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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1872, p. 4

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CAN.ADI.AN S'r.A.TES1V1A:N , l52!S- - .- ·· -- BO'WlV[.c'\J~~rVILLE, TO L ET. " (..'I mst . mas t ime . comes once a yenr, ----~·-- Fall- Operiing l AUTUMN FASHIONS! Ani l when it comes it brings good cheer." At presen t wo1·ke1l by t.!n: m1 b>1cri lwr. P ossession\ g\vco. jn u ncdia.t1>l y. ir"<if· Only 1111 ·.:i! uess of t he kind m l owu- pl cul,y of cui:;tmo. · nLr e chu.nce fOJ' a goutl .P lW1pmakcr . I~ , I "T~r;R ~~-~1: & ~.~~P I I SILVER. Bc:rvn na n villo, 1\'fa y ::;.:; 1871. rI'IrURSDA.Y, DECEMBER 26, 1 B 7~. I Pay up :u1d · ALL P AR'l' fJI'l ' u u dorsigllcd r _·eque::tod t o pay ~l l.! hefm e \ he fu·st of Fcbi·unry n~xt and save t r ou b1 8. Save 'i'r m 1ble \ lrVa u t cd , . PANT, o]IVES'l' A:KD O COAT· lNDEB'r ED T<, THE ·I"' ./J !t'IAK EU.S. Ocons t u.nt employ IW'ment. A pply a t F. T. H0f1 KIN. D wrnan v:l. llc, Jan. 3,1872. F'. F. MoAHTH UR'S ' 23-tf Bowmanville, Sept. 18, 1872. '"-ood tor S:llle. la ud , bein g n orth 11a.lf of lot 5, 4 .th l'n .l. Darin t011, ie offered for Hale ln lots '.lO ]1 urch a elri, or in ono lot. Apply- on the p r01nifm1-1 J Al\IIES V E A 1 .E. Da.r1ington, Ju ly:~. 1872. l6· L.f. · T S ave Your Bones A ud get 50 cts. 100 lbs. for thfiln, a t HE WOOD ON FJF1'Y AORl1;s OF Y OU:N'G & BRJTTAIN'S. Onta.rlo Street. P . S.- 'rh oy m us t bo dry nn il clonn. Prepare for your C hr.istmas ·Pudding. Prepare for your Christmas by Vi8tting ~IF .l.T..l.. · fi FOR FIWM ONJ· : TO TWEN . agn1 centD. !Sp1ay . LOANS 'rY yeu"j tohercpo; d in b>.Cnlm cn t;s to suit \ I bor1·o w e 1·s , \V J.O lll' l.l a llo' " etl t o 1;.mk n tinch 1ui.y m on t.s, i n n.ddi lina 1.o inRLal rn ur il.3, r.:i t hey ruay fln~l c o11,· e ll le.n1, rnu.y h e n bt.'.ti 11(;l1 fi:oui Oic e n. n.o.,d1~ Pe1:m r~ nent Huild1ng 1 ).r: d Sti..viug S ociety , Cake~ New and Ruh Dre~s C:ood~. by applyn1i:; t n Prepare for your Christmas 'festivities, &FPl" fuDd8 to loa11. F'AHJilWELl~. Mct}EE & UUTLEDGJ;. Rolmiturs, Bovo:na.nville. · 6l l J.&W. J. A1'~J!URT RY & CO. .II.RE NOW SHOWING 1 New fi ve year~ Bus iness 1( 1 Cordw oocl as rapidl y as possible, will p.!1.l; to good ca-oppers the following prices: During the mont h of Oct-0b0r, 80 c on ts per co1·d, D urin g the mon t hs of Noven1bor a nd Dccmu ber, 16 c e nts per oord. e-0~3. a n d aft-Or J ·a nuary l ot, 1873, 70 oonts per TO T to wo T HE UNDERSIGNJtD WISHING ln.S have t ho ·wood on fifty a..crcs of la.nd out 3-tf, Choppers Wanted! B o a rd and Lodging. OR TRRRE RE St'ECTABLE boarrl h r lloPl)l,-ing ~IRS . v eraons cn.n ob ta in JOHN FARE W1'LL. J{ j ng St. B oWil_lo.nyille. t;ito a1· Hails and Posh!. 1 . 1 ALSO, 'V .A.NTE.u, - I mHE SUllSCRIBERBEGSRE!>PECT- McClung Bro's Grocery Department. Mu r doch B ros · aol vc d to open bus1nmo.<> on Ji13 own twcou nt lU 11 Ji'ULLY to inform t he public t.hat as M r . R . Reed's l1t1sinci:;i; hn~ cLa ng ed . huiuh, lw hac; r,e· the s hop t.wo d oom Virest ot' j\lnr(l och BroA. : I wh e r e ho will k.oe p on h1;1, nd a. flrs~-c.J u,~:o etouk ot' j expcricnco in t.!e trade 1r1oro tlluu the T HREE T E A I\1S T EHS, or deliv ered. ANY QUAKTITY OF GOOD O:EDA ' :_ ~lo.Us and P os ts for !!al e, eith er at the etUI. 1p p JAM ES V EAL, Dar liuglon. Doo. <th, 1811. - - ··. . TO DRAW WOOD. Ptl.rMcula'"S made known on applic&tion to the oubscdber . Bon.rd will b e prov ldNl for workn1eu on the prt'Jn1i.8os, if dosir ed · I Lot 5, £th C<1t--. 19tf 'r ' D oots and Shoe>; fHJ.ltD.,hlc for Lhc !~en.son . Order i.vork will' have Id s 11rom \Jt attt>ntini.1. 'T'wrmt.y 'I I\' otic c ' · lio.vo opened out an in1n1@n11e St.ock of TITOS. THOM.~S. · QQDS N E V\T F AL l- G · p eople i:cally wtrn.t. .J;.I-o Ua:; J,l1erefo r1~ no dou bt o( bei ng tt."lilo L o g ivu s&tiafaution htst Lwo or which b o h r.s Rpcn t '<Ls c nttc-r, a.u d / g\ cncr.111 n1n nugc r il1 l\f r. Re1 ~rr e eSl lthlish me tit, las glvenhiiu opporLlHtltioa of Jco:rniug w hat t he j t o all v:bo sh all fnvor him with n. call, nnd ho_Pos b :r giYing due a tten tion t o b ueincss Lo rceru ve a Ja.11· 8.liu.r c uf 1m.lJlie support. J . SMALE. I J I A · FULI, ASSORTMENT OP' - N. D.-A.11 p ersona indeb ted to .T. TIIOMAB, by note or b ook account, for Bl~..cka 1nith 's \\'01·k, are :r9<1.ueeted to se tt.Io the illlillodiately-. 12-t f. D owm::i.nville, Oot. 16, 1872. in lh e b lt siness la tely ca.rried on by m e ln Dow1nan ville to nn· sonsCho.1 ·los ~f. and{am H . Cn.i.-v k f!t,'by r eq_uest nll those indebted to me hy book accou nt or ot h erwise, to ca.ll and settic for th·wit h . Bowm.o.nville, J an. 9th , 18i2. R AVING SOLD OU1' MY INTEREST ELTZABETH CAWKE R . - 24-tt. No stems in McCl ung Bro'. s Raisins. No dirt in McClung· B ro's Currants. No impurities in McClung· Bro's Spices Gr e1Lt care has boon tak en in · buying tho Stock, and as nothing but FIRST-CLASS GOODS have been purchased, Customers can rely on getting good value fo r their money. ·1 The r.ew stock ·will br, ovcne(t Wm. H . l.ol1'c , D .A.J, .L.B., Otl §atunfay,. HUa Em~t:rn1t. R cmcn1lmttbo nlacc, c_,yo tloorn lVcst of l\:[u rUoch 13l'OS. J. s. GOODS, --AN D- - ARRISTER AND ATTORNEY-ATB LA , V, Solicitor in Cha n cery and InsolTMiC'f &c., &c. fflce 011 81l v et S t ree t , D'nYman1."ille, Phote~~~aphy I tin e n o w Gallo1·y, on loa ntcr1nJ.. to;;i:;i a. 0a 1y l&-U J J. 0. & R . H . Ifenry . A v 'Es:Ec UilED MR s:mx'.roN'S I H Co rn~r .MILL INERY. EVER.YTIIIN G N EW, [STYLISH & CHEA A FUT.T , STOC K OF THE For Sale. 'I'. DA.Uif,I NG'l'O l\' , H -i\S just received. a quRntity STC "<E CCTTAClE ON . LIBERTY R ing S t. . s.t reol .at pr es,,.nt oc .:upte<l by J . Cb rlatie, Eaci. b ta t 1 on n._ g P.nt . l\or J1a r t1cnla.:rs e n q u ire of W m.1'HOMPSON, of King & Temperance Streete, Excellent F all F lour for Christmas pastry, (Entrance opp0t:1itQ c t1tr11n 0e t·O 1'own :U all, on 'J'c11111 cnwv ~1 S~ roe l) . I I I . 1· Choice fancy Biscuits .Plain and Figure-! Lustres, P I:1orror~ . ..u R ... P lain and Tar tan for Christmas guests, Wool Poplins, · Dress Goods · I t will b o t.l 1 ei1 · J\im lo i;ivc ~:i.U ;; factbn tu i.tU w110 ORANGES, L EMONS, COCOANUTS, PEANU'l'S, Al1>0,, K enneth CttmJJbell's cc lobr itt ccl i:.;oda Water, L einonade a nd Sarsapa rilla, v ery ; suitable for stunmcr rl.rinks . A ll th e ,·e will be kept cou stantlv on hau d during t he hot weat her. ~ Da1·1i11gto n h a.a just receh ·ed a not h or lot of ve ry fine ~rE.A.8 , vrhioh \Yill be sold cllcn.p for B o wu ·inviJlc ~Iay 26, 1871, 'l'o IC,e nt. Con . 5, Cartwr ight. 'l'he n1oat of tho hind h a.s been in pa:::it_ l l.l'c a n d mc o.dow fo r 10 y earH. A q uan tity of fullen c ed1tr or oxcallen t qua lity fol' S(l.le. A p ply to . . ReT. Cnrtwr igh L ,S ep t. Oct. -1t h , 1871, nmy lavo1· tJ..ien1 "/i;_l"l a cn.11 oi Uu.;r Gid l ~1·y n~ thei r A BOUT 50 ACHES OF LOT No. 14 in OSHAWA OR BOW11ANVILLE. 'l'hcy mnk~ a ll $Lyl.cs auJ size::! o" f i\, ~ r~ F inest -G r o cerie8-,, ,V'. L OO.AN , -p·:.Ts .... J[.l. , SALT AND PLASTER ALWAYS ON HAND. cash. Bowmanvillc, Ont. - -- lU-tf· --·· - - - - - - - - -- Boo k !Hindin,;. f Rich old Cheese for the Christn"las table. At McCLUNG BROS. · Metz Cor ds, Figur ed Repps,~ Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of' other new Dress Goods. LETTERG RAPHS, P l1 otogrl;lph s in poJ'c(·la1u o:.: i V"ot'Y ~ plnln or Col· Ol'Cd. P h ot~;.{l'llPi' ~ !1 1 1i:-ili <~d .i ·1 ln~ia Ink or So· p rn., and colored c.:.,t.he1· 1 n The·highest price paid for Butter & Eggs. A S.n :n cmorian1 . GAINST E XPENDITUlt£S in honor of t h e dead, :ticavcn h as no (ll"Ohibition, uud F~u rth is not 11uu r ed, lJut bonetltt.ed, by t.h cm. All t hose bQo.utiful cn1blcms w h.ioJt a do rn t.11e HltUIY totn b s at·ou nd w hich ·w e love to linger, ass ur e u s u r o in o. worhl of warn_ \ nnd lo,·in g h cal't,3 ; th o 11dorn ing of' th o sepulch r e3 of the " loved on cS" a lleviates our grief and soothes t ho wounded hoa11i. It a lso cheel'a r,ho be reo:v-ed to ku rnv that an ·additional embellishment of t he grave prese nts s t r onger a t traction s t-o n:rreat t ha u.ttcn· tion of U:e a L r a nger, and · causes him to p o.uae and le a rn the na.zno of one who has shared f!O largoly in tho lov e o l' otlle ra. We take t hls method to inform you that ' ""e c an fill orders.for decor ating tho - graves of ·dopa.rted frie nds a t lo w :figu r es, ex ecu ted in t h o bosi s tyle of workmans hip. ~lt~o red RAVING BOOKS, ·111AGA· ] :>ERSONS . ZIN .B:S, Po..1npWcts, or anything in t h e book: line. wh ich they wish L o h ave bo und, e&n h aTe t h eir or der s filled in t he neatcatnnd most durable tjliylc, a n d on t h u s hort est not ice, by lea ving t b em. a t Lhc S'l'N1'ESMAN office. Bring alo.1g ;your bind- WATERP~~ c~~o~,:~LOURS, , T11ey als o prep are(! to inak: ~ [ SIGi'lJ OF 'I'HE GOLDJ~N LION, I 1 11g. w. R. CLTMIE. 1 Street , Bo"·manville. There never was such TEA at t h e price · ALL KINDS OF VIE WS, Black Alpaccas, S uoJ1 as views of JW3idcuccs and Ga:rdous Croq uet and P ic-uic G1·m lp..~ . Fi:oi·sca, Cattle, &.-c., Double vVarp Ji2i.':" ParUculqr aite.ntion ;xiia t:o the co1n;ln{J Black Lustres, cutd r cpro(luct wn of old and f aded 1n"ct1u-es. B o\Y1n a.nvi1le, J lUl e 6th, 18·72. t5-tf. Blad>: Cobourgs, - - ---·-------- - -Black Paramatta.s, S.G. W ebster L .D.s. Black Crepe Cloths, - --~ -w;~ited 1A IC1nploymcnt. I m m ediately. HOEMAKER , CACon !!tn.nt .. .. 'pt1-ble o ( il o\n g general w ork. F IRST-0 LAS.5 . B owmanyillc, J1u1c 19t h 1872. JOHN SMALE . 'Two f D w elli ng Hou!lelil f'or · Sal e, N REASONABLE TERMS, I N A d.csir ablc locu.lity in tl)e Torvn of "Rowin n.n) · F or par tknl a r s 11,pl)ly to R. & H . O'HAR A, l\.farket .Buildinge. ;,..t{. ,.Bowmauv llle. as the Everybody's Christmas · Tea, at fifty cents At McCLUNG BROS. Bowm&nville, Dec. 10, 1812. AND 1 MONUME2'.ifTS, TABLE~'S, E'rc .· OF TIJ1: lr:t.'l'EST QUALIT Y OF BLACK METZ OOR.DS. l I NEW !TA A.1..V & ..1 .l'J.EJU CA1\l.i1f.A RBI,E AND - -- ----------;-- - - - - --·-----. - SCOTCH AB1'RDEEN' GRAK I1'E, auppliod. on shor t -notice. Ev-e r ything · to Cemetery w ork will m eet w ith p_rompt attention, . by lc a.ving orp~rtaining l\"oti l?.e. · ders w1t'.h OTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN, THAT N T will not bo reEiponBJb le fo r any debts eon tra 0ted by my son , 'V i1liam J amoe Sulley. W ILLIAM SULLEY. Darlin gton. J un e 1~. ISiL C. BOUNSALL, MILLINERY I Surgeon D e ntist I T HOSE WHO HAV E Al.~'I' :U:Fl.C:R:AL HENR-Y ELLIOTT, J r., 'The exhibition of J,\fillinery and , , ...._ Millinery Goods is very ex.ten. sive, and in trimmed trimmed .. " a per C¥ fit Ul U i r- 1 n.o:= t illii1<.: ult ca~e;:; . S. G. ,V, has Deon ~-c;.T 2ucces:,fuJ in in se1~l, i ng F a ll a.)11.d Winter Dry Goods l , ' Ch~s. S'ilver - ATE 'l'h::it.don't fit, wouhldowe]itogirohit11 0.~ cu.J!. AT T I~ G ';JS IGroceries, C r ockery T~eth .Guaranteeaj C .HEAP F OR CASH. T T ]_~ Delng 11.h out to 1 11a.'k e I\ f:i In h ie bue:1UC*!i'l ' vJU sell h i s stook of P 1·0 B ono Pnblleo. 1rne l)f I.h e k nift'., by D ft . B . P.A.T'l ERSON. A LL KI NDS OF CANCERS 'AND ..L-:l.. T umors<e n out antl c1ir "Jd withollt the j ~iC~st~-.-fi~ri;ferences giv en i n 130..,,·nianvWo o.n~ OFFI0.1£-Ch urch St.r cet, Bow rua.nvlllc. Bo..,vman villc. Ji'cb. 21st, J.872. 30-tf. The GLASS MID S'l'OK E WARF:, Bowmanville, Oct. 10th, 1872. A.T COST ! Corn fo r Sale, W ho l e o r Cracke d· 16-39-tf. Call at once if you wa.nt ARTIFICIAL PALATES, HAMPTON.- AT Ofl'eI11 for sale one of the most CX~l;.~ive l\Ud complet<J aijSOrtmel\tS of 1 Good~ t o be found in c. m try store in Ontario, s ·where f h r:y hoYC hven dc ">t royct1 by diccn.sf\ 01· the result. of eon g-mlita J defect.. If ·.l ·on value yu lU' . h et\l t11 tlo.a't ucglect ..vou t· 'l'cetll. j F' u · 10 s . ~fA1n1tuu. PR ICES Go to f1u trns MO D E11AT E . 6l ·tf 1or ,, BARGA I NST J olin lll cDougall. ~!Votic e . Comfort. YO TJ PLE ASE, th~ou b ,,,.V10 .All per sons i to h im wi ll plons'e call a nd settl e at once, - - - · ----- · - -- - -------rriH E :MEMBERS ()}' VOLUNTEER ...L .1 \filiti:t nn d o ~hcro who have b een in the 1 JJf eer sdiauin ancl B 'l"ie1· P 'l'.p es o.ud ull kind s o fTobti-t:c Q ni~Vs goods 1 a s pe ciali t y . any BAY WI-I T \\,rhnn J ohn k<iY holes REME111DER THE PLAOEOne dooi· o.f E". Y , Cow tc's. Bo~vmn.nvllle, -AND- R umnS f?rmorll oconp fcd by ·r, .J ..Jon es. over F . AilcArthur s sto1·c, Kiui; ~t., Downui. Yillc. .. L o,1872. fi,111~ ~11 1 !.m g flg:nre!> upo n t:1';e wind ow pa.nes, he s tr ikes terror to the mn l Littule t.h1n.K n ot of h is a pp r oach. To prevent sudden attack upo n JJli ysical sy 8 t em s. li'ro~t r eigns it Kin g St~et iS with a tyrants sway: n ot content with ,·;histling Nov. 27. 1872. 18-tf. DRY GOODS, GROCE RI ES, "HARDWARE, · e ROCKERY, B O OT~ and SHOES, l\£ARKUS PA I NTS, OILS, PATENT ~MEDICIN ES. BONNETS, every taste can be consulted, as the variety is so great. In . hus recei VNl such a sLouk of F U.H. s , .that h e is p repared to auppiy all comers 3.ll d in s p1 tc of t.b c Frost Kin g ' MAYER AND Ills ' 'T anted, ~ ti·adeernan.tvit bln , 15 m i nutes \'l' of t he factory. Cal l ut t h is office . h1 .Lhi t of )?ra.ct.lcing w it,h l>t~ll cart.ridge on tho fl'n.t, will pl e1if>e bear in m ind t ba.t from the prc:w nt t in1 e, an~ c o1 : Jent, hitl1orto g h ·en by me l s absolntcly ·wn,h dnLW H ; and a ny one found . wilfully fli fie p raotlce nftm·thls u ot icc nl u st be d ealt with a s the law directs, F. R ·.\.YNES. Fl owma.1i-Pillo. :hlay 30,187 22-tt A . OOMFORTABLE ROUSE, FOR A - - --·-· - - - - -- --- - -'\V:i n t e d ! J., WrLL .Ii:F~ EP AL L COSY W'AI ~M. provided tliey e n t:ru st t.h em ljclvcs to h is protection. ------- - - - ------· A MIDDLE-AGED MAN AND WIF E ~ 'l'h~ - UAILHOAD ~ cov1ms, and Sleig h Robes, Fur Caps, COLLAR J;TS, GI.DYES , LADIKS' l\UN'K, CREPE, A LASK A Jlil.C N1(, .A ND G l~Rl\f.AN SETS, &c., . lUld First Prize Cu ltivators . 1Ju'°n would rt)(llliTo to underrstaud gardanttlg and t.lLo c:a i-e of horses. F or })a1ticu..lcu-a i.i.plJlY t o . Bo,Yma.n'°"1llo, ...1.ugtist 21, 1872. .. a ::i gener a,! sor ,ru.nta Jn n ema.11 !ru.nliy I ·· , -- - ate ; 1 ot up iu the best style, ar o well worthy inspection . . His GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made to order in t he latest and m()at a.pproved manner, and on the shortest notice, from Fashiomible and earefully selected Clothes and Tweeil~. The latest New York F aabion Plates ~egularly received. l FOWERS, AN n FEATHERS, .LAOES, ETC., B NOUNCE that h o lirt.s roceive11 . DYE well a ~ I ! ut s. . A call at the cornel' o f 'co a.tock or Genuine Dr1}6'"'5 and En glish 11nte.uchug purchasers, 1rte~ 1em1c.Lls. Also , 1 1 s1;leu-1.lid stock of t,ho rnoGt.. ca refully sclccted ,_; Eowl.:D.a u\illc, Oot. 10. 'i:. l'. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, EGS RESPEO'l 'FULLY 'l'O AN- .11' ~TLEMJ~N·s F URNI SHINGS J ,~.Jl repaired. Highes~ price in .paid .for r&w ~ A UE FU LLY A S S.OR'l'ED. ,I{. kinds of ] 'urs altered and l{1ng cash S ilver Strocta "·ill be to th e adva.nt ago of · . 1i-I.A.R KUS MAYEU. the attention of fo,r:mcrs t.o the on e·horse and tw0-b or;se Iron Cult.ivat or sn1anufactured by him, and i.vlnc h h' for s!x y ears obtained th'st prizes a t Provin cial and Local F air::i. Ther are . undoubtc:dl:y tl1e best inipl l:lmeu t of the kind in u so, and w1U 1n a very s hort t im e . morl'I t h an repay t h eir cost, t n tho c ffi.c loncy and excelleucc of their work. Iri apeotion invited. .A supply of C ul ti vat ors now on hand fo t" tho aprin g work, and ,Yill be sold at loweat r ates. , T HE SUBSC:!1IBER WOULD DHtECT b. D. SPALDING, E sq., S c ugog Stroot 4--tf. ' I For Sale. In.the Town of llow1nanville, Twenty¥ eight acre· of ,land bolonj:ing to e·tate of the lato DAYID DOWNEY. For p&l°" ticulars enquire of IRON HARROWS or a l!luporior kind , n.ltio on h tt u.d. STUFFS! I I B UGG I ES AND WAGONS h THOMP SON & BURNl'l. Bowtnanville, May 23rd, 1872. 4, HENRY ELLI OTT, Jr. Hampton, Nov. 19th, 1872. wh1qh caunot be B 1n·paseed fi.or ox ciellency of Qllal1 t.y An IIBBOI"tID.Ollt of .Ai1 ilin o Dyeri kept oon stn.ntly on hand, t o g~the r w!r h a ch oice s e· lectlon nf B A R GAINS. ~~n e~a.utly on hand fOr e:a.le. ----.----·-·- -- -- - --ll R EA KF A~rr. -ErP'B CocoA.-UllaTS:Ft.rL Co:MFORTIKG. - " By a t horough kno,~ledge of the n atura l lawe which govern the opera tlona of di· gestlon nnd n utrition, a ad by a careful o.pplic.!l· tion of th o fine iiropertles of well-eelocted cocoa Mr. Epps has pr o vided our broakfa.s t tables wit h a delicately fla v ored b everage whic h ron.y &&v r, u s many heavy d ootor a' bills.'.'-Civil .Service Gazette. ~inde simp1y · wit h · Boili u ~ ,\ Va ter on. ~Iilk. we claim to have t he finest assortment to be found. DRU GS, CH EMTCAI,S, PATENT MEDICJNBS, BRUSHES, COMBS. . SHOULDER·IlHA CES, lSUPP ORTERS, &c.. ,,_o, OlIJS, W A.Jlkl.nde: of Dlacksm.tth wol-k d oue on lhortcat notice. A oall sollcitod . I 1 , Ch ea p · TS t .f E -11J3I . W OTT.- Bowm anvll - - --- ·--··--- - - - --·-·- GREAT BAR GA.INS ARE NO'V GIVEN· AT 'l'HE packet 1 s l a b f'llled-" J AME15..E PPs& . -i:>~~S0.1'7" ~ ~· M. <J~ In Black arid White REl.L LACES AND PAINTS, . COWR\ARNJSH[8, · · n.ncl ' VHlTELEAD 1 I j 1 Co .. :HornmopaL blc Ch emis ts, X..onrlon ." .Alrro maker!!' o~Epp s's M ilky Cocoa (Cocos. u.nd C on~ d~nsed Milk}. --~ -·---- -- , , , , MANtfFAOTt n ums - L 88 .At tlfe vety luvrest prices. 411 .A.ND D1ULERS IN .· HORSE AND. CATTLE MEDICINES. N · B .-Cnuntry Sto r(';pe l:! kcr ~~ supplied on ad .'la.Util.goou::i terillJJ Corner AG E . N CY BOOTS AN D 01": EVER Y SHOEST AND CHI LDR EN'S Store D ESO J:! I PTION. c ARR IAGE s·-1 -1 Jam e s -~Morr is, I RESP ECTFULLY IN th a uks to th e public wo ul d f~1· f11,&t· li'bcral p , g Jronagc, tLH ~h. n~ he is n ow pr~IJ<M"Oll to J111 all o;rde rs m lns 111 : e ltl ~t 1nrtru~Cl' :>Cr.:·~·.U ll to no c .:.- m PUBLl C l~I~[' ~l' ED mT 1 OJ' TJIE B OW llfANVI L L U FURN I TU RI! MAXUFACTU RING CO. I HE) SUBSORIBER HAYING BEEN o.ypoint Cd rctnfl n.~cnt GE NTS', LADIES', MISSE S' L OPINION vVE L L gomEES, TEA PARTIES, BALL SUPPERS, PUilLIC DINNER S, WEDDING CAKES E:urn1t11rc 1\1a.n n ft~c tn r1n g Co., ta now in a poelR 1011 t o Jill a ll ord~rs a t as Jo w a rate as n n:; deal~ . bf t h e Bo·1 1rrnanville lin t..he cou nty. ·26 FELT Gaiters a nd Balmorals in great · varieties. kept constantly FE.L -T ' Ovor-shoesRUBBJTIRS and V on hand, 1.110 COLLA RS, R OB'r . S l\!A.N NI;l; G. -~ RE1'UR:-!ING has f ully jhot.i1ieU*thc or igino.1 idea, that at th~ "Corn<;r Store ,, you c_ an get T im Q uebec . lll.n1b hcr ( 'mn pany We have a large a5sortment Uthlmlunent ·in 1 .ho COl.lut;es. ND SU ITED B EG TO CAI,J, '!'B:E ATTENTION CJ.f t h e· pu blic t q their If ew Style of Patent Clasp Felt Boot, ·a g t·c n.t. irnpr <J-Ve n.u mt., llo_ i. n g n v; ay w;Lth all- "::"' .,... a large qu antity of TRUNKS- Saratoga and others--for sale. ' satisfied that it is . .. We AT PRICES TO UI j ) C~EA P Wo.tob. ~duo.1 the publlo !IQ GOO DS OU R STOOI~ - o"l' ·- J ....-~i-torwr.rd t radina 111'f a1JU ~ d; o.ll t h a t. w o aSll.. for ourgoo<1s ts ifo1nps.~on- then Jet him w ho h1;t,i'! m 0rit btui.r t.11e palm. to patroniY-e ne, n.ntl y:e fear !}O competition where CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS. Jk., riJ ANUli' ,!_CTlJG.ED I~ .L~ STYLb: OE~lKl.!:D. §till Allca d. ·/ u oy nn ce from L he ohl s t yle or "" "J" nm! buckfto, For EU.I('. by l ~O O'r AN D S IIO IJJ D EALER$ Gl\:NE.fU.LLT ; H t~ it:U"e Chance · or d esirou s o! getti n g into n better pay on o should not fail to send $ 1..00 for ! 11 ll partiou, ltu·s, ins tru ctions a nd sa m ples. "l\"]lereby they will be ena bled to uu1.kc frmn ~ I I)(){) LO $SOCIO p~r aD.;u!~;_ t" 1.1 s;;; A:ND ON '1'Illl: SHOR'IES'r 1\'0'l'ICE . ALL ORDES ·will RECEIVE our BESJ' ATTENTION. OlilTOM WORK made to otder 11udor the mnnagement of MR. J. R E ED, wh o .... boon the ltadiog workrrrnn in the Pioneer Boot & l:llwe S~oro for the p~· I 16 y·aro. Rem en"ilie l' that J1 oi;J1 ing- liut i-1:10 bee t mn.teriul Is U. '1ed.,. and best ~\- 01·.k[UC.a crr1plov~ d - thus e 11sueing u u1·:~b ility , t-J!eg:u1ce Si1 d eo.rufnrt.-·the lnost. importru1t reql_!isile s iu f~ c un w~ y~n oc . Hcpo..h· l n,,,. \~ in all b runc.he.'J of tlte t r ade 1 1rcmpLl)l l.\t.Leo_ de1 t.o. A LL PERSONS OUT OF BUS{Nll:Sll Caril23:: ;:::::":,Mont:-~· fiENUY F. I,EMO N'~' .. ..--..:....~.a. Got U}l in tbc best atylc a n d on reason a ble terms b~· t h e s u bscriber. 'fho wh1teat, t he sw eetest a nd best bread delhrert1<l dally to cus tomera ~ in a ll parts of i:.he town, 15-3 Ru~.,;·t i'oung:, e conomicnl ALEX . . F LETCHER All W o:rk G'tuwanteed ltis:Rep resented; .i..nd from our fl'.cilities we feel confrd~nt that- we can place beforn t,_he Tweeds, :F'ancy Coatings, Pilots public super\or. g?otls at same rates 8.;5 .those charged by others in the Beavers, Petershams, Meltons, trade infenot article. 2 more first-class workmen wanted·-none I . &c,, &c., &c., ALI, K INDS OF I ~&-d ~ . . THE HIGHEST PRICE 1N cAsH FOR HIDES. ANDEBsoN &1 co. 1!.-Tillt, W'll " N~v, 18, J.81~. Reed'~ Olil. s t.,nd. it, I' 1 ue roun ,n~sua II r. f/ BLACKSJYIITH SA'l'ISF'ACTOHILY WORK, Do~m / IN A SUPERIOR MANNER. u .A. '1' 1'~ of t h e Ontario V c tel'i'm~r:v college, to in:·on n t he i nlrn.L i lt~ 1 i ts of H o~· o 1aJ1vil1e a ufl >JUTl'O u nd! n ~c ocunry t hat he. hns eon1meuccd L be JH'aoUce of n is llroi'cssion, und caH he con »u lk d 11.:'l to t he disease& of hol'ses u. ntl ea LUo ;,it Glover's Li-..-cry office, King S t.1·ect, Bow1nn.nYille. Hl:!S I D li~N CJ1; at R t:orl io'!:> lfo ~c l . 'VE'l'Irnnu._ny sniGEON, GRAD- II yl arge, "\Vhen you wa11 t < P tl1ing in the C line, give J Ar.:1~ MORRIS a , call, and he "" ill suit you. Onedooi· Wc::;t of t.h ~ Ont.t~f'io ~ -~ -~-· ·~-,.--~--------23"'-' - t~. ~ t For Sa le? '1;-t'J-1:, MlJ! DOOR BROS. lH RAJ, GOOD FARMS IN WE ST SEVE Dur For pa r ticula.rii, to J, Jvf11·,·1'h : 4, 1i;721 N . It ClLE DGE, Oron o. ho use cnn be m1w h b etLer hea ted wiLh ono atovc . On. n under t he old sy sten1 \vith two or three t ov es -th ns 1n oro tlum pMying for itself in ono season by a saving of wood. · All who hav e tried thcn1 \Yould not be without t horn for 1n11n y timea t,h.(' i1 · coat. '.fJ1e un dersi_gue d has secured 'the R ight t or Downui.uville, Darlington, Ca r t \\·righ t., Clark e u nd l\1a.nv ers , and is p repared to tl.11 all orders on t h e 1:1hortest notice. A full as11ortmen t of Cook, Parlot and Bo:t Stovee, oonataotly on hn.nd . 16·18 J!'; HO~ HIN . all pu r pca c b ct.tc1· t,luut JIJ S IS THE 1110 ST EFFICIE NT T . lln tl D rum in u se, a nd disyri,but-c in orc h eat, oc cup y less n nswor a 11y t1 _ 1~.~ \J n1uu, & CO., ot ber. liY its ro01n~an d w ill l ll:!O a · I~TOULD l'1 I:R. P E A. S:l'E I . '.CA II.O R, TURN hh~ eincer o t ha nks to numeroua c11stomers a n d friends, u.nd would beg to say that ho h JLB remo ved to the cor n er of Kin g and On· ta r _ io etreets, w h ereh'3 will be glad to soc a s m a.n7 of the uood-n n.tur ed and g ood·t-Om}X.l:rC<l onee 11.1 please to gi ve him a call. RESP ECTFUL LY RE- I ! l'. lloTi·ma.nTIJiiJ NoT. ~n0 1 1871. !7-tf f .__ I I I I _______ _'

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