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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1872, p. 1

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· ; · litg QLamtbi ,rn £ltatesman is pnntca nd published Every l'hu1·;;da ~ i'f[o1·n1ng by the Propneto1 WM. R . OLIMIE at KING srnEET tl1(} OFFICE-l'ost om~e Block, BOWM:.ANVILLE ONT end ot the l cat No 1 a.per discontinued unt l ill arrcaru.ges a re paid except at the option of the publish er and parties refusu g papers without pa.ym~ up w ill be helll 1e.~pons1 blo for tho sub ecnpt1on w1t1l tlloy co1npl;) Wltli the rule All letterfl a ldtessed to tho Editor roust be post-_pn.1d otherw1sa the:, roa.y not be tu.x:en f.1:01n EIGN anl Pro-.,: inc fLl News I ccal lntell gonco Count~ Bus ness Cu n1ercial :NI11ttcrs nud an 1nstrnctivo l.Vt: aceilo.n) f..ii:Rl\.1~ -$1 00 per annum in ad o.noo- $1 50 if paid within s1x n1onths- 00 if not pa11 t 11 th e I T CONTAINS IRE Loi.TEST F OR VOL. XVIII. l4JJ )¥A. ~ ~ 1812.. .i. ~~~ ~ ...... ,_,...._ v [ORIGINAL NO. 200 ' I hMo been \cry ill she satd rn con I thn k I have n ot long to hvc and I ha.\e conic to 1ny old home to die Aunt Ma.ii._ s w· nnanly he;irt was touch ed and Il'I 1.11 in \~ is kissed and cried ove1 and forgn en E'en by Gilbert Ow·en who camu to see her 1t once and in whose all the old love revived at the sight of the I ale patient face And l\fa1 1an did not die "" the months passed strength and lifo rctu1ned and nen life "began to beat st1ongly 1n thtt almoet dead hea.1t 111 h 0r old hoiue .A_nd "ith tho nen h fc ca1no nen love to Gilhert Owen J3efo1c the seoo1 d LHHH e1sa.1y of her I\ idowhood came 1ound he h td asl cd he1 to 1111ury hun once 1nore I lo\e vou bettor than c'\ci l\li;,,11an h~ I leaded I hn. ¥ e lovetl you so long rind so '\ ( 11 tll l n1y life 1s so lonely ::Bureh I de~cr' c ~o ic rowa1cl Bnt I don t love ) ou l\It Ma.ruin repltr.d very sadly I nevc1 can lov c any one like t}l :tt aga.111 'You c innot t ake ~wife who tells you th .,1 Bnt M r O\\cn thonbht otherwise and ple dl!d so hard with aunt Mruia to back hun th ~t firm.HJ l\'Iar1a.n J eldctl l.nd s::u<l yes for the second tnne That ff\en1n b sh{l i:vn.n cl etcd down in the gh i otly dus < to the se lshoro lS she had 01 ec 101 c betoto 1'\-hen 'V"1lh o! hacl The C'\ cn11 g l;\ as\ Ild and wet is that had been and standm"' on the shp p ery bouldor she looked seaward wd al most expecting t o see the ieproachful f ice of her drowned 1ntsL nul 11s1110' white f1on1 ~ the blacl wn.ves .At the thought n. cold breath of . u r p1:12sed bkc i 'vaft f101n the church '\ ru: d 1nd there beside her ti.t tho p] tee of trvst she: s;:iw or her vrv1cl fancy p nnted t) he1 a I nlhd bloodlesR aha.doi:'f, the i:<h tdcnv of h c1 lo'5 t husband Liviu or dead I promised I '\ ould come back tho "ell kno1\n "\01co Build he10 I mn 1\{ar1a.11 J-OU a.1e mine and iuust never bo auothe1 s clus1on 0 ~""""~~~~~~=""~~""""~=-"~~~~~~~=""""=~~-~""""~,..._,,"'=~~~~~~~~~::":"=:"=:":=~~==~~~'.':"F.~~=~--e:"."=~'5~~--=~~~~~~~~~'=".::~~~~~ ~--At the -1 -ronmongery I ~119 ~ ~ *'~tr. ~OU (3 re Poat Office ItA'l\llS OF ADVERTISHW Sl.X lines a ncl under first 1 scrtion $0 50 subsequent 1naertion 0 13 E ro1n 81 x to ten lmes first m:iert on 0 7fi Each i-:; b scq ient 1 u;erhon 0 20 Over to l nes th at 1uscrt on I e1 line 0 OS Ea.t.:h s llJsequont insert1or. 0 02 The numbm of lines to ho reckoned by tl1e space occupied 1 easur ed bv a scale of sol d };: 01 pare1 l .A.d~o ti:.on1ents" tl out specific di :ect ons -will be p bli!:lhed till forb 1 n1d cba1gc l o.ocord1ngly .All tran tntot-y udi.:crtbeJ.IH:~ ts inust be paid for ' 1 en handed in .Advertise r ~ ts roust be 111 the oftlco of publica.tion l y 10 o clock <1 th o 'Vodnes dn.y inorou gr iecoeding the ir fir.,t pubhcnbon 1'o 1 ci el a.nts a.nd otl crs advcrt1s1ng by the.} ear a, er) liberal discount will be SOMETHING LONG WAN TED BY EVERYBODY, -OR- SNOW Falling geJ tl)- no1scless1J Co-\ eru1g 'l p the naked troo Thro ng o c1 re 1ocs ba e Tuio,ntJ.cs wlute u.s Ja.u bk.In 5 flooco Lightl) softl) fulbng do VD W1tl11~n EVERY "ONE IDS OR HER~ OWN PlUN.l'l'EU! hl.l'L E I:-IOUSE AND OD?S PAINTS, VILLA OJ the haunt::> of v ice LJ d cr1rn"' augels 1 h1ng hand 11 ding all the filth and g me Prcprued for 1mn1ed1 de use and nothing but t he 1 ne1:1t l\1:a.teu.als used and re quirmg nu further nuxt urc of oils lu11 1 t.1no and D1yera Domg a.ll so silcnLly As ifseek ng tl lStoabow V\ J a.t soe er thy nght hawl doth Lot not o en th y left hand k now T HEIR COMPOSITION CON SISTS SOLE'i 0 1 - - -..:=..- - Pu1e Color Pure White Lead Pii1e White Zi nc Lmseed Oil Spints of Tu1 pcntine and D1ye1 s wrefi~ll1J cuid scwnt1 fwally comlnncd Uo~lc, lm D R<\.DU.1.TE OF 1 HE UNIVERSI 'IillS of 1 ".I 1 ty l o\lego Toro1 t o a n l Vic \V. S toria College Cobo ll g T r.:ent1ate of the Coll ego otPhys 1c1R-us and Surgeon!:\ 0 t Office one door West of L Cor s l s Ros l once Sil 1 street onedoor south of Dr Re ls s ugcrl Dowman llllo Ont G IJ:ho uoru:iu111e1 cn,n h:\~e a.ny cl eA1red shide of Oolo1 s 1 etLlJ 1 lt np lll Cans and al he rcquu:es t >bin with tho Pa or. i., a Drt ~h n.B t lo '\Olk can be d one ln hnni>olf or bj an' :uLen1l er of his household ~[ \S PU R E WHI'TE LEAD. A laro e stock inst receiv ed for Alivu mn P amtmg, nnpmted drrectb fiom the Enolish l\fauufactm ots mclud1ng JAMES' Genume and celeb~ted Rooster braud-G ,1arn ntced pure 1 ~ r..r.J"'-'"'"./'>/~~~ °FOR.,LIFE AND DEATH CHAI TER.- I Chas. Kelly, to the 1.Jl bJ c tl e bus1 oss fornrnrly carried only the lo.te \V II Ed woods nn l s ll e 11u.rcd to ntt en l to t1 o 'i. f ntg of tho public in hls tine in a llanner 1 01:1 1 passed b " ru vthe Pio vince Pa1ticnlar atLont10n glven to the cuttrr g or Ladies ana. Ch ldro ~ h J A c:i.U solimtedthird door east of thc.Jloo::t Office 30 t f :i.noo 111ces B SPEC'IFUI I Y that h e has succeeded to A.RBER AND HAIR DltESSER RE Dr. Davidson, of VLCtor a College Cobo ug Under graduate and Prizero-. 1 of t1 Un versity ol Toronto a ud Uni verslty of Q 0e Ls College Kingston 1nember or t.l e C )Jlflge of Phvsicia.ns and Su.rgco1 s of Sut g ery a d Iles1 dence also King Street Second door ca..c;t of .M:r :Ma)- nard s Ifotel. 16-20 R G Univers1t~ ~DUATEOI IHE RO Y A.L COL LEGE or Ph) SIC arui of E gl \. U l a1 d J, F1eJdmi;, Ill. D. S lrgeons England L cen w.t.e lto)nl Col lege o! Ph) slci.ans 1£iliub gl (Late Resident A~ouoheur St fhomo.s Hospital Lor Ion ana. Ac'ting Hee1dent Me hca.l Officer Cit) of London Hospital for DlBoasos of the Chest) Ollico Dr Her1 iilln.n a Orono M EMBER oF ROY ~L COLLEGE OF rcstdenoo to the house lal oly occt ri1 ed by Dr Orowle on Wellington Street Surgery at hie old resldenoe SJlver Street Office hours rom 10 a. m t o Sp m 10 :ltf D R REID HAS REMOVED HIS CHEMIST Dr. A. Beith, Un1vers1t)' Pb) s c Ln S rrgeon &c Office on l{1ug Stieet nextdoo1 toYtillowlees&Qmoks V a.riety Storo 1 3o" 1nanv1llo Ontario G RADUATE OF THE TORONTO Pl'otessor 'Vh1fc, Smg1 ng &c Organist and Cmn poscr is no'v 11repared to attend and receive p111nls Icuns may be known by npplication at Mm W1l10n s Church Street. 49 tt T EACHER OF THE PHNO FORTE Farewell,llleGee &RutJetlge,. B ARRISTERS ,.. etairs ATTORNEYS SOLI CI'IOUS and ~otary Public J E FAREWELL I I B" n McGEE D A J~:ims I LlLEJ.!GE DA OF~ICE -Over '\Vm McMurtcy s Dry Geo ls S ""n-e socond door 'vest of the Post 01lice up A. i tntu11111 ., vening gusty aud b1cal, t1 eos :;Jn ddl:l1111g and tos.<:iu g 1n the raw '\ind i thiv.k ~ p1e1cing n 1st sluondcd G \LLO"'.'!S M \CHINE OIL OF DIF I l I El\ r i>.Jl\ DS e1e1yt .1.n 0 an d a n1oanmg gr11y sea cieei:) rhrash erB a1 d aill rcquu1ng such 11 ir sp~c.:1ally un:1ted to ins1 ec t the 111g n p t he lone~Oine gr ay sands under a ,ri.r1ous iua.hhes- the 11ice being f1r below n.nyt]uug e'er cffcred u 1 tI IB ghostly darko1ung 3ky-that \Aias 'vhnt market :&iia11an " ilde s 1w fro1n her w1ndo" out of '\Inch she stood gazing 011 h our 01 more 500 COOK, P AHLOR, HALL AND BOX STOVES, A h andsome gnl was M urnn Wiide t all arnvmg and now on Exbib1t10n and sta tely dark and sta.tues'lue with eyes The largest an d cheapest stock of General Hardware Oa.rr1ago Goods and uf dusky lunnnous splendor and n1 iasive Tnnvarc, in th e County of ]Jn1ha.1 n co1ls of slllllmg bl 1ek hau lh.e deep c.1.1n1aon dress she 'vore set oil hci: dark i;; Delhngton B 1ldrng Bo-wmnnvillo Augt i:it V 1871 colorless beauty Sho stood tlono in he 1oon1- her O\' n -gazing with a fixed 1 ne::i.u111glcss stare over the wide sea ']he roon1 was large, and luxuriously furrushed and over bed, and elrnirs, and dressmg tible lay spread the fi lmy whiteness of bridal robes An cxquIB1te dress of silk and lace a priceless vell, tiny alil)pei:s, tin1ci: gloves costly TOWN HALL Bl!ILDINGS, BOWMANVILLE. bouquet and[a vch ot casket of full glun mering pearls For to morrow 'vas Ma11 DEALER IN an s "cdding dn.y The gloo1ny evening grcn'i gloonuer the wind iose to a gale and above its s1ng1ng, cMne tho shrill shnckm g of tho sea buds Dye Stuffs P atent Th-fedicines l~erf111netJ H111shes Oon1b2 Soaps P aints and Oils Pamt Bni.hes Coal (hi and Coal Oil Limps &c &c The su f can10 tran1pu1g in with a dull roa1 ovei the be,a11tl the nust \\as tun1 mg to a i eady mm Still ll1a1, m stood PYYSlOIANS Pl ESCRIPTIONS OAHEFULLY COMPOUNDED I.ND ALL OHDERS Viith that vague st lre over t he sea OOHRECTLY ANc\\ FRED 'The lon esoine d esolattt ul sea she w]uspe1tul to hciself ' the wide p1h less c1 no! sea. Oh my love my OWJ1 n1y P ' Farmers and Physwiansfiom tlw Co·mt1y i oillfi id oni Stock of Medicines com Wilhe If I was only slcepmg with you pte and of the best qu tlity nnd e1 t h ose b1ac1 waves Bott r far than berng the buile of Gilbert Owen to mot 2000 ALSO - All standard Colors Oils Varmshcs and P 1 n(ers ll-foteruls Call and see how che ip " House can be Painted an l Dec i ~ (.ld fo1 all these goc ds ,\ 1 11 bo sold it red need fig l rt.!~ JOI -IN McI . . EOD. D. STOTT, AND DRUGGIST DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, rnw I he u \\as a. tap a.i.- the doo1 sho ne"VeI Simmons & Clough Organ Co.'s --I:M.P l-tOVLD-- atured .r1 uiiJ.c of silk and L"o nan s vcnce spen1 ' lhc har d lo r 1 tt"d, there w1s S. Cbe,.tcrficld, Residence Queen Street Orders punctually attended to Moderate 13 _a_VILLE and Darlington A UCTIONEER FOR BOWMAN T1to1nas S~onbouse. Gone L l .Agent Da1li11gton Centro lJlOmptly attended to A UCTIONEER APPRAISER AND Sales R. D. Foley, L the To nsh tp of Sales p1ompt Y tended to Charges moile ate Darlin~on ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR lllouey to Lend. ! T been c.r.poiuted ager 11 P o lnc a l Per anent Bu ilding an d Sav:tngs Society of To1on t f. ~ HE UNDERSIGNED HA YING Ii 19 is prepared to negotiate loans on Reul Estate Olll'ity Qll tho most 1avouiablc ter ns J H ~ Hl BAIRN R. Peate Tailo1·. S AND BOYS GENTLEMEN made l\ffi~TS G<\.R 30 tf Bowman ville Eeb 19 1SG8 Jn 1l c NEWES ! STYLES W. R. CJimie, I B y autnor1ty of er General Ofilce L J do·.au REED SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES at Hi~ the Siatcsmano:Hice Excellency the Govern Land Surveying. eRuri;eyor Civil Engineer etc HI prepared to orders"ith w hich he may be fa,01ed.Address Bowmsnv llle P 0 PROVINCIAL LA:Nlll March 15th 1871 B. Sherin & Co, ofHOOPSKIRTS Be$t New"'\ ork Mater al used Il e trade supplied on b est tor nes Jiactory- l{mg t>trect East Bow·manvillo 16 Jl:)tf W HOLESALE M T Office MANUFACTURERS FAIRBAIRN, B<\.RRISTER & e.A.ttorne) Sol c tor &c Ii ndsay in Keenan s !Hock Over I Beall s Book tore: tJ. G. Hannnig, C1Vll Enlil'ineer and Ln. i'1 A gent 01ll c and ¥t:1dence LotlS Srdoon Da.rJrngto A ll n ders lft at the office of Robert Armour E.sq prompt 7 attended to to P ROVINCHL Lol.:ND SURVEYOR ing in"""t1i1.:1 dnsk Marian ru e y u here? rhe v oice ;), ~ oka l er from h er trance She ~lined half i oun l flon1 the " indow - ANDYes a u1t Mana come u1 Wh<Lt a n o'vl jOU arc c1nld- nll rn tho dark Why ou earth don t you light tl e gas1" Idontni::t:d 0 isi tlu 1 k CC> ' Tlunkin 0 a1e y , u~ A bad habit niJ I-d ear Of ' 11tt ;ue y on tlnn lnng1 That Jou are the luckiest gn l 111 the "orld, I er.> hope1 2 Not exactly, my good attnt Just 3 w1sl11ng It we1e not as1n to commit suicide CD = The sea down th e1e looks ve1y inviting · th e dIBtance is sh ort, and t]ns No\ ember ev en1ng J.S Just t he thing for it She lau0 hed i reckless laugh Aunt l\'Iaria a buxurn c rnfortablc ln.dJ sea1uhed uneasily for the n:w.tch box 111 the daxk You crazy grrl lf f d d not know you © f old for an oddity, I should box your ear s for such a speech on the eve of your wedding 1 l~rccisely, Auntie that B why I It ' No,\, Marian' Oh deru.t 1\he1cs tho m 1tches1 Ah, I have them Thank good u esa for the blessing of light things al FIITED Wl1H THE m;mLY INVENTED 'Hl.J s seen1 twice as bad in the d:uk Im SCRIBNERS PATENT QULIFYING TUBE~, nf1a1d you re not prope1ly thn.nkful for An mvention ha' ng a most un )Ortant be tuu 0 uu thu futur e reputation ot Reed In vour blossings l\tia1uin struments by inc:i.ns of 'vhich the quantity 01 Y olumo of tone 1& ~ ery larJelj 111 I 1n afraid I r l :aot Aw1t1e creased, and the quality of tone Ieudered ' Now here sa1U Auntio folding'" her EQU <\.L TO THAT OF THE BESr PIPE om, I.NS OF THE SAME c A.I'A CITY ho.nds and looking at her noisy niece u1 mild r eproof, l.:i. @ro you are blessed 'v1 th --o-e1 erytlung your hcai t can tlcgnc- lovely Our celebiated ' Y ox Celeste ' Lo111· Patent Yox Humnna. Wilcox PatenL dreMes pcarla and point lace and a cab ' OvL a.'e Couple1, the charming Cello or Cla11onet Stops and inet full of~ the 1nost exqurn1te ind costly bridal presents N ow what more could any gul in her eenses desue1 "°\7e1y tiuc aun~.te but I d n t know Can be obtamed m ti cse Organs that I a1n 111 n1y .senses THIRTYFrtE DIFFERENT S1YLES FOR TJIE PARIOR ,mu TIIE -- t CAB;fNET ORGANS = = · = ~ ~ Grand Combination Organs ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, QUALIIY AND \OLUMJ OF rONE UIS E QUAlLED fHE BEoT M ~TERIAL ~!, D \\ ORK1rAN SHIP --o-- ' NonBenae, d ild Don t be i.bsurd Isn t l\.:[1 Owen eveij L1n11g the inost fas t1<l1ous could das1re-upnght honorable esteem ed by all, an cl l mrnonsely rich ' ' I know it with :i dreaiy s1gh MICH Robert Armour, r. R EGISTRAR, at La v a.1 l WEST D URHAM PRICE FROJY1- $50 TO $500 F<\.CTOlW & WAREROOMS, con 6th & CONGRESS STS DETROIT ( sl od 1n Issuer of Marriage Liccensc1:1 Ba ui:r.ter ttorney Solicitor in Charco.;,.Y o ey loaned on !teal Estate 01llce on Jj,J ng teet Bo ' nrn.nvlllc 18fi0 ) RICE & DARKER AGlih'H S DO-WM~NHILE ONl - - a-ADDRESS SIMMONS & CLOTTGH OBGAN CO, DETROI1 J\HCHIG<\.N John K. Galb1·aith, B LAW omce K Agent atBo,'imanville Society \RRISTEit AND <\.TTORl\ l Y \T ;_\{oney to lend on farm sec iuty g Street Bown1anville 101 t.l e F oe 011 Hu lding l=r:ALLO ! TI:-IERE ' I co ncalongnnd get BarPinu1s for it is ao lu o"ledgcd bJ thos e of expe 101 cc that THE LOCIQ1 iN A LL YOU js WHO NEED SHOEil\G SEWING MACHINE IS Now TIIE St. John D. Hutchesoo. B ARRISTER ATTOlcNEY SOLIOI TOR a nd N otary Pubho - Fn'5t doo1 ea.1:1t of Poat Office up stnITs This the J.>lace to Buy Boots a great deal too good foi a reckless loveless perJluccl wretch such as I Aunt l\fa11a gave a. little screruu "Good hca\:en~ l\f a11 a11 you gone ler.angcd that) ou uso ~u h wlld J,cqnrod ' ' hn.t on eai tli do you mea1 1 But 1 nooll not ask Ltti all about that 1111 fortnnate Vt 1ll1a1n Joyce 1 Ihc gir l a suddon motion to stop hor, u.s if the lH\.llle stabbed her like a .Auntie 1 a.turfae t pr.a.y cto~'t f I cant \Ve a-t e now· rnnn factur1ng from 1ho best matcria.1 Boots of tu y dco red patt ern ano \\ n IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA b ear it to n ight Le::n e iue alone I don t ra.nt.ed to fit or 1 o salo 'l'h0111as C1tr1st1e, feel hke myself lhe su bsc:r be feels g1 cl l fo1 tl e ' c1y l ber I NG S'IREET, BOWMA:NYILLE, al pa.ti onnga be has had fo r the last filt.cen year.!! THIS PROUD POS fTIO N 1 rr~s and " ouJ 1 :iOllc1t a oontlllua.nco of pLtbllc pntron " !\JI tho rno1e I ea"'on \ hj yon should A gent for the following Bnt1ah an d C ina attamcd tluough 1t B 01hc1cnt good quulitics dian Ins iranoo Co1npanies -.. z Royal Lh er Corne down staus l\h would beg to sa.y to n.ll who in lebt~d t o lbc.Elc q .alJ.trn Lr0 s1 nnlfc L:y dur'l.b hty clc not be le1' alone ROOl and Lm don\Buhsh .A1ncr1oa nnd P1ov1n itisl Agent for I Ol al J\iail Linc of '3tcamors aud mo either bJ 1 o le u b uok ~Lecou nt tl ev m ust gancei -.d 1pt Ll ·UL-,; l cs des i 8 co e nor eofequa Ow en lS there ' \ f11t1ng fo.1. you :lrreight 'L ne of boat.~, hnd Coron.or for l n1ted cornc to the scratch this fall Paste.xpei e l CO h a,, ~f1po t mnce l~Ol full part etlla1'8 address to the a l ufu. tu~er"' t augh t n e that steer s aro much oasfo broke1 ui tounties of 1{01 thurr uell<L 1 n.. l D t ham I cant go I won t go Tell lum so, when you g if allowed to run w tJI fo l 0.1. five ) ea1s old1tle cons dorod a. break neck age ~ow Lf you Ii.kc If Gilbert o~cn is WLSO---If \\ ILSON BOWMAN & Co all that are m arrca1"J and all accounts due this h e 'vants a \\ife to mo;nowhe h ad better fall -wil be expected to p ty DRADSHA \\l' Ilamil lo:n Ontario UCTIONEER, WOULD BEG TO leave me to n1y self to llJ.ght/ R &H OHHt.AI Bowman ville Oet 1871 12 1y 1utorrn the 1nhab tants of Bowmanvtlle and Jn.nners of \Vost Durham that he is nffw p1epur "To lament O'\:er the Jos.i of Willie .Agonta for Durham a nd Vlctorut ~to atte~d to a ny sales ihat 1nay be entrtu~ted o him Ch11rges moderate 10..t f Joyce! Oh I'm not afraid of your flashing OitFIOill and Sboes--No11e Better. LEADll."'fG MACHINE knife K r a\c _j} R. III. Turner, A S1% Sn1art & S111Ith, Chn.ncor~ J. lll. llr1maco1nbe, L. D . n.t <\.ND ATTORNEYS URGEON DENTIST S"CPEnIOR B ARRHlTERS .A'I LA\V Sohcitors in d Inaol A\ ING DISPOSED OF J\fY DENextracted H I .AL to vency Conve) a.ncers Not:u'les Sol 01tors fo:i.: S Golcl Ji'illings h <>crtcd S G "\-"'EIBS'l'ER L D S for 2o cents each A excellent 1 ooth Po\vder the Oni;ano Bank &.c :\Ioney for invostmen t Teeth p.t s., Dental Notice. oyos, lV.In-ntm You 'vu.nt to be sentiment romantic on J our btidal evo, o.nd all 1D1e1 onmost fa vora.ble t e rma for ~a le Office 1ul\fcCl nn,g s block 1 mourn o> er your sailor boy lover lost at B ut I kno' you botle1 than you sea k Mr no1v yourself my dear and I bow 1f I can Wlth I leas ire icoon m!;lnd him to all re l <inuu b h1a sru \ iccs us a .ek1lful Dentist W1l11e Joyce could nsc from tho deud and I rolling for ever mysteuous and !:P:.i,11d nn der the w1ndo,va, she had gone 1u th e stollu and tho darkness to ineet her lost lo' er ~ht1 ' a.s ru :t.d enongh ind no1 ul rve enongh, aucl da.11ag u1d fuolhaitl} eno igh fu1 a.uythu g l l.uut M ~1 1 L sud to th o si lent deapa111ng b1 idegroon1 that infat uated child and I k now JUSt as >mil as I a.n1 alive that she hn.s comnnt ted s1u cido I s;i.,v it 111 he1 face last night ' Ilut J\'Iarui, rnou rned fo1 a.a uead was very frn frotn de 1th Sailing over t l1e sea w th her s:rilor husband- her handsome gallant 'ii ilho- shc was h 1ppy as the clay was long Smgmg bhtl ely on the s1 nht d eck as theu ve8scl ghclod a.lonJ over tr opic seas, she had no tho L0 h t e.\ en fo1 !be man left beluud m her nat1' eland and far 3.1i1iay w·hose heart she had ahnost b1okon '\Y1l !;fal l Lll lie was beside her gulhood hei love1 1111s 'Iha.t \ u1ce She gnve a. cry and almost fell from the slippery bouldei Had th e b n1tl no v-and the "orld was E den antl de:i-d arISen-was it Wilhe Joyces ghost she the ha,pp1estEvc that ever laugh ed 111 th it stood before her? th e sunshrn e J(ceping tryst J\'Iarian 111y l\f!l.rian, I S1.1 t he followed one an other until knei\ I sh Juld find rny d arling here three \Vere gone n.nd t tiny ba.bJ girl tod Tho acbn e young figure stood beside died about the deck of p 'P s s'up ftor her 011 the wet rocl .A.h no 1 110 ghost rnan1m1 l\il:1.rian Sh o hacl been ever the tlus-no ghost to clasp h er in snch sti ong ., nld tluough the t1op1cs acros:,. the 1r1ld arms 110 ghost to press such raptuious ~tlant1c throu0 h holy Paleshn£ - l1Jc1 was no'v once more back 111 her c land k l!lScs on her p111c h ps My l\'larian 1 my Il'Iarian My beauti Handsomer, happier, br1ghtt.:r statchc1lul dark eyed darlmg Wliat a hfetune rt th at wus all the ehauge these three years seems smce I sn.w you last had wrought She B hd ont of his arms wlutc as a "MJ da.rhng gnl will stay a t hoJne lhis spmt 111 the dymg hght, lookmg up at t rip W illte sMd, as it is my last, and Juin flushed eager, linpas.sioned ,\ baby 1!t'I11r1an IS too delicate to cross tho "ild dil ated eyes I Atlantic tlus wmter 11eathe1 Ouly tlu ee " .AJii;e, tho pale lip~ inurinnred months, my love and the n to settle down ' ali\e 11nd back a 0 aut and I thought I with 1ny wife and bndhng in BO ir10 cozy !um dead Oh Willie I Wiilie httle count1y home Ile raised her np, lauglung boyishly at So they partl!d-then fhst pa.rtn g s1nco her fu ghtened face w·e dd ng day l\fau.all clung to hnn in . i';\.hvc t Of course I am back ag tin to passionate ,,. on1an y weeping tt so:rry l wish I 'vere goiag 'vas the cry be sure too \.Vhy Maiian,a.ic ) O to see me that you "ear such a. face as ' Oh '\V1lhe, I am afia1d I ~1 11 ud that! ' Little goosey' of w hat1 Son~ 1 ' ' illie' Willie I don t l now but I feel as though \Vell JOU ~ :ud that before and its somotlnng wus aboi.1t to ha1peu-l.<:1 if I h1ghlj s tisf :1.ctory tho11ghnot explanators should u e' er see you again ' ' iJ he Con1e my dn.rli11z girl, get over you r Foolish ])-fa11an bu1 JOU sh 1ll L1\ fci.\rs I rn not "ghost I assure ) ou but iug ot dead I tlnn1 l Bhould ha.-' e to come ()apta11i ' ' .1.lhanl Jojce, con1e O\ei the bnck to you J(eep up heart :t.1d good "ide ocean to inake you n1y 'vile bJ c Thmc wa· no ror ly Hei head drop Captam J oyoe sailed that daJ for Liver peel 011 ii.ct shouldet and cbngrng to ]nm pool n.nd l\f \Ian 'va1ted 1n t he hon1e where he could feel the shght fig ure shake from he had left her nursmg her sICkly ebilclhead to foot waJ.tecl 111 fear an d t i cmbling now -but it was " 1ld, w1ntty weather 'v1th su1ging l!rI ir1u1 he said sternly what i s it~ w1nd2 a...11d fiercti stoi1ns on the oce1u1 Ha, e you fo1gutten j out pronnse1 Three weeks a nd ne'~ s came the news ' Oh no no ! she had trembled to hoar Jn 'wild '"Id D J i 1epent 1t'I 1:1torm t he slnp had gon e a own, and e 01y No no no I soul ou board had penal ed Th cu ' hit 1n heavens nanie is it1 l\'fJ She 1end the cold br1ef newspap e1 p 1ra wtfe :you pron wed to be-1ny 1vlfe you g1ayh H l wlute still despau s1tbr g bJ li e 1 shall be m ·t te of fat 0 Ihey told me cluld s dying bed Before monung bro] c, down in the to\~U ::in abstud story ut Gilbert Owen a man who might be yolu Ma.n ~n J oyce "ra8 childless as well as ivJdowed fath er Tell mo it is not true Three m0nth s later a \\om pale crea I cannot tnre came to Aunt l\f ir1a as ehe sat In Good heaHn you re not gomg to her coinfortablo parlor - wan au l Uun rr airy h1n1 1.faiian-that old n1an1 enough to b e tl1e ghost \.unt 1\1 uuJ. thou 0 h ' No, nu no a th ousand times i o l no(; her no" but I' as Willie "ilhel Ith ught !\'In.nan r great hea. \ ens 1 you de ·u 'Ye.s lUUt l\fa1u1n comei3 back poor I\,.y deat girl And tJiat dragon of u.u and fiieu<l.les~ uul dying to sec 1fy ou will aunt bad 0 c1od you mto 1t, I know And take her in t1tc "edd1ng was to bo to mor row i 1 And Y0ll di<ln h drO\VJl yourself nftcr ' Yes all1 Auntie cried aghast ' Then I have arrl\ ed m the nick of "Drown myscIf I J.i ¥ o D l d you thn1k tLine You wont marry Mr Owen to so1 I have been ina.n:1cd and I ant a wid morrow, ~iaI1au , because j on ahall ma.i: 1 y ow " 'ilhc s - me ' .. - d ti'.I. en "' All iu ui::tn J oyce t o111 c ier sto.1.y 'Will10 Jiurnbl Y bro ken ly WIti1 pa1o t 10111bl ing ' I mcn.n it my d rt.rlfng .bown the j hps, ~ncl dov;ncast fa...,e, YGIJ tmlike tho Pio path, there is the carrugo I came rn Monao of old cbim your prnnuso, woulcl not keep You h Ke '~ea.1th and luxury as well a.a any of UH Mtru1.ll and JOU kno'v the d1ftcrence between the 1vife of a million n..1re t:ud tht:J 'v.Lf~ of a sea capta111 Ill lea vc you alone iny dear, \.S you request Be sentimental if you please I n1 not afu:ucl to truMt vou Shed all JOUI tea1s to night and hn.1 e your eyes as br1,,,ht as )'Ossible to morrow at the altar Goo l night n J d~ i1, don l sit up too late Ill tell 1'-1r Owen von have a head ache and ca.n t come do\\fi Wlnte hes unfortu natcly are 111tlli'>pensable on these occa s1ous V V1th which .c'luut Mana sailed nway l\il'lrlan looked darkly after her \Vlth out atten1ptmg to spe1k and then back n'='aui o'ei the wide sea I d.t sci ve lt ~n sbo ~aid to hc1sclf I n.n1 an IUtiOll .A .unt l\I tru1 is l 10 ht mot~nt, 11 e.1.veJ1 ny fool and co" ard gi\ing lll) heart to tho de·d and my liand to the hvu g 'VhJ- don t I tell Gilbert 0 :ven the tr1 th u.ud go ot t into the ,.,. orld and fi 0 ht the battle of hfc for myself aa other gll'ls do~ \hi n1e what a. false t reacher ous wonk c1on.tnre I am with neither courage to wor k nor "ant She tu rned away fro 1 n the window and began pac1n 0 hu11 1ec1ly up and down I hen ~s 1f euo:cd by a sudden impulse to escnpo f1 rn horscJf and her own dark thoughts she sc"llicd he1 h[l.t a.nd shaw I and put then rap1d!J on Ou e more she saI<l to hcISelf, once more to v1int the placo of tryst b efore I a1n that rn an $ 'vife Hero hc10 where you l A. big dog asleep on the hearth ing, rose up :i. nd shook h1msielf ponueroualy 'rho g rl knelt down and put her arms around h s sh ag'='y neck You belougcU. to lum too Hero as I did and 'on '\ere his parhnJ gift to n1e My bra\ e handsome "1lhe Oh He10 He10 only to thmk of his lymg under the sea a11d to 1no1 ro\v my 1vedd1ng day rho shaggy n eck of the N en>fouRdlmd gre'\ wet with her 1aiu1ng tears Hero lolled out lus great tongue, fully awar e something w s vnong and tried to con sole her 1n hIB dogg1sh fat11uon Suddenl:r sho started up cl 1shmg a way the tears Come Htiio b efor'l it 1s to o flate Fo1 the last t un e A minuto n.nd they "ere out ln the wild " ct'n1o:iht The cold "n1d fluttered ho1 dress a ld aha vl the rain blow· bleal in 11er f<>ce and daikncss was f illing hko \ll in1'y pa.11 o\ 01 the sea and the 1ocky path lea.du g down to it But J\tfariau W ilde kn e v 1t well and could have inade het w·a,r ..,ec ire 1n blackest midnight and she folio\\ eel HeJO along the Jagged un 01 en I oad Jleetl;y and secure!, Do\\ n on :i J11 0 h boulder ,£ar1nents flut teung and fl_ ppu1..,, hau escar ing ~nd b l(';'"wu1g lJ ck fro1n her eyea he1 fa.ce pale (l.nd WJlcl and nll wet '\1th tho 1usl11ng 1a1n her oycs strained 111 1 vag 1e de spa1rn1s stare U\ er the toss111g black sea she looked on her prnnacle lil e the JOd dess of the storm watching h e1 work-a modern N orna of the Fitful Perhaps the man toiling labo1iouf'llJ over the 1ockH thought so- a Jo lng man sunbun1ed ftnd handson1e dressA<l. iu a slu,ggy J icket ind ron 0 h sou westorn hat She never h eard ]1111-cyes a1 d h~u.1t \nd mn1 d 1· all it ! I ' Come WitlL me never nund gorng back to L .1.e Louse I 11 take you as )OU ~re nnd you ahllll be 1ny wife Rather h asty, I al low, but necessity kno1vs no law ' But, W1lhe she said shr1nk1ng back I don t know Tho youug man looked at her lns face g o"i:ng sturn Then you :i.rc f d()e, Mar.1.:in Vi lldc:: ) ou wrnh to wed Gilbert Owe 1 not mo He, the rich, old inill1onn.1re can give you servants dian1onds n.nd luxury 1 the lo\eI ')f your J-OUth, nothing b11t \i strong arm, a. warm heart and a humble home Well go It lll only the old story of wo nut.n s treachery over aga1u He turned to leave h e1 but she clung to him p!Lss1onatclj despau1n 0 ly No, no ' take rne with you I w 11 do whi:i.tei; er vou saJ I w 1 bu J our vi. ift' (.tlJ. \\ 1llie, I lo\ e ~_gu w.1th nn "hole heart I l'tly de uest niuie m life and death lll.) \\ife, iny o-wn fo1 ever n.nd everct ne He pi18sad ]us ain1 aiound her n.nd drew her down the sto1m beaten path, m tho thiclc gloom :\.. mon1ent litei and they ' vcr e s1tle by side Ill the carriage, dr1Vl Jg rn.p1d1 ) into to.\n OHAPTER 11 Gilbert Owens ,,eddnig J. L) J.awned in storm and wind and i:.un-da-wncJ. to foul the eage empty the bnd flo\rn Tho bride elect had fled-whJ or "hither \\ho could sayl Theie was no note left to ex p l a1n-no cI ne t o b e f oun d t o lier IHJ s t eri ous disappearnnce If the ea.Ith had open ed and swallowed het, sh >:< conlrl n ot hrne , a.rushed n1 orc colnplete]y Aunt l\iar1ah went into hysterics that being the prop01 t 1 1111g to do- thr ough no l an an yo11 -'""net? If yo\ " net, you ha'\ e n J try but c::m t cs cape i wlrnt tho Bible tells you "As ti . ., 1lshes ate t ~ken m a.n eril net, and as the birds ar e caught 1n a. sn&re1 ao n e tho sons of men snared m an evil time Every liquor saloon or r um shop is a net or snn.1c If you go thero ~ ou are Ill danger of bmng caught Shun it-keep away If yon begin to dr111k boe1, you will soon \Van t still stronger d1inks, :md onco start cd on tlns t1al.:k, no one 0:111 tell where you will end but 1f you never take drmk - Jou will cnu sober n1en How then to escape becoinrng a dr.unkn.rd, to ' vit by never dr1nk1ng a drop of 1nt o:xi catrng drm ks Avoid the ale, the beer, the lager-don t bogm and you will never get mto the net or onaro Tl!-mk of five hundred thousand dru11ka1ds 111 A1ner1caall cal,ght 1n the n et Some try as hard as do the poor fishes to es<Jape but 1n vain !\void the net, boys, avolll tho not1 is tho cry of an old sontu1 el Listen to the n ot e of 'varn1ng-kcop a'vt\} froin th e dranr ahop.e A p >0 1 d1nnko.rd tried to borrow five dolla1s of me for a fe,\ nionths He wan <ll:l1cd uound in drunkeness and not ten davs l tter wn.s rnu over on a railroad track ·nd killed I knew !um when a bnght promunnrr yo1lth Bu t he wont to the ruw shop he was caught J.ll the net and in n.n evil ho t r r nin c :tmo BU<ldonl) l1J.10Il him K e0p l!llt of the net THE WELL THAT LEAKED When the general manager of t ho MLS souri Kausa.s and Texas Railroad wa., pnslung that g1eat enterprise south.war"' 1 t th e rate of three miles a day, he came tc1oss n. ' et cran Missouri farmer, who, for fifty yearn liacl ln eel on his front1er plan ittbon und1stu1b ed even by warl!I, pesh lence or fanune so far from and telegraph was he One U16ht t he ad\ anc'e n1cn crune upon his f:um h ouse, when the following dialogue ensued ' 1:her. ye 1e gw1no to btuld a iailroad, are ve~ Yus "har tm it conun an.:l 'vha.r au1 it gwine to go Fr rr1 ')edalia 111 l\:l 1SB01u1 d J \HI through 1Vf1ssot r1, l{ansas the Inchan 'Ier itoIJ, and so on tlnough T exas to the city of :ni1fuco ~_re you g ~ Ine tu tun 1t through 1ny plantat10n Yes ' Do )OU h t:at that, old wo1ua.n1 'Ve vo got to move , ' Not necessanly All wo \\ nnt u; tho right of way ., You caa ha"\'c fh at eLr but 'vllo cl of t 110 lght n. 1a1h )ad \\ ould ever hit ns ' Yuu vc got a good farm hc1e 7 Yes-fm to middlmg ' H o\\ many acres? ' ~bout four thousand Not iua.ny in1provornenta1 'N0-.1.t taki::s so lung to Jook after the cattle th at I cau t unpro\ o inuch ' ' :you g o i. g ood ' \ ell on thepreru ses1 a cri Pl en ..,oo l On<l onl) it lllaks a httlu Hows th .tl Yon see Wu duJ Uu111 n forty feet when '~e 1:n.ue to a tock, but no '\ate1 Then I '~ allc d t 1p and we haul the water from the rivt.:r about fo1ty ba.trels a day, and pour Into it Wo don t uso inoi n fi ve galloua a day, all L l tl 11'>s L le 1ks ont so1neho rv I was but 0 w nc to (hg anoth i:u well next year peilrn1 s I ""n lnre the water hauled on tlec:nsch ea)erth anl can build 1 grcatlo'e for tho \\ tlful Jo,t girl but be cause some~lnng of tho kind wn.s expected of hoi and because she r eallJ fdt keenly Gilbert Owen ad1sappo1ntmcnt As fo r that luckless bridegroom ho suf fcred and 1nade 110 .s1g11 He h ~u Io' ed h er a love as stiung as it hn.d been vMJ.1 and had lo s~ he1, a.nd boro it wit i silent grief If I only knew her fate ho gr oanud I f I only knew she o ice to her 1unt f d 11 l ti 1 1 b 001 11 \\eie sa 0 au °'" 8 ' nn t:. c 0 tr it Unt thrn uncertamty tlm susponse? Ohm) poor little l\'Iar1~11 , t .., h dh d ~nn .iu.aria a eI o\~ ll l en. rmnem benng tlut last mter view The haggard face, the reckless "'ords the r~1)eu tance ineant so1netlnng bes1tles tJie gul Isl1 talk ofter >ll Under tho s'ormy se ' * .Aunt Maria m1Ms1ng :&'Iarian an hour later 1vhon Gilbei t Owen called in due alarn1 theJ set oft m search of her Do" n to the shore her ftLvoi ite hannt as theJ kne\\ they hurried o.ncl thorc t hey found her lymg o i her face on the gr mnd, "ct through se 1se1ess and "lnte as d eath I II b ll l l ti iey oi:c 1 lOl 1 lome an( :uc ier on 1c bod from wlnch she ncvei r oso Wheth ei it 'vas an optical illusion brought on by u.n excited aud stIUJ.ned n1aginat1on or w1lethe1 -the apn1t of the dead husband I cu.Jlj st ood before Lei: in the stor my twilight It was ill the oame On the day she "as to h~ne married G.1.lbert Owen tho' bu11ed ?\fa.i ~u J uyl.:e -----~- - - -- THE FRIO'!IOii NEEDED I All J.Ei s need n1cntal f1ict1on 'Vha t a iuau re J.ds or '\ 1 at he thinks r equu cs drn nss1on a.8 ln nch "S food does chew1n 0 Th e man I\ ho looks at life fro1n a s111 0 le standpoint seea b1 t one phase of it and th at very unperfectlj V\ e pl ess th1r:S n1at t cr of f"'lS con\ entions clubs exchan ges socuiblcs gain upon t 1 1c at~ent1on of farn1 t cad e1s beet se \e have an ab1chng ft1 th in 1ts ulihtJ It b tn educ::i..bona.l agencJ no ne1ghbo1hoo l of -would be pro gressn o 1ain.1oi.s c n aft n l to £0 1 ego \~ hy sn said a. ffl.nncr to us to day our Club h:i.s done nore i,.O u11p1ovc th e agrJculturc of oui town ar.d increase t h e in trkct ' i.111 0 of onr far ms than all ot hei n.~c nc1cs ctin1b1ncd Men wl o "er e sup posed t o knO\\ ht le n.nd ahnost Vi n h out 111 fl uence l ia~e come rigl t t o ti10 f ront I I ti fl th t f ll wu e o ieis In atec1 '\ 1 cgolsman 1 u of ass11111pt1on 1vho believe l the1n sch cs neighbouihood oracles ha\e f:illen back t o t hen plv::cs they -were nioro gas buLblcs and a u ttle Joint d.tscussion of th eu thco 11cs and notions l et t he gas out an l tl1e bubbles collapsed They a re no1' content to learn of 1nen tt w]ann three J ears ago thej snee.1. ed I tell you lt is a great th111g to show \\110 s who, l\1:eet once a 1voek g"ntlernen 1f i t is only in so1no one e barn and have a gooJ talk ove1 the uppeI ~nost inatto1s Ill you1 mmds If the roacls >re had talk [I.bout good ones ud -ways and n1euns to inake them good Tlu.nk and talk together and you 11 tind you know 111ore (oi lea8 \\l11d1 J.S au equally profit ahlo thm 0 to find ont) th m you thought yon <llll Ine n1oro you kno" the m( ic youll want t o "nd yon will la:\c each other to dr ~w upon for 1t Ifth1 s fi( vice sec ns in a 1y <legree ~rr og l.nt <1 presn1nin 0 t n.ny bo ly let theru be as s111ed tb t it is not u1tP.nded to be 1t is snnplJ u1 Ing the do1ngof what "\il.: know n 01n 1nuch ex penence and obser' ation it is profitable to do 1i ew York ei I I ui tluiteon 'ear s tlus old pln.nter had haul~d ftrty barrelB L day t) en1p ty into th at roc.<r botto111ed hole rather tha.11 dig a ne'v ell or bung water inn. n1 pe from a sr nng a nule a\\ 11) A HERO Son1e vears ago the Atlantic steamer, Ait1 s nick n. iock, a nd sunk four hours 1fte1 lJneo hundi ed I ersons went down 111 h er 111ey wo10 all drowned Every stcn.n1cr has a s1grwl gun on hon.rd, wluch i., fu ed o f ut t1n)c of dangc1 so th \t other vessels maj hear ~and co1ne and help them N o'v t ho gun on board the A rtic was In charge of a young lad named Stewart Hol land [\llC\ 1t "as his duty to fire 1t off PLANTS IN SLEEPING ROOMS consequenc:jg ha' o fclluw·e(l fioui sleeping in olose apartments in ·which "\i OLJ n1 1.ny in p otted planta lt:! ke1" 'v nm faun ly 1oon1s no'" ' eiy fi equently ventil \ ted ma.J B(;)nously pe1sons of a d1;; hon.te orgau i 1tio:o~espec i 1.Uy those pulmon iry afiect1 1rn )r h1onc1u \l 1r1 itab llty All 'cgctn.bles tJn o oft o xvs;en ~ i.ll el emen t t bot aupjlOl ts life throu gh the lay but tha t f uncti n1 is sttspen<l.ed d1111ng the 111 0 ht VVlulc exhaling oxygeli flom one s1do of the l ea[ the other Imbibes carbome acid gas v. hich is r1reJudic1 ll to hfe, and th e sold p art, stalk s tem and wood aie formed fr om it B it 'Jule slt!ep111g lUI the whole 'og~tablc kin 0 d( n1 loes tbr o Jt:,li the rnght th e ·bsorption of thut dclete11ous J0.S JS partln.lly s lspended though it col lects n.bout t h em b) 'ntue of n, lr:iw not , ery 1vell understood It is t1uit accn1nn latron ln a. i:oom t e mhalat1011 of which into hun1a11 lung8 Jf:! so 1DJUTIOU8 There fore, 1t 1a always on the &afe sICl0 not to kecpfio\verui~ or n.nJ other pot plants, uit 1i ~ r ui dorn11tor1es o cloac fe: m1ly dia.n 1ng rooma M soon ts the sturnner !'!truck, nll wa..., Every one knew sh e n1ust sink and all tried to think of sou1e w ~y of eac ipo IJ:ho engmeer left t he engines thu iii emen left the res, the steerrnan left tho wheel, and Stt1wart " as left ~lone with tho gun But he never flinched \\omen shrieked Strong men fell do vn iu sutldon fear Some cursed and swoie, not knowing what they sa.1d Some prayed n.nd .son10 sat at1ll-pale and mot10nle·s as ma1 ble But all through those four ternhlo hours th o sound of the gnn went boo1uu1g ovor the wntillS His pow·de1 was go110 Hu took on axe o.:r1d broke open the int.., e fv.l ruoro And again tht! iiOund £ hrn ~ l n \Vas heard o"Ver the deep But no sh p " us rngh JS o one wa8 ncn.r to help i;: on1e lowi;ireJ ihe boats to get 1uto them Othors mado a raft and triad to esc·pe on It But Stowart Holland stood at lua post Other.s n11 ght e.eca.pc if thE'Y could but he meant t o bo fo1thful And JU8t 1s the ~t ... a.1n~r gave its lai!!t lurch, he fo1 e going down, the e1snal guu ncnt its o<tll boo nung 01 ct t ho waters once 1nore 1 .An l '\\lien t he no,v,e: game-for soine ha.d escaped-tho nam@ of Ste" art Holland wns on evrnyb ody .e 11ps Strong mnn 11 e) es gi ew <lrn1 with t heir toan a· they told th e t~l ci 11nd everybodv pr&I·od tho young lad "ho was fait h fol to tho work he had to up10 :tr and confu sion J I do Dear elu!cheni We nro not called to do as h o did but we are called to be faithful Faithful in ·v·rythrng Faithful all the time Faithful av en unto doath And '1 e shall ne'er get -to be ao until we begm to day, Juot where wo are now, and aro fai thful m the work~e , en the very littlo work wlncl1 evo1;y day brmge us to do I Mun over bo ed-AH cchtor \ good s de slw v-A pretty cheek ,

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