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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1872, p. 3

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CANADIA N STATESMAN, BOWMA NVILLE , THURSDAY, DECEMBER i j ""f"k ~l"i'~-~:rrre::;r£""7V "Jiii"!!!""""""';>;""""~ . ELL·lo 1"' ')--., rn::m.:.::~~ ~ ~ ---- "-~~~-~'""!""'""'""'""~'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'!'"'"""""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""' - - -.- ~ ~ ~~ ~-~ .:._ _ _ ·- - - -- - - - --~~~~~°""'~"" -{ - I (Jr . I jFoR EVE RYBoDY ~VE }f::.krI.. Y ! · G L AS G OVV H OUSE !.\ Fall Opening! Tho subscribe1s st ock - -- -- - -- - .... - ""'~~~~ - -· -· -'"""~' _"""""""" _ __ _ _ _ _ £¥& ........""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'!'!'!""'""'""' ....""""""" -~"""""""" ~""'~-""""" -·"'"""'"""""'~ ~'~ """""""""!~"!..., .........,.....,~~""!'~!!'!!!!!!'""'"!"'""'""'"l!!!ll!!!I!' 01~ ::sa~uu111 $s, puv.iLc tlie followwg s uQ.1 c1 ·ts - l 11e11,ch, lilnnl 1r1ft. Co11k p():,ntion, G1 eek, L ati1i,I Euch d a.nil....4/9, tn a . OHN BlJ lLEH, J \I A I Addrc>is, ··nox 61, P 0 " Bow1nanv11le, Oct.1872. UNDElWIGNED IS PRET IIE PAHE'D to g n·e less ons, u1 tlic 01 to uu1nls 01 to c] i.qac8 in C'\ hung~ 'l'hc Quebec .U ubbcr Company 'l'O CALL THE ATTEN'I'IOK of t he p ubhc to tho:l"1 B EG - is now New Style of Patent Clasp Felt lloot, a gi:eu.t 11np1oveurnnt, c.lomg n'\ ay 1vith all n.n · noyauce from the old st) 1c o f. straps nncl bucklca, For sn.le b~ BOO'(' ANn SJJOF. D EALE.RS GK?Om~LLr. HAl\iPTON ITHE PAM:ILY FOit 'llll~ PAPER VERY FULL A ND S ELE CT! AUTUMN FASHIONS ! s· rocK COJ\HNG YJDA!l! Offers for sale one of the most extensive ;mil complete iissortme m s Good" to bo found in any country :;torn in Onta1io of Four Dollars a Year in Advance. An<l notwithstanding the groat ad vanoe in the price of all kmda of gryodo, from hning made his early ho lll enabled to sell without any ·ppreciable t.dvanco on £01 mer prices. (:" PANT, OVEST AND ~'. ~· Qj) MA KEUS Ocoustant en1ploy Avply at Bo'i\1nanv1llc, Se1,t . 18, 1872. 6 'C,A. it _ , ut - - - - -- - -- - ---'-Rare C:llan ce. MoAll'l'HU J1 S DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDVV-ARE, CROCKERY, BOO'l';:S and SHOE ·~ . PAINTS, OI LS, PATEN -~ ~ ::Jtj J ~IJICIL~ l1 ' S· ~~~~d~ie~~ll}Jllutc,W1y Ltbcra.l lv C:o11rlu ctcU, A blv Ed1ted, 1\ lthout PolSPEOI:AL AT'IENTION CALLED TO HIS Oll' lL tcs 01 ~ c ct, it is L~ Jo1iJ·ua[)1'01 E~ie.r11Uody, av. el co.u1e v1 e1t or in Leisu re IIours. VELVETS , VELVETEENS, BLACK SILKS, iron..>:;.UI' t hr'JiUO!$, .ind FJi'f\1- ·t W(t l/1111 CANADIAN BT,.4.NKETS, CANADIAN TWEEDS, l" l!,ngr,ol. ug~ uivcn to Bach SubRc.nll or, and no .Agw1t 11utho1lz.xl to collect until Chro· '!'ABLE LINENS , QUILTS, TO" "ELING, n1 os l'LLC dellvored. AND COUNTERPANE~ 'f~1fl 1\c\v ~1 ··t·kif w ill l e~a1 n all th e pro1n1nent f eu.t;\Ul foJ o; t.he Pi c.,eut. l\lo11thly fonn, and coin very full n.ssortment of biu c v;it b. lh cn1 Ll.i c best oC other Jownuls, mak· IS -----~------- Magn fi D ent -- OJ!- Dis pay Save Your Bones .A.n d get 50 cts. 100 lbs for t hem, a.t YOUNG & llltl'l"l'"UN'S. On t1u10 Street. P. S -'l'hey be tlr:V an<l cle·.1.n. -- -- 01 desirous of g~tl ing into ,_, b ettor p n.y:ingone should not fail to sond $1.00 :tor tull pa.rtloulars, i11stmct1ous a nd sa1ntiles, 1vhe1'0by they will bo cnabk~U to nu1.kc from 11500 to $3000 per a n· nttn1, add l ess · H"ENRY }... LEl'.10NT &. CO , l'> 236 St, Jnmea Street, 1'-lontre6.l. A LLPEl'tSONS OUT OF BUSINESS - --- - - - ---------- Caril o Jf Tlianll s. TAILOH, ':lhc ll<'uu1ily 1Pa1·(;r ol · .' F ELT lll:s Con te~l~ 1· 1 11 b.:: \ ru ied, a:nd Oill a1n1 ts to sec11 rc the br.e1t eflorts of IIoruo wrlters, uu1t1ng It \Ylll gi\ c Jn 1 g1natter111 a. )Cat thu. u nny Four Dolla1 J\1ago.z1ne or .PLtpe1 J '.1cl~ Nu.tnhcr ·will cont ,un nn E legant Full most approved manner, and on the shortest notice, fr,1111 Fashionable <:nd P11Je E n{,lU\lU S' on heav~ t0n cd p1~per, cxceed111g in vatuc, any Ch romos 01· I~1 t l10graphs e\ er carefully selected Cloth es and Tweeds 'J'he lat est N ew Ymk Fnsb10n ofl'm ed a !.i p1 enutuns, but vie place oursch es be "oud cumpet ibuu. to1,1n a ddi tion, t'ou1· ElcJ:ant Plates regularly rJceived Ch1 ·oul (. ~ \\ill be g1 \ en to cu.uh sub3Cr:ibc1. Ko cheap T_,1thographs, or ·wrnn out pln.tcsL~ut fn.ll CJu·on1os,nu1.dc c::qnessl~,and ranonlJ'be ob· !..!.J ~ ];.. . .. ' t111nod b~ subf:Cllpt10J1 No Agent lB u.uthouzed t o collect subso1rptlons u11t.1l the Chromos u1e do livo1ed~ Go U1a.t each :;ub.scriber gets 1vhat UJ paid fo1. 'f11cy ca.n be ~Tamed, or Bound m the V '" olHampton, Nov 19tb, 1872 u1ncs, 1c1110\ In g the obJect1on ru.1Se1 l b y n1a u); Jor 1.0 o 1c o )Jee ts lo tho elegance ofn bound volUD1e me re !~ hccu.u,,e other~ inn~ have it . No. I , 'J'Ja· !!·1.e.u cl1 C.' 1u1~t,t.lial.1.-A character ..-<&~ · ~ ' Th~ f101n.111 Ot1grn11lpfnnt1ng In' I.U1cghoff, the em~ W.. ..JI"'""~ ~@....,.. I incn. t a1 tlr.t, \ hose 'Lumb eung u1 Ca1utd.a" ~.,....!(!;; (~ \ elw1wd Ull l \ c1 l5a(a~111 1 1 1atl. on uc the '.Pa ris E:x:po'1 f' lt1oa, 1.nd \Y,13 1 h wlly ]Jurchused by Einperer '""* ;~ Louts :t\ npo!1,0n fu1 T'Llt~ lliotH1and l""'rnnc::1 ~ No · ..;. D L isy .- \V c do n ot clo.iJ.n this design as .' ~ ~ '" N ~ or1gmu.l. btlL 0 11rs l~ !he :flt"HL Cln-omo. rn1e Oll· :r.iANUF.AOTURERS ~.\..ND D~; A LJTIRS l lgi,1ul painting rn hY Knaus, of lioilm, and the oo t ecl lt p1csenw,11on hue; lJeetJruo I he 111ost popu T Ju,r antl t.:ou11uuut1::; the.: Jughcs t price oi' any of its 1 SIY.ccvm·1 m p o1f 1>rl ' l' he<hln 111111g1'o:rou1ClLrO · f l mo i s hy the cm1nCJ1 t Al t1H"t, Fabu;rnus, whose ~ ~ Cra\ on Poi t11uis nnd Color ~kctchr,s, a r c so well k n u "'n 111 all tue huge CLtws, In ad..O pllng this as o 11e ll f On l Hi::ncs, \\C on!); adhm c to ou1 rnlo lC\t E R Y DE S Cl'1P'l' ION. of seltctin~ tJ1e be st\\ hc1cvc.r iol1n d. , No. ,.;, 'J dt' li'!1 At ( ~"nnt· of l.xel~e . GENTS', L ADIES', :i\fLSSES' AND CH ILD1l"!""~ ~ '8 '1 bis i;;,i Com p anion p iucc to n u m.berouo, iLnd by Lllc sn. 111e .A1, gt, ( K.rJ e< ,;off ) The two foru1 the finest puu u1 !J1n1 ni1 !loom Cluonws C\ C1 pub· 18hctl. Gaiters and Br.lmornb in :;1erct vaiietim, No. 1, '1! 11~ ~ ~ b·. -Fi o ,n a 1 1h0tograph in life 1n 011. l t ~'r1H sµe f\k o f 1tsolr l\.lld C\Cr) heart will \1.u 1 11 1o>Ht.Hl thu h tt!e Brunetto of seven Ov-or-shoos k ept constantly ~u111n1e1 ~ . \J, he· t :;\o cct tu cc audg:ru.ceful " pose," and . DJ.!J <J. otl h and fo1ru the oubJect. A::i a to111Jlan10J1 for No 2, they f oLm ,L JJ.' ·J u l .l:'a1lo1 f'hro n1os ' 'two sweet GLOVES , I-IOSIERY ,SM ALLWARES AND TRIMM I NGS. I "ith thern 1hc ge m ,, of other eo1uitr1os. New and Rich D1·ess Goods. to · 3 tf ~o:ard an.di. Loi!lgiing;. IJ,.q, P E A S:l:"E I ~TOCTLD RESPECT]'ULLY l-tE .. I l' l" TUH.N 1us sincere thanlcs to :t.1s numerouA cus ton1crn and fri c 11<1s, a nd would beg t o eay tba.t he h~is .rem oved to the corner of JCu1g an1l On · streets, 1vhe1o h ~ 1vill be gladt.osee as tnnny of tho i;rood natured a nd good te1npercd 011 01'1 as plenso to g 1~ o him a cull. Do1v1no.11\1llc Nov. J2u0, 1871, 1'1·t( GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made to order in th e iatest and THOJ.\iAS PATERSON. Bo,vma.nville, N ov. 7th, 1872. on THREE T wo p or son:J c .... obtmn 1t RESPECTABLE lioa.rd by np11lJ 1ng M llS. JOi fN F AltE\"'I fCLL. Krng St Bown1 nuville. Murdoch Bros. R ails fLnd Posts for sale, either at the ~tump or deli\ ( ·" tl. J .AMES VE.AI~ , Lot 5, !th Con. 19tf Darllnr:ton, D ec. 4111, 1871. ET -L'QTT J r. J.iJ -H -·':'CN"RY M opened out .111 11nn1ense Stock of A NY QUANTITY OF GOOD CEDAR ~otice. ~ '...--.Q HAI .RlllCEIVKD A llPEOU.L J,O'I' OF N EW FALL Goons. I H AVIXG SOLD OUT MY INTEREST BOOTS AND S -r- ::-:1 0E s TI . ._ ., All ·wool Tweeds at 75cts. A. NEW LOT OF SHAWLS . Great care has been taken rn buying the Stock, and as nothing but FIRST- CLASS GOODS have been purchased, Customers can rely on getting good value for their money. i n l he l)us1 11css lately carried on bv 1uc, in BowUH\nv1Uo, to my 1$0n~CharleB :Nl 9.nd \V1lha.m H. Cawke t, l heieb~ 1equcst 1111 those lndebtcd to 01c b) book account oroth e1 , \ 1se1 to ea.11a141 settlo fort h \\ itl1 . ELIZ.WE'l'JI CAWKE!l. Bo\' 1nan1 Jllc, J~1n 9th, 1872 2! tf have the \Yood on fifty aerea or laud cut Jll..8 Cord'\\'Ood as rap1dly a.s possiblo, ,vill pay to good oooppe1a the fol101ung p n ees: Dur 1ng tho mouth of Oct ober, 80 cents per cord, D11r1ng the n1onth0 of No\ en1bor and Dccom· beJ ·, 75 cents per cord. oo~d anll aCtcr Jtinua.ry 1st, 1873, 70 cents per .A.LSO, \V~'\.N'fE.u, C hoppers Wanted! T HE TTNDERSlGNED WISHING TO THR EE TEAMSTERS, ·w m. llll. JLowc, c . l.iLJT,. J,. .B., ARRISTER AND ATTOHNEY-AT\.V, SoliclLo:i; 111 Chancery and Insolycncy B J.,A &c, &C. SU b!>Cl'IbCl Do~lJ. cl 1nll be pro" 1dcd for ·~ orkmen ou thG premises, Jf <l.osired. ~·no s. TO DRAW WOOD. Pfnticul< l' s Innde kno?.T'Jl on applicatio n to the THOMAS. Hh:e on Sil vet Shoot, Dow1nanY1llc, sy IG 14 onlo11nterm.7i._ \ l o~s. ' ca RUBH "41R S N ew lot of D r ess Goods. A SPLENDID STOCi:. N B - -1.11 persons inclelite<l to T 'rnoMAS, by note 01 book u.ccount. for l.Hacksnuth's work.', oi.ti, l"eque~tcd to settle th e Barn~ 1n1n1edlatoly. BowruanyllJ e, Oct. I G, 1872. 12 tf. .A.lso, a large qmmt1ty of TRUNKS- Saratoga and othor9 - fo ,- sale are satisfied that j t JS \Ve fo· · a1iyth1JUJ" \,,.b.ich induces the inilllio so h.B.l h so1non t o pahon1 zc l.~S , 1unl \\C .fc~1 no coo1p~tit 1 on whe re .tra.iu'ht-·!oi v. s.rd tir.tllng l:;J want1 , , d i tbnt wB as.a: for our goods ill co ·npn.rIB?n- then kt h tlil 'i' J.o .Ii ~!> 1non t bc1u· the pa.l·n. I I ALL ORDES ivi{t ~"EJ VE ](.bv" OU. I' B .£f:J ""1' A J'T'E ""'f/1" f.:..v1 t/J.V. '.1..t I wonK n 1uu .ie to orller nnder th~ rnnu<'!.gcn cnt of J \'1R. J ltEED ' \vho OUSTO · .1.... ,... 1 has been the leading 'iYOrknw.n i n the Pioneer Boot & ::>hoe Store for the p< 10 . All 1V01·k Gum·anteecl !as:Rcpresentell, i ·iuc r. tgc 'il.- 'l wo Eleg,lnt Engra1 cd 1'1tle Pl"J;CS \\ill be hu u1shcd e u, h ycat, for ou r inter. est ls grC.l 11Y n.dY.\.nccd by the certainty that our papc1 w.tll IJe p1e~ er\' ed r.rn d bou nd. O_t1 t· P;·i1·c .- Other pu bhshcl'S said · wo could not urtotd a. paper hko our preaAn t MonL11lJ f or 'L'wu Dollau:J a 1rect1, bu t our su bscr1!Je1s know t hat ' ""' hate done so, and i n spite or 1Hetl1ehon that '\C cu.nnot ietn111 its e:!"per.s1ve f~atu1e s ,n.ud fn1n 1 sh inore than four t.in1cs as many nu1nber foconlyt""" thepuc'c,we,ey-..e,,,ll d oit,and t h op rcscnt.ahc.i.ot tht· C lnon1o~in ndvnn co, ls evidcn00 tha.t \\ o n1ean ~hat we ~ay. Fou r ·n otl:rrs u lear 1.·n;, u.blc in Aflvance. Sen il. 'l'ht ee Cent fo1 Sa1nplc Copy. I l{El\H y 11 SAGE, 335 D1oa.clway, Ne\"r York. 21. A lieu st , Buffalo, N . Y . OF Dress Goods P lain and Figured Lustres, P lain and Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Cords, Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double . Warp Black Lustres, Black Cobourgs, Black Paramattas, Black Crepe Cloths, AND S TC"IE UG'J"l'A< ;E strecf a.t prc s.-.ntoc mp1ed by J Chustio, E sq, 5L.1 ~ion .&>.g~ nt. ll'Or pu.1 twulars enqu ire or \Vin 'l'H011PSON . lCtnfi S t. Dowu <J.nvi .1 10 !\-fay 26, 1871. ON LIBERTY I APPLE S I Burden an d Werry ure pre1iarcd t o buy nny qun,.nht) o! · 'A'o II.tent. 50 ACltES Oli' LOT No. 14, A BOUT Con most of the ls.nd ha-H been past.tu c and 1ncndo\.\ for yea rri . 5, Cu.1L w r1 ght. '1'he JJI. Good .iJIJercltantable Apples, -AN D - VVI NTER Bowmanvillo, November 7th, 1872. CAPS. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE. Bo\\ntrunillo, Aug. 27th, 1372. A quantity of t'1illeu cedar o! excellen t quality fo1 salo. A ppl,i; to Rey W LOO.A.N, Ca1 t'"right, Sept. Oct. 4.L l1, 1871, !O·Lf 10 ALLAN LIN E . OSHAWA Atl- ENCIY. THE CHEAPEST If'URS IN CA.NA. D A.. · .And from om facilities we feel confident that we can place bcfoie the JP:~y Q; JD :u~d §ave Trouble public superior aoods at same rates 11,s those cha1gecl by others in the I - trade for an info~10r article. 2 moie first-cla,s workmen wanted-none ALL PAll.l'lER INDEBTED '.l'O THE under.:.1g ncd t" rcq nef.tcd to pa.v up laefo1c <>tber need apply. t.he Ju st or :Fcbr11n.1y n.yxt ·i.nd save trOuble. · Jll:ook Biiudiu~-. l IL\. VING BOOl<S, MAGA] J>EUSONS .ZINJ~s . P 11n1phlcl s, or n.nyth111g in t.he book lino, w luch thc.iy \Vfoh to have bound, cun ha ve then orllC1 s filled 1 n tho st a.nd lllOet d \U'able style, nnd on the sh ortest no1 1 ce, by louv1ng then1 ~;g~e ST \'IBS!lf \ N oflicc. B ring along J our b1ud '\V. H. CLI::1ilE. I THE HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH }'Og HIDES ll .vn'1Vlllc , Jan 3, 1"72. ll'. 'l' IIOSKIN 23-tf W I NT £ R STEAM EVE RY DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE! LONDOND ER RY ANDJJJR00N & CO. Reed's Old S tand Dowm.anv1Ue, No"· 13, 1872. lG PLAIN&ORNAMENTAL PRINTING EXECUTED WITH ~\'anircm imn~co:!ia6cly . l: nder Conti a ct '\' itl~anailia.n Government fo1 eruryi.rg the Ca.nadinn and U.S. Maib. Einulo~nieal . ASS SHOEMAK! A FIRS'.l'-CL p ab1e of tlonig gcne:r .tl 'i'i ork Bownu\nv 11!e, June 19th 1872 WEEKLY ,\_CA~-·,nt LI V:E:!l.PO OL, tradc11;rou,n \v1 th1n.1..Ia nunutea "' of tho snbscr1be1, lo v SO, 10th con DhrLlru;ton, faotory, Call at this omoc. a'bout t he 15th,<B t 11~st , n. llcur.-r ns1nr; ~ 'fhe O\vner m i e4ue~ted to 1novc pHiper t"~, old. ~------------- --- ~ p:i.~r and to.kc 1t U.\Y(t.y A COMFORTABLE HOUSE, FOR A CAME ON THE PREMISES OF THE I I costs Wood Co1· Sale. HE WOOD ON FIFTY ACRES OF '\Vanted, JOJIN Sl\1.A. _,}JJ AND CLAS GOW NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, '.!!.'. lMi.R.lf,]!/l!IG'.ll.'ONi, AT THE BL_-lCK METZ COH.DS. Two ' JhvdU~1g Hom1c§ for Sak, v1Ilo l&nd, being north hnlf of lot 5, 1th co ~. Dai· llngton, is offered for au.le in lots lO suL1 p nrchas era, or in ono lot · ...'\.pply j~~e~~~~tE. Darlington, July 3, 1872. lG t.f T ~ai lmgto·: ADP.AllAM HOSS Nov ,, \87'. 'lll-lt . 1 O d es1.rn.blo Jocntity in the 'l'o,vn of no" ma.11' For N REASONABLE TEltMS, lS A p111 t1cul ~ 1 stq1ply FURNI'T'URJ~ ! ~:::G~::t WAREROO M S N EJ "\,"\-T to H & H OJI.AR.A, Iv!arket Btuldlr ,... J 110\VUl!l , . J'ocoivcd uq uantity °F( ~~N~ESMAN OFFICE MIL LINERY - - - - - -. .- -- - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - Prospectus for 7878. ~tt.Tll l: EAR. ~N1i'.fHO"l~ LS~ 7 ( l'ORM~P.11: 'YITH l'·Il~. 1~ .~IA ~.N LN0 1 ) .An :ruustro.tod Mollthly J'ourm11, uni-- versally a.dwttod, to bo the Ha.n~ eomost l'onod1ca.l m ths World. A :a.cpresent<>tivo So Chamlli· on .cf ..:i..merican Tasto. Not for sale m Book er News S ~ores. \Vould respectfully a nnounce tha.t he J1as oom 111e11t erl b tl 8 HH S'l 1.1 l:knvman \ 1lle ~n th o rn cnu srslutcly OL'C1, 1J t d 1n J',r,_ VI ht~ ·l two doms \\reot oC 'Ire c· ~·1 s ~lice store, wl e 1c be rn 111 c· to fill all Ol l1e) 8 Jn L he Fi..a n1lu1e 1111e Iu\ uig had 11ftco11 "\iea rs f':xpcnen('..-0 Jtl Cl~b1 ·1et work U{JhoJ,,ter::n n- and U·1clrut1.1lu11g, he feet:; C'N11th.!cn thn.r hev 1 11;:o:l\·e sausf i.._,t1 on t o tho;;e fa."r01 1ug- huu y, 1Lh 01dcrs l! · \u1utme of all J...i.m l 8l'e i1an·cr1 P1etlll es f1 a n1od CoH1n5 oJ: all size s and styles kept i cntly mude 1 I j J{cnnoth Ca' n11bcll's cclel .rated Soda. '\Ya te1, LernonadC' ar.d Sa;rsapanlla. Yory su i tn.hlc for sumn1er di..nka .A 11 the a bo\. c \\ !11 bo l~cpt con:>tan tly ot1 hand du11ug t.lic bot " e. . iLl1e1 Darl! ri;:\'lon has JUSt 1cce1 vecl a 111 1ll1e1 lo~ of , 01/' 1l!u;; l'J!....c\. ::,, " lueh WJ !l be 6o!u c honp for ens 1 f Bo\' rinn ' il e, 0'1t -- -- - - - !LUIJ:!tl b~L.· Alno. LEJl<lONS, COCO \NU'J'S, PEANL'TS, 1 " tr ·' iwoai~e. N tractcd The exhibition ofl\fillinery and Millinery Goods is very l'Xtonsive, and in trimmed trimmed OTIOE IS HE.REBYGIVEN, 'J'HAT I wlll 11.ot be rri8,.i}ons1ble for nu:y d ebt s co11 by my son,\\ lllfa.n1 .Tn1ncs Suller. c ou1 JOScd of the unde1 noted .F'ull l"crweretl, Doubl 1g:1n ed Clyde llu1lt. Iron Stoamsh1ps. P ol 4,200 tons (bu1ldu1g). Sarn1a.tu\u, 1s 1build1ugl Cnsp1an, 3,250 toue , Capt. ott, Scn.nd1 na.'1' 1an, 3,000tons Capt Bn.llan~ tync. P1 nss1al.l, a,ooo to 118, Lleut. Dutton, R N . R . Anstliau, 2,700 tons, Captnln J VVyl1e, Nestorl·tu, 2 700 tons, Cn.ptaln A. A1rd. 1Horav1a11, 2,li51J tone, Cn.pta1n BlOV\'.n. Peruv1a11 , 2,600 tona, Lieut. Sn11th , R. N. R Gcrma.tiy, 3,250 'l'ons Cn.pta'n J Graha1u. F orm1ug n. weekly lino between L1verpool, Lon donllerry, Quebec o.n (l ?l-Iontreal, leaving Quebec every Saturdn.y, on arnvnl or t.ha 1'Hgh t J~ xprc a:a f1 om ~1o rlt.-real. rorrnlng a weekly Uno bet\'feen Glll:.gow, Qnebe(' and 11-'.[ ontleal. ll.:\ TES 0 U' P .ASS..c.\G~. Oahot.'\\ "' to Ln crpool nnd I.i0ndonderry, }1-.lret Cabin 11 om $81 to ~91, acoorilJ ng to accon11nodat1011 Stec111gc; ~30, 1uch1dm.;- a plentiful snpp1y o f '"ell coo keel provi :;ions, served out by tho Ste'" a.·cts bdn11g1ng Lo t11e Uon1pn.ny Osl1awn. to Glasgow, Jf'its t Cal.n11, $71 · Int01'rncd1atc, $ 45 90, Stc0rngc, $29 ' .t? Ticturn 'ricket s goof! tor Slx. 1nonths, is sued at rcduce1] 1aic'"' P1 011aid Emopcan l )RSS(H ger Ce1 Uficatcg aro L'3sucd nt I? educed 11u tr..::; ro pailiea wtslnng to bnng out thou incn1~ 11 ut Eugland, Irela nd or ScotI11n cl, to Ml)\ pat~ ut c.i.:.i·tda 'l'ho Steamsblps of L11c l\font1 eal Ocean Stean1· sh lll C01upany 1antl th c u passcngc1s at the Grand 'l'J.Lu1k Ho.ll .vnJ \\ l H llf, l'onr1.. AND, pRss en· gel:. thc1eby ·""oaliu~ tllo usuul i.:h:..ugo& of on.rt· ing a n d hn.nd ling of ,)agi:;<\g e 1:Npiess 'I'1 leuvo Po1tliind on arrival of tho Ocr,n.n ~t o 1t1n el s ro1 1v1onll cn l, 'I 01 onto antt all '\ e1:1te1JI poin ts j an d rhe fac1hhes aftlorded to l)ft.Sscngms by t e AI.. J_,AN LINE t.:annot be au t · vassed"by any other line nfloat · J:i'o1 th1·ough pussugi; tlckctfl n.nd e\'Cl~: infornu1. tion, apply to S tca1nsb1ps will be despatched froin J.. 1verpool c.nd Portla nd a~ follows FROI.t: LIYl :-tPOO L 'F HO ~r 'f'O)~ T HIS COMPANY'S LJNES ARE '\VILLT.1..1\.f SL LLEY. Dml.iYif{to n , June 12, 18i l 4.G-tf LL KINDS OF CANOEitS AND A 'l mno1;,i taJ.. (ll) fn1t aH·l d 1\1tho ,1t the 11 ee of t11c cL11 ... ' ' :!:tmd Shi Eag·les IN luufe, br l ) H B PA' l'1.ri.:RSON '.I he best of 1cfc 1encec, g1ren i n Bo>vP1a.n~1lle a ml clcs1vl1c1c OFFICE - C:hu1ch S1 rect, Tiov·n1~u tllle. Bc.n i;n1ani.:1He, Feb 21st, 1812. 30 tf · TO HIRFJ. TJ-lE A.LDlNE, ·while l SSne d with o.11 tllf! J.:-111.::ARSE reW"ulanty, bns none of the te·npo .ury or tt11wiv Public patronage resper..;t.Cully solicited intercstcho.racteuat.io1 ti'Moi orcl n:.tJ J p cnodt cali:I. It1san elegant · ~- n liseellun~ of pu1e, D own1....,11\ ule, 1',.uve1nl:icr 9, 1872 16 t llght and graceful literature 1 a nd a col l1'0t1on oJ --- - ~-- -- - - -- plctures, th e rat est fipcc1n1ens of urt1st1e ;.kill, 111 L'I f.fll . < , 'iii~,,...,,~ , r. . ' . ,, "'c 11 "'" ~,.r.,,., q "· n,> black o.nd Ythlte . .Although cach £Juocced1 ng ·~ · .. » '"' '~· ..... . ._ ::'.J ""li~P.Y~ u. ~tAI number affords u freuh1lco.suro to its tr1c nds, Extr:-a IfiJac~?Di:iC ®i a the real vaJuc a nd bea.utv of The .Ll{dine S T .,. ,..~ 1vUl be most apprec1 c atecl iifter1t has been NO\' USli. D J1', .1\ TJl 1 J..l-tE I'l~IN bound up nt tho close ut' tho } et\l. \Vh1lo oLheI CIP .AL ::.\· 1f<wtou ~ s 1 h 1 I1litl::i J ' \ On t....i1lO -pubhcatiou\5 n1ay chum snpeuor clleapncss , .af>. ll'Hl 13 givutg eutu c s<t t1 ~ f w::: uo n, a n il all un1L-O in .compa.rcrl Wlth riYa.18 of a suu1 lar clas::i, 'l'Jllf, rSl;l.1 Jug thorc 18 from 2 to t1n·cc hu11d1 cd PCl cent. ALDINE is a unique a~tl ouginal concept1o n- .>O.Y1n,.(' ove1 all othe1 Oils and .IS L1e qllni_ty of j!.louq,,and unapp1oach ~lfi~ ed - absolutcly w1th Lllls Oil is v· . ..11 kno\' n , :It is un,iecess.11'3' fo1 1 .ue t o .out competitlou 1n ~ }luce or characte1 - st ate the i c.u::ona \\ h,. it s upercedc:s all ot her 01!. The possei!SOl' of a complete Yolun1 e ca.nnot clu as 1t is n. oll k nown fact LJrn.t it will ne ithe.t z u1n iplicate the quantit} of fine p,\per Und engnn no1 get Unck i u th e coldt.\st '\\ OCT.thei. 1ngi 1n ftll) othel' sha.pc or number of i; nlun1cs , , .,, tor t~n Nrnes 1ts cost: a:1Ul there al ethec.·!tromos 1 )J...S 'f'J 1.f0~1ALS besides. I ' 'l'Iill Josr1Jl[ flAL L 1\:IACH'I NE 'VORJi..S, · 11. ....., """ _. t· Oslun,a, Ont ,.Ap ..111 1, lSiO .... , .,e-pa..-.mon GEO JJ. s·rocK, E>o, llr ougharu, Di:.:an. S e.,- \Vc 11 nc been ns1ns you1 Lnbu Not\\ ithsta.nd1ng t)H) 1n tho p1 ice of subscription last ·Fu.ll, i.·hon TllE ALVINE cclhng 011 for t he }Ja:::;t fou1 montl1s, and 1 an suy assumed its present nobla proportwns nnd re· \V1thont hes1tflt1on, tho.ti t m th e Lest 011 ·we have prcscntative char acter. the edition was riwte e\rer usocl. It is .d ,o cheu.p, ,iutl la.s ,s lon gei t h,u1 than d-01Wled duung -; ,t. the j1axt )'Cf.Lt , proving any other oil , ' ' e h.ivc Jun out 1. . 11 g-e l l toot Iron that th c # ~pub JCapp1ec l11tc, anc<I. Pl a ner 7 da yi:; w ith one oiling It keeps tho t ools will support, it s111co1e effort 111 the c<iuse o t .Alt. b~tt~r g~~ i1:\~~~~t 0 (Vc do not want anythmg ·rhc pubh.shcrs. £u1xioua to Ju.st1ry the rcud~ con You11:; ti 1ly , F. '"r. GJ.1E:'l, .Prcs't. ftnence thus de inonstratecl , have exe1 tetl thcmaelves to the utmo:::;t to develop '1.-nd in1provc tl1c I \.\.1 ll 1un S tock's O il L n.:st any other 01 ! in ,vor k ; and the plane I( _for the coming yc11r a..<i unfolded b) the~mo n th 1 y issues, Y1.1I 1 t.hc Domm1on, o.nd I p1 ofc1 it to e1thc1 Sperrn or astonish nnd delight even th o most S:Lllgume Olivo 011, 01 .tny other used on ina.clunciy , J r1ends of 1.'HE ALDINE. A .H E.NTJF.TISON, Fore1nan Josepllf!:ill \Vo1 l~s 'l'hc publishers are uutho11zcd to nunouncc rlc-:Wgns from many of tl1e inost nnu11ont arl!ijLB o f 1 find Stock't:J 011 to be the best oil I h ave c> er America. In add1t1on,'1iLi 1:1'1IE .4.LJ)lNE \nil h o.d 1n iny li'JoutiJ1 g 1\f1JJ for 1nbu cating purposes. 1·eproduca exa.n1plesof B' the buAt fo1 e1gn in a.sir I had u secl ollve p revious to S tock's, n..nd I find ere, selected y,·1th. a v1e\"r to tho highest ru h st1c Stocks to be the bc:-1t success, a.n.U greatcst genei al iutorost; aNoitlmg l\Imm:~ :::i.Ml'lll, Duff:l.ns Creek, Ont. !uch as have become famllj n.1, th i·ough photo· graghs, or copies of a.1· k ind, The q u.l.rte1ly I \'l.O\lld i athcr have Stock's 011 t han anv tinted pJa.tcs1 for 1873, v.:ill le-produce fou i; 11! c"er usecl1n LH:>r c <pe11enccofZO" · Joh n S. Davis' iwlllit 1;1.ble ch1hl-skekhcs, ap GEOH.HE BL \l~E . to the four seasons. 'L'hcse plates ap. :l..ore1nan fol: DrO\"\n & Paterson, \Ylutb y, Ont. pea.ring iu tho issues for January, April, July, and October, ·.,voulcl be alone worth th~ pi ico of I ha\ e used Stock's 011 and I flnd It to exc el a year's subscription . ~ The popuJn.r feature of iLII oll l ILa vo ever used in lO ~ enra n1,uu1fa.ctunn"' a copiously illustrat ~ ~ cd "Chn abna.:;' Jn1n1b expe1 itinc,c, and h ueed Castor n.nd Olive 01F, er will be oonttnned. 'l'o possesssu ob a v aluable pr1nmpally prev ious to using Stock's 011, epitome of the a.rt 1vorld 11.t a cotJI xo trifling, 1v11l J o\.t..:UB STAJ.1.u: n, Greenwood ,command theaubscnphons ofthousa.nds1n o ~· ery 15ection oft he countir,~· but, a3 tlH~ uacfulness and \Ve prefer Stocl~ '::i 0 11 to either Sperm, Olive, 01 attract ions of 'l.'H.L ~ALDINE ca.n be en· any ot1>~1 0 1 13 ever u sed fo1 cx11cuonce sho·va it n1a.nced, in pro]Jortion !F~to tho numerico.l in g ' u M kh 0 t of its supporters. the p11blishe1s propoac l'AIGllT & ..:iON, ar u.w , n · make "aasura.nce doublo titll'c ," by the following l u so Stock·~ Oil on tny mac111 nm·y, "\\ luch ie· unparalleled offer of ... ;,; oh e!3 about 4,000 t 1n1cs pm 111mute, and find 1t Premium Clhromo· for 1S'73. tho only 011 th·tg1vOB sat1'fnct1on J. CllUJtC in ,t,L, Dru-t~Jor, Ont Every aubscnber to Tht .A.ldJ,nt , 1vbc pays in advance !or the year 18i3 >vill receivci, 'Withot1t 0 h ., F addit1ona.lch arge a. pai:r of beaut.iful olJ chroinos s D.'i i o., eb 7, 1871. · · GEO n s 1 OLK, EsQ, after J. J, l.Iill, the e~ent English !)ft ii,~tcr Srn,-Your extra inachinc oil comes ncnrer to :i;t;e pictureshent1tlecl " The V1U~o Belle~ And! pc1 fec t1on fo1 Iuo· ion.ting- JHl! poses tha n nncl Crossing t a 11-Ioor, are 14 x 20 inchcs--uie th1nguec cl so fa.1 asI knQwn to lUe it w· n eith c priuted from 25 d1tfel·ent J?late,s, reqlUllUK" 25, 1 ;1n gtt.rn nol t (, 1011c, uJHl \'i',\J es a<ttls~a·(, ' 11re1:1s1o'l1s and tints to pm 1ect each p1ctu10. lh e \' eiy t r u ly :youi s 1 '\ F .· nE1"YELL 1amo ehromos sold for $30 pc1 pa.11, tn thlj J ~· al"t 15tores. _.\sit HJ lhe deternllnatton of 1cs eon· SOT.n r n OPH1.1:;1on dnct ors to keep '1 he .Aldine out o ftlle i each of GEO B S'l10CK, BROU G H~,11 , O.t1'r . competJtlon in e \ (!1 y clepartn1eut, tho eliron1os AGgNJ 1iOH ' rth~ D O ...UN"JON · wUl be found co1respo;1d1u&i} ahead of <111y thnt can bo offered br othet E'if!ry 8Ub S'l'OC K & W lDHS'l'E 1L, Box 1311, scriber 1'itl! i eccn e u eei titk:nte, o vei· thlj ~1gnn '1'01onto ture of the publishers, oita1 a·itceino tlui.t lh c cbromos dehvcred shru1 be equ a l Lu the samplo~ '1' GIBB Ohg. furnished the agent, or the 1noney \v1ll IJe refunded . '!'he d1stnbntl on of lHo..:tcue::i of lhJ;::, ~___......._ ·grade, free tothesubl!lcnbers ton. ~5 pe1·10LLiC1tl, £.e-a 1J~ Clii!~O!' i ~:;!l:lt. wLH n\ni.:k an epoch in the ]usto1y of Alt , a nd, (.JODS1deringtbe unprecedented cheapness of th e GAINST l~Xl' ENDITURES price !ol' 1.'he Aldi:ne ltsell, the 1nar\ el lulls little short of o. miracle, even to those bC8t."1.0q_ua111te1l i n ho·1or of I he '1Cad , I-Ir- fl vcn h .t$ with the ac1ueve11leu ts of m \ entn e ge111ua und uttered 11 0 p1 Oh1b1.ion. a.nd Eu.rt ll fo uot improved mecha!ncal app11ance3. lF'or illustta 111,._1 u rcfl, but bcnc11tt ed, by l h uu1 All tion1t o! the~li'l ch1ou1os, seo N'o\'c1nbc1 issue ot th o~0 bl.'attl1fnl eud..1lcws wluull u.clo1n 'l' lllr.ALDIKJ:::) Lht.\ llHtn~ loni b., arou nd 'i\ lnch \~·u 11.., t1 to .l111ge1 , u.~~tue us 1\ e iu e i.n a \V Oil cl of '.l'ho :tJ.tGra.ry Ilepa.rtmont 1\ a.r1n n.nd loving hcu1 l~":I, t he a rlo1 n11u{ of th e sepulch res of th e ' lov ed ones" will cont111110 under 1he of 11!1 Jltcl1ard allcvrn.tcs oui gr1el rin d aoothes Ui e Henry Stodllatd, u.as1a tecl by the best wnters \\ OU JH1ed hca1 t It also cheers the l)(~ and poets of the day, 1vho 'Ylll st1·1v e to 1iave Lhc rcnvcd to knllw' th a t an u<l1htiona l em literature of 'l'inc. ALDtNn: alw&ys in kcci;iingl 1 e,u shmcnt of tho gn~\'e rncsents with i t2 nrtist1c attructlon~. st1ong<'l a ltract1ons to ~u~est the a tt~ u · t mu of tlJo st1anger, .:tnd ca.uses hun to 'l'erms: pause nud Jea..t n th{; na,1110 of oue i.vho has shared !lo largely in the loi; e of '1J.5 per annum, tn nd1·nuce, 1l l1b oll othPl<l. ('h:t,·omo,. Cree. \i'{ e t ake thIB method to 1D.fo1 m you THE ALDl ?>.'"E "ill, l1 el eafter be obtainable only that "'o can JiU 01d ers 1ol deco.rating the graves of tleputted flwnd.,, .it low by sub6CLJption. 'lhero ·w ill bo 1 i.o r edu c~tl or tigurea, c x.ccuteJ. 111 the bo3t s l ylo ot club rate, cash fo1 hUbscuptions must be sent to the pnbhshers d11 ectt or h a nded to th e .local "\'\. ork rnu,nolHP ageut.., 1vithout respons1(nl1ty to the p'l.tbl1she1 s, MONUM1':N'J'S,TAIILETS,ETC , except in cases w·b ctc t he ce1t1Hcate ll:l!,"l \ en , bea.nug the Jae siin1lc ~1gnaLu1c of J.A::UES Si; rOF 'llil~ f lN li:ST Qr.AT l'ff TON Sr.Co. ITA A.N & All1ER1CANJJ.1.dRBLE 1':71011 SA.LE, Arr MY MILLS, ..K:1 Diu l mgton A NEW T s ·corn for Sale, Wh o l e or Cracked· .Joint 1'1.l!'ci:Dougall. 16.s!J-tf . I To The Pump Shop· WITH HORSE-POWJcH & LA'l'f{l<,, ,it present wodrnd 11y the qub~cr11.>01 Noti~c. 1111litt.i und othel'fl V'i h o have be en 1n tlie hnl:i1t of pr11ct1e1ug 1\Jth ball cart11dgc, en the ftat, \\ill please b cr1.r iJJ, n11nd t h at fi out the present tnn ~~ . il:ny con ;ent, hither to gh'cn b'\ Jl)C ia a bsol utely \V lthd1 n1vn , a nd i;t.ny one found w1lf11lly contu11 1111 g Ri fle p1acticc after this n ot Lee lllUBt bo dcnlL " '1th a s tl:.e la Yr du ect::i. F . U.'\.YNE ~ . Do" 111 arrv1Uc, l\{ay 30,187 J'J,A 1'·\D °" Possession given iannediatoly Ontv bus1nesc ol' t hc kind lll town-plr.n ty o f custain· 1a.1 c chaucc f~ll" L~ g oud lJ UJ i1nualt cr. T HE MEMBERS OF VOLUNTEER :rn. SILYJJR. B0:\\ n· r.11' rli e, l\D.ty 2.1, 1871 BONN ETS, every taste can be consulted, as the Yariet)'.' is so great. In · PH U;::;:sl.A.X N b;!::l l OHIAN1 . Sl:. !...N ldN _\ \ l _ >L."\ Or io l\101L:\ \ YI AN S.l~..1\1.\.. l ' [ J' \ . N", llIBI~HXTA N, - - Gtl1 Nov 30t h IGt h ·· };"JLtl " I 2nd Deu. 9th " ~3rd ~u. IGtl 1 " 7th Do~. 11 Uth --- - - ------- - lFiii'§t il' ri;ge e011Btivators. (fflHE SUJ3SC!l.ll:lEl't WOULD DIRECT Lwo-ho1se [ron Cnltl\ 1 L tou1n1.t.nuf<tct.u1ell by him nnd "' Ju ch h.n c for sL....: obta.:ined 11 rnt pnzea at :P1ov1nmal ancl T.oeal F,nrs. 'lhey un . . cloubtedlr the best 11nplcn1cut of th e knul in use, and w 1U 1u a~ eiy short Lln1c ino1e than repay t11eir cost, m the cftic icn cy and excellence of their 'iVO' k. Inspovt1on 1n\ i Led A sn1lply of C11 lt1vn tors not\ on hand for th e spung woik, and will be sold at lowest rates. JI. & A . ALLAN, L '~l\1rrrrr . A.g··nt .Ar;cnt", .iUontroal 1 Po st Ol hr..:e 6:s hu wa. Ji thl· ,LLtei.t1on off1.1rmol's to the onc-Jiorse and ----·----- - 11.W:imtcd ! ma.n" oul d l cqune t o und01-i:;tand ga1cl culng and the CHI c of hulSC3. ll'o,, pal hculur~ apply to C. TJ SPALDING, }~sq,, Scugog Sheet, Bown1an'\'illc, A llgllst 21, 1872 4-tf STEAM Bl~'l 'iYEJ~.'i FALL GOODS FOWERS, A N0 FEA THERS, LACES, ETC, A MIDDLE-,\ l>ED MAN AND WIFE ..1-JL u~ gener,tJ. seL\ ants In a sin aJI i'ttlllilY 'l'hb LON DON, QUEBEC , M ONTREAL. ot a ':1<1p011or IRON HARROWS 1~1n d, td so ou hn.nd. BUGGIES AND WAGONS on hand for sale 83.r All kinds of Blu.cksm1th wo1k done on h s hortest not1cc. .A call sohc ited. 1Il-15JI. Vr .... 01 T, Bowm&.nv1l 1'S l f con~L~~ntly For Sale. . In the 'l'<nvn of Bow1nanville, '.r,venty· eight acres of land belonging to estate of the late DAVID DOWNEY. For par· t 1cnlara enqture of A S11iem· ui. Fa!"n1 Co1· 10 Oc to ~ale , I · we claim to have the fines t assortment to be found. THE COUNTY m" DURHAM, · IN ncn.r the '!'o wn of Bownm1.nille Application ma do Bo-wmnnY1ll e, OctcLcr, 1871. THOMPSON & IlURNS. Dow1nanv1lle, I\i!ay 23rd, 18i'2. 43 tf BREAKPAST. - EPP'S Coco~. - GnAJIT.T' UJ. AND C0)1FOR1 JN u - " IJy a. thorough. kno1\·ledge of th o TEMPERLEY'S LINE Com11o:ie1l of tho follo\~ 111g ll r st- Clas~ Iro n Stc:uncll:l " J S nATES, Propr1ctor 10-t f ARR IVE D , I n Black and White [I I REAL LACES AND 1\'lED\V.AY, ICECTOH. natura.1la\\1:1 \\htcn g overn the opcrn.t1 oua of d1- SCOTL.A ND , NILE, geshon llilld nutritio11, and by " 1,;111efut u1Jpllcn· 'f\V'EED, NI GER ' l'IL\MES, SEVhRN. t1on of the fiu o 1iropcrttes of'"' ell Helcctod cocoa Mr. Ep:ps has provaled our breakfa8t tt\.bles 1v1t..h n. clcli u~ tclrfluvored bcvc,o.gc 'Vl'luch rnay 8a.,e 'l'hc Sten.n1et:s of this Line n10 lnlendcd to aa1l us many h cav:,. d octo1s' li1lls '- C'tl. d &zvice 1 f1u n1 Quebe<~1._u1d ..\font1 en.1 even 'J 1DE6D.\..t' tlui· Oa:::eUt Mudc snn ply witli Bm h ng y\rfLter on ing th e of nn.vJg ation of 1872, and :iro111 M ilk Each packe~ ir; la.b~llt.\ll -" .fA~res EPPS& J London cvei Y \Vedliesdlty, enl hng at Plyu1outh Co, IIomreopathic Chcn1 1 sts, London " Alao on l he 1vay out 'J'lL to ugh tickets f1on1 all . points 'i\ est at. 1 elluoccl rate~ . Ce1I L JnakA r~ o l F: ~1p:-; ~ :\-Iilky Cocou {Cu coo. au d Co1 1 tell issue1.t <le nsed ]\fil.k:). to f!a.rl1cs deSJl'Oll $ O[ h11nglng Out thou frwnd s. ~or full particul u3 apply to the Con1pan1'is ----· ---~------- --------.. Agent a t Oshn. 1v11, r. W. S.l!llll. A GENCY 0]' 'j 111~ i"nr ~lica~!oH AT 01r ahc LACE COLL.A-RS, BOWMANnLLE FURNITULU~ INJYI.A.1..N T.... INE Ot<' l:i.1\ .:IL STli" .A .1.fSIIlPS, 'J i hni;:cn·:atioan 01· l'l>!' "~enn, :nul Ge?ier:i.lResio ration to Soiin d Health 1 :'.l L!D o ut 111 the trca.t n1ent adoptcil bv t.}1e u1 111ent J JLU n1i DOCTO H LG\ .YIS JOSH;PHUS Jn hrn m ost O\'oude1ful Allcro.Uv(' und l'on ic Tuied- 1 l l.lUH.:S 1.110\\U a s the Greu.t Shoshouee11 Hemcdy nnd P i lls J..Vo 111::110 io~rn v<n~sequ.e nt.:es ('an r esult frottt tlwv 11:«' l~'o nirnta!.c cwn be 1nade in i.heir .t1d· 1n1nrnlrul1on Perlions wJ10 h ave bcen restoretl to ea~e, st1 ci1ath and perfect health by th ew hole· 1!01ue ptnvcr excited b;-. these Ind lnn ll.fedic1nes U\ e1 t.h e l:lj stem. af!e1 f1 uit,ess t ria l of the wholo pha11nucopce1l1. of \)hysio, a.ttest thi s fact 'l'lle 11tui1erou~ Lestunon1u 18 a1e stern u ndeniable and 1nconter;hbJo :t'actfJ i.;utl1 cJent t o oon,111ce the most scep t.ieal tha1 11.rn ~e g-1eut rnedwal con1p oun d~ lJCl 101m nu~ny ruu.rvellous cm cs, and uct.:oinplia:h a.11 tlit~~ 1s (l081led N o 1n 'tLLcr wJuityoura1hnen t 'llll j b<', o:r of hov1101'\~ ntnnt1 1ng, Utoy -w:ill find the spoL, and 1.iston 1~h Jou by ll1e lllPHl n1ann e1 m \VhLl' h you nrc. rc<_torcd to pellect health nnd full \ H-'0! (_l_'he ".t·c1n c<l y an cl the P1lls ru: c pleasant und safe to take, .ui d a1.., \\,\ti ant ed, ntid 1n11y possibly bo roll ed upon t o a. 11 c1n1u.nent cure of au dise&;;C8 of the 'l'luoat, Lungs, L1vc1 , K iel· n oy,,, D1ge»tn c Org11nci & c , &.c. , ns 1\ ell as Scro r~ nJa, the vauotL':! tlktn D1soa.soi:;, Hwnor s, a.ntl all d1~ cnses ar1a111 g 11 on1 Tn1pu1rty o.f tho Blood, excopt1ngthc stage of Constnnpl H) ll, Further 1nfo1'lflahon, i;\ 1th Lull du ect:ions for luring th.c ll.1cdlclncl:l, ,i.;nd conta.irung testin1on 1n.l1:1 11.nd oor~ t1flca!~s of Cuu·s , can be obtained by securing tho Shosl.J.oncOfl TrcatISc t11c Raud-book, or the .Ahna1utc and Cuculu ta, fro111 ~tu !' druggist in the 1 A A H~; PIUNCIPLES FULLY CAR- we have a large assortm~nt McCLUNG BROS nnpo1n tcd rcttnl 1 1gent h y !he l30\vmanv1 lle Furn1t11rp !t'I11nuf,Lctu1h1g Co , is no1\ u 1 u pos1 ion to filJ all orders at as low n r<1te ns any d on.l 1111 th o COtWt) ·25 l<OD'l1. S l\.L1.NNIZG T HE .xn rno:u SUJ~SCRIBEH, HAVING BEEN AT PRICES TO UI j ) ------------ - OU R - S T OCK OF - Mon_ e y to Lend New York, Q ueenston and -.A'r ! Liverpool I REDUCED RATES. I AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND or 1 C 11 Y OF HICHMON D, Mo~rREA L l nn:y alnount of moncr, on th e secu1 tty ofGootl Fnl'm o. P1cduct1\ ~ lo-.,~u Proper ty, ot tbe CITY Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, n auu18 and n1aonc1 to snit h orrowers. PlJ\J.ClJJal can be r e palcl by ye.uly instahnents, or in one S\lUl. Cl'l'Y C!TV C I'l'Y CITY OF OF OF OF CIT\: OF P Al~IB. BP.USSELFJ. N.1;; w YOIO.(. l.O: N'l>Ol\. ., BHOOKL\"N' CITY Ob' AMT \VEkf>. CITY OF IlAL'!lMORt;. l'll'Y OF BRISTOL CJl'Y Ol" DUBLI~ CtTY OF LIMERICK C l TY 01r Dt..·nuAir. CITY 01" ll.a,LIJ;.tX. Agents Wanted. Any person, w1sh1ng to a ct ucr1no.ncntl:y us u. local agent, will rece1v:o full and 1non1pt. u 1forn1· o.tJon by applying to JAMES SUTTON & CO, , 3S MAJDEN r,ANE, Nie w YORfc SUOTCI I ADE!tDJi.EK an '\NITE, aupphefl on shm t n ot:i.ce. Everything per t..~u1 mgto Ccmclel'} ti,.·ork " 'ill 111eet ·with p1ompt :,i.t!,C >Jhon, b) le::i..v111g or dcrs Y>ith \>D Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots Beavers, Pctershams, Meltons, &c., &c., &c. , · I iivestments 1n,:<lc in Del.Jcntl.rcs, 1\Iort~lgo s , a.nd otl1e1 :::counties. Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdays I li'1 om Pim J.<>, North Iln·er, n t1F.s OF i~~\K9 I SILVER A.ND GRE I~NBA..CKS JJOUOllT .l\NI> \(.a :. SOLlJ. Fo1 f i.rther part1cula,re! ltIJIJly to JAMES HOLDEN', Publishers 0. BOUNSALL, Do1n1nioit-~.,ll.iDE. 1-~~~~~~~ .,..l:,.,.~~~~~~~' Boynnan'\1Ue." P rice of the Remedy, in large l'1nt B ottlos, $1 00. Price of th<· PilJa, per B~:x ..... :m et,i, Will be Found Unusuallylarge. MURDOCH BROS. orn.clnl .A ssignee, lvioney Ht OK Cr, &c. OIB.ce-Mel\t£1lln.n's Dlcck, Tirock, S t. , \ ypul 13th, 1671, lo Qneenaton 01· Cabn1 SLeerage, £1ve1pool, · - $75, g ol d, ~:m. currency ),oudon · · . . 80 .. 3~ " ' Pa11s, ' ::;..~; Tick e ts: can be bought h eN'! at tnodera.t.e ratcu bv pc180ns 'vialn ng to scncl for th< 11 fuends Jfui' turt.hei· inforn11ll1on o,ppJy LQ tl1e Co111pan:t1:1 A gent. oo: " 0 W . SMI'l'H , 0S1'AWA,

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