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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1873, p. 3

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') ' c ·CANA.DIAN ·STATESMAN, ,_BOWMAN,. ILLE, . . -- ~ -~- ~RSDAY,DEC. ~ - ·- ··- - . ,,_ FOR G LASG -O · -w HO USE ! The . ~tibtscrib11r ~ ---· -· ~ · ·- · - ·. 11, 1873. . _£ _ . . DECEMBE ti TB. i I am11)u.nces that. bt1 lt>Ui now on hm1d . . A Large and well Assorted Stock _J_ ].J one. \ equal Lo gold ; nnd the d~· fl'er; enl}o in t:1iutlity can only be detect ed on the clO POBt scruL iny. ,"t-arran ted to ke~p CO fl'tl'\.':t tim e forTVV O YEARS,vithout cleanio g,orthe . . muues l"etUt·uad. Thousands are now in use t'\ ttu·ougbout Great Britain. PRICE only 'l"VO 1 ~ DOLLARS. Sent,, on recBi pt, to any 1 of the Domieiou. State w hether Lady or I Go,l)tJ C -Ulan's size r e!1_uired . . ' I·H t J]'IVEliY PERSON . sHOUI,D n'. AVJ'! a B, f['he A.lu111iuun1 'Va.tlch. IHE I.ATEST NOVELTY . ~ ' c .~ . ' aps . i · --=-~.- and Furs. · l'I Q!d~~· !\~~~!f~ffN.l~:~e~s~ATNS, aeye~# , c 1d:l\!Bl!)RS .k '-, a 11 I F. 1e ·ornor C!lo 1·~ uf Kint; and S1lver Streets ha.~ lately been rieoo1~ 1ng li\.l'ie ad<11tions in the way of · , C·· c .. - . . :. · . · . · A ........ . 118-w lot'·m"l\link Fw·s, t!lell· .· which lw oftilra at his usuall y THORNTON, · 19-tf, I I 'l'oront.o, Ont. , ·. . ·n t er G 0 0 d s an ·d w ' 1 . . _ _ ' A;oui. w ,mtcd ETo··ywhcro. . WIN1'.l iJR CAPS, Col.larets, JJI:ujfs and BUFF.A.LO ROBES. , M. MAYER aunounees ono of the lar"ost stock of 0 1 . \ID__ught 4l/11. wea.t bargain, """ iu1 very eheap at I C~EAP R..A.TES. I;;;~~is F~~n~~~; IGE N:'r.r LE~~;;:~ opoll~;~NISHINGS A u F. F. McARTUUR'S. He especially calls attention to his choice lot of >· will be found uot only va1ied, Ho begs, to remind th9 public , too, l hn.t lw FAMILY FURNISHINGS l ITable Linen, CONSISTUIG Of' grs.ln Crushers, Combined Food J.Ulls, &:c ., &e. U3t \V lHtt t-he far1ner ,,.a.nts. DAVID MAXWELL, Successor to WH ITJ!: i:,A' \7 & MAX:'\"/:U:LL. HAVE APPOI NTED MURDOCH I BROS., Bo,vrnanville, agents for. the sale of m y .AJldcultru·al 1.Iachtnee:, Straw Cutters, Dr. J . Walker's Califor11.ia Vinegar Bitters ar0 a purely Vegetnbl~ A.Ue1·1i1 a11d rt'pairs OLD FURS ou the Shorte!!t Notice. preparation, made chleily from the n»· but ·ml>r&Pllll' t<ll tho novel\!.. . in the line. llIGaEST PRicr. PAlD FOR RAW FURS. A call re·peetfully ·oliciied. M. MAYER. Porls, January 7111, 1873. 2-1-tf. Sheetings,j Notice. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS. OTICE IS HEREBY GlVEN, Shirtings, Towels, N ap_pllcation will be mado at the next ANDERSON & CO. Session ot d..ilon In Trunb, overTd05Crlptlon. &c., &c. t.he Parliament· of 1871. --- - ---~--~---·- - -- Gentlemen'@ and Youth's Suits Got up m the newest styles, and on the cheapest terms, and WARRANTED TO FIT. . A.. new -lot of 'l'woed11 and Over-coating11, the prettieiat rtterna ever shown in BQW· manville, have been bought at 1r/Terf considerable reduction, jut reoeived at Jr. F. ~fc.IBTHUR'S. i that of the Parliament the Domlnion of Canadn.1 tor e.n Act to amend the Act pasaed by said in the Session chap. 37, e.nd lntituled "An Act t.o amend and fµJ>laiD tho .A.ct to · amend t he charter ot the Ontario B _o.nk ;" so as to authorize and require the Dir ectors to call a General Meetitis? of the Shareh olders of the said Ban k.hto cons!der,andifthen deolded upon, to order t e removal of the He2.d Ofilce from Bo\vmanville to such pla1Je ns may then be decided upQn, and i;o fix the period when the removal therco.t shall take place, and also 1il1'1lui&ol<lrwcand Boot. ,, lihoN, Rubli<lrs, Folt Uooda of beg to inform tllo inhabitant. \ of Bowmgnville and 1urrounding 001mtry tl11.t they !>ave reoei'fod al< rs· port.ion M their fall and wlnt·r etool< ot ti vs herbs found on the lower mng·e, of tl:.e Sierra Nm·m!:J.mountain8 ot Ca.J.lfor. nia, the medicinal properties of whfoh are eirtracted therefrom "lit1'lout tho M O of Alcohol. 'I'ho question is 1tlmost daily· asked, ' ' What is the cause of t1' ~ unparalleled success of VINEGiL ':t :CrrXERSf" Otlr ariswer is, thntthcyrc:no1'c tho cause of diseaso, nud the patient recovers his health. 'fhoy arn the i;~oat blood purifier ancl a vir.g principle, a perfect Ren ovator and lnvigomter of tho system. N over before in the g_trnhties ol Yurno.rn Bl'J"f~R s m llenhog the sick of every disease mau i!! heir to. The; are a gentle Pur~ative aa well as !\ 'Ionic) relieving Congestion or In:fhunmnti.on of tho Liver om! Viweral Orgnru, in Xlilli>us history of t he worhl ha.s a 1nedic; !l0 ·;Jeen oomp~un d~cl poss0ssiug :- ~·~ rcnt~rkable BOOTS We hne got a l.&r"e stoek of eur ow;,. ~anufaoture on lillnd of the nry NO,~ .SECOND p R Ic E 20. for other purposes. ., T Bowmanvi~e, Nov. 26. 1873. ONTA.RIO BANR D FISH.ER, } Cashier. Discasoa. · · . 18-2m. · Smart-Estatel FOR SALE. . of the late J ohn Smart, Senr., Esq.; a.ti the ·r equest of logu.toos, offer for sale, on favor~ble terms, both as to price and payment, this well known property I.ti. Dowmanville, 'l'R't1¥KS~totl" <>n<i oiher1~J ~ tor :Paoh, 1>t l>h~Pl~n.e!!:!'.,.Bo~t ." nd ~b~ Em _, ,p-0rium REED'S OLD STAND. be·' ·Look . TBOS. PATTERSON. B >w m anvill~, Dec. 10, 1873. T HE TRUSTEES OF THE ESTATE BOWM~AN~VLLLE : · AND~I;lSON ii 00, Sedative, Co tinter~lrrita.ut-' frwloritic, A..Hora'tivc, and A.uti-Bilioua. Druggists a11d Oen., San Franni~u, tJa.l.itoITJa, VnraaA.n.Il1TTERS are A perient . J)iaphoretio Carminative, Nutritious, I.i::o.xativ6/ Diuretio_. 1 The properties of Dn. w .u1orn'3 n. H. ltleDOli AL!J k co.,. a.nd. eor. of Washington and ChW'lton Sta., N'.-·Y. Sold lly all Drugai1t a u.nd ~al er~. · Wanted 18 OCTOB.E R NOTICE, 73. l' ~-._,,__~-==-=-=-~----~ I FOR. 1'.EUi LAD IE Ill. DREBS GOODS, FUNNEL$, PRINTS, LININGS, JEANS, TRIMMJNGs, woot GOODS, HOISlllRY, 0 A s H ! iFOR THE , ( ilRNTLEMEN. SHA.WL$, I · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'l'WEEDS, TO '.l'HE PUBLIC. BROADS, OOA.TINGS, Stock is full, complete and cheap, oonte OVElt-OOATING WHITE SHIRTS, special lines VllRY CH:Ul' . FLANNEL SHIRTS, KNITEEfHIRTS, KNI'l'TED FAIR SQUARE DEALING. DRAWERS, No Hu MB u Gr with buildings on each part. It consists of about 170 acres of Lot Nos.10 and 9 In the broken front, and lat concession of Dar· lington, a.nd is well known to be the beet land in tbu.t falllcd Tov.'llship, it is 'vell drained, tre9 from stumps a.nd stones, has large buildings, a.nd principally board fe.n ces. Its looal situation is unsurpa.sscd~ in lying bet,veen the To\vn and H n.rbOr, affording an excellent market so close. The probabilif,y of -the Railway to Georgian Bay tram this harbm.· being built e're long. a.nd this property being that next the harbor,pres1nta a.n unusual opportunity to speculators. Immed.iate _possession can be had ot the Homestoo..d.. buildings, orchards, and lo.nds,(now oco:u.pied by Mra. Sme.rt, who is removing to Port Hope), and ot the whole place nel.-t f"aJ.l a.t latest, If desired, it being lElt till then to a good ten~nt. For fUll pa.rticulara see large ' pozstei3 \Vhlch may behad 'vithany inforn1at1ondeeircd, on applicn.Oon to DAVID SMAR'r. Tru.oteo. Port Hope, NoY. 12, 1875. 16-tr. In One or' Two Parcels, as divided about equally by the G, T. Hu.ilway Cold Weather, Gentlemen! McCLUNG lea:rn the TELEGRAPH OPEIU.TIKO, tor Re..t w ay Stations end. Commercial Li.ace. in th· Do min ion. Send for circular. L ADIES AND GENTLEMEN, '.!lO tJ...28in. A ddress , ,. COT.1E1':Il ...N &:· BAKEIL. Toronto. Oil.\ . a·a os> - have tho largest, best assorted_ai1d CHEAPEST' stQck_ of OVER-COATS AND . ·PEA-JACKETS Cold Ladies! J. HI G G I NB 0 T 8 A. lfl, NOUNCE that he has received ft. wen ~" sorted stock ot Genuine Drugs a'nd Pure E11.g1ii:!h Chemicals. A lso, n. splendid stook of the rr.ost carefully selected B CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, lWS RESPECTFlJLLY TO AN· ~~~:~:s, 110 · "'"'S FA.NOY GOODS, BELTS, fUlt YAlUf fOR J vour MONff! DRY GOOD" », Suita 1.nd Shirts made to or<l·r. ~ig-~:,G.i. -. ~. k ~ ' Clothing and Groceries. ~~~r 01!1.~~· 1 OLOTH CAPS, MIT'l'ENS, ~.k,k soARFs & Trns, HOSIBRY, GLOVES, COLLARS, DYE .Hon. J. H. CAMERON, Q. c .. J.I . l". , Pt·~id~nt. LE\VIB MOFil'~1'T, E~q .. 'JTice-Pre8idPint. .A.nTB~IR HARYli:Y, STUFFS! Munautn·. . These a:ro-unquestionabiy the ,-best value we have ever offered Good Woolen E:::.hawls at $2.00 . 1" which cannot be surpaascd for excellency of quality An nssorlnien.t of Aniline D~es kept f~f~~~}Y on hand~ together "'ith a. c o:ice 1to..- DRU3s.; OHEMlCALS, B EING jueting acoordanoe with the lat vs ot average, has lengthened experience, an d:desiro us of a d... the rates of insur ance. to·each.1u1.211:uU 1n GUIDED BY rTs owN PA'mN'r MEDIClNBS, BRUSHES, COMBS, SllOULDER·BRAOES, 18UPPORTER8., &o., l!<o. A .-. -, ~---- ~ARGE AND EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF Not Joined the Insur,anoe Combination On some deserlptlons of property its chargos may be a.boye the established Tari:ft', on othel'i oonsiderabl_y iower, and th_ o public_ a1·e rcapeottully invited to call ·upon A splendid lot of Ottoman ian.d Tartan Sha~ls to arri~e. O'IU!,1 PAJNTS, COI,ORS. -·.,: ' LADIES' FUR 'GOODS NONE CHEAPER. ».WIUll'f!ll.. THOS. CHRISTIE, Agent at Bo\Vman v-llle, 18-3m. and a.scertain the Company_ '· r"te' for insurnnco bofo,e 1nsurin~ claewhere. lJowmanville, Nov· ~. 1313, IBU j --. VAR:s'ISlfE~. DRIVING,-LADIBS and GENTLEMEN. f'+~a .l and WHITELJ.:A 1:.11" At I.he vory lo\veat prices. 1Q Rei> bes,_ Cheap, I . , . ' HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. · N. B.- Country Storepe ekers supplied oa ad ..tanta.geous ter1n .J --------·· - ----- ----~ :bfoy'r lat, 1871. S. F. HILL. OF THE ROYAL COL- I ---~-. - -----· GRADUATE LEGE o!Dental sµ,~ons of Ont·oiio. I ~fcClung Bros. bave aii excell~nt stock' ~f ' i ( G.D. Lockha1·t, Dentist. ···-·-- · - - - ' AT HcCLVNG BROS. .- Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ! 'U !·~: of l"o1· 1!ie r di0f and llll derang e· ~ tom· .. ENGLISH ....... .{ ·, - .. ... . - intrn l!'! in the ··- --~L-=~ ~ I~~: :til T,~S-!A~m OANADrAN~ .. I Some of extra fine quality, and ALL at most reason.?-ble pric_ es. We would call partieular attention to our stock of --~,~~ t.-~-:-=..~ :- ~ · n~ !i 1 li ver , r.ud bo-w· els . 'J'J;<>;)" a rc 1J- mil d :ip c: le ::t, u:' ·.l _<:~! .. nomt: n:: ur\.- <.i:·. : -;;i ;--.-'"..':~<n··=~r. ...l _splen('Ud lot of new, Fur Capt, chee.p for cash, at . ' . "· -,. F.. McARTl{U.R'S. ' 01Hce-ov~r F . F . McArihu.f'a i.t-Oro, King Bowman-ville, Oot. 29th, 1873. St. t ll·tf. 1 BOWMANVILLE ~~~I ~~·\~:;t ~:;i~)\~·'.;,~'.- <) i l \~J ti;~:'.; / '~:~~l~:;;;~.i \;yJp ~ tht~ lJloo:.t~m m~e; and ev e n· !':H ' ~· fo1· their 1n~t~~\:~i·.' L OUA' ex p en~ 1H.:t: ~,.. -~~t ii:':i{::;j ;', :~·j;~E:;~;\~~ ._1· ._.,i 1 ; 1~ ~1~ "· .·.t'i<.I h~n· C t be: a oi1 h fl:.!1(l ' " n·li1·~ ; «'dH!ll 1·cqnirt:t!· to he thc ~1· MACHINE & IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY,I M ANUFACTURERS OF R. P eate, Tailor. AND BOY'S G ENTLEMEN'S __________ ______ MENTS, mfl.d.e in the n ewest sty .. los. GAP~ Dress Goods which is really superior, >comprising all the newest and most fa:uhionable goods ---------------~" · ' Wood and Iron-~orking MACHINl~RY, ·nR. T .L.'len1oval. DAV IDSON HAS REMOVED I · ,. irnd ~ lug~ \~ 11 ;,;·C' .:J(;.:11 i.-1:d .1,.1 A!)1T ' JJ I 'Uls, nn.& h pu~ ·i ; \ t:< . , ~ . :\; f' ( ·1 ·n t p\i.::n :_: -o f th ;.:' e:q:ellr tl, rli ! -1··1 11 :' 1:" ;1o ··OO .9.Ji ' l . th~ whol e m a :: blirni·:· 1 ;, .- , .·.. 1-\l (( ' (i t ·:i ft_!!. h ~ .. l!h/ nc~frity _ _ l 1: k ·1: i t>L;: .:·:' \ \ 1::1 :l 1 lre"3!Ue do;rp-~t.. s tluuobk;.i 1·· 1.. ~ ! ; '. { J V i · . ·1; ll! ,, inci p \{'ut 1tisca..·:·<J is l'J1i1n:!::·.J b: ~ . v i11~, :J t.i1, t he v:J-hw (i f ·,d 1k .h cb_a_1~c , his reSid('nce, and sur ger y nlao. to the residence of John J.\'Iilne, Esq.,on Market Squarti. BowmanYill6, June 5, 1813. 4:1S. n~a.kr1 s Ll w ~1 pl{~~.;:an t t o rnJ,t·, rrnd \He ij~n, ·!.s their nrtueo; u:u m pa11x·;l f,n· nuy Jengt 1 o t time, ~ t.hat ttlev :l:l'C (!\",:1· ft~!> il, :;·1, 1 ;.; ·~ 1· 1i.c *t!Y r ell a b ];).. A l t.ho.ut,··h ~ci.urd1.l n~, "bl: icy J\ n : 1:,ih!: ;; 1 Hl OJ~ rn.t.f.i wh :;~-1. ; e~· ko ;~ ~~:t i1;; il1(: ·: ; 1:n.. np ildtnde '3 .who (,-;- oy Lt, cttn l::1rdl y I) ( ~ 1 :01np1;U!!ll. 'l'hdr i;ugi:1· CC.ol n;- Afl"icultural Implement·, LEFFEL'S First Pl'ize- Cnltivatoi·s. HE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY DE· SIRES to return thanks to the· farming eommunity foi· the libe1·al pat ronage e xtended to him in the past; and 'vould diroct attention to the excellent a.nd t \vo-hol"ae Iron Oul· tlvators wa.n:ufactured by him, and ·which obt&lned First Pl'izes last fall at .th e Prol1noial E xhibition in Hamilton a~. d t he Union Exhlbt~ iou in. Bo,vmanville. They nre undoubtedly the b..t Implements of the kind In use, &nd will in a very short time n1orB than r&pa.y tbelr cost, in t he efficiency and excellence of their work. lne:peotion invited. A supply or Cu ltiva.. tors 1'1.0'v on hand tor the Apr ing work, and 1vill b6 sold a.t lowest rates. In EVERY COL.OR and SHADE CAR~-E· TS I . wit..'lont disl.urh:e:._;.: h· th o ~o n. : !1. ti~t:{Jn, 01' ldCt 1 t>f' -· oc:f~~fl ~li1~:crlon'! nre glycn on the wrap BT' t~ box:, ht)w t u 1 : >1 e them 11'" ::-.- F :1mi!y· P~y~l·~ and f"o-r U1 c tO llo wing com \1l tt lut'1, wh ic h th~o I ' Uls r:rp idly c nro : li"o t' .IJyiiJiutJ!'lia n ;· Iu f!5i;('~tiott, I.f ~th~· n cllil·~ _1_, u u.~·uuw nnd _., ~,, ~ ot .A_ ; r : . u~tU'l', ~ney ', 11 Double Turbine Water,Wheels, -.Lll' tf- OA8TINGS OF ALLP:INDll. · itR'.AI!!li! DONE ON ·rs:E !lll'.Olt'rliiS'f19 NOTICE. HOU E -.. -·- ----·· -· r -~---~------. -~ ---'---~-~---------- - FU R ·N IS H . I N G S, a full stock of aii kinds. Is it necessary to remind' you of our BROS. ooh, and r ob toro it~ lw:ill h.1· tm:~. :~n.[ :o: ;.tio n . F (w .I.h-P.r<Jou&1~Li i .n ~ and 1[ ;., v:t 1 ·1 ouo f\yt.\}'.I· tom s, Dillo u.!f :1Ie4stl:.u .:-l!.e , .i'!lili11d.r IE:~n d. should lJe tit ,;: en mod!i!!':tt.e ly IC.>' .h!l'::ii:1 :. ~~the st-om· 0 a~lu.,, .;J"auntHc ~ or ~r~ot·:' ~l .r l·~ H··~, Bil· tou~ Cull., nntl Dlliou,,; "l""n ·o1.·1.,.., f. ~ e f ~ hnu lcl be.,ludklous)y t!1.km1 for cacl1 cn~c , lu ~:1.1l'!'_?et. tt-s ac l iou o:..· i~1n t1 r e Urn n lJ~ tni c· r :~me which IRON HARROWS t·ft1Rell.d6'11 aerlAce his · entfr@ ·toclt of Jll't'ff Good.a at !. F. )(e.A.ItTHUR'~. )iow selling at. a. W· ban now on hand a iup q'wu1m1 et : ot w superior kind, also on hud.. COMMON "BU 0 G I E S AN D W A G0 N S on tile 30-tf. Tailoring De.p~r~rpent ,. 1 GANG PLOUGHS ll!l>At will be ll<llil .. LOW l"l\lcmll cone:tantl:r on hand tor sale. l1lf" All kiDds or Bla.oksmlth work doue U.01'! ..t notice. A call . ·ollclted.. c:rnsc it. , F or DYf'COt ~ r,.- o;.: .Dlu ,·.rb~~,, h u t unit mild d oi;e is ~norn ll y 1·cq_!tirC'rl . ror RJu~um~tt.ilinl . (.Olout., <.i"f'at,.<~l , P ·l.1... plt.ation of the' l~eart, "Puhl itt the 8141~, Dn('.°k niHl I.oinM, l.hey, sh o 1.d·~ ;:,c tontluuon~ly tuk eu, n;.; rcqnh·c;l, to Ltrn di?.P:n11ed. ac tion of Lhe syste~.l. \fi th snch change those. oompbiint~ (lii!fll)p(m.r . For DroJ'lil.J' and . l'lii t·o!t'"icu! §~.,.- ~, i llngioi, Utey f.hould \Jc t;ikr: ·1 m l :w.~ e .-t_:ii tn:, q n~ n t Ue se'.1. Lo For Unt·'l'!!>~)-t~.!i, n takm:i . a~.- it pr odm:t:~ th!.! poth)'·. pro mote dizcHion and bo,vel.t, A& proUu~e t he ~~ tft.· ; :t o» n .d L=;1.--t; 1'. l:u.s1~ do~ c pt1t'f£ C. Ut· s i n~ rl 1111on1d b~ etfet t liy i;y1n· B<>WlllllllTllie, Fob. 19. 187~. I. WESTCOTT. :Sownianvllie, 0 81i. a :rJ l 11 :. ·'r PU!, t:i!{C ... at Ill<> ·h~p. -Bomitam1llo, Muoh Otb, mt. YES, IT IS r ,Aaron Buckler and best stock· of ~ IS I'l' SO! I A n;.l dose s:t.i m ul atc ~ Lhc sto mnchfind r~l Ot"C~ f~.G . ll.ppetitO, n~ li e rc nne (1-r Hw "toma(~h . t.,,.-o l-'i 1ls to 1yetem . Hcu c.<~ it ii'! often adY a.11t.ugc o i 1~ w .t' ~1~ ' no iou.'! <lerano-erucnt e x ist<>.. Oo e w h o 1.:,·:l;i1, tolerably " ·all 1 oft.en fi 1 JqA that a . d~.3c _of l..}~..,-~~ ~llla m.ali: e~ lllm feel <tec~dc(ffi.- l)~ r tO · , fl om 1.h mL ole;a.nsillg and. renovating e f.'\1Ct (,i-ll Urn <li gesliva An d lnYigOr-'.tf:S the SURGEON- . DE- NTI~' BEAUTili'l.TL . ' . appani,tu'!. rnKPAR E D u 1· Di" J. o . AYEn·& 00., :I:*.ract-kal ,.;,:._ : · Has one of the large~t HENRY ELLIOTT Jr., HAMPTON. , ..Dl----fu. P'lanuels, fot so.le one of the most extensive and complete as11ortmcnts of ·aoeds ,. ! goodB in the Dominion, ll!ld would call spaola.-1 attention to the same. 15elf, or different grades to suit purch asers. WATCHES, the best, selected by my- \,jAgont·. _~_ I . 011.~ .«r. !sh:, LOWEL L, ]IL.I.SS., F . S . A . G0!! ~i. ~.l ~' O:R $.'\.LE ltY ALI, DRUGOI~'~S k\'.Elt i \'lH!;<;H.£. Northrop k Lyman Xol'tcnstle, Ont., - --- OLOOKS-An immenoe number. , GOLD CHAINS, Brooches, Rings, &c., noth:tng·to surp·ass th6IIri!l-the Pro)ince. Forks, equal to any, and the finest quality- can " ·and 11oe them. -variety- the whole fa, GOLD FIL~ ~NGS~ SILVER and Electro-plate Spoons and ELECTRO. PLATED, SETS in great a.n _immc n~e I WITH TEll:TB. ARTIFICIAL :.'TEETH THOSE WISHING TO H.A,VE );tock . INSERTED .o\.T A MODERATE FEK ..acCa.11-wool Tweeds, F. F. lfoARTHUR'S. ROGERS' celebrated Cutlery- a. full stock-the bei;it in the. \vorlll . ·o be fonnd in 11.ny eountry store in Ontarie. I BOOTS and SHOES, . .oc the _Blood, Teeth Extractea··wl.thout· Pain IPu1·ific.ation lung oration o.t· the S ysten1, and SHOULD CONS ULT 'l'ffEIP, . FAMILY. PHYSICIAN. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, SPECTACLES.-Special atten tion given to fitting g lasses to all degree of sight. . A laJ-ge 111tock in gold, silver, and commontra.mee. Lazarus, Morris & Co.'s _epeotaeles~a large stl_pply. and very cheatJ. Pe bble spectacles to fit all 11ights-& fl1U supply just arriv ed from Ehgland, made expressly to order and bearing my name , and chea,.per than any other ill toYi'll or country. ,JIS' It is a decided fact, that our etock far surpa . sses all ot.her'i in ftltality, _princ 1 a n d e3::· BGwwanTill·, Jl11Uch o. 187'. -- .~ ' J ...i.i. ~.BRThIACOM_BE; L: D. s. :: -· : .. ·- . -: ' ~ IGeneral Restoration to Soiind Health A HE PRlNCIPLES FULLY CAR. PAINTS, oILS, PATF.NT MEDICINES. D. ST 0 T T IC H · , '-' RIED out int.he t.r eat.me_nt adopted by th e eminent Indian DOCTOR LE ,:VIS JO.SEPHUS in his n1ost wondorfU! .A ller a and T11nic MW~ ic1nes kno~\'n as t.he Great Sho:!h onees R u.llled;t and Pilli,. No i·1;jurio1u1 con.sequencck can. rtsult frtJrit thefr 1tse.·No mistake can. fJc 1nade i n, th~it· .A.d~ E M I ST ' JO.· ·· AND DE.ALEH IN ' · tent. ill filled with choice good s. a11avy Tw~ll, at '75 ett.,at A. uew let &£ Shawls and ·. f. V. McJ.ltTHUB'S. GENTLEMEN'S UITS to 01·~er in the ~a.test and ~'::""'ville, bee. II, 187~.:__ .. - - . ~o . I m0&t approved roa.n:aer, and on the shortefft notice, from Fa11h1onable 11;11d . . -, .. -- - 1 earefolly selected Clothes anti Twoods. Th" late3t New York F!l.l!lb1on i Stt JI.lo,_ Gentlemen oC Fa·lt· Plates :·llflularly received. ion, .n Qt so t'ltst. 1 s . 1n1a· an<! New '\' oar s; is ntha.nd. INSPECT our beautiftt1 new sl.oro, and . l COME SEE US-the good time, Chri·t· ) . AA RON DU C'KLlm , l 1 1'0lVN .HALL B1J.TLDENGS, l>O H·1lIANYILLlo. ·p · · to by th e " ·haleDR UG ST GI · scme power exerted by Lheao Indian 1'-Iedicincs I . ' overt.ho systc1u, niter fruitlcsa trial o! the whole case,·strength an.d pe:rfect hea lth ' ministraii01r,. Pcrsons··'\\--ho have been restored ph.&1·1unieopooia of J?hysic,. attest. this fact. . ~ ! numerous teslimoma.JB are stern, undoniabt· The I j i i DRU GS, M t!"n1·cINES AND CHEMICALS' ~~~h~~.i~,~~n~~I~~":.t!~"Jl::.~~;r:tlf'::';d the syot, and astom'h you' by the rapid ma1.;o ·r in whi~h you are restored to perfeot health incontestible factlHmfftci.cnt to oonirince tho molit llOel?ti~nl tba.t the :ie ~rca.t medical co~po urds pertor1n n1a.ny m nrYellous ('.llros, and u.coo:".,_.._-.;li~h ~'::!d tind Dy e Stuff·'. Pa.te1~t ~·~eineo, Perf~ory, Bru·hes,, Comb., S03ps, l'o:ir.ts and tull vigor. Oilg, P·m· Brn·lt··· CM! Oil, :md Coal 01!·, &c., &c. 1 i' -- .. ..,. _ ' .-- .. ' ' ,.o " HENRY ELLIOTT, Jr; I . l hen W\itten the8e f ow line· And a.ii I have to say- I So ..U my kind old friends may toto.o, And all tho young ones too, And get their garment. nloel.Y made T~~ii:0n~~~~~:i.~-~tni atllo>u, In !ii.ahlons that are new: ~ mI.t;1110 ~WJ>g, 01 n. P~~1':E. old a.nd youne. dav trf.enda, ma.r [meet l I I i !i!'Yl>l't'L\N!5' P:Ri1:t!CfilPT1'0::0."S CAUE!!'UU,Y COMPOUl>iDlUJ A..'i'D A.LI, ORDER!! bly be relieu upon to ruako a pcrma.nent cure of all d.iBeMtJJ ot the 'l'broat, Lung~, LiYor, Ki<l~ neys, Digestive Organl!I~ &c., &c., as well·a:J SorofulJl., the variou s ·skin Ulseasea, Hutnorf:.', !_ '" · .:: all dleeo.ees arf.gjng from Impurity of t.he .BJo_o:. ·,4 . oeptlngth~hird atagc of Con. a uinpti9n . F't;_r:... ";-_.l)l.' intonn&tion, w ith tun dJrect.i ons for ueiug the Medicines, a.T'ld oontain.L "l.11' ~stlm oniali'i and Oilll'· The Ren1edy and the P ills are pl!iasant a-:1d sa.fe to take..- and are we..rrantf':d, n.nd rr.u.y p ossi- l.'ORRECTLY ANSWEitEiD. _ - - F_ ..., 1n14 P"1Jtlffa1111 fr6m ~ C.,1mlty ~pm jlnd O'llT s~ ·t· im4 ~t Hit IHtt 111~, ·! M·<lmnu tiflcateil of Cures, ca.n bC: obillincd bv securing the Shoshonees 'I'rea.tise1 t.he Hs.n4·b0ok, or tk9 Almanac o.nd Ciroula.i-s, O'Oln ruiy dru;;:gh1 t n the Dominlon-FREJ.A · Prt~o ol tht1 Remeds , in 111.rge Pint BotiJoa 001'!.. $1.00. · . ... . P>:l~e of tM r,1L<, ioer '130,~, :.!>ct·,

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