BO"\V 1\iI1\.NVILJ_.1E, 0 NT., THUR,SD.A Y, DECEMBER 11, 1873.. N0.. 20 There is so1 neth ng inst1 uch ve and en courag1'1"'1.g for young mon i 1 the lustorv and I resent pos1t1on of Hon Alex :hfa.c kenz10 now P remier of the D omuuon of Canada He start cl rn hfe m th no cap1 tal bit lu.s brams nnd h s hands 1>nd work 1ng a.t his chosen a vocation a!J a s+one mason and aubscqueu t ly as a piactw I farmer but by pcrscve~auc.-. and untinn..{ energy, nr ited w1tL sterling integrity he has pnslled hnnself np to t he highest po smon m this cour try of h rn aclopt10n He brings to the managem..,nt o J. ubl c afiatrs a well tra ued nund, a clear head a strong He A UIRL in S r .... sburg P..., a.gra0d to k1as a young inan every day fur two ye ,,.. it ha Vi ou.1d offsm('l1..1no-L He 11.:traeu to l~ anl wunt forluss"'l; .;l'> r t ht tirst SI:< months, bit as !us b.eath ·molfod of wluskey she h·grn to l ra of the b e. · l so went t6 eat ng on10 t "'nd That } un!j m~n gave u1> going buss and she g1H up h~ r P°" Harry Tait in Town Again! I. . .,. . . ... .... . . . ..... . . . . . ... ... . . We would rnspectfully rnfo1m the people of Bowmanville and smrot·ndmg count1y that we have bought out the entuo I (·O···R-.l·G"l·N···A·" L ·'"· TAKE BACK THE FLOWERS BY ELLI E MAUD HENftY Photographic Business formerly earned on by R Jc H 0 Hara and Mr Henry 'l hese rosGs are all for thee May To deck ~hy ahin1ng hair CrJmson and sc rlet a. e t heir hues '" ith :purple l'lCh and rare Thy eye3 are dark and sparkltnfl !}fay Thy oheeka.are pa.Le as snow But these cr1mson tlllt ed flowers Git"" them a warn: er glo" We would solicit the patronage so liberally bestowed on them. as we rntend to execute all t' iit~btf~~~ ~ite dO!· ~-- ~. ~~. ~--:r ~ ~ WORK Ill FIRST CLASS STYLE, when we hsve smtable weather We will endeavo1 to please those who will favor us with a call/ when wantmg an3 thmg m our line, such as I PB10TOS. and AMBROS . Alh11ms and Picture ] rames of vanous styles anu rnce;i Gal ery- corner Kini' sud Temperance 8ts .All st}les plan Photog aph and Portraits l I n -- A RTIST AND PHOTOGR.!.PHER ---- - Copies made from picture,, of deceased relative,, "1a. Ink anc V Vn tcr Colors - - -- - - - - -- - Call as Early in the Day as Possible,, and obtiun good r e~ults especially the httle ones Oh sister lmsot1rednow Pray let ro e rest agait lbc flow i: s in Heav n are bughtor ftu And i':'ee from tot ch of pain \~'e have on hand all negat!VeSinade byMess1s 0 Hara HenrJ, and Tait, from >\hlch duplicates can be had at any time WE l'IAKlC THE BEA.1J'.l'U. lJL CA1 UEO PH TlJR!.@. HOURS OF B1JSINESS N owcaotlo M"y >1 1873 lhe ' -vorld Js oeautiful and gay The :fto vers are bright and B" eet I ho lU es [\re l\ S p 1ro as though lu st to icb ~d bl J<l.ngeIB fe et dame§ Rutled ge, B L.A."' l'ubllo terms ARRI8TEl1 AND ATTORNE Y '.T I I From \) a m till4pm TER~.fS Dunng Vt mter Montlt· But" hen the autumn cou1es aga n I the!l muat leave them all But Je:sus ,-,u1be k111d I kno~ So tender is hls ca. l Solk:.itor in Chancery sud No~ary W J McMurtry CASH. TAIT & AHTHUR 18-tf'. 1Sl.Moner for il;i.:vcst ment on most f a.'t"orable & lt is a strange and solemu FtoD). earth to Heaven s Hgbt Bnt oh "\vl1! not be verv long 1¢ Un ge:i; in the night OFFIOE--Ovar o ore of J &Oo has now recen ed b new stock of Fall and 'Winter Dry Goods, WIDCH WILL BE SOLD your g u en of our Domuuon s.nd part ,..u larly farmeta an l mechan cs J 1 y these leseons to l ea.rt and strive to aclne ve sue cess m life nnd true greatness by the ex erc1se of persever~n~e a.n d in lustry u1 t eel with int egrity o:: pu1pos a id a firn1 de ternuna 1011 to d o r ght u ndcr a.IL c1rcu m st1tnces The Domimon wants thonsan la of such self mode men to occt py po'1t10ns of t rust a · l usef 1 ness to take the places TrrE d.\rke·t sme ot h. rd rnnc. w~· of the bai !Oom and corner loafers ti e closed ma Phitafo)p] m court room pohhcal cormorants and party hangers on who na' e too long dwhonorecl honorable pos1t10ns m hfs alld m th o p iblic service The cotmtry wants m~ny men of the stamp of Hon Alex Macken 1e CHEAP FOR CASH. Bowmanvrlle, Sept 25, 1878 A SERMON ON c.rnurn R LE ROW EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF SOM NAMBULISM T HE Uhders!gnod, m returning thanks to hi. many friend· and tho public g·neraly, for the liberal patronage extended to hun durmg tho past eighteen yesrs begs to announce t hat from and after the 15th Soptembe· rns'ant, ho will carry ou the same busmesss, bit more oxtensivelv, under tho namo and style o· JOHN MoLEOD Prompt pa>ment of all note· and accounts 10 reudered 1mperativo by thi· busmess arrangement :\nd all person· mdeb·ed mil plensq take n otice and go vern themselves accordingly J"OHN McLEOD & CO. lJTOULD sohc1t the same l1b!~ -fmpDort and patronage ext-ended so long to JOHN - - J . K1ellt1m;;, OF rm. n. Office Dr VV · McL EOD an d to! e this opportnmty of rnror rn ng the public that they have I~ <.::! 1rgeons J< ngland Licentlato Royal Col fege of Ph~ s1clnns Edinburgh (Late R eSld cnt Accouchour St Thomas Hospital Lonclon anc Acting ltesldent 1\iad1cal Officer City of Lon 1ofl J:Iospltal for Diseases of the ChAst ) Uerr1man s Orono M EMBER ROYAL COLLEGE OF d1sca1ded the old system of long credits, a.nd will conduct then credit busmcss as follows all accounts will ho r ender don tnn 1st January, 1st May and 1st September, m each a id "' ery J ear lCd of 1\-iessrs J 0 1 111 L1"'St"'r an l Ed \var\.i Bone, anu cont1nue:l to fullow th e de v1ou~ trail O't er f 0 nc9s throt gh sw"'n1ps ana I 10ods townrds' y Mills 'liere theJ roused a id press d uto the service Mr Ro be t t l'!IcKmnell After wandermg bac. and forth tluo igh the bush several t me below ohe gns~ JI. 111 where th e part) fou nd t11e obiect of their se r h, co1 ered v1th snow icicles I1angtng down fi 0111 h s ha1. to Ins shoul lei 3 and with no clot u ng 0 BowmanvUle Sep+embo1 -t 181'3 rea:t at about twenty mmU""s past nine and was out lll the storm until one o clock Ne:<t mormng he chd no t fo e! much the worse tor h1:1 adven,. Ira l\fr M rr1son ...... --- ·,adng p ..:tchased i:.ila "Lock In .Th-.iR. S. B. BRADSH.c\.. W, IN THE Shoe Business heretofore -............._ are you go111 to Invites the Inspection~~ of his Stock A yawn fro d o:rway 11 tha by the pubh.-: generally His aim will be t o keep 1\ND CH~~AP GOODS, A '£ CLOSE PRIC ES , and by prompt atte11t1011 t o busmc::;:o hopes to please and all who may favo1 lnm with a call t;o. a.1 uood Tue t rade :~pplled on beat term es Pa.ctorr- Kiug tslre"" t Ea. st, Bowman\ We 16-3Bt1 "XTHOLES o\.LF MA:!\ uFACTURERS rf ofHOOPSKIRT Best ' ew York :'.' J . H. HANNS. ' Wdl, I don t kuow of the horses, Uncle I ' B:isy, was the laconic; an:twer their owner, & lus ' Then I 11 lay low ~nu catch a ride to the village if I see anyone gom clown J want to see abo it somo trout fiie· and profit look over the papers "Couldu t walk down, I s pose and s.fter the trout LS ketched you II be glad to get rid of em " ell, before you ketch a ride ' Cha!il, ' Corner "J;i'IT'.I'ED .AND WE LL Store. OPINIOl'l has fully J uo<1liad the ongma.l iden, the.t ~t the " Corner Store " you can get