Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1873, p. 4

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--- -- CANADIAN Jllo 1ry :::E ~ ""' = """ -~-Let · ~ Grand_ Combineution FITTED \\ITH £UR N 1'\Vl ~ Org"t,LllEi I:-fVENTED b hop ;;;CRIBNER s n U rg3 rint Botues PAfE~'IT QULIF\. ING rUBEo h 0 PW3 p :i:Bo~ 9~c 8 J lE?i E ·1 te rep ation ct Reed I An in\ienhon h.evu g a 1nost in J rt'""nt b"'3Ilng on the f1.r1 st1u111ent"'- by n1eeus of wluch the q l ~nt ty or l, olu1ne of to1 & is "ery largely 1n creas.ed and tho qruihtv of tone re:o. tered Aiv!£BICAN, EQu1ili To 1n u oF ·ur1 B"!l'.Sr 0 PlPE o:r .'°lNS 01 IHE Sil.ME o· P.\.Clii: \ Tox. H o .... 8'"'3 0 r col0brat d --o11 w l it v ox Oolcstc Io u s Pate it Otillo Wil 01 1' t Octa\ a Oouple1 th;;i ch:-ir n ng Glru.1onet L op r; r. 1u ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS Ott 1 l)e obta ned n ti ar;c Organs: Tl!IUTY FIV! D!H ERll"1 °T"YLES FOR llE P~RLOR ~I D 1PE CfllJP.Cll QUALITY .b:ND VOLcl!E 01 TO:-<E l ,_ QUA~IED THE BEST 1\IATEP. A.L A~D ORK~IA.1'\::iIITP hi l 7 Fla 3 --o-ADDRESS S!M'fONS & CLOUGH ORGA Local A g ut at Tiowmn CO DETROIT l' J CHIGAN F 'l.1rs Con1fort. > h11G l1;0(! t~3uc.u[l.~!-Ookof Ftr!tS l11duo.!> s 1re:pn.rea tip e of tb~ 1'"ro!$l King '!>i.lppr!i.ll i.:o '\~ -:i It.tu.., ,,. YJLL r1':.1<::Jli.! :P ALL COeY c~ AND 1119 '\V \ g l\l( 1 too;idM they et t.ruat U1em~ol to } IS p o ect.iou rR' S Buffalo and Sleigh Robes, Fur Caps, fiAlLRO >D COVERS COLLARETS GLO' f1:3 LADI E ~ ~!DI!, NINI um OERMA" SETS &Q. ORE!'> th~ vol I t:: c t-0 (. 1(. * 0 l vu my ma.chi ieq (8 t 4 000 t m eti pe ru note on l o l thatgi,voo satisfn.o tion J Orn; ncae; ....L Bani: O'll M F PT"2: < ,- al Library 0 SISTll GOF Hw S""'OCK ilG \\i E 13~TET'.> Dox 131t Toronto 'r QTBB Oh o. i:;:-.:'l' J'OR 'f'IIE no:\UNIO:-f \ OI UMES " ILL ED \\ ITB nr ICE 111\NO MUSW VOCAL COLI !WTIONS l\1EN"S FURNISIJ TNG-8 ; HE ~utLY ASSO!tTED Z NJ] fo and that t con a..ine the m m;t adml;o.'ble ~torles En rnVit:ga Mue o Fa hion .A.rile e,a Patle ns Rece pis etc But nll do ac kno,..,. tnnt it.i;.; publi;sher;, ..1e o!fcr ;.ng with it .1·.l_ ii,_ LL KNO'l1 WH 1.T THIS ·,r;1 G ,\.- pg;- LJPT£E :;,,u,uELI ~ FlRL AND LII §nbl'lcrlhed ()ap & nuts tu ~ut 'i ~ ~' o ~ er ~IO 1 e.Qllt USE I r.:10 @90 Oof:.O v, !IE rn OFFIC- Fon c \N AD 'f. Ol\ PTI:.A..T IN ! I The sub,c ibui s Mtoc" ts now VERY _A_ ND SllJLECT! om e And onot v1thstanchng tho great a lvat c~ 1n thP: p ice of al kinds of g0c ls from ht>.v1ng 'tr Office in Ne 1 on s .dall B<>llevillc a<l.1:: ]us p111ch as1;; early he l en !'t.blecl o sell v;1t] ot t any apurc.c aole ad vane on ! OUl'<" 11 a. ln lo 3 p Ill for.::uer prices W THOMP 0 0;<; I 'Y ot: s most re3pectfully H JA~IE~ ]I:[ D 43 tr age t for ~o ma1 ,,: \ le SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CUIED TO HIS STOCK OF \ELI ETo C\c .f\Dl\N BLrn1rn BBL E LU EN° FOR EVERYBO DY '\VE:RKJL Y · ° VE \ ETEENS C!l. N".HJIAN f'\E"D3 DL I.CK OJ KB Q l. l I)A l 0 \I ELI/; v AND COUN IERP1 NRo vrs PATENr SHEEP l\II or r ls, THE I'Aiv.IILY PAPER ~oH as al ~u THE con1lli v ..,. E Hl Four Dollar,, a Yoar mAdvance Go UGHS and coli"' · 1 1 loft to then1 seh es fre i 1entl..,. bring on I nltno1 tny co1npla1nts w'luch lo d to that d1strea~111~ .1.nd fa tal <l1sQa~e cons nnpt1on but if at tended t o 111 ti nc Brj an s Pul n on1c 'Vafers a certn. ren1ed) -Thei stop tho ir11t at1n cough and oothe and streugr.1 en tl: c br 11ch al tu be"' allny111g 1ll 1rr1t t1ons an 111 fl:.L11a 01 Th cJ arc also parhc\1la1ly a.dapted 101 the use f slngers 11.nd pubhc spea.ke1r.1 Ssld by n.U Drug1::t1st~ :::i.nd co ln!ry de ~1"" s P 1 e 35 cents per box .i:a EY E xOEL -Doctol Joaoph lis S osh one es' ego table Pills now S\ p 1'10 ly n1gtn ooate<l en.nnot be ex co leJ. ..... a. F rr ly ~Ie l 1Clnc fo1 ge ieral 111rposes BovttH\1 ll No ""tl 187' At the Ironrnongery r · BL ACKSMITH 8AlISl AC10RILY A SUPERIOR ~ IT " ·tr .. -.;;~..,. ~>..: ... al ~ --"'-:!! -i:i--":!. ' "'-'"' ..U.-P Iha Pill co}1ta1 s tl o u.ofave p OJ J,H::=> of Jt.1anarak e :t.nd Dn. tdel 0 1 ::t , oil as compo\1nc1 EJ-h u.ot oc Coloc~ nth ar1 1 E:\: tract Hypocya.Jnus Ti;i~t the1n for ) on r own .sat1afa.c ion One box co11 t a11s ab ut .,,.-.,,, G"' '~ 1?~;\.INTS, hi dlfillC C FIOUSE ...:\..ND \TILL~>\.. 28 Pills and "ch Pill ts · 1ftlc 1 I lose for an a lult 111 ord nary cases Tr; } Grr 0ztTA'1':A ONrJJ!. o :Nv.,. ..;-5 18"'1 D:e:..ut Sm ' Ve h \e n uch p1e9'o:i ... e nt lnfor ul.Ilg yo \ of a large demand fu1 ) o 1r I I j .fr nnre l fo .. 1111medu1tc u~~ and notlnt i:> but the pu1e t Ma.tei1al .. 1sed an t re au1 lD.g no fur"he t m1xtui:o of o 1 Ti.: f en t1r e and Dry ... 1-z TllEm co YrrosrTION CONSISTS SuLE1 .-inc hvi .sr.6d 0 il Spi -ril.s J scie 1tif,c lly co ib,ned E is f~t beoom.1 ;, as n op lu1 int s I n.1t uf the Dom1non s v1~h ) our o ;rn people Wi!h1ng j o i evoi:y 2uces:t we ate yo 1ra Compouud &yrup of Ilypopho·pl t cs and we b.ear oxce lent acco nts f on1 h one "1 o use it Son e f our phy~1cirl.ns w·ho :ne a.oqun1nted with ita 'al aola propert1e oone1de it a roost ieha.b o n1 e a.1c1 le .eo it Piire Oolor P t " Trhiie Leaa Pm c of Tu1 pentine m"d n, ye1 ' ca efi ll he ~:;. i G· (;; !I. Ni Jl~ ~~ T !ll! h NB. , CHEMIST A:ti D DR UGGIS'I EGS RESPEC T~ 'CLLY TO AN OU~t:E 9. lReo £Jte'lcd-L ttc s ato-: D fr :t ltlOC!tf: -. e~ ~A 1 g post pal I $ lO L Vt>.01 D !Jl~ I s P 0 l th The con.su1ner cin h<i'e a.ny de.srri.:;cl r. ai o Color s r. Eitl v p t up l l Cans n a eq1 res to buy w1tl1 the P111nt is 11 lt ts11 :; the wo K can be du e by htmse f o bj any member of l LS houso old J. Hry re !!·ctfully. A CHP.TS :'IE & CO Cl l n sts To Mn J .n·Es I F·Ltowo So J ohn PlJRE WI-IITE L EAD A t irge stock JUSt received fo1 Autumn Pam cmg imported chrect from the English l\fanufactm ei s lilcludmg J AlWES Genume and celebrated lfooster brand- Gum m teccl pure ~ LSO - All st ~ndo.J. d Colo..,.s NB B N that J o bas rece i:.ort ed stock vf Ge lrur: o Dn Cnemioal A lso c efull elected sn C!l<.;.;;d. ~ l u 1' Engush eU a v9ll s o l o the moat D;: STD F""' Oils \larn1sl es and Painters 1vlate11 als C&l.l a.11 these quail 3 .An as or ment of An e "0 atant on hand together 'V'i th u. c c co QC lectio o Dr>tc.-.i v!lE] lIC..5.LS .i;-" ~ " ~:t i MEDICTNES I l HES CO \IDS ~n ol I DER BI<AC ES SfJ PI OF. J ERS &.e &o l Al 3 l 01 ORS vl'.l Broad ra\ ?>; n Yo k Gij Allon St Bu l ~o :-.J Y -oN QB 500 COOK PARLOH HLL I 1 r.II vm.,; a.ncl now on E'-h \., Lw~ n1 '"D HOX S' ! V I:-; Coo b nndi{\\ III :El E \ D -t c · J lo s r I cs 1 IOR ~- \KD CA"' rLE "EDiulNES :r~ '!'.; ).!!. .D Cu mtrJ SLO epeek i::· f.: l p pli don v,d ~_p MAI: ER"' <tltco ply rd J f". P~Nl 01 ES'I AND 1;1 antcmp o;i. 6)CO 1.1 "tiinon J he L1.1geo' o d ch·R! est stocl of ( r ornl lfot d 1 () 111 tJie Co 11 ty of D rh n vo 1.1slcrn~ Bo't'r ~ HlP qept FF 'fo1'RrHVR IS Z Dell .a.gton :Bu.HdJug Bo :vn a.nvlllc le°l 1l lB 1 fOH N :l\ '.fcI .. F~OD.

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