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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1873, p. 1

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~~~E!~!!'!'!!!'l!"!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!I· QCana:Oinn jtlfcsnrnn l '°' -. prJ n tc d s.1 1 pnl>ll" ca E'er~ 'J'lt1n·@1la1 1:~ . ll~.oi·!!! b} tl1e I l'Jp11eto r v" VM . KI NG c LI ~f I tt h e BOIHL~NU J LE r~~ . I OFFZ CF.-Pos t OOice Jltock, Slll lcl~ r ONr J C GN ~ind Pl ff\ 111crn.l N<nve I oca.1 Intelh gence count)' Bu8n cs::i <Juu11nc101al J\ht.ti.-.:rg ttud n.n 1nst1 uo t n c M1.3ce11any IElt!\1l':i - $ l OO pe1 aILnu1n ui ad> a.ncc- <:'i:rU!O ir pR.Hl vii h1n s 1 x: rnonths- 2 00 1f n ot ptnd tll the end of the yea N op tper d1sconti11ucd 11ntll all o.rrea1age,, are cX <\CPt a t tl1 c option of tl1e publisher and 1nirllcs refuo1 u g papors ' l1hout pa;vu1Q; up\ 111 'b o he i re~p onstblc t oi: t h e. suh s crt[,!t JO 1 11 nt.1l t he} c o1unly w it] · the l ul o A1 1 ktten i a lJ1cH>ied to tho ~ t\1\0[ nHlSt be fi ost:r,n1d oth ~1~~ betl10J nu11 not lJ I 1k c 1 lrOm ) l l ost Of!t e R:\.'lES OJ: ~DitERllol~G $0 .i!J Six 1_ cs u du n l o 1h C)t 1n801 l 0 1'l E\cl i-;; 1b3C!qnent in1;e1 tlou 0 7~ Fto 1 ~ x: to tcu llno:.i flr::i C 1n5e l taon ow l ..!!ch eu b ~e11 1e11t i ns ~ rtion 0 OS th: c1 teu 11ie1 tit st in8e1 Liou p1.n \Jue 0 O.l Lach snb5oqueJ t 111sen1ou "f'he number or lines ;:.o be iocko 1Gd blithe space ouupicLl 11easur cd b'\i a. ~cale of a.olill N01rpure1l .-\d~ e1 t1~ o me t1t -..nthortt i:;pecltlc 1.h~e1;t1ona w ill Ue µubh ,.hod till fo bid cha.1gcd acoo1dlng"ly All t'"litH.:ito i \ ucl\ crt isu1ne1 t ,, inust be paid (,ngr v. hon ha.ndecl ln Advcr r.ieen1e11 tB inust be 111--t lC Bffioe ofpublicutJou by 10 o o.,;lock on t he"\\ adnes day 1uornin."" pl tholI fl rat in1bllcat1on ro 1nercha 1 rt~ nncl o lhers ad-.: ertising b) the yea t e., i!L J hOeuil d1<1c : H1nt \\ llt be ru!'1de I '[ CONMJNS IHE L"'-TES L FOR =,..,......,....,r==~=========""'======""'""'""'""'""'""'==~===""'e'"'°"'.,-~-=.,-=,,·=~=--=--..,,,~,.~~ ..~"===-=,......,,,,='-'""'=~----·~-------.-·......_=-= IN transplai,tmg hees, mark the north r u de of tho ti.:eos \\1 th r ed chnJk before t hey iu .., taken upr and \vhcn sot o nt, h ave the t1 oe put in tl e g.touud w 1~h its north side to the no1 th m its natural position lg no,..1ng this law · of nnture is the cause of so nw,ny transplanted tl ees dying THAr ner\ons yo uth in I1ou1sv1lle Vlho recentlv, by n1istake, sllpped a luckel the cent piece int o the pai:son's hand, instead of a ti\ e doll u gold p1eoe, which he had ready l ll another pocket , after three weeks of wedder! bliss th mks ho paid pretty dear for V 0 J.J. " XVIII. t BOWMANVILLJ1J, ONT., TI-IlJRSDAY, MARCH 21, 1873. 3 ---~i;;.;c:::_· '· NO. 35. ....--·---------,."~ CORN INJURIOUS TO CAT f LJC HENRY -lJ.-o.j...ogr~aph -y T . 1 --~f~ ~ ~·1irr · 1J (3' i\. Jg P Jr., ELLIOTT IV SMILEwiE"iiii ~ --- - - -- ~-==""'""'""'.- WI J¥ ti< >') i J · 0 · & I.:\J . H · Henry I :t SEXTON St >::i / YOU CAN HAMPrroN. Oile10 ful .,.i~ :TAVE SECU11l.. D 1\1R } ~.I.. tine nc" Gt1.llerv (li:nllan ce AJitl thev.orldsc cms ups1 do do-..;n Doutl\astcyou1 t1111e1nfi otting l3ut drn c av ay that !lo " n S ince life rn ofr.pcrplo:~uug Tis 1nuch lhe wisest plfl.n 'l o 1.iear all b ra1 ely 1i\ hen tJ u ne-3 don t go to swt J OU Oo1ne1 of King & Tenlllel a.uce on Jo1npcro,nce Street) op~oa.ito eHti anc 0 to 1-o""n n:~u 1ee s, t I I A11dsunlc whl!nt:el yo u cau oue ol ti.ta most e-xtens1va arnl rJ0111plde aosu1tmcnt· OJ Goode to be fmmd ui any countr .· ?.tvre in Ontano 9 I t w1ll tm then· o.1n1 to ~it: e satt~ractlon to n.11 who inn.y In\ or then1 v.'l th u. ca.ll oithe1 o.t thelr Gn.lle1y In '\'hy.should) ou dread to n1or ro" An<.l thus deapoll to daJ 1 For vi; hen )OU trouble borro'Youalv;a.:y s havc to pay OSHA W.\. OR BOWlliANYILLE Th<y 1 nake al st ) le"' t;,. nd slzus of It 18 a. good -0Id maxun '"Ii hlch often should be pr oao. 11ed Don t cros:i the Orid go before ) on ~u,iutti~t ~ittd~!· _,..._.. ~-~- ........~....,...............--..- ~ Jame:> Rutledge, ~ Q.Moncy ior investment oa most ta:n::nable Ila ARRI ~TEll .~ND ATTORNEY AT L.A. W. 5oll-:ttor in Chancery a nd Notary DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS and ::ill.Jr::<. PAINTS, I P !IO'l' O<;. R APHS, I LE'l' fERGRAPHS, iu .iJ i ce-l o Cl" ivory ph1in or col Fh otogtn.p \oo: fr l t5h c d I 1 Jndt" Ink 011 Se 11ia < .ud cvlo Until the bndgc is re ached You might be spared much sigh ing lflOll ~vouldl.. cepinrn1ud The thought t hu.t g ood and evil OIL ~ · I ored PA.o tog-ranl There muct bo something VI antlng Aroah1;n,yshere comoined I niay btl too pos1tn e bu t I ha\ e c1 re fully watched the effects of cum upon the sy 8 tetn of I t I d ti iorse3, 1111 i 1 n1n conv u1cc ia it is not only b ·d pohcy for o\\ner s in , l"'\V of the shength health nd 1 f ti ' ' ' a ne 0 iou: Let a:ugele proat1ate fnll · horses, but that it IS down11ght ciuelt) Dr1ng forth the royal dl!i.dem I think the race 16 degenerating rup1dly, .1\.tul cro'\ 11 him Lord ot all and that we shall loose it entirely if ,1e 1hc or<ler canii 80 unex.pectetlly t] at keep 011 many geuera.ttons uioie Coin~ ftjw JCHned in sin ginJ t1us verse, but when the 11u1nber of foundered h orses to I h e ca.!tle to t h e nc::1:t stant a. a I most &ll tl le d ay with those of fifty ) ears ago, when lll voices 1\l'ere heard I felt a :Jort of rehef the country no ona but tho doctor "kept when the eo 1 alto, tenor and ba.~a lus h orse up' Take into con sid erat ion vo ces all struck tho " ords the count less cases of colds fe'\ erg and ' Clo vn H in1 ) e martyrl'.l of ou r Got!., hke tlrneasea anlong horses and the in"'<'.!l· ~ !It 1·· lll bl ' \\' ho Hom 1 ~a 1ia-r cn cu a e nurnber of foundered, b101 Ken down hnt I feau~d the tune l\ hen the Bhoulrl beMt.e, JUSt when they ought to b o the be left to carry a line "'lone f!trongeat and 1noat ser'l'1ceable and 1nust There were but tluoo 01 1ou.1 bas;)~ Olaes we not conclude ;hero is some ~·nde spread in the whole compan~ 7 but my fi1end v. as number ed rin1ong the1n I Ra\V he hus banded his breath for t lus as a strong man sa' es 111.s streng th for some great effo1 t -Nevertheless I could hea1 , alternato1y with tho n1usical ivorde Extol the namo of J csulj rod the crack crack crack crack crack of the ? us to and 0$C tpc to the lanc\1 Drd the ll 1r1n 3 e. . ze hm1 t hat had O'\Crpowered 1ne~ Fa.r othei wise Ra.isiug lus , oice so t hat tt cool:! be hea1d abo' < the elm of the skr.tc1s and the ine11j \ o1ces 0{ the" o1nen, he shouted All ha1lthe tlO "ierofJt8us un.nlc I ed c,lt harln .And though3ouroll in ' vea.lth You 1 n a.y r:n15s from :;ou1 oa.eket Thatprec1ous Jev1el-health '~oE-Ov&r !Wre i< Co of J & "\V J 1l'Icl\!urtry CROCKERY, ........------ p \ i'E N" T"'MEDICINF S. IWATER O R OIL COLOURS, t o make P l oto Cra:vonc. &:c T ~ M FAIRBAIRN, BARrtISTER & ar., aL<Jo And though voure strotig and sturd_,,. 'You may have &Il empty puri:e IAn dea.. th hn.s m a ny trials Dut "i rhether JOY 01 ~arrow \.\: h oh I conelder worae 1) ·Attorney Sollcttor &:c Lt ndaay O£llce in l{oenfln s Block Oler T Beall s Book tore ALL KINDS OF VIEWS, Su.oh as\ c s .,r R !'.:1 Junces and Oarderu1~Cro quet and l n 1 U 1ou1 "' Horaes, Cat.tlc <£'C, Fill up your mortal span Tvnllmakcyourpathw·aybdghter To smile 1vhcn er vou can ····· · ............................. .......·.........................·......... I bi1ttle shell that \ aa between us and Robe1·t 'ir~nour. R Ti!8UCH tto1 noy of 1.tarl"J<" gf"I 1 lcocnees Bn.rrist&r ung lltLa-v; an d ;:;.ohcttor in Ch::i.1ccrx 011ey loane d on H.eal Estate Ofhca on 11.illg eet Bowman' ille EGISTRA R WEST DURHAM GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made to order in the latest and most approved manne1 and on the shortest notice, from Fashionable and carefully selected Clothes and '!'weeds The latest New York Fashion Platts - egul!ll"ly received il4r P i t " u altentio t t o the CJJpyin(J anil rep ;odmlio i of oZd andfadeclpict11.res Bo wman>1llc J u c 6th 1872. 45 tf LA \ V Oilice l{mg Street B u'R 1uanYil e ,4.gllnt atBowmanv1lle fo1 the F1 eeh old Building IOoJoty :\f o ncn: to lend on 1aun sc .. uiity B GalbI" ·~th , ,\RRISTER AND AT'J:'JTI3EY AT- .John Ii. HENRY ELLIOTT, Jr. Rampton, Nov 19th, 1872 µ 0 0 0 if) SAVED BY ' OLD CORONATION ' Jt Vias-I d o not rememb er th e prec1ee yeai - but it \Vf\S \Vhen I war; about seven teen old, nnd when I ltved 111 the Ne\\ E11glan d ' 1 whore I -..vaf:J born and frc1n wl11ch 1 had hard ly t.:"\CI been n;wny eternitJ It was a \\ onderona rehef "iV-hen f d f d d d ou r parts insten o one, an a 1iun re voices instead of four, took up the word& Vi hich seemed u.n anthem of praise, trouble W e have had a season of fre Extol the stem or .rcsus' rod, quor.t :w.d remarkable changes The dis6.ndcrown Him Lord of all eaae was 1n the blood, and ripe for develop ... 'V h I dll f ment , and 've ha'\e roapetl the reward for t e were llO\V approac ing t ie m 1 c a O the lak e, ·whe1e th~ "ater was tho deepeat, pnst ignoran ce and prom111an t canse It is no t all frorn over driving, for \VB h <1.vo many ca~es "~·he1e family horsai5, reoa1"¥1ng 1 as t11oir owners, the k inde::Jt care, ahu1tly turn out to be broken· down bcastsj from son10 u l~ k nown and ID) sterrous cause Iu regarU to this d isease I behevo v. hich h aa boon d d 1 f d f d e or years past 1 l as engen ere 1 eat an dlSeasfl ln tis 1 bl oo d of h orse-i, u.1ti l llley are keenly :susceptible t o tho sudden changes of our chma.te, and that, and n o ot her, ts the cause of ull tlus suffering tind He says ' I \loke up next u1or ning iud ff und my.elf on t he top ofa hay stack, 1ny hoise en.t ng fro n1 sad slack, with my coat on and inyselt with both a!n1a insert-eel through the oturups d mv saddle, and tho suc111gle "Ionnd 111 ~ uecl:·. ts a neck iie I I I tt t I f ' I Na o e1 u us l ieHus at I io1ne, i\n in 1elhgcnt for eH! lt::r states th.-...t ' nlieu a great 1na11 dies 1n the U nited Sta.tea, t h o iu.:i t thing don e is to plopolJe a fin e stattto in lus hono1 , next, t o ra.tso part of the necesaary money, n ex.t, to forget to order any o1 und last, to wonder what bo can1e of the money· Tito remork ·hows close obaei vatio11 an<l clear udg m ent TnE gloiy of Connecticut has d eps.rted 1 ,~ oodcn nl1tmegfl, h eietofo1e detnned tho ne 1 7 s '!.iJtra of huma.n ingonu1ty, JUSL 110 1l l(.)Te 1\ n ~n in 1\f ttlniJ now mak 01 u. good lnerch antable oyster out of ilour·paate tap loca, "' "lr, an cl ,vater These are placed in ae~ond l1and o:;. Hter shells, which artt oa.refu11y glued arou nd tho edgcn "\-Vhen a h uugiy, Ji a lf i nebrilt eo:l indtvidoal comea into th13 saloou a Jd u1lla for J. dozl'ln ra.w on the haJ r sh all, ho ... ecvivcs th(} ~hove do .. sc1 becl dehoi:cy ' Ve faT1cy they 1nust be c"ten 1 1 theh o r1gt lal rJta... e, and that coolt 1ng m1gl t po r \ o l a t a It 0 t 11em ped lll:~~,'::~;;~;;:s~::~:r,:.,:tt:~v1ted to a r nk ..,.t srntll t 0\\ 11 where he lui.d stop 1 11s fun af ter ~u, and re2 rets that the !St. .Johu H. Hutcheson. ~ · '-RlUSTER, ATTOl<NEY, SOLICIOffice up stairs 'l 011 and Notn1y l\1bl 1 c FFICE First doo1 c(lst of Post S1u:n·d & §mith, ARRISTERS tll.e Ontario Bank &c l\1ouoy fo1 1n1 ciotmcut al nll tmes ou1nos t fit.\ OHtble. term s ;\.ND \TIORNEYS Ar LAW Solicitors in C hancory :ind Inso .,.uov Qo1n eyancere JS ntariets S olic itors fo1 B The Sale will Continu_ e. THE GHEAT SALE \"tert of L Co1n1s h ti R e:-ildeuce- Stlvei atroot -neUoo1 ~otthof Ur R eid;; ~U J[Jei y Do"vm:in f'lll @OnL et 1 hys1cia.ns a nd Smgeons Out Office one door RADUArE OF THE UNIVERSI G rIES of rr1n1ty College roronto and ·vw tot"1!,' Collego Cobour g I.11c...,ntlate Colloge of the OF D I ~ ii ···orontn a.nd Uuh e1olty of Q~eeu s College IC 1 nember of th~ Coll ego ot Phyaiclali2 ay1uu ei1sitv of Vtct or rn, Collofe Cobourg Uuderl(l'i.duate and Prfae1110..u o tllc Unli ei'S.l~J Of i; g Dl'. Davuhon, LEGE of Plq s!cianA o1 ~ ~ ""'7 ,.L a~ oonsr A'l 'f'HE I RADUATEOF 'rlIE lWY AL COL ltJJgland, e.ud nee ns of Out::tdo Surgery u.nd Ru&l King Street Second door of M.. otol 16 2'J BEAVER BLOCK ~ J, F ielding, J U. D. EMBER OF ROYAL COLLEGE OF ·1,1.,;l"ponl!l, England Licentiate Rgy.ti.1 Ool i..,. at PhjaiotBJJ.8, Edlubrugb (Lato JI.osident. 4MoU!Ob·ur St Thomais Hoapital, I ondon, au<! 11r RMld.ont .1l~dlca1 Ot!loer City ol L°"' Oll M tHS BEEN suc:a A GRAND SUCCESS rn ! ~ © ' 1 =! ~ lt" HI lh e ~l iy hefoi o Llt1Hkst">1 \ 1ng the OJll) h oJida.v that No'{I, England knows n1n ch ::i.bout , tncl ab out ~\lu ch the i cst Of the worl d 1 nows so little For t1uc on1ghti-i b ero10 ihe cold h d been veiy se\ e10 for that tune of the ye nr, and t he new·l y fo1 1n cd 1co on t he pond ' a" :is s1 noo th 1n c1 ui cle n as :lo luoklllJ glnso; '\Vhn.t '\Vere "' e all to cl o t he next, "the glu.dd est, 1ne1r1 est ~ay ' of all tlH~ yccu, besides to go to cl11 uch a nd e tt tho feast th:1t hri.d been so lo gin ptepa a.tion l That \~fla the qu es I no ca nee There was indeed that hon tskeJ b\ lll) strong , earnest} ol der aw ful crack crack Cl'ack of tha ice distinct· I fi1end w·ho hid co1nn £ 01n Bo.aton t o spend ly heard during the smgmg of each line rn Tha.nksg 1' 1ug every ata.n:za of the hymn, but it '\li!l..El either " Skate, of co u1 no1 I said that I ha.d become uoed to it, or that it " But "hy not tr.) the tee to m~ h t1 JtO ' vafl. indeed m ore f:unt than it 'vai:t. before, ·sked that tt fa iled to affect me a· at fust So, l co uld see n o rea2011, and. t!O we bound too, the10 "as a httle breauth of roe to be on our akatea and ile\\, a.alt "e1c, ovo1 P"-ssed o\iel afte1 tho singer.a had cloqed the gk··l anrfaco of tho pond t o the cove, tl e verse about wh ch """ the pile of pme tree Let. ever~ lttnd1ed every ttlUe bougl12 Once theie, v;o concei,od the On thi.:. tcrrostual ball To ltHn all ma...1e~ty a"cr1\)C idea of ho\V µ:r t1ncl it 1vould be to sknte A.nd c10\ n H im Lord of all b ick to the _'1llage, collect tugcthef t ho i.,; .. , ,..,.,, so that n o Jrne m tho village could ieach the bott oni, ~Lnd whete t he ice must be the t 1unnes t, b ecause t 1 1e ice 13 t Jle 1 lS t t 0 froeze there J kne-..\ thrn but I felt that n c \\ ..,, e wer e going 'i\lth such rapidity, there '\"irtS no nc-n dangci so long :is thore l d out a nas 110 lJ1e:ik in the song I singe t ree npon the sh ore 've \\ Oie tryin g to tll \.li.t:, au<l. c 1.lcltlat ed if it the i ~ te we were .su1 ( 111 ~, there ,ve t e, oices enough to nnhl " 'e roacl1ed it I feared lest the leader l111gh t onut L 'or se, as 'vas some tunci::. done 111 a church 1 an <l the1e ln1g ht be l eft a space O\ er w1up h we u11 ght pass rn silence, or ru.thot 111 a s1le11 cc clroadful by the crockmg of the rce That horses should eat no corn at all I do n ot be110\o ~ change of foed is desu dJle As the cold win tet comes on, ( b egin to pteparo 111 Y horses for that event by rn1x mg enou,g,h corn to keep the1n trarn.1 Doubtless our w1nt! 1~ nr o colder th CLn t ho nah n al clnnu.te fot o ur 1 ace of horsea and a liLtl 13 corn 13 beneficial 111 assrnhug tl eu n at tnes to r osJFJt the cold If any one 't\ishes to lcn. 11 thu 1uost n at ura 1 f oo d f u1 a Iiorse Iot ti lem t iJ t 11e expertnl ent by tnrnnig th~ horse ouL to grass llntil all grain IS ont of lus systc rn, and then g 'e lunl t ree access to all 1.Jnds, soe ,· i t!l clio oso E \er a ft e1 , at'" .~u ' ]11cl1 lte 1 1 t ti ] tl t I · tem iai·e '" "' n stap 0 It ' 1111 i;u.n~:~ t:!~~;R CtossoN, ut ' ·-- - - - . -·· ......--......- \' O ir ~l~s~' st;~1~~ssit~\on1~r~~~sl~:ieun;~rg~~t N~~ England outside of Boston He no\v paya the l ocal Journals twt l ess than five t housand dollars :i. year for adverhs1ng, and ) et he frankly confe···· that he lw.· all 7tta nwn,ey ottt 0 1 the neiv.tpa~r1 u llo'v .b.DVERT!BING PAYS - ·rhe Rich S r inoi1d l ate e.1 01.irnal R \.V \\right, ed itor, tellB h o 'I Ed\\ \1 a.1lav built up ono of t1 . .e largest d ry go od ~ trades i 1 )ii e'v Eng lar d I t ~J,y ' about ei_ hLuGn ago ~ ~'l'"r l\fa 1ley appca:i.ecl In l"iew Ha., en, and opened a. Sill ul 'set; en by n1n.., dt y gooda storo on t he pr1nc1pal b 1s11H::ss street of th t A h I I a city t t a.t t ime tie ieav1est mer cha.uts on tho street Hca rcely advertised in the local newspapers t o the extent of more than two squares. each, and then in standing adYerhsements for t ho 13"'ason Mr Malley, w.tth a degree of uaga.o, ty tha.t no ono else have C\ er darlj d evince, struck out boldly in the ad\ erttsing hne, en~ag mg a column m each of th1ee local daihes v.1th the 1 Jr1v11cgo of changing tho san1e every 'Week, and making his n.dvert1ac~ 1nents t he moat ~c adable part of the news papors For thl13 he paid each of the ne,,spapers at t h e late o f one thousand <l ::illars t ye ti 'J ho old fogy merchants stood ag1: uu:i t l!t h1s h::tt clihood, and every body pr.;;(Ucted th at ] e 'vould 'go up in le._')s tl1 Hl t1urt} tht1 s uiGl hu d id 60 up in less t11an th .Lt t nnc-to th a \ ery he1ght of the inerca:l.t!le l adrle1 1I1,, stuie 111 n. ft:w months e l)n n ded fio1u l 'seven by uine' roo111 iu to tho o(cnpa ic~, or the "hole otuk1 1ng l l wJuch it 'V'\.S s1" uu..1.ed nntl 111 less t h :in l. Je11: lie ~vns doi 1g tlte la"'gest b l stncss of anJ JU01cha1 t u1 tho city Ho I. e[Jb ll ]J 1 11., '1eckless lilvcr tit:;1oa, ... :i.a it "as cnlled tnd t o tl iy he has a store built by himself, 260 fee t deep , 70 feet OLEAN HANDS octl t&ble p1"<::-"'1 ~ 01 Notice-Remo-val. R REID HAS REMOVED Hlil ruldeno. to the house lately oecupied by Crowlo, on ' Velhngton Street Suraery at old rMJ.dena. Silver Strset Ofllcs houn rom 10 · m to 8p w l!Htf · HAS CON TINUED J.T FOB for a pie inc, r.ncl place then1 all in sle1g}1 ~ Di·. ll\. Beith, ~ TWO WEEKS LONGER "'n order to make a complete clearing out, and gite a.11 a chance for th e !l Sb 'V'ariety- Store .uo-..vlllanvllle Ont.a.rlo RA DU.\.TE OF THTu TORONTO G University Phys k:la n Surgeon &c Office KL;ig Streetr....n extdoor to Yello" leas&; Qu.fok e J. !U. B 1·i1nacoinbe, L. D. s., , Gold .INlhngs inserted Teeth extracted for 516 centa oach An excellent Tooth Powder for sale Ofllce tuMcClung s block ~ GREATEST Bowmam illo, February 13, 1873 BARGAINS '.l'. DAUJ,JNG'I'Ort, HAS JUS t 1ece1ved a quantity o] 0U.AN G 1TI~, J,~'llrON S, SURGEON DENTIST SUPERIOR EVER OFFERED IN BOWMANVILLE U. G. Hanning, ROVINCIAL L,\ND SURVEYOR Civil Engineer nnd Land Agent Offico and i:ostU.ence Lot 13 3rd con Drul1ngton All orders 4ft at th& offico of Hobert At mo lr ] sq prompt;.. y attendecl to 10 P Fall and Winter Dry Goods, B ATTCT:N""G-'S, NEW < J,:uul Surveying. to'fl.11 wluch Ad.w csa Bow nnnv ille P 0 '.\.fo1 ch 16th 1871 COJOANU'.IS, :PEAN( rs, :L 11EED, PRO\ INCIAL L \Nlll ' J· F'.hu veyor C1111 Eng 1cer ct.o pro11aro(l to orders w1tli I.i e be favored 1s 1uay CHEAP FOR CASH. during the hot "ofl.tbcr ~~:x iin c :Uso R cnnc lh Cn1npbelt 1:1 ccl<lbr:ited Sotla \Va c L cn1 onn.fic ltnd S1u sanarillti , ory suitH.blot,; fu1 su rnn1c1 d.Jinks \II t ie\ o viii be kcp Lco 18tantly on hancl Dat llngton has JU»t 1 econ ed n.uot hc1 loL Qf 11 ...\.S \\I n ch \\ l l be S I Id Cf Cit ror Bow-rnrtn\ lllc O ut S. Cl1estt'rticld, ~at UCTIONEER ]'OR B OIH1AN1 VILLE and Dar lington 0 cle1 1:! p ID (.:t oderate iallv ttcude{l to Re31dcncc ~ Ohar.;<>s 13 <~uocn D. STOTT, CHEMIST AND DlC.iLEH D< 'l'bo111.:u; §touhotHe. EE[~. APPRAISER A ucrrnN G£1n cral Agent Da11in,~to11 Clint! e AND Sales DRUGGIST ' vood 01111n;,: o f laud c ut 10. o Cord\\ lUI 1 118 posmblc paJ goo(i caoppo1a tllo followi ng p1iacs Choppers '\fi.T anted T UNDERSIGNED WISHING TO T HE hav e the a.cron ood np1 dh will to Durwg the 1nout h of Ootobcr 80 cc11to pct co1 d Dur lug the 1non ths of NO\ embe1 ru11l Docent IJOJ 76 cents per cord null .after J a.nua.r:. 1st 18"3 10 <: 1.m ls PC" ~ LSD \\7 AN I Ev THRE I~ ro pro1upt l) ll tteutled to R. D. Foley, !CE).' 8ED AUCTIO N EER, :FOR L 'l y tho owuslu p ofDathu gtou SaletS p1owpt tendetl to Chn1ga& n1oder tte TOWlV HALL Bt!ILDINGS, B01ViJ1ANY.J.LLl!..'. co?(r DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Dy· SW!f·, PAtont Medie1nos. l"otlulllory, Bru·h·s, Co1ubs, So~p·, P11.1nt. anJ 01lo, Paint Druah.., Co:>! OU, anti Coal 011 Lamp., &o , &o TJJAMS"l'CBS, DH~ I \\ OOD ( l T Aiont for tho follo'" ini:' Britl!:l h a nd Cana lDHU'&n~ Covivanic3 viz lloJ u.1 Li\ e r a..nd Londot~ Bt-1tish .;~me1'ica nnd P1ovin .Ag_t:nt for i"toy!U Mail Line of StoamtgS a.nd b\ Lioe ofboats 1 and Coroner for United tl·s ·I ~orthumoerland and Durham nw 'l'h01nas Ch1·i!stie, STREE'l , BOWJIHNVILLE, Pa1 tl1;u.l.a,..s made. kno,\n on appl tc::itJon to the Dos.r d '\Ill bo Jl'l'O\ ld l rl {or '~ orkmen on t i e tn eoo lsea if deslr6<l TITOS THO~L\.~ N D --1.11 p oisons indebted tr) T rnou.As by note or book account for Bla.oksmith a' ork a.10 r&que!ted to l!!ettle the 1 ltnmetUately' llle, Oct ! Ci 1872 I. tf R. D~ 'l'~n·ner, UCTIONEEl{, WOULD BEG TO 1.uform. the lnha.bitants of Bo\'~mau' llle tLnd ete and of the b.. t 'l"ali't! en of West Durh&m that he is noi,.v rire:pa.r attend t o any ea.lee that ma) be enttusted o him Charges 1 uoder at e 10 tt jl2i'I'- Farmer1 an.d Phy11,,a/r.i frQm ih~ Ooivr. tr~ tli'ill fi~~d at r Si o.-;k of M eai,'i nes ccm lUoney to .r,cnd. HE UNDERSIGNED HA VINO beon a puo1nted agent for t ht: Pro'lineial P er 1p.1ment Building and Sav1ng's Society of Toron tb.1· pre:P&.red to negotiate lou.ns on Real e secw-Ity. on the rao:ot favournble ·ermt11 io i9 J B F URBAII\N BARGAINS. I 1 and ou ha.ntl sleds, drag the m to tlus place, and eat a supper on these roc1~s 1 anud the glare of t11e burning t1ee tops " re'\\ ere not long in earl\ ing o 1t ut i" plans, for a.l mo~t e\ cry house had its slc1ghs and 5k it es, and those thnt "ere d eshtute of e1the1 uiuted \V1th so1no of their ne1ghbo1s An hour, ond the 1 ttlo lake was covered by the merriest :s\: at1ng party that it nad ever witnessed And then the ·uppe1, the bonfire, the sor.J~, the merry making I I shudder to t1nn :.r of such boisterous sport with impend ing death ao ' ery near? The sport ' vas O'\ er at length , t ne n.pples eaten, the songs sung, the s tor1e3 told, and the once groat flan1es n.n1ong th e 1eison oua pine needles, wer e llO\V sn1oulclering among the lunbs or Hng~r1ng 111 t ho f3 tun1p~ ancl r oots I t 11e1.1ly L o go Ancl so the "'on1pany w,\s ln eri.l 1ng ·u p 1nt o 11ttlo kn ots :in \Vo t:a1ne " Tie n.ll the sle1gha a tl sled ~ to J ( the n1y atronJ f11end sh outed th e last to fe ne the spot Tl1 e orclor f101n oui leade1 '\\ lS soon obeyed Each btbc ' cluele was iange<l fro m te a to l\>tentJ feel apait, ac cording to t he 11. ngth of th e iopes 01 lco.<l 111g ltnes w ]L1ch he h ~d, n.nd t hr ee or foui: skate1s \~ ero sta.t1011ed between 1ihen1 The!n two iuuch longer ropes \-o;cre stretch ed fion1 either side of the long lines of \Vh1ch aoine t 'vcnt) n1ore sk 1te1 s took h old ~1th a s hont and a. i;vhoop, such as In d1ans gn c \Vhcn r11sl11ng to b attlo, \\ e st1u ted on t h e ice The line, fh at straight 01 wn.ving <L little \~ h ore tho poor aka.tcis \ve101 soon took the fo1n1 of a. crescent~ and, ~\1t.u n. c.;lu1uoi of vo1ces n1d the grn.t1ng of 2kato u ons we sped O\ e1 tho ice My st1 ong fi:ientl and I " ero soon on one of t he sule ropea, anrl '\ e h old t he nearest the c1ghil "'\Ve not prococded fin berorc I nurcen cd Lhri.t the tea "as bending up 111 fto nt of l ", an d I could he ~r it cr"'ck ~1n id the no1"e of the skate.1.3 I ~poke n ot a. '\ord, but looked into1 tly into 1nJ co n1p"111011 s race I only t.l..o ignt tb at :'l o ,ong as wo kept xn m o t1r:n u1 "a "era t hen doing "o might pass the te1 llble da.nge1 Bnt I knew ' ory 'veil tha.f if the tr uo r:.tatc of affairs "as d . .:1cove1ed a panic v;ould sp1e.1.d along th e hue, some 8kn.ters' oulcl drop out nnd th en the sleighs and the prflcious burc.lon inurn; s1uk t o the bottou1 I cann ot furget tho hotror of that ino 111ent-a 1 no111ent that see1n ecl an ago I w~ faint i11vse1f, bnt onlJ a 1Pdcle1ed lest Bub out n 01uuHtwn.: a:.s tl e ll uch t 11a t I knew t hat ' o cu tu<l i each the shoi:e 111 .safety, wlncl"I w·o soon <.hd On ro .. c!ung it thert: was the same bo1s tcr ous noise t ha.t 111a1ked our starling, each one untying lua own sled. · or ale1gh, and Joining the h t tle party with 1vl11ch ho ha d come Dttt the peril through which they had pasee cl, t he danger from wlnch t hey hM been rescued, not one ha.d the shghteBt iu tunation friend and m~self - the on 1y ones '\\ ho 'vere aware of our wonderful <lehve,.nce- we wero left alone, And there on t hat rocky beach, wtth the stara 11.bove ua, 've sank on our knees, our arins entwined oach other's necks It \"iaS a 1nlent pru.yer \V e offe rcd 1 an ofie11ng of th anks to "th e Giver of e\ eM..· good and ·,1 I Not for us alone, but for perfeot gift those who had bocn brou ght ont of })eiil fhen '\ e l 0,,,0 1 a nd hand 1? 1 han l \valked t o our hon1 c [ha.1 ksg1v1 ng, 'vc cu \" Ve kept OlU' soc1 ct to oursch es t hat dn.y n1d all the tulle f! lnco t he i \\ O ]1 \ l not 1 1ent1011 cd tho affair to 1 ch oLhei B nt once, 1 long h I time :i,fter thrn, 'vhcn 1r e \\ere lll c urc 1 togethm , l\.ncl the prcacl "r ga \ e ou t "Co1 nation , I not1ce<l t h it he d1d not s.tng but grasped in y hand 111 111s "lule t ho tears flowecl fr o111 l ns eyes :is though lie had been a cluld i The n ext lllJ \ 1 e~ cdiu t.oHo boisteiousmith _ _ .. _ __ _ DRIVING A HEN \\ heu a \V01uan has a ] cu lo d11vo u1to the coop ·he t"kes hold of her 1100J>· \11th both hands, rnd shakes them qmetly t-0 wn.r<l. th e delinquent, u cl say~, "ShelV thet a Iha h en take$ n. look ~\t the ob J cot to con' ~nee hcrso1I that lt is a \Vo1uan, ::i.ncl then ...tocks iua)ef.it1c Llly l ito tho coop 1J.ogust of the f3eX A n1au do.1' t i n pcrf ect c clo th et ' \a) He goo· out of door. and BaJi!, ' It 1~ 31ng Jlar nobody in thu:1 houso can dri' e a hon but IDJ self, 1 and , p1ck1ng up a stick of Y'OOd, hurl~ it at tho oftentllng b1ped , and obao1'\ es, "Get in there, :y ou tlucf ' ri ho hen 2mmcd1ately loses l er roason 1 1ind dashes: to the oppo site end 01 1ilJ.e Jard Tho nu1u str-.igh t ,vav clashei:s after 11er She con1es back a gain " ith her head do\\ n , h er "2ng.s out nnd tollowe<l by an as.i;ort1 nent of stove i:i,rood) fruit c!Lns, and coal c llnke1s, with a much puffing and 1iery n1ad ma.11 in the r ear Thcu ~he skiu1s up on t he stoop,and under the barn, and O\ er a. fence 01 two, and ar ound the l,ouae, a nd agan1 to tho coop all the "hilo tolklng a· o,lly an excited hen can talk, and all the "lnle fol lowtld by things co11'\en1ent for handling db y a n1an 1\ h OSt!I coa.ti ls on t Ile sa\\ an b nc l{' and wh o:;.e IU\.t ts on I'no g roun d ,an(l f h wl1ose p1 espuation and pro an1ty ave no lnnit By t lus tiroc t he oth er h ens ha\O coine out to t "ko a 1t lrtd 111 the d obate,nnd to h elp to d odrre t1 0 nussilcs~l.n<l. then t he n1an s:i.ys e~ e1y lten on th e p lace \V1 ll be sold 111 tl c lnoi ·ung, :uid puts 011 }us 1 The world move· It rs no t so respect a.ble a.sit '>V as a. few ago to be a ia.s ea! People are learnmg the lesson that A HousEUOLD lte1>1 EDY No family clean hands are demable, b-Oth for p<r hould be \Vlthont some officn.cious ren1edy sonnl comfoit a nd pleasant social 1nt01: for the cure of affections, so unlvo11al pro~ course They really seern t o be loarn1ng 'i a.1 e1 t ,as coug hs, oolda, soro throat, whoop thttt punty pa~ra, and that per&onal honor lDJ cough> aud vronp- no n1e remedy, too, and inco1Tnpt1blencss are a good inve st· wluch can be relied upon a.s safe-, sure and D ~Vi.a to.1 s B alaa11t. of 'W'ild ment Rogues and r ings are having a certa n Ohe rry cciubiu ea t his dc;;idf:Yatuni tough tnno of it, nnd 1t i13i their O'l-\ n fa u t ~ FA'i:W:ERS nn::l stoc:l.. ra 1"' c r~ I ave fre 1! the Young and ambit ious u1ei~ 'vho aro no\v 001n1ng upon the stage of action do q ueutly t old us that t} CJ hn.\ e scan very good ro =i ats f1 om g1 ng She i ulan s Oatal not lenrn t o place eu lngh n p11c~ 1 p c 1 r1 C<> u~lio;i Powders to cvws 1 "nd s'\ine, 1 ,.... i t fte r i 11oy dr ~l!. t.J1e.1.r youug them.selves th at nc1 th c. . 1' e:i,lth noi p o\ . . t 1 can buy th e1n The rascah tics uf t i e .N u 1 T o n o l r s put th<. in Jn good cond1t1011 , 1 1lt:l \' 1;l11 nstieus l t oCJ..i.v n.ntlpr ovlde York Ring are all exposed, a.nd t l~e ine If t ll r l 1 l 1g "" bers of thnt Rtn g h ave e1tl1e run d.wa.y, ( .1. I lin;vu g we lu ecl ::tJld r ettled are i:i taggerxng befoie public op1n1on uulat ed a s1Jg l1t sc :11 U\ er his th~ law·, dugraced and degraded ine11 1 1 the c... use of wlnch i t L') tm J st1t e, but an l iquuut1ve ac Drrbery in Congress stands exnoscd r Dd 1 L.l..~kcd n1m whethe1 .tt was a. rebuked, 'vhile names that were. . pure h t\ { i l te cl~1ckun pox " Worso than rece1vcd a tarnish that can never be polish uh\ 1 1 1 1ed s '(lt's a mR.rk of ed away II-Io~ who have held their he1td t ic h e , uck " high m the nation, bow thceo heads w 1 17 " VEYERABLE ~RORD~AOO:>r Soon, shame over h andij which are soiled beyou d of Du n11 un, Canada E ast, sny 13 , that he cleansing \Ve call no names, but, scat suffurcd fro ~n Dyspops1a. morl."l t han twenty tered up and down the land, gieat reputa five J e:!t1s but th[l.t th1ee weeks us!! of the 1 t1ons l 1e l\.f h I l lt l P eru l ln Sy l uv (an T1on Tonic), has ben inruivs on~ 0 UH '" el 1 eutt e:l h.1.n1 so \vo1dcrf nlly th a.t he can whtch thoy sto~e, and men '\Vho had pc ha1 1ly i or.:.nnclo lnm sclf of the reality, and s1tions wh1ch tl1ey bougbt, and 1nen , ho people ' ' ho t no v lurn at e astonishl!d at used then pubhc office to push theu pr l \ a te tho c1ui ige schen1os, trc thrown lug1 an d dry on ~ f \_ V 1 I ~ Y l~ llE'\ 1 lI'l - J_h e f11ne o! in.fl.nonce, a.ncl~ ho 1 Jl exposed upon th.3 DEPE \V'b l\iI.:iDIC i\.L i.rromOEY 1s with out a s 111gl c p ~rallel 111 i 'fDn ~r H1 r oltx i ock s c f (U~gra e1 \\ Il e1e they u e su1 to I J h ro ng1 , 1s Gn. ca oft h e 1 t1 HJ ".Lo 1 c C( nnt tJ E 1 1 at or go to piqcos 8to n :i.c11 h \ vl bo vels n.nd 1 et " ut 13 sys If the you1ig politic1 uts: OJ. the <.:ou11 tiy l..ei111, v Hc: 1r lli~d doJ ed t h e tie ltrncnt of our \Vlll le irn tho lysson th it tho f i.cts " nch De'lt p hy;:)1,. . 1 tn:i a.ud n L d1ctn O" hn.' e 'icld \\ e ha.' e recourl.tecl ate so well cri.lcnl i tecl eel to its "o lULi rnl iu:finc11uc llncl ita cfl1 1 cr.c" l ts bc ... n 1io less 1 n ~111 oJ t u t} ~ cu1D to tea< h, bet.tot t mes for th e co 11 ntry lio of "'1ck o, r l 111 .... lo..: \/C i1.1 is 11en1 u 111 the future I Pei:sonal ad'\ untago lb .., Il1{clll n1otne to ap1)eal t o nlun e so \it al Co t G ~ ;ind colds J ' ncn !t:Jft t.o the111 j a question LS pl rsc.nal purity is concerned, selve~ , f t o 1ue 1tly b 11 g o ~ pn l nonary but 1 a.a the1 0 .tfl no lJangei: to 1110 1a] s fron1 compla1nt n l 1ch 1cad to that cl 1stressn\.; any other appo 1, it LS well to Inec t te1np and fi1tn.l drn . . u:c, consu l)pt1on, but if at tended to 1 u t uueJ " Drya.n s Puhno1uc tallon on its o\\ln grnund ·nd fight it wi th Wafers' ie :\ cl 1ta1n rernedy - lbey stop it~ o w u 'vcapons the irr1t<Lhn g co ugh, and soothe aud 1ho le~sou of tho recent o.xposm et> lli streng tli~1 1 the bronclunl tubos, allaying all ir11t<), iuns a nd Jntiara a t1on lhey ~I.le t oaUy uoedcd by none but thoac who fancy also paitrc 1hrly 1daptod for the u·e of that they can compass thorr ends boot by singers and pu blic spcakc1'll Sold by all base xneans, nnd if these s hall len.111 from Drugg s~il antl countt y dealers P1ioo J5 i t that, in the l ong tun, notlung pa.J s .so cents pe1 box 'T\ ell in \VOtlilth p<nVCI and safety and THl!"Y lhom - Doctor Jo>ephua' Shosh· comfo1 t a.a ' irtu e, t hGy " 111 learn that \Tet ~ t;1. tJlo l'l~lls now supe1101ly su 1a.1 1 C 1'Cclled aoa FruJily nfod wlnch wi11 bo I o( incu.lcuable benefit t o coated e l ii.;u10 fo go1 o 1 purposes thein and to tha counhy No mo1 ey WM cvm won by t reache1y to trnst that did not hn.un the w if1ne1 No powe1 was e ve ach1ei:cd by br1~ ery or 1vta1nccl by o hood t hat did not scoi..,h tho pahn of l111n who held it conaoiouanes!l of ill de sert, tho loss of self re spect, tha feat of expo.,ure and the self co1nn11t1~ ont to a life of deccpt1011, Vrl~1cl1,;o n.lw 1'\S 1v1t} po:i"es stons 1 nworth1ly '\on, are po 1 eon In the blood) and the expos\ re, sooner or later , is fls sure to come ae death - D F G HolT.qnrJ, Sc11lnw-r'~for Apiil l · a rd The EA.~G-AIN""S ORE.AT BARGAINS ARE NOW GIVEN AT THE U ATE trio college tO the 1nha.b1tn.nts of BO'\Vl1 an a.ndaurro u ndingcountl'~ tb H.t. he has eommenced the practlce of his profeas1011 aD.d oe.n be con !lulted a.Id to the discA.So 5 of hon~es and cn~tle ::it Glo\erij.Livcryoftlce KingStreet Bowma.nvilic :li B d H 1 RESIDE:NC at ro ic s ote 2" tr I a R.Peate, Taiilor. MENTS In the ENTLE~1EN S AND BOYS STYLES 1868 GAi i. 30-t! SURGEON, GR,\D V I>TERlNARY of t he Ont veterinary inform ville N EWE~T &wm~u ville Feb 19 lV. B. (Himie, gome shier s~ould fal l I could ~otspoak fol fea:, bu t ..1. ulmost feared lest .,he other . , at1d t}19 k I \r oices 8h 0 uld 15t 0 ,1 er ic ··, xng of the 1cc should be heard by th B "'o men, who \Vould b e snre to screatn Th'IV' " thou ghts were on God, iny eves 1\ o1e fixe d I er Gencrn1 SSUER OF MARRIAGE LIOENSES Dy aut 11otttJ of His Excellency the Govern Ott1c1:: at the Statctmt anoffice Cheap I 1 B. Shcl'in & Co, Corner Jam es Cryderrn an, UNDERTAKER, '-XTHOLESALE U;\.NUl'ACTURERS l'l of JJOOPSKlit'IS B esl Ne \\ Yo1 k. Mater al used Iho t1ade supphe l on b est tctn1es I 'Faoto1 v- J'(1n g Stl C'..-Ot l ast Bowm u,n\ 1lle lt> rrut r store. Fli rnit~~~ r (I ~ FOWJ,ES OLD SI.A Nn I '\. f11ll strpply of HAM PT ON, tm.rricd on bythelatc \V ll Edwoo<IB and 1spre d to attend to tho ,, ant a of th e publl~ 1 n llif> n lt 1nanncr 11 n SUI'Jl A.Ss cd h'\i any tn the Pro Pa1twulu.r n.tter t1011 gl\'e n to the cu ttini:; di·· nnilCh ildrcnohur .A.coll ouhclteddQl,)l l! of th i;t Po,:ii OftJ.01;1 30 t f ~ he ARBER AKD HAlll.1H\E~SEit,l\E to tbe uubh c 1 SPBC1FU LLY .anno 111ces li.CLH s uouccfled to t he l 19.lnc <=s fo rn eily PUBLIC I I F'IT ']"'~""; Jl.- OPINION Jou cnn get READY-21'Lt1DE COFFINS, Il ' ~ I u ll J J 11 ~ t.1t1tJ( l t l1e 1ua ' \' lhat a.t Lhe ' Co111c1 Stoic M m SlIIlOU Do ALWAY S ON HAND. A111 cxccllont llcv me ino\ alcd "hf' n rcrJnnell Rnmpton Dei..: l R 1lf' !)1 on the fac e of iny fi iend I ·vns ,.. f 11 r1y drrnvn ilong np the GlU"iln g ice, t l 1.t seen1 e tl to i1so l11~h c1 before 11 s e\ c1y n101ncnt Cold sweat 'vas on n1y forcl ead, hut I couhl not loose11 n1:r h:tJld fi oin t he rope to "' f d 1 I I ' 1pe 1t off l\J..y iel' U01;Lcec t iat "as th<ngs 11tcl 0·ocs clO\Vlt str eet ' 'n<l tl1c 'VO ·· ' 111g- I, ' d 10 \ V:l f\ so cx nert n. sJ atcr in::in do:y.s hci hoops i.nd has tnery one of H,s eJ es caught in1 10 Pll by th tt sort of the he11s 1 o 1 secl and contented J 1 two m u1 .. intmtive Ju.11g nngc t h nt 1vc son1.ot1mes. h ave [ ut es and th( only ~ound hoa..1.d on th e 1 b l inti.11eo f g1e~tt(n.ngerB ie l preni11:ies 18 the la.nin1e1111 g h) t h e eldest or o ur dr r1.c1fu1 !-1Itll Ltion, hoa. l t 1c c 1 \ck boy ns he rnei <ls the biol en pickets -Dan.. 1ng of the ice, :i.ncl o::;:iw it an 1 ~e l l it I1mn r 1 ttru }y...c,tvs 111 front of ns I A PnRT Ho pe man spentthree q~ arter5 '>f n.n honr 1 the other eveu1ng mtry1ng to pick up & ptece of mo rmsh ne from h10 door istep, 1vh1ch I~e f ou clly fancied t o bo n newsna.per TUE Tov; n of Cornwall has' otad a. bonus .,1 of $.114 COO to the Cornwall '" ollon, the Cornwall Colt.on ~ind tho Storn1ont Cotton ?f1anufactur111 J Co1nnarues Th.I.:! vohn::;, '"ns 8l fol, ancl 29 "[ja1nst THE new cens1115 rcpoit of c~n::tdr. r ep i escnts th<l.t t her e but t\\ o hn.lfb1ecds in the Doinin 1ou Thrn. gross nn cl innui fe~t e1ror shonJd alon e be anffic1ent t o 3ust1fy i tM conde111natiou 'Vhy, the f11ct 1s t he1c a re hnnd1cds of thern 111 t ho counties of Bruit ud H W.du:nctlld n.lo 1e I _ _____ . -.--__ D AND WELL s UI TED \Vh ~t did the st1ong n1a.n <lo? J lee h ke A LBvlSV I LLE n an tool.. i'1.1 sen1c for a CO\tn rd fron1 the d ~nge1a ha ha.d b1ou ~l\t congh ..nHl got 11 " :loffin i 'lnEQn1ncv( Cll ) C'aUreportsthat ttpl6 at Galena broke i uto u. shed 'vhere n.1tro gl:;.: cc11no w«i.s stored <le,onre<l t11u cou tc11ts of a can, a.ncl then "a.ndcrocl into n. stable, and on bou1g kicked bJ a hor::ic, exploded into a 1t housand p1 eccs1 blo,v1ng ono of t he hor~e s legfl oft l.\ea1P.rJil l To O~""' ...t8 0 1' H.o.ll.s.Efl -It Hi .. ""' V."'ll " attended fact con6 r1ned by t he cxpe11ence of vhou~and s t h it "' Darley 5 Condltion Po \der.:; a ict .l:ualnan Heive Rcn1ody" rox ho rses 1s snper1or to anything nO\'P or e-.; er kn~nvn \ Ve know t 11at it hn.s boen used In lll<\DJ ca os \\hei e the ho1ae haa bee 1 cons1derod thnost \v0r thlc sa, with the m ost snt1sf:l.cto1y resul t, t 10 hors e 1 ~ t o per f13C t ~onn(Inos~ 1 \\ ing b e"n xe:; t 011.::u or so 1n 1cl1 Lcn1::! tted tl1itthc co1nplau1t cou ld s,.. uce l:r h"' ol sci cd - 1"1 u iy s uch hu1~cs lune .-..ft~rwn1rls b een ~o 1 d f1on 1 ~oO to $100 rno.1.e t 1 :i.11 Ihey c t ld luivo 1 nev 1 oush: lJrou~ht ~nJ, 1c -.,veJl worth tlie difhirc1 cc let ull 1 ntercstel coniHd er tins Re ntin be1 tho n~me ud see tllflt the f.11g 11 n.t 1 1 e or HuiLl . .~ Co i .:i 011 pa{ kag~ N o.t Lh rop & Lyin:t.n, NC\\ c ts tl{~ Ont , pto piiet 018 foi C ~11 u1 Sold b; ,ill l :-iodicine

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