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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1873, p. 3

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CANAD IAN STATESMAN' ~'ti :u11 tc Ill. BOW~IA NVIJ 1LE, THUR,SDA Y, ~IARCI-I D CY I~G 27' 1s1·a. BE P~ U 'J: I l f 1.J ::L 1 l Q CORDS OF GRE EN WOOD. AP - I GO AS FAR AS POSSID LE , BY You n O PL Y Lu J. Lii:S'l' OU!{ P. EID. Sct· · :~ua Wante d, BOOTS -rL_~ SI ~ O ES AT TH E Reed's old stand. .Home Manufacture YES, IT IS I A a ror1 B u c kl e r WITn TGJtTII. GOLD FIL.L IJ\T GS ARTI FICIA L T E ETH 'V" Il'IIOIJT T !.:lr.TtL \Hl OR. G};N1';tL1.L ITO USE W OkK. J:~ . Appl)' lo i\l HS. "';V. J . :\1cl\1U P~T H.Y', Coi'll er Silver & ' Vo1li:igto n. St's. ~V:1 :~ h>al , A _nr d w o.:;t 1 GIRL TO , ,,· h er~ no PLAIN COOKING , a h out;cn1u\d is kept., AP'" PION E ER E 1'1 l) 0 R I u J\i, 17 C ASES OF ~PRi\\1·~ STOCK, FLO'JV S . F ARMERS WANTING 1 !Ia.s ono uf the largest a.nd best st ock'il of good9 i'l the Do1ni ni on, ru\d. would call spccin.l atten livri to the s a n:i e. WATCH ES, the best, selected by myself, of differen t grades to sult purch asers. immense nu n1ber. GOLD CHA1l'\S, Br ooches, Rings , &c., nothing to $ t h em 1 11 tho Province. C LO Ol{S ~ .A .n INSERTED AT A MODERATE F EJ·:. TilOSE WISHING TO HAVE · nl y L·) . ; ) l rs; fiEI~, f;Lng St:::ee.,t . Co,vn1a n1·ille, :\Iiirch ;;1th , 1878. S.-tt. V te a.i·e now prepared to auit all, in both quality and price. AND OTH E11 Teeth E xtr a cted W itho ut Pai n SIIOULD CONSULT THEU; F -".l\!ILY P H YSICIAN. Bovrmanvll!0, l 1ar ch G , 1873. rfiWO ..'-··-- · "li'rmmt. ci~ ~ unn e di1~a ely, Women's P l'Unellr. Balmorals from 90 d s., a,nd Childrcn'8 P atent Balmoral's at 35 cts. (with he0ls on). 1 STLVF.R and Electro·phte Spoons an d AGRICUl TURAl IMPltM tNTS caunot do hotter t han to get t hem Fork9. equal to any, uud t ho finest qi.rn.llt7- co.Jl a nd sco t hem. J . M . BRIMACOiHBE, L. D. S. GOOD Apply to FARM R ANDS. GE O. T HOMa S. B iH ·:i.·n an vllle, )farch 5, 1873, :fl-ti. SPEC i f~ L INDUCEI~IENTS FDR 30 DAYS, ELECTRO-P LATED SETS in groat va..l'iety-t.h-:. "\V holo is un immense -atock. T HE Esp<lcia.lly !-0 CASH buyer.. _.. , 1'l § i, ie n~· 1-.I !Far ie :foi· ~ale , N THE COUNT Y OF DUR.HAM, T ..w... n c:lr t he Tov,.u. of Bow..n.:i.nville. Applica.tion i.O - - -·- - - - - - -- from tho ROGE RS' celohrat ed Cutler) - a full st ock-the boFt in tb c 'vo rld . Smith American Organ ·-· IS-· Our S2.00 PRUNELLAS not only puts all opposit \011 in tho shade, bu t out altogether. ENN I SK IL LEN SPECTACLES -Special attontkn given to titting glasses ro all d egree of sight. A Io.r.,;e stock in gold, sih" C l', and c u1 nmou fr~mos . L a.z. arus :l.J:orris & Co.'s spwt.ncics- a. l argo auppls. aUd 'very che11,p. Pebbla spectacles to fft a"ll sights-a full supply j ust arrived from Enr;, land, rnadc ex.pre59ly to ordCl' and boa.r ing m y n am e, UNSU R PA SSED , H AVI NG A COMBINA'l' I ON o;; b.:.i tuti d ~ t.O SPECI AL AT1'ENTI ON giu n to GENTS SE J VED WORK, r J . 8 . B..iTES , Pt'Oµli.ctor. 10-t 1 cw H r;.,wnHtU \' Ule,· 1th. l b71. - - - - -- - ~ 1llc. --::--- - · - -- ' '-U.ic!1 iii got up in thc.: Lal.est Sty1 cs,aud at the LOWEST 1·euiuneni. live 1 .,1{.ICES. ' We aro ··tiafiod that it ia All the F.ssen ti al Quali ti .s .so d esirable lu a. P .irlor Ot' Churd1 0Tgna . Kiug ~ti·oot. con t a.ininl n~· 1 0 1-ooms ; b.a:rdn.nd s ofr, w n.tf1 r : good gH.rdcu, \\,th 'i'nriety of trul.t trees. For pa.rtlou~fl(8~~~o11 U~tPHR¥Y Tio\o:rnnnv!Jle. Jan. 10, 1873. ~-tC. B - RICK DWELLING HOUSE ON . G-OODS which i11 J nces tue p ublic so handsomely to patronize us. , J ll H-'ui·k G1iarltnteea as R epr esented, And frow 0ttr foci liti~s Established Nea·r l y 1'hfrtv 1 .Ye ar~ Having oll.l"ried otf FIRST-PRIZES 111t ·nd cheaper then any other Ju town or country. R ORA. D ERINA. writ es that she was d eli ~ l i l~ c 0>¥~11 all impor tant !airs in the county , on ovocy fa.1' surpasa.;a a ll othcra in q~Utr, prieo, nn.d exoloar ly thnl wo CANNOT BE BEAT by all filled with choice ~oodi. . . ·--~ ---------- --· COPLAND$ ' we feel confidont that we can place before the I mplomont wo exhibited season, show· 1 I NSPE CT our beautiful n ow store, on d public superior goods at same rates as those charged by others in t he Itent . pr- It is a decided fret, that our ato ck with the Smith U·erl o .t her concert h :TC. J. l\'.I, .b.1.1 .U.U.. . . V \ ..-.l,.·.1. LJ .I'..I , Age nt for t h o P rovi nce. A g:ood Piano to reut, n.nd some aoooncl·hand Instrn rncnt e fur er..le cheap. Sweet Cast or Oil. STRENGTH UNXt(]'ERED. VVHUJlllEN ARE FO:N D O F IT Sold by ull Drugg-lst'a and Med1ctilo DcillBH.. · trade for an inforior 11rticle. 2 more tirat-class workman wanted-none ' COME SEE US-tho g"od t imo, Ch::iatother need apply. any firm in t !io county; and having tak en mo.sand Now Yoors, 13 at hand. A AR ON B UCXLER. every pc.ins to e.lier and improve, 'Ve wi! THE lillGHEST PRICE IN CASH FOR HIDES. BowmonvUk , Doo. ll, lS!a, 2\1-tt ·m m . ' ANDERS ON ~ CO. Reed'i Old Stand. Bowman ville, ll'Lltth 21, 1ST3. ------------------~ "1:1-YT-"'--"°·-·--~------- Guarantee E'Dery lmplament turnec\ out by ll· "\V m . Jli, lLOlVe , ll. Jl.f,,I,, H., .~TT ORNEY·AT· iSoo k Rindilag. line, ' ·:hich they wi#h to have bound, ca.n have their orde1·~ filled in the neatest nnd m ost durable titylc. a nd on tho sh:Jr t.cst n otice, by leavin.g the~ nt th o S1'AT..1rn ~!AN o~ce · .B rinfj, alongyou:r .b iu.c.l· ng. "\"\f, J>ERSONS llAYING BOOKS, MAGA· ] : ZI NES, Pam:phlets, or anything_ iD the book ... 35. t his oo ..on to give LAW, Solicitor in Cha.nccry.a ud i nsolvonoy &;c., &c. B ARRISTER AND SATISFACTION OR NO SALE fil:e on Silver Str eet, Bowmti.nvillo, onloa.utermx to~s. ca. sy 16-« .--------= -x· --· . BOWMA NVILLE ..,..'<. . - R. CLIMtE. l'<.TTED W A ..L ~ ~ ;i Wo will give 1ucn o.nd wom en THE CELEBRATED Jtu siness tha t Wl/l P a y , fro m $! t"..J ~3 p t:ir da.y,can bepur'-n cd in your o wn neig hborhood; it is a i·u.rc d1an cc for those out of en1p loymfnt or ha\Ti ng lclsu11J time ; g lJ'ls and boy,;; n·oqucn tly d o ns " ·ell a9 in un. Pex t1culara fl·co. A.dtlrc:>:<J J . LATU A:v I &.· CO. Dominion Plough a.s we now make it, is the Con. 5, Cartwrlght. The m oet of the la.nd has been in po.~turo o.nd meadow t'or 10 y ea.r~. . 1 A q_unntit y of fallen cedar of excellen t qua.Utt J rol' Ap1lly to nev. W . LOGAN. lO ·tf, Cnrt·wrlght,Sept. Oct., 1871, A -BOUT 50 ACRES OF '.i'o neut. LOT No. 14 MACH lt~E & iMP lEME NT n I ~ MANUFACTURING COMP ANY, MAN U FACTURERS UF , liVood und J:ron-'Wor 1ring · M.AOlUNERY, A.gric.u lh1nuD linn~n>ka!i\ Cnl\~s,, Sa~e-Yo~~ Bones And get 50 cts. 100 lbs. for t hem, o.t YOUNG & BRITTAIN'S, ;::ds~;;:.:~::;;::::I P E EP AID BY MAI L. HeectS. 20 sort.S of e ith t'!r fo r $1;. n~'v v.ndo.:i choioo \"'"O.. r 1 e tics oIFt·Hll; a.nd 01·na1 n entn.l rrceA , .... hrubs, J~v:rgr ~:ens, R oses. Grapes, LillioB , S1 nnll F r uita, II01 '"C and JJorder P lants and B ulbs; one year ~ra fLell '.E'r 'l'roea for n iti.iling; F ruit. S tock b of a.11 kin ds; ):ledge P la.nts, &c.; t he most complete . 11ssort rocn t in the coun try, "\vill be seut. grn.tla to a n y plain o.dd r ess, with P . 0. box . True Ca µe 1 Cncl Cranber ry for .n p land or lO"t\'land,$6por1000; :Si pa.r 100; p rC[ by inaU. Trad e List to deal· eril Secrls in Comm lf'lslon. Agent s wanted. :B. :&L \.\r ATSON, Old Colony Nurserias and · S~ d ' Varohouac, Plymonth, Ma!)s. Established B EST PLO UG I-3: This Plough ha· LEFlcEL'S oan be had for aod . to.ken MORE .;enIZES OntCi.l"io Street. P. S.- Thoy muSt be dry n.nd clcn.n. ~ou~le T urb in eW ater Wheels, AND- tt.t d iffor ent ploughing: " ·re. ;!fY NEW PRICED DESCRIPTIVE J..r~ Ca.1,it.lougc ot Choice .l"lo wcr a.nd Ga1 ·de n matche· than any common plo ugh now p ete. \\'o a r e alsa ml'Lnu fa cturin g a n ew I A G E N () Y OF 'I'ltli:: FU R N ITUR E :JitAN UFA.CTUitING CO. CASTINGS Q]' ALI . n:nrns. in use, where it had n chance t o oom- lB OWMAN YILLE l I plough known na tho 0 n ta rio Plougl1.' app ointed retail ngent by the Bo\:1mn.nvl.l le Furniture ]..1a.nufncturing Co., la now 1.U n. J)Osi· li°~ll',g'~g,~h~~~crsaLns lown rateas any deo.1 · -H ROBT. S MANNIZ G. T FIE SUBSCRIBER HAVING BEEN l\'oticc. REP AIRS DONE ON nm SHOR.'rES'l' NOTICE. ' Ve have nov1 on b and a In..rgc quantity of COM ~1:0N -:-A.ND- - ~_:2- A~ericaU:- Or gans ! 1\{Llltia and othor s · w bo hn.v o boon in the ha.bit ot prtl.cticlng with ba.11 oa.rtridge.1 _on. Uwt_ fi a.t, wru boar in ml.nd th at tro m t be pr osentUn1n, auy r...onS\lnt, hith erto given by tuei ts a bsolute ly withdra.wn; a nd any one foun d wilfully ooutinnif'l..t.!' RLfle p raot!ce after thla 11otJoe must bo dealt Wit!i u the la.w dirooUi, F. RAYNES. ~2-tt Bowmci.nvlllc, l\-It.y a<>1 187 T HE ME MBERS OF' VOLUNTEER GANG ·P LOUfl-HS thn.t will b o eold o.t uo'v PRtcr:::a at th ~ o"hop. B owmo.nvllle , l\lar cb. 5th, 1372. W it h ilnportau t itnprovem~ntsattached , Do ..... n1e, !\fay 25 1871. ARRI VED CULTIVArroR S~ -.L.'l' D - TWO JI)~· (' Hrng HOU!!Cli I!< a le, p1!·t!c a.pp '. y fbr N RE ASONA BLE TERMS. IN A O dc :>irJ.blc !o oa!ity in tho To·wn ot DoVt·m a c.; t.o F o:R &; H . O 'HA il.A.. 5-t.f. Mu.ket B uildi!lg5... Bow1r~acv 11:e . GR I:<~ .c\.. 'T' COLLARDS' PATE~ T i'< f ew B u s1 n ess hL1.nd~ . r STOCK J. & vv. J. JV1 '~1u 11 Tll Y&co. Bowmanville, llforch 26, 1873 . 1R ON J.-I ARROVl ALSO, 'l'IC'Jl'ORIA. COMPOUND SYRUP O]' 1 mo so~~~l~~~TIVATOR mer should lrnvc. kinda of grain with Hypoph o sph it es "T h e only Syrup prepared from Dr . Chu"'chill's For mula, a ud certified t.o be Chcu1ically pu r e. For the provent ion und cure of ·w here ho wi ll keep on hand a. flr:St.·el ass stock of Boors a n d 81.Hi e;; s u ila blc for t he sc1-1.1:1 on. Order I work. wU1 ll i:~ve hls p romp ~ utteu t ion. 'l' we11ty five year 1:1 ex perien ce i n the t rade, n101"'0 th an the last t w o of which Ji e has spen t us cut.ter, '~nt1 general n ta,uag er in !i.1r . Reed's cs iablishmont, ho.s g iv en hi.Jn op por t un ities of learning w h at the people really w ant. H e has therefor e no doubt of b eing a.ble to give satb~fa<;:tio n to all. 'vh o shn.11 favor h im '\'ith a. ca.11, a nd hopes lJ r g-ivlng due a.ttcn tJon to bu s lnc~ l'; to re· To \Vhich ·we will call your ~pecial n.tten· ccivc a la ir sbar o of public support, J . Sl\f.A.Ll£. Remember th~ plucc, t'vo doora West of l\!ur· t ion, as it is· an imploment thr.t every far. d och Bros. J. S. EAST MAN S' P ATEN'r sol ve<l to op<i r\ hu3ine:i~ o n bid o·v\-~ Jl a 0cu \l nt in the s hop two doors \Vc.:;t of l\1u r doo h Bros. ; R ·;.:.:.C.'s b .·..:.i.r.o~s h<J..1; ol.:. ci.:i.;ccl 'l11I E SUBSO:. ::.IBER TI1It l S 1-t ··~ ! PECT· fl F ULL " 1 tn i:i1foru1 1 h e v~111ii c that a:> Mr. R. h e h:i.s r~ Being anxious t o r educe our stock a~ lo;v a::, poss; LJe b afore stock taking, we will givo PU'LMONA RY C ONS U MPTION ,\LSO l 'OP. l 'UE CURE OF It sows t he difforeni Urspcpsia., Drooch i t1s, .AA thma, Losa of Appot.100, General Debility, d:c, PERFECT ACCURACY, GREAT I !N ALL K INDS OF G ,)ODS C?~;""'.!'IFIOA·rr-: A5 T O P URITY irFI C·.\CY. La.bol·a.tory, U niversity C.Ollege. 'l'oronto, Doc.. i , 1872. j and oult ivatea it iu with the once going over, an d fa highly r i;ceommended hy all f~rmers c he:rrn<:aJly pure, and th e tiyr up is &l&o: gu.#e fre:e fro m any_1 :1 npv,ri1y, Yonr Syrup of J::iSpOpll.01pl1 it8 -.vlll un tloubtedly pro"'i"6 a t:e1'1/ valuabl.e :\·Iediciue. HENR Y H. CROF T, 'l'o the Victoria. ChcmicaJ Co., Gn:~""Ttlt~EN".-T examined the n.rt.Lol~ employed in the. ·v 1ctoria.Chemiool °"rorks,. in the v reparat.inn of the Vjotori.n. ~~'l"'UP of Hypoph ospblvcs. 'fhc scvorr.J. B:ypho&pltltes u&ed ~; a ntio n. who have uaed t hem as & great ..... P l'lce ~·, 1 Profes= of Cboml·t<Y, U. C. p er Bott le. 8old by all Drugg!et.e. .. John Lon .. and oolling Rlgb t4 fo ~tent a. Ga te, c;fued on m o on t~e 12th ult .. a.n~ vu:; '!.' OR.IA. CO:!'J POUl-: D FLUID EXTRA.CT OF BUOHU AND UVA URSI A Speciflc Ren 1cdy for al.I Disea.see or tho Blo.dd cr nnd K idneys; Drop sical SweJ.l!n;r-i ; Co~· pla! nts to F emales; n.uc l il.ll diaea.eos of th o Urinll.l'Y Organs in tho Sex. a b la.nk b oOli, afS hn.\'in~ pUJcl:W.sed such E'arm Ib&vonowreasontofeuLbal t hoblauk Rlgbt.. pa~ d gned b f m e may be converted in to a prom lalOry n ote. I bet·eb)' caution all per8ons from @!'Ch a~ any prom!s6o1'Y note purpol'tlng -l I onwl.ttinjt}y a t bla roquoat s;!.gned my uamo in THE RE ARE A a.rn1 PE RS ON SJGNUW H IS NAME WHO '., WANTS A RfSrntN I House and l ot ~or ll . . on tho Soutb s1 do or Church. Street, in.ilia Z 1 LABOUR.-SAVING IMPLEMENT .J. II I G ' G I N D 0 'I' H 11. M, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Thi· we have improved, by an attachment BEGS RESP ECTFULLY TO AN· · tl Jt ' t f · · t NOCNOE that he, hn.a i·eooiv&d a. w ell n.s to provi::_~t l~ Cll iv.a. or 1 · FOR THE N EXT TFI IRTY .DA'"fS, All winter goods will ho sold at a grout reduction, such as Sale rom runng OU aortOO stock. .:>f Genuine Di:ng . sand Pura Engliih , , Chemicala. .Alw, a. spl euilid stock of the m ost 111 nuy h ard places, and enable.sit to d n all co.rofull7 selected -< l'k e, h av1ng · a gren. t ad van ,,. DYE ST lJ F F S ! , " lLS work a.1 ~e . .over those manufn.ctured olsa,vho:i.'e. Try i t once for any ot tb.o ebove Dl ~d e<a,and you '~ill bo full )" oonvinood of 1ta pro.-cmJuent virtues. Pr!cc tl p er BotUo. Sold by n.U D t"l.tggbte.. V.lC'l"O RJ!A. ELl!:orruc LINIM EN T. "THE KING OF ALL LINIMENTS." For Rheumatism, Gout, Neu ·a.lgia., Lumba.go, So!attca, \Va uder ln$ P llins , Sti:trness in t h e L imbs or J oi nts, Syra.inslivruises. Numb nei;s, Swellings, l-Ieaua.che, J:i:o.ra.c e, 1'ooth~che, &c. in1mecUa.tely 'Veat, o! the rc !3 lde.:oce of ' Vm . MoM ur ..rv~ E&q. 'f he homo ta a. lo.rglj T WO STOR\ DRI CK DW ELLING, to wbloh MC AGENCY ntt.aoh od o.. stable, wood·ihad, a n d a ll oth er con· vonienoee n~ce s so.ry for tho a coommodn.tion and oorqfol't of a. respecta ble family. Part of t lii; land, in oonnectton with tho house, ls planted. with fruit trocs, and the rema.indu tll~root le: HAYE APPOINTE D MURDOCH eutll.olently lar go for · vegotable gwe11. Hard 8ROS., Bowma.nvtllo. a.£ints for thG sa.Ie of 1 u.ud. soft water ou the ure ini6e/i, my .A.grieu!t·ttral .M.:i.chines, Str aw Cutteni, · The a bove property can be purehnsed at& very &l'&in Crusher~. Combined Feed Mille, &c ., i:C-c., ! low prtoe 1 either tor ca; h or 011 credit. JQ.:Ji, what tho ftLrmer wants. F or f'urtheJ· pa.1·t!cUlar1 terms etc. s.pply to DA vm M AX WELL, w · II· w \vE ·' ' · Suc oesiier to Wn:ITEL~w & ?oI A:XWitL L. Bi1.1·rlater, et-0.. Bowmo.nvllle. PAriJ, January 7th. l.iT' J. 2i--tf. Office on ~il vor StJ:oot, 2 door s North of K lng. SO-t f. to be Bil!'llod by mo. \V}!. WJNDATT. D 'nllngton , March 3.1873. S2.4."'· TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE, P aris Fot1ndry T I w·hlch cannot be surpr.issed fo r czocllanc:r of An a..e!!ortment ot .{).nillna D:r~ kept constanUy on hand, together \vith a choice ~ lectlon of will plaoo t he work t urned out by us in DRU GS. CHE MICALS, tho hands of our cu>tomcr. with a. full asPATE~ 'r MEDICI NES, BRUSHES, COMBS, surance that t!iey will find it stl'lctly SH OULDER-BRACES, L SUPPORTERS, &o., &<. what wo repre03nt. OILS, PAINTS,' COLOl'lS, We quality SHAWLS. DRESS GOODS, WI NT ER SKIR TS, CAii. PET S, C LOU D S, VAnNI! !n::~. REPAIRING of all kinda carefully attended to. aud~WHITELE.A.D W- .At the t'"e.ry lowe6t pricee. H ORSE AND CATTLE . MEDICINES, ~ a. nt a~eous N. B.-Country ter ms St orepcekers~ &upplied ou Ad. BUY I T ! TRY I T !! PROVE IT !! &O cu. per Dott le. ~.PE.A.. S: PE T AILO R, }.ls and frien ds, and would that h& h ll9 r emoved t o the cor ner Of King an d On· et reeU,, where h -3 wi.11 be_gla d t o seo as ma.ny of tlle ~ ood -natUl'cd and good·tempcred OD.Cs as ploose to give him a call. B ov.·mnnvllle Nov . 2Znd, 1 f( J. . S ,G,vVebster, L.D.S. c As TING s OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Casth1g· furnished at tho lowest rates. Special attention will bo given to ' CAR R IAG ES! And W oolen BUFF ALO ROBES, RAILROAD Go od~ of ai i d l' :>(' r i 11t ion s. Sold by a ll Druggists. VIC'.li'OIUA. C ARBOLIC SALVE GOLD ." Burns, Scalds, B oilshPiles, Pim:ph!s, .-.. c., and Chronic Disease s oft e Ski:a. of c\'·er; desc1·1ption . P l'lc e? 25 cent s p c::.· Bo:s::. Sold by nll Druggists. A Spe_ c ltlo fol" Cut8, tVounds, Bruls~s. W TURN his sincere t h ank!:! t obeg tnumer ou$ cuatom.era o sa.y OULD RESP E CTF UI LY RE- Ja mes Mor r i s, I N RESPE CTFULLY R ETURNING CARRIAGES. WAGGONS, CUTTERS, "'VORTll ITS \VEIGlIT I~ t bo.nk s to the public for llberalpatr v.·ould a 1·n011n oe t hat he la nrrw prepn.rccl to fl!J all ordera in his line in. u wanner secon d t o no os· tab lish1nen t in th e cowit1en. W RAP PEH~, Vl!.C'Ji' ORIA CAP.BOL A'fED Fil-st Pt·i ze C ulli va t o l·s. Surgeon D e11tist Teeth E x tracted wz'thout Pain. Plough Points I Of which we can f ll rnish :\hnost every k ind, and of tho hardest metal t o b e had . Mll\K SET ·', G r HJ\I ,\ ' : l\J JI\ K ' · Gly ce rine Je lly . u ElTINE;s'.i'I.Y 'IEE LADIES' F AYO r..ITE. " 1n ovi ng 'J.' a n , S u 11\.Jn1·n, I1~rcc kl <:s tr.lso for Chn.ppcd IJ11.nda, C lriibl rifn s, F1·ost Dit os, u.n d Sor e Li ps. E'er Denutlf:rin p: t he Compfoxlou , and fo r re~ 1'i mple8 1 &:c., P l'tec 1 25 r; t;;. pei· Do tOe. S ql!l by all D1·uggist s. pj to 1 TOIL ET SOAl:i>S. "CELEBI<ATED F o n TI!l!:m U~ IF ORM PU1"\.Il 'Y ..t\.~TD EXCE LLENCE Q } ' Qti.AJ...l'fY .' ~· z ·cron 1.~·t t:l'O R.IA 0 I SI RES to return thank s to the f nrmfng eonl.n\unity for th e libeL'L1l pntron ex tended to ll Y TH E USlI Dll' h im in the past; and O\'ould d irect a ttention t o the excellen l one-h orse and two-horse Iron Cultivator s m an ufactu red by him, an d ' vh ich ob· tnined J?i:rat Prize:; l fall at t he Provincial E.."i:h ibi Llon in Hamilton a u (l t.bc Union E xhi bi· tion in Bowman YiJlc. T hey are lUldoubt cdly (PilOTOXIDE OF NITROGEN! tJ1c best implc1 nen ts of tho k inrl in use, and will in n. v ery short time more t hnn r epa.y wh ith jg delight ful to take. their coat , in the efficiency and oxcellenc e of their 1 principal Cities work . Insp ection invit ed. A supply of C ultiva- Nitron s Ox ide is used in all lb E .v:i th pleasure tors now on hBJl d for th e spring ·w ork, nntl \\'ill in Europe u.ntl .A.mer1c:.., nnd I can 1 nnd confid ence recommend it to tbc public as a be sold at low·('.st rate~. s afe o,n d pleas ant anresth ctic, T HE SUBSClUBER HEREBY DE- SLEIGHS. &c., MA:-l"!'ACTURED 1:4' AN"Y STYLE DIIBiRIID, AND .01\" '1'!ill S H Oil'l'.ii:S'.r ~ O 'rr c E . F The Highe st Pric e GIVE N FOR OLD IRON ' t h r~t notl1in g but t he best m a terial is used , and best workmen cmployed-th ns ens ul'"' ing tlurah il i.ty, elegance snd con:1fo1·t- l h e n1ost hn.po·rtant rcquisites in a con veya nce. }{epalrin&' in all brn.nches of the trad e prompt~ ly a tteu<le t o, nmnember At twenty.five per ce nt d iscou nt, !IS IRON H.~RROWS Cordwood & Hardwood IB1 A£-.~s~NT!!g Do!ORK, LU MBER. IN A SUPERIOR MAN:N"ER. ALL K INDS OF these goods must be sold to make room i01· Spring lmporiations. (;AR UD t i(l S O.t.P, 00. · or a superior klnll , also on hr.ud. IF YOU V ALU E YOUR IIEALTll B U, G GIES AND WAG oN s DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH. consta.ntly on h a.nd for an.le. PRICES MO DERATE. ~. 'nCTOltU SULPllVR SOAP. C Ll 'CF.ILJ N£ , UO~' ET , R OSE J. S'D WINDSOJI. R & R SYLVESTEI ' · ' \J . nr All kludB o! Black8mith ~Q11'!1'AAvf!lt1 work done on the Rooms 1'ormerl:y occuplad. by T. J. J ones. ovor F . lilhortost n otice. A ca.U solicited. F. Mc. A..rt.bwtl atoro, Kb1g St., BoTn n.a.vWe . . yo u want anything in t he carriage lino, . give. JAMES MORRIS a call, ~nd h e \\ ill stu t you. 1 :!lo.,.,.m~~~me, Oo\, 10, One d oor W c.>t of t ho Ontru:lo Bank. ··- ~Wh en McC LUl\f G B ROS. Bowm~n~ille, 430111 by aU Di-u;;lllts. rel" I~, · I . W E ST COTT. 1813, S~·t r. '.EIUllAkillon, F ob. 3, 1873. 27·2m. mi. l&·!Y Jan. 2Q, l 8T8. ·

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