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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1873, p. 1

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, f ~-..:S _§ Tu~ & cntral toTie i: of the new Union Railway otaf 0'1 'lo:tonto, w 1. struck by ligntn ng r.ih SattP·ray ..~nd slightly dan1 "ged bJ t i ... Prurr· ~to r \V 1' E.P:.l. .. ,. T).; L l . l ! . CJ, I o.t t h e I ~ l IE, O'. ·~ 3~ Jli..-~:tos :t O~i ce .SJ o c ~ ' 1 Fou 1 t persons \.\ ere killed and some nine~ teen othoi. badly ·n. c re~ by the blowmg do" n of n. liouse dunn3' a sto"nl ' J. Bnr !u1gton, Iowai on S~tt rday afternoon LAunEn has Leen carpet bagging !U ound Brantford and the meanest t hing the street boya cnu tlnnk cf now 1s to accuse each other of 'lymg like Lau dei ' E .....,U\'i"'< [ 1'.: \D l u" r VOI.J. XVIII. .~..,,,,,,,,,,.,.,.,,,,,....,,.....,..,.,---......,,~.....,...,.,,,,,.,.,..,,,,,....,,......,,,....,,....~,,....,,....,,.....,...,,,....,,....,,....,,....,,....~..."""-~ ..........,...,....,_,,,,....,,....,,....~.,.,,,,....,,....,,,,,,,,,,~,,....,,....,,....~....,,,,....,,....,_,..,::o:~:==""'=""'"""""'"""'"""""""""""',,....~""'""""'""'""'~--.......... · BO \VIVIA NVILLE, ~ HENRY ELLIOTT Jr., ~o \IJ,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ({) 8~ I o ~o 0 08 0 02 ,,o I I Otlu'" fot sale on~ i-.:.., F.-.! 8 fj..J r-< · r-l H Q ~ f' V ~ z 0 0 d Q ol the !llooi extens1\e «1 d urn plet,., B»>Oltme ms OJ ra lH Ont~tlJ Good l t o be fonnd m any counti 1 J·; H H ro 0 R i-l ,,., ~ H ~ Z !! ~ I ' ~ ~ U) ~ I r t:J d~ia.n '° s f:~Q1 ti ctSge, l!llARRIC'.IL'I{ AND ATTORNEY-AT D LA '\V So C4 O" iu Chr.ncely and N otary J>u blic 1.:'SA.11one; "'01 f estm"n., on most fllvorable ter n 9 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS and SlluJ,:"', PAINTS on_,r, PA f RN1' MEDICINFS. I~ 1 ;-< >-< rlJ ,...:i :.i 1-1 'C....,,,# E--; Q C) r~ Q ':'.J _,, A 1 r~~ b H 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ n O !'< rY 1 p ~ O H z ~ ~ ~ z:; ~ 0 ~ o . Oo ft oFl IC::: 0 ""13'" store OA J & w J MoMuriry ~ CROCKERY, ro Pf' ~l 0 Z · i~ e:J I ~ ~ m i f FAIRBAIRN BARRISTER Jmr.~ t ::>l"' in/~.. to:i:nO) So1!c1to r &: c n Block & .1....1 n dsav Ov er 1 Beall s Dook: .., vet R:.> Dl~]~c~t 1?:.n·1no-:..1~·, ~1>"'GISTlt i\.R »1 ES.t DuRHA:Yl ~ ~ T u~r of ...tJ1.aJ.riP..., T c<>c ns" .3 v·rist er a ng Atti.nn:.iy i!t L3. v l-1.r"irl Sol c to1 Jn ChA.1 c~;l 1J 1e) 10 ....1 ca n':1 l c 1 .u ":> t" ' Ofilcc on .u...111g 0 GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made to ordor m the la,test and most »ppoved manne1, and on the sho1tes t notwe, f1om Fashionable and carntully selected Clothes a,nd Tweeds The latest New Y 01k Fa.slnon Plat< s egulatly i ecen ed 1 !l'ln"V e m ,~ c:l" ~ ~i O H f-..,. i . - Q) /'" ~ Vo:!. ~z.1 ~ ~ ~ I , .. r" v ~ '"'"' 0 1 t dj [___, I [--, ~ ~ ~ H r~ r-1 ~ bl H ~ T t'""L-..-...I ~ ~ m ~ 11 . 1 ~ ~ , -, A LOUIRVILLE pract1ca.l Jo.a::er su~ccedcd n11m1ta.hng a canin e gro 11 so perfectly the other mght t'iat one of lns ru ost mt! ·I ~ i:\i thmg Lnt fitted to mcrcaso tho happmess l soul and body Such pract ices may be mu.+e f11enda \las "...i\.p'"'il foo led' mto pe'" j l.O liJJ <.....J I of soc 1...:ty or c1ed1bly act the1 part 1n hfe continued for t timo ,) ith i mpunity but forahng hint v.;1 ..h n. cnnrgc of buc1.shot -...r.r....rv-; ',,, r he cares an d sonows of 11per yertr1:> , tho ~ooner er I,,ter n~!.ure ,vill be a"\ enge..l Tno&ouau -No\ et do t lungs by h&hea I N EVER "'\VEARY OF'HOJl!E r csponaibilit1os and burden s of busP1osa T 1te spmt of, 1volity tn<>t ch~ractonses If you have a tnsk befere you , do Jt \Tilth 1 r 'L ~ i~ Il n: HO' ~ Ht h one, tl1c d!:>appo ul tmenti:s a 1d t11als a la1ge proportion of O\P Cana.dum yon th I """e t o b e n1et 1ntl1 ln cve1y wa1k of Hl n1ucn to b e rogretted It would seorn all your rmght and all yo m mmd, and do 1 Thi· ia tho I o ~:i. g ow ,~.,0.1~ "11..h la.ughJng eye 1 m r :i 1 fo w1ll soo 1 enough "\\'.r.. nklo tl e brow as 2i there was h ttlo or no 1nchnation f or not l eave it till 1t is fimah od li..nd tu n 1rom l Cl prcsc lee .'.l.\'l'a:i: l " l d " o "d-lcn t l·e h" art,"· it ' o 1t c11c1 " cl1in g 1 Yi tty to get n. Hght hea..-t aud n.n ensy <::on .. f.....nd 11 ,, .,1 rnto t, (1 io op~ h vflo \\ C"u u.1G>trt ~~ ""' ~ .. '" ·· v;;,, ·· any elnp oyincnt prnsu1t or recreation X('a;··h the BtuL sh1110 of llleas n cs so i;n.v up on t he h appy dn.,:s of yo uth But e\ el tha.t calls i nto e istonco boyond sc1onco as il ell as 3. full purse :Mld sccnee h ough ht-J c lo' ely an l Lh11ll 1 ,,, innocent <lnd l"wful p.ieaaute$ must be the .... upc,...fic1 ~l qt.H.ihhes of 1n1nd _ CnrLDitOOD HJ l1ko a. n11rro .. , ca.tch1ng , strn nrr...., inoder ... telJ indu15ed 111 \ t hat F . 011, custon1, jHibhc cl1t1play, a love of and ro.floct111g nnag:es fr<nn n.11 nround it _., 1ynfcl ec ~o 1tc nt11ea~ Iru~ u :\lid tho haun ts 01 ID J chlld.'IJ.ood l } h ......t t kllO \ jj I t he p}iys1ca.l :ind n1cntal c io1g1os den1an d the gaudy and ghtter1ng r1leasures of the Remember that au imp 1ou?: or no chrtn"c .,.elax:atiO !l-SOnle poi .,ion of tuna vrhe ~ mo1nent, aro the prevaihng tn.ste and pa,s .. .sentence, uttered by a paront s hp, ina.y ~ .A.~~!e~e~:e~~0~" ~~ :~ Y of home man ual labor uh a.11 be suspended and Study SlOll Of ) outhful S01.a ety, a 1though the mind op::i ><a.ta on tho your-g hear t like 3. carclcsa ! n c-vcr r;ro v "tveur :s- of home nba.nduncd- 1+- 1 a also to be borne 111 m ind be left barren and void of all refinement spll!) of water thr ~) "n on pohehed stool, o g.aud arc tho tr es tha.t o erJliaclow ..ho door that recrea tion ceas es to oo rocreat1on 1vhen nnd cult1"at1on To like the oppor etiun ~d i t ' v1th ruat w!nch no al~e1 acour Andsoft t1.rc tb.e 2eph;y r th ::i.t st rt'i i t ls more tha n an occae1onal indulgence classes-to imitate t he custom.sand follow rng ca.n efface And 1::cweet is the song o""' t 'h c tuook Q'!!Jhu:iz o t: ", VVe eat in order to c0nhnua the pny;nca.1 thQ roo~steps of tl oae nho aia considered Oit Friday Y.r A !!I Dolwle, Collector ...ind th <> blu .... r h cr olli 1fi 11w....,_, 1 1 d "\. . p ai to 01 ... coi.s t tl t1on u1 h eath-to sul'5 the leaders cf iashion- ia their at·ld" _ .An L..1.e ru st t hi::. t nt e rentqg fiu rtts ovc .. tbo b1119 · .J of Cu3t::nns 6.t Montreal $2,500 in or" B al"'o he 1 ch hues cf hcav"' n s b ~Lt l 0 ne ' ua111 the budy and e 1 <.ibl e it to perfotin its Bible claql!es a.ud Sabbath schools and <ler to obtcun a settlea ent of a &u1t aga111st ./f-1 .J. such scenes Ul\. ie::tr vb . . ""rith Iri.0$~ elo fU1:Ctl (";nS , not t o pan1oe .. or eatL ate the Chr1sha.n aas001a.t1011!3 nro OOUSlt'tered be him for vot1 lg for u Government cand1· quentth.il1" l ·' l h And I neye gr _,w » GU."J of home I a.ppe ite <Jr l'Uluu y oopre::.s t e orgnn., vf neath. their :tl:ot10.:..- an unnecest!IL\..tY part date in 1371 Tho &ult was bronriht by Sweet $\ eet horn.el I d1ges+-1on VI' 0 d11nit when thirsty to of lUOdern education What lS the Iesultl n.Ir Lacro1::r.,n. forn1t:r oinployee in the C uo.... I ne:t er grov: weary of hon10 quench OUI tl ir,t a.nd not fu r arunkennesa A race of men and 'VOllHlil are gto" ng t p7 torn E!o1.1ae, ~1c ha.a. han do c1. tho moueJ The""e s my books c:.n l my muaic my "!.l it"d.!5'. a.ncl So7 in hki;; I lannor, lawful pleasures and very d1fft"'rent from the aturdy ploneerlJ of ovet to the Cnr.a.o..Utn Inst 1tu ~ a my flo v. ersinnocen t recreations mu et be engaged in, tlus Wes., ern Oa.nada of our.a-men a.nd Tnn follow1ngconver~tit on between two There gusheth t he pure fount of love not to kill tlnLe, or infuso a. Jnomentary women \"'f ho with strong "rrua 0 nd h"ro1c rhat °"lu fin d lOWJlC"C ClsC ill t h " wide world vf' <· "" cl!'Her lawye·s waso~erhea1d "Ho\o; doea ours j d£Jln1 ... 1n II'. to the syste1n , but to refresh heiu ta clen.rtd our fo1es+s, nnd ltud the your c:hont hke it7 H Not O\ ermuch, be ' Vl·o1.1f! ource cor::1eth d own rro1n above iho whole Sj stem and p re Jare it for fu ture fo und ations of t hat fresh and "\lrt uous na g1na to con1phun of the cxpe,1se ' "i\-!1ne And m dear olo.. father end r other a1e th" e ox ertion [t mnst not 1ntru<lo upon the t ion whtch ""e no\~ p ossess Our io C""n With locks JJke the Bea~crcsredfoo.m h ours of business or work- it mu&t not be .. ble folhes are ra.1s1ng up n1en and \\Omen is o.11 right, bou"?"ld t o fight t uu... ll nd1n1 orotbcro nd -.i:itcrs o or a."' C o nd :io "air \Ve l' to get i..he , uy to a1sn..greo Oh l n ot or grow >vcri.ry of honl R of u cl1 a. chara.c e1 a s to in tcrfero iV t11 tho effe nnnat e nnd. f eeble, but h in mind anJ again?' H D on't"'v, we mnst work for S'> eet s\veet h ome j l1n10 and tTi ought necessary to t110 rua1n body- so artdlc1nl and unnatu1al in then· it " "You wul get oe ..... , of course, in the I llc ver g-o ' v: car., of hem pursuits or life lt is intended only t o habits is to be u for the so ber con end, but you 11 appcaJ, ol .:lOhrae ' ' Of :n.fove .,.lo,rlv so slowl .... O Tlme in j our t1lg dn er s1fy and ch n.nge our m oro se1 1ou~ and cerns of hfo THURSDAY, 1\PRIL 1 7~ 1 8730 Jet f)ll · """"""--~,,,,,~·~,,,,~~,,....,,....~,,,,,,,....,,....==,,....~,,....,,....~ I / . . . . '-"'"'- " I I 0 s.~ytlinig 01 I I 0 1 HENRY ELLIOTT, Jr. ~t. OJ J ohll! fill. H ~attchcao.n . D umISTER, ATTOR)IE'i, SOLICI Jl...J!J OR 1nH1 :-.:ot :J."} Publt l l CE Hampton, Nov 19th, 1872 - Fl u;t. dm.1 cast ) f l oot Offi i.;o ip sta r~ < ~ 1 §Ori1wrn-:1 "\en cy ~t . ~ filDndh, DARltlfl, 1m s ii.ND \", 1 0 RN li' YS ll1' \ I J A"\ ~ Solic1to1 s u 1 C I n.ncor~ and ln:io Nota u cs Sohc1tou1 fo1 he O t a t o Ban k &:;c Jl.-1 >ner fo1 Jn > estn1ont The Sale will Continue. THI~ Co1n c) a.:rlO( on n1o~L n,U 1 nes fa' Jrable_. tenns And waft t way 501 ow· and care burclensomc e1nployment s- to atford tune the fh c on ou h cartu cto ~ ,,5 .. burn br ght ous relI0f t o tho O\ert a.sked energies-but ~ .And loved o cs lt. rull.lngl.)" there in lo cise to take the n1ace wh cl !'!hould ~ .Ana lung mc.v n lO\:" Hke tl1e etr:i.1" in the r b e gi, en to gohd "' orK It tnust not even ~ trtth -i::'! ~o\v i:Jh ln li eu en.., bluo doruc interfere '\"'nth bod 1 y r epose, nor be allow Be:l-m con6tan~ end pm e fo the fr1eudJof;; on h od to st bJ long cont1nu;znce, nor .A..nd Dl) 1 I:! lTL l ever o-; Cl Y of hone should 1t be o f that char-ctet whtch in S·veet sweet 1101110 1\.(1. lienrt no; fr -o' 8 1'.eur y oi 1 omc flan e!'I a nd cx..c1+es the passions and u1d1s poses us from ret nr n1ng fo the or 1.hnary av ocations 0£ life I t )V ill hardly b e d en ted by t1.ny reader of these h n es that an) of tho a.niu.,ements F 1\ ~HIOJl:f i\BLE F OLLIES ol th e present day, rnnocent >nd useful Long lon..,.. r a) &;~ We wrne t hus 'nth 1 o b1tte1neas of foehng, but iu sort ow i?, e would have our y oung friends who re1\d the:iie hne~ roahze the ,a1ne of lite a nd the import~ ance of redc "'mln_g the present houi It 13 to b e fe n.ied t hat some of our youth madly fondle plef-lsure \D d eng ~ge in unhallowed re velry to d 10 ,\ n the v ery thought of a hereaf'or Thii:i sad tcndenoy is striktng1y illustrated in th e c nie of Burton, a cela br tied ac.,ur, who d ied a fo\v ngo in Ne w· York ~ year or two before ]us death ho became alarmmgly ill, and de COtl.11!6 11 f::rEORGE DRIV.ER, "'vho \\ f\.S evccut ed o:r;i. the 14+h inst 7 for tho murde .. of h~s w1f'e at Chicago, JUSt b efore h e wns tnr11ed off d k 1 nia e a. IP.mat ao e speech Re seized the nooze dramatically, and, ehalnng it before the crowd, sa d ".Just remornber that f · ] d h rope l you go In .. o a. sa. oon u.n get tig t See "l'. hat thttt hquor will bring you to l\P well aa lt has brougnt Jn e to Ren1cmber that now7 and l0ok out for yoursolvca' What more lmpreas1ve te mpera ico lecture than tins ><a· ever <lchver ed ? 'tW. S Bo ~ le, !VI fill , f'1 R i DUATE OF THE UNIVERSI t i 7 I E S f'] l n1ty c( lC.'i'O I 01'01 t o &l tl "\ 10 <n e duo1 o:it hofD 1-.e J.., s 1go ,,... Bo"" "Tll.'.".Ll "l;'"llle on~ GRE t'I SALE OF >(I f Pnysw ans.,_ id S ui;cons Ont Office one d..oor 'Vo;:it oJ..L Co u1fih,, P c~1uc1c e-Sil vet s1rce l ona College Licent1a oo. of the College 'l_ :;f J RQE of l J1yslc w.11B of .i!,;ugland and lJnl v0r::;1ty of \: iotoi1a. College Cobourg ttndo giadna te and P1 lzlju1an uf t ho U nHer~it.y of "orouto and lJ 1i vo1:otty of Queen College K...lnrrst on membe of the Colle.,,e of 'l.n d ..., Surgeons of Onr.ar1o Surglll:> !!nd dence " !?.O T{m ~ Sti e.ct Second door onst Ma..-rnc. d r:; l!oto.. l :l 2-0 Dir. D.·'>il~smn, .r1 R 'DUA7 EOF TEE ROY AJ, COL GOODS! R j J\'l THE BE AV~E R BLOCK .J. !!:' iei du~g, D. ~ ;lJ E!>fBER Of ROYAL COLLEGE OF .l..V..I. Surgeou~ En,.1 an U, L cetitiate Royal Col ll!ge o f Physic1Pna li; d.iu b urg h (Ln.te Resident A..cooucheu S t ,i.homs.s liosp1t::.l London a.nC ActlrJ~ Reo1dent :a.:reu oa Offioor City or L v::ado!! Ho")JJ .tal f o" !) "O.'.l"'"S of the Chaet ) Otlloo Dr lie1r1ma.n u 0 .1.ono rm. ILU:l BEEN SUOH A GRL."fD SUCCESS F . F .. McARTHUR BAS CONTINUED lT FOB. il:i oticc-Etltemol'ai. D li Dr Cr;:,;. wl~ on \Vellington Street, Su1gery .r~ t. .JJ.a vlrl r eslden c S l >"e" Street OfilcD hourb rom 10 a m to Sn m 113 Hf residence t n the h ouue lately occupied REID HAS REMOVED HIS hy ~h·. ~ . , :'.In K ng S t ee tpcs::tdoor t o Yellow ! e & a V"a.r ctJ S to 1 ~ JJO"\ m e.nv Ue 0 1 tm io ;('1RADUA1 E OF THE TOR O:S-T O l.Ji "C n l "'r.. 1ty Ph sic o.n Surgeon &c Office TWO WEEKS LONGER, 1n orde1 to a con1plete clearing out and gi"g u.ll a chailee for the :ii. I'll. ll. ~n:ma co mbe, JL. D. §., GREA TES'T' E VER OFF ERED Bowmanville, Febrnary 13, 1873 I~ BARGAINS BOWMANVILLE ~ Gold E :i.Jliugs inserted Teeth ex traotod foi: \) c er:.ts e.:::. ""h \..n e co lent looth Po1-..der for e;al"' Ofilc e 1ul\1cClun ., s block C::11J"RGE O ~ Dll NTIS'I SUPERIOR (',_' , G . ill! :UU Ol!Hfr, 1DROVI'WIAL LI.ND SURVEYOR !["" Ch 21 Engu;ce1 an d L a nd OJllcc and 1 c~ 1d en N E vV e Ln t. 13 3 l on Dri,rl1no-ton }llo1dcrs ,.,ft "t t he om cc or Pobcr t .A..1 mou1 h sq p1 ornpt ~L en Oll to 4.0 Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Al - rrnED f!)Ol PROVINC:AL l, AN:ID Cn l ..Kug n c e L e t-0 1~ prepa1ed to orders 'vith '"' n c ll 1 e 1 t ~ h" ft, 1 -Pd - B ATTIN""G'S, CHEAP lJow1ncLJ1\ llle, Oct 10th) 187.! FOR CASH. § . <DBamite r~ i.cld. .J.... A_i_ "\ 11 L"B and Dn.1 hnKton Residence Queen tiellt o .. lc1., nunctuul' att cudcd t o CJ1arges J\I o tl c r c.~ l:i 'Ji'h o~~rn.s @ ~ on~rnu!le . A C cTI ONEER F OR BOWMAN D. CH EMITS S T 0 T 1°' ' AND DEA.LER I UCTIONEER A wr t l.'l ronH)tly O APPRAISER AN D s tl .A..g"'t Drt1hng on CGntre att c n d"'-'d to DRU GG I TS m~ . 11 D. Foley, TO W.N JIALL B uILDINGS, BOW,lTA NY LLLIIJ. L ) I CEl' S I· D A U C'rIO N EER, 1' OR t l e lo \ s111µ o Dznlington Oo.leri p ro npt tc 1 dc l t o Gh.u.rgctl lncd eratc I~ DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHElv.fICALS, DJ e Slufts, Patent ~ied1ctn ee Perfun1ery Iliushes Con1bs Soaps, Panits ~nd Otls, PMnt Brushes, Coal 01l, and Coal Oil Lamps, &c , &o .ilaonn:;,. V'"ING C~H'il§He, ~ ia1 n.. cnt f :-11 .lt O\ ....1 :r. Iail L ne ofSt..eamere a.nd F1 eJ.gltt I no )f lm:l. s c.1l l no1 one1 fo 1 United C ulll oe l t "\ o th tm .... 01 nnd nnd Durham Ii.~ l\..g0nt ~a Iu tfH ,...G Co1np n es v Royal I her J)J)ol an 1 Londo~ Br1Llsl A1n cr1ca a.nd Pro' ln ~1REB1 B OW11IANVILLE, 101 ~he fol10'" 111 g E"'1tlsh aJ1d Cana p y yS!OIAN£ PllESORll'TION2 OAllll:PU LLY COMPOUNDE D ~ 'D ALL ORDERS CO!lREC1 LY A.1'SWERllD II Fam1ero and Phvsician~ f , om the Country '"llfl«d ""' ..}}.... 1nf'o 1 m the l ihabitant.s of BO\\ manvlllo nnd ! ete ancl of the b"-ft quality +. UO TIO~ F E R , r~ . .!&. 'I ·n'caell.· , \"ODLD E:EG TO 1a ~ - - ft'!I- .c t G> attend to any 3 llc :J 1u r 1 "" /\ Ul""'t3 o" \:<\ c t Du barn t Charges rnc thri.~ ~er :t.te he 1s no"I"; p1 epar I.Cay be cntru~tcd IO tf tl~OllilC~ to JI.end. BARGAINS. BA~G-A.I:NS GRE!l.T BARGAINS iRE KUW GIVEN 11.T THE I 1 H .c. U l'f DER S TG.." ED H AYING peen a puoin tcd :.igen t fo1 t h c P o 1nc1al P er t,o is ptcn l l'Nl t ) :ncgotl~te lnans on Rcu.1 E sl nte ~,,. 1r t:1 on t h " n1u t ~' ou1a.l lo Cl n:J P. l::i 19 J B .I! \.Il B '\.IRN' u1a n cu~ Bu1lii nc; a.! ~av ng 8 uocietv of 101on . n EN r LEJ\IEN s AND tl. )1 1\l El'\ :r ~ nia le in ti c ~V. G~ . Tiil ~J?et::1 "d: c '! ;3iio:a:·. BOYS GAR BO t.,. JSl! \\ 1 ST STYLES Bo' v r.; an-.. ille .Feb 19 18:13 (::una e, 11 I SSUEF, OF MA1'RI i G E I ICENSES I y ~~tJ out'i' of IIi s E x 1::lJcncv th Govc1n O fh ce a t t h Stctle£111ar. offi ce Cheap I or ( e 1e1 a l H . §2 1e;'i::n ~"i:. ~~THOLES HE Cfi!,., Corner 411 tnri.d The 1t de a J pll e l on be~t termce F~ct ) 1cct B~~~· 11~ JO:}D~f 'V 1 ot J\H:NTTl! 11.0TUHERS IIOOPSlClH'l :) B. . . t N w \: orl ";\.Iatct Store. <tba§, .il'1..<C d !J, PUB LIC OPINION Storn ) 0 11 get AND WELL SUITED. "'hen cngag"'d 111 witlun prope1 hm1.ts, b e spaud of hfc His physicians toll lum :\_ Nov;t~ GARDF.l - ...l h anging ga,.deu co1nc, as a t prc:;~nt followed, perincioua he' as effected \V th disease of the heart, of t1pongo 15 ouo of tho latest uovelties Ul and p e r ilous b oth t o soul and boclJ l would ine,itn.blJ L)ro,o fatal unless gntdening Take i'.L wlu~e sponge of large f or "11 ili uir1a.t o l t 1 11t of skating than h e ab:i..ndoued th8 stn.go and ga' e up all size, and .so w 1t full of r ico, oats or wheat I \ l11ch,11 il<l elf n.nd \ l' lt h. proper cai e, there la s thet:.t1 cal eng<;igc1no 1t s Ho r;.d-.,:1sad Then place .it for a. week 01 ten daya 1n a l t t h b d 18 hO n10.. c innocent ..ind n-.,:ig-o a.t1115 pas ll n o ro uo upon ia a un ant J\ll.Oans, sha.110\V dish, in which a httlc -w at erlSCDn tune At no tnue lfJ life n101 e CllJOJ8.0h: H.D Q. lead fo tho .sho:rt t1ma he ru ght be stu.ntly kept} and as the I:lpo~ge w;ll n.bsorb t o t he young than on a, cold v. utc i ad y , sprLr od a life of, o.nrl one iu ha.. rr:ony the nioui:ture tho rioeda "?! jll begin to sprou;t ~hen ovor.r un rncl8 1s atrauwd 111 .f.Jic ex er with hia '!.pp1on.ch1!1g end H1s reply \l as before ma. JY ..da,Ylil '\}heu t ]u.& has fairly c se of 8k a t1111r, ltfnrn13hes taken place, tho sponrta '""' nnl they scorn ' to "I cannot abandon the et aac ~ mny be suspended nb o11t by so1uen1ag1cepell upo l +ha s mo oth lllO with the ex c1tun1en t 'vh I cannot by means of co1ds from a hook in the t.op glaeay Sdrfa ce of tho Of late years, ln 0 i7itliont sl1oul d. bo drn: 6ll to th nk of a \Ylndow "'l1e· e ~ 1 ttl u S!ln \ ill an tor ho~ C\ eJ\ 1 n Cann.dr. , 111 has bccoine a lncultut of my.ealf, ::i.nd should go crazy ' This I t will thus beco me like a ma.Es of green, n1 ore t1ia n a 1eci eat1oi1 l '.Iasquorades \vaa t 1 1e se cret of his conbn 11ed e..ctivo, v ol and ca.n be ke1-.t; wet by 1 n er ely llll.Ucrz.n1'1 r o upon the ice, where L.'1811 e.nd women, a+1le, and constu:rang Lfr.o It ko1 )t him 1n a uowl or: w~'l.te 1 u )na.lly cousid~r e d t o posse.!$a good oo u fro1n rGfiocting uuon his own co1 d1 ion, and , · I .. ""0 \"DPos~"C'" n It 18 · d·h incn scn ~o, dress themseh cs iu "'.ostun1es he prefer,.ed 1t on thfl,t account, 11lt·10 1Nh, 1 l.Ol..... """ .. w .. il" ~ tlio n l P OS tO!ll 00 l& ll b Ol tto lUt 10 cl UC& t l d b it Jiao' j ' 1 d m f t h eel lU l t f t 10 mos R.ntast c, vu gar, an un eco1n wnec . 1.1 s en i...o Qraca1 t e f v i ng, are of weekly ooc 1re lCCS L.a,rn'e nnd fu ture, wlnlo \Ve modera.telv erqoy tr e a:i llmpJ..OVement upon tnCI OJ:lgtnal postal V r \.'! nre.te m k1nu i t the te'.'f.tof a shot ser ~ t A , t b d-..l valua ble 1)r1ze~ are offered to tho most preslilnt, l& ths d 1ct ... te of reason an.a. co 1 caret sys em ... s 0 e prc"' l \:IU n 1 liE l..; ..,. D..b:t8IO \: 8 0 v;rs:t-:ISG T O mo ~i. <l. d d rc ced to O lll: }01 Ilci men nnd WO l h t d l he e tJo ooll 111 ftityneeco r la.ndaut1ng n e 'i'i'hoo, c 1 lt benat1..f t ana a".compl1hed !:!katers, ...nd sc1ence 1, iose -i;tlot1nu-; uot -FromCLn.yio w io i;:e:r; au repyre .. 001d i-'OOd u.e d ya~ po<-tjjble ,<;ill ... ~yto 00~a n ~ r e la! Y '='xpo:sec 0 simi1a.r perlli-3 turned a.t once o r10'i 1ai scr- da,,... by 0 ' h e f o o· i og pr 1c.:s ~ " f ro1n sue ll ia.i:; h nu d 11n p1n d ent ve1 collcd) uro .. ·n day h11:\e tho best assu a:.1'"." · ~ct ~ ' cn.oppers"' 1tures p1ofe"'" onals (as t11ey "re "' ....., of a long · .. "'"' ti 4 b ; D""yi l :r J.6 t u1.o g pow.,age oth "" 4ys may 1 f l l D tr ng t he mo1 th ot' Octooe 80 c~:::i.tsno-- cord It is 11,...edless to decln ...,1 n~a n st otvic ' itec fron1 a drnt ance vO give giea.ter eclat use u ~ e and n. hanpy a.rd pea.ceft I cleau) ~ , B d Dutlne t l e mont l a of .i'~c vomOer and D'"ccm f db d k f tL l .,em..: t..., l .... nM 1 ex at 1..r ........ ce, t~e pa. . ..:soll 'bor 10 .,cu+ pei coi a. nltho1tLtisfcrnot t n.ku 0 .,,.certn.n mea""r·s to tne rny S1lo'v efvro ad n 1""'1ug nns1a owe y n.r r e...., niaconces o l"""l ' 1!J "u .., t d v il8 Q h..,,v ng only t o ~ .itc a. hne 01 eo 1 1 ~g t 1 d i n e1 Jr. t"U.n.""Y li. la?:l 10 C-!nt.a p ..r LO p.,..e, C'"'"ii such cfl.lamiti::: 3 ffi no es etciQe t ho nsa.n ds .. h ey ex hibit their a h ty aua s t1er .., 1 W<t.St c(.,. o 1 s - .../Jy au hg i: uc t :i t 1 1' ... 1 SO VI A.NTEu of anthor1ty c.... n g . . .r d agau st the .i eckles~ "ki ll a n d fcst e1 "' 1Jaosl Jn fo" t s n.1uu.:;ie W..,.. Coch a.""UZ 1~:! A J. 1"es 1 ' w . . . re ur .. TiiREE 'l, EAMSTE I-=tS, uessu nd h a zatclo 1s r. CJUf;f)Ulc,.1._. 8 'J) w!uch HH:in , tu t he neglt> ct of 111 0 e Jtnpo1taut TO DR...O.. \V \VOOD ~ ou-g peo nle at thr.. nt<->,,eu d ay e J:g~ ge _ dut1c:i B v "-nd by v. o h oar or donth ., at \ CENTLEll"'AN who had lost hia nose w ~ N r"'ar ol d. f.Hl v; u-o EL ~ 1 1 t r1bt tc..l incHectiy t J ovc CX" r(1or1 011 t li e f d ·t t ' ~c ·aid tl ,.. a. recer;t of I d1-.:orco Part1c11ln. a mnde ~no\vn on l).pplicatic:o to the I t wo c.. , 1 ~ot tn.i... '-) ce )y J o a consHler "' n v1 G v I v o et~ .i;..1. .y a.e ,:i ,. ., het ev ce suBbscridbor ill b d , , a t 10 i r; thu cl iss I.I' q cstio:r>, n~ither i)ar i ce l""or nou"s L ie cx c1te1 i:!Il'" s [;O in goo l 1r. dy OL tne house t o l er hLtle dau 0 1 " ponion 1 oar w a prav A<...1, .. or on the , th "I - 'Father "as mad Pe 1 th ccnJ o.rn1en , entsnormg st1" e 3 canir "" ureao:unstlo;;;'S t cnsean c u so g1oat t1at e te1, 1A'"'nt:i;o1to be1thvnarli1culr. ran d pre1nlsestf desued THOS THO!I T AS f l.i:e 21 1 t + b '=' d b b ocl), becorrung u11d u1j heatetl. r."' d as i11ake ~orunirkabout:&i-r B -'s n ose ti:tarchcd 11 1s stD ck1ns-si N D -..A.Jl perGons 1nJ..erited to r Tno >r.AS by 0 h e 1 111 1 0 .. o i.; C! ire Y ;H: d up 11tLJCkJ.n Q's ar~d 1t note or book accoun~ forD nc.ksm1th i; work nL u p! oc'-'S!; of l v P 1 t~y t l1e pre sttrt: of p b qr 1 l Jy chlllec1 m 1t1ates a ~ low but cer Ga.the1 ed rt.Xound t}a table ev erythu :1 requosted to settle the same L>nmcd1atol) "'t I l t ~T ti II h h s thoug h they )7tl e st cbs of 1 , hcs cn1l 1" n u ab1;11n.; I· tnat lllOT'c1t 1nto u.nd a1n ( ecnc o t i e ~ra c ..L\Or 1s te vras going we ~ e c 11cl p .aeued abou Do \yln "nville Oct 10187 , 12 1 ... ...!. a.the1 tJl "'U stu fled t~ 1 nt '\heat u t1mel v 1nd u lJence l IJ ., 1nus cnie n ~s , 7Jnch :im n""rr ent in its eYt1 emo ""'P"'cts confined locked ~ ather vnz.J ed, and nt last startled c1r..e donn ino b1er a i:.luoa.t, and then ruo in some ca ca, ma.y De ui J e b en ofici tl :i.n ll t o y n1g 111 . . . n an c l j o u1g ' \ 01 n en, out o d the table "1'f i, why dld yon tell m e to in v..g rrahnJ 11eI' u 1cl old ' omen arc not infr eq uenth . . 1y nothing about Mr R-- s J1csel J e ti el s t the do 0 on Iath vl'- and t i~ lFJtad tha dog- s 1a1l ton ako lu n ~ b 1l~ luu der ' Tho pers >D$ I n o" add c~s ,., 10 ih os c 0 ngagc <l l it and, \\ hat ~s still S.3.d de,. we hasn t got any \' h o me 1thc1 t vyond o... t lunk t tc r ::,cl\ e.s ha. o govtt g OHTJ. d r.i foi oe1 e\ 1 g th ... t Gt <l. 8 N" odd ca.stJ has Ju st bue 1 t.ned 1n Hll I~ Tu Ct L0r. S 11l...1'iPfiKI" :-; - l u;l tkt::d 1 ine bc:;,ond p l{:)Ut"l . . on 101 w io cuns1dei 1 1,, d a 'I: is 1 ceibnn l 1l\ccs lni: g clv o <'e d tle count'\:, h-1H.:h 1g n.n A I1dy broko lH1 and h tht:ni ge t>qual; i 1x cl to a. tlun tl e Il""l.'_., cs pc11i:c t 1y c1t ihu.ctt lo J H t 0 E J t J to suc11 a m us ein ent The f ct I S that leg ~nice olcl dootvr was called rn o i d paste "'t~h w... te , wJ ll colt b fi- fit::veral t ho 1 n d :i,nd a n1ou1 t l £ i0crca.t1on th e ] 1n t 1 JS co u ltry- h Lo our n""ighbors 11,cross set it, but "11 hon it w:is well it 1<; u 1 coata w1ll 1 Y H tKe it a a.ark brv\\ll bj n.d <ln1g reo u no, u.n1 "\C ..) frcq_ue1tly R C orn d 1ctn. t he lin e - \"IJ know notlu ngofinoder.::ttion a1so'\"'crymuc11dofu1mcd .Action form l a h t tle nm1no1ua. i.nd n itl"ti; of 1;Lhe1, a t 1o n and e\ en f1 1e iuly co insol f101n the \Vo 1 1,,.h t o CXC"' S('; lU : t lung that par pr \Ct1co b . . . in g broug h t, it wn.a Eiliown t 1at fine bl11ck is produ ... ed T eua. J3p O llC" r ul v t er t ho fi cs1clc \ ill n1 y Joung tn,li cs of thn cha r cte1 or re ci e;tt on \V'e the lady \\ 15 a sp1.r1tnahst, and t11at her wrll 11npa1t a 'tan color to lvoo l, and the f11en(L1 p.ardun _1c IO" R1y ig t1ui t. t here i:.) m ake pl eo/'ll e tt. positive toil a.nd 18ga.rd leg lu.d b en sec 1etly treated accorchug i;o red shade is deepened by s ponging ~1th n. ETERINARY SUllGEON GR1~ D a"' lfuln.c:iss t "thn rresc1 t d a"\ ch'"'l cter uiu ns c!l ent na he ""'1Y e nd oI life tne dnect1ons of .i celebrat sd Hobre\\ aur solut1vn of 11100 and v.1.1.ter, using a strong U '\.fE of the Ontano V ctcruta.1 Y c.ol!ege ist1c of youth \vh ch a.1 0 aurt-; Ill 101 t h eu \' ha 1.o is t11e r ei:iult~ Yon scarcely <:an geon, \\ho d11:;:d A. D 14 or the1 eaboute solution of ahun \Vfl tcr t o 'set, the colors b"'gB to 111lorm tJH ) inhu.blta.1 ts of lJo' 1 ot iUe: 1Lud riurro und1ngcountryt.lu1.t I e l as con ncnced f lhri·c "eha.rc 1n society a.1d vh at i u i 1a iy t~i..1..e up ne,vap po1 dur ig t ho w1nter ~U i he se1 \ cc needed of the M D III the 1 part cr:stabzod JJtf..ra te of sllver, 8 pat la thcpract1ce o±h1s o r.n d can be wo n ~ _ , 1 L 1 , tl e recor d o f so1ne sad fl cs l1 wn.s to d 1ess t lie lunb T ho Jury cn.r bonat e 1mnlo1n ~, an d 1i ·~ o f so I t suhi::d a s Lo t he dlseas ., par~ 1s of hoi~1.: s a td cat!lc t cases so113 u a l.1 ug o, U.) ~ticu love of se J.scn, w1 i ou Glovm: aL1\ ery office lCiui;; St ieet: Bo an l! t l e ~" 1ru rno1l th l.n hotno bi11 (1' bitte1 so citari.'"J.1t-.. A fe w yea . . a s111cc n. m ost fear found for the ea.1thly doctor, a nd t h e -w ~ter, dyt;~ bro'v l, every a.dcht.1onn.l co:i.t RESIDEN CE a t Btod cs flotr:l "'"' o .i .., f r ow in o lY' Ients h"'atf..s? No spot on ea"tli r ul cn.tnsti op he t ook p]a cein Itegcnt Pa.1k hea,.:enly one s 01 t 01 t ie Jur1sd1ction of darkena th e co1cr until 1 black is vbta1ne<l. --~ ~ -- shon lrl besoc1ac~111g an d ~i r:ictn: e as Londou l'ne uetaila publlshed 1t tho the court ACHB.irD.isr!·nr.&cLAtfl -Thefollo\\UJ I~ Irr 0 home D..nl1 !HJ SOvlet} I 1efo1 able to [I, rnot 1i tune 111 t he English new~pane1a ,.... ere oI \'{11 Fnoi\[ TllE PtnPIT -I~ 12 1e hJ.ted lS. highly rcconunended by those who hn:\ 6 Y J e1 s Tue tune l.L111 s~ co ne '"' h en \\1th the n1oa t har1 0\\1ng descript1 01 One of L cer trun Ntn~ ]ngln.1 d d1vu1e ' 'fho used 1t D rnsolve a bush el of saltu1 a. bar wisd o n n d JC" e to ' vurrant suc1 a. st ep aftern oon 500 "e1e on tn.o lee, on fio ur1shed i ot .llla..ny years ago, a.nd \vhose rol of ,, 1 ei , and \Vith the t5alt wa.tGi thcv shail lca\ie the fan ily cnclG n l n. spot kno\vn to be de..n Jen.:>us \\hen s ud. m a i;r1n1ouu\.l relations are suppos ed not to& l. barrL:l 0..1. lune, whi ch sl culd bo wet a n m d epellllent p osit on m l fc but until denly the side s of the L-n" loosened au cl have buon of t he most 11greeablo kmd,t!tat enough to form a km,1 of paste For the th at t ine UI 11 \efl, t l el 10re f req nentl\: ou r "\\: e c d r .. wn ho1n the edge Tn a moment one s~obnth morning, wb1le i cad1ng to lus purpose of d 1s1nfcctn.nt tlua h ome m a<le J onng n o ' " / . :iud "\ Ol l1;;ll rue fo n1H1 a10 ln<l the 11 h o lo aheel.J of ice ga' e WaJ a.1~U sphL c0r.3regat1on the parable of the supper, n1 chlorido of lll'no is nearly r. a good as tlui.t Hu.a one ot th e H u:g e8t a nd best stocks of Use 1 t freclJ g-oodai t t he Don11t on t 11' 01 lc.l Cl I 81 cc: l tJ e h ':r 1thnto1 c t ho bettei 101 t l1e nse l ~ es in t o t \' o f,.agn1e.nta, Tl h1lo 200 n1cn nud \Vh1ch occurs the passage '.A.:nd another purchased a.t t 11 ~ s hoiJs attention to t he Mmo a 1u t ho b otve1 for t 11eir f11 encl..d A n s o 'ro1nen were left at1ugghn g in t he 'vater said, I hav-3 bonght iivc J oke of oxen, nnd aboutsnik a, cell:ua, gutle"santl 01 th o tr.o.s, WATCHES, the b eat selected b) n 1y c1cf..y is i o' r cons tJ t!.l L ea, th0 yeai 3 s pent and sc1eam1ng fo x help Ou e by one they I go to p "'ovc them, I pray tl eo have nie and 1n th 1:1 ) ~ eveu+- l'H"knee~ anlT 111 g f.elf of dHl'e1-en t gt ules to -.i1 it. p trchc..ser:i o.t hoinc nro U ief a.t t 1e 1011gr:.s t t o l s:.irn sa 1k e:x.ha uste l and b enu1 nbed w1t.h cold excused ~ntl r.notl er I hn.v o nlar and expcn .. Cd CLOCKS- An 1n 1 m~ nse 1utm )er thus~ lcsso ls of p1 u l <>n .., so bi iety a nd v u.inly t nd1..;avor1ng to suppo-t thc1naelves ned a lvife and therefore cannot co1ne 1- o,. To PURt:ti !tA.: CID Ll...)l.D - \ C:>".. OS l R inge, ""'c aoLD OHA1N s , B 1oocies, > v . . rtuo \\1uc l a1e bea+-to.ugl t by Ohr1sti nn by clut ching at the rotten 1ca, irlu ch he suddenly paused at t he end of th 5 n othing t.o surpass th!.!m In the Provi:uvv ... pond.;.nt of tho Cc 'ntry G.!-n/l c-; tatt. wr .. t~a pa"on ta1 witnou+ b eing unduly d m uushed c.,...uinbled r. "'UY t.1 t 1 e1r gra&p \\.onH~ verse, drew off h is spcct les, a.ncl lookmg te Spoo1u:1 a r 1 k \Ve ha.d no::n..e fo L Y ponua :'l of lsnc dln.1d 7 SIL1\,TER 11ncl Elect10 nl l: :oi it by' t h dra"'l'I u.l to othet s<:...:.nes rt" d .. 1dul 6 on t l e oan scre"n1111g in agon:r- saw tneir ronnd ou h s h earer s, ~ilL 1 \\lth emoha::us Fork! ttntl the fi nest q ualit l~i:n ll L wlacb w:ie vr~lus1as3 " !'I 1.t"' as Kno v1nz and sec them ing 111 ua1 gera s .s purts hu bRl1C1 8 d;owning, f.ils1.1ars tne~r brothe1s, " Tno f l~ my brethren, ono v. on1an the a.ntisactic q J.!'!Jlties of tho chloriclo of ELE CIRO PLt\..'l'ED SETS in great 1 \\Te 1u 1 venoobJ "Ch ontoJ nr:ot:c ntan1tsc I andmo t"h ersth~ son.3, unablo to rescue can d1a" n. man Further °"'"a.y fL DEn the soda, I l o,.. 1r cd tltreo:. cuu..,e"', "hicn \'/ G fi , a.rtcty-tll.e \Vllole 1s a.n immense '3~ ock n1 enl s So fa t f ou1 s ueking to re lnce them From forty to fty perished in a of ht:aven ti1an .fi ve y )ka of pt:UICCl l to ~bean; ?. pa.1 ~ ~1 or s::w. L and ROGERS' celebr 1tcd Cntle1 y- i.. fnll then· n un..ioer , ue \Vouk1 glac llJ l a.11 their 101nent,cl11eflJ o f tho you g an d \ igo1ous ox. ... n 'hbt t 11 bf d water,sn1 h u , the 11. dsa · .10 _ k 9toc - e el' ln .ue' O"'" c incre ase T.uer c a r e t oo 1ew o.1J . portn1 n h "'s A tew mo ments c o"'"' none .. eem e morC' PEOPLE "OU t>bJect to nice~ ..1.'ll .J A t{lor ' o o gbly tn 0 et1)c .. o .. an l 1 for h co.1tlrv, 1atio1 ul recreat on 1n c u h ap p\ uut n ow t 1oy " ere ~ eep1ng th i:: \Vhinet 1'ho :nc\e~ sees yvu w thout EHLY· :;:.s sot M .... H' f.u c ol The 1cep, but a fe v feet flon.1 the surfa1.: <n g O\ veiy fat y:.iu \ e gro v , or how towns a1 d c1 ics In rnanv cases bus nes;:i loug B rt< 1 1 ln.1....t ou whe l lea ly c( J<l 1 ~'"' l a n d iuec1 1anical pur ... nto::, the toi l ~ of t l e whe t.: t1 CJ u d b een u111 sing t hen1selv<::;:i k llI 1 H d 1 \ ery pa.1o :yon 1oo l..l u i um1"'v1o, t Wtl.$ " 1 t!,.. Jh~nt ly LolJ . . . d t1n fPhe colff"' factory a.1 d W' { urshop ar o so nc s :'l n Ll ~ \"\ 1 t VI' o s ;; agn.1nsv 11 nn1odet a te fl lJd r. t 1 htn in s oc Et t.) con11ne::i !Fl con' e .. sa iun -was iesto l. to r,n ,.ls,b<ll .. ~er ,~ 11 fc, and the 1 SPEC11 AOLES - Special atte 1t1on g ' en nu r.,u cd aa io h1\e a n1 s1.1 de ete11ous ro.:ocl less ind n gc 1co u. 1d r1ak of l !f~ b , o th e chn.nge o f the v; e""t h er n d tne r 1s la.r~l h'a.s us 3,..,.;:iot as a. r o.,e to fitill g gla:·se3 to o'.Lll degree of sii;;l1t A le 60 eftcct upon t h a 11n1al igo of t h e yonng skatin g and the far moie fo< u sh and ur ng prtce of l\:Ir Qua e:i:, , 1 10 ra~e$ s tock ln gold oil,. er n.nd eonnnon trumes L :1..z E1npJ oye1.c; of r. 11"' ou 1d cu lSUl t se emly 1tn1use 1n ~11 t cu.1led 1 tohogJa.nnig ' tb( ut thf'\ 1..1 nsic of th.o fut ll l', and never CEEMlCAl FR.&t:t.I~G -\.GB TS -In the a1 ue '.Mu1r1s & Co s epeclliclcs-n. la1gc s 1p Iv an l "er y chea p Pebble s )Ccto.clea to J\t all then own in te .. e:ots ""nJ ,,! (:I :v fare f \\ ~s11~ .,.egar d1 ng tJa11 a.nd k 1n d 1eclr1,n111sL s1.J .,a o rduf a (n~ e r.Uolttrenulsiooftne hot· Uedof-\,ohde1 .,, tr1c cheuusts Jn.bor n. s ights- a full supply Just arri :od from En~Jand e x pressly to or<..le a. d Uet1.r l g rrn· 1 a n e 1 ch a 1e ua.ruocl c n prc,:,en t t lie1r ser, anhs, Jt u1 s:; 1 c ,., ty th e p ct iocl me its 1 l gilt her I1Jf1 w1 O It 111 BluaL.. lliarn , whu bel t ory J cat dGg .. E'e8 01 cold ~ire ptooura.ble and choapc1 than n.ny other in to' no .. countiy Gf n1ann l labor con1 l lJc ri..:c uce 1 so us f u i n to th e u nri ing h on1s It does no l "s out voui ntune when he niecu; you 10 b\ l s1 IJ lug ly vola.t le Hqn1tla f .. e\ A.po ~ It 1s a de cided f ?ct that ct 1 st cl~ on st r el y s ee tn ctecotu us that u'"J. e) and women t.he st eet, aid takes you ljy the hana ratio..... An an 11 ay ba f .. ozen ti cltiat ll. it fn.r eu1-pa"Ses all ot1 er~ n qu.nlitv p tee nnd ex t::i l."!.d1 11t of 111ore txc1c .... o 3.nd recrc t 1 tent dur111g da.y li 0 ht n.nd in ~ hu open llt an d s1 ou1 l DG rettu n1ng to heir homes an d until he ner~rly wnngs your l~ngers off- is sa.1d, in the " heat of in11nn1ut, INSPECT our beant1ful ne w ~ 010, ru d t]n s 11e1.:l 1d"' the n~cess1t } \\h ch JS plettd re t1r111g +o r e5t at an honr when tl1e labors ~Ir WbeiezQ r , ,~ , 10 fancies t 'iat he H J an simply by Jteep1 1g iu1nsclf <lrenoh,..d v ith all filled w Ith CJ..L.01c3 goods ed for dci o.f.1n,_, the h on"'"s of m1dn1ght t o of tl e day oug11t to b egin" ']ho writer in' ahd, and e~ )lainB t 1 yon the sy rr pt.oin~ ether By tho n.ss1steuce of l1au1d e.nlpl1u COME SEE US- the goon tim e, Ch ... 1st am t s ~ru.e it~ of :t da.nire1011s c1 a..,.acter It does not per ha[')$ en ter ta111 the de ii 11.-r o:r d ric o.\ctd, -s.'"er may ::e frozen in a ied h ot 1 0, of )us 1P.test. a ineni. . u r ~ar unoe, '~ 1 1 inasand :New 1 :~:~:d BU CE:L.E. R is f o11:i; to say thai.. the voung are ne\ er t o c1ded opu u ona ag runst dn.nc1ng in tho i U upon t l e s+rength of old. sclio[.)1 fello \ 1:1hip, vess:;l But that le1nurkluJle snbstancc, Bo"mnn\il1e Dec 11 18.. 2 w t f en) OJ uhems:el ves, tha.t they a ro ue :er to ~trn.c .. he1d by 2on10 of his brethren in the will nevei nnss r.i chan~o 0 ; borro\\ing hqniUcarLun1c u.c1d, tukca tho l:ighestrank - - - - -- _ _ _ _ _ - -- -- ]au g11 1 or 101 1v, or p1 1i, , l r, o plai, innn£try ,.Ve are "Jot prepared to <Jc half a :-!Overcign of ~ou Borer) \'ihC'I of nll .li:nown Ire"'Zlng agen ts In dtfH\1ng b[l,11 u,n (l c11ckct ~ )d nu11Ig c1 in t he i 1110 n ounee it 13 a wrong an<l.. o. e1n, whcn in 0, en new disottsses tue nieiita of the 11toh 1t f1 om the po'iV crful roBet Vo rs n wlach it. N""' ( ) I ce it p ~.,t .. m c~ of the p Hlot and tho dr nv d ulgc 1 in as u. p a.stune,..1.n Lhe f 1rrnl; c:ncle b oii ti case 1'!c:::st3 S awbo ien n.n<l p 11 HJ n.:i.ce !:S: u1ly kept, it ev~por .... tes r.o :rapidly 0 1 r l flEj I ing ioo u1 lt s aga11ist nut 1 0 uL1 +he and a.1n ong~ t \\"ell J no ' ll f rien ds But a8 gn.r hc, who, ,r,h en they h::i.,Jpen t o m eet at as to freeze itae1f, nn d io then a h ght p or B i) " l\1AN \i IL LE I U R N l I 1J 1{ f , 1vise 01 11 1:..thu1 s cf l\. grac n P1 ov _1_ l en c0 "" tro11gly a> nn :;i n e <l o dcnou1ice large d inn ei, lll\' ariabl y t alk notln lo but shop to ons 1na"'s, l1ko ~now Jf a small quantity 1!A..~UFA C T UR11\G CO lto iin L1 1t.::0111anyu1;;·;J.1ce !:: pron i:h. 101 ) ... ssun1hla_JCJ of y o ung men l t k tt of Lln.sisdrc11ched v1th !!tier, the degree get ler ~ Il (1 a. e n.w y JOnr appc i e nriHE HA\.TING IlEEN fa L l.L1g 0 1r yn-ut1 1 f>r the }U Gl ._...nd "'\ 0 11en- of t eu cn~11c 1 y u nkno wn to ]\fr and ].-1 s Cadgor,1\hoJ if J0ll 1n v1te of cold 1n·oduced i:i.i even more intaleri.bJe _& l\ppoinled i etail agent 11 y t.11c Bo,\ mmn 1 lle '"'esno1 .·.a ble dnf1e5 o-i: thou~ · J t.:t1 1on t hi I ti ch oth i - indulg ng in su"h un 1muse thciri fol 0 c'i "Y 01 111o, "li·t·),. c o~e !lro to the touol1 tha.t bo1llng w....tcr . . . . . .n d1op or Fru !ture 1\-[n.11ufo.-0tu inp; Co Ir.; no '"" ut tl "PO"'l I c· "' · .... 11 1 ion to till all ordc ~ a t v..s lo>v £~ iat.e iia a1 y deal s 1ch a c amp ng of he n: p hy:JlCfl,1 :i. Hl en1 1ncnt, and I r a tr act 1ng it tu t1l .. he <l"~\' of v dcd 7iuli luggt1ge foi \ fortn1ght _ two of the in1xtur~ pioduc1ng bl storH, JUSt 1:_1 th e 00 ' t y n oB r ~ J\1'. \N" )l"lz Gt icnnl en ergies '" o 1:i prod u"e. a r ::i.ce 1~r) J ll on in~ The xeeu lt.s baneful a.l.11.::c to I' ru.:71 a!l if th o skin h :.i:d bQ on b1rrned A e;<; , eeks .::.incu t h e ni;, ~ spa,_Jel" g l. c u s pat h "ul .,.1i:s uf i. nielanc hol \ l!.Ccid'-'nt to a. tobogg nJng pn!CJ l! ~fonhcal 'i he cl y '1'. Dii.R.Jf... H~~~"'} ~ . bvo J ou J~ u icn , er e ... eve_....Ji; in;uied, and ·S o - , on e , H l ot fn.· :i.lly at lt;n'-' .,w1 )e n1a11t:r cly . .. ru.,.t r ecc \Cd l\ q un.r t .. ty lfj jJ~ Iain u. Io lr·u N o ont con'd J..ead the oriA.. ' G~r. . I sad. de UH:S lr' bont gen uJ 1e "'Oii o fr" at il sy1 n p.1. ..hy fot in t lteu 1.d . torts to <l.\o id n I.. Err!01 { l uO r\. :\ 1J'r S, colh~1 011 with t natty of lr.c11es, e ng aged 10 J rl.D£"';1. 0....,s .... n u sen1en, t t b e; 1 .... d P}~ A..NUl S, t l10 san e c i\Ji!o \ el n"! t pboll,, ""'lo )"l.' \teil Su l a sn r:l dcnly turi d a"ide aud tl 18 e ncou.n \\ atot l I a~ i '-' nnu Saro~!:)!lr Ila '\ Cr) I t 010 d tl e t e l ri bl e s 1lOC.-.. ' vluch so n en.rl3 i 11 "'"' mm<"!1 drink I All th 11 . . . o... c n ,,.c J .. co istantly on hand tnen1 ul eu li ves durillg tho h o~ '~' the It isl10 t out purp ose sp oi.;ui 11 y t o mor:t1 Dl!.I""lJ ng on hns Jlt.9~ i cencd a uot,.,01 lot of ~;K i~ u e I 8 ~ ~ J kl 'll Os soid ch"ap for ize up on th'l.8 p arficula. r w::,Ade? t,or say S.ll) ·lu ug concern1ng" Iia t in o r \rcstern, as Bo ") i t 1 e Ou.t - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -well ss eas te . . n, t owna and Clt1ca is no\v l 0 \ 7 t. ""' T rcga :rd~d s. a a f~shl onabl o Sill Useiu ent _ I I I r C } p p61. s 'I "°'B I 4Ull ....... - an J.., ea . w I V I I I -- Y ES , ' IT IS Aa i.-:iio n - -s sL.a~e.s I I B u ck 1e r I I I I I A G E Y "tl f · · '

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