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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1873, p. 1

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· , SLttc smrrn i:, pun te d a1Jd publl h ell ~~ ea·y '~' £iun" ~fay by 1. l'ir\>1wning c; ' rop11cto ·..:v1,[ . R . or__.I.M IE, t t hl: if ' -!Y ll, 'f ..._ u~ -F o!!t @illce ~!:U.oc i ~, '~ING Sf P I BO\'l:II.1.\ N'"'. /JlJ)F. 0.NT VOL. XVIII. BOWJ\iANVILLE, ONr.r., THUl1iSD.AY, r\T--"RIL 10~ 1873g $ 0 oO 0 ~3 0 7~ 0 20 0 U2 o OS HAMP'"rO~~. Offers for &ale one of tbe most exteno1ve anrl complete assortmen<5 OJ Goods to. be fonnd w any couutn Hto1 e m Onta110 i~Mt1in1)~~~, f!h~~ttroi~. ~~~~ I Jl3 Li\\ c:iu).ic tor iu Chancery :l'ld. ~ otary 1 Public · ~ Mo-ev fol" inver:1tmen ... on most favoraolo te1 ros 'll .A.RR::tS1,E1~ t!.ND 11-TlOR~EY A.T 1 DRY GOOD~, GHOCEHIE8, HAHDWAHE, BOOTS and ::>H 1 Ei, PAINTS, H OILS, P"\ i'ENTWM EDICINES. ~ 0FllIOE- Ovc1 s1or13 of J 0 r &; ' ' J }lcMurtry & ( CROCKERY, nn to· lH JL\IRB·IRN, BARRISTER & JL flAtto1ncv Solicit or &c Ji ndsa} IJ I c.., rn K eenan <i B ock O"'i er 'l' Heall s Book lrnohe:d ~r1u.oul', l\-1on0lj loaned 011 P~ca. E"c.alt 81 oc t I>o :V!JlU.ll' GENTLEJ\1:EN'S SUITS made to order m the latest and Jt\ lKe u e.r o f i\'farna ;:,r; Lice.. u .:.eH B11,rrister ang most approved manner, and on the shortest notice, from Fashionable and Attorne;, nu J_,11\\ aiu1 ~oli01to1 In Uhtti ( 1 l) 1'J> f GlS'l'RAlc, ViESl D TTRH \l\"I ille Of'l1.:c on h . 1ng L A"\\r Office J{1ng 8trcet Po >1ua11v-illeArrent atDo\\ man\ I le for the F 1ee old Bu1ld1ng ,. ) { y lhoney to lend on tn.Lnl c it' .mns rmt BA ~ i. .~ ohmi. Jl{. Gann·. 2a~1, carefully selected Clothos and Tweeds Platf s egularl3 received 'fbe latest New York Fa.sh10n rn I AND \TT<!H NEY o\.T HENRY ELLIOTT, Jr. R,tmpton, l\ov 19th, 1872 J olui IUI .!!!utelu.1s01111. llllARlUSTER, "\TTOI\NFY, SULICIri~J UH 1qJ,d ~otn.l"'i f ubllc () r101~ - Ftra Ll1 JO en,::.t ofPost Ofllce up5tnu"i:i 'ent::1 B ?£j rr;t1,a·t"t ""\c ~5ikti~ !.11., "-RRISTi1' R Ol "'~D ATTORNEYS ~I The Sale will Continue. Burglanously and Felomously tbe On t::i.110Bank <:....c 1'Ioncyfor1n\estn1~nt 11a,ll 1 J 11 " mnnost fJ.vorable tenns ConvP.yinlt:CIS l.1 '\.\.\! ::3ohci. to1 ~ in C huncerJ and Inso Not1n1e:; Sohc1tor:> for !('< RADUAT E OF 'l'HE UN [VEitSI J._~ TIF S of'trnnty College Toronto and ·v·1c THE GREAT SALE I I OF I· I II I tor[ a College Cobolu i; J 1cm1tmt(} of tho College ot P hysicians and Surgeon<> , 011 ~ Office one duot \\.'"est of J.J Co1n1Slt s Ro.. d ence-Sih m i:;trect one door s outh of D1 Heid o:. A u1 g en Bowman v1Jlc On~ G 0 Q D S I A'l l'llE '!.'. llilAGJ,ING'.ll'O:t., ffAS JU·t ORANGE:; 1eceiveu o quantity !ih·. !Da-viidfl~m, fl.I :t. 1d Pnzen an ot the Unn ers1ty of l' o1onto n.nd Uru\61'8l. t~ o r Queens College, Krn.;rston me nbo1 <)fthc Colle"".., of Physicians tu~d S ll "gco b of Ontano Surgery, and Re!!1 de1u.:c als o K ing Str cet Second doo1 east of :J-Iayr,ard s Hotel · 16 20 4 ~'l'EOF IRE HOY A.L COL· LEGE of Pn) s1cui,, 111j of' Engll;l.ntl and Cni vt rs1t.y ofV ictul1u. College Cobourg Dnder G RAD CT I I I I Alflo L~;~ron:s, COCOU~ UTS, \Ve had JUSt locked up the safe, dlld I haj put the key m lll) pock et-I ,nn tho accountant of the N oi:th rand South of Engln.ncl Bank at its Padesey .Branch, \V R Y 01k I had got my hat on, and had taxcn up I lY n no1ella 'vnen a. man mime running into the ba.nx: ~ itn n. bag of rnoney in lus hand ' ·.\in I ~n tn 101ii he cued PEANUTS, head r;:el net i BEAV:E R BLOCK J . il."ii e~i!rng, ~.iL D. I RAS BEEN SUOB A GRAND SUCOES8 ' ~/lfEJHBE11, 0 1 ROYAL COLLEGE OF J..~JL Surgcori.s En.,,.ln.nd, Licentiate Royal Col leg1 of P 1 1 ~ 'H0 1 (',1 fd1 11bu 1gb {Late Uesident A ccoucheux St Ihomas flo~IJital I ondon n.nd .Jle~r.unu.o B 01 Or' 'J VI ate1 Lowunadc and Sarsaparilla. very e 1lt a ble ior summer drinks .All i..h~ a 1o"Va \ 1 !1 be constantly on ht.1.nd during the hot " Aathc1 Darlingt o11 has .iust r~ce!ved. another lot of very ilne 'l'E A " Jncll. will be sold oheap tor cash Bov~mn.1.1ue u btupbell ~ celobrated i::.oda 01 i f Ac t1n g Res1ueut ::VIed1cn.l Officer Q,tv of I oudw Ti ci5~Ht'.1 l tor Dit>easos of ~h e Che->t > Dr F .. M'oARTI1UR HAS CONTINUED IT FOR Chopper·s \;s;J'anted! _I_ bn.>c ·hcwoou. onft ty uc,,..e s oflaud m t1no Cord\\ ood as1ap1dl) us pGii .,ible, wii:l pa;} to good caoppers the follow1n:; pn ces During the inon th of Q,..;tobe1, SO cents per cord DuJrng tltr.: Jno nth~ uf }; n ember and Duoem bc1 r5 cent s Pt:l cord On and nfte T~1 iltl.ry 1st, 1873, 70 cents per cord ALSO, \V.A.NTEu, nnHE mrn:run,srn::, ED '" If,HI"'G TO N oH ~c-lHte moval. residence t o the house lnt eh l occupied (iv Dr C1owle on \VellJ ngtr:n Stre c Su1gery nt his, r;ld t e-='1dencc, S1 \ e:;: Street Office hours r om 10 a D'.I lu s:::.J H ) 16 itt'. D I< U REID HAS HJ~MOVE D H!S I'~r. 'Ii. EJ:ciU1, TWO WEEKS LONGER, 1n Grde1 to inake a complete clearing out, and gi.\'e aH a. chance for the ail1ADUAIE OF THE l'ORON'l.'0 THREE subscriber TEAJ\'ISTEHS, I hd YYell, he1e wa~ t he money to inect the drafts, at1 yho v 1 u.nd I should h,tvo been a great fool to 2end it away JUSt because it wa"' a.fte1 1.outs So I counteu 1t rill ore ~ , th·re wt\.a about 111neteen thou~and in checks and notes) and three thousand in gold "Cotne "1-nd a glass of beer w1ih me, 11 said Black, u on the way to tno stn.~ t10Il' [ saw t hLS " li.. wa;:; ~ 01ir·3 nn d I sa.1<l t 1 11 9 "Cnl\enut' l?h ys1cJan Su1g,..on &c Office i:;n Kn1.s, Sti "e i.,.ncx:tdoor to Yellowlces &. Qwck s Vari ~~' BLo ~ BIJ WU).fl,l \ Ille, Onta 10 TO DRA.W WOOD Partlcula"'s mndo known on applica.tion to tho Board will be proVJ.dcd for workmen on tho premises, 1r desll'cd " l\fy ltd, yu :.i ....... n ~ co .,.he tn , 1 ) lest l J, lU. B1dma1?om be, JL. D. URGEON S k. Oo l Fillings niserted for 2..-. each A n c ce ~.,. DJ~ N T T S1' s., GR EA TE.ST Ev ER OFFERED IN Bowmam11!0, Febrnary 13, 1873 BARGAINS BO"WMANVILLE THOS THO;l!AS N B -All pe..sons indebted to T THOMAS by noto 01 book account fo .. DlackslD.lth s wo1k' arti requeist~ to rJettle the same immediately liowrn~nvillc Oct Id, 1872 12 !>!'. SUPERIOR Teeth c:xtracti::d cent,, lent looth f'o>tder tor sarn Office ra \'!cC 1ung s bock fK. Ua1:c.~ni1ag, rc<>1dmv'o Lot 1 ~ 31 d .,;OTI 1 Jarhngton !\._ll orders ~ ri a t t.UP. ufil~ v or Robet>t ..Umour, l£sq prompt DHOYINOIAL M .ND SURVE10R JC ci. 11 En~1neer and Land . Agcu Off1cc and ) a tended to 40 N E "\V Fall and Winter Dry Goods, IL 1-- 1f L I,EED, PROVINOL\L LANlll eP ti Snr-i; eym Ch il Eng1neer etc is pJ ep tred ~o do ~i.Lll orletS "\\ tth v1 11ch he rna;. be fa\o~cd \tl 11c s Bo-wrnanv11le P (J l\f L ch lath 1:,71 EATTI~G-'S CHEAP Bowmamtllo, Oct 10th, 1872 FOR s. :-st reet CASH IV I · ' Cbcstn·ticM, RP.stdcnco Queen Ch~rg-e f) 13 J:~ ·v111LF. a r\d 11<11lJ11f!1o1 A UC1 IO '<EER FOR BOWM A.NOra.ors pu11ctuo.b" uttended Lo \ '- D. CHEM ITS STOTT, AND DEALER I~ J!':l!lom<rn §tonhouse. -L~ G ro c.,.al Dail r1.;to1i C!.fnh f': ii> ;i_ lJ(J [ ION EE!t, \.l'PRAISER A:'<D Sn.lea DRUGGITS BOWJ~fANVII;LR· on1pt:Jy attended to .R. ID>. l'oky, TOJVJY HALL BtJILDilfGS, I -. I C11Nfl l1D \UCTIO NEER, F U!t _..11 ... h e IOJI t"' td t d to '1Ht;1 ( rTJ 11 'Jn;;rton Bales p101npt C11a1ges incue1ut e DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Dye Stuffs, Patent l\.:[ed1c1nes. P0rfumc1y1 Bru.iihes, Combs, Sottps, Paints and. Oils, Pamt Brushes, Coal Oil, and Cool 011 Lamps, &a , &c 'fl.'~w~~~ mi Cha·hiti~, e ""' L "'01 11c follow in~ 1 utisb n.nd Cana l u ur nee Co up"1n.., "lb I~o;p1 l I 1vi r u l r f n clou Bntl!'..ll crt and Pro"\ 111 cii~ ~,.,.~ LL rflL} i11fo1 l 1,\f'of Stcan1e.s \n d Fi 1""'1 t 1 n 1 ) r f !)) L :i.ll l (01 11ir1 fo1 Untcd J.rn ~ !)/'.) 1 1 lP ING STR EET, BO>VJVT U1VII,LJ~, ~\. ~t · py y$ICU!>6 PRESCfUPUONS CAREFULLx COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDERS CORREC1LY ANSW.lrn.lfi>. Colt l l../l Lf ~01 l1.u:11bcli&nll and Du.ih!Ull :~ . ELECTRO PL \.TED SETS m great '.\ Ul'TJ ONEElt, " OULD BEG TO t!:D- .Pm-r.1'r8 and l'h?/Stcwnsfrom the Co1<>1i1y u1Ufind our Steck of M<d«H" com· var1ety-the v;ho lc is nu immense stock .hall bo responsible for the due costocly of pape. " Tfow cam,ll they to kr ow YM' d SOUR M:Lif.. FOR CO\ V& .IUf:D HOGS Jj,,_ inforn1 t'1e inhab1t..'tnts of B ovvinauv1lle and ete and of the beot qualit'I ft 111 ~ -s o f " ,. T n u 1l am tlrn.t hi; i <i UO"\\: prepar ROGERS' celebnted Cutle1y- a fnll the caiJh while it is in }us possosston in th0 got t iu n:ioDev i11 yout ,....o it1 ctl +c::i utt" 11 vo iny ~ :< les 11 i) .t m 1y be entrusted day tune, and thab at rught .tll n10Ut1J1J and J said I du. l n't k 10\\ I n bG h a..Ir 01 t1 1e Sherwood I1vllo\ li arr.a stock- t.a e bC' "t w L he '\\ uthl o 1 1u 1 Cl ar,.,cs 1n.odcratc 10 ~f sccur1t10s sl1all be carefully secured in the " .L\.h iJllb I' , 'said th<::: s 1) e'l"1nt en Pt Cjub, I W'I" ~e you to n... k w uc h i -, t h 0 ofilcesafc,wJnchshall be securerl bytwo de1t " Yo t \\<;:J u to g9l 1 gla::sc.; of ~ le mo"-lplouttotle (L L1rJ J 1~J to ft!ed t h (J ffll.oney t o !Leud. !nl. rJrli!~ll" lilCa.·, I put the ong uf 1noncy ln 111\r deal, and "' locked it up I would corne back presentIy and Irave it placed rn the f;afe I Vialk ed to the ~t it1011 wi th. IJlnck, we ho.c1 son1e - , ~"' hoer together 1 and then he went off A.mer Robel't Young, ETEnTNAlW SURGEON, GHAD ica.wnrds, 11nd I on the \va.J to Neinoplul You :H::o~ I \\as iaLlie1 .lH the stoi. y 'Ah ha dlcl " I Uunk 1'\v of the Ontario 'Tcterinary college lar Villas begs to infonn tllc inhab1ta n~s of Bo"\vrunn\!Jlle ha.bit of calling for a glass o( bee1 as I went ,,ho chc, t l l.t JOb and surround1ngcountr:y that he has comrnenc""d the :practice of h\s p1ofess10n and can be con home, .l.nd, consequently, front the force ' 0 1), S' I ' l1ow th<)11 d tl I tn 1 sult.ed as to the d iseases ot' horses and cattle at Glovers Livery ofilct,,, :K1ngStrcct Bownian\ ille of habit, I cl n.lmost go~ ho I.H;} bcfo .. e I re- 1 'rhen yon put JOl.i h< n<la upon ht n ;,ncl RBSIDE:SCE at Biodie lli Hotel n1embe1ed the bag of n1oney ] t wn.~ 1 Jet bac 1 the money I \'an t the 1110 ey 2) tr ve: : nug, too, bccanse we hn.d a ten. party back, ])fr Snpe1~nteuUe~1t 1.0'\ 01 1u1nd tha.t night, t he fi1at s1n~o our n1arriage, I wonldn t in tndJ indeed, iew"rduig IS IT SO? u.nU it beQ:an at six o'clock, an d l d 11101n lnru for lns tr~htb l e, if I roni 1 onl y g ~t. t110 ~ ised to be h01ne an hour earlier, to dIJ.\\ 1nonay b ack the corks, and help to get thmgs rei:ld\: "'S1r ~n.i<l tbs ~ u pcu nb.;J1<l. o tiu e \e1el v And hc1e it w3.fJ fHX o clock, and I Ji id n l he poh <" '1111 t sonl into tho \ odd tu to go n.ll the \Vay back lo the bank get peop1c s rnon ~:r V i ... k 1"l olbu1g of L11 e J.11 the Tl ay back I 111 cnt , harcl as I could soi t, Vi o fli t..! ll t gou1g t o c: cou a 0 e co11pu Has one of th e !nrgrrd. and best stocks of pelt Jlo\-.;l:lve1 the inoneJ was aJ.111ghL in s1tlon of felon.; , ;ir.d nz fu p 1 t n~15 our 1 goods lU the Dominion, u.nd would call specJal Ul.Y desk, and no» I'd put rt in the 1'3afe han rls on .E 111~hy J 01J1 fo i 1lB h'"t.d tho ) h attention to the stunc W ·.\.TCHES, th e best, selected by n1y "Tell Mr Cous1n~i.'-0ur manager ;you 1uark J On --well \ hu.L <.lo you tlunk th ... self, of dlficrent gtadcs to in it putcllN- e1,, know-I s~nd to the $81 \ant who'd lot rue liberty ot t he oubJEll. . t ts ro1? '\' hc1 e's y nr CLOCKS- An 1rnmenso number 111 1 "thn.t I \Vant the key of ttle so.fe u ev1donce? 1 I \\ :\S obhged to co~1f0.s .. I 1 1... dn t na 1), GOLD CHAINS, B10ochos, Rmgs, &o, But you ha.d it hl your pocket sa./ you> nothing to suxpUi}$ Llle1u ui thr;: Pro~ince which sl1owa thut.) uu are hOt ai:qua..i.11tod , .. '!- c1eat the t upenat eudent looked at rne SILYER and Electro·pl·te Spoons ~nd with tlie rule!J und r egnl:J.hons of the corrt,....mptuoui::ly Forks, equal to nny, and the finest quabty-eall North nnd South of England Bank, "luch "No .v, lot's seo into t1 is rn, tte1, ' JJ.1d and 13eethem say that th~ v.ccount tilt or clucf cash1oi l e) a ft ei he U. inucle scn10 n otes 01 n bit of . ' You rr1l1S.t Jack,' s11e .sn.1d, "1 ul set the pt)hce t o low you ::i.~e work They must telerru1ph to 3.ll tl10 "l~ a~ 1 ' he Ji+Hl, "I k no1\ ed bt: L L.(;1 " J1" stations, to London an . .l ti l~~ r. . u~ r . . ~ Oh that D you tlunk l d c--:::1 o e a ens du go at once, Jack, tlus "\ e1y to1 u.-.;:1 1 I k 11 0 y o 1 qc nts don t c e E' e1 y soc )J1d 1osb 1na:i be ruin t o lF' ' a.bcu t those 1 Itt 1 ~ in,itten1 gottlDJ abro" , Av.. a.y I\ ent to U e L0 11 ·1 hall rl1l1rn 1 f' os n.~ id r: o I !::laps n1y fist on tho count .. c~ big, cli;i.,s1c prn.ce, with an I rvnense po1 and I B lJ-8 ' I! oolt. it, JU;::.t h1cc th ot _ tico n.nd. hu.;0 flight of .)o.t!< 1 but JOU \ Dd "'W J lt' t J l ~ "en .. 1 c 1 1 a.1u ) 1 i:rl ter 0 don't go i n to t 1iP po1Ll1 o to ge L lo ~he pu1 l I sanl· c10 vn Oll th o ... 0111 ' t i_;" ov 1 1co othct', but to tho ~dc ! cl t 1 n tc as Jpoi 1,;icd vith 61 nt Jl . ' 1 S.Lcn1 "t u.11, bnt of tl~e rnt1uhe r y st ~lc 1 "A11 d V"i , at ,a in 10, ' ve i b ull BAoo of arr ~11t1J1..:t u 1 e~ ::i..n<l Jou went "lo :-( v ' Ji e 1101 ,.. 1 took up t lic money l cl 1 0 ng stone 1 un be.t: o f ec1 p i1~sa g cs b efore hnn on t l e uoat' you re 1ched t h e surer ntcntlcnt ~ of Jla.t (,;Oat? ficc ' \ 'e1y n co bro wn co it he put up \:Yhe1. . Ld told thi;> supe11nLeH l ent tllc w1th .m e .:\.bout fit y o 1, I ~hould th111k .L "" I " '-na Y)U Jid h m ln o cu,.,t . . ll 1 0 ~ !'iJn off to th~ tu \ n ha11 I n prison/ Olcl Br l ].. ";. ~ vi· ~; I oc- '", w ~., a car J.a "'°" Sec he1e n ;1:> 1 at it, plungcc1 DJ.Y pock t! t- th c~ ci 010 '\"'Cl e il1 0 YES, IT IS I Aaron. Buckler po ina IIoi ltOP"' e, a1' n· 1 u ght tl 'u 3 ( 0 1 I l 1 ( " rrn:c c NDE R SICTC'!ED .. u to ts p1cp ired to, ug o i:i,tc; on Resl Estate secur1t;y out lC m o t fni; IJUI ttlJlc l · m8 11 been apryo ntetl for 1hcP10-..1nm.'.Ll Per nr1~11 ,_, n nld n g o..nct ~av 1 1g s Bo me y of 'l 01 on II I\. v [ NG BARGAINS. I 1:3 J D ~ AIItB.A.IRN EA.~G-AIN""S GREAT BARGAtNS AitE NOW GIVEN ,\T TRE U. ll"eatc, 'i!.'aH or. · i1 NILEMEK Bo\\n::.ri. 11 ' SPECT A.OLES -Special attention given to fitting glasses to all U.eg1ce of sight A large stock in gold silver, and common fr ames La.z arus Morus & Co s spectacle~a large supply and very cheap Pebble spectacles to fit a.ll sights-a full s upply JUst a.rrh ed from Eni;land, expres::ily to order nnd boa..rlng my name and cheaper than any other in town or country jl<i'f- It is a decided fsct, that our stock !ar SU1]1a.s:aea all others ln qualit) , prlce, and e x tent '( ]{ J\if:J.\ l S In~ d~ !Il t] LC I' E WES I STYLES le Feb s \.ND norn· GAR 30 t' Ia 18G8 lfS>:iT F)11 OF !\<IA.RRI AGE L ICENSES 01 Qe n" I ftJ JL B y ani;nout" llf Jf s li.lxccllency tho Govern Oil1co a.t tho SI J. l1 111.anoiiice Cheap I l 1 INSPECT our beatttiful new 2tore nnd all filled.\\ 1Lll. choice good<:t 3 . \ i;_ §liM.~l'ftill & Co. Corner COME SEE l:S- the good time, Chnst 1nas :i.ud New Years is at hand k;ys, one of whu:h shall he in thr· custody of the inanagc11 a11<l the Beo011d in that of the accountant or cashier But you say ll.ga1n, as long as you ha:vt.: 01 a key, \'t'hat did you want with twol 'lhere, I O\~n the re5ulahor.s are obscure They were drn.,,n up by somebody without nny l tera,.y skill, if they'd consulted m~ abont ' cm, I conl d have sngge::>ted a good n1nny in1pr0vcment.s What they meant to say was, that the safe wa::i t o b e aecnred with two locks, and that the key of each, not intercho.ngea.ble the one ,v itl1 th e other, was to beinthecustoly ,&c Now you t nder.-. all }u. ~~·1' or 1ruuP SK [RT S B ~ew Yotk ::.Vtnter "C1 f he ti ic.e <= 1pp11ed on he~t te 1u i: <::i v t ~ - K rng Q t1ect J ast B o~o; nia.nv 1lle Jti 39Lf THQ1, CSAI,E j\{ANUII ~CTURERS Store. 1 .~AilON BUCKLER 20 tf Do\vmanv11le, Dec 11 18:'2 AGENCY Of' ran:] t'hm;. ~eH~ , .Y A rt ·rnR /\ND HUR miESSER, HE _ ) ~ 4.l .Gc r:E Lr T "\' a n nouncei:i L o 1hn 1n1bhc t iHl/ h e ilv. succ"'eth. 1l1 tu lhe b u ,,1 'ci::i fo mer]) e in d on h} t he lato \V 1£ Ed"\~ (.10 l :-1 an l HI p1c l t , tttcntl t o l c \\ tnts of tbc public in hJ ~ I L nc 11 a nut n n t 1 1ns1u1ln <ssecl b;i anj. in the Pro f: I I I PUBLIC ha ~ f ullj OPINION BOWMANVILLE FCRNITURE MANUF !..O'ff RING CO HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING BEEN J .~Lilied ~he original td.ea 1 ths.t at the ' Corner Store ' ) ou cru.1 get .!..A , 11 ( P :itt cular a~te nl1on,,, en to the cutting of Lnl 10 > 11n.d Children s Jt[\tr A 01.11 :Joli.,;1ted] ~IT third u "Ol' e .... ::;t oJ th e Post 0 flee 3 1 tf 1 I r11 E D AND WELL SUITED. appointed retail agen t by the Bo\'rmanville iture Ma.nufactl.ll'ing Co , la now h\ a posi ion to fiJl all order$ at ns lov.: n. rate as o.ny deal lin thl.!- count> ;g flO!lT S l\U-'.t'NXZ G Irhnt' s how property get s ~tvlwn,' s"'1c1 '\ 'I' ~n en )t p1 cp11r,....u Mt o eKpress o tr op . . n o / he, lookinJ at n1e se1e 1el) A·icl what'.:, ) - E 8 }); \ H O 1 Se 1;rn~nr\ , I{P·kwood, l al ~ 1i1 } fl F ._,~ C 11 ,.R ) " 1d t ll l i ) e '" tll, more, yon bad a gl"S.S v: itl a l rl" 1dl- \.h 1 1 l ~ro mn e Oo 1 N Y SC"' Jb e r WYl G CB ba k !;() th o UO lt J.i. t l cl tt:l s I kne\-\ you hnd and perhnp5 yon z )t \ '\) '-'ca n n ot hCl~1se the <..!S e of sc1 r r u lk bun 1ot io &G I u lu s olu 1 :1 r ;. iv n10 1 t:, talh.111g to tlus fru nd of> OU" 1' a s :.\ t eed for inJ.lch co'~ i'>, b cat s,.. sic\ foud t c:.i.: tbe t 0 B not 1 1J. D0 i 1 " , i.:.nd 11· ·1 tl 1c ... "Yes, 11idcecl, I h~J. 1 will be hkclj t <J hu. i' ... a delet e rious 1nfl. n p oo r ed ~ ., r c;o 5 and ~ ta r~ -c ... t o <l t1~ ~1 so.,..c. "' "\... ery "ell, and me ~ tio:ned nb::> 1t tl e ence t pen the ql..i a.hty c t ·n1lk 31eldu c1 by 11orc money JOu'd Jl1st took? 1 the co f E! 1 ,ave, in the goLm theo1y, "~,-ery h kel; " tt.n e:xplau~'l.holl c.. f the ni&·1 ner Jn w}1ch D ID on1 ra ~':le .,.g e { 1ic"r t h, n ~ ,...l ! ~ " T hc11 tlns J oc, depend upon it, was in mill.. i ~ clu1n se cl rr Hn .,5 1. . orP1" l con~ t 10·1 1 1 . , dy ·~L: l i LJu ~ U'l ct.!li3 a..,k C" Ch othe1 ) 11 '\-~~ h~it s t hecr1batthetuue, an(1 heard JOU, and and . . enc1 ered unf1 for h1n1 a n fcod It you· n vh llc~? a1dt h ng i:, ~l~ l o1 ex· sta.nlwhylwan1ed1J:Ir Cot1sms key hAflllov,:c tly cu blt:klvlheb~nk it t" b ee ni:;1l c 1 c abf! t ltrn ::t....,t \.\ t'- r ~ ] t n f't ni.i.t un .in] v l- o "t 'l 1 1 1 ' ' 1Eh, my1" said tho scr,nitt) cpcning't got b!PH1s l)t t a 1ett11JJ O\e1 " k t "1~h i lt1 . , . pools- rs nli 6 i i ui I i\ho '>'1::o " i l r v" her mouth wide, "and what m1,£'1t yo n cho wn,do11 , and any ]>ody outw.le om SJ <' g "imim ei ther nimal 01 \ eo.ta' lo, t l · t I "B " E J ou c'n ' " <l o:r i1 1 , want ?t1r Cou.sui.~' key for 1 ' Jon counting out the JOld and s1h e 1 ' in unfit to us~ oi to allo co1y ~ to house i ,. >,.r , e · ' r · ,, 1 11 6 . . "'" , ' "' i "'1 i ( ti ie Ot 1er 5(h .Tnst a.a stupid as ) ou, you see I was " rrh i..t s ti ue. ,' I SaJ.Ll 1.h u1k J~1 h:MJ lJ~e n uho\.\ll b y t ne inve.st1- cn1n1J ' si -all i -. t l 0 en u e t.tuy ' 1 B ~t I mad \vith the girl I o\vn [ always get I "'7 cs; 1 :::;eo it all, ' the l'> l pennten gatio1115 or P Jofc sssor L ai.: t 111t l v1nu or tcr there tl-. n.n her" s<) ul t h 1 J Il .1 ° J ~n cu~r c1, '1 1 d 11nt 1 JU t ::tB oo s~l~ Jt out of temper with t h ose Yorks1ur c yieoplc 0 r ollo\ t s gwnl n s cn.1 1 .... o call ed in \'i n/G1 through con<:loh u:;iy 1 L ncl !Ji nc eeo.ed to excct 10 iho If yott nsk 'em the :snnplei! t o Ut"';,i LLon 1 first Ji ou up fro'u ht ,.o tu ) 0111.l~r, anJ. he secs the boLlj of LJ ti co' int o her n1ilk <.1.n tl re desire~l lea~o l n c r e i one t he dukl .. cir ie they open their 1no utlrn ~u<l gape at yo 1 Jou. put your n1oncy into yo ]'f co....,t poc..,ct, tn.1n the11 '\ it nl1t~ It ha 1 beon :i;.1ovod bJ t tu n d f ron1 tno cen1ct c ... J, , ] 1th er th,., ~·lhen you'vo repea+ell the qu e::it1on tl'i1co, \ a.tlll then ho follo\·" J OU home, and when ex ocrun cnt t hat by fe eding coHs urntillr.,.r:;' had been ;:ic ,t t() pl 1y h 1c .. t ,1 tis t ri:..i L.. ( 0 t hay ahut their mouths .·ml 'h1nk for n all · quiet ho ci nok· th o cnb Oh, 11 " all ·lope; tli e ye"t vfant peculiar t o b· r wcrs t o rnm 1 t bc <ntr" <t 0 0 0 af t0r yo i left t h(;} , young n :i.n ? > j 1'.our 1 n 1l1.. t) the i'OVI s o~ to hogs I w aB obliged to c 1fcss I had cl 1 ie I b . . . L?n BI)v,,,. un of by Jn 'ln'j, bllt as we h n 1 .so n ot e" pm \ : u ente d b, fce d1ug ll ti...1 co·vi:; I

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