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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1872, p. 1

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"' - - - !!!'.221!'. - ±:L!LL Telegraphmg by Sound Through Wr.ter jtatesman ii pnnted and pub!lt1hed EYery Thursday Morn1ug by the Proprietor WM. R. CLIM.IE At t)1e OFFIUE-Polt omce Blue.Ii., KINQ STREET BOWM<l.N\lLLJI ON'T i EIGN a d .Pro'\inc1a.l News Local Intolll genoe County Bu1:1 uessi Conuncroia.l Matters a.nd an 1 1stn1ct1ve l\.1isce Io.ny 1 d .... 0.... __.s 1 50 TER1vl8 -$1 00 per annum n a. v.-.. ""'Lill tr paid 'vithln ~ix: months-2 00 tr not padtd t~l tllll fnd of the f~!Lr IS o :riaper discontinue Ull,t t b_ arrearagcs pa.Id exoopt at the optu:m o t e publlsher n.nd pn.rtiea p&pet"a thltbobt pa.yin~ up vill be held res] onslble for e su icr:l.ption until thell corovly 'vith the ru.lo t b All let.tors addresser\ to the Editol' mus e _ c. otherwise they Ill&Y not be ta.ken from 0 8 _..·l--e Post Otnce I T CONTAINS rHE LATEST l'OR VOL. XVIIL BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1872. - -j wife ~--..,,,,...,_,....,... NO. 22. -= How to pnt · horoe on hrn 1 u tle Shoe !nm J RE most popular \·oman s p 'per- A paper of pms A belle dosen t ahrnJ · g1' e the best ' tone to aociety THE man who "ork~ with n will Tho Probate Judge ~rHE~ is an army like a tuck1na. lady s sk1rt?---:W hen it is he1n111ed ui IF a ma.n baa but one 0J e let hnu get a. wife and she will be lus other I A NEW YoRK saloon keeper ad,ertises for " boy to open oysters about tiftoen years old lr a sailor has been tra.velhng on horse back ca.nit be &aid that he rowed1 A WATCIIMAlCElt saya he passes a great manJ: springs tn ery year in ]us shop AN old bachelor having boon laughed at by a bevy of pretty ~ irla told them they were smnll potatoes "\Ve ma} be s1nall potatoes iephed ono of the nuudens but "e are sweet ones Ir u~ told of a connechcut field officer bettt:1r acquainted with farming th lJ .sold 1er1ng that w·hen c1rcumstancC's placed him in corn1na.nd o1 lns reginlent tt Hat i eras he w1shed to obhque h1s column in march111g and gave the order Haw a.round that mud pnddle A Goon Pl:~ ~There \vna one p tn uf Sydney S n1ths that Chrules Le\:er 10\CI tlred of t elling Mrs Grote the wife of the <listing i~hcd h1stor1ar appeare 1 01 cc at a aniree :vith i-i q 1eer sort of tnrban on her accowphshcd head Loou:: at that saLci Sydney that a the or1g1n of the word grotesque A 'IR ADP.SM \N to wh0rn Pr1uce Talley rand ' as indel ted ac ns1deiable sun ha\ 1ng several unsuccessful effurts to obtain pa.yruent planted hunself in the po-1 te cuchere of tho Princes hotel and i:e eolutely accosted hun as he was entermg ]ua carriage What is tt JOU want with me my good man<> sa1d the great muua ter I only wish to kno\V when your H1 0 lmess w1U bo pleased to pay that bill of nuue was tho 1e ply 'Vhat a' e1y u1quis1tive person yon ate said Hi& Ex cellP.ncy pulling up the "\\1ndow ...... ~ .......... roRIGINAT NEW YEAR BELLS HAS REOEIVlllD A SPECIAL LOT OF I RATES OF ADVERTISING ~LX line!!I aud under 11nt insertion Each 111ubsequent tnsertlOn From lrl:s: to ten line11 ftr~t tnaeitiou Each l!lubsequont lnsertiou Over ton lines. first lD.l!lertion per liD.e '°0.IO 13 15 0 The n\lm ber or line! to be reckoned by the 11pa~e ·ocupi'ed moasurod by a sea.lo of 11ol1d Nonpa.reill ,A..dvertu·ements without spcoiflc directions w ie -published till t'orb1d and charged accordingly .U tra.nsltorr o.dvert1scments must be ~&~ [~r when banded in ~dvertifmments must e e efllce of pubhca.tiou by 10 o clock on tho Wedn08 tl rooeedlog tJ eu tlrst.. publiootlon T~ymerchantfe.nd others a<l,vortistng by tho aver) liberal discount '\ill be nladc .Ea.oh subsequent insert1on 0 20 0 08 0 02 All Wool Tweeds at 75cts. A LOT OB~ i--;H.A'\VLS· Ring out rmg out,. ye old ChurohBolle: '\~hose solemn v 01ce eo loud and clea.r Throughout the m1dniyht 61lonce telll!I To all the death of the old~ oAr .And o.a your mu5io sn.dly 5woll11 Upon my wenr1od listening e-n.r l viel1-lt may })P" but in 'ain Thitt all the rmrro" tr< uble The b ttcr o.ngui·h care and \VOO Of the dee.d ycD.I' oould fioa.t aWB-f Upon the night win~a soft a.nd low and bo by me forgot for U.J cl ![ fttsiut~uu: !iredo!·~ ---- ~,..._..._..._,~ W.S Boyle, M D. TIES ofTrinlty College Toronto a.nd Vic t.orita. College Cobourg: Lioenthitc of the College o!PhY!licia.nsa.nd Sut"gcons Ont Office one door l\ eat of I Corn sh a Res1 lenoo Stlvel' street 9-Dedoor southof Dr Re1de surgery Dowma.n ville Ont New lot of Dress Goods. A. SPLENDID STOCK Ring out ring out ye me?TY bell! Whose gladeome voice eo loud and olear Throughout the ml lntght sllence tells To ll.11 the birth of the new yoatl And as your' c co ne music 8 vells Upon n y g ladly haten1ng ear G RADUATE OF THE UNJVERSJ I'\ 1ah -ol that lt may be true- OF That a 1 tl e hapµ) hop~s n c kne'\'i The longi.11g uft.c f;Om. tb t g p ire Wh ch 111 the old l ~ar h ).d their part May i l the ne v ~ear still e lduro Az l kcCJ} us bi ave und strong of heart l1l Chas. Kelly, forn1erly oo.rried on by the. \V ll Edwoocla and ls pre pare 1 to attend to the wants of the p 1bllo in l 1s Uno 1n & manner insutpo.ssed b} any in tho Pro Tince Pe.rtic tlnr att<',nt1on given to the c.,'Utting ARBER AND HAIR DRESSER RE B SPECTE ULI Y 1nces the vublic tha.t be h8.9 sucooo led to tho lJus ness anno to -W-INTER CAPS. R i go ut ring o t oh Nev 1'.ear Dells ' ' t gla dson c vo1ccs hn d and clear 'll o gl 01 t lhe ml]n1gbt s lence swells ot Ls.dies nnd Children shall' A cl.U solicitedlblrd door east of the Post Oftl.ce 30 tf THE CHEAPEST JJ'URS li\ CA.NADA. Bowma.nv1lle N ove1nber 7th 1872 Dr. Davidson, LEGE of Physicums of Englandi} and Untvorslty oi' V1ctor10. Colle"e t::obourg nder 1Ta.duate and Prlzc1011.u of the Un ver!lity of Toronto and U nn eralty of Qu en Ro College Kmgston member or the College of Physic tUts and Surgeons of Surgl1rJ and Rest Qence King Street Second do ur east of !.1r Jlayne.rd s Hotel.. 16-20 G RADUATEOF IRE ROYAL COL Yo r g reeting to the glad cw year \. d u1 'Hn d m my hea. t t h ere \\ells A llopcfulne.:;s vl cl k no· s noJfear Al a pp ess not thele before .A. trustf 1 c,,s which evermore Shall know d espa r fo n dst !i our cl orr Oh );l e v Year Bell!:! t11e c seems a. vo cc, Which doth ny ans er ng h eart inspll'e And b la th~ world uud Ine re.JO ee E~v \RD J W111rn GLASGOW HOUSE I The subscribers ·tock IB cJ ieltctions. GEORGE OLEMENIS WIFE now Manou, and to you I turn for all the happiness ruy hfo will ever hold He dned her tears and then thoy talk eel It o\ er Just bocause I am eity bred, she thmks I ·m lazJ n.nd haughty, and dirty, a.nd ' Never mmd Manon She 'I\ ill find out aome d&y My father ' Yes, ble,. the dear old m·n He haa added My love to my daughter JIIDJ'lon vh, I know I should love !nm and your mother too if she would let me ' 'We ·nll mvito thom do'l\n when 1 come home By the way, Ma.rton, I will atop at the farm on my w·y home, and m v1te them do,vn and bring thent honie with me ' George dear, I have been thmkmg of that tnp w.,t I thmlr you had bettor go and leave home It won t be so very long Marion \vaa eating her egg while she spo1.6' acrob!I the the COZ:) tetc a tete break fast tal le Spoken h ko my true little Manon and "hen I come back I J l br1ng you a present Wlmt ·hall t bo1 Yo 1r father and iother from the form It slmll be 1lut hope that will bear 1ue conipany when you are g >ne A fortmght nft-Or that Mauun Clern·nta ate hf'r breakfast a.lone the traces of a tear or so on 11er pink cheek then !!ho dashed tl en1 away \\:1th a merry, JOyons httJ.e I ttgh Ih1s wdl never do n.1 d now th1'.t George ha.a gone for six week11 to prepare for h1a: returu And I pray Heaven it ohall be such a commi a· shall delight hIS Tory ooul J. F1eld1ng, M. D. Surgeons n:n~lu.nd J.Jccnt ate lloyn.l Col lege of Pbyi; cians Eillnburgh (Lale Realden-. Accouehour St 'Ihon1a~ Hospital London and Actlng Resident MedlctU Officer City of Londo11 Uoapitol !or Disoasea of the Ct est.) Office Dr M EMBER OF ROY AL COLLEGE OF VERY FULI_J AND SELECT! And notwithstandmg the great advance m the price of all kmd· of good· from havlll{( ha purchase early he 1s enabled to ~ell without any Appreciable advance o t former prices SPEUBL A'l:TENTION IS CALLED TO HIS STOCK OF "\EL> ETB VELVETEE~S s Orono lYot1ce-Rem0Tal. BLACK SlIKS Q l !LT8 CA.NA.DIA< T" EEDS REID HAS REMOVED HIS CANADIAN BI \NKETS ree dence to the house lately occupled by TOWELING :Dr Crowle on Wellington Street. Surgecy e.t TA.BI E LINE1' S AND COUNTERPANES -b l.a old re:ndence Silver Street Offi~ hont"S yi rom 10 a m to Sp nL 164tf: M also a 'en full assortment of D R Dr. A.. Beith, RADUATE OF THE TORONTO Un1venrlty Physlcia.n Surgeon &o Office on Stroot next door to 'Y ellowlees & Quicks Variety Storo B'Owmnnv1l1(l Ontario G GLOVES. HOSIERY, SM.ALLW .ARES AND TRIMMINGS Professor 'Vhite, SlnJdng &o Organiat and Com,'P_t?ser is now !!' to attend and 'P~ Terms ~~~t ~i~:,r by applioo.tion at ,, ll~9.~ THOM.AS PATERSON. Bo11~n·nville No' 7th 1872 PIANO FORTE T EACHER OF THE receive At the Ironmongery! - OR- Public J I& J'.ARE>\ ELL,_L L. B" R McGEE B A ~ J.t.llES .ttUTLEuGE D A On!C.'I: .......ovt.\r \Vm McMurtry s Drr_ G~odl lltore seoond door west of the Post Otn.ce up ~-tt~£ · ~..:..~~--~~~~~~~~~~- ATTORNEYS B ARRISTERS CI10RS and Notary Farewell,McGee &Rutledge, SOMETHING LONG WANTED BY EVERYBODY, SOLI EVEll Y OllE HIS OR HER: OWN PAINTER! ""'""" s. Clae8'C"rfietd, 13 1\.1.[' L F_i C> ::0 ' S HOUSE .AND VILL.A PAINTS, Prepared for imn1ed1a.te use, and notl ing but the purest Ma.t.er1als used, and re qu 1r1ng no further mlXture of oil!!! Turpentine and Modera.te -VILLE and Da.:rh on Res deneo Queen reet Orders punot~y a.ttendod to Cha.rgeB UCTIONEER FOR BOWMAN THEIR COMPOSITION CONSISTS SOLEY OF - Tlaomas SConhouse. ~General .Agent Darlington Centre A. UCTIONEER APPRAISER AND Sa.lea Pu1 e Col01 Pure White Lead Pwre White Zinc LYnseed Oil Spi1'its of Tiirpentine and D1 Y"' s oai efully and scientifically combvned The consuu1eI can hR.vo any desired shado of Colors r ea.tly put up in Cn.ns1 and a.I he requnes to buv wit h the l'n.1nt is a Brush a.a tl1e work ca.n be done b) h1msalf or by any n1enlber of lns househ old "" tiromptly a.tte ded to R. D. Foley, L 7 ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR the Township of Du'l"I n~n Su.lei! prompt tended to CJ a.rgee moaernte PU RE WHITE LEAD. A larcte stock JU cc n eel for Autumn Pamtmg, imported direct"' from the English Manufacturers, mcludrng JAMES Genume ,rnd celebrated Rooster brand- Guaraateed pm e 1 ALSO -All stnndortl Co!Jis Oils Varnishes, and Pamtou Materials Call and .11Je how che11.p a }louse can be Painted and Decorated, for 1\11 tb~o goods will be sold at reduced figures Money to Lend. T IIE UNDERSIGNED ff!\ YING oron [ been appm.nted agent for the Prov1ncle.l Per uent .Buildlng and Bai; ing s Society of I ts prepH.~d to ncgot1&te 101;1.n~ on Real Estate unty on the mo1t fa.\ ourable terms RN 11-IU J B F AIRBAI R.Peate. Tailor. S AND BOYS GENTLEMEN NllWEST STYLES MENTS made 10 the 2000 GALLONS MACHINE OIL OF DIFFERENT- KINDS IJowmo.nvllle Feb 19 1868. 30 tr w. R. Climie, Threshers auJ. all parties requiring such 011 are sp001.a.lly mv1ted to inspect tho vn.r1ous qualities- the price being fa.r below anything eYer offered m this market I 500 COOK, PARLOR, HALL AND BOX STOVES, arnvmg and now on Exb1b1t10n The IOTgest and cheapest stock of General Hardware, Ct.mago Good· Tmw&re in the County of Duthatn !I I Br er General J SSUER OF' MARRIAGE LICENSES &utnonty of Hle Excellencr the Gov&n and 01lloe a.t the Stcdemtanoflloo Land SurveJing. · l'D.n'eyOr Civil En.gµieer etc ii prep&red to ..,..,,11 orders with which he ms.y be favored - DeUina:ton lluildiug 'Sow1na.n'\ ille Al guet 9 18 1 JOHN McT.. EOD. L REED, PROVINCIAL LAN:9 "'- .£.ddrtn Bowm11.nville P 0 K&roh 1'th 1871 &l ued. Tbe trade supplled on beat termos W ..... B. Sherin & Co, D. STOTT, CHEMIST HOLESALE MANUFACTURERS ofHOOPSKlltTB Beat New York Mater AND DEAL.l!.R IN DRUGGIST l'actarJ'-Klng8lreet Bowmanvllle ls.aDtf TOWN HAJ.,L BtfILDINGS, BOWMANVILLE. M FAIRBAIRN BARRISTER & T e.A.ttorneY; Solloftor iko Lt ndsay omoe In Keen~ · .Hlo"k Ol'or T lloall s lk::tok DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Dy· ~tuif· Patent Med1cmes Perfumery Bruahea Oomba, Soaps Pamts &nd Oila Paint Brus\·eo, Coal Oil and CO&\ Oil Lamp·, &o , &e u. G. Uanninc, > ROVINOIAL LAND SURVEYOR otvD. Enirtneer n.nd Land Agent. 01'ftce and iMldenc· Lot lS, 3rd con Darlln~ .All orden itft at the omoe or :Robort Armour Esq promp~ - wudedto to P Robert Armour, ll'GISTRAR, WEST DURHAM NUeJ' of Me.rrhr.g" Llceet se~ Barrister l - ~rney at Law t1.Jld Sollcitor in Charceey - PYYBICIA.NS PRESCRIP110NS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND .il.L ORDliRa CORRECTLY ANSWERED, l'tMt Bowman-ville oner lolilled on Real Eetate 0.tllce on Kintr _.- Farmer. a"d P1"t1sioum· fr~m tM, Oou->>VrV will find our Sto·h of M~ntll oom pt· and of tht, b..t q1<l<lity .John K. Galbraith, B lilOcltltY ARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LA'V OfHce :Klng Street. Bowu a.n.vtllo ~ut atB ,wrna.n\ tne tor the Freehold BuJldlng Money Lo lend on f8r n sccunty H.ALLO! TI-IEREl I ...t:l.. come nloug ~ nd get DargaU s for it ia ao. kuowledged by l.bose of e:::i.:1 edence that. Thb 11 the Place to Bny Boots A. LL YOU WHONEED SHOEING i SEWING THE LOCKMAN MACHINE !!It. John ff. Hntc:he!I011. ,,____,.,,Ali\R!S'l'ER ATTORNEY, SOLICI · .0Tol o.nd No ary Public OrPtCi., -First door of Post Offics up 1t&iriil IS NOW THE and l!lboes--None Bel ter. Wo now manufacturing- from the best Doot11 of any de1:1ircd µattc1n w·u.r ranted to fit oi no 8llle The ~ubscrlber feole grate! 11 for the very l bur al'C- he has had for the lnst tlft.ecn yea s and l'i ould solioit a. contmua.nce of public patron LEADING MACHINE l E Thomas Chr111tte, IN 1'.HE DOMINION OF O,iN.AD.A a_ tn!c. rm tha inlulbltantfl of Bowm.nnvlJle a.nd -.rm.ere at Wcfllt Durham that he is now propM ell to ·tteud to any sales tha.t w1;1.y be entruat&d o him 01 ta.rges modera.te 10-tf TING STREET BOWMANVILLE HIS PROUD POSITION IT HAS '.\r... .a.a.nt for the following Dritlsh and Cana attained thro\li'h 1t· inherent i'OQd qoalJUee n ln1Ul"a.Dee Companie" viz Royal Liver and London British l:mertca. and Provln !would bogtoss.yto flll;'\'loAr bdebted to lheso quo.llties are s mplictty durablUty el&A&'_ent for Ila> &I MaU Line of Steamers 11.Jld me either b) note or book account they must ~a.nce'billty ·. bcatdes o. score nior oorcQua bt Line ot boe.t..$b&.nd Coroner for United contt to tM scratch th sfall Pa5t e; ce has u portance For run portitmla.n addrcas t o tho \tie& ot ~orthum erland and Durham taught me that steers are mucl oa.a1er bi oken in Mnuutt:Lcturara wben younfi-lf allo-..vcd tor u n t 1I four or five WILSON BOWMAN & Co \ R. D. T11a·11cr, ~~a~t!t~~ :uc~~~~;:~u~ bifra~d~~~fflue~~~ 1-ta.ruUton Ontario ,t. U<i'TlONEEll, WOULD BEG TO !W.l '"ll be expected to pay up. ·ll· T Bowmanville Oct 1871 SD BRADSHAW 12 ly R & H OHARA.I Agent~ !er Durham and '\ ict-oria !imart & Smith, ARRI~>TERS AND ATTORNEYS ..4..T L.A. \V Solle torf'I in Cbe.ncerl and Iusol "Teaot:, Cilnv~a.noera Notaries Sol eltot!I for J, M. Br1n1acon1be, I .. .D. 25 ror mi.Io l":ill B s., I C&J1 with Dental Notice. HAVING DISPOSED OF' MY DEN l qulrtng hil e1~ a1" 11klltnl Dtntl1t ·· Ont&rlo Ba.nk1 &c Mall S11, 011moti favorable te )toner for investment. :rm1 URGEON DENTIST Slll'ERIOR S Gold nge inserted To.cth tor centa each An excellent Iooth I o" di!.r extract~d Otflce tuMcClmig ~ blo k TAI.. Otnoet-o Mt ~ G WEBSTER t.D S ple&l'Ul'e recommend him to all re Im aut e I don t know wha.t to say av \£4.P.1 REED cnoWELL The laud knows, I need help enough, but Of all ti o thmgs thls is the wo1st' it pears to me such> slender httle midget If I ever in all my life expected to hear M J 0 1 couldn t ca.t'n your salt 'Vhat dld 11uch newa '\Vhy our George has gone you s..'ly your 1 ame was? and got married J) ye hear? Mary Snuth And mdeed if you will Good Mrs Clcmento pushod her steel try mo f< r a week I ll1 sure yon will keep 'VuAT CA1tIE oF .A ToMno~ - Miss Mar tha Knight 1s a good looking girl who 'vas bowed spectacles of! her bright ei es and me till the season · 0 ' er Mrs Clements looked out of th w1 11d born in Boston and very ea1ly 111 hfe dropped her letter in her In.p as she turn c ow moiiifiod her paients by bemg tho.t child ed arouJ d to her hl sba.nd the Htout at the groat 1.;louds that wore piling gloom ish fcluin1e mQnatros1t} c:J.lled a Tom c:levet old fariuer who was contentedly ily up then the ':'ind gave a gte&t wail boy She cared noUnng fo· dolls and strokmg 1he old ivh te cnt mg shriek around the comers of the house muuatu10 housekeeping bke other little girls v. a.nted gimblets and a.ugera and 'Dea.con dye head \ You can cook ken you1 or shakeup saws and hatchots and nails and lumber to This time when olte asked the queotion feather bed· good big uns forty pound There are too me.ny whoexhibitarough \Vork with Instead of learnrng to sew on there wa.!I t touch of eharpnces In hei: er31 dolls olothe!i ~he ln(ldo waggons and kites voice A gleeful httlo laugh came from Marys nees of trea.tment to,vards the cow.a, and for her lazy nmnbsk !led brothers and yet no dome!'ltlc a.nunals more sensitive she finally becan e a vondei of 1neoha111cal 'Ye1 wh&t it ho us nui.medl Im '!iUre hps it a n·tural enot glt It kmd o runs m Indeed I Mn I m·y not cook to suit or moro quickly feel tho unkindness shown goruns Ber taste ran that "ay and her them They can be docile and mild frlends concluded to let it go when they the family pears to me you hut I ce.n learn found they could not stop 1t !lftss Mortha Mrs Clement. walked out lo the huge in their dispositions or hm d and wild Knight, bemg poor went into a. paper :But Mrs Cle 10 its would take no no iu·t m acoordanco with the treatment they open fire place m the kitchon where tho tico of tho !tttle r leasanhy bag manufactory to en.n1 her livohhood reco1ve from the herder and milker snd Of courae such a girl could not stay at Well f yo i ltkc it I can tell you I Deacon WM shellmg corn \\hat dye say Deacon keep her or it is a well established fact that a cow Wlll honle and drone awe.y herhfc at the family don t H e need , t tlann: hes oommg here fireside She 'i\ ent to work hke a nia.n with his fine ci t y hrod lady n.ll airs and not! I kmd o hke her looka, and the de 1r transmit her disposit1011 in a great degree and ha.snow become fa1nous and theprlde gr<J.eel5 and flounces ar. d fluted ruffles knows it ud be a good lift while we re ·o her progeny A rough qmck tempered of tho old folk· She h·· won the distmc Theres l ler t) of go d gnls hereab ut that killlli, if she couldn L do more n set the person should never be employed as o. t1on of be111g the first female inventor thRt milker and onG who will on any preLenae ever received a patent for a. conrplett in l'vainted hun Right 111 the m1dd1e of ,vork, table or make mush for the breakfast vent1on at \Va..sh1ngton fler in\:ention Hl too to talk of bru g 11,.., a lady here in hog Take liyr of Hannah l'.<>u whatever 1nck or strike a cow, should be a. 1nach1ne fol m:-J.k111g pa.per bags s~, eral kicked in return from the barn yard into k1lhu time I o.o d ,. . clare J t lunk....... <.l9._orge arc ha.rd d:i ~v n I know Let her atop a. attempts had pre-\tO ~ ly been made 1n Uua the street and ne-ver be allowed to returu d1_rect1fl by men of mechaiuca.l gen1 ts ls a foo11 weok or 110 1~iyho'v CuaSIN G A ] .&I'.IIIL ss WIVE -A n Ilus rumboy has spci,.:t :t.ble looking 1nan named Henry * -:: * ~ So l\fr!l Clements camo slowly back and Gentlenees will the q uant1ty OJ; and all had faned now dono it a1 d made a success Una.1 lcd 2n1lk as has been show'11 by a. cl1ango of a A g1 aceful da.1 ty htUc la.cly iu a gar sat down again \\ .1.h r s " lO res des rlt Ha1r1aburg on zhe drew herplansand .she .superintends the net I >_phn d1ess.n id rufiied apton a sn1all Y n cant get &'\\ay to rught anyhow, cruel aud milker to one "'ho pllttu g up of the 1nachiflci1 t A1nherst the Grt.:at \Y es tern way \Tont to De in search of h11 it Mase; It works well aud he1 e' erla~ting tro t a. fe v days s pr uc llv p 1$ed head co\: e red \'1th sh rt theies a st nu been & b1ewui these three practumd k1ncl and gentle treatment w1f vho had cl u l -..·nth one of her lij an UJJ ury to cows to bo driven faster fortuuo Ia 111 ~de - B 'ffctlo Courier dusky cLils and a. pair of dark bluo eyes days and its on us no\\, !'!Ure enough consu s on Tlnutjcl:t.y l tst l\11 Waltcn so wistful and tendl:lI a tu1y roseb Jd of a Ree tho111 ere ft~kes fine and tluck You than an walk to or from tlle1r pas has h eel at P 111 ::;bu1g for somt- tuue, ha' 1ng a. 1 ce r r 1pe1 ty and until the day 'lo be ur0 ed on by thoughtless mo11th and ad n pie in ne pn k check iuay as well take vou1 tlungs up l!!lt.'\.1rs to tures E v uRYno Y SAY:. Ro - Ihat is 1 ll wh Ibat was Mn1on Clemtnts \'as the 'Vest garret And whe1::shewatJ g ne boys and these perhaps on horseback 1s have e1thtjr l ged tl e a1t1cle or w1tne.ilstJd in ~l l:!::; t1on a ova ti> ,ife aud pie.aunt ho11 n :\ho t six vce ks i.o a younll JUan to produce a. fever and hen.ting of Lbe 1ts effects when used by ot hers all ::11 ch a rr ved :it luis hut1se and thl:l wife n1tro it any wrinder that Geoige had fallen in ?t-Irs Clen1enta t1 incd to tbe Dea.con and they t.10 only tit t) Judge are una.11 love with her? ' I never sa v r. girl before Id tn1st up blood wh1ch JJ sure to dry up or lesson l ce t In n as he1 cousin from Detrtnt 1nous Hl the o_pi:u n Lhi:!.t Dail~y s Cun °Wl ltt:1 s s 1ppos"'d that evc:iyth1ng wHM cot' C ws sh uld ah\ ays be dit1ou Powders n.nd ~rnbian H t:al'e Re She au.t 1n the b11~ht little pa."lor close stairs alone B 1t euch as her don t eteal the flow of nnlk 1ect \ll l the fanuha.u ty e~erc1s~d by the as comfoi t:i.hle as I osiubA sl mn er edy 1s a1 l el~ 1 tu Ll ything of the ku beside t11e lace ctP'tainecl Vlindo\i. watch I ctn tell vou t at if notlnng e1se heretofr te r tt pres n t tu use f r c 1g:o; y u1 g man was allo"'cd to account of ing for the loved }1 usba.ud s return and Directly, she CH.n e <l "n in n. purple a id winter 1t pays to do it colds, tlnck vu d and all diseases wh ch clatiui ·h p Iha fellow had plenty of then whun tthe lea.rd the chck of the print d1eo;zs n.1 d \flHte aprou lu1r haJ.r ioi eJ a.nd he lo decl ar u1d fvr .1nx: weeks aft ct tie WUld oi horses As a o 1 d t 01 THE OLD WOMAN latch key in the hilll flew for t1 e wc]C1: n e brushed off jr m hei face into a net and n1ed1cine it has no equal the1e is n otll r g bef e he thought he hn.d recovered h1· healt h eu llic1 . . . utly to make it safa for him kiss j a uarrow lmen collar fastened with a. It \\a.~ thus a feTf da.y5 sn1ce we heard in 1t' lu h ca.n u11ure u. horse vhethe1 sick to 1 eb In t the sn1oky atmosphere of or wellnor neeoi the horse be kept fr 1 Haven t you the letter t]us time sailors loop of na.11ow bl ribbon a tr pl g of sixteen dco1gnato the moth working wh1le using it it lB Just the art1c1e Dct t Ore day \Vhen he l\as 11a.y1ng be Geoigel I vo felt so sure or ti all day It seemed M 1f ahe had bfe too hand er~ ore h1m which n.11 whJ owr horses require 11d sh uld lcrno 111 a day or two !:lrn Walter· rece1 ved a. letter from so1ue of her hu1 lndeed Ive qmtc decided what dresoe· to ily she filtt·d m and out of the big pantry DJ coars~ h 1sbands we ha\e heard wives wluch thevshould hi:lve constantly on h and b .a.n l s. fri e 1 els sixty 1n1les a.1\ n.y eaytn& take with me and tlien dol--.n the cellar Re1nembcr the n une and s.oe thn.t tho so called occas1onally though in +he latter tllat theywautedlum to come irr1nled1atel7 He ·mtled ~nd shook !us head Then after the meal she gatliered tho the phrnso 111 mo1e often used enrlear signature <f Hurd and Co is on eac1. pack He l st no tu1 c n1 setting off and arrived age :Northrop & Lynia.n Ne'~ cu.::stle A cloud passed O'\ er her pre~ty fac e du~hes in a neat silent way, that waa per n.t hrn d1stlnatior to fi~d that theletterwa1 a ingly At Rll times as conunonly Bpoken Ont , proprtlftors for Canada. put p 3ob \Valters 1eturned to Harns 0 George 1·n t t too bad l And I do feet bliss to Mrs Clements cara 1t Jars upon the ears and shocks the sense believe they wont 'vr1te bee Luse they a.IO She a determnied to earn her bread 1\:t:ANY suffer iathertlian take nauseous h1 rg as soon a.s poss1ble but the coup!& An old womon should be an ob3oct of rued1c1nes .All whu suffer from coughs were ofl: befote ho arrived 'lhey took sorry you mar11ed me anyhow and I hko her turn too reverence above and beyond aln1ost all the colds 1111tation of the bronchial tubes or evolytlu ig that was oI va-lufJ to him He put lus arm n.round her neck And tho Deacon had taken a. shtne to or them ~elh lg son1e of the stuff in phaaes of hwnanity Her very age should -tendnncy to consu1nphon will find in Dr tow1 bit ti.Lug '"e:_uin~ apparel cto, "And suppo1ung such to be the case do Mary Snuth "IBte1 · Balsom of Wild Cherry a remedy you think it \rnuld make any difference One by ono tl10 days wore 01 tho hog be her surest passport to courteous con a.s agreeable to the palate n.s effectual u1 m ti mks They rnbbed him of nearly ren1ol'ing d1e;ease The Balsam ta a pleas ono thcusand d Ila.ts in 1noney the aav to me! killing was over and done, long strings of &dera.tlon The aged mother of a grown up family antromedy it 1ssafere1nedy it is a.power ing:s of fi o years toiJ and left to see hia " Oh not no only it would gr1e' o me l!la.usagea nung iu fantastic rings arranged ful remedJ it ta a speedy remedy it .- a sick iolat ves 'Ille husband foll o wed on needs no other certificate of worth hopin g to recc ver the money Thay had oo if I knew I had ahenated your own by Macy· daft fingers sweet hams 3nd remedy that cures bet!!n inarr1eu but teu nlonths and Jio parent· from you shouldero were pt!ad away, m true house She is a monumont of excellence approved She has fought ' tho A Vroro:a"Y IN RE..lLITY -the fa1ne of thinks the cousin IS some former lover "Aud a one slded alion:i.tioii it would be ly ml\llner, aad now Jl'Iary ani Mrs Cle and wnrranted DEPEW S MEDICAL VIC'.IOitY" with He as cert~med that they had dep·rted for too They h·ve never seen~ ou' And when men to were oittmg in the SllllllY dmmg good fight and come off conqueror He left In chaae, purch&A1n~ a out a sm"le parallel !A MEDICAL HISTORY Lano:i.1ng Upon her venerable face she bears the they know you tliey cau t help lo=~ room dMlllllll pat.ching and mendmg Through the whole conntry diseases of th.o revolve r beforo he v-ont, n.nd decla.nng yon ' I don t know what l I'm somg to do marks of the conflict 1n all 1to furrowed atomach 11ver bo\tiela, andnervcn1ssystcm that he w·ould Bhoo+ the rua.11 011 sight The moat grievous of the Ills of which had detied the treat,,ent of our ' 0 George without you Mory I dro&d to ·e· you hnes MBL.A.NOROLY AcolDENT IN A DEL.ilD.I lifo h&Ye been hers, trials untold and nn best physlctanB, and med1c1ne1 have yield - A sad &:hooting accident occurred m And the oxolomation cau...d by tho paek np your clothe· ed to it11 wonderful influence an-:l its effi. ktsa accompanymg In· lovmg flattery A blush of pleaaure ovorapren.d Mary· known only to her God and herself aha ca.-0y has been no leBs mn.nifeat in the oure \delaide on tho iuorn1ng of IVedneBday ha1 bome lDcea11antly, and now in her old of 1nck headache, fema.le weakness notll'al last A reepects.ble namecl Freel· ' Thats true ·· preach mg :Sy tho by face aroao from lus bed about five o clock m age done patiently aw&tling her appomtod gin nod rheumabsrn my dear, what would you say if tho firm " I m so glad you have boon autted with the 1norning for the pnrpozo o' &a.certain time she stands more beautiful than ever mg if ovorytl mg -.aa nght ·bout tke pl·ce, 1ent me off on a travoll ng tour of aix my work In<leed I ve tried ' Fon over twenty yent!s 'Bryans Pnl weeks ' It au1't the work altogether, thoue-h m her youtli more honorable and deserv mo111c '\'\ afera hEH o maintained their rep dept"edat101 s of iobbers havmg beeu ex. pected for son10 time previous Hia A little dismayed cry answered him goodneos knows you re tho smartest gal 1ng than hei who has sla.1n his thousands ntation f 1r curing coughs colds and pul fa1nily va:::i q l te u1 ev;are ofh11moveruenta, or stood trmmphant upon the prou_dest monary diseases Th )Se sutferinR or threat "Yon wont 3ta,y here al ne eh'l But Ive seen this many a year As I say it and hts son Pobe1t baheved that the pre ened lVttli any of the syrupton1~ of bron n1ses ve1e at tl e nercy of th1evoa got up Mn.rwn, 1t would be fl 1 e hu idicd dollais amt the o ork at all 1t s you Mary I ve field oi victory ch1tis or any of tho pulmonary nits Young man spealr kmdly to your mo r. nd n.rtniug lumself \vith a gun proceeded cJea.r geJ.n to us got to tlur. k1ng a. heap of ~on -1ne n.nd should at once give them a. tr:ial 'lhey to lool for the aui:posed marauder He thtir, rtnd ever courteously tenderly of' her give almost unmedia .. e rehcf n.nd if taken " "'°'hat need we care for rnoneyt I d the D£ac n soon c ~ ne faco to fnce "ith his lather rather ha;i; e you Mary s voice ti.:embled u.t the k1ndne31 Her oyo is clun her form is bent and genera.Uy effct a cure Jte1neuLber that a and i ot reoog1 iz1ng h1n1 challauge l and Others may con1mon cold or e< ugh tf not uttended to hastly j rel th ho ny b 1ck shot of the A miscluevous :~unite played on tho of the old ln.dy s voice, but she ae,ved rap her shadow fa.lls grM eward love you when she hns possed away- kmd 1n tin10 often leads to that d1atressn1g and chargo:: l odc1ng in Mr l reole ti face and young man sh1 ts He was n1ore matter of idly on fatal dIBease- e< ns 1 nption 'Sol :l by all ches" nfl1cting 5el l 13 Lnd p1oba.bly fatal Its so unconnnon lonesome like since hea.rted sisters or she "hom of D1 ugg11t n.nd country dealers Pr ce 20 \Ounds fi\ct than tlu.s tende1 little 1fe of h 8 J t oco n1nun1tJ bi which ?t!r I thmk the addition to our balance at the boy left the farm but 1t s worse yet a.11 the world) ou would choose for a part cents 1 er box Fi ee e l -.; o l"J lnghly respected nre Ul deep ner-she ma~ love you warmly passionate It seems like de SJ m1 atl y with t he u.hnost frantic fiunily the bankers would be ~ ery consoling for since he got marned liAVEy u 11 fla.nnnatorv sore tluuat stiff ly clnldrcn may love J ott fond'y hut JOlllts lamenosa ft m any cause whatever? the absence But never mind httle pet sei trng ue altogether V\ E s \ J: THEY A.J E Goon - The Shosh Have ~ou a. 1Hml You ne"Ver ment1oh never a.gain v;hile hrne is yours shall the Ha.'e you rhl..\Utnatlc oi uthei p:uns in a1 y oue"S Pills r.rc Ht.nnfat tured lvith the ut Lets go down t > dinner I hope we II get love of woman be to you as that of yom othe1 part of the body l if so u se Joh 1.$ ..,~ .,, 1nos t 11-1 c scr it ny o.nd cxactnel'ls from ed hnn a l~ttcr from home aoo n Anodyne Lin ment Our word for it it is tho\ e y a ~ t vc p11nci[ lea doubly rehned No George has gone } 18 way and, 19a old tremhhng mother has been Ancl eo it "as for Marion .enntchcd it the pnn1 killc ... in t\u; countiy <f such of the ho cost rc1ned1al nta of Yea, he marriad one of from b1s coat pocket t110 very next night tnust go ours the v egota.blo kingdom aB to possess them MANY persons suffer with sick headache, Tn.E most extraordinary instance of pa. of p ..c perties tha.t unly moct in harmony Ilut her huBband a face looked \'ety giave those crack h"'nded boarding school people a1 cl nc-r" ou::i headache usun.lly 11 luccd hj t1enco on record 1n 1nodcth hmcR is that and stern and hu!! eyes looked ungry when who can t tell the dif!'erencE.1 between a costiveness indigestion &c Such persona the cx1 0 enc1es of el' ery ingredient en tering of an .A01or1oa.n JUdge who hstoned silent w11l fir d rehef if not cure by keeping the into tho c 1uuos1tion of !.he Sl1oshoneea rolling ptn and n. milk pan sho looked gleefully over tb· envelope R emedi a 1d a1"o that give thu Pd!s them· But despite her sco1n !lrs OJemente ly for two d3y· whtle a couplo of wordy bowel& 01)en \v1th smttll duaes of Pa .son-11 selves u1cre desua.blc quaht1ea for general 1'-Iy dear you 1nust temen1ber I Purgahve P1U1 lawyers CoTitended about th9 constructwn n!Jc th tn anv I \-m11y pill before tho pub-. 'ery htt1 e for what the letter contains -..... clashed off the teara lnth her lno'l'll fist lie On account of Lhe extreme mtldneea Is hlS w1f· pretty1 I suppose you lovo of an Act of tho Leg slaturo nnd then end Rc1nen1ber I <lid not WI 1te it an<l that J 'JU FARMltllS and stock nnsei8 have frs ed the couttoversy by qulotly remarkmg quently told us that they have seen very and f<!t gi ent cc1 ta.1nty In act1on of tlaa are dearer to me than ever before Kiss me her dearly good reesults from giving Sl eri..dan /J Gav Pills as wEll as their ·lrengtheumg imd. 'I don t know anything about her, ttl'd the ln.w 1S repealed first wh1lo J watch you al1'!1 Co-nditHnt Powdr.1 s to cows and 1nv ne, healing effect::. on t11e stomach o.nd bowels, IN a. crowded hotel ui Olno a newly ar hefo10 ::i.nd after they d.rop theu you1 g - and m fact the whole system alenq with A little pang "1 misdoubt troubled lier don t want to know Hes left us for her when she glanced over the note then tears a.nd us old folks 1vill ]um for her too rl·ed em1grn11t and ."Judge wore put to The pov. rlers put thcn1 in good cond1t1on the rt: per1ncn ~ting aud restoratn e act1011 on stole from undet her lash(!!.s a11il George Ma1y JUS u turn them cakes around, seems sleep in tho same room and as tltE!y were and give them strength t o care o.nd pro the hve1 kidneys skin &c wo say on ac c )llnt of then s tperior luahhea the Pilla retit mg the iudge said J\ly good man vide for thcnr sucklings aaw her tendet Jnouth quiver and tremble as if they re bnr111ng are pl eed on sale as a Family ll1edicme When Mary bad turned th.. cakes Mra you d have had to otay o. Long time in Ire that when she hnd fin shed it oho laid her Pov.ERTY 13 bad but the worst kind of Tm <c is a young lady In llfolford who Clements was leaning on tl1e nrm of her land bero1'o you could htne roomed with a. poverty lS poverty of blood thl8 makes a has bec1 taken rnus c lesaons on the head do\11 h on his sho 1lder nnd cried " It Wtlfl cruel to le.t you t:1ee it 1uy chair 3udge That· ·o said tha emtgrnnt man poor rndeed for it. takes awa.y }us for t1on1 0 e ght years The other day zihe ' Mary e:tlppostn you stop on \i;-1th us coolly eutvey1ng his room ina.te, 'but you d strength courn.go and energy but enrich sent an order -to u mu1nc store in New wounded birdie Let mo burn 1t Yon tho blood ;v1th its vita.I c1crnent 11 on by are my precious datl ng and don t for another month yet anyhow 1 ho De·oon have had to stay a great deal longer m tal<mg the Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide Ha--veu a nd fearing her epelhng might not be )list rig! t ·dded the postcript You get what our Bible says that a man sh111l will it all right Ireland before you conld have become a of iron), and ) ou will feel rtch and as must ex kews this letter, ao I pl& bi noat "It 1sn t the money I caru for, Mis Judge Try 1t good as anJ body lean father and moth6" and cle~ve to ltlo but spell bi ero Clements I only ;nsh I might stay al way· You don t know how much I lovo you Love us' do you Bloss your heart If poor George had only prnkod you out what &comfort it would be to u· ~u But it oan t be helped now She sighed wearily, then glanced out of the window looked a. moment and then throw d-0lli n ho .. work "Bless my soul, If there our son George commg up tl1e De&eon Deacon George a commg And all hor motherly love rushmg to to her hee.rt, ohe hurried out to meet him Oh, the welcoming, the repron.1hee:, the caresses, the determinu.-t1on to love him st.ti, doapite poor mnoccnt httlo Morton Then when tho tabla had boon sot m the noxt r om by Mary 1 deft fingers and ahe llnd rE!turned to her 'west garret, llrs C o its opened her he~rt fhore 1 no use talkm George this fine fancy lady o yours ll never rnut me Give me a smart girl hke l\.'Ia.ry Snuth and 111 ask no iuore Come in to supper now Mary Mary She raised he1 t oioe to call the girl when a low voice nen.r her surprised her Oh you dressed up in honor o 1uy boy 'V ell I n1ust confess I never kne ~ you had such a ha.nct~ome dress and you look hke 11 1ncturo vnth your ncb off and the1u .ahort bobbin cu' George this is Mary Sm1ch my Geo""ge cn1ne through the cloor and gll\nced ca.relesaly n.t the corner where the young woman stood Th·n with a cry ·prnng with outstretched ~rm· to meet tho bttle figure th&t sprang mto them The Deacon and Mrs Clements stood ln ipecchJe1us amazement Then Ma.non all blushes and tearful mules, went over to the old pair ond took their hands " I atn George 8 w1fo 1 \VM so afnud you would never love me so I C!'L ne de termmed to wm you 1f I could J\fother father may I be your daughter? I And a h&ppier famiIY wh en thoy h · d exhll-uated their powers of surpriso a.mazo mont and pnde 111 the beautiful Marion, never gave thankl!!I over a suppe1 table _ _ _ · - - -- TREAT THE COWS KINDLY ln 1828 Sturm and Colladon mado A senes of expernnenta at Lake Geneva. Switzerland to determine the rate of t1ansnus:non of l!Ound through water Ihe sour ds \VCTe produced by atJrilnng · bell s uspended fro1n It boat at a. suitable rlepth 1n the wator while the obaervera weie stationed lll anothet boat at a d1.1 ta.nee and Iece1ved the son orous impress 101 s through a long meta.l.lio tube, the lower end o.f wluch was closed by a mem brane a1 d immersed at a. coniuderable depth Ul the water In these expenment. tho bell 'v( ighed about ono hundred and thtrty pound,, and the oound WM heard at a Jisto.nce 1f about 14 000 yn.rda Du11ng the recent siege of ParUl thet at. i en1pt 'vas made to obtain telegraphic com tnu11icatlon with the proTmcea by th.UI device of tran.sin1ssion of sound through water u1d the Minister of I>ublic orb confided the necesisary experiments to M Luc" who reports the followmg result. J he experiments were conducted u m the fonner metanco and made 1n the lli vcr Saine Two bells wero employed, one of about eighty pounds and the other of seven hundred pounds weight In the ease of the first the sound \Vas tr&namitted lo a distance of about 1 800 ) ards, whilo m the case of tho second la.rgor bell O>l!y to 1 500 yards Thero wao t herefore no ga.u1ed by the 1ncre&11e in the size of the b~ll-1n fa.ct thero w&a a lou The grnat dimmulion m the di1t&nc:e to whicn the sound has conToyed 1n hia ex per1ment.s HJ accred1t~d by bl Lucaa to wa.nt of depth. ln the watem of the Seine as con1pared with those of Gene'f& - N c,tu1 e aurZ & 1 for necembe-r "T I. Butter Ma.king in Winter Tlte art of makmg good butter vintel seen s not to ha understood ta r 111~rs lll tho bf our wives In the fast place the oow1 ahould be .,., eU fed con1fo1 tably housed and. with free acceHs to 'vater The 1nilker 11hould bu very c neful not to pt:rm1t any of th~ stable droppu1gs to drop into the milk while 1n1lK11 g To prevent tlus the illnng should not be done 11nt1l after the cov.a have been '\\a.tered or the bag 1 icely w1p d ~ th L wisp of Rtr:nv \~h e n tho nulk lf:I brought ui it ahould be shamed 1ninH:Hhataly and. warmed 1ntli nearly as ;,-ar111 &S hot uiah wa.ter, b tt not scalded H a large amoa.nt of lk lt can be warmed in a large bo1ter b t if only flon1 one or two co w1:t it oau b~ v.armed in the pans on the 1toTe, ind \\hen warmed it should b· aet en a rack or shel v~a near the c ,ok. &tove The in1l I should be skimmed w1th1n forty: 01ght hours If the nulk fails to aour, 9' )Ur mdk should be added to the cream The cream should not stand over one week If there should nut be cream sltllicient to churn add n1il k to make a churrnng When churnmg 1s to be done let !Jo1lml( water stand in the chum until the churn is 'v :i..r1ned through then let the cream be pl iced on th e stove or the Teimel contain 1ng 1t to b"' pla.ced in liot wate.r and con sta,ntly stirred cint1l the creo.1n tn.ste1 warm, th en iu1n1ed1ately ei:uptj the cream Into the clu rn and churn y ur butt.fir it will co1ne ui from ten to thirty 1uinute1 'When the butter is nicely Beparn.titd from the buttermilk rmse it down wuh cold then take it mto a butter bowl and wonr It well in cold l\:ater until the butt eiffillk rn out then add one ouuco rYl salt to one pound of butter for market, nnd one and a quarter for fa.1uily use Tho next day 1t ahould bo worked over s.nd n1ade into b&lls or packed in atone Jara for future use EverJ farmer should have plenty of carrots in order to oolor the butter ta winto1 1 ha carrot is to be grated aud sunme1ed in water or sweet milk over the sto'e an hour or two then atr&.1n cd into the crea1u JU&t before churning The rea.son why butter ia apt to be b1tter in ,v1nter is beca.uae the mll.k: stands too long for the cream t o ri1e , honce the necessity of 11ettb11g the milk 1n tt 1"farn1 place The p&M m winter m·J be hlleu I tll l J l I 'IV··

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