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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1872, p. 1

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, 'W _ii!!< _ _ _ ~-- 22!15 ~amtht m by the Pr p1 ct Statcsmmi is pr ntcd and p lblts cl · ~· Every (hurstfay lllo1r111ng WM. B. OLIJ\1 IE nt tho OFFIUE-Jl· ost Office lliiuck KINQ S1IlEEf BOWM~ !\!LIB ONI VOL. XVIII~ At t -h BOWThIANVILLE, ONT., THURSD.._'-\_ Y, DECEl\iBElt 5, 1872. NO. 19 '~~==~===="=-"'~==~~==~==~~==~~~ - =--=-~~===-~==-=-......,,.-~==~==~=== e -I· r-0 n-m--o-n-· g e ry T . ~() t 4 *-ll~~-.----[hank yo Mar_ y _ lt_ e -sa1d and crept STANL~} SL~~?:ns~~~ RELIEF Lhoy_h _a _ d_ fa_llo -n fl um the clottds In this -r- iM l if;!t NJ ~ II- ;;; SOMETHING LONG vV ANTED BY EVERYBODY, - OR- LITTLE MAY DY l!:LLlE M VD !f 'i fillltY OF:llE !Int'> ~lU IDllE.R, ®\W~ n>A tNI IE!l.l' l~l: 9 HOUSE P.L er rued l'o q i Jr Jl 1f .J' 0 D S' S _..\..ND VILLA PAINT'S, n<l ie CONSfors SOLEY 0 1 1 Cold n.nd b1tte tie da1k nig} t g e Chilling l er t1ny fu gera blue F1 eez g Ott.Cb g olden curl of l a 1 Fall go er neck and s.ilould r ba.1e Alone in tl c c h t rugl t Except w1 e e g1earr ed ' vntul Wind.11 g 1 e ay th tiled feet s ght 111 1n1ed1atc use n.nrl oth g but t he I icst lVI used g no f uthe1 in xt r e of ls T cnt1n nnit Dr5 rs 'lo a 1Iearyanddisll1 \l iot1eet T HEm co~1POSLIIoN ln.eihtc,;1,s W. S f n:~~trrr!. Pu1 e Colm Pui e White 1 ead P1J,re Wlm Zi of '1 u pen ti ie m d D1 ye1s cc ref ill~ lmcl " Bo' k, 1i!! ~ Th e CHIS 1mcr can 1 a\'e ny desired shade or Colors 1 e v lt p 1 Cans and al he re pures to bl y \\ th thu Pi n s a Dru::;} s t l c work c \. t bl! J o e by hunself or by a iy me1 he of l s l o lschold P URE \i\THITE J_.EAD A laige stock JUst rnce1 \ell fo1 Autumn PrmLmg 11npo1ted dnect f1om the English lVIanufactu er, mch dmg J '\.JYIES 1Genume <1 Hl celebrntecl Roostc1 br,1 !-b-u:rn:mteed pure 1LSO - All s ond iJ Colo1s 0 ls '{ 11msl es a> I un<l see h v cheap a I-Io use can be P un teU i1 i D go ls ill be sol! at r l ced g GALI o~s 11ACHINE OIL Qli DHFE Call 2000 Tlucshers and Lll pn.rt1os ieq ur1 0 81ch o 1 ar f:iJ ' n.i'lo1 s '1 al t cs- tho Ir ce being f i Lelo Y an n1 Uy '1ted L o rnspect the mg o er oi ered n LlW1 il ct 500 COOK P ARLOHi HALL AND BOX STOVES, Cau ge Goo Js and THE ONE DOLLAR BI LL Hu\v it chd rain th ti .N ove ul er n ht JS one of yo r undl'!c1ded aho v~ra v,; ith he.!:IJ.tabng intc1' als as it \Vere bct\veen 0 arrn;mg and now on Exh 1b1tlon f he la gc·t and cl eapest stocl of Ge c I Jfa I 11 a10 Tin are m tl e Cot nty cf D rhum J. l 1eld111g, 11! D . S IT{(Cons .l!Jn~l ,nd L ce t ate Ro}'a.l C l legeofl hyslcli\ns Edinburgu (Lu.te Res dent Accoucheur St IJ o ULS Hos_p1tal London Acting Resident Medicu.1 Oftlce C y ot LondoP Hospit&l.!or D or the Chci:.t) Orr ce Dr Dell ngto1 Bu lng Bo u a.n v1llo Aug-t i;t 9 18 1 J OI--1N J\,1:cT,EOD. M EMBER o· ROYA! COLLEGE OF Hcrrllna.'ii s Orono D. C I-IE MIST STOTT, AND DEAIErt IN .No11ce-Rcmo"\al. rosidenoo to the hou1:1e J~ t.elvl ace.up cd bJ Dr Crowle on Wellington Strcc Surgery at hJ1 old r esidence S1lve1 Street Office. honra rom 10 a:m.. to Sp n 16 1tf D R REID HAS REMOv ED HIS DRUGGI S T TOWN IIALL BuILDL!iGS, BOTV2JIANVTLLE. , Dr. "-· Beith, University Physician Sn geon &c Off cc on Klng Streetiinextdoor to Yollo vlces & Quicks Variety Store O\: mnn\:ille Onta io G RADUAlE OF THE TORONTO DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Dye Stufls Patent Medicmea Perfumery Brushes Combs Soaps Pauits and Oils Pa 1t Brushes Uoal Oil and Coal 011 Lamps 'tc &c P ro.tessor \Vh1te, EACHER OF 'IRE PIANO FOI,tTE SinRiug !.:.o OrganlSt aid Composer 1s now prepared to atte d :i. d cceive pupils re :ms may be knowi by appli ahon at :M:rs "- ilaon s Ohurch Stroet T PYYSICIAN S PRESCRJP1'JONS CAREFULLY COM! OUNDED AND ALL OHDEM CORP.ECILY ANSWEHED 4D tf .Farew ell,McGee & Uutled;e, B ARlU:S'I ERS UllOR~ ATIOlmEYS SOLI p te and of ti e best qwlitv tJBJ- Fanne1 s and Plys ians f 01 t ll e Cownt.11 will fi ul ou Stoel of Medicute. com and Noto. y I ubllc J E FAREWELL._L L B R C\\oGEE lJ A JAMES i<UTLEDGE D A OFtrJ CJC -Over 'Vm 1'1 l\fu t a D :y Goo la ltore second door est of the Post OJll e up none of your 1n1ld persistent pattcnugu on the ioof but a. regular a '~ild clelugc a. rush of arrowy d1ops and a. tbun der of openmg floods Squue Partlet heatd the 1I gry rattle agn.inst the casements an I drew h s anug easy chair a little closei to the f ie-a great open mass of glunmeriug anthr Hate an l gazed with a sort uf sleop' reflecti v B!'Lt sfact1on at the cnmson moteen and the gray cat fast asleep on ths heart] ancl the canary bud rolled tnto a drnwsy l all of yello v on its p erch q 10th the l::\quuo Tlns 18 su g 1 tn glad I had that le 1ky spot fixed tn the baltl 10of last week I don t ObJect to n. etc rmy 1ught once 11 a \vh1le whon a fellO\V s un le cuv e1 and there 8 i otl ng I art1cul \I to 1 c done Mary l' cs Mrs Partlet ans vered She t bet 'iCen k tchen nd ch " bl check apon !ted ,,_, ____.t.i · --... ==~-- Simmons c Queen 13 & Clough Organ Co.'s --IMPROVE D- - S. Chest<'l"i1tcld, Res de Street Orlels I u ctuaily nttonded to Cli ge3 Modernto A UCTIONEER FOR BOWMAN ' ILLE and Da.rl ngto CABINET ORGANS" -~N D - 'J'ho1n:u Stonhon!!e. A tJCIIONEER L APPRAISER ll gto Cent e A~D R 1ddllo' e she The Sq ire Gene al \ ent D pro1nptly attended to 8nlcs R . D. Fole), ICENSI DA UCTION] ER FOR the lo'\\ nsil1p of Darliugto S Wes prou pt y tc.n 1ed to Cl argcs ode ate J llloney to [,end. 1Ul. e1tD ltl.i gad avl g::18occt of loron · is J to n ngotiate a ;i o 1teal l! ::itnte tflecur ty o tl e nost favou1a le t l )'l lli-10 J B F Ul BAIRN T HE "CNDERSH,NED II\vING been ar.po tcd n cnt for he P o rn ~ Per = 3 = """ = ~ co R Peate 'll:nllor. S AND BOYS G F.N1LEMEN Dade e NE'\\ ES I Sl Y LES }il!JN IS t} ~ = = = Bo m n lie Feb 19 18G8 30 ti w . R. Ciinne, I or Gonc1al SS"CER OF MARRIAlxE LICENSES By autnont} of Ii1e Excellenc~ ti o Govern Olli co at tl c State 11 a1 offi o Land Sur"\enng. Grand Combination Organs PITIED Wl1'H THE Nl \\LY IN-VENlED J L REED PRO\ lNCIAL LA:Nlil · 5 uveyor Civil Engineer otc i s l rcpn.rcd to do"all ardors 'v1th vb ch 1 e may b e favored A..ddresa Bowma.nville P 0 ,:Ma.r oh 15th 1871 SCIUBNER S PA TENT QULIFYING TUBES, An invention I av.1ng a 1.nofit Iniport nt boatn g o l the future repnt ~hon of Rocd In strun1ents by means of ~luch t he quantit) or ' oltnno of tone is , ery la.1gcly 111 creased an<l the quality of tone rendered B. Sher111 & Co, al nsed ofHOOPSKIRTS Best ~ew "\ ork Mater The trade supplied on best t.e oes ll'&ctary-Klng Streot ~ast Bov; ma "illo 16 30tf W T HOLESALE MANUFACIURERS EQUAL TO THAT 01 'III~ BEST PIPE ORGANS Q] THE SelME Cfl.PACITY - - o -001 celebrated 'fox Celeste LollLs Pntent Octave Couplet ti e ch·rmmg Cello Yox Humann. or Cla1ionet · ~ttornev Sol mtor &'.e Li ndsa~ 01!ice in Keona.n s Dlocli:: Ovor 'I Beall s Book \ or· M FAIRBAIRN Il\RRISTER & Wilcox l'alent Stops aid ALT_, THE L.A TE IJ\,<.f PROVEMENTS, Ca.11 be obtained in these Organ.a THIRTY Fl\ E DlFFErtENT SIYI ES FOH TlIE P \l\J OR AND lHE CJICRCII QUALIH AND "\ OLt ME OF roNE UNEQUALLED 1 HE BEST ;\f A ERIAL AN D \\ ORK~iAN SHIP l '. G. llan11111g, · ;:. ROVINCI~L LAND SURVEYOR Civil E1 Rineer a.nU. Land Agent Ott1ec find ¥sidence Lof 13 3 l no 1 Darlington 1\Jl o ders 4f.t a.t the otttce of Ro bet t Armour Esq pro npt T P a ttended to 40 - - o-- Robert Ar1nour1 ~ R EGISTRAR Ies er of ttorney PRICE FROJYl. $50 TO $500 tt ]1,fa.rrle,g~ WEST DURHAM FACTORY & WARER00111S COR 6th & CONGRESS SIS Ltceenses Ba Jato g (E.'3t!l11 shed m 1850 ) DErROI'I MICH at La. v and Sol c1to n Cha.rcerv oney loaned on Ilea.I Estt~to Office on K ng eet Bowmanvillc HICE & BAURER AGENlS DOWM \NVILLE ONT J o hn IL Galb1·.tith, ARRISTER AND A'ITORNEY AT B King Strooi .Agent the} rechold Bu l l Soc et} LA'\V Office atBo :., -1. --o\DDRESS SIMMONS & CI Ol GI:! ORGAN CO DETROIT MICHIGAN 'IHE LOCK111AN I Mot cy to le don f111m secur f) lH for Bo an Ile 1 g HALLO! THERE' ! kno' !edged b:, those of cxpe1 nee that. d jg - - - -- St. John H. Hntchcs011. ATTORNEY SOI IOI B ARRISTElt :E'lr::it tloor east of Post Ofilce up ii;trurri TOR and Notary P 11 c 0.F:tr1U.E YOU \HIO NEED SHOEING I E A LL come long a get B ~ ' ' for 1t ac s w I NG MA c n I NE IS NOW urn This is tl:nc P!uce to l!Juy Boot8 .tnd Shoc§-- Nonc alct tet best LEADUW MA CHINE va IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA l"lllUS PROUD POSITION IT HAS .J... uttrune 1 ro gb ite l hercn t good qualities l.l "' 1\1 n tfactu IJ e1:3e q ~lit s s n 1pJic ty l tab1l ty cle ~ nee nda[ t t lity bcslde3 a score mor eofcq ta mportuu1;e l or full pu.rt cu!ara ad 1 c~s to the WILSO~ fli..rmers: of West Duil an th ~to u.ttm d to any sales that WOULD nm, TO A UC'IIONEElt in for n tl e inha.b tauts of Bo'\\ n a.nvllle n.nd tt o him Chari,;es n oder 1tc ho l:l o v p e:p y l o e tr rnted 10 tf R. :n. 'I 1n·11er, BOWMAN & Co Ila1niltoti Ontauo Bo ., an"\ illc 0 t 1871 R &; II OitAHA I Agents fo Dm 1 am a:id 'ictor a Smiut & Smith, J...T LA'\ So n1to1 s in Cl ancc ?fa d lnsol v ancy Conveya.ncorl:l Notar r:s Solie to s for the Oata.r o Ba.nk1 & c Money &cir nvestmeut r.t all lmH onmost fa.\ orablo tu r~ ~ J. Ill. Drunacmmbe, J,, D. §., Gold Fillings 1 sertcd Dental ~ohcc. B ARRIRTERS um UTORN:::::Ys uRGEON DENTIST SUI EIUOR A YING DISPOSED 0] MY DEN S H 1AL0fficcto M S G WEBSTER L D S for 2accntse:t.el A excellent 'looth Po pleasure tccommond h m to .all re I can 'Ieet.1 for sale OfHco i McOiuni. 5 blook cx.trncted vler t quir ng hLs SCt'Yices ae a skilfnl Dentist w t b. lhe tavern is on the corne1 beyond B 1t he wants to know if Jou Will lend h rn !t dollar smd .1\frf:! J>arblet Aid couldu t yo 1 havo told lum No w1Lhout the p1elun1nary C(Uomony of com mg m here to ask mo1 Is it I koJ, tl at I shall lend a dollar ot c·un a cent to L ke Rudd1love1 Wl y l lt ud a gr eat de 11 bet ter th1O\\ it amor g yonder red coals No -of course not lilt s Paitlet h es t 1to L He looks so pinched and cold a.nd w1ctched Josiah He says ther es no body H t l e \\urld to let 1 un ha e >cent 111 the better for J 1m 1f he d1d but kno11 1t sharply enunciated the Squ r e If tt had come to th 1t pitch hall a dozen year s ago 1 e1ha1s he "\VO ldn t ha'e b eon the miser t.ble man he no\v is 'Ve used to go to sch ool tJgether said Mrs Partlet gently He vas th e snuu test boy in the clas~ Thao s p10b·ble enough said the But it don t alter tho fact that S'}une hes a poor dr 1nken wretch now Send hun about lus business Polly a.nd if l JS time 1s of any conl5eq1 once JUSt let h1m kno\11 that he ha.d b etter not \'i':J.Ste it conI Ing hore after doll ars And the Sq 1 re lcai ed back m lus chair after: a positive faslnon as if the ' hole matter was defimtely deotded Mrs Partlet went back to the htchen \\ 1 ere Ll Ko Rudd1lovc wn.s spre::i..a n 0 ]us poor tlun .Ill gu111 over the blaze of fire Ins tatLe1od garment· stca.1n11:ig ns if he\\ ere \ pilhr of vapor He wouldn t let JOU have it Luke .said she I tl ought 1 e w·ouldn t 'I hen I i; e got to star\ e 1ke any other dog said L 1ke Rudd11o\:e t 1r111ng away moodily And after all I don t sup pose it n1a.kes n1u ch difference \vhethei I shuffle out of the world to doy or to mot row Oh Luke not to , our w fo Shed be bette1 o!! wtthout me satd Luke clown heartedly But she ought not to be Ot ght and is are two d1flerent tlungs Mrs Bartlet Good mght I arn t gou g to the tavern though 111 wager somoth ng the Sq ure thought I was And 1sn t it natural enough he should thmk oo l;nke1 Yes- ye· lliaiy I don t say but vi at it is n1urmured L lko Rudd1love In the same deJected tone he J ad n·ecl throuoh 0 out the 1nter-..; iew S ay Mrs Parilet called to him '" hlB hand fay 011 the door latcli rn a lo v Hears a dollar Luke l\Ir Pait voice let gave me for a new preco of oil cloth in front of th dim groom stove but I 11 try and mako tho old one do a little wlule longer And Luke foi the ·ako of old times-for t.he sake of your poor w1fe-\f11l you do bottet1 1 Luke RudU.iluvo looked Hcontly firut at the fresh ne» bank bill m hu; hand and th ell ·t tho bloommg m ·tron who placed 1t there way the distance of J l O tmles ft om Bn i ml f ]] ;... ao<:ro to S1mbamwcni i + l ie o o vu g iut~rest1ng rev10 v lS y.oin ° t:i WLl.s go o' ex 1 f0u1 teen marcl1 d t t Iays tr e London (Engfand) Daivy 'fews es an wen y une c 0 I hts ' '"'s !Ji "' 1\{r Stanley lvent first t Za iba1 season of tl I carl y rains here] e COlllIUence 1 hus pteparat tOllS n.nd \ J 1c_:h tJ C 83£'CS of Dal gogo ha l declared had an inte1v1e\v \v1th the S ul tan From 1'iO ld cont1n 10 i nces unt1y fo1 40 cla.ya thu; frmtful isl· tl with 1ts g10ves of co Ihoy lasted JUSt 3V days and of t hose on coanut mango clove a1 d c1i121non a1 J ly 18 "ore toalJy w t The uuns produc t!s dnte" ashed citj he pococdod acr oss el lloo<ls and 111r Stanley gtves an tllus the five and t v nty m1Jes of strait to .£Sag t ra t ion 0.1. the cli sco1n f orts of African travel an1oyo on the African contine it He ar - a p LC t u1 c of Jus cara.' an str Jgg l1 1g 1p Squire c11u1e into the ioonI "'here ]us \ ife r ive 1 atDagalnoyo on the 6th Februirtrt 0 to tl eu ' a1sts in \VLter across tho l\ifa.k wa.s 1 resort ng son e g e it i ed ar ples into last year 11 i o1ga1 tze l lus exped1t o1 ta s amp Ihe n a oh to Chunyo \Vas JellJ It vas- divided into f 'e cu.ravanS the last rendered me nor able by the qu::urel w tl Well "\\ell 11oth 1 e " onders led by } self ] 1 e first cu.ra\ an cons st tho two wl ite meu Sha iv a.1 Farq iha no,cntllcease fhe Ruddlmeo have cl ft oityfotr portei. (colledp ·gaz·) thelatterl aung eve 1trnlly tobeleftbe go1 e 'vay and tluee soldiers i.nd was deHpatchcd on 1 nd sick At Cl u l)O two or t11e fo1n1e1 Gone vheic1 the 18th Fcbrurary 'Ihe second folio v CMavans JOU eel llfr Stanley s as F 1rqu 0 1t West son e ;v here replied Mr eel three days after an l ;eras cou posed of l a1 s had dont.i p eviously nd they s"t Padlot 1 l eJ s.y L ke ltasn t to1 cl eel t vcnty c ght pa z l5 t o cluofs and two out h 1\ ing gr wu o a bod\ of fot r 1 n n. d op lU six u1onihs sold101 ti tl e thu d starr.o 1 w1tJ tvicnty two cb ed ne 1 to cross t] e \Yatcrleas wl1Ue1 I tu glad of th 1t said Mrs P at tlet ten donkeys one \rh1tc 11an o e 1 ess of 1\:'[ tteug,..1\.11 a du1t~nco of tw n It wont l st long Ilia' en t a i' faith cook ml thtee soldrnrs on he 9oth I eb ty m Jes Here lift St.nley had an at u those s 1dden refo1n1a s~ud the Sq1 .re i unny On the 11th 1\-Iarch tl e fo uth t ck of fev r but ...,ot O"\ c it in a <la;v Mts Partlet "" sile1 t she thougl t catav:i.n got a ~a.y vith fifty five pagn.zas .Be.rot d tJus \\1l<lerne.,s l:i.y a. ple1s i1 t thankfully that after all Luke h l not t"\\ o clnefs and three soldiers and o l the countiy nnc.l about a 1nont l w ts occupied ·! out tl e lo lat bill ii liquor 9:Jst 1\1arch ]fr Sta tloj brought up the 111 re:iclung l nJ l y 1 be here the vho l e Six l o~hs -s1x yea1s- thc ti I e s1 cd rear \lth twent;y ei ht pagaz1s t'elvo expellliunvr s to 111te Ilo fr1e1d1y tloi g HI daya in 'vee ...s 11 ost before busy soldiers twol\lntemen n. tailor a cook She1kh11etthet1n. e1Jo1 anl tookh1ni1 little Mrs l artlet kue\v that itJ.awns gone an inte111eLe1 a gtu b e1rer seventeen stato to his house In I(urk n Phc l'u I hlo1es hacl 'one back to Seqt do1 keys two horses 11cl a aog Tr1e ex nl \house'\\; i.s fo 1n l fo1 1\11 Stanloy csset p ed t1on tins cous1ste l of 192 porsons and }us car1 ers \\ere paid oft lns suit installed Luke I ad made h a fort mo as ti e sto y 153 loads of prOTI.fHOU~ ind rn crchand1 ze 111 then a fl l.l tnients a.nd the fhs t secon 1 went 111 t he fat a v:iy El D oradu 'aguelJ and Mr StanleJ s obJcct was t pro ceed n.nd fou1 th car 1\ ans inspected n.nd then plu ascd Out Vi est by tho Slmple Sc1u as quickly as loss ble to UJ J so s to ar le leis re 'icudcd Tabor luch IS close osseto1s r1\ fl tl er before any t l mol I co Id reach 1 o K lrl tru 1s the cl ef Arab settlen c it 1J ey do saJ1 s \ d l\ilr3 B lck nghain Dr L1v1ngstone-for rurnou1 flies e'en 111 11n Central \f11c~ It contrnns a tho lS tnd th·t he bought tl at eie lot do I'll oppo Afr1ua- tl at a' 1 itc n1an was 01 hIS way h ouses and five t} onsan l 1 c 1 le Ou site the courthouse and is going to btnld to find hm Ho sa0 s I tl · c l l day of lir St mley s ani'"l such a house as 1 ever l\ ae Folks tlunks v> c left lhgamoi o the 1ttcntton of the Arab ma 0 natcs of that city all came to its dieadfu! stiange he should pt t a dol all the curious wrth mu h cclat and de see 1 un a id he learned that there was Jar bill in with other tbrngs undm the cor filed tp a nllrro'v lane shaded almorl to wat in tl e countrJ between h m incl UJIJI ner store twahght by the dense umbrage uf two pal A fe d ·} s after varls io felt hstles. and l\Irs Pai Uet felt 1 e1 cheeks fit sh scarl allel hedges of m1 noaas VVe were a.ll 1n lang 1 1 and began to see v1 s 1on~ i 1ddrearn et site glanced up to where the Squu-e the highest spmts The soldiers ·ang the dreams fl.t last ho voko up and his at vas heel mg off a 1 st of legal items m the Ktrangozt lifted ]us 'o co mto a loud bol tend mt told l tm that for a fotnught he b 11 1 e ~as n1ak1ng o it ngainst some c11ent lowmg note an d fl 1ttc1od the Amo1ic...,n dad bee l do\ I '\\1th fevc1 H s illnes~ But he nm ei looke I mo md and Mrs fi a{! winch told all on lookers Lo a hacl really lasted only >week b 1t the at -~-~~~~~~B ick1ngha.1 n lrent on \VIth hor never ceas ~1nsungu. s caravan and iny h eart I tendllnt Sha v ":ts h iuself i:ncli:c ung mth STOP T H AT F ISH ing fJo\v of chit chat and so tl e color aied tho ight palpitated mucl too qu ckly for the fe,01 At the end of tl e month a'! n.w:iy n1 her cheeks \.fter all the money the sober face of 11 le B1 t I co 1ld were "ell and ata.1 to l on the farther vest An u' ete1 ate Joker "\Vas fi sh ng q ute l td been hc1 own to gtve and the old oil not check t the enth 1sias1n of J outh still 'vard JOUri:ney accompany1 10 the Ar 1b 1ecently 1n the in 1ddy "a.tters of the Don cloth 1n fro1 t of tho d1nu groom sto\ e c ung to me despite n1y travels lllJ pul army of so1ne t 'to thousand 1non :vho were vhen to] is s lrpr se he got i. sa' age bite had ans \ ered \: ery \vel1 so, bo mded vith tl e f t!l glo of staple gomg 'alia tly to f msh ti e war The Ile 1m11ed n.tely gn.' e h s 1 nc 11 Jetk that She n et It 1ddil that aftei ioo 1 for health ben1 id me ,.,.c c the trou )les Inch expedition cnde l 1 :::;ast1ously and M1 pulled up a h 10 0 s1 a.pi t g t u1tle and the fhst t rnc since his ro tu.rn to Scquos had 1 ut1 MSGd me for over t o months St:tnley r ot urned to U11yanyen1be in .i. state th1 e v rt flat on the I ath He stood 111 set He looked h ei b1 ghtly m t h face as With that dishonest son of a Hmd1 Soor of d sco 1rag men t On tho 7th Au~ust an1 zc ient gazing o l the sin n1H.r beast I e I old out ]us l and H<1d]1 Palloo I had said i y last vor 1 of 1 c wrote 11 l s diatJ If L1v1ngston 1a \\hen r.n Ii sh 1an ca1uc nlo1 g followed. llfon the blata 1t rabble of \rabs Ban, ans and at UJ iJ he 1s o 1 looked up ' tth small by a I rg e log I a n gl to see you back he1e agn.111 Ilaluches I had take i nIJ last look wrth means of escaptl I rn:i.y con:nder n1yiself The Do1101 n an tried to get th" son of Luke she sn.Hl t1e1 nllo 11sly the Jes uts of the French m1sb1on I had also locked up nt "t;njaDvlnnbe and I the J n1er[l.ld I sle to p t 1 :; fit gcr int> t he And 'ell yo 1 m y be he 1CJOllled l)o yo I ie1nber tJ u n ght' ou ga\ e me e:xcl an 0 e l 1ate'r\clls aud uofore c bcn1n s ppose cannot go to UJ Jl u1 t l ti s i;v:i.r tu tlc s mo tl l t ho wa.s to o E111nrt for At th B ph~c thot b t 'aya l e tho dollai b 11 and ~egged 1 c not to go to cl the BU I of r on11se as 1 e sped tow~n ls \'i th n.1 a1J1l 0 is se tled the tave n I ll put my dog s tail m it and seo tl o Occ dent Lo' el ness glo v-e 1 a10und he was <let unecl ttll the 20th Soi temb i Yes ne I an..'ll fertile fields r1a.nt vegetaho tortured l y t l e t eacht!101 s heh \ u u of "hat ti e b 1ste ' ill do Chat n ght \Yas tl c p vot oi ' Iuch 1ny Hu t rn o lrntely called up h · dog t ok vhole dest ny t tnel Yo1 l\ete ku d to strnnge trees-I hea1 1 t} o or' of cricket h1i-3 ma 1 Sh t v ten11 fa:?tl to tt rn ba(.:k Jet 1 s I a 1d and stuck it 111to th" n.nd at length re his t ul H.1e he Y eve"Cy one s1 ke- ooldl;r [ vow an<l. peernt and s1b1lln.nt so lnd of 1 la. IJ h Id ng o 1 !us n1 ss o cd ~ vo\v to p1ovo m' aelf 'vo1thy of your insects all of "lhich see1ned to £ell me At solving to rl:lo1 gri.111ze l 1s ox1 ed t1on and t utle i outh Ho l ad hardly got it m co 1f dei cc id I keop tt I I 1t the dol last \O n a1e started "\i!hu.t coull I l o 1 nako a leto so 1tl -na1ds to a\: id t he l'ihen M lnrtle sh t down on tho poor la1 bill nn lP.r tho cor1 er sto1Hi ot t} o new lift m\ face towa d tho p to glo u r IIe set 1t itl 54 n en and boJ s do~ ' ta 1 at d off l e started at iatlroad U lo ~c for t i e ho tse h ~s tiscn f10111 t a11tl God be tl anke 11 For hie adtentu res on tlns JO1r iey h s speed p ullmg the t irtle after hmi ~t a 1t lone I ~on t oflei to pay you back skj ar d cry f 1 n afoud he added snuln g the [hey arrived at t ] e first ca.n11 3f milos hau b1oadth esc11 es h is resol 1to iu U'll 0 e iuore ra.p l rato tha 1 he ha.d ever trnvcll luck would go fi om me wtth 1t but l ll 11 au hour a c1 a l alf It "ivas nea1 the ment of gr 1 ubhng c rnpa1 :i,on~ va nut}t ed l:iefore ell yo 1 "hat I will lo llfar, I villcne lh Dono na tl nl mg that Ins da, · l efer o i r ea.de1 1\11 St ley s o 1 1noney a id ' ords of ti at nnd enco J 1 ab tat1on of L \ e ilthy Ii 1 an , itlo ~ avay it then1u1n11l 1 o trt des extens1-.; ely v1tl tlt"' i 1ter101 pages On -!'.} o 9th No c ibc1 1 e sees t he voikwo1ll l t lnent to some other poor "\vrctch as you gai; e n1e T1uee days, ere occur 1ed hero 1 l p t ng hills fiont which La1ro Ia 1ga 1ra can be sh o 1111 n lon 0 at that r te turned with tl e finisl111 T touch t o t J e p1ope ations fo1 seen n.1d coulU ha.rd] 001 t u1 J nself ::Lt a. s~nn.;)e loo!r.. l ) the l 10 h ngirlBhn n.n, SER' TLE PEOPLE ti e long hn I 1 0 irnev a 11 e nl; u tho t l e s , l t On tl ext day - t e 236th and s 1 l C1Jl btrJ JO t d og So e men tu a.f1a1d of lna.lnng ene1nies br ght sp1 g 1nor1 ingthcy bot finally ofT fron1] agurio)O the 5lst frou 1.:15 t1fln1 J eddy l t l s l ands m lus pockets [he roal was 1Uele footpath o er a, stndJ bethoy set ont ) 11 a gl 011ous ino1n ng and t]ns 12 voll B rt \\:hen Llus fear tire :i;; 1 is I ead to one side vnuke d then but anrp1 singly fer l soil In tho fiol l OJI tl e lriHt stage a. uou ts t oo erihty it 18 not \ell As g f 01d In two 1 Ot rs I n vn r, 1c 1 to p1 e l. gc ern.l e the tn[tn 'vho} is no one were nHin a.rd 'omon ~t ork 1n the s l and not asl a e l pau for a \ io v of tl c T ngan k ;1, fo1 f1 1 uucs IS a mote d.ioue in the great h ive of plocostom( of nntu1e lie lS a n ilk and I 1 ey left 'vork as the ca a,, a. 1 [ n.sscd :tnd the top of a steep Ju o l Ita111 l e E::11an..,. ere ted intelligence I n.lnost "\Cl tlc water uu wl contc1 ts lnmselt ..,., tl li ghelanlgi~gled a.n<l. routed at tle zisay:ilcu see it J1 h ilf n] 0 11 feelings of my J 0 l t Ill Cl es Il lt I\ ti t dong nu harrn llihtlc it is noto1 ous thn.t ~~iangO fl I ga tJ y Sa~ BY JOSU Bil LiN ::; ve 11 st behold Jt 1 'at .And 've i rcss he lS doing no good S 1Ch men t1rue the fielu.8 c e passel a1 d the ca avn.1 en a flirt and sei v11 g fence r dn g go bet,vee1 $ ~ ] o te1e l an open fore st o.c ebony .... nd calab fo1 ' nd ai d t p the J 111 bre tt i lesslv lusL A.t th o so 111d o t ro c ra'\a 1 the rel the giru l scene J 1 aw y,. '\~ e creep nftei 1ucn of posit on ""1 d property nsh and h) I ocr tic lly bow to uien of hunible antelope bou de l away to r1gl t a. 1d left last on the s 1rr ut Al rot JO"' c 1t n oth n..., when they 'ilks of hfe I h ey tako no part n pubhc and tho frogs hu&hel then croak Ihe be seen Ahttlefurther nn JU.St i; nlcr I ... c cl e I sentiment n.1 d s n ile an l sn1 ik u1 on ::Lil io lto ln.v tl ro gh a J ch" n.lley sur1ou1 ded - oh there it is- a silvery glea 1 A fl l 7. n.10 1 0 1tl111 0 t O il ~w] I ll the) eonbct ' th Ihe; nsually ghde by dn. k forest>1. rd shone upo l by a fer me1 y catch sight of 1t be weon tl G t ~ s vid sun 'Ihen c:i. Ie a i1~ar tie turbid and-but he cit is at last lrue Tl u 1css t he i10 1 t do1g gits afte r h 1 an l then tl.i.i ugh hfe lna.rst lrbed and sJnk iuto ob Kingun r Ill.OUS for its hippopotanu I agnan1ka and th ere are the bl 10 bl CK t hey are t1 e easiest of t.1.\Vl to ketch and scure graves Then course lay loi g its right b ik but mo1u1t1n s or Ugoma and Uk~r amba !\..n nake t l \:er y best of WI\ cs Un ver t unhonored an l u ::;ung fhe r bo es ar e iu:urow'less a 1d though 'as sto1pe1byan1J:row trih 1t lJ accross rr n101 .,e l road ::itreet ~ b in shed be 1 of ' I ea n. flirt realJJ falls in lo\ c she is az theu heads are not b.r unlesa theu h es 'vh ch it was needf il to erect a bridge to sil-..;er-luc1d cano1 y of bit ca.hove- !of y po\\erless as a Ot'in daisy useless It 13 better far to do so1ne endure in this conservative land for gen 1nounta1ns :110 its 'a.lances palnI .,. forests pt denc then changes to n1odesty har n occas 011allJ t l a ne"\ er to do any erat ons as tl e h andI\\ Oik of he~ <1Sl n fo 1ru ts rrnges The 'I ne,1.1.ruk1-H rn1h 1 g 111to fca.1 l e1 spurs i 1to a Farther on v; n.s tl e fei y i l the an l ti e non Iespo <l. to tl o ev llta1 t cr y h lte1 gl good r pr 1 Ill g i it t c a llc ferrym an with ]us hollo ;vcd tree .as a fer of the Anglo Saxon with th e ] 110'3 of Sten lhe bes vay to ketolt a fltrt rn to travel ry boat 'vho at once r esponded to the t o1s and the grc::i.t fo1ests and the lulls the other 1v THING~ TlrAT 1 HAVE SEEii" fron1 ' b ch they are ge1ug 11alloo as tho11gh the Ki 1gan1 h ad beau sce1n to sl re n our t un pl u1 s t do '11 on the grot nd and "lustlc I ht. ve seen & far1ner build g a ho;..rno the Tha.mos :\.cross the r1 Cl tJ e I 1i11 rhey lescond the D ounti1ln p 1shu l"I on some l \ely t 110 till the .fiut co mes round so large that the ahcr ff turned hun out of hea' eel upwards to a rounded ridge J 1st 1a.1 iillv lest ne 's or their con 1g should Olu ua helors 1nake the :H.1rta anU then dvors I,resently they the fltr s get no e tl a 1 oven by mak11 g such a scene as one n1a.y find before n.n l each UJ111 before tl em l h ~ve Sf.H.3n a .Joung mau sell a good English mn 1s on-a noble expa ae of ltL l } alt at a 1 ttle brook tl en as 01 l 1 naked f ar 1 t ir 1 1 ierchant and die in a 1 m and swai<l w th boscage s ifhcienL Lo agre0 r dge the' ery last of n1yria<ls they I lrve the ol t bacholora Am J utyuf the flirts fina!lj get m nnod 1 sane nsylun1 I ha' e seen a fo.rme1 ably divers fj it F or long c s chn bed r.Ihey reach tlua s m t and cross or tl ey a g1ea.t quantity of t he moat travel about so much that there was th1a \Vas the character of the country to its 'vestcrn edge and the port of LJlJl nothmg at homo wot th lookmg of Therewe1e~gnsofctlti,at1on rctndtlo is below cn1bowered npalns or ly fi,e dainty t <lb1ts o~ wo1na.n s natui e and nl ""' ' ha. el re 7 ]ueso to back up then tcr villages but bet veen the111 a wilderness hunared y'1rds lhey t nft: rl theu: sweetne s I have sae1 a inau spend 1nore money Indeed says Mr Stanley flags. li1e a salute and n1a.1ch to the vil Flirts lcin li de ~1 l i poetry and " m folly than would sup1 ort h ts fanuly m Had the first rnon at the ltrne of the lage lhc peo1 le · arm o 1t to meet gte\vel 1.i] ey lHn or else somebody con1fort and rndependil.Ilcc creation ga;.:;ed t.t lus work and p rce1, ed t tc 11 \t t vo or three h in ired j a.rds I l nvc !'leen rich mans son begu1 it of the beauty wJuch belongs to t his rrom tl e v1lla~o l\Ir Stanley lte·rs a 'ould tta le t l orr o 1t of the i capital at fii st s op wher e ]us father l ega.n-penn less p·ntofAf1 ea henouldhaveladno ci,use vo1ceaa.y Good mo1nin 0 su It1s t D ssapo1ntrnentluvmust ovcon a:e be all J have seen a young girl ma1ry a ) oung uf complaint In the deep thtckets set 111crIJ faced black mau in a tn1 ba.n on o lC ~1cle n.n l tl s n n t nny n101G ex mn.1 of drssoh te hab ts and iepent of it lure tslets mn l a ·ea of grnssy Hidmo I tsk sais M:r Sta ley \VJ o tl e 1 is ct so for L ng: a n o cl bo.cholor t ha.11 it 1 ~ as 101 g a· sl e 111 eel 1 e would have foun 1 shelte1 f101n t1 o chief are Jot ?_ I a1n Sus e tl e servant of to qmt P.ll ku ds of manual I have aeon a man depa1 t from the noon day heat and a safe rotuemcnt for Dr L1v11 sio110 Ile a 1d 0 o 1t of t;p1te and J ino a poor truth \\hen candor n.u<l veracity wo ild Inn ~elf ?.nd spouse d 1r1ng tl1e a'VCBOme sho ovuig a. glen.ming iow of teeth "Vhat e 1 kat t lift a ., 111 ::i.11 ono hiivc served h n1 a 1 tch bettor 1 ur hukness I n the mornu1~ he couldha\e is D1 L J gstoi hcrc?-Yc s11 po so i.t.lked forth on th o slo11ng s varl enJ J 'YJllagc1- Ycs s r Are you .st ro-Stne I have seen t ie ex l<l.V l.gance a1 cl folly cd itB fe1"tile freshness and I erfoi'lned sure s.11 v iy I leavfl h1n1 ]U St no' Good of children bi1ng their pa.rents to })0 crty Jua ablut ous 11 one )f the n1any small 1norning su f.m.1d 1. t 1 er ' 01 e H ll and \Vant 11 d the1nsel-..; es to d sgrace II1s gardon sa cl I l~ tlus n.1oth0r one1-Ycs su strea1us ilo v1 ig at its f o I have seen o p1nd1:1r t indtli:ltr1 s wife of fruit t rees 1s all that is re 1 ured the VVell ' hn.t is you1 name?- J\.!y nai 10 1s retr O'\: o the fort in es o n. farrnly wl en 11oble fo1ests deer i.nd cool round Ohen1 ah sir \\ h::i.t arn yo Ohenn 1] her hu·banJ I 1lletl at tho othct end of ~bot t ]um and rn thetr shade , lk ""ma the frtoi 1 of Wekot 1 1 Yes At I the tape ny n. in1al~ as one ca1 desire ]or la;vs is the Do<.;~ .L vcll?- Not \:Cly I h vu been n. '\Oung tuan \\Jlo c osp1sed and d t.ys let a iuan walk L"l any direction "here ha~ h a been s long1-In 1\friuyue t l e oonnc1l of the \\ lae ar d advice of the north south and west and ho ,v 1U ma No you rnn "' usie a d tell the good end h1.s career u poverty a.lid .,retch behold the same sect" Doctor 1 n l co1n1 g Dy tins t1n10 ne edness But the p ~r:ld1se has 1ts dra.wbac k~ _ ivore w1tlun t\"o h1 ridred J ar<ls of tho I ha' e seen a man engage 1 i a In.w There arc horrible fhes and a more horrible v Ila.go and the mult tudc ""aa getting su1t about a ti1fhng ttTau that coat hrm fever Dy the 3rd of April t l e t\vo hoises denser ::i.l.niost p1eventu g Ol r narch moro in the end han would have roofed all we1edead audontofaforce oft cnty FI::i.gsand~oaneJs ·werco1t Ar bsfln l tllo bu Id gs on the fa1 m fi\e men one] deserted and ten \Vete Wn.ngw·ann. "'Ie p 1sh ngthe1r "rLJ tluo gh on the sick lL'3t :Nevertheless Mr Strut tho natives in order to greet us for acco1 IiAmERAmY - lllnrkT vain thlllksthat ley p ished on no ~ pn.saing through ho ding to then n,ccot nt" e belunge l to t hem soda \Vater is not r eliable fo1 a steady chink rid J lngle , l e10 th<> miasina of decayed B 1 the g eat ' ondtlt of all \V!tfJ -=-Ho v A ctt ·el of Ke 0 ne JS H ha l to draw It LB too gassy The next a' enu1g after vegeta ior and the pungent odour of rank U i jO como fro1n U ya1 J c1nbc? a man fo r iniletJ in a. gig beoauo:ce Greeley dimkmg thn ty eight bottles ho found hun Il o squol of th " tory ts kno"1iall over '\V tl.S l t elected A l\1innesota man who self full of gass and as tight a3 a balloon plants almo·t over helmed the uten then He had nt an ar!tcal of olothit J lte could commg to sou e village or to11n whore the the world-how tho t vo wlut men met bot on Greeley hnd to roll m t ho nntcl woar except a.n tuubrella u habitant· looked ou ti em ao ti oU~h k <prng q t i e1 ligmty l efo1 e tho }r·b from one side of the otreet to tho othor 0 0 arm bngl t kitchen i ito tlw sto1 m and da1kness that 1e rrned 'v1t h o it Thero \\as a conscious flush on her cheek as f sometlung had !·Ono 'vror 0 hen sho ~ leJOllH) 1tl0 8 l lle 11 t} 0 Slttl lo room "ell said Squ re Pa1tlet hn.s that i e or do "ell gOllC a~ last> Yes M:ts Partlet kept tho seciet 01 tl o do] la1 bill ,,1th1n hero vn hear 11 It \as s1x months after n.rd that the o t of the 0 0 crowd l "ould have nm tehlffi says llfr Stanley only I "as a coward m the p1esence of s :i.cb. a nv>b- Yi ould h a.vo orn braced 1 in1 o ],} th t he berng an En.> ghsl 1ll :11 Id cl o know howhe-would 1c ce1ve 1ne so Id d wl n.t cowardice and alee pride st ggested was the best t lungwall cd dc!tberntely to lnm took off my Lat a 1d sad Dr Ltvmgston I pie a une Yea said he witl a kind s1nile L tftmg hrn cap sltghtly I r eplaco my hat 01 my head and he puts on lus cap iind ' e boll gt tsped 1 ands ai d I then naid alou<l. I tha.nk God Doctor I have l een Ha answered I pe1mittod to aee you feel tl ankf ii that I am hero to welcome yon Of tl e talk of the tlvo men "'" Urns n1et aa it '\\ere at tho end cf the \'I 01ld 1\f1 Sta ley g1vcs an extended and moat 11ter ca:tu g account After some t1nHJ h c1 beer spent in plea.sant in tercour se Jule the disco\: crer rested after lua JOUr ncy and tho tl1scovcrod got the news of tho gieat world from which he had so lo g b"'en mis3ed they set out t ogether to explore the northern end of tho lake ng u.l )ng it they proceeded to it& n ost northern extre1nitJ "'ivhere it waPJ su1 posed by some that the R 1z1z1 itver ran o t of iL on ts way to th o Albert N yanza a l t) l'.\1 e Captam Speko had conolud c<l that the 11n1' crsal test1 nony of the nn t1ves tl n.t the R ll!lZl 'va!i an utilu ent prov ed it to b e a.n effiuent and on the strength of 1 s being an ettl 1ent some gcogrnphere h d declared Tangaml a to t l c sollthern most reservoir of the N 1le But tho Rusi l fl o s into the ];:tke and not o it of it and its co oct1on -with the N lo is so fAr dtsp1 oved rite voyage on tho Tangamkn occ 1p ed t\"01 ty eight days t.nd during tl n.t t 110 SOII e 300 u1iles had been trav e scd They got back on tl c 13th Decem be1 and ha.ving spent Christ nas together started do ;vn the l ake to Urirnba JUSt uue d egree of latttude belo v UJlJ as a mot o co1 ven1ent point f om'" h ch t o begin the return JOUrney F ro11 Ur1mb::i. Dr L i v 1ngst ie accompa.rue l 11-fr Stanley to Un vu ye boo 1 the retu1n JOil ney \vhere Dr L vinga~one took poase~a on of hu stores and 'vheie HI the nu Idle of last lvlnch they parted aftet Io J L n1onths ple \Sant terco so- Mr Stanley to fi11d Ins Vi i'\y to the coast and ho ne brJ.ng111g Dr L v111gstone a S"~led JOUI'na.l and de· patches with hnn D1 L1vuJgstone him self to eturu to the lake and make hl· trn np all round it so as to fill up with cert uuL1eli the blanks in that conJectural m LP of the Nile sources Vi Inch inako thein 1 c in a cl ain of lal ea far west of La k ~ Ianga1 iko. c:c:::: - -- · , ;=i "

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