 oi fu ll pnrtici..thu~ fl. T)ply l·) t.h o C OJopany'llil Ageut at Oshr;. \\ n., Bowmanv1lle, iliay 23rd, ! 872 43 tf f1 ,V, Sl\ll 11[. I '-' P·nn j1·'-~G:~~~·~~:~~~)~'~l'RE8Qi, ...c\_:.n lf~~:<fEoen ®!1" t~1e Jlbli©@d,®.a·:~t;®Jii c~f' t~~ e !0)} sit<l)n~n, :rntd AT LACE C O LLARS, i TilliiD ouL 111 the t1..,itt111 u t 1.uloptetl h~ t he eT1111 ~nt Tnr'\J,~n lJOv r Olt I !1 \Vld JOSU:Pll US 111 lll H n1 ost v;ocn de1 fu lAJle1at·1 e ind lowc Med caue"' kuO, \'Jl u"" lho G1eal Scv..,hu 1ec;1 Ite med \ aud 1-'1!1J A Gonen1 J Resiorntion lo Sun11d Health t, RE Pl"tLC'<ClPLES l'ULLY CAli we have a large assortment McC L UN G BROS g cst1on nnd nutrition, an d b y a ca1eful ttpph ca t.1on 01 t he fine v1ope1 lies of \VeU selected c ocoa, J\.:11 Epps Lu.s p1 ov1tle.d 01.1 1 bi oal~fast t a bles 'vit h o, rl ob ca.tely tlu,voi:cd b ever age ' v.lueh inay sa ve u s ru nny h eavy d octors' bill s " Service Gazette :M.·~de snnplJ '\it.h llo1Hng \.Yntci.: o n llililk Each pnckct. is a.belled- " J.AlJFJs E1 rs & Co l i olnruopn:tln c Clle1n1ats, Lun r.1011 Als o, maker s of Epps s .l\Hll~:> Co coa ..(Cocon. and Con dcn sed Milk l nn.tu1ul l,i." s 1vlucb gove1n OJJ~ta hons ot di liHEAKF ABl Co~IFORTJN"G - E l'l' s CornJ A - Ur...<\'111 r.rt:L AND Dy u tlio1ough l,uo \v1cdgc of the I Nl\.f _ A_ N 011 ::\l \IL LI NE S TE ..:tl\fSHlPB, 'lJ\:-tf·bRO t con tinue u n tlot t11e t.:ftf o of l\lh l Ltch ~ d Henry S1-0cld 1" 1d a:i:::il t~u ln th u.-.~t " 11tc1 s and p oet«o1' t h e dny, who w1Jl st11' e to 11.n c P ie '~111 al le\'11l ea otu f,'1.Jt f 1ud i:;oulhcs t11c wou1\dcfl h~1't lt ulso ch1 11, P te be H Lt \ ctl ~ it1~1~ a~~\\,~f~v~uffs r~i~~:'e :It~-; ~rJ' ~~~~;z to KJ10w th.~t literatlue of lH e. ALDJNE nh\, w1th i ts s,r t1st1c att1 ll.\l..1 011>:1 H HI kee 11n,; 1 ! r.t1t1 1twm.1.I en *tl t o Uw ".rel\!l'l.S : pc-:. an.nuu i in ~th- :iace ,,ab. o.l tl:!n·nmo ~~f~cc 'l H F. .P: 1 nn; ir. "u l1 l1c1c.U~R1 Uc ob <:t.l'Hl.blc only b j: su bsct1pt10 1 lbcr will b o uo ieflue( U Ol t.1lub ru.te, ca s h fo1 s lbsi.: 1 p t10 11R u 11et be s ent a g enL, tu. t !to u t 1 C.):l) JOU:-n ln!d1, lo th" pitUl"Whi 1 ri p ubh ~11 eu1 d11 ecL Ol hu. 1 d < l to tb~ loca l exec-pt i·1 eRscs "" I·< re 1h e: cc1 ti.11cat e 1ti ,.riven bcn ru1g t heJttc -s1.1n1lc i:; 1g1 1it 1 ~ot J\M1Cs6 1 TON' & Co i be hslt Hf.'nt of tJ ie g1..,\ o n CAcn ts nhong <1 u tt H1 c t10nH to n ~ t t! e ,lt tcu t1on of tli. "t,n.Hge1 , anu c ~use s h nu 1 0 }lll Ube t, 1 l lean1 U1c no.· 1C or one n h o h l:I ri ha1...,d l:!O J a.l'gu]~ 1n Lhc l ove of 0Lhe1s '\\- o ta ko t t11 s 111ctl ocl t o 1 ' "011n :'> ou tlrn.t \Ve c u.11 Jtll o tlw: rJ Joi dc<:,oruti1 g the ~Fit. vcs ot d cpa1t t ll :fl wt ul><, t~ l o·~ J t,'UIC~ , C..i.CCUtcd ltl t l1c bi _,i; s ylc of 1\ur[,mu.:u ...lup JHONUi\'ll·JNTS, 'l'AIILEIS, EIC ' I:l'..4 O!J JUE' 'N l:.;::1 Qt; \IITY 0.l<' -1.N cl:: .A1~IE1UCAN lifA.lZ BLE U"'{D Agents '\71:tn-:od A nJ perf;loH "nslnng to net pc1n1:;.nontly a s o.. local t , ; ill i ccclvc1 u11.'.l.nd Pl nup t.1 n fo 1l!1 a tion by applving to 8vOTCIIABEI!DE ! .N· GRANI TE, JAMES SUTTON & CO,, Publlshers, 38 ?!fAlDlC:N ! dtN E, NE\Y YOP~K. I -·-----m dei 1 L o C l n1cteJ ) work l.Vlll mccr; ' 1t l1 p r on111 t nth n 1ion, h:r l ea1 u1g or ]){ t l ii rn J ng t::uJ plu-!1 on sl ort notice ·11Ll1 1 ~c1yt!nng tht11 i/ 'jc _,_"l/o ,nu;ta!.cu1nUc 'Y!lUd c n thcu ~ ld n~ 1111:1l? aiwn l'e1:-:01ts \ h o l.m1 e licen testoi ed tv tJ {r-;i; ~l1 eny-, h n ic1 J" f ed huilt'i \.i y th e\~ bol e son-Le pnwe1 cxeJ red l>J t.hc~c lnd1a.n Mcd 1e1ncs O\ et the 8~ stem nf ~1 f ,,1tL:::"' t1!n. 1 of t he \'hole p ! U.J"DUltU fJCCi'10f pL.~SIC ;;t 1 e.;1t t h .:o lh e 1111ni. r rms tc" t1 1nnn u ls arcs, c, ?i u n!lcuutblo n.nrl L "lCO n k s lhlC facts :;ufllc10 1 1 to COllY1llC~ tho UIO::>t oocp tc t.1 t nai tlle::1e 1~r riL i~11 (l ,0 tl co1npotWtls p('t 10l m llltLHY ln a \cl!<) US ('llJ CB, tJl l .LCCOJll})]j l:l h nil tnf'vt l~ dcsned No l.ltl1tte1 ' rn.tyo1n ,1Jlllie It miy bo, ui ofhu11 l011g::: <>..n·ling th ey n 1ll find llJ.e s~lu t, .uHi <oSlonl Hu JG 1 ti\ t lie 1ci1 1d tnrtn11 c1 111 1, Ii , h you tt c 1c~to1 c l to pJlicct. bc ~l lli und Iull' l!'"Ol 'l Le l{el ll( 1~ tlH t rhi> Pilla arc ple.l.SL\llt ilTld Sfl.fc I n 1fl.k ~ u d aH 'i\ nrt1111ted <>ucl 1nay p oss1 li! be r~l Ni up(m tu 111a1 o ~l. ]lCl n 1n.11ent l.\ ot all rli{i ases o.t he !luo .. t T uni;; ..., Ln c1, li:ul ncys, D1g-e3t1vc01vans &...: S.c us HellusSciot nla, tl O \ arlnt.ti bldn DrBD"wl fi H u1nor-:.l .11Hl .dl di:.eascs a11,;1np; f1 01n lmpu1'i.L\ of I ho Blood , ex cc~Jt1n,. Lhe th11 tl sUigc <Jl <Jonol inpt on [1 u1t lie1 1utonn thOD ~ 1th till (Ll cctw11:5 fox u::.Jn~ the l\lrn.l1c1nc:, n11d coi.tu.11 11ng te::;Liu1on 1tli:; -1-J. tla ccr lilkatvs or IJure.'l cu.11 o:Ut uncrl b:, sec111"lngt h c Shosl ·ouccs I 1e:.ill :5e tho J:l,1url bo oK, 01 lhc \ Jntfln rtc .'.l..lld <..a en has, irrn n any dr ugi;1st in the ;\o U1J1Gl 01l ~ CfrlBCllLC1UC~ (;(171., ? ('.S1!lt f1an i AT PRICES TO UI 1) J AGEN' OY OF 'lli £ BO W J\'I ANV I L LE FU R NI T U RE ' MANUFACTURING CO, New York, Q ueenston and Liuerpoo/ / C I:t. Y 01 BALTU1.lOH~ err \' O.i; l3RTRTOL, fJI TY Oli LIMl::R ICK , Ci'!\: OF D UBLIN C l'J'\ Oll' AM'l'WE:Rf-1. OUR S TO CK --OF - Furn it ure Ma.nufo.cturln g I.Jo , ·s novr in a pos1 ion to fill all ord ers a t a B loi,y a rate aa n ny deal lln the connt y 26 I\OBT, S MANN1Z G niHE SUBSCRIBER IlAVING BEEN .I.. a p pointed retail a.geni by the B ow1nu.1n Il le C i'l \-' OF R TOH MON'I J, C rry OF J\{O:NTilNAI , U TT~ OF Hn.OORJ1:N C u Y 0 11 PARIS, !:11 Y OF D R1: 8SI?.T S, CITY Cn:Y OF N r.:w Y onK OT<' Lo:-inO!>l, C u Y 01< H ALrF.A.3:: C J TY 011' DUR H AM, Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots Beavers, Pctershams, :l\foltons, &c.. &c. , &c., \VANTED T \\ o or tln ce ox1Je11cnce<l C r ry oi.~ \ VABIIINO TON Sailing on Thursdays and Saturda.ys I F 101 11 P lot 45, N ortli !{.her T o Qnccnston ot Cab in r_,nc1pool, ~ ~ $i5 gold. Lon don, - · · 80, Pa.ris, 00, " furth er 1nfornrn.t1on R tTE8 0}; PASSAGM. M ILLINERS, for t he 1vork.,..1oon1. Apply to l\'IISS Mc'r AVISH at M URDOCH & TIRO'S. ~3-tf Bo" m·nn lle, May 231 1872. ~30. Ste.eut.g c ;J5, 88., " cu rrenov 1 · · c. BOU N SALJJ, I llol\ 1 nan villc ..., $100 JJnn1u11on- Ii'H.LE J'nce of lhe Ite1ned.:..-, lll fargo P I t Do{tles 1 Will be foun~ Unusually large, MURD OCH BROS. ' 'I'toket s cnn be b ou i;ht h ere a t tn odct:.tto rn.too b y p et son s w·1sl11ng to send fur the tl f11end s lf or npp1y to the Co1np nnYH A g e n t, Pr1{.:c of the Pill" lh r J3os 2U ctH.

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