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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1872, p. 4

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CANADIAN S'l"ATESMAN, BOWM_,,\ .NVILLE, r:rHURSDAY, DECE'.lVIBER 5, 1872. - THE E ZOOTIC spiUtB a.nd constitution If we persist in ..l.nd the tqu.1n~ race ' " h the dumps clown keeping our bloocl pure, we d1acha.rge a Whi.lo every Gilpin ut "V"I Jlage 1-QnOYi n debt w·e owe nature and are invar1a.blv Is cur&.Ing U1e Ep zoot1c rewarded for our troublo t: nd expense It There iii nary o. ten.rn in ti c ma.rket pluce IB nselee,s to expost 1ln.te n the tnany acl No UverJ rigs n_o tnendJy racevantages of sound'h and if you are .A.nd meroha.nta l\ll \A;C!l.1' a doJeful faco uow JU search of the precious gift you are On nccount o! the Epl.zoot1c ' stro1i~ly recommended to procure a supply Tho horses 0.1 o !!ncez1ng and blowing all dny of the Groat Shosho12ees Remedy aud Pills .The f.a.rmers glum nor inc 1ned to pray ..A.nd t1le wa.lkrnwbeam of lhe Silver Spray I Js dow-,1 lvith tho Ep zootic On wasliing day our houso "\-\as a scene My ~i!e ha.d boen toiling from ino1n1ng t ll e en Dut the clothe~ vouldn t dr) fo1 the clothe~ horao ho.d been up with the Ep1Z0ot1c - Theres a. regular plague! : country and to\vn Tim life of tho body is the bloo4 nnd the blood is the leve1 whwh r egulates our S.G Webster L D.S. -- . ___w TO LET. I TO OWNERS OF. The Pump Shop Farm Property - AND- I \\ITH HORS! PO>V ER & LATH] and take""" dir cted 0 \ At present'>\ orkcd by ti es ibf'.c1 1 e rosscss1011 given I i nc 1 lcl) 3'.i!r Only busineas or t.hi:; ki1 d tn town- plenty ot CU !; ch ice fo1 a good Putnp u 1ke1 E SU,\ ER Ilown1nn' Ulo !\fay 95 18"1 DETACHED RESIDENCES INSURE l OUR P!WPER1Y HI TH!i Agl'u:uHural humrance 1Co AND - F EW People Ulllloquamted "1th physi ologic.U che1111t3ttj aro aware of the quan Surgeon Dentist WHO H~VE 1 ,,.hly recommended to r n.dics as o. mo ~t n~rce:i.ole lrep:irfl.t on tor the l'oilet For B<>a.uli f) L ng tho c mplc:doo and rendering the Bldn 8ort Wt.He Cl("l111r .o.nd free from D rvneu, 11; lit nnrlv:i. lcd It will quickly remove a l liedne,.,,. :r..on.,hnei:;.;i rc.n 11' eek es. Pimples n.nd ot! IIR pe tac loni 1 :i: Chapped Iln.nds1 Chilblain<' Froet Ditos and S 10 Lip11 it ca.llllcn ba e:a.rpaeaed Pdco S,,1 c :it" jJl ltlon<'y to Loan. 'lhi~ Ji.:Lt y Save Half Your Money Head ticy d iron m the blood, but all >hould I now the in1portance of keep1nb up the THOSE Yot a elngle trot at thG Mineral Springs I (a plot< x1de of iron) supplies tins vit 1! ele No soiling of pools by tho bcttrng rlugs ..,or the makmg of books and such horsey mer t A 1d has ctned inany ch1oruc du1 t.hlnga suppl) for debility disease ancl death TE TH sure to follow when tho quantity becomes AR'I'IFICIAL too mu ch red uced 'Ihe Peruvian S~,rrup That don t tlt would do~ ell ogive 1 I :i. a ca.II eases Teeth Guaranteed CuLis to bP. repaid in instalrnentH to sent l boiro"er '>\ho a P. allo""erl Lo inal o s O l paJ me nts 111 u ld.ition to instnln1ent.s as tl t ~ n1ay \ fi ud convenient J ay be obta1 e(l fro1n I he Ca ua la Pc r a nent B i Id ng o.n<l Sav 1ng Somct) b,:. a.ppln ig to l c\.fil~'\ Jl:LL ~fcGEJ & ltlJ fLI DGE j L l \'. OANS FOR FROJ\1 ON"R TO Tl\ E.:'ii Office for Canada, Xmgstoa Mr"Pn-vate fufl ls to lo:u.1. ~oll01tors Bo rna1 v ille 61 .1.'\.re fioo1 ctl by tI1c Ep :i:oot c »a.Id face a1 l (,, psoy and Big Legg d Jack A..n(t uvery ono of thc5 ramng packLike a Grand Ti:unx. train ~re effthe track O 1 a.ccount of the Ep1zoot1c Ji Chaps ~ho have gub livlng out of to,,n Cant hire a. rig fqr the noncy down And the girls in t ea.Is their soi'lows dro \11 Brought on b~ the Epizootio At parhee the lad1ea, Cl).n 1 h} of course And tln1mp the piano \\ ith feeling a.nd f l ce But ask them to sing- th3} le a. lJt lo Jionr o be a perfect fit 1n tho most d :Oieult cnses " c h:t\O often 'li Ondered v,;hether there s a pe1 son 111 all New England "ho does S G \~ baa been ~ c1 y cot ccoss!ul n nrnertlng not kno'v and appreciate tho '\ialuo of Juhnson s A1.odyne Ltn'l1 rne.nt as a · fa.1nily ARTIFICIAL PALATES, medicine~ It is adap eel t J inost all pu1 " I ero they have been dcah oyed by d1scn.BC or poses a.nd is the best J ain killer that can the result of con.,cn1tal detect If'.'. o 1 "t"alue your u~ed New Business T health don t neglect your T eeth J.& W. J. M'MUR'TRY & CO. ARE NOW SHOWING iill1ctcd Hth Ep zootic Wha.t wilt " 'e do for ou:r w nter s fue Since corUwood le gcttn fl h ghor and 1 gl er ..All beenuse the aa w horse has caught the du-o Prevailing Ep1zootlc Tho Mail declares the p1a~e is sent For tl e sins of tho local Governme1 t .And until those recreant G1 its repent 'Ve'll l "" u the Ep1zootlc Jn fact a.11 the ills of the present do.J .Are not t?aced to theu· source ln the usual way Dut ot this and of thnt you hear I eoplc Yay FAitMERS and stock raisers have fre ... qucntly told us that they have seeu very good1ti~ults froni gi.'u'.lg '3h&1idans ()(iv ah y Co 1d~ho t Puwcle s to cows 111d swu1e inserted on 11. new principle l ofo1e and ~rte:i: they drop theu Joung !'RICES MODERA1E The powders put them 1n good candit1on I an d give tl:iern st1011gth t o care and pro Uoomsforn1crlr.: occ p1cl by r J Jo e· o"eJ F 'ide for their suckti1 gs l\.{cc\lt lu1ssto1e King t:lt Ho,mn.,ille to 1872 31 tf CoNS UMP'.llON' Bronclntis: Dyspops1a Feeble Irregt1la:r Action of the heart, and t long hst of kincli ed diseases tire attr1b ut1;:d to a lo / of t he n ervo ue. 8ystom Owing to its b ac1ng elfccLs on those cen HAS THEM ters '~ e inay ascribe to F ellowa Compound -----~ ------- - ~fAUTlfUll GOlO fill NGS A rurL ASSORT~1.EN1 OF / L. CORNISH G~OODS, --AliD-- Hypophoaplute· the piompt and decided benefit 1ece1ved by patH:1nts labo1'lng un dc1 U ese dise tses BE \\ Ilt!E TO DAY 'IIB .... nnd we ll es tnbhslied Company insures oot!J ng bn t Fann Prdperty an4 do ta cb('d Residences a nd J::;:.ucs Policies a1 Grcntely Reduced Rntes ~SS! TS $050 000 00 Depo«.1ted \V1th tho Finance Ahn s ter for special bene fit of Canad1n.n i'ohcyholders ov'r $100 oo 0 See th-.> follnw1ng Oert ficatel!I Tl 1s 1s to ce1 tifJ t ha t the Agr c iltnral fn s 1r1u1c~ Compn11J havi ng deposited ta thfl hand s of the Rece ive r Gcncial of Canada lhe s um oi F1ft.y four T housan(I P Jve Ilun drcn Dn!J 1rs 1 l L nit ad States bo ids as re qu led bv the \ct of Oanndn ·31 \ ic cha 48 sec 22 is hereby I cenaed to carry on t he IJu ,u neas In On ad11 of Fire Ins u rance Dated at the C ty of Ottn.wa the 2nd da;.r of June 1870 Jo rrN J ANGr OY fo1 ll r.1ster ofF1nnnc" 'l hrn i ~ to ce1 1fy t.llat 1 have been acqan.1ota ed with the Officers aud Mnnngere of the Agr cultt 1al 1 su ran ce Company for mn.ny .}ears 1.n ti i:dso w tl tll1! business operation1 of Lhe Com1 tr y ~rd l uvc no es1tRt1on 1n rec m nen <lu g It ns a µertectlv sate and re ab le 0 n1 t ny a id i ts Offic eroi as compe lt-ot a nd ho1 nbllj b s nes:s n1en and as 1 a s I ~>I ou t! og b t } l n1 Pro1 c1ty and tache l D v lll ngs a d liFLs $03( 000 .A14~tB L coos t ies11Jns1ble beyond any oont1n' T HIS old · a·· It Rall tb1ough the Eplzoot c lf the ba.nk& 'von t disco mt tnd tnone;y 16 t1ght If cb.lldren ho.' e1u1rmps a1 l potatoea the bligl t Tlicn Yi ere going to ruin and nothing la nght Throug h the ourso of tho Epizootlc I But on& comtm t Il1a"\ c nn1ong aJl this ftbs And I thlUlk iny stars fo1 it might b e vus11 .And I ha-v e n o occa.e1on to l'I. e u.nd cuss ina.d.J.1esa to neg MILLINER.Y. 0 D D C ~L VIN M P l' '\ e htn e exarr ne d t t o tl e cond t ou and stan d g of tl e Agr cultu ll· Oomrnny lnd <lo full.} cu1 cur "1th Mr Oaleu HJ u: com mc 1 d 1 git to the Fnrmcrs o! tt111 Pr-ov nee 'LS o ne J erf ectly safe and rcliah1e 11 '<h cl to 1118 re the t prope1ty At U e .flht.gne of the EpizootJc For &t night m}' slumbers nre t1ound and sweet l: el!I even l"<hen a. g~ncious s Pl er I cat For now tho N ght i8 r ogttlai beat 'I1ed up by th0 Ep1zoohc -Chatham Bannc1 lect a cough or cold ho\\ cvei slight Consurnptioi~ rr a.y follow and though D1 IV1Star' B < of mld Chon y ha· Ire q nently cnred t!ns niuch :lreadcd <l.J.Sease, 1t n.ln1ost inva.r11.bly cu1cs the primary diseases of t he thr oat lung-s and chest, \\here othet"rernedies fail "\ ERY l:IARD IO KILL "1 z EVERYTHING ~E\V, [STYLIS i.I & CHE OF THI J. J C UL\HK HEY '1.RE LESS LIABLE TO GET -That people sur of repair than other vrntchc1:1 I hey tuo the drast1c tnoreout a.ccurate tinle koopc1s purge, and t he terribl· · ·livants of fifty ts;. .A.special "a.rrant.:y flom the Factory witb viveJ. the clepltit1ng lancet watch years r\,.O, is proof that t..hey ha.rd to every :Sowmnnv1lle Sept 20 1871 lull I he znotto uf n1odern medical science lS PERSl<:RVB AND REOULJ..rE, Nor DE T .A. 1' tr LL s rocnc J OA l tnrBEI{S & Co Gmo A h . IRKr.A.TR1c.1r:: M 'P B U Bn r roN \\ e would 1cfer y ou to the follo'ling gen. de1ne1 1n reg:n1rl t the re pois bihty of the Oo1n1 an\ -D F1-:.h cr Ei:; q Cn s hH~r of the 0 tu1 r unK Jno McL " od ?iJ p p J 8 Fa bn 1 Esq Postmas tet J E Farewell Bank<:r 1 Finest Family Grocerie:::. SALT AND PL.ASTER !l.LViAYS ON H ANf> JERRY JENKS Tu· WELLnI> CAMPAIGN-AFTER '.IllE D lTTL:K- ,VILLIE TIIE \V ANDElt:KR PBTB 1t'IITCIIEI I ON FJSBING - TIIE STl O'i Bia SutERINTENDENT ' [Jrroui the 'Ioronto 'Veekly ~d vertJscr] Laat week I gave d etai1' of ho" I fol lowed IN rHE W<KE of Willie tho Wander er Thu:1 week I was AT THE "WAKE (this is a purely Celtic exprcps10n) of poor Dr Ki1'i, whoso death-pohticahy- ia well known It is vary t!ltr&nge how rapidly the Tonos are dy10g off Thero must be a dtSease m Ontario which prnves peculJ.arly fatal to the ToTY party Probably it ls some in damma. TORY malady, brought on by each auceeesiTe -vie-TORY gained by the llcform Po.rty ( rhero lS no JOke mtcnded m tho preceding ·entence a.s all the 1vords nre in my Webster unabridged ) Ae I said boforc Dr Kmg is pohtic"lly dead, and hi· death may be laid at the door of Sir John who has a gt eat many 111ns to answei SINCl~ he abandoned Ins pie logic as DR DEPB W S MEDIC \ I VICTORY In tlus powe.rfnl yet H~RM IES3 \EG~T..4.DIE ltilSIOIU..TIVl, dyspepsia billions coinpln.1nts and all diseases of the ston1ach hver bo\\ els and ne1 ves onconr1 ter an irre111stiblo antidote and no remc ly of our d11tv is HO entn ely m harmony with this pJulanthro I :sq B \ n s tc Agent to r Cobo rg Rnd v1cln1ty 1 The highest price paid for Butter & Eggs. fSIGN OF l'IIE CHEMIST AND DRGGGIST, EGS RESPECTFULLY '.IO !1.N NOUN CE th it he hn.3 i eceL..,ed a well as vlll~ WILL! ~M I !'!SH W R CL!lllll Locn l Agent ·t Bowm··- December Fi 18 71 of people ne nov; careleiss allowing thc1nselves to drift through the prehm1nary symptoms of conaump THO't" SANDS GOLDEN LION King Street, Bow1na.nville ly t10n under tho fat·! delus10n th·t they are troubled with not ung but a slight col<l How necessary 1f! it, then that a cold ahould be cared for from its mcip1en cy :m.d overy exertion used to get rid of it Bryant> Puhnoruc "-rafera will stop the h Lcking cough in a few· minutes ttnd by theu influence on the biunclual ··uhnonary org ~ns \ll fears of danger o~·esults -.,v1U soon be dissipated-but they must be taken m time !:>old by all druggists and country dcn.len1 cents per box l110 Wouder.ful cure ot Lm1g Ihst>ase. B soi ted stock of Gonurne Drugs and Pure English Chenncals ~!Ro n. splendi:l sLock of tho 111ost carefully solectedfijj Pigs ~Bed. a"'d ecoml;llended bJ tuut Clase; Breeclff··s Stoc t fed with it ha.v alwe.ys taken first p1 izes Milk Oe..ttle lOn u tte nug and br nglt g into condl Iioi ses Gov; ei Calvi.JS Sheep 1 t o DYE STUFFS Price 25 DRUGS which cannot be surp8.8setl for e::i::cellency of quality An assortment of Arulme Dyes kept eonstantly on hnnd together "\\lth n. choice ec lection of Photography I J. 0 & R.H. Henry MB SEX IONS H AVE SECUREDQa.llcry fine nc v To OwNERS OF H ORSES - It tsa well at tested fact cont.ii med by the experience of thons:tnds that Darley~ Cond1t.1 on Po-\ der~ n.nd Arab111n Bea" e Remedy fQr OILS horse!'! is superio1 to a.nytl ing of the kind PUNTS now or e'er kn n n Wo know that it has profession COLORS been used tn 1nany cases "\vhere the hoise V Alll\ ISHE;:, But tlus is one for -n: h1ch his conscience h:ot.s been cons1d red almost \Vorthloss and!Vi HlTELEAD -which is ve11 elast1c-v. II ever unbra.1d "nth the 1nost so.tisfacto1 y result, the d" .A.t tho ' cry lo vest puces h1n1 ha\ 1ng been restored to perfect aoundness HORSE AND CA:.TrLE lVIEDICINES Bot ween Slr John and "\V1lhe the "1 an or !'30 1nuch be 1efi.tted that the con1pl:unt N B - Country Storepeekers· supplied on ad derer Dr King one of the Ridgv; a.y v1chn1is co ild sea.reel) be ob$Cr' ed .i\.f1:1ny s 1ch 1antageons te a horses havo afterwards. been sold for fiom la Rgain victllllized $50 to $100 more tha'l they would lm' e Kmg is a prodigJ, equal to Blmd Tom previously brought and were "ell worth But their n.b1ht1es not of the tht d1fhnence let all mtcrested consider Ren1ember the na1ne and sea that 11ta.1np K1ng s peculiar talent hes In tlns thiv 1:nguature of Hurd(.~ Co JS on each bu profanity ro hear hun 3,vca.r w1ten package Northrop & Ly1uan, N elvcastle he has sufficient roo1n to practice hm fa..vor Ont proprietors for Oinada Sold by all i~e amusement is h eart rendermg and hau N RESPECTF ULLY RETURNING incd1c1nc dealers thanks to the public foi past l be n.l:gatrona~ atan ding - - - _::::c::::: CHE1'11CALq PATENT MEDICINES BRUSHES COM.ilS SHOU J DER BRACES !Sl PPORTETIS &c &o fcotl) H::Storod to hcaH1 ~ou1nt1:,. p BROOKLIN April ;.ith 1870 T 0 On 1-MBERJ AlN E SQ - Stn ~ l l11s 18 to ccr tify tho.t ID\ ' ' fo v J.R cry low v.-ith Lung Disc 1se £1 e docto1 had g:tve_ n her up He satd her l 1ngs were tubcrclod uncl l c 1 c c could not I olp hc1 As a last reso1 t Ip l cluwed a bottlo of tl e Great Sboshonees Remedy At tJ1e expiration of two dllJ fl her syn1pton1:1 c e £1ec1dedly better She 1.:onhnued to imp10' e so rapidly tl n.t ln tie t 1 uc she had taken one bottle Bho v11s al lo to tut 1 Bl tl e couhn ance of the rcmc ly sl e ns per produce more milk and butter· It fattens ln one fourth the usual ttme. and aa.vee :food o.!l 11ox co" .!.'- 'l'.4L i\ S TJrO Hl!.J\. 'Il llE.0 ~ .BRD$. ' HUulI JUL LEH k CO Agricultural Chemists 1G7 Klnz s t., Toro11t6 :For- so.le l )' J HIGG11' BOTHAM Druggist Bo,vmauv1ll¢ blish the fa cts for the benefit of those s1nrnarly nHl <.;t,e l r C BRO>I N Er U!uopal Met.I o list l-!1n ~ti.:1 Ne Plus Ultra I A NE ~\ GLEE BOOK WITH PIANO ~C C OMPANIMENT Price $1 50 each $15 per dozen NEW Corner of Kmg & Temperance Streets, (Entrance opposite cutrnnco to I own linU on row1 c1 a n ce Str(',ct D AN A'8 Fall and Winter Dry Goods, A1- It will be thmr l lm to i;:1vo !:!atbfict o to all l n 1nay ten o 1J Cl v tt a caU c II e1 at lhe r Gallery !1 P.A TENT SHEEP M.ARKS. OSHAWA OR 80Vi'M: <\.NVILLE lhc\"' mfL ce nll CAR RI AGES Bhnd Toms ab1hty hes 1n Jua-well ho d1dn t adve1tise -a.nd aa I obJoct to grat u1tons puffi1ng except when an a.pprcc1ativc friend furJ 1she& ine with a fifteen cent, then I c ~11 do 1ny sh :i.ra of <lea.d O e doee cu ea con11non So1e rhroa.t 01 e 1.uJttlt.:'1 JUts cu cl B o iclntld F fty cents 'vorth has c edanold standn_gf!o1gh Oneortw obuttles depreciates Da111aged Cotton is 1no1 e cur~s btLd cases of Pil es und Kidney 11oubles uneful to Sir John n o w· than he vr ts ye irs Stxjoc g~ t apnln~~~~~~ ~3~~a.~tf b~~ ~~i~c~~s ago The n1ore the Cott )ll IS used the ~ 1~e n~~~~l~sb~~k of el ht ) ears ~ta d ng J) ~n el n1or0 v:tlu \ble lt beco1nea especially where Pl[\,nl ofBrook11el l ~ og\ County Pa says I i.. went th 1 t) 1n1ks J<:it' a. bottle of "Ol l' OiJ v. hii.;1 B llv any dirty ,..,o k is t o l C per f orn1c d cife ted a vonde !'ul ue ot a.crooked hmb bysix let the fa.tes k~ep l{1ng ano Cotton a.1 ~rt appl c11t1 ns Another \hoha8hadA all 11n.for "C l"l editor 1 ill li··ve years s t:t s I have J a lt of a OU cent bottleleft1 or ft 1 ae y our coni ll l e.. "' ' "' and $100 \Vo ildnot bu:v it ifl could get. 11 u Jre to report a sudden f" l in tlns ar n ftw Rob u su1 of Nu da r-; Y wr tea t1cle One 1'll all bottle of 'o r Eclcctuc 0 l 1 f:~torcd After the rasult cf the elections had been ti e.., o1cc I e l1 o pcr~on l ad not spoken a.\Jove awh 8\">Cl 1nfive }ea1s R ev J J\.1 iLll01} of :s.nuounced I moved trnvards the "Welland \'\) 0Jn111g N Y vr tes Yo 1r Eclcetric 011 House, prepa.rtory to returnui« home eurod me of Bronch1t1a lll one " eek Dealers ::> n.llove1 ti eco Lrysn.y \Voha~e ne ver sold Shortly after 01y aTr1val at the hotel l\1:r tt.mcdiehoth~t 11as given such co1 Illcte sa.t1a Biggar-whose solf e5tcom n.nd po1nposity fafi ~nc~~ntt)o~ed of six of the bost o ls Ll !Lt ar111 is a great deal bigger now than it "\'ilLS be kno ~I Is .1.sgood totukoas for external use fore he obtained Lhe s1tuat1on as Superin a. d a bellovcd to bo immeasurably su1 e1 or to t.endent of the Canal,-in coinpauy with a a1 yth1ng e..,e t inade VV1ll so.vo }OU nluch sur fer ng und mnn) dollau~ o! expense Ia sold by luub of the lnw entered the bar ruon1 o1 eor l lOl."e d e1s tn cvcrv plo.ce ,vherc these B1gga.I prides hunself on h1a cla.<Jsical edu circulars a ro fow1d rncc '\Scents "'llY not b } 1t to-dfLY 1 c&t1on, a.n d h o procee de d to quo t e 111 ark :p epared}u· s N 'lH01iA~ Pimr.Ps N Y Antonysaddresg over Oresat a body a.a AndNORIHROP&.LYr.i~N NE'\"\C~STLE Ont follo"a "Friends, Ro1nans countrytn"'n Sole Agents for thc Don1in1ou I como to bury Cresa.r not to pra1sc hun No1li: -&lecf;1 ic-Sclectcd and Elcctr1:;rn 1 E or salP. bv "\V I .Atkin1mn and D Dean s Defuro he col ld go a:ny f ar 1 )er '>\ lt h t h "' Oshawa 1n \\ 1 1tl y l J II Ge1r eand J B1 ll\ ora.t1on, which was d1stn.stef11l to the friend s n E onkl n by J l n "' 11rre1 head PU] FI:fG Ono of Kmg s " eak points lll his grMt di!hke to Cotton CotLon is ono of Sn J oho a carpet baggers whose ropntat1on 1s " maged but in ice never .lightly d ..., Tl onias E cloctrt-c Od/ U7 orlh 1 en. Man~ it~ Weiq} tin. Gold Do110" kno;w a"ytl mg of it' If not, it is t1tmc ~u did No lhsl+. = - -would a.1 1 0 c that he ll:l now prepared tc fil nll orders in his line m a 1nn.nno1 second to 1 o ee James Morris, I o ta.bhshment B ATTI~G-'8 7 CHEAP FOR CASH. Bowruanville Oct 10th, 1872 lcs a id :J 7iC of · 1'l' Vlt1a Glee lloo~ l s bee:1 1ntroduced it l LS been p1ono l ced superior to o.11 other worke ot its k nd. I t m t h hugest latest tineet o.nd only collect! n of Nev Glees u.nd Qua.rtettea o.eu1 ly 111 of vhich 1 ct\ r: P nno ~ compa.nimenra Wd l b 80.1 1plc co1 es 11 u.iled post prud for $1 J L IEI EPS "ll"XTHERJ \ER THE JH; Pl VS PHOTOGRAPHS, LETI ERG RAPHS Photogra1 hs 1 1 rio cclrun 01 nor., plan 01 col oreU l h ol.ograpl s fin ished. 1 1 In Iii I I o Sc p u nnd col ore 1 either ln ust nccompn.i ) all orucrs Al cnm~LD n t.l count cs W.ATER OR OIL COLOURS 1 "YOUNG Jn Sa.rr a Ont mentrnncd I r cc 01dcrs tU(.h e$MCd to the C.i. N ~DIAN ST r ES MA~ Oft ce f; 1 n.ny quan t1ly JI be illlell a.tth e abo' e s q u ckl~ us the Jtiarks CO.ll be made and ~e1 t CARRIAGES WAGGO~S Furs for S_.:\._ Y 1Sl'~4 Comfort. Photo Cia:i;ons &c 'Ih y u1e a 1 so l rcpn.rcd to ale ALL KINDS OF vIEWS Sucl as ' ews of RcR 1~ cea n 1 flar l cJ s C10 quetnnd Pie iuc uroups Ilchscs Cuttle &c and? cv " n CLIMH PAlN CANNOT STAY WHERE IT rn 1 sc<l Itu;thoche ipi::BtMr" _.d CU1l'EHS SLEIGHS J:c MA::itli'ACiUftED IN .A:NY E DlCSIRIJ:D WHAT YtYlJ PLEASE, .lND ON THE SHOR'1E81 :NOTICE '\Vhen John Fi ost i eigns it is 'vi th st t:y 1ants aw· 1y not content "ith whisthng througl1 keyholcs l.nd cnttngfigurei;i po1 the vnnlow panes l e stnkeste1io:i: to them 1L t 1Uc \'ho Do' .. I llcn1ember that notlun,t l t 11 e best matcr1u.l l8 used au<l boat workmen cmplo} cd-tl s ensu ig durability elegance a l cumfort-tbe inost 1npo1 tantrcquisitea mu. convoynncc Heps.1r-1ng in all br Lnchcs of il c prompt ly attended· to MAoi~rrU§" lue~~AY'F__.:R has iece1vel s ch l!l. Char] es DB \I Elt IN '1tock of l~I US rhat he a prepared to suppl;: all spite of the 1! iost King con1c~ a nll n ALLKLNDS OF WILL H:F.EP ALL COSY prot1Ued they e1 trust thc1112ch cs to h rip otect Ol BLACKSMITH IN A SATIBFACTOTIILY DO:NE WORK, Buffalo and Sleigh Robes, Fur RAILTIO rn COV EltS COLI ATIETS GLOVES LADIES MINK CUEPE MINK i1'D GERMAN SErs &c are got up m th. beat ·tyle anq are woll worthy mspection MEEPSQHAUJ\1 AND H' WARll'.l UROCEIUES FRUI'.IS, AND BPoIEI< ROOT PIPES A~D SUPERIOH MANNER ~ When Jou want anytlung m the can~>ge !me, gtve JAMES MORRIS a call and ho "\\ill stut j ou Ono <loor \Vest of the Ontarlo Bank Ilowmanville Oct 10 18'"1 or sl a le f \Ck tges coutrn.n ft l1 et.ti e gl t Tl o pubbc R.le w t1ncd tl tt cc W.1 other b1 tnds Exa1 n r. t h!! brand and do n ot be put off with nfenor pai.nts I he best is a.1 vas s cheapest on Sold Ul Bnwmanv Ile b) John H gginbfJtha.m by respectable dcalc is in P \ nts tl rough out O tarlo a1 d to <lea.leis onl) by age arol~ltf'! biand uns irpnsscd 101 bo Iy tnd brilliancy [:!lo tlie eiysocall cd~poudpack W HITE "'Ko LEADS 1 GENUINE ancl No 3 of thi s No 2 ARll FULLV A SS ORTED All kinds of I urs altered and repaaed Highest price m cash pa1d for raw 18 ly furs A call nt the corner of Kmg & Sit.el Streets will he to tho advantage of mtendmg purch,..eis !Ll.RKUS MAYER Dowmanv1lle Oct 10 '7° ~ GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHINGS ALL KI1' DS OF DEPEW~S MEDICAL VICTORY. DR DE~EW OF PA IJ.IS FRANCE an emf nent pl yi; c ;o,n of fa e g n d e ~cQnt h a ~ rllatoftred a C-reat B 0 l Re nedy-11 r ely VeaelableCorupowl-1 - 1 amed by p ys1c ans Depew 11\ledical Vktor;r tha.lcure:i cvery ! !nd <>f unhcnlthy Humor l\Dd every d soase lbr1.tdepend!lon]mpur ty {If the Bloud wber' the L\ ng~ J i ver a d Iudney11 and otl er Tito.I or gans not v; aatod be yu 0 the hope of repur For the cure of S crofule. Erri pela.s t:alt ...,._ rheum Eczema Sc&ld l l aa.d Seal'[ Eruption or tb1 Sk10 Ukers and }over S ores all ldotn Btn l1 Humor in tbe Mouth RDd Stomach or Ryu Sora E3 s Er ip wuon the head 1.1 d Pi n:ple1 or B otcihe! on tt e flr.e t ~tand~ l' re em nently ti.t } ..,ad or' all oil er remedies Iho fa.ct u IT mon 5cr Cu ir. a nd n 116 1se or the Skin of whate:v"r nam e or 1 11.turo a ro I tera lly d u g u p an d carr ed out of the I) ~t.em i n as 1ort t i ue by the u'e o f tbte BloOO Re t::d)0 o b~ttle lD 11u b. ca. cs will conv noe the m Q~t cred louis of ts cu ratn o eft'ech CloR.nsatheV1hatodBJood ~hene,.·r.rou find ih Jropur t 011 ~urs ng t h ro ugl the 1k u lul'lmFl&11 E rupt on1 or Sortll· cl e9n·e t t whe1 yon ~nd it ob ·tructed and ~lusgl~h 10 thti ve ns cleanlHI it when it 9 foul and yo 1r f eel ng11 w 11 t ell ]'O t wh~n X~ep t be :Blood l UTo:t a 1.1.d tl e healU of tl 9 11yetc ~ w ll follow l\!l l TOBACCONISTS GOODS ON] ELIIOl'·CO Toron Royal Insurance of King present Blggar was instantly Sold by J HIGGINBOTHAM ·nd D SIOTT flEIZDD and ordered to CRASE h1sno1se on Ilo\,manVJllc Ontario pain of instant h rnal n1 one of the Canal loeks Btggat remonstrated but io:non 'l' i'emaleRcmctJy. JOB MOSES PERIODICAL PILLS stn.nces were ns n.seless as t 110 attcn1pt of the Tonea tiO elect n nonnnoo At lnst the hour for dep:irtnro arrived a4 did also the tr uu and the Tory tniss1on ane· and myself departed On the tram I found myself s1ttmg beside a respectable look1ng person and as n1y tongue has a tondency to wa.g I soou got apeech Vi ith my OOlllp~IllOll r_[he never fa11Lng \Vea.ther 11C.hJcCt being exhaustod I remarked that it wa..g nlce weather for fi.sh1ni; Yes, capital weather replied iny com Whf,t a pity it is that onr llflmstcr of FU1hene· &c doo· not stay at Ottawa and pan1on BARGAINS. EA::R,G-AI:N9S llobert Young, GREAT B!l.RGAI:t\S ARE NOW Gr\ EN 1 ! rf:IE R :1 EMEMBER door ensL of F Y Col\ le s King street ~ IHE STAND COMPANY. o~ Bo" manv1l e June 12 18 LIVERPOOL & LONDON. FIRJ.:: AND LIFE Subsc rllJ~ 1I unfn.Ulng in the ( 1.U"e ot c.ll those pn nful a.nd da ge1 o a · .hseasef4 to "'hich the ff"1nnlo oonst1 tution is subJect It mode1ates all excesi,i and re T HIS INVAL UABLE MEDICINE IS Cnpttal FnntlK In Baud over 810,000,000 9 500,000 attend to his dnttes I said .A great pity, but perhaps ho does was the reply Inc.l~od he does not I &uswered as I package w} ch oho ld be cn1efull! observed JOB :MOSE!';\ NEW 'YOiK SOLE l'RClll.E.lOR 1&w him up in Wolland to day fiahmg for votes U.ArE of the Ontar o \: et1?orina1y college beg8 to lnfonu n 1 l abitunts of D( wTr an ville ands irroundlngcount zy that he has con u iced Pil(J> sl ould not b~ tak en oy Females the practice of l !$ profess on rultl 0ru1 bo con dnr~ng tl e fi IRST 1 HllEE MONTHS of P.,.eg sultod a s to tho dise1Wes of horsos and cal.Lleil ·t nancy a s tliev are- su1 e tobr i{J on ftfi,scar. tage Glo..,er-sJl,eryoffi e l{in~Stroot Bo 'man' le b 1,t at any otlW1 t'tme tllcy ai e safe RESIDENCE at Brodie a Hotel In o.ll Ct.1i1~es uf Ne1 vous un 1 Spinal !VI'cct ona 3 tr Pa sh t,l o Back and ]JJ.ntbs Fatigue on slight exertion I"alp1tat o of tho hen.rt lI} ster cs and YVh tea theae Pills will effect a cure "hen all other means have tailed n1)d although a J>O>\ er ful remedy do not contain i.ron calo1neL anti monv or anythmg l m tful t<1 t1le constitution .F )1 d rections in tho pa. nphlct tuouJ d ltis moves aJl obsti uct1ons and a speedy cure may be rcht'.:<l o14 'tO M ~nnlED IA.DIES l ecnlinrl ) snitcd It "'lll in a 8hort time br ng o ti e n1onth y rcnod with rer..ruio..rltv V ETERINARY SURGEON, GRAD I Cheap IIEAD OH IC> FOR CAN >DA IN MOl'TUEAL DESCRIPTIONS OF PROPER A I,L rY n& 1rod at rn.tcs I solated fa.rn tu.keno ~ Corner Store you can got Western Assurance Company, HE ill OFFIOE-TORO:N TO m tenne: Life lusurnn r.s gt anted n all tl t1 ost appr-o ed n etb ods l hose about t o insu e will licnr n mind that SECURITY SHOU JD BE lilE 01al le dvrclh s ntl cq utahlc i ;,;] ;,, 1 s 1 ec ally fi:n rourn ~c Jl o11~ e ¥ t g ab:fthe pccul ar ner t eif a.ct ng a11 a powtirful as-l'ln l in r elievmg CongeMliou It ls a. Ge11tle Reg11lat1n1? Purg&tlve a· well PH<ST CONSIDERA HON ;3 Fo:i: rates ofprcnu ms a1 ply t<1 tli o l ndc uu~J and Uhron c 1 Ran roa.tlou of t bo I ivtr nnd all th& V111cernl Ori;ans tr " rnmrPso1-; £' E ngent fo1Bov. man' llc PUBLIC OPINION Corner Store :U" S You don t mean that surely? Perhaps he succeedod m ~ettmf,l a b1to '"' my coo1pa.nion ~ ans-w er Perhaps so ... he gave good baits I re plied What do you know about tho baits ho used? queried 1ny con1pan1on, looking a httle annoyed I na.w him pnt n. fresh bn1t on a. hook 1n the shape of an X, anrl ho oaught~ A vote interrupted my con1pa111011 No, said l, liut a bhnd eel for the ti'h lia.d already voted fo1 Thon son $1 00 and lQl ceuts for post.ago euclosecl to Cu.pttal Stock $4 oo, co NorLhrop & Lyman :Nc,vcaatlc Out ~eneral 208,369 64 agents fo1 the Do1n no "\\ill insuuii o. bottle Su.rplns J.<lulc1", co it.a 1 )ng over O pills bv rotur .. mail R~eetpUI f'ur the ye "r} 31>7,858 ~6 For suJe by VV T .Atk noon and DI aoth June 18"'1 Osl a va Jn \\.'h thJ by J II Gerrie a.nd J D11ne m Brook.lvn by John W t ren Sold b HIOGINBOI!l.H! And D STOTT HoN J :i\ioMu1mrnH President Bo,vma1 ville Ont.a.rlo M lc; ,0al Library has fully j( dt.i.tied the original idea th~t rit the FITTED AND WELL SUITED !§till Alu·ad. SOIREES FIF'JE 0NSISTJ1'GOB VOLlMES FILIJ D VrITE rBnICE HANO MUSIC old mar.el or a ugJ I:; tt t t i e dawu of w o 01t1.1 hood or at tbeturn of hte t h · .Med1crJ Vlctf.lry bas no equal In the cure or Rl euma..thm Dy11pepa "i L Tt"ir OOWf:!:la.u1t and d e.e;uies of the Kl duey11 a. ~J 11b.dde r 1h effect~ are 11 1rpr .Ii n g t o a.11 1 or B"gulat i l jo1" tti>1 JJowellJ ti-nd c rrng B I ou11ne1111 Headac e i:; ck Hea.dadw NeuraJg a. F a nale Weakne'>I l" er a ness I a u u ti o S de L o n1 and Ilack and go era.I '" eakne\18 and Deb l t:; ite ouratiTe powe ~ are be yondlnoneywdbeyondl'Jrce JllSfllJtGil l Al: BLOOJJ PURIFIER A N:D A L IFE GJVI.N G PRJ N Cl"PLE ,_perfect Ren ova tor and Jn.,. gor..tor oft! e Sy!!te n carry lug ()tf =:;I I po so uo vs n1atter and Hes t onng the JJloo 1 to i a J ooJ.tby coDd t> un l! or Femals Compla ints wl elbtr in yo ng or Solcl by all Drugi1sta 8t :Ooa.lors SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PnMPHLET ADDR, S YOUNC, SILLS & CO l3ath~ B HALD.AN, 1\fanag1ng Director Ch1·0111c Du1ea1es. voe <\.L COLLECTIONS A cho1co collection lllan!nood, Dow 1,ost, HolV J Ul'lt brat( 1i1 Res;toa·ed UST PUB1TSHED A NEW cdl 1011 of Dr C11lvcr'\vell S cl .t~say ou tl e ra ltcal Jn1t at this point a g~ntleJnan passing volui: u-rv Se1 rrn.l J.,os3es I1npote1 cy l\lental d Pl ysica.1 Inc 1 a <1ty 1mpe<lin1eut8 to l\fa.1 through tho car recogn 1z ~d my con1pan1on 1u r age etc R.lf.lo Con~u nptlon .Epilepsy and ftnd sh·kmg hands with him, -Bad Ji s tnrluced by ?!elf ndulgence or eexuaJ. e:i.:tra."d&) 8 e (-w J out inerlimne) of Spel n a t.orrbooa or Sein nnl \\ e&kueaB In work, l\fr Mitchell · I nlso rooog111zed 111y cornpn.nton aa he wa., none other than the Fishery Mnuster, to "horn I had alluded I ·nddonly felthke smoking and n o'ed for the sn1oking oai, where I found a Jovi al crowd ancl soon I fori:ot all about the tishcTY question The occupants of tho on were mostlJ nil fro1n Toronto -.,vho h ~cl 0 ou0 up to help Kmg, and they did help him -to spend about $15 000- md also helped thernsehea to a goodly share, from the effects of which they necdod help to get to their !iomes in Cl. scnle<l en\: elope onh 6 cen ts I he cel eb a teil n.1thor m th s u.d1nna.bleessn.y clearly demonstrat.ea from a thirty J ours sue c ssl\ l r:u actlce that tie v.ln.rm1ng consequences of self ib isc ?nl\.y lJe 1al cally c ucd "1thout the d t i;cro rn se of nte1nal me he ne or Th~ l).p pu allon of tl1e l rnte po ntin"' out a mode of pur<> at 01 ce s mple certain nncl offcctnn.1 by 1ne<.lnfl of ' hJch <n cry sufferer no matter what his coud t on n a.y be 1na.y cure himself cheaJ ly r 'l;rcly and 1 adieally rt is lecLu re should be 111 lho hands of every yo 1tl u ld CVCl' ll'11ll ll the la. d Sent Undc seal in a plain envf'lOpe to any ad dress po~t patd on Iece1vt of six cents or two ]lost st.:;un1 s Also Dr Culver'" e lJs p11ce 25cents Addi-ess the Pill eh er; CHAS J C KLINE & CO agl~ nc~ 127 Botv Now y 01 k Po~t omce BOT 58 ¥. respect fully state that hr. l~ now TEA P AR'lIES, treating suceessruJly the du1ett~eM Ep le:p sy or falhng lilts ln Ll e1r worst fol n BALL SUPPERS INS U l<ANCE Coueumpt on ln itB var ous atages ( v LI Dr J s remedic2 cona1unpt1on lS no lo gl!r an mcu PUBLIC DINNERS AT LOWEST CURHENT RATES rable diaeaset Droneh ts Catarrh .Ai;tl la Gl'a:o.; el Dropsy General Dro/ sy &c pat1ente WEDDING CAKES ,vho ha~ e been tuJJ pecl sc' c1n. t.imca. a 'ff cuta.blo 81 ec1al Lo'v Tariff of Rates coverLrg under Dr Ja1uca treatment ltseaaefJ of tht1 Got up in the best i:it;.le a.nd on reasonn.ble terms by the auli8 le rte wh teat the sweeteet Inaurl\nce for one 01 three years 01 Dfltache l J) cllings CI cl ea atld Sch( ols ·with cu en ts ttn l lJest bread delh e1ed daily to customers11n EYE AND EIB, i!.11 pa.l'ts o tli town l;.i 3 in C ties 'lawns and Co ntl~ places lhcso rates and te s of poller: purtkulall} favorable ALEX FLETCHER Errors or JOUth Nervous Dcbihty Premature to the Farnu lg CommurutJ Dec&y and all the oUects of 1discret10ns of youth-a cure 1l"I g n1a.nteed Dyspe psia L Vt» ;FIRS'l- CL!l.SS MAN WAN'.lED for Dl aea.aee nnd d seMes ot Wonu:n ant Ohild1 t i HIS 18 lHE MOS£ EFFICIENT a Trnvelhng Agenc~ fo the To,vnahl~s oullyu g Canuets cured '\ i hollt cutt ng and little pau1 111 d cconom cal Drum in use and '\llJ du; Io ¥n Apply in -..vriLl g \"'ilth retcr encea Rorc Legs S \lt Rheum and Sc1ofu1a in all its t L c 1 o -el eat occ 11y1"'8" roo1n and a.nswe1 to the 11nders1gnod for tru.nsmil:lston to the He;ui forms Ur J l!! 1 appy to sa~ d scases vo h cl aJl purpose better Lh in a lY other Dy its use a. have hit herto been thought inc urable are now house can be much bette1 heated '\Y1th one stove Oftlce rapi<lJy )lelding to his treatJnent u1 his g1a.tcf ll On.n under the old syst.eu1 with t\vo 01 three R &H OHARA, Local A.gen L8 pa.tients &rl".I wilhng to testit1 No Calon1cl no tovcs-thus mote tho.n palrmg for itself n 01 e moi ury no Mmera.I Poisons v. ill be adrn1n a sea.son by a. saving of oo .All who ha~ o tncd 7 Bov;tua1n1llc Sept 11 1871 torcd in ~t y for1n in a.ny cUscage ti cm Yrnuld not be without them for 1no.ny timos The afthcted '"'ho cannot obta n 1el ef from the r co1:1t The undoH:11g oi.l has secured tho 1:'01· Sale! other sources aro part cularly invited to oa.11 a.ncl Rt~ht for Bowmanvillo. Darlington Ca.rtwr1ght · .,.him Clarke and l\fanvers IL) 1 1s to fill all a-Office m Ncileon 11 Hall Belleville Office orders on the sho1teat notice .A. full assortment EVERAL GOOD I· ARMS IN WEST hours 11& m to3p m of Cook Padol" At1d Box Stovell const&ntly on Durham For particulars n11t>~ to You-re mo!!t rerpet.'tfully h&nd J N HU1LEDGE 11 JAMES MD 16-18 F T llOSlllN Mc..roh 4 1872 Orono R JA.lllES ,ELECIICPHYS1CL'1.N Fire and Marine D ould following - t '-' r.1 H ~ 1 ofbeaut f1lS c el Songs ~ Jl('lat1:h un<l Hoiuc, I h eMl<le Eehoef!. 111 d ~.,,.cc · !So u nds l hrce V0l 1mcs of eE\S} Songs by '\'\ ebst e1 P crslc} etc 1l11ys Songs Shtnln._r I.tgllts 0 da The t' o volunLes co tu1n nll of \\ 11 S <.:olrlcH Leiu cs '\ oh n CH )' n.1 1 IJ ~ .J oetc Prh~le!<;aGc.11~ ~ A collect or ufle~1t fo l Bal deb' 'V~lluce ! Kellcrtij INSIRUMENIAL COLLECTIONS I nlry .t lUiitClH C i T ~ ~Pci'r"~\{ I pwccs b> \\ yman Mack D1eas ~ a le d il cultJ PJe ,,. lnt ttlen1o rles Dance ~ P~tu 111D.toll8 ~hulicaJ sic :r..,, o c;ollcotlous of model t1j 1 lC.ccre ttJ ru; Yo111u' 11 u11~ · 'T'J cc ' ol nes or ve1) eain 1\ius c fo:r yu mg pJayers !tl1iii;lt t:lrcJc andoo A coUectlon of ·---- - - - --- S I I~ ~ddiess 'vo11.ld Oper nt I I ~ lltdcn f hbne!i. A coUcct on of ])rl1h ant pa1lor l\![ug1c lJ~ Cl 1les l\...lnkcl R1'1Htnntf euls \.. splend d collcct1on b) V 1lbrc All L d l?~u;l e l Ku ke etc Pr cc $ 50 per 'olurue elegant1) bound8 ncl tl 'vtl glt1:10ca $21n1lawcloth $1 75 111 t ott.nls :;ho ul l send 30 cents for a ~an1t le copy 'lh n.nd spccuncn,s sen m u s l c l ~ b Y Ii aye fr ee Sau p ie cop es 'l h oma.t1 1{1ukel Pesr mailed tre e of ey and other pop1lh1.r Two back numberB L be1al terina for u1tro for 40 cents Four bu.ok. k ins dozen Conlan1a O'Cl Two h n lre fl lle'i\ ro-1u b c11 ift l Songs D rnt s etc ) W1.ll S Ila} s Web$tct l hon1as ct.c E\ er' tlungi!5 nc v fJPsh and sparkling Contont13 sunSCRT ERS to MON'lITLY P.E>TEI e .L\lt:·IOJ..L get tu s- their Muaio for lesB thn..a two cents a p cc~ Thoae who have not seen this l\{u s 1cal l\.'[a,gazine = cttll attention a oollect1on of over one hundred beautiful opera aongs Pt co '6i ia cloth a.nd gilt 1o'l'rade pr100 $:1 We l Ilom~, J 5~9 ~~o;1~~~Y N y to The al to e"s fo:i: 65 cent 6 uction writerfl num bel's for 75 cent.I .Addres! J L PETERS,6W BroaNew dway, Yor1' · '

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