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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1873, p. 3

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s-PR 1 ·"> r~N- <~, i-::.::::::-._ _ . ,_ [A noon h1~h. tl~~~~1~!1l~r O adln g ~o:i, CA_ NADIAN "!"""'1 -......... STA~rESM_AN, BOW1\1AN -VIL1~E, 'l"'I:IlJltSJ)AY, APRIL IO, 1873. """""""'"""~ - ..,..,,_,,,."""'""' '""' '"'__ ,,.,,.=~ ...._,,, _'E'·-= "!.~~1~1;EA w·A.Y ' 1 "r 3~ . HORSE FOR SALE, 1m 1 t ro:id,al>AHH B.AY, h ,1nd H \Vn1 BORHL AND 18i~. Hi~ I $i®.6® '1!,W@ll!'i'fl,1: j TO I~'l.ERY SUESCRIBEl=t TO OUR - ]-,lfiESIDEFH.IEND, publiohcd in Chicago, llltnols. l'!lH:~ t J,il~ADINe.:- l<'A.UlLl' lVt~l:JU.t.l' of A.n1ericn.. Li\..RGE SlZF ..-JtIG IIT PAGES . Ol'lf:'t ll l\l. DlLAUTIFULJ_,Y IJ_,J.. US'l'R.ATED. Sul,::.er1plion JHicc i;i3.00 per rea1·. Fllll of reliable L nel J'ucti \'O an(] interesting r eadin g n1a1 ter, n ews, und rnisccl la1 1 ~ , shol't cont 1 nned stories, sketclteR a nd praoticll.l m at ter, just s ni:..ed to t he " 'ant s an rl 1VISTIE~ Oli' E\.EnY 1:JAN EVER"'.ir "\YO::\TA>l" EV J£H Y C1IILD ' Vhcth er 11~m g in c ity or connti y,<\.Ud \VE GIVE t o CM:l1 ~ eatlx oabselib0r a ( opy of our u1agnitlcent oil Chro1110 R EADY for A CTION T ENCOURA GEMENT TO MANUFACTUHERS. &±22 ---- Ap1.19, 37 ii' VILLAGE O F NEWCASTLE lE\nd in tho centre of th e village of Ne\vcnstle, I an1 prepare U. to donntc to any rr;.is11ons1~ ble per~on or per1:1ons, ·w ho "'ill erect ijubstantl a l 111wi.ufactm'iriP. works, t o giv e co1n1ta.ut employ· ment to 30 or -:1 0 bnnds, fout· n :::l'es of lunr1, F'. ,V , QJ,ll~1'r, ~ra rch H AYING PURCHASED A PIECE 01·' 19.1873. Oshnv.·I\. Millinery Shovv Room R HMAJNING l .K 'l'JIE ENNJSK IL)J LE}; Post O.Olc 1·, .Apttl HHli, l!li3. not µre· v1ou;,ly a d vc1 I tSl'tl, J\f~Lean 'l'hus. McLu utin Uo lJI. J, BncJu1nan Jas. .l:fr1c.fl n D:iv-1cl . _ . 15tl · t II Graha m Hc111·r. T ues d ay _ J. lilS . 11,wrho·.3. ' I (;,il[,, A. Crawford J\frs. l 'o!i a. Brcbncr M rfl. Catil(h,ne MoKn.3 llug h . Dowm11n :r.In.tllew. Ogilc1l J,cand cr. 3!·4t. Rocl1 c J\.:Iiss 1i· Tn.r3 , 8cott Uh1·j ~t1 ua. 'liel,b ornR ,·m r, ',\ cblJ John . . iJ. \i' . ~.1(.: 1.l·.OJJ , l'. l\L - ~-- "?l[c L e.t n Cl.uw , 2. 'l'.u,on.r.1.. · TO 'I I--I E P UBLIC. 1 "CUTE," P1inted iu OIL COLORS, 10 thnes fr o111 sixlccn r.Lones-s ize, 1G.x20 int:he:ii. 'l'he Aul~cct 1s hfes iz e>. Exq 11isttc and pleasing. IT UANNO'l' BE 'l'OJ..1 D ho1n t11e 01igina l pa inting, nnd is really '\VGrth $10. I t exceeds in br·auty, size a11d value any picture CYCJ· given \vlth o.ny pnhllco.ti on . No one hundred dollar picture <'a n give ruoro '(ll ~asurci or be a g1eatrr ot·nn.mcn.t in n.ny bo11seho1d. It c1iu be htid li' REE, u.nd wo do 1 l't a ti k subscribers to wait n1oulJJ.S ior it. buG '>VJ!l s cud it at once, or lt can ho of 01u· a·,.ents. NO 'V A ITING. Pict11rcs NOVi' 11E A.DY, n1lddoli1·~rOO lJy u a A 'l' OK OJ.J. \Ve want N ew Business I l'lio /& n ct ion. 0111· ge nera l stocL. of ING h OHtie ,\nd oLJw1 iJ1·op01ly, i.l.d\·crnsed to b e sold i.J}' Alu·Licm 011 ilw !1:.tli inst .. sa11l Aue~ h on noLlcc t ~ l1t>t·cl1y e11ncelled. 'l'Ji.08. G llCI\IPIIllTI:\'.. Bo\n11tun·IH0. \ pul :..> , !873. -~7 2" - A"\TING DJ~.POSED H 01r ll D\VELL- ' DR-Y GOODS dHd we a1e 'repa1 c: J to show a t:l· oi "e as;sortrnent of ~ ., iiih·. Th o~ . D:ll'iing;fon · 'i-:!"TJLT, SELL l 'ACKETS OF FLOW~ f E R seeds .ut :J e1..B. (', nil su vctl from. 1 Dress GooJs, Costumes, Prints, Brilliants, Lustres, Lace Goods of every d<:!scri ption, p 11ze Plo we r~growu bv P. C oll·n1 u,n in 1872 (wi x:· erl ' ' at·leticR). Aster, .,\:;tel' Ow at, B.alsun1,Cnlli· YreJ~1e~~i~;J.jL~~ip~~~JP~t~~~.j'rl1:i1~~1\~!1:~~: nrt , Zinnia, S c~b1oim , Snlp lglossts, &c. Aleo, Vcgetablo seeds, l\fu:;k Melon , \Vatcr l\i elon, Hubbard Squash, L ettuc:'.! (Cinter3 Giant Co's,, Capsli}u;ns {P~ppe1~)1 und a. few others. OUR STOCK is no\>v fully arrang'ed and ·\ve -~.vill be n1ost happy to show our Custon1ers and others throug'h our establishment. We have an in1n1ense stock of new g'oods , in an the latest novelties, a n d a r e the1n at the l ov1est pussible prices. JV.foC :L U NG I ONE AGENT In Wanteil ·to Rent, LADIES Bro ~. E ITHEJt A SMALL lViTL DWELLING Jnost givu i:nvuv ~t VALUABLE outnt, tuid turnish the BEST PAYING agency u1 _<\.me1·1ea. Gh o exclu ah'c t erl'itory und the hest tools to \Vork l".-ith. 0 1 1ragent s having immenso 1>u c.::es.s and nlakiug fron1 Jdl5 to $45 per day,-ono .A gent took 40 subscriptions in one day,- others r eport fron1 10 to 25 p er day. Specl.Dlen cop1es of palJer, full particul.n-s, te n u6 e t c., sent free to any ad· dr:ess. Write at once to Oun FIRESTDE FRIEND, Chicago, Illiuois, and Brookliu, Out. L . C. Thoma.s,Drooklin, Ont., ie manager of tho Canada Deva.1 trr ent, Canadfa:u cori·cepondenta should atldrees the Ontttrio office. .l~gents,-cithe1· lol·itl 01· CUJl\ 1tiJSJ.fl 2"k- l~I\:IPLOYl\1EN1' ! ~Y c rr 11 oighbnrhooil.. 'Vo wn.ut only Good , Actn~e a.s we al- HAVE t.h c s hop two doors West of Murdovh Bros. ; where h o will kncp on hu.nd a first-clA. es ):ltovk of !.loots a.n<l Shoes suitable for tha sen:;on. Orcler wor k \v iU have his prompt attention . 'l' wentl five cxper1cuce in the tri~de, 1n oro than the t wo of \Vhich ho has spent as cutter and general Jllfl.Dager ID 1\lr, Ilccd'g e,eta.bllsltTnont h a.a g-lven h im opport1wlties of lea.ruing thO people rea lly want. }{c has thru·efo1·1;1 no doubt ot b1;1l 11g able to g tvo satlsfttctlon t u a.11 \V l10 sltull fu.v u1· hirn wlth a c;(l.ll and hopes by giving ilue ti.ttent ton to busines!:! i.O re · oeive a. tair share uf pubhc aupport. J, SMA IJE · Ron1embet· tho place, h vo doo1·::1 " rest ofMul'· doch Bros. J, s. lteetl'a buBin css has changed ha.nds, he lu1s r Psolved t· open btl!!lness on his owu uccoulJt, 1n mHE SUBSCRIBJ£R BEGS RESPECT1 FULLY to fnfotn1 the J1ublio that as l\'Ir. Tc \'i hut WDJ. U . Lowe, D. A..f··L. B., T -1A. w. Solicitor 1n Ch uncery and Insolveucy &c.,&f.:. 0 ffl.ce on Silver S treet, Bowman ville , onlon.nterm,,t to;i:1 s. ea s~ IG-4.:i B ARR ISTER AND ATTORNEY·A'I'· Save Your Bones house or u. fe ,..,. comfortable rooms. Apply lo FP~ANCIS, Bov. m&, Apill 2 1873. at ]iittrdoch 36. im . n . Hc:u-y, in Pamsols, Collars, Ho,;iery, Trimmings, Fa11cy -y, estingsJ dia Ink an{. 'Vate1: Co lor3. RTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER. A Gallery- corner I{inp- n.nd Temperance Sts. Ali styles pla in Photogray,hs nr.d P ortra its In- Notice. c:;; b ebveen J. O. alHl R. ll. Henry, Photographers. of 0Rhawaan<l Bowuiunville, J: u.s this d::.:.y been dissolved br iuu tual consent. .rr ··Dress should call and see 01 C:J.. oods and Trin1mings, a11d also take a look at our Millinery room, -,,vhich is 110'\V filled Yvith nev1 g· c~ ods , in all t he latest E n g lish and New York st.yles. lll!i!!i§ C. Damilton Ll1e httlies ofDo-w111anv1lle and vicinity that she has commenced businesa as a R ESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES TO RECEIVED ~".. ntl p_ S.-ifhey must aet 50 cts. 100 lbs. for them, at YOUNG & BRITTMN'S. Olltar!o Stree t. be dry nnd eleau. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKER in ?i.:Ir. J. Reed's b rick b lock , l{ing street, second d oor east ol' Di vision street, and is no..,- 1n·epat·ed to fill all or ders wt1 h y/htch she n1 ay be fu.vorea, on tho shortest notice, ju t h e latest styles and 1n ost satlSfocton· uu~nner. _.\. cn.11 respectfnlly sollcited. T\'fO y oung \\ On1cn v.anled to learn the Dresi3ma.king. Bownw.n \'Jlle , Mi~tch 27. 1873. T rrn PATtTNERSHIP HERETOFORE J.0.HEKRY. R.H. HE.KRY. GE N TLElVIEl\f I Sill- Tie3, '1\,1leed s, P. S.-The Ga.Uery in Down1anv1llo '>Viil be car· 1led or:. b~' !¥Ir . IL Ii. H~:\UY. 1do.rch 23, I8i3. 36'·3t. DA ILY L I N·E Regatta Shirts, Braces, et c., should see our splendid s tock of N ff\.V Cloths, in Eng·lish, Sco tch and Canadian Tweeds, and Gents' furnishings of all descriptions. Notice. l\'IAKERS AND T HE 'CARRIAGE lJo'\"r manvill c and surrounding country, held at Mr. Brodi e's Hotel, IllRcksmitlH:. of n. lU C~ tlng HE ME~BERS OF VOLUNTEER Militia. and others who have been i.n the habit of practicing \Vith ball car i:.rldge on tile flat, i.yUl please hear in mtud that fron' the present thne, any consent, liitll erto given by 1nc1 is a.bsollltely ·withdrawn; n.nd t~ny one found wilfully continu!ng Rifi0 practice a.ftcrthJs uotice: Utust be dealt. V!'lth as th& l a'\V directs. l"". RAYNES. Bow m an ville, .Ai ay 30,18'7 22-tt T .. I THEIR TO L ET . - 'l'O- R 0 0 I-IEST ER . 'fTIF. NE \V LAK F. S'l'.&: .A~1EH JKURDOCH BROS. l A S P J~C I.:\.I.- L1 N:rn OF Black Silks \\ lLL 13E SOLD C H E AP. NORSE MANI VV1ll on or about 1st April nex L , conimcn co her ieg-1J ar trips ou tlu~ route, len·ing Cobourg every tnurn1ng a.t 7.30, n.1Hl Port Ho110 at~ o'<..:lock, for n oches ter, {.;O ll nectln g l}1ero with New York Centr:,i,l a1Hl Erie Itn.ilw ays for ail points E, "\\."est , nncl 80 11 Lh . ltet111 n1ng,,v1n leave Chrirlottc (pm t oCl torhester) dn.ily nt !.! p, In, except Su.tuldttyei, \\hen llhC "l\lll leuve nt 2 p. In . for l3ri"'hton. Deu.lero in stock, &c., vdll lind t his tl1 0 clicap cs t 1i.n<l most expcU.ltlcJus 1·outc to Beeton. A! cnny, ~ew York, &c. ' I u rt he" i nforrnation, apply to n. Cit.A \VF01':.D, Port !lope, or C'. 1-". GILDEUSLEE\-g , l~iugston. llturo:..h 28. 1873. 0 Our MR. JEF F ERY has just returned fron11-Ie i,v York City, ~1ith all the latest improven1ent s in cutting. Gentlemen leaving t heir orders at our establishment :r11ay rely on getting· "SU-ITED" to their entire satisfaction. on Tuesday, the 18th inst ., to arrrtngc prices to iueet{the u..dvunce in Stpok tind Labor. Wear· l'O.ngcd ti list, ·which 've exp ect to placo before th e trade at a 1neet1ng to bo called as s oun t1.s ar. ra nge1 nent,,, can be lUa de, an d a t vrhich, we hope to see u. run atte11dance ot atl lnterested. By order ~r. '.!\fcCLUNO, Sec, Dowrna.n·ille, ltfarch 19th, 1873. 31-tf. The P ump Shop a good . glven immediately. ~Only buaineas of tl16 kind in town- plenty Of ClU:.tom-ra1e chance ror WITH HOUSE-POWER & LA'rflP~. At present v.·orked by tliesubscriber. Pos::;c... ~lon E. I I I f 'a rm. _for Sale. - ~ ~ ACRES, BETNG PA.RT OF LOT clr.ared and undcl' good coltivat ion ; '\Yell fenced; I gootl '\'ell n.nd cistern; good d w cl!iug u..nd uut· TEUMS: - Ono-thu·d cul;h, ,u1d the Lialnuce n.~ I 1n:iy be agreed. llJlOH. .A/)p1y Ou the 1Jl't.1Uilscs, 01' lJuildin,ii;s; t hrivhig ;!.ou11g 1e 1 UO No . 2.J., 10tl1 con. D11rlington ; £i0 acres ·-----· ·-- ---T w o D w elling Houses tbr Bcnvmnnville, J\.Ia.y 26 1871. su.v'lm. 01cha:rd. :EL~ N" G-L·I S :B: G- 0 0 :0 S i Sale, O N REASONABLE d esit·a.ble locality in the · ro,...,n of Bo" mu.ttJ :F'o1· u pply to R. & H. O'HAlU,, J\f n Bu iluiogs. T1mc.rn, IN A Ilowntanvlllc. I 1 by leLtcr post i1::Li ~l . to lle st1hf;Cr 1 bcL'. ~31-U. I\f ,\ H.T TN SA \VY EH.. J~1cni sk1lle 11 P. U. { 1-- - -- --- - 1 0 .AS H:I I - 1, sTR~S~~?:i 8:sH Jame" t.:a·yt1e.1.· n1an, on ha nd . .Au excellen t llcnrsc p1oyhlctl ·w hen r equired. }lan1pto11 , l\[at·ch 18, 1813. 31-lf. ply of ready-ruu.<lc U :tl.rst-clns9 furnitur e, 1::llln1pton. Cofilns~ NDERTAKER, AND DEALEi:t IN A Cull 2Up· a.ud Shrou ds, al way~ n 1> 1r n:Htav illt1. Ap1 il, tB73. J.&vV. J. M'lVI1JR~l1RY & (J(). MA KE Yo UR -_ l -~) N Ml L '- r11HE SDBSCitlBER HAS Dl"l'Elt) ....l. l\11KF D to nuik'! n. chungo i n hb bus in\?:J.i I l>J 1nak1ng lt AND THEY ARE ANXIOl:S TO CONVERT THEM INTO V ICTORIA. COMPOUND SYiluP Ol" ElJlST D1lY of APRIL Next ~·-~-~-~--~~~-~=~~~:w-~ .~~~===~-1 Hypophosp h ites The only Syr u }) 1n·cpnred : f ro1n fJl'. Chu"ohill'd Formula., und ce1't1:fied to !Jo CltQlllicuJly l)ltre. For the pravi:? nt ion nnd C\U'C of 'CVaute«l, 1873. S OF GREEN WOOD. AP18 CORD PLY LESTOCK REID. to E· y and prices nill b0 r educed so that cvor y 0110 w1Jlt:c ct h<ttiti::i to then' i.ul\'ant ago to b uy fot· c \STI. .A. very !orge Atock of Prunella Goodi::I J!l$t l'CCCJV N I. ------- - - ------- ----Sc».·~ant .T, CO AS F..iR AS POSSIDLE, llY .LJ UY l ~ h- 'i OU R ' S. D. BHA.DSif,\ W . 3i·l1'. j no,v nHun·1lle, 1\1nrc b lU, 1873. PUL M ONARY C ONSUMPTION AI.SO F OR 'l'1tE ounE o.r · s "\Vnutcd, J.,1_ JJOCH BROS~ :~Ed ~BJ FOR GENERAL HOUSEWOltK. J\ pply to BC)O ,-rS -~,,. ~::31-:-~ro ES i Fashion_ Hot.1se 1 I AT ltijiii.l·~~.t:UY J.\1RS. "\V. J. l\1cl\flJUTRY, Corne1· Sil..,.cr & "\Vetltngton. St's . ln Jl... ~tci:.t !i!tylct1, t Lat c3t fJty lc~? ) 'E~Il.l'.:.89&.SAKING ;liii.. 0 A · s Dysp epsia, Broucllitis, Aethn1u., Losa of .A.ppeil te, General Debility, &c. CERTIFJ C.4Tll: AS 'l'O P URI1'Y AND li!l!~ Fl0.AC¥. In calling attention to our PIONEER E ~I P 0 11 I lJ M, Reed's old stand . MRS. FLE'I'OI--IER would beg to thank her p11trono for their liberal .eupport, and vvould \>'i ;,h ~o intorm t h mn and the pu blic in gen~ t·ul tl1 at sho has eucceedcd Mrs. Pollar6-wJ10 bus l(:fL town-an d h as no \Y added to l1cr fo1'ror:r business the followin~ Jines : M1ll1nery, Bel' Iin n.nrl other \Vools,Bcrl1u Wool Pat. terns, Ladlos' and children's Under-clothing, Chignons, Ilraids, C1uls, &c .. tLtul n. Stock of f o.ncy a.rticle8. P atterns i::nt to order. Stnrupmg in Braid and Embroidery done to order _ D\·es s · making and ruantlcs ns \l'.5 nnl in latest Styles, end good fits gua!antecd. l .;:: [,:./G ST. t BOWMANV"U, Ll~, D s Staie.~, ply lO I II GIRL 'l'O DO PLAIN COOKING, A · a:1U. wasl·,-..\-hcro a houi:emald is kept. 1q1l\fra. UE I O, J{Jqg Str eet. ·Z-\f. 17 CASES OF SPHING STOCK, I Bowmam·illo, Maich Gth, ) 873. · \V c are now prepa.xe<l to suit all; in both :i ;; ij d:.y and price. \Vanted imm.ed1ately, DlPORTED FR OJ\l T A. "l:~T fl 0 GOOD FARM HANDS . Apply to Women's Prunella Balmorals from GO cts., and Chilch en's Patent Balmoral's at 35 cts. (with heels on). L11.bor.:i.tory. Untvorsity College. Toronto, Dec, 4, 1872. To the Victoria Chon1ico.1 Co., C&NTT..EME~.-I bnvc exa1nincd the a..r ticlcs employed in t.he V ictor !!\ Chemicu.l '\Varks, ill tho 1rrcp.1uation o.f t he Victoria Syrup of Hypopho:3~ 1 l!lliLcs. Thro: eevctnl IIyphoapltites used aro cher.1 i cally11 ure, nnd the 8yrttp fa, aWo qu~ tc frc"' /1 mn an/' impu:ritv . Yl1Ul' Sytup or Hypopho1;:· phit~s.w Jl t11.d&ubtedly prov~ u.. 'l:crv i;aluablc I 1'-fctl1c111l: . l.lDNilY H. cnoFr, · P1 ·6tesaor uf Chc.wistry, U. C. Piiec .t.l 1Jc1 Pottle. Sold by all Druggi&ts. - -- -- ----------- - - V l!C'J'ORIA. C0 ~1fPO:....ND GEO. TJIOMaS. 3i·rt. Bo·w n1anville, Mnrch 5, 1873. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS l"OR 30 JJAYS, Especiuily to CASH buyers. !1:Iarcl1 18, 1873. FLUID EXTRACT OF Bl"ita'i-n m-id United Think l t u nnecesr.::i,ry to s ay n1uoh :i11 t h eir to be made Io I N THE COUNTY :>F DURHA M, Our S2.00 PRUNELLAS not only puts all opposition in the, noar the 'l'own of H,f;,·1 1~ .li1Yillc . .1\.pplit:u.tion but ou t altogether. s !·fell<· ui F:n·m toa· ~ak, favor. The reputation our seeds have had for the past sixteen (16) ye ar~, is a very J. 8 DATES, P1-opri c t.iJ1' Dowtnauvllle, October 4t h, 1871. lO·t SPECIAL A1'TENTION gi'uen to GENTS SETVED FVORK, Which is got up in t l10 Latest Styles,and at the LOWEST remunerative PRICES. \Ve arG satisfied that it is \j CAN ADA., l In t h e Conniy Court of the Province o f Ontu't'io I U1ntctl Coi..uities or Nortln~rnlrnrJn,11U and Dur~ C"n1ted Connt1es Nnrth;~\fi~'.hum, ha"" MA NUFAC TURING COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF I off A . l:lpoc1ih lternedy for aJl DI sea.see of the Dlad· Je1 < UH1 J(iclneys ; Dropsica.l Swe.Ilin>ra; ComJll?J.IB t)J tnc:; dental to Fen:uilee; and all Jl.scaecis of th o C'1·uu1ry O rgans i n the Sex. 'l'ry it once for of the above Dumrders,and you wJU bt:i fully convinced B UGHU AND UVA URS! . vi rtues. P rice ~ 1 per Dottl e. Sokl by nll Dro gg!ste:. COPLANDS' J In good guarrantce that they are n.nd will continue to be of the BEST QUALI TY, S'fRENGTH U.KALTERED. and tru0 to t.11eir kinds. CHI U Ht.EN ARE FOND OF l'.I:'. So id by nll Druggist' ~ S-weetCastorOil. .r.nd J\'fod 1cinc Dealers. ~28·3U1. the mailer of , JOllN FLE2'011El-t,, th o younger, Wood and Iron-working MACHINERY, A gricultural Implements, LEFF EL'S ot its pre--emu1cn~ CJE[E.AP G-OODS \'11.C 'l' Oll.lI A. ELECTRIC ""Insol<ent. 'l'EEN'l'H dtt.Y of APRU, ne:t.t, the undersigned ·w ill aJJply to the ,luclgo of the suld Court for a dhichal'!!C uud er said Act. DAted at l:Jo\i..nuuiv1Ue1 t hfa fou1th ck'ly of ) l\Lucli , A. D. 1872. .JOIT N FJ.JE 1'CIIEn, .Jr. by JOiIN lC GALBRAl1'fT, 111:1 OUR IIv1PORTATIONS - -- - - - a --n. - --r which induces t he public so handsomely to patl'onize us. A ll Wm·k Oiu w antee<l as Rcp1·r:scnted, And from our facilitico we feel confident that we can pl11ce befol'e the 1trade 1 O N THURSDAY, 'l'HE SEVEN- ,LINIMENT. "THE KING 0}"' ALL LJKI »iE ~1' 8 ." F(w Rheuo1at.ism, Oout, Ne111<ilgia., L1nuliago , Sctatica, \Vo.ndurln g 11 0.lus, Stilfi;csr; iu 1Lo Limbs or Joi nts, s , Btuiaes. );nmbnc::is, S" c J:1nge, Headacho, Eu.ra.che, Toothache, &e. - ~----- killds :-- Z I NES, Pamphlct::s, or unything 1 d the Uook Line, ·which theJ· WlSh to h<tYu bo1,1n<l, c an h::n ·e thei!' o ril ers :ftlle<l in tl10 11 ~~ttcstund 1nost {lurahl~ ·tyl<r, anol Ol> th e ·hortest noUco , by le·n lngthcru U~tJ 1 e8 'fAT£ S:'.i.\ ); OfhC'C . lir!ngt1)00gyourblll d~ J:> ng. Em;o~~~ivrJ~~~~Rs MAGA- I public superi_or g?o<ls at same rates "':s tliose cha1·ged by othcrn in the otl-, er need fij)IJ]y ' · 'l' .1.. LIE .f!J TTICI'°ES1' PRICE CLl. 'SH "'OF. l'TIDE< S 1 IN :l. I f ..[' " :l. , , fo r an . I Oouale T uraine Water Wheels, AND - interlOJ' article. 2 rnore first-el ass workJn~n lVunted-non e Atto1 ne y atl lite1n. CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS. HEPA.Hts DONE ON TJIE SI!OU'l'ES'l' ~ - --------- ·----- BUY IT! TRY IT !! PROVE IT!! ISO t-;H, per Bottle. Sold by o.n Druggists. In soi ~·~nt A ct of" 1869. lh1, 11H.tll1 T of WI /J,LJ!Jtf HUMPHRYS, an lnsulr i:c1il. NOTICE. "l'l«J'J 'ORIA '\\", R. CJ,l'.\IIE . ANDERSON & CO. Reed's Old 8tand . Bo1v1nan ville,. IYla.rch 27, 1873. ·-~-~~~·~=---------~-------"--=ftltm CA R B OLIC S ALVE "WOitTH ITS WEIGII1' IN (;OLD." Si.:a.ld.3, DoilM. Pill·s. Pimples , .tc., and Chronlo Di1$eaSeiJ of the Skin of e \ cry dc;Jcr111tion. P li(JC 25 een tr!I pur Box. Sohl by all D rnggtst;J , A Spocitl..0 for Cuts, \\rounds, Bruises, Durnfl; TlJRNIPS, S \Vedr :i, Sk ir vin g':-- l tnp10 :.r cd, Ski rvi11g's Seledecl , Hangholrn, East Lothian, ,111d the celebrated Sh amrock. 1 '{")!;TAN'!ITED Wo 'V' 't' ..L . · f1 01 11 incJt s.1111 wo111eu wi ll g ive B ·u shiess h at ivill Pay, $1 to $3 p c1' dny,c1 ~ 11 b e punnied in ~·ou~·o"n nGlghborhootl: it is ti r are cf10.nco fo1· th ose out o:l cmployw1;:nto1 h avir1 gfle1sure tltnc; g11ls and }Joya 11 equently do 1~~ '\Y~ll ns rncn. l_).'.l.l t1cula l'i:! free. Addrss8 J LATHA.l\[ &: CO. ~J2 'V ton St . Boston. 1\'.Irr,,s. 33-0w. - - ------- -- - ~--~--- (auti.011. a Seeds, Plants,Trees, PHEP AID lff MAlJ,, po.gc sl,~ncd by ino HH1Y bo convel'tud lnt o u. proui i:i~Or/· no te. J h erebr cau tion ll.l l pers on s !roni pur o ia~m g any ))rom!~ory no to purportin g touo Slgnedbymo. wM.wINDA1 'r. Dn.rllngtcn, l\Iurch 3, 1873. :}:!, ! ' \'. n blank book as h(1ving pun.:lrn.Sc ll such Farm Hight . 1 ha\:O now reason tu fea\' thnlth o blank I 11 n \\ ittllig ly uL l1 ls rc quost elgnt!d n 1y name lll A "John Lung." antl ac lllng P1:1.tent Ga c:illed on inc on Le , PEl:.SON SIGNING HIS NA.AT E H W 0 ~ OP the . \Al A111· s Y i I~ ~.\RE A. ~ :lt;, H A Rf. C"I 0r N c [ (} I ..) L [ ~ f1~~1~i~~ ~~I~~:J::~~~.~~~ \'\?10~ ~~\\~~ti!.rE°s1i\~ i!~ Ji'ar111 JUglits ror t ho 12th ul t., and TIIV:H.E ~--) Ir:rottse and Lot f'or· Sa'ie 1 i · u Sontli ..,ille ofCJiurvh Stroct ln tho · BOO'r l-T, of Bo\nuan' 1ll1!, Couty o f Ihtrha. , Ofiicil\J nee, have been appointed Asfngncc in t hi s Assig rn1iLter. Crcd1torf'l 1.\l'O requested to nto their cl1111na liefut·e 1n e '"4.' ithin one month, 1 tho 'l 'HIIl 'l'IETHdny or _o\.PRIL, 18i3, at ten o·clock in the fo1 cnooi1 , 1or tho })ubhc exan1ination of the I nsolvent, 1.\.nd foi ordering t he'a.trs of tho est<tt e gent 'l'tlll~. Thu Insolve nt, is li e.reby noti tle d to n.ttenU. GIL\.HLJCS R. D. DOO~'H, , j Oflidf(l Asa1gnoP,·m o, ~ larch ~o. 187;:1. 31-2. I 111D. 'fHE U.NDERSIGl\ED CHAS. R. C O M MON - -- AXD- I I I GANG PLOUGH S that will lie sold u.t LO\\' PHiC.l'.:st ut the shop, DowmanvillC!, l !u.rch ~t h, 1!~7Z. V I C'l'OUIA. /0.;M~~~1'~ ~t~ :::s ':,:,:}E?. VllC 'l'O RIA. CAllBOLATED 0 TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE, Iii CARROT'S, ~Vhite f3e:g ian, Long O ra11gc, Jle itl1's Wh ile Carrot, (I-Jome Grown). M1\NGOLDS, Heel an d Yellow, with a large variety of Gardt>n & F lowH· ~e ecl s. I II JAMES :FERGUSON, OF J,O'f No. I ]t~ . PEA. l'~raE ~n S'rOftY BRICK D'VELLING, to Vt·.lJich arc AGEN CY attn.ched Li. stable, \Vootl-shed, and a.11 oth er con· 8eeds, 25 sort i:i of ejtber for $1; new a u d chotco veuiences necessary for the n.cco1 umodation and nu·iotle::i ofl!'.ruit and Ornanu~ntnl Ti·ees, Shrubs, · co1nfort of 11 i·cspectn.bJe fnmUy. Part of tho Evergreens, Roses, Qra.pes, Lilhes, Small l?1·Ltit~, . htnd, in connection vnth tbc house, is planted Ho11se and Border P lants and Bul118: one year grnJted Fruit Tl'ces for._n:iailing; Fruit Stock11 of 1 '>vith fruit t 1ees, and t he re1nrunder th~r~o f :l.8 H 1'lF APPOINTED ~IURDOCH 'I sufilclcntly lal·gefor H- vegetulJle ganlcn. Ha1u all kinds, Hedge Plants, &c,; tlic 1 nost complete ~ _. .. · f I 1 t anllsoft,V"n.t eront.bepremlses i1Bsortment in the countryh will be sent g r11,tis Bo,v m 11n-v1lle, agonts or t lC sa e o , · . · _ _ to n.ny plaJ.o ltdtlreas, w ith l'. O. box. 'l'rue Cap.e m y BRO~., .Agricultural 1'Iachlncs, Straw C u tters, _ The abo' e ~rope: ty can be pu.rcb.a_,,,ed at a. very Cod Cru..nbe1ry for npln.nd or low1o.nd,$G per 1000; g-ro.ln Ct·ushen:i, Co1ubined Feed Mill.f!, &e., &c., 1 lovf prloe, elt er for cash or on 1 $ 1 po1 100; prep:tkl b , y innil. 'J L11::1t to dealJnet ·w hut the f~r1n0r l)'lnl~iD ?!AX V:; ELI For furlher parUcn1a:ra, rt crm s, t::lc, apply to ers. Seeds in Commission . .Age11 L:; wan tell. 11. ' t' , . . , \\-r I-I J,0\-VE, ll M. Vi AT d Oi\-, Old ColoJi) Kurse1 ics e.n d 1 0 \Viln~~~; & !1~x~v- 1 L i3ai:Hstc1, elo., Bo,,·man vflic. Seed \\rnrchouse, Plyiuo11th, Mass. l~~8tablish ed · , 2 " 'f Ofil ., ~il · qt· t 2 l · .,_. rth f Tl'": ,. 1812. Paris, J o.nua1 Y t th . 1873. 1-t . ce o .. .... vc1 ·~ lee , t oo~-s l.' o o "'.u...i ng. oo-tr. Nolicc. C1u··~ of' 'l_'han l; s: "{Y, T l\.V-Y N.EJW PRICED DESCRIPTIVE 1..f_I_ Cata.louge of Choke Flower and Garden -... · tunned lately "\Y c,;t of the r esideueo of 'Yin . Mc· MurtJ.·y" E eq 'l'hc house la a largo 'f'\\rO lo soivcn t Act th~ oi :M.869, For Deo.u Ut':ving tho Co1nplcxion, n.nd for re~ u1 ovlng 'l'a n , 8unlluI'llt P'rcckles, l 'in1plcsi.-..&c., 1ih10 fo1 · Chapped. liLl.llUil, Chllblu.11U!, li'l'ost uitc!i , a n d Sore Li:p<i. Prlce 1 26 ct~. P t'J Bottle. Sold by nll Drugg·bls. Paris F 0 ll n dry I T rnattcr of JfRASM US SAMUJJJI, F01'1 KE, cin Insol-ven. t. __ 0 I I ~'· I I I TOI LET D E N TI ST. B E AU T I .B ' U L W I NDSOR, Sold by [tu D1 uggists. SOAP S. ltO~i£ ,:.:,--G , VV e ster, .L!, b - - --, --D --S · THE UNDERSIGNED ·'H"' I' 1 :.1 v .t" ... o. :.... D BOOTif. or Dowmll nville,CountyofD u1h :nu, ·OJTicial Ass ig n ee ho vo been np1101nted A-.;iLl ·s nrn.t to . Ci·cilitors requested to 8· fil~r~i~~1 cl<~i nis hcf~rc n:;e v,; itlnn 011eniontb; aurl UH:. liereb~· not:Ucd to ineet at uJy o:flice in t ho 'l'o-\V ll 1! 1dl Do\Vtna.nYille, on- TUES D~o\.. Y, tho 'l'\Vl!:NTY·SECO:ND day of .1\...f'liIL, 1873, n.t ten 0 C l OOk (.!..JU., fOJ· the;: yiub JIC CXaJlll llUt.1011 O f thti InsolYent , and for ordering tho'air s of the cslate genet.,!\lly. 'l'he Insoh·ent is hereby notified to attcn<l , CHARLES R. D. BOO'l'Il, B~n-,ni.tu-v~lle,?lifl.rch12 th. 1873. Oltlela!As"'gncc. 31.2. 'CELEBRA. TED FOR ~'lillTR UNil;'OIU! P \J . ntrY A ND EX CELLE~CE OJP QUAJ,n:Y. VICl'ORIA. (;A.Jlt BOl,IC SO.A.I". 1'"'1CTO KIA SI"JLPl l lJ B SO.tiJI", Vl C:TOU.JA G t.U'd'E.llt SI: , H:ONcrt·, .\ND · GOLD FILLINGS \VITII 'l'EE'i II. 1 American O re:ans ·:> · SALT, si 2, in tith con . of J..fauve1-s, do sa;.· tJ1at L11c TAILOR, ""·ords-" ~V ilhan1 NeuJ c1id S \~ ea r fal.l"o in Cour t, I iny prr.sencc, ·~nd Lhat I could l? ·-OY C it by foul" more"- ·were i>POken by me maJi c1ously and that OULD RESPECTFUL LY REI cann ot p t rJve th~ 1 0. 'l.'UUN bis sincere t hanks to l'J s nume rous Dated a t Manvers thi s 27th iln.y of Mfl.rch, 1873. customer:; and fuends, and '\vo-uld beg to fmytho.t .lAMlcS FERGuBON. he hn.s removed to the corner of K ing and On· JOiiN :ri1ccr~1rr.rAGlf.1\N , t VY! ti csse ~ tn.rjo streets, ,.,.·here he ·wil l be glad to sec as rnany JOSEPH. UHA IIAM, ) I "' · of the i.."Oud-nti.tlll'ed o.nd good· tcmvereU. ones as 3i-1. please to gi ~·e li ln1 a cnll. D01\'lli ll.nYillc N ov 22nd, l .871. Imio!vcn.t Ad oa· Jl.869. In the 1nattcr of ERASMUS SAMUEL FOWKE, an ]n.$olvent. W ARTIF I CIAL TEETH THOSE WISHING TO H AVE INSERTED AT A MODERATE FEl G , T eeth E x tracted Without Pain SHOULD CONSULT Tl-IEI R F,,\..1-'ITL Y PHYSI ClA.N. Plaster and'\(/a ter Lime. co,,stantly on hand. Ou r stock of GROCERIES is comple te. I NSP.EG1'I0J{ TNYI1'ED. MURDOC H DROS, Victoria Bu il rli ngs. ~Bowrnanv ille 1 -~1n1 1 , by virtne of the po wc!'S Yl;!Stod in :m e us Assignee of the Estate or the ttbO\'e-nr·mcd Il)solvcut, I -..vill offer for ~a le bv PuOh0 ~'1chon, at i 11vcntO!'t iilccb.unic,)!u. nuftt~hn·er, :Unlltle!:', Pl11ll1ps' hotel 111 th e vi ll tt!{e ol H.u n1pto1!~ cou nty £nginc~1·, {'hcn dst, 11ar111e1·1 h1c!'ehnnt, of Durl1 a.1n, on 'l'U 'f.JS IJA.Y, tho 'rlvRNl'Ysh ouhl at o"cc send his n·mc ·nu address wah ~"'1HER ~ UBSC:::UB~hlinkHER ~BY DEIt 8EVENT1I da.r of 1\l~o\.. Y.1873, o.t 't'\:V~O O 'CLOCK ~·l 50 for one year' s subsox1ption to __L SI E t o i·et:ui-n ~ a. s to e nrirnng in the .A.ftel'noun, nil tlle esta te. i.;;ht, t1~]0 an d comnnuilty fo1· the hberal pnb.· extcnd~d to Interest of the Insolvent, Jr:, F). IJlowk~ . a1 1d of BY 1'1lE GSE U F in tllo pust; n.n(l \vould direct attent1011 tu nirseH a !l Ass1;;nce, or, 111, a.nd to the follow ing lC \; afHl tan a en ICC n t\.CCO f l] thim ho excellent 01\C· hOl'SC a n d t'\'O-horse lt·on Cnl· lands, viz : tivo.tors ni_anu1'.acturcd by him , o.nd '\Vh foh ob- ~~ ,, ·.,,,~ ·- -o\ND·v ill a g e 1,ot numbe r 1 .1 in th o V11l n6e of lia1n p ~ tained Fnst Prizes last fall at the Prov1neHtl ~ ton, co11taii.i11g b\· adn1c< .:;u1C!uen t l of [;.ll ,tcr e, Exh11.Jlt1on in llo.mtlton 3.ud the Union Exhibi· lilJWHANICS' MAGAZUrn, tion iu Ho,vmanvllle. 'J'hey u ndoubtcdh V'illagc l.ot nu1nbc-r fl. f:llt~I hiol i..\ o f t::lcu g-o~ TO 'fUE l"UBL lS UEH, (PROTOXIDJC 0 1!' NITROGEN) the best imµlerr1euta ot t1H} kind 111 use, U uud, in lhc Vill.tgu of Hau1pton, i:1 p:an ieg i.-.GEORGE E. DBSD1.. l~AT S. and w1ll ml~ i.e1'Y eh\)l't time moro thnn repuy tcrcd b}' l.ot:kh,ut 0 1rn isto11 , \Yhilh Is deUghtful to t.ake. Montreal. their cost , iu the etiictencv and excellence of t h e1r Village LoL )1t11n h c 1 10 ;n V i llFt f!.'C' o f lf11.1npto·1 \Vork. Inspection in\·itea. A iiupµly oC Cu l t1 Y~- ~itrons 0.x ltlf'l is used in 111\ the principtL.I Cit:lcs tor8 now on hn.nd fo1· the epnng work, an d ·w ill 1n Ji;uropc nnd A1nel'iou., atul I can v.1tll pieasu ro in Jllan r c ernCC\'ed uy l.ockhal LOrnnsw n, \ 'l\lagu Lot 111 H nn 1plon containing hy ftd be sold tLt lo'\vest rate'::!. n.nll conflrle1t.·e i·eco1n1Hen ll it to tlie p ttbhc nit r:. rn cas~u l eu1m1 t '1 blrty-two pe i d1e~., t1. 11 dTdcs c 11be r! I IRON IIA ltRO \VS snfc and plea-sa.nt. ttnre:'i l hotlc. In a ]Jeet.,"l f 1 om on e Gar to one Jacob .N cnds ; A QUAR'l'EH-ACllE LOT OF LAND, I ' ' ' 11' YOU VAI.l l·: l OUlt llEAL'l'I! -v 1 11a~e ).ots 1n1rnberB l n1ld 2,in Pu1r y's pla n. of ~ . t' F c'orr o\ )ply lo or 1~ si..1pcr10r l:u1d, alt!o on hr,nd. V tll a~;c of llainpton; 11 ~\..Jsu:.:-1 1"': . :tof Lot 1 rn inhc 1 Gi 11 \Hl 11 t' hC' S~; ou ~ " ca i ' " ' · j, GALBllAI1'll, BUGGIE s AND W ,\ Go ~IS DON'T 11EGLECT YOUR TEE TH. ofSon 1ci-Yi Ue,conta ini ng by ntl.n1 e .t~ .1 1 1 ' Hlt: ul :, 31 3\\ D~trritJl C1. I _".::____:.___ con·\antlyon handfor sale. PRieES MODERATE. at;}:l~i1 1rs 1u.-dc 1010w 11 at tim e 01 sale. EVERY Surgeon Dentist Teet N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THA'l' J . M. BRIMACOlVIBE, L. D. S. Bowmanville, lia.rch G, 1813. 'rJ " d' p t t Off'> I 9 1 Extracted wit/tout Pain. TH E iT· R · 'Du1 Smith American Organ ! S- · UNSURPASSED, .. l Q ' t ies · All the Essen t1a ua l 1 HAVI~Q A COM U IN .A'l' ION OF I I I 1 IEstabl'iHlte(l so d e:i iraLle j 11 i\ P arlor orChnrch Oraan. 0 .'/ }t""ett "i'l'I ' 'J'lti t·f 11 } "ell J-S . v le , , · RORA DERI.t'A wr1 t es t tat she I \ H\S 1 1' I d te 1g 1t e 'ti! I( SM!'l'H -~ MERICAN 01\G,\N CO. Qo r:XPERIEN OF.D P~A.NT AND « illl kinds or lllackan1i~h. work d on:- on 111e nooins fornH:: tl\' occu pied br T . J Jones. O\'ci' F . ~~ ".e_ ' .tnd \' est 1nnkcrs \Ya.ntccl a t shot te~t llOlicc. A i.:ull f:lohcitocl. I·' l\ic \ tthnr's s~oic I ~ iug .;:t. Bo" iunv1Ue. Do 1, n H;.nvillc, llfarclJ. 19, 18 ~3. x- \\ :kh the S1nith ()rgan usod :it her ~onccrt h ere. CHART.ES R. D. BOO Bo,vmnnvllle, :\!a1·1,;h 20th , 18i3, 1873. .ArD H.DOCH nnos 3t -tf. DoVt-n·anyUle, Jl~ e b, JV, l 8i3. T. \\.,.ES'l'CO'l'1'. OO·tf. · ~ - ' ,_ ' 26 Ollk H ll \ r. ni>C ' td. Tlcinon t St , op poi:i te "\-Vnlthatr'l St. Host on, ·

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