Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1873, p. 3

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.. S _..,_p_..... __.mR'l""'-._ -u ....,,.I _ _ L ~ \. 1"T'""'!' .~ ,r--1..-~,;-=~-~=~::oco.,. :·:.:~:::4$::'.~jTM-·---~--_...,,...,..,..._L_ ~ . ._ _ ,. ~:-............,,.~·"""""""""'"""" e=~~-==-=;:~-GfVE7 w""!<'l~~~-y"!'.""'~·~ 1-'!'!!"' R=s~E~A!!!!"!! --"!""D~Y~f"!"" o "!""r~A"'!!"""!"' C ~ T ""'!!!'!!'!!!l-O --'"!!!' N _ lill.!!!~ T. ~----~E-N~!';!!'!'C _. _O -~·u ~~u~A~-G--E!!!'!!! · M!!!"'!!'E"!""N~ T _=::::it CQl\11 Ofl.'i'l NG . - " ]ly ~t t.ltorong h k11ffwJcdgc of th e I n na.t1 n·n.! k.w!:!n111chgovcr11the opcl' ~l1 un s 0 F d 1flli· !I A ~All. ~T ~ln'>mi !'n'!I· IDll~ ' NTTF ' CT U g-c·stt\, 1l fl· hl nul1·\.1 Gli , ;i11d lJ', .. 11 d clicatch' ft::ixorcil t1eYC !'agc \Ylll' !! nut.y s~ive u s lHUlJY he:-..,·, y dou ...ors ' IJ1ll e."- Civd Serv i ce {}a ,,.,dti; illtnlo 011 .1p!r \, :ei Bo: ! :!~;; n r flt ('r on 1\-lilk . Each p acket til ·1.t bclled - ' ' JAM I~~ EPPS & no I fo n 10.10j)f:.tli 1c CIH'llll"l o., 1.oudo 11 .A, lso , 1n !tk(l.:> ofl..::\1v .,·s l\'(!lkyUocoa (Cuco.L 1.i nd Con iiiL lJ: p})::i h::u> provid e.ti 1111r lJl'e tlkfas~ tabl es w ith t!o n ol tllC i~ n c 1JlO.iH~ J l !2S .t t..~u·d·.l a~)}1l ico.. tJ or wcL-· elco:.:t l'd cc'.l, I I 1 I I 1 I Ji. ..i ;w. 'tV.~ttrr \l·w- V di' i!'Q. n fr;t nn u EYlmr ::ll.JHSO:f!ll:rnl{ TO OUH ~ ..LI1.. \J .cl. RERS. Tll111om. FTUE S TllEFH1 E~J>, pn lili ~hcll 1.n Clncago, MiJlineryShow Room · tl1· nsed ::\li lk . ~ nm1n·ol'C l'l!11tn·Hion . Tl 1P cr>ntl al idcn Ul c·day ' 15 l). l Tlle ·> '. "" 1JlSl. ~ 0111' genera l stock <· [ I · D DRY. GOO s ~o~by~~~~~1µ;g1~t,,at~l. ll Mi AJtJ{} n;D, and · we are preparu.J tn show a choice t ' cont.a111s lih t· onl)'ugcnts kno\YJ1 thntactl ..... I 1l11 c c tl} ns nx.'ttant :. o "- nutr1tl0n, by unpartiug ton o to the f::to m,t.cb , ] h or and Pa nc1'cas, t h Pi;rea t tripod th a t p repn1,·a no urishu1en t for buU1hng np th e org,ins nntl USBl'es o fthe lJotly. 'J'he. «Ct 1 on of this rcin u rkablc 1wep1.n·atiou 1~ ox tr~ or~l!n iu·y 111 su·cngt.h c n!_I1~ nnd ' iin hz u1;::;- t h e cou 1 2-U.tulion , w hnthc 1 !1 1qirtt ·I'd by ag t~, exhau:o. tod I hy 1 'xccs2es. Oa(l hnb.t"'. or r nn d tH\ n by old I CO lllj,)l a i n te tJ.1u.l lia.\ t' lO:~b led all 0 .11 111«.l'~' rueth · 1 od::i nf trea.l nli'Ht. Be ing u. dei1cio11s lo tltke, ti n tl per i ec Llr hunnless 11 n cJ e r all c.; 11 cu 1n ~tttnCe$1 , 1t is einlncu t- I ly tdapte d to pro.,u·a tc, unre; 111H, woD1cn utul tlc· "~ child1 e11. SAYA I I t 11e ti eatn ·..!l' t of all Cl 11 o tt l C 'V11 s t 11.g .D rnl, ll SCS, I csu l11n g 111 N c 1 YOUS Pro:'! 1 ,:"tL lil; n a11d G enera.I Dc h1ll tr, 1s to i n1p10 Y ~ t h e ) DiircstioH a u d ~\ ssurula 1 io11 or food, and t. ht· fo rl:ua L1 011 of ][c.a l thy B!0od DR 'VllE E. J, Jfl{'J:) Co"lPOU ~!) I OUR STOC K is n o\v fully arranged and ·vie -vvill be most happy to show our ("!ustomers a n d others through our establishment. We h ave an immense stock of n ew goods, in all the latest novelties, and. are sel.lit1g th em at t he lowest possible l~A DI E Or1 ~t11,1l. Hl.:AU'l'll·' l fLLY JLJJUS'l'll:A'l'ED. S nh$tl'lJJti1)l' ]trll;C ~3.IJO P Cl' YCli !'. li'ull of lCli n blc 1H1:1t'uc tn o a ud1n tcres tlng 1 r.<:.1l1 u 1g rnatter , news, and n11SCl'l l 111y, :> l1ort con t Inned nt.or1cs, s kctcl1cs and 111attcr, nist sn tle tl to tho Vi a.nt::l .:nrl \y [81[J~8 01!' · J1 \~}:RY )JAN ]t, v e nY 'V0 11 LAN l« \'EH Y CJllI,D ,~~1 1 etltcr 11 \ ing in city or cQ11ntt ,) ,arul \VF. GIV E to cnc h ~ e1 1rl.) snbsrnbcr a copy or OU !' ('.el!! oil 1 hro mo nt ,·\_1 .u erto.;..l '·S IF~ J,E~~blN~... l'AHfl,l:' wt' l·~;.:1'1,\' J~A HG 11 SJ2 1~-l~IO l l'r P AU.E~. VILLAGE OF NEWCAS,TLt castle, I am prepared to donate t o any respon91 · F. W .GLEN, h H AYING PURCHASED A PIECE OF l and in the centte of the villi~go of New~ ble per.sou or pct'SOJ1s, 'vho wlH erect auUstti.nt iul manufacturing 'vorks, to give constant emnlovment to 30 or ol-0 htoids, four a cres ot la..n d. ~ · 19, 187'J. Osh a.\\'ti. Sl-4.t. E LIX!r: 0 1·· .1-' uOSP TT.A rJ 6 ~ t-·n U ~\ Ll· I l "CUTE, " stones- size. 16x20 me· h e.I:!. 'rho s u bject Is 11 (0 size. Rx.~ gumte aud l>lcmung l'.l.1 OANNOT DE TOLD fro1 n. iho 01ig1nul pti-ir1 1J ng 1 an d is leallyv.·orth 810. It c·{cectli;; i n. bea11t y , sue :tntl value an~" ),r;tnrn ~ Vel g iven \\ 1th nn...- pubhca.11011. one ni;nll·cd rl olli.n picture ca11 g1ve iuore pleasure rn· 110 ii gteatPr 01nar 1H.:"ll in any h ou sehold . It cun be h,vi Ii' H.J·:b:, nnd n·c d on t. ask s ubscnbers In\\ t; 1 1 month.8 for i L , b1u. -will sei1d it a t once. or i 1 can be lind nf 01H ' J!g-Oll t;,. NO 'VAI'l'INO. Pi< Li,11c::. NO\,- RF,ADY, auddch\'e10tl hy ns A T I ON('C 'Ve nant 1'1111Letl1n OIL COLO l\.S, 16 tun e3 f to iu sixte en IYrcCLUNG B ·R OS. ~- ----- I I n1ustg1\ '> ONE AGENT HAVE 111 0\·e r y fleighboxhood i\'i:uiliooti, How .e,ost, !Hlow J Jll:e§fol'Cd "US'l' l'UBLISHED A NEW edition of Dr. Cit l\ CJ' "Mt.111 't:i E!WiilY · asaortn1ent of Dress GooJ s, CostujUes, Prints, BrilliantS', Lu stres, Lace G oods of every de3cr1ption, Parasols, Collarn, Hosiery, TH E CITY OF TORONTO ,p ER I\! .A. N EK T Trimmings, Func31 \ 1 c~~ring·8, ~uiloing Sill: Ties, T weeds, CAPI'l'AL, $400,009, I <1.u·e (w1thout n1edw1nt3) of Spermn · I to rrhcoa, or Scn1ina l v1rcakncG8, I ll· "olunfu.ry Se1n1n aJ Losses, Io1potency Mental I anU P h ysica l I ncapn<"fty, JnYpcdin1 ~nt s t o :IYiarriago. etc ; ulso, Con3t101p tio11, E pilepsy, and F i t::1, Induced b y self·lndnlgco ce or sexual ex ti·av· aga nce . Pri ce, In a. sca led envelope only 6 cents. 'l'ho celebrated n.uthor, in this admirable essay, clearly dem onstratee fro1n a t h l.rt y ~ears' euccessi'ul practice, t hat t ho alarming con sequences of t:ielf-abuse m ay be 1·uU ically cured 1vithout tl}e dnngeroll8 li!!e of inter nnl 1ned1c1n e or the n.p~ pti~ t.lon of t h e knife : poi nting out. a mocle of pure at onco i:;1mple, cet't.a1n, a nd eft'c ctua.l, b y 1uen.ns Qf \vhich every snfferer, no 1nu.Lte1· ...,., hat his condition may be, nu1.y cure hlrnself ch ea1Jly, riv e.r ely, n.n(l radieall11. 'l'Ws should be in lhe handi::i or every youth and every tPan in the lu.nd. Sent under seal, i n & plain envelope, to any nd dress, post 11aid on re ceipt of sfx cents 01· t\\ o p oat s tamps. Also, · nr. Culve1 \\e J s ",}!a.r ri Guide price 25 ccn ts. Address the Publlsh~rB, CHAS. .J t KLINE, 8, CO. I lZi B o,very, New i u , Pmit-Oflice Box, 4.58G. 1 c· .ilehraft·ti on the 1·ad1 cal }~!ITPLOYJ\fEKT l 'Ve \Vnnt only Good, ..t ell YI) A gcutc3,--citl1cr local or cn.nvass1ng ~ as \\'e a.I· 1 t, and fur· nw~1 ~ u. \'AJ~U..1.BLI!; 1n1 tl ntsh the BES'l' }>_o\.YlNG agency in li.merica . Gn c o..xoh1 sl\ o terntory und t he best tools to '" ork >VJ th. Onr agent s h a.Yin g in1n1cnso success and inuJung frorn $5 t o $!6 per day,-one Agent took 40 s ubscript iqns in one day,-othcrs report from 10 t.o 25 pijr da.y. Spechne:u c op1es of paper, full po.rticul:l.r", tt'Jl'JllS, etc., 1::1unt free to any ad· dress. 'V\."lJte at once to Ot.-n Fin.EslDR FnrE NP , Chicago, Jlllnois, u.nd Brooklin, On t . L . C .. Th oma.s,Broolchn, Ont., is m anager of the O< Departrr eut, Canadian correspondents i,,hould n ddrc~ s the Onto.1 io oli1ce. ~ULL Y to int'orm the pubho that C.3 l\'.lr. R. Reeds busu1ess has chs.nged ha.nda, ho h~e resolved i n open bus iness o n lus own account Ln thn shop t\VO doors 'Vest of 1\iurdoch .Bro;, · -....·here he"\\ 1H keep on l11LJ1d a il1·at·cluss stock Of Bootg and Shoes su1t1lble for tho ilca~on . work "'ill ht:1.\ru ~is pro1n pt a ttention. Tw enty jlve Yi:!ars experience 1n tbe tra d e, 1nore than the last two of \Vhich he 11aa spent a s ctitter 11,nd general 1n11nngcr In 1\ir. Reed's e.stub li:>L.iuent has givenl1hu op1lortu111lies of learning .,_vhat th6 peoPlc i:o11lly want. IIc h11s 1h erefore110 doubt of boing able to g;tve satisfaction to nJl >l'hu shall !n.vor lnm vnth a <::all and hopes by giving due a tt6nUon to b usineS8 ~ l'O· celve a fair l:!hat-e of public support, J , SMALE. Reme1nber the place, hvo doo:t;:) \ o!I\fur. doch Bros. J, s. New Busjness I T HE SUBSCRinERBEGS RESPECT· Wm. D . I.o we, D. A.. J·· L . D., &c. 1 &c . B ARRISTER AND ATTORNEY·AT· ffice ou Sil Yer Street, Bowman Ville, onloa.nterm..\ to~ s. co. sr 16-U f ,A "".V, Solicitor in Chancery tmd In::iclTcn cy s should call and see OlU.' .!J1'ess Goods a nd Trimmings, a:nd also take a look at our Mill.iner y roor.n, "'NJ.Tich i8 now fil led \Vith new g;._;ods, in all the latest English and New Yo:d.s. styles. GENT LE Iv1E: l"-4 should see our splendid stock of New Cloths, in English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, and Gents' furnishings of all descripttons. Ot1r MR. JEF F'ERY has just returned from NewYork City, with all the latest improven1en ts in cutting·. Gentlemen leaving t heir orders at our establishment :rnay rely on getting "SUI'rEI)" · to their entire satisfaction . I J.V.[iise -C . &a.Htilt @lll ::ll.JJ:SPECTFUI,LY ANNOUNCES TO I r-:he has cornmencetl business as n. _\) the ladies ofB ovnnunv1llo und vicinity that S ave Y o ur Bones RE C EI VED And get 50 cts. JOO lbs. for them, a L YOUNG & BHITT.!.IN'S. Ontario Stretit. P. $.-They must bo dry and eleau. DRESS AND MAN'fLE MAKER tn l\Ir. J Reed's l.n;h.,k block, K i ng Btreet, second doo.,.. east of Dtvlslon s treet, and is 110,v prepared to fill a ll 01ders "\ lL;!l w11ich she m a,y be fa Yo red, on the sh oJ test not.lee , u1 the st~rles and ' most sat mfactO!'Y niu.nner. ~~ call l'cspectfully solicited. 'J't.VO young w·omc:n wanted to learu tho Dreasuw.king-. Eo1"·1aanvll1c, l\Ia 1r;l ~7, 1873. No tice. Militia and oth er s who hav e been in the ha.bit of practicing -..vith ball c artridge,,. on th6 fia.t, will please bear In m lnct that irom the present tirne, any consent, lutberto givon by me ie absolutely w ithdrawn; and ~ny Oll6 ;round wilfully continuing Rifle pra.ctlcc after this n otice must bo dealt with o..a tbc law d irects. T HE MEMBERS OF VOLUNTEER I~fotice. F. RAYNES. ana Saving Society, I THE 'CARRIAGE MAKERS AND THEIR Bowmn.uvllle, Mn.y 3-0,tS'f 22-tt Regatta Shirts, Braces, etc., 1 j pe1· ::\hare ...~hen subscribed for, and ?tionthly In· sta11nents of not less t.11an $1 ))e r lVfonth t he re- TN 8,000 SHAR1"S OF $50 EACH , 1- payable either in full , or by a depos it of $2 I / Iriic~~~~!~i~'dv~1~c1:i~~ J~~~k ;~daL:b!r~ pr{~~sat;_ Bo'\'" m :.1. nvillc, :D'laich l!)lh , 1873. Dlacl:;.smiths of Dov·nn:J.,nville a nU. ~urround· 1o.g countrv, h eld fl 1neet,1ng ::it }fr. Brodie's Hotel, TO L E T. ranged n. lrnt, \Yhtch \Ve cx:pC'ot to pln.oo before the trudc at a rneeting to be called a s soon a3 arr~\.ngmn cnts cnn be m, and at \ \'hich, ·Yt>hopo to sc(l a full nttend l~uc e o f a ll uite.[ostcd. By order The Pump Sho p WITH HORSE·POWER & LATHE, At present ' vorked by t he sub!lerlbor. Posse11d o11 dven 1minodiate1y. zzr Only businese of the Ja11d h 1 Lown- plenty Of CURtoro-r are chance for a good Pumpmo.ker. Bo\vmnnvllle, May 25 1871. E. SILVER. \v. McCLUN G, Sec, aftet. .34-tt. MURDOCH BROS. BOARD OF DlRECTOHil: P.ttu.a 1 UEN'1 ] . YV. JAH \ is, ~arm. .foll.' Sale. olcn1 eel 1 vHl undct' good. c nltiYation, iVell fe ncod; goo ~ l w01l iinil c is te10 ; gooU U" 'ell111g and o ut- ofYol'k. 8hc1·ifl'of t hc C o11nty V 10.1-.-PHE:'jlDEr-; I C au adi ~u $..'tle l\for ch a1lt 'l'u1unto, 1 \V1L L1AM (}1n1..F1 PH, \Vhole - I,re r::: ACRES, BEING p ART OF LOT '(~Qj) No 21, lOLh cun. DarU n~ton : 50 ucres Dt~~t~ltKi8·t~Q\~~~tL~~i1~~l~,r~~~aJtb1c ba la11co a8 n1ny h ~ n;n·eed 11 pn11 AT>Pl:,r on the p renn !:!CS, oi 1f by let tel J)OSt- pnul. to t ho Sl ll>!5cnbt:il. 1\:fARl'JN SA\V\~ F.H, '3l tf .Ennrnlnllcn P. 0. - - -- - - - -- - - 'J'wo .DlVelling Rouses f'or 'l'llOl'tIAS J\1l.: C 1t ACKEN, ~f A JOH. B lack Sill( S \VJLL BE SQL1:1 ' 'rlL LI A'M D SC.d.H lH '1'ol·on to. Crr~nu~s E. li oor1r,n, E. Hoo11 el Bauk. G i:ona J\ GnET G, H i:unilton. Cash ier of th e 11oyal EN" Gr JL·I S~ G- C>O:OS O N llEA80NABLE TgR MS, JN A d esirablo locality in th(j To wn of Do-..vman3 Jam es tJrydek·1nan1 Sale, RoBrr.nT HUNTER, of ) LB. I lun t er,n.ooc & Co, ron t o. or & Co , To For pu.1·ticula.r3 o.ppJy to l<. & H. O'I!AHA,, J\.iark ct Bu1lcungs, 5· tf, Bo\vmn.nYiilc. B \V1r.T.rAM HES.SIN, '.foroi1to. ~NKTI:ns. 'Ioronto. C JIE AP., B ow·n1anvill e . .A p. r il, 187:J. l\'lUN HO. &. Tretus. A p pllco.t1ons fol' Stock, .Lud fo1 fl.1·1 hrl' uh11 ;;, np pl ~ to SOLICIT ORS . l\fcmn·s. JAR\'1 ~ & ""iVJLT.O UATIUY CUMM TNOf:I, t;ec. 'l'h c H.oynl Ct1.11adian Dani.. pi~, 1H> £. S}·~ e :u· 1,i !F:tl'Hl .fo1· §ale, II-N 'l'lIE COUNTY OF DURHAM, IA 3i-~r Cf1'\S. R . D. BOO'l'H, Do " 'nui.nvillo. nen1 t'1p 'l'O\\ 11 or Bu 11 1nnn \ i l! c. }1 ppl 1 cation tu lJe nuHle ti) J . S BATES, Pro1nw lor. Hown1n.n \ U~c . Oct obci· 4th, 1871 10-t Uof AND THEY ARI£ ANXIOUS - -- . flrl'lt-cla.58 f nrn itw·e, liu.mpt.on . A !ull s111~· ply rcn.dy-madc Cottln ~a ntl S hrouds, al ways on hand. .A n excellent 11enrse IH ovidcd ·when ieqturcd. Ha1)1pton, 11arch 18, 1873. Si-t t. NDERTAKER, AND DEALER IN Jiil oi·se I · ' or §ale. GOOD HOWiE F OR S>\l, 1 £, FOR ' c·.A SE: ! MAKE ·yolJR J-v1(J NEY GO AS l"A R i\ S P0813TBLJ~ . Bl~ Bl b y llHJkll '>,f I ~ ·ro CONVERT THEM lN'rO VICTORI A COMPOUND SYRUP 01" -· Spring, 1873. I . t.he farn1 01 ~ oull,a D AflK BA l: , HH hands high, .Appl~ to \.\rm . DORH.LAND. -Da rlJ1,gton. _i\.p!'ll 9, 1873. ;.i7..1 :r. SUJ3SCRIB];]l:t HAS DETER']1HE ~ J',fJNJtD to n1akc a cban:;o 1n hw busin ess . H ypo pho sphites T h e only srrup prepared from Dr. CJ1u1·ehill'Pi1 Formula, anu cert1tJed to bo Chellllca.Uy pure. For the prevention and cure of JlJlr. Tho!l. Da1·1ieg·tou ~' 1 JJ;Rscl"_.ds at Soto. cac li , all saved f1on1 prlzo Flo"'ehl grO\\ n l.Jy P. Coleman io 18i:.l (1nixed vu.:i let1es1 . ~'\.eWr, A:itei· Giant, Bi1l!:!ato, Oalll· 'opsis1 Convoh"uJui:i l\faJ or, H ollyhock (Erigllah ), Hcdae1vl1Jg i,T.,,a rkapu r, Petunia , H1cinus, Verb ena, Z h1111a, ScaJ:iiv~ &l.,Jp1glossts, &c. .Al9o, Veget abl ~ ~scCc , ilfilf"""l\rCion, Water '1.1:el o11, Hubba.l'<l Sq1 , LcttuG e (Carters Giant Co"s), C11psicun1s (Pcpp or:=i), and a fe'.v others . -XTJLL SELL PACK~jTS OF FJ,OW- l '.\ fi YOUH 1300,-rs -\J~1~ AT ~ T Ji 11 , ~- Jt-f (~) E ~~ 1FIR81.' DA .YofAP.UIL N ext ~~ I t:Lnd pr1c0<i \Ylll be redrn.'ed so t.bnt e v ery one CASII. ~-\, \ ery la rge £tock oC PruneUa Good£;1 Jttst rccc1Yccl. \>; 1~1 I I STRICTLY CAS I-I ON' A~D ~o\.FTER TlfE PULMONARY C ONSUl\1PT10N ALSO .FOR T HE OURll OB' e-co that il.1cr to their advantace to bu;: tor _ .. S~B.DRADSHAW. MURDOCH BROS2 In ca.lling at tention t o our ii-vanted t o Rent, lt2J bon~e or a fe>v comfortable rooms. i:ilITHER A SMALL DWELLING Apply to MR. FR.ANCIS , at Mur doch BJ·o~. ·- l\;1r PIO N E l~R E lryr ]_ p () . lP f [J l 9 Fast1ion. House I 17 CASES OF S PRING STO·CK, B o>' mnnY111c, lilarch I!J, 1873. a A s Dyspepiia., Bronohitle, .A.!5thrna , Loss ot Al'Petitc, Gcnoro.l Dobllity, &c. O'ERTJfl'IW.TE J.I! ·ro PURITY A...~D EI"FICACY. 3! -tf. La.boratory, Unlversi ty College. TorouLo, D~. 4., 187~, l\.\., _,_ To the Victoria Chomloal C<i.. GitNTLEJ\ra!>f,- I hav e examined the arUeleti employed in the Victor ia. Chcmk:al WorkH, in the prepnra.tion ol the Vlctorln. Syru p. of Hypopboir phites. The G CVCl"sl Hyph08jJhite11 UBed aro che?nlcally p ll~ t; and the Syru p 1s also quite free .fr ont a n11_ u111n t r1.'ty. Your Syrup of .E!ypoph oa· Ph ite1J will 1·ntl oubtedly provo a Ve;t-y -va.luabl.c M.Qd1dne. Profeseor of Chemistry, U. C. -..E:!_cc ~- r · r Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. lteed'o old ·t~nd . If av111g ju:.t op ened :Vl!l't7.! ~ £.a....- 111 iiHter..i gtylc1t DlI?f:§S~!Ail.I..~G in f.a~e:rt Gt:;rlcs t S EEDS IMPORTED F ROM B r U ain mul f!wUed States, ':rhink it unnecessary to say much in th eir 1fa.v,or. ].:f'RS. FLETCHE R Women's Prunell.a Balmorab from !JO ck, and Children's Pat<.mt B2Jmoral'e at 35 cts. (with hPeh on). :UE NRY H. CROFT, Bovrmrin-vihc, ii.pr112, 1873. 36. Galler) -cor ner Kiu,11 und 'l'e1npcranco Sts. All styles pln tn Phot ographs a nd Portru.tta In In· din Ink U.n l: \\'· Colon;. - - - - - -- -- A iG. · IDl. J.liIc nu y, ~ PHER RTIST AND PFIOTO ul{,A. · ' ENT!;\ l J.W.l. SPEC! !'"L ..t. t<J ·o u~' R .r;: ~W C.H'il "1!"\ fJ. ~I!:! J!Jlil ,J. Q would beg to thank her patrons for their liberal aupport.. nnd vroultl. y, i-sh to i n 101·u 1 U1em and the 11ub1Jc in gcnern1 tlis~t she has succ eeded 11ls. Polla10 - who hu.:; lch town-a11d hafl no-...y added l'JC'l'ORIA CCY'\fr 'U l..ND FLUID EXTR1\.CT OF Especiallv to CASH huyern. ~ - C C. l>:i0!.§. "' · - - - -- - - I I O. " 2 OO PRUNELLAS J ll · · ur -w . not on y puts a oppos1t.1011 in but out c;L 'ltorretl1 b e l ·. .; 11 no1y, Bcrlln and ot her \Vools,Be1lln VVool P t~t·~ ' Lerns. L;l.d1os' and ch ildren's T Jncl cr-clothing, Chignons, Braids, ( iuls, & c., and u. Stock oftan · cy art icles. Pnt t e1 ('Ut to ouler. Stamping in ] h 1 Br~td and l! iubtr,.Ucry dcue to ord er. Dress· t 18 $ _ aue, u1ak1ngaud ill:.t!\! l e~ ~'fl U::, Lit~l ~11 Ju.test Styles, and good ms , nt,' cd ST. , BO"iY)fA?-:'i"ILL ll:, KING co h er fo· mcl' bu'i""" th e follo w mg l ine·: Mil· AND UVA U R SI MANUFACTURING COMPANY, MANUF ACTURJ£RS OF li"'" The reputation our seeds have lui..d . for the past sixteen (16) years, is a very , good guarrantee that they are and will ,oontinue 1 to be of the BBST QUALITY, aud .truu to their kinds, HE PARTNERSHIP HERETOF ORE existing between J . 0 . and n.. II. Henry, j Ph otog r:-tvhe!'s. of 01>h<1.>\ ~ia11 d Bowrnanville, has this dn.y been dis~olved by niutua1 c onflent. T SPECIAL ATTENTION gi'1:en to GENTS SRWED TVO.RK, 1 Marohl3,lSi3. \ Vh1ch 1s got up ln the La.test Styles) and at the L0\.'\.7EST rem une rnt1vo PRI CES. \7·le are satisfied that it is I fl.):!lltJ@!·1t"!C&lt A::-i ... ~· , .,. , ... D ./l.)l:""'.1.' DJ.t ..... :Irs iRERETO · · - -- - - -j\et of' i S69. the Connty Court of t he Uuit.ed (;u un t.iea of No1"~ tbu 1uberland and Durn han1 . Wood and Iron-working MACHINERY, ~lc r alHl 1{1tl neys; Dropsical S1vellings ; Coin· \ll:un \H tn 1 ,1dental to :F'ema.les; a ud all diaeasea ot. t he Urmn ry Organs in the Sex:. Try it on ee !or a n y of the above Disorders,a.nd you will be l'ully oonVinccd of its pre-em inent virtues . Price $1 per Bottle. Sold br all Druggist~. .A. t'11i:0111<.: Remedy faro.I.I D11;e of tho Blad· J.O.HENRY. R. H. HENRY. P. S.-The Galle!/' irl Bo,,mnnville ,vill be cnrrled on by ?ifr. R . n . Hr.:NnY. 1\ifa:rch 28, l ST:J. l).~ ILY 3G 3t. LINE o- which induc es the puhlic so han dsomely to patroniio us. .Lill IVork Guaranteed a.~ Rep1·e.·enf('(l, 1 CANAD.A, \In Province of Onta.1·10 ! Cnitecl Countios of ( Nort.h 'd &. Du r ha1n, 1 1 'J'O \\Tl'. / Agricultural I mplemen ts, LEFFEL'S VlC'J'O ltIA ELECTRIC L IN I M E N T. " THE KING OF ALL LINIMEKTS." J:t ... or Rheu1na1Je1n, Gout, Neur a lgia, Lu111bo.go , Sciatioa., '\Vanderlug Pa.ins, S tiffuess 1n t111;> I imbi:i or Join ts, S r.rains , Nun1bncss, S\\'ell1 ng s, llcad!l.che, EOJ'11ch e, T oothache, &c. l r~ the n1atlc,1 of <OUR IMPORTATIONS 'IT'HIS YEA R A.RE LARGE. "The l'olto\\ing nre the lcn.d ing k1n j - -'r B.OCI-IES'I']~ R.. .And from our facil ities we fe el confident that we can place bcl'u rc · the Iic<olvc >tt. public superior goodH at same rates as tl1 ose cl1 a,rged hy otli01s in tl1c trade for an inforio1 arti cle. 2 more first-cl1v,~ workmen waniod - no11c QN THUJtSDAY, TBE t>EYEN'l'J~1 1;N 'l'J-I dny of .A.Pi tIL nex l, the u 11 d{lr· other need app]3r. signed 1\lll apply to t he Jud ge of t he s11lcl Court fo1· ."t. d1::;ch<1,rgc un<lPl' so. ill .Act. THE ],J](:HES'I' PJU C~~ JN ('A~H ]<'Ole HID ES. Dnierl at Ho;,maH\ille, tlics fonl'ih day or !\larch ~\ 1), 1Sj2. "" .r OTfi\T FLETCFlRJ:, ihe yo1u1g1::1 , Double Turbine Water Wheels, ANl>- CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS. < BUY IT ! TRY IT!'. P ROVE IT! ! ao C":f.R. p er Bottle. Sold by all Druggists:. I -AJ·rIYBRSON T U RNIPS, NORSE MANI 1 ·ei\tla1· trlpa on this lou1c, le1Lvi ng Cobo ul'g " 'Ul on O.l' about 1st A pr1J next, cornn1ence h e1 -B ~·o_,_ v 1~ 11M·~n1·1~ll-e~,-~i~1'-!!-'C"h-2·7~,~ l -S'r;_ ;. _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ AG'ENCY co. Reed'.Y Old mand. ,e: evc.1 y morn ing n.t 7.30, a n rlPort Holl:c nt 9 o'clock, Swe<les, for!toch cstc.r connocth1gthotc\\1t.hN'ew York Ce ri tra.l tind Erlo Raihvay~ fo1· ull 1l0lnts East, 'Vest , und ;5outh. Sk in· in g':; Improve d, H.eturn 111 g, will leave Oh ~~rlottc (pot t ofRocJ1cA· te1) daily at D }l. 111., except Saturdays, ·Yhen Bhe Skirvi ng's Selected , ' "lll leave at. 2 p. n1. for Br1g:l1ton . Dealers li · stock , &c., will fi n d this tl1c t' h cn.p· e:i t nnd most expeditious r oute to .Bo~t on . ·\l · Bangholm, ,.c: u.n Y, New York, &.·c. 1 'urthc1· intol'lnittion . nppl· to I East Lothian, H. CRAWl' ORD. Port l lopc, or C. F. OILDER SLEE\T E, and the ce lebrated Shamrock. ] ( 111g8tOn. 1Ha1·ch ..!d, !873. CARROTS, White Be lgian, Long Orange, Beith's White Cari'ot, (Home Grown) . SI X 18 MAN GOLDS, Hed and Ye llow, with a large Yariety GardP!l & Flowfr ~e e d s . F Pl hps' hotel in i..]Je v11lnr;e o 1lnJpton, c ount,r of Dluharn, 011 'T'Ul!.8DA.Y, the 'l"VEN"TY SEVEN'J'.H d ay of)'IA.Y,1873, t\J "P-V;ro O'CLOCK DAVID MAXWELL, TOWN 0]' BOWMANVILLE, m the Afternoon, all ' he cBl·t<. righ t, titlo aud. S 11 cccsso1· to intel'est of tJ1e Iu3olvcnt, E. S. 'Fo '.vKc, a n d of lmmcilintcly \Ve3 1 of thG re3idenco of \Vm. ~re. myself as Aseiguee, of, tn, und to the following '\VtUTEJ.. AW & :r,J..tXW'ELL. Pad.1:> J a1.u 1ny 7tl1, 1873. 21 tr. A-Iurtr~, E3q. The houso is a largo '£\VO lwds , "\i\ Z: ' S'rOitx BRI CK DVllE.LLING. to \\luch nrc, . I I a ttached a stable, 1vood-sh cd, and all oth ei con'r111a."'e Lot n111nbcr tJ in tho Villngc of l{tl.t11P· EXP ERIENCED PANT AC'!D ----~ Cil!.··i oi T lU.J.!. l s. ven1cnc6s nece ssa ry for the a ccommodation ilnd ton, con'.tainln:; by ildmcasure 1 ncnt i o f a n a.c10: ..L and Vest makora wanted a.t oomfor t of a. respectable fti.mlly. P a.rt of the "llla;{O Lot numher 9, side of Scu gog MURDOCH BROS ~ ' .._.., ~ M. a.· ir% '"'ll:a"D land, in connect,ion \\·Uh thij house, 1s planted Road, Jll the "\' of lian1ptou, in plan rcgl.9· Bo'\'tn n.nville, J\.Iarch 19, 1873. 3-1-tf, ...u;.:--a ~ .JiL!.JI~ IL · ~ "'ith f1'11it trees, a.:nd tho remai nder thc1~ c , f lB t ererJ b) LuclLhm·t Ol'mfaton; eut:tlciently largo for a veget able ga1 den. H11:·d \ ' f.ot nurriber lOin Village of Ifau1p ton, ·- ! A. !LOR, and aoft ·Yater Oll lllc p re1uises. l!l pl n.n IC!;l5lcrctl by L ockhart Ormiston; rr , ·-,· -TI! \r 1 n~u Lot in H1;1mpt on cont.a.1nlngo by a d· 1 The abov~ property can be p urchni;ed uta \'e1y OULD RESPECTFUf, LY R.iii- ~ lo\v price, e ither fo1· cash or on credit. 1ncn ~,ut·cm'.!nt 'l'1l1r ty-two p erch es, and clescribod CORDS OF GREEN WOOD AP· TURN h is sincere t h anks t o l-.Js n umerous For further partloulars, rt ernrn, etc., n.pply to lll ~Deed f1om one Cti..Y to ono J o.cob Neads; PLY to custo1ners o.ncl would be~ t o and say thut W . l' l O\'"E ' LI P er1 ·y's J· nla.n of ho hns rcn10\ cdfriends, to the and co1 ·11er of King On· :J, .. ,. y ~ ,1 i~ ·· 1gc L ot $ Ht1 m l)ers 1 a!1 d 9 ~, I .r. J,ES'rOCK REID. L street~. >vheroh~ 'Wlll b o gl atl to see as 1n a ny 13,nri:it<!r, e tc., E ei wmanv11lc. I '-rillngo of l l am;)ton; , , . of the '"OQd-u aturcd and good·tcmpcred ones as Office on i:llver S!t·cot 2 door~ Nori]' of l\:ing. Also S r: . .to Lot ntl'nbcr li 111 Gth conces8tOn §ci·vaiit ~V ;1ntctl, ' tr, of Sornorv11lc, contntning by .1t1111cf~sur£nnc.n t 50 ll ' · · 30 please to g ive 1um a en · aor~l:i. OR GENER...i\.L HOUSE"i Q}{.!{. Bo\"\'manville N ov . 22nd, 1 87J. ---~~ TERl'vISmndcl~ noy;nn.ttiJno. ofMlo . J u<>t \\'hn. t tho ru.rnv~r wan ts. graln Ct·u!'!hcts, CoiuOined Feed J\f!Us, &c., &c, Paris Fol1nd ry l -- 1 HERE ARE A T I H.A.·'lE .A.J>POINTED e ot J{ -· ill OllSe a"'. d Lot ' ~iURDOCH B o"·IUD.Jl V e. ag E:lll 3. f Ol' tll ~ale ' ' 1Hy BROS., Agiicu1tural J\'.luclunos, ::it ra w Cutters, J.& WHO WANTS I A RtSIOHlCt ?~ In~";.'~:~~~;~ SAP.IUD~ ~,~ 1i,~!'""'t. 05. 1 I- 33.j \\ - - - - - hs-To"" K. '"'""'wra. - 111_ .6 ~'\.tt.0_1~~~ -~~l_!_~t -- -..lhB·.o h·cantt Al.Ci e.!!:" ll.S E>!P. ' JOlTN I'LETClI Ji;R, Jr HEPAIR9 DONE ON THTI: s 1ron'L'EST NOTICE. \Ve hiL\'C now ou hand a lat'ge quantity of VICT ORIA CAR B O L IC S ALVE "\YO!l'l'H ITS WEIGH'!' IK GOLD." ScnldH, lloils, Piles, Pirnples, &. c., and Chronlc Dieol).Si'lS of th e Skin or every doacript10n. Prico 25 cent.15 per Box. Sold by all Di·11.gg1st a. A Specific for Cu1 s, 'Vounds, Bruises, Durna:, COMMO N .\ND- GANG PLOUGHS that will be sold at LO\V" PRtCl!:Sl at the shop. V ICT ORIA CARBOLA'l'ED 1o··p JJ.. <' S"' l ~ «i ,...,. INOTICE IS HEltEBY GlYEN, THAT Uy-.. 1rlu o nf the powerR vo!:i te<l 111 ino as ' Bowu1auvllle 1 1\far<.:h O tb, 1872. Gly cer i ne J e lly . ' 1 EMl NJ::NTLY l'HB LADIES 1 1"..<\ VORITE," Ass .....ncc of the Estntc of the .lho ve-n1.1.mod In~ S?dl;Y·';n Publto Aot1ou, ~t .... t, J ~\il l Qftc r 101 Hole !Jy f Jf on the $0\d h tikle of l h111·cl1 S tree t. lfl the Yor Bea.utit'Ying tbo Comp1cx1on, n.nd for re~ n1ovJug Tan, So.ubltl'1l, J.1,1 ecklc1:1 , l 'implcs'- &c., &lso for Chapped linnds, Chilblains, E'roat Jjites, a.nd Sore Li})a:. Price, 25 cts. -per Dottle. SolU by all DruggistR , I l V&C1 ' 0BIA TOI LET S OAPS. 'CELEll l<ATED ~'OR THEl!l U NU'ORM PU· RlTY AND EXCELLENCE 01:' QUALITY. I W ,,.ii SURG EON DENT I ST. B E AUTIFU L TICTORLl CARBOLIC SOil>. VICTOJlLl SULl' IWR SOAI'. ' ' lCTOllL\. GLYCJ:U.INi!, no~·c::v. ii0S~ .lND WIND$0lt. Sold by .!Ul Drugai sts. -~~---~~- A.puly to · "ms. w. J . MeMt:R·rn y, cor ner Silver & Vlcllington St'!l. W · .. Fh·rst P1·1ze Cu I trvators. c· { Teb"'i A"i· '~ L ·D t.... "J . G · ~Y Vv C ~ ;u H " s cuAn LEs R OlD. lie noo tl ~5 Bov·1·1 11nYillc, MurC'h ::?Otb, 1873. " · 1 1or td 1YITI:I 1'EETH. GOLD F IL: LINGS ARTIFICIAL T E E T H THOSE WISHING TO HAVE INSERTED AT A MODERATE FJJ:K American Organ s ! 1 o · f-:-- A '_" COOKING , GrRI..... ·ro DO PL ,':1 I, an. e( ' t ] - · - - THE sunsc:::nnER HE1trrnY DE- 1 SIRES to return tba.nkB t o t he fa1mlng comn1unity for the liberfi-1 patronago oxtenq.c:ct to attent101~ to the excellent one-horse and two·horee Iron Cu l· tivn.tors mauu fa ctured by h im, and -..vh1c:;i ob· ttuued Fil'st Prizes last fall a t t h e.Prov1nq1n.l l'J xhlbition in Ham!lton ,and the Union ExlnbitJou i n Bowinu.nvil lc. They nre .uu UC!ubrcd ly the best in1plen1ents of the kind 111 use, and w1ll m ·very slwr t Um c moro than i·cpny t heir cost, in the e:ffic1cncy and excellence '? f t"!ien· h11u 1n the rntst: and ·would d irect I 1 an d \\o sl',>vh el'e a houeemaid is kept. Ap· 11lr to Mrs. REID, King Street. Do-..nnanville, ~fa.rch 5th, 1873. 32-t f. E v E R y ! Eu~·enier, Nl-ccJui~h·,Jlanufn.ctn.rcr, Jlt!ll!le r , I En:_;i3.lCer,Che~~dSttFu r1ner, Nl(·rcbunt~ . SALT, S Plaster and Water Lime. co nstant ly on ha n d . Two GOOD FARM HANDS. t~r~o~X';:tol~;~~~tdr;~~!~e spri ng work, Apply to GEO. THO~fo S . rno:s HARROvYS Dowma1:n·1llc, l\!nrch 5, 1873. :-:J-tf. work Insvectlon Invited. A ·upply of· nnd ,will l1 f' rf e 0 0 n D - -- . en t l S ti ! oulc1 once s end his nnme tLnd udiliess w1th Ish ~I 50 Jor one sub"';,;1 ipticu to '1'11" , 0 J' clllll(Jlrlll Pa lcu! O ffice Record v nt J"C;\J ':.; Teeth Extract ed W ithout SHOULD CONSULT 1'1IEIR FA:l'!IJ,y PHYSICIAN, Bo\vmanville, March 6, 1873. Pain - .'1rn- J . M. BRIJHACOMBE, L. D. S: MECHANICS) MAGAZI!'JE', Teeth Ext1-acted without Pain. I ~0 Our stock of sweet c~~:torOi L I l-._p.,, ""D · STRENG rII UNALTE ' :. ., i..r Cill tLV CEN E ~O~D 0 [ B 0 I shoi w · .All kin~lB of test 11otice. GROCERIES is complete. I Gr.}';:&8·31'1, Sold Jn a!J 1J1 uggi Jt s ci.nt1 l\fcd1cu1e l)eulcrs. Blacks1u1il1 "ork done on tlcl~ iPROTO X I DF 01~ r.-1TR0'1E' :\i} A call i:;olicitcd. I .. "hitl1 H J l1;,;1 1 ghtf1tl Lo ta ke. I. '\VES'l' CO'I1' Bown1unville, J!~c b .19, 18'i3. :lO·Lf. Nitrous Ox.idc is nsctl. in a ll T h~ f'l'inc1pal f'1 IJ1':-; 111 Europe and A rnorlcr., ,1nd I ea.1t \\ iLb p!eal>111 e Sn1i th American Or g an 0 0 QGC:l~~t~tly~n~!clfo~:.~. N s NJTR'.o'u's·" ~X~~E I s~~a-;,-Ph~nts>r~e~:, JS- ,1 of n superior kilul, u l so on l lLUu . Ql,~f)H.GE THE PunLisnEi., F, DESBAR i\..T8 . 1 1t[onL 1 I' THE LJ N s u R P A 0 l ' P l< p \ rn !!\' l\1 ~'\.(L. s s E DI ' TNSPECTLON TNYTl'ED. ] :)EIWONS Il AYING BOOKS, MAGA· 1\'[UR DOCH BROS. I \T ictori-.l Buildin gs. I ng. I ili:oo!i fmiin1H10~·. WANTED Bu.~in es,~ W e wi ll give o 1ncn a n d 1vmnen C l l tC l l;Onl1c\cucc l C <,Olll'll ~ll d 11 ( n lh t' p nlil11.; 1:-; ~::d\· a u d plcasaJLt an11's1 h1.:11 c. hat w i ll Pay , z 1;;.;.1£S. Pa.rnpl de\s Ol'ttllyLhli1g tn tlie book 1111.e, wh1 eJ1 they ~, i::'l1 t o l1a\ e l 1m)1HI. cn.n Jl nve tl1 c it· 01d cl;, flll ccl 1u 1lie nc ..1te<.ittbnd most du1able sL)Je u11 jlo ·1tbe1::1ho1.Le:-;t T1,1 1ticc, br Jeavingthf!n1 11L th(' ~'1' 1..Tus~LI.~ iH fl l'< . 11l'in g alongyou1 bind· llowmanvill·, April, 187J. ' w , n, CL l JVHJJ; . frou1 SJ to $8 per du.y ,;,;an Ue pnt"8u erl in yo11 1 · own , g hborhood; ti is a r n.rc o~anc03 fo1 th~)f;e m1 1 1 \(l 1 ofc1nploy1nent or h[n1u g le 1 s~ 1 [e lune: g ir ls u.ntl boys frcinently do RS \\ell us 1ne11. Pai·! 1 c u l~r~ free. .;\_ <lr ess J . LA ·r11A1vr le· co ~~·ti w. 2W2 n!hlngto n S t· ~ B ost.on , l\1a.~ ~. 'V

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