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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1874, p. 1

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A HANDY DREAM 1 t:a<lers )f thu Jo 1 nal 1~1.!.l remen1bei: the case of lhe rnco' c ' of a wotch am\ tic ar:rest of tl1 thtof, who stole it fa am a j t n 1on to' u shLll farw"r son1e months 8.bO through a <l rea n1 of the f irrneI s wife I Stm,, 0 0 as t'ie cllSe appear. a l idy who hves m Warwick county near the Spencer J county !me on the Evansv1lla nnd Rock port stage road has tnore than in&t,..11od it by a dteam through which ·he ue,eoted · VOL. XIX. Harry-Tait in Town Again. - - -- - BOvV~IANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, J.ANUA:RY 22, 1874. ~-~--- :Z NO. 26. THE choese 10 mitier than the pen A ·IGN of tho i1m··- S1gmng another man's naine AN appropnat10n by the U S Congres· of r. e~rly two mill ous m gold w ll be reqmred m aatiefactwn of tho cl01ms allow ed by the late Umted States and British Comruiss on KENTISH Ga:Nrs - In tho County of I Kent thore re twenty four members m the Cour. ty Cutmc I, thirteen of whom meam.ire overs z "eet in he1ght How is tha-t fot h zh? l1 ...ome grc2t law unseen and s tll Unfro thotnAd purpose t o !ulftl Not as I tit _ - - -- At the foot or the stairs, Fortune step peel on her wheol which eerveo for her I I ca.rr1age, and iuotio1ung Beppo to take his place beside her, oft they glided mvmble to all me rtal eyes, along the streets and square· On reachmg the above men honed 1l!unu I nated mansion, the lady said, "I will take you am01 gst all the fine people Beppo, that you may take your choice Thro will be easy enough I I thmk1 observe I Beppo ' Perhaps Je~s so then you ina.g1ne, j I _ -~~ ors, under a lovely sky m n pnre Itaha.n atmosphere Beppo · sea,rchma glance " aoon di ved into the mterior of the pa.lace, wher e he perceived a number of guests gathered round a hazard table, placed m one of tho wmdow recesses, foremost among whom appeared a handsome young cavalier who kept throwmg down large stakes and talkmg lauglung:land Jhrtmg m the mterrnls of each loss, which he seemed t· bear with magnammou· md1f ference "He must be 'cry rich ' observed Eep po ~:~·:,:1w:~ka·:::~~lt~; r~~o 11~::n:~::; ons relatnes 1n tlus ctty and 1n R( ckport, dreamed that a mm came to the I u .. ~nd sought lodgrng that he wa· taken'" d an p11t up s'4-a1rs o sleep but before h& 1e t up s ripped ofl Ins shoes and ! ut them ot ·s de tlio door durmg the mgh· he came down °'"'rs robbecl the hou« of 1tll 1ts valnables and left '[he rncident· of t he dre 1m weie so vn id that th· lady was a\>akened o\\oke her husband and told him the dream but he only laughed and " mnel to sleep Tins smgt1far dream reiJea cd tlucc dunn,, the samo n1zht and e cl tune she a\\ oke her l1u:s bend and was h~ughed .,,.t Af er ... "'veral days the lady ..hough perhaps ahe dese.,.l ed to be fanghecl at and m a couple of weeks fo D'O t all e.bout 'ier d earn One -- ----- q 1 11 1 I "as WORK IN FIRST CLASS when we h8\C ~TYLE~ Blindfolded e.nd alone I wait Loss seems too illttcr g m. too late smtable weather vVo "ill endeavor to please those who will favor us" ith a call when wantmg any tlung m our lme, such as PHOTOS. and .AMBROS. Albums and Picture Frames of 'anons styles and pnceB Copies made from picture~ of deceased relatncs Call as Early in the Day as Possible, little ones HOURS OF BUSINESS From 9 it m till 4 p Ill' Du nu M .James L~ Publi c ~ ltutied~e, B <\RRISfEl' ':V I\fon oy for A:-ND llTTORNEY !l.T in TERMS CASH. Ilowmanvillo, November 26 1S73 S ohcitor Chu,ncery and ~otary TAIT & ARTHUR 18 tl U"\ esttnent on m oct favorable &. ' t.eQF~ICE-Over sto e af J & Vo J I\icMmtry - -,,- - Rol1c1·d -\1·1nour, Sol CltOl' ?\.i oney loaned on Real E tato ~ t e<>t Bow m:in\:11 e ~ t to1 ney u.t La.w ano ll,. Issuerofl\-Iarri"'gr: T eccnses DEGIS 1 R AR WES£ DURHAM in Charccry Banisterang Oft1ce on King THOS. BATTING has now iecen ed his new of F - 1 a11 a. nd W"inter Dry Goods, I stocl~ WHICH WILL BE SOLD John rt. Galbi·aith, ~i.;o llRRISTER AN D ATTORNEY AT B LA 'V Office Kn:; RLreet Bon manv1l1 e Ille Bu1ld1ng Ag nt a tB'1 vm f.Ln\: CHEAP FOR CASH. Bowmanville Sept 25, 1873 et v l\ I'lnc:r to end on farm socurity for t he Freehold '"' t John U. Bntclrnt>o:Ollla. THE ELEPHANT HOUSE. 1 1 HE undersi~ned, 111 returnmg than ks to Im many friends and the p obhc ge neraly fo r the pat1011age extended to him durmg the past eighteen yeats, begs that ftom and a.f ter the 15th Soptember inotant, he w1ll~ry CJ!!.Jhe sa. ne b l!:ilnessa o 'It more extensnelv nnder the na.m f' a id style of JOI-IN :lifcLEOD Pronlpt pa) inent of all notes and accounts is rondered llI pe1"'t1ve by tlns business arrar gen1ent and all pe1sons nulebted will please take notice a.nd go'ietn themselves accordrngly JOHN McLEOD B owm.a1 \Ille Septcmb r i 1813 '\ITO l LD .,licit the ·ame liberal support and patronage enendcd so long to J uHN Vf MoLEOD and tako this opportunity of mfomung the public that they hnve follows all accounts ~ill b e renuered on the 1st January l stMay and"J st Soptcmber in each and every ~ear In the ca~e of manufacturers mecharucs and oth ern whose accounts may amount to $50 or over, their note if agreed upon, will be taken payable at the Bank fm a ebted p eriod The cash purd1asern and p1ompt payers &n short aG credits "ill ..Iw tys get goods at prices c 1~ tine class of tmdc our g1eat an 1 will bo to court this t'. G. Hanning, C v1l Engineer a n d Land Agent Office a nd re.a1 le l Ce Lot 13 3r 1 uon Da l ng 011 All orders oft u.t tno office of J~ob~r Aunour Esq p1ompt y i.tton ded to :lO P I..OYINCillL Stock large and TI'ell a~sorted <\ splendul 1M1ety of COOK lL\LL PARLOR JOHN McLEOD & Co LA \fD SURvEYOR and BOX STO'I' ES for COAL :rnd "OOD llo,vm.a.n' 11 e Se_ptemb ot t 1873 Tha , ubac rrbe1 :MCR. S. B. BRADSHAW, IN THE Boot) and Shoe Business rm;pectfull) solicits a contmuance of the patronage heretofore accorded to the cstabl1shment, and Invites the Inspection of his tock by the pu\)hc generally His aim will b e to keep GOOD AND CHJ1:AP GOODS, A'L' CLOSE PR.lCES, I and b,:rr nompt attention to busmess hopes to please and iwofit all who may favm him with a call · J. H. HANNS. Bowmamille, Aug 6, 1873 orr THE BOWMANVILLE FURNITURE BARGAINS. B .P:.~ R, G- A I N"' S I CheElP Corner Store. ' GREAT 1111.RGA.INS A.RE NO" GIVEN AT THE MANUFACTURING CO a ppointed reta l a gent by t he Bawmanv1Jle Ful'n1Lllre lHanufaeturmg Co is no\.\ in a posi f Qn to fill all orders at ns low a rate a.s any deal T HE SUBSCRHlER HAYING BEEN l\Olll I'! M;ANNI:z;G PUBLIC "8'ITTEI::> A.ND OPINION WELL SUITED. has fully J . utied the orig1nal idea, that at the " Corner Store ' you ca.n get Wtho count) THE follo wing '" · copy of a notice dis And, too few ::ielpers on t he 1oad played In a ueld in South London And JOY 18 weak and grief u;s strong goddess but I have abandoneti him, and " L d1 d ~ !..nd ;) eara and days so long so long his last throw to night 1v1U lea.'tf 0 him in a es an gentlemen are requested not even1ng after the had been to 1 Yet this one thing I lea1n to kno"' ti10 'ery d opt hs of poverty to stea turnips Other persons, if detect town and r ece1·ed · cot s1doru.1>1e " ·um of · " Each day moic surely as I go ' A.las' how httle you seem to pity your ed, will be prosecuted money a tnan came to tl e: lio anp1y1n.: lha.t I am gl.Lld the good and. 11 By changeless laws n e ordexed st1ll v1ct1ms stud Beppo ' Hut seer here CONSOLATION - Housemaid- ' Im .soI for lodgu gs. · was received nnd af4' t a Not as I " Ill for makmg the best choice by endowing comes the master of the m·nS1on huneelf- ry to hear you vo lost your uncle Mary good supper was shown a room w1thon' " Not aa I wlll he sound gro" s sweet you with the power of seemg at a glance the prmce H1· wife ,. the most beautt Mary-' Y cs it was qmte ·udden But thought of the dre·m recmTmg to' a lad) Each t me ms lips the words repent I the precise pos tion of tlte man with whom ful of women Now, kmd g><ldess, here 1 - amt 1t a real comfort a· I got that block until sh e was ntartled b, dJS"t i'e"rng the Notaslwill L[ More safe than Lheda:r:knessfeels light \\hen th 8 thought sleahs yon are about to barter your fa tG a man wlLo 18 rich, handsoine, munlficent, d ress inate&d of the green one ~ ou want- fl h ocs ofth e strange1 in exac'{, y t h 0 position Li k e bispe c d "'oice to cal m and bless Just ut that moment a gorgeous carriage and u1 the prime of hfe This 1s tha fate ed me to buy1 ' she l ad seen the shoe; ; hai d"'eam and All unre.·t and ·ll loneliness I all over gildmg, and drawn by four pranc I should covet You can $carcely p!Ck a DELICACIES O!f ~Hli SEASON - Lady then she remembered that he "as m al Not as I will becau1.:> e t he One t t I tl f ' h6 Who loves us first and best h~s gone mg gra) s, <la.shed along "hon Beppo (to Jame·, who has broug!.t up a note)mos every par mu ar 10 maa 0 Before us on the ioad 3-nd still I eagerly excl& med, " Lady, may I get into ' Look, cried Fortune " Did you ask the young pereon to take a dream Again she sought her h uso--.nll, For us musi h13 lo' e fulfil his shoes? pomtmg to the occupant of the 1\ud the prince· mmost thought became seat1 James-' Beg pard n, m lad~' shed and iocldess of his dermve laughtor told 'l:h!S tune she was not k nown toth e fi sh erman-his past, present heav1do11tll been eatm o omons, so I as d him he1 fears ~~....,....,....,~....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,~~ 1 el ucIe "Behold Ins inmost thoughts, and future He was a. gloomy, Jealous her to l:Je s good as to wai t outside· laug'wd at The husband mounted guard Fortune waHug her hand husband, who had poiooned hia first wife and at a !"to hour the strnngo m .. - cama And as :S ippo peeped thru igh the small on mere suspicion Bomg now madly "'- gentleman who rath01 anspectetl erecpmg down sta1rs1 fttltil mg ·ne dream p·op1ng tlirougl tlie k in his manner ·· rr 1 w1tli · da1 k l·~ntorn ir1 b elnncI tl10 carnage I e con 11 d iea1ous of h11 second wife a beautful Greek, soine one wa· pane c re.a " i e) " " " " FORTUNE AND A FISHERMAN tlie conscience of its occupant as m an and suspecting she had played him false, hole of his ollioe door, mvest1gnted "1th a bis hand "as makmg an examt 1 hon of Beppo lny fa5' asleep o 1 his pallet,after open book-nay, better, for B·ppo was no he had stolen, hko ,. midmght ass"8sm Ill syrrngo full of peppe1 sauc~, and went the lower rooms One ot the ftr.t thmg1 the to1!0 of the day He was a poor but scholru:-aud what were its terrible revel to the presence of aii aged priest, belonll' home to find that h1· wife had been split no aaw "as the husband wnh "gnn m h111 handsome fisherman, mhab1tmg Genoa lo; at ouo? mg to the Greek Church 10 Genoa, who tmg wood and a chip had Jut her m the eye I hand a.nd the first tlung he hea-d wa> 8 Supe>ba, then m tho height of her iplon I " It""" JU·t at such afet· as tins, and wa. ·the guardian of tho prmcess conoCl dem11nd +o git His prompt obcd10nc· d b ti f J.y undecided fellow courted 8 lady for spoiled the peifecttulfilm ent of the <! earn our ut as m 1e 01ty o marble palaco1 1 m the oame prmcely marunon, oa1d the ence nnd wuh a drawn · word compelled t t ht d h d novels will r> se then humble hea.rls lU the 1·t1ll, small voice, ' soven years ·go I stab the old JU>n to reveal tl1e secrets of the wen y eig ~oars an t en marr1e her I but it elernted the mfo to a place u \er vic101ty of prmcely abodes, JUSt ns ta.ttered bed a. hated enemv of mme, as he wao sip confesownal, and oign 11 deed coufirmm" She turned out " perfect Vll"ago, but died I hru;band s estuna.hon C\ en hi Yh r than Now that ·ho l1ad previous!' O""u1 1ed~ :,,,,it" b eggan elb o v th e nuh man m a crowd, pmg an ice m the round room, md secrot t!tat she entertamed a gmlty pa.sawn for a Ill two year· after the weddmg " ~ " ~ no "ender if the 11e1ghoorhood of even our ed myoelf behmd the statue on hearing the young Ion1a.u, who hacl followed her to oaid he, m " self oongratulatrng tone l rettv certam t hat she vill never be faugr· ' see what T have ··caped b;i a long ed n,t foi anuther dreani new 1y b orn h ero resounded w1th the cJ.a..h oound of footsteps The pnuce e oervant Geno& The t1nhappy priest expired from courtalup I _ of carnages bearmg their sumptuously was tl10 firat to find the corpse and ga·e fright and shame before the Prmce had The iealou.o A MILL hos been recently ·tarted 111 Eng I THU dreadfol mm1ster1al ·tarch at clad freighto- some to the opera, and the alarm but as h 0 alone had been seen retreated from his houo others to a fete at one of the lord!~ man to 11pproach the room, a.nd I had faken huaband next obtamed" phia;l of aqu to laud m winch flour '" made by cruehmg trac;;s the attention of Spurgeon, who .aya If you h1>1·e · ions, illummated a giorno, as the Italians care to use a kmfe belongmg to the house, Jana, and had given this/et< to afford h\m the gra.m by small trip hammer· instead lo his brother clergymen sny-oroqual to dayhght-fortho occas10n he 1'"&1 sccru;ed of my crime I waa too an opportumty of poi·onmg both the of grmdmg it It is claimed that a pound mdulged m 1t I would earnestly adv1"· All of a audden an mlonse light ht up cowardly to re1 ea! the truth, and he suf lo-.n Only tba Princess, havmg become mg mill, coatmg $1000, will produca """ you to 'go and wash m Jordan ·· en Beppo · garret, nnd ho awoke, thmkmg fered the extreme penalty of the Jaw m acquamted with the secret of his past life, much flour Ill the ··me time as a gnndrng tunes, and get it out of you, e'my parti the sun must be already lagh m the heav my , ace-and now, whether walkmg or had rosolved to be before hand with !um mill \\orth $5 000 clo of it I am pursu tded that one rea·on ens, when he perconed, to his surpnse, a s1eepmg m bed or at the banquet table, and the bottle of wme was nlread~ drug IN Washmgton, the other day, R female why our workmg men so umve.oally keep woman of radiant beau y stand·...., b0s1do two 1 hantoms 0 , er stand at my side _ ge'd with a few drops of tho same treacher mem b er of a colored theatncal troupe went clear of m1mstcrs is because they abhor Im couch To hrn mqumng glance tem Yes what money .nave I not lav1Shed to ous liqmd purchased f1om the same old mto a dry goods store and called for some then artificml ways If they saw ns m pored no it was with re·pect, the fair ha1 e masses said for their souls' And then fortune teller, that wa.s tu end hl.8 career flesh color·d hose The clerk placed be the pulpit and out of it, actmg hke rea.l straugerrephed You have eo often called tho e d'rops of b'ood that ne> er could be that very mght fore her a box of black stockmgs, and that men, and speakmg n tturally, like honest l out fr 1m the marble floor of th· 'fha tishermau shuddered 'Do you upon my name, that I have at last detor w~,)~ .· " imou d en t young man has nernr boon able men they" ould come round us Ba:!i:ter · 1111ned to comply \\Ith your wishes ro m ugh it makes mo shudder \\hen beatow yo ur gifts on none but w1cked to tell whether he wa.s blown up by mtro- remark still holds good Tho want of " ' P ard lll me, fair lady, said Beppo, ever I am obliged to tread on 1t people! aa1d ho t >tho goddes3 glycerme or was struck by 11 ·hot from a familtar tone and expression '" a gre"t ' hete ruust be ·ume m1stako H nv ({ aci us hmnen· cued Beppo turn ' Not 1101 qmckly replied that lady 72 pounder fault m most of our delirenes and tliat could I take the hbei ty of su umonm,: you rng r a le I "ou Id no t be , n 1i18 shoe· for it "' not my fault if people pervert gifts which we should be 1er~ careful to to my pour abode, "hen I dun t even know all the \\orld 1 L t. try the other carriage I told you 1t would be~dillicult to mai<e 3 AT Tallmadge m Summit county Oluo, amend I he uce 01 the m1mstry"' that ~u~1r natnc? In i!t sat a purtl;; man, ,veanng clothes choice there 1s r.n apple butter :na.nufactor.} n11n1stera will p ersonvzcate the Gosprl Men call me Fo1t11ne, resumed the heavy / inth embroidery a drnmond hilted Agam Beppo must ered the brilliant winch consumes 500 barrels of apples per We JU ISt ha10 huruamty nlong " <h our latly and all ·orts of fiatterm.: epithets, swoi 1/ a cc stly gold cham md lace finer th:rong m tne garden and pomtetl to a day durmg the fall season Durmg the d1v1mty if we would wm t 11e mass·· when they 11ant to gam my good grnces than spiders web, that had been nmnu JUan with a fine, grave countenance, who present season H 000 gallons of apple but Everybodycau seethrouglrn:tfec'ations an<i though the) gencrnlly fimsh b) abusmg factur ·d m Flanders expressly f >r !nm _ was slowly pacmg a rel!red alley, sayrng, t er have been made, also 700 barrels of c1de1 people ·r· not hkel;i to be taken 111 b me a1~d style tne fickle nay even cruel In short all the appurtenances of imniense He at any ra.te, looks grand 1 and nO'ole, and 500 barrew of V1neJa.r sold 'I he pro them l hng away your s~L'·s, brethten 1 ··en '*Iw have; :i ifoo ~u their mshes ' 11'en> 11 surrounded lum But he ""· a f and wise and I thmk I may saf 11 take ductis ~old mamly m the South The con and walk ,,-n yo ur feet doff uour en«le·iao ~ ' I~n1a~1iar-~-~·f'V.e 'ba-11"' you. c:t.._jm"nR.:-.,/"tO"r.l1c~Jolit-;Il'd1g ~t10n nnd a coin --h s~Ten"'e-Upon lTit' ~ --;;. , ...:£9! 1,n 1('3'(:;.. tC. ...o-1J°a-y weu 't1c1sn... t.P fL arrtry yo irse ve~""""tr it ~ ... Pric ""' said .Be po, .'~1 " contrite tone phca on of diseases brought on by lns own ' You shall learn Jns thought& at this I A CORRESJ'ONDENT of the &1e1'1ijic AN Al ECDOTE 0 HE P .u.rc - How 1 b!.lt ne'i er cruel, since having never 1nten: :.>erance, 'vhich now punished him moment said the ladJ when the fisher Anier1eam says-' Onr n1en in the shop do you get \I on~ s u l :\ "tfe to her hus given me a nythmc you could not take my 111 tup1, bJ takmg a" ay all rehab for man, peormg mto the depths of hie mmd use soft soap to rcmuve the grease and dirt band m the nm1 st of the pamc "Oh I all n1rny, as you did my neighbor there m food thus reducmg him when at a bnn a· mto a pool of clear 1'ater, h<ara him ft om their hands V>hen they qmt work shall weAther tlie storm b11t I wlSh I had the great house the Marchese- to play the part of a modern Tanta thmkmg " I mtiot find the spot where I rJns, they find, causes cracks to come only 1 few hnndred dollars more Don t n Hush 1 mterr:pted the lady ' 1 dtd ~ , the pnmpkm 3 grow, for I feol I shall soon hut 1f they dip them m , ,negar JUst after 1 yotl wish l t h· d ma1 r10d a r ch mfe1 ot take a farthma]rom ~JU but he flung it that I c uld change Lll tlllS f11p take root " waslnng with soft ·~ap their hands will sa1cl she i 1 a teasrng "·) then gomg to nie a way, as so many of yau Uo ... ~,d "'pcn v'l 1 0 become-a sturdy porte1 fhus V\hat gibbar18h 15 ho. talk nrr~ LD r emain soft and smooth and any cracks her room she retur ned lv1th rathe,.. nioru thon"h 1 ha·e knocke<\ twrne at his do or ·n ii quired Beppo ' o ~ ............. Iv ~ a unr 0 ma 1ti c Ian1en t a t ions o l t ho hands llf1l! immedrn.tely heal up I t' n.n th en noun t require d in U n1t ed S tates I havo an obJectwn to knock o. third hmo, " .'.! h lir\Vilf""'n evcr do said Beppo, The gtbbcnsh of one "ho will be a l!onds v\ hy where m the world did you especially as so man v people shut their for ~I eat my crnst mth a r elish I sho uld confi rmed m.a.111ac, replie d D ame F orlune N A MiLD ~ rn r1 m PossrnLE - In 1827 t> Ne 11 th s' ·aid tit" 1111 b"11cl Well niy t "' " ·~ d°?ra 111 my face be so TY to lose Besides he ,. gettmg 'He wanted forsooth, to play my part.,; o' ember was the coldest November dear l on went to a ch unp L.g ie ·uppor Lady, 1f ~ ou ml! only knock once at mto,) e:mi m New Engla11d for fifty years,and semi , eah 11ie d ra.1nn. ofl i f eJ an d a.d ]ll d ae to h1m1elf known " / t f Id .1 ° 0 and on yol r retui ·l. find d B eppo, cnavmg, I will be mme, sa1 J"riend Beppo said the lady with a th rt f df d ye it was 0 11 "wed by the mi est "mter m 1 ·" aL uu arn uncl the roo m rathor I! , ~ ' epropea. yo a uecease rien a &on rin f fif ~ your humble servant iorever emi · r do vou want to make condit1011s t t d t h d h H h ' or ty years No vember, 187<>, h dt i cu de I os1tcd hat shoe H rus e o Ill guar 1ans ip ti s ut the Ut b b 1 ld d You will probably grow saucy, like all with me' I thought you only bargamed to young mnn up ln a mad house, where he prove " " a QUt tie co est Bi most I a I~1 < o l >ll of bonk bills , t ie c" mt 11 d d d d d di,agreeable of the paot half century In 1 it tl e mone' awn' an l "n tc 1 threo the r""t of those whom I favor, said For be n h, and now you wnnt health a" d became " rea y ma , an te an 1101r l8+>"r N b d d h , " tune However, I ha ve a mmd JU·I to youU and every thmg besides The poor by"' J l!Ot decroe of Prondeuco ha 10 him ~ O\eJU sr en o wit a surp1 mng wee·s for yot1 to enqun e 1f I had seen ti try you, and that 15 why I ha'e come to migh t well grumble if the uch had all the self hrow1ng N and the 1 mtet Wa.'I famous for its when ft id111g "011 \\ere a.ha uea t do so ma.d a.u d feo ls th a h i d eous change Id you, accordmg to a favorite mode of mme, gifts fi t h Dll ness The analogy so far of the tem J un ··ted it aud here you h ve it H rn rm1 y creepmg upon la t f th 0 d ~ durmg your sleep "hat is it you w1sh But it would not be pleaoaut to grow , pera ure' rezpcch· e ates 1· remMk he was a poor nav gator he chose " 0 o I f , I have seen enou"h Set me down ' ' able or old, m order to be uch· obiected Beppo dB , 11 d· mate and purser - B 1oakhn A II"' " I wish to be rich, said Boppo , "for and then his eye wandered t<>wa.rds an IM eppo ia ta.ther go ou foot all Ta · Bartto Exriminer says -A farmer A novel ten1pera.nce c.... usade ha.s been it would, be delightful to 01 t ea.ting ices all other eqmpage "Th18 seems to be a my da.ys, and carry my nets till my dymg c3me to town with a load of hay durmg the maugurated by the ladrns of Frcdoma, N day m the hot weather, mstead of work "' , d h t h t hour, th·n bo:.r t ne burdens of these fine ,, ,,, unger n1an, sa1 e o is pa roness, f lk , afternoon of last vreek, and, whilst Ina asY Inspired by ~ lecturn from Dr Dm 0 1 ing I am tll"ed cf toiling mcessantly ' ~ ' and by !us elegant turn out lie must be s1stant made arrangements for the weigh "Yet you are y oung and strong, ob ·· rich · ' No sooner had ho ·pokon, and Jumped rng of the load, Mr Farmer, who can Lewis, they formeJ an orgam al >n and 111 ~6 the others shtuted a campaign :Next day nout 150 served the lady A. B t Id t t h down from Fortune· whoel, than he eas ly turn 160 lbs ' secreted Jum·elf lll the 0 t dod phewfimd!o Tlis found h1msolf,ho knew not by what menus of tho ncwlv organrnecl sor.rnty (ladies) mo, " Besides, I should like to wear a man 1nn1os · g·tm ' PPO 'dvas l sou1-an w in 1 o n ie ' hay, and came ue irly being succee.sfnl in tie and RIVOid, contmned Beppo,aesummfl seemmgly 1vealthy man was as poor as him lymg on his bed m his garret The firat h is game, b ut for tho ·hre;,d11e.s of tho antl pre cccdcd to a 1 q lo r s a10011 entered a.t least ns m·n:i as could,and ap1 >e lol to tho the d1g111ty of the pos1t1on he coveted oelf- nay, poorer-for not only had he ray· of the rmng sun "·re etreammg Ill 1,elgh m·ster ~ prop ietor ·o close In· trnfhc Ono offera "Well, replied Fortune, ' 1t ahall be at the '>\mdow Beppo rubbod his eyes, mortgaged every mch of land he possessed AT Liverpool ou the 10th Deeemoer, pra\'er Lil< thor exhorts 1llll di Jorn m smg a1 you wish, only on certam ccnd1t10n1 a11d stared about him to feed !us pass10n for gamblmg but the 1 were exh1b1ted, specimens of Canadum ing Tt1-y n. e not c111 Ie(l b~ rebnffs \ I wonder\\ hether it was a drearn,after When we bestow benefits ne have a 11gh t to exact somethmg m '/lurn You shall very clothes on h1· back, his servants a!l1 said he d1·ha· r tcned by indifference Aftc· nnpeal But anyway,! thank thee, meat, comp ' smg beef mutton and tr liveries the corn that fed his high mettled 1ey go to an 0 Fortune' for though leavmg mo as be keys, brought over m the ste.~mer Scandi 1ng to one saloon i n tl 1s \t~y t 1 be tho richest man m Genoa, if you horses, weN all obtamed on credit other and so on t hrough tne "hole hs' cf ho navian Th13 moat w""' killed two days for e, without either gold or land thou please · l accept the conditwns blindfold, 0 'I am better as lam, said Bcppo, :liter ha·t bestowed on mo the ptlceleas treasure bef>re t he vcssnl ·ailed, and was then tel keepers, <lruggrnto and all 1\nd tl ey most bo 1eticent godde·s exclauned.Boppo tins mapect10n called CO~t:ENI I frozen and ·lored 111 " cool dry ploco on are ~omg to keep 1· up till the hqnor ocll " Know, then said the lady, "that They had now reached the 1llummated board, with the most satisfactory Jesuit mg rs done for or it is dcmon°trated that tl1e members of tl e great family of h 1man pn!ace A ~ oung man as handsome as P ublic · nh tt provmg so perfectly fresh tnat 1t had the plan · not cflectua CHANGING SEED kmd ars pepetnall;!i t1d1ng on a see sa.w, Ade. n1s nnd who wore his mantle with in the appear"nce of 1 ·vmg been killed only ment lS m tb eu farn1 If farmers ware always careful to sow a few days p.ev10 rnh the mot10ns of wh1ch &re rogula ted by umtable grace, had Just nhghted from his A company IS to A l\f); S EBY - OnSnndaymornng iJome wisdom, or wlums as you tlunk carriage to JOln the throng of elegant nono but plump grams, of puro seed th1', be organrned to mtrodnce this meat nto persons noticed · numbe· of bags and other Those who are perched highest sometimes revel er~ There \\aa a kind of c]uvalr1c seed of one variety unmixed we see n o Em;land art cles l; m,: on the ice on the Twel 1 e l>Iilo grow diz y, and then I thmk i time t o boldness m his attitude as h ts hand rest renson why they should change their seed IN 1871 tl e who,e real property of Wm CreeK, anc: o 1 p...0ceed1ng to th.a place1 11:3 lower them, gently or aoruptly, as the ed ca eleg,Jy on his sword, that took Where seed of a good variety ts mixed mpeg could oe bought ' or a fow tho 1s covered the port10n of a sleigh box in the case may be though many save me the Beppo s faucy amazmgly And t hlS time with a variety mfenor m quality but of a and dollars, h 1 ng onlv 300 mhah tanta creek, and on fn rther c :car111nation, also trouble as I ha\ c already hm ted, by he said, Methmks I should worslnp my greater vigor, the more vigorous kind will ln 1874 ch c 1\1w1 street I tu ·1 · worth found tltat there '11as a ela1gb with a tea.m sqnn.nde11ng me on the cast of a die, or by self could I bcco1ne such ~ )Onng ga n upon the better kmd, aud the quality $Z 000 ancl itny lot is worth $100 bec,.use of horses atbohed at tho bottom some othe1 method eq ially rational Now as that will dete r1 ornt~ Also when inferior the hamlet ha· ~·own to a clty of 3 oOO shrunken gra.1ns sown the wh""at n1 nst it happened I wish t' exhault one of those Look before yon leap mhao1tant with a trade equal to any oity who are at the loweut end vf the plank ductress deteriorate but where pure, plump grams or 10 000 mhab1tants m Ontano In and to tumble one of the u pne1 ten t hous Alas' tlus hu.ndso111e voung n1an was t."'O always sown upon soil in good cond1 187'>, with railroad onnecl1on v a St and and I have fixed upon you, Beppo onlv gom~ to show himself for a couple of tton we do not boheve that there " any Pnul comr lcted, anu the hne from 'l:hun to be the gamer by the change hmirs at t he prmccly fete, and then doff tlnng 111 the seedbed that ol10nld affect the der Bay under construction, the acl vanco on reachmg the top of t he 1111\ leodmg to Beppo resumed his thanks, and then m hts gorgeous suit t> nght a duel wh10h quality or constitutioa of tho wheat We must be m a st ll 0 rea er p oportJO'l the G W R gmded the hors s through a quired after the cond1t10ns was only to ceaoe at the death of one of have ltnf'lwn instances- whe1 ') farmers have R S '[ T k no" road, lately opened to the place w·»re ' I will tell you, ' said tho goddess the combatants m an obscure street with carefully saved the most perfect ears of EMEDY Fo· Or.E HRO-'.i - a e one they were found The bags fo und on i;ho " <ls I do not want inst now to create any the brother of a girl ha had betrayed seed corn for a succession of years, and large, red pepper snch as arc grown for ice cont:J.Ined potatoes, nnd ol!o of them new m1lhonar10s, I can only allow you to Should he snrv IYe that mght s affray, he the quality of the var1oty has improved family use steep 1t m ha.If :i. pmt of 11 ater st d th ti s ampTe '"n ·:1 nan e way·e exchange your o:ustence with that ofaome had appomted to meet on t he followmg We beh e\e,that if equal care was exerc1s after which stram 111 a quart of molas·cs ';;" 1 L1ani " on one!J, ~ ,_, w·althy man, who mil ho reduced to <take mornmg a iealous husband, who had sent ei 111 sanngo·ecd V>heat, the result would addmg a little 'uiegar boil all together to ' FET LO" lnvellern e.~1d a CJ!oncl up your tishmg net m exchanie ' him a challenge for havmg found him un be s1mlla1 We do not doubt tliat beue a tlun syrup use thrn whenever the iltroat / of I had been eatm dcrnd ap "Poor devil cr1cl Beppo, patr on101ng I der his mfe s bal ony at n. late hom of the fits ha'\'e resulted from cliangmg seed, but feela dry or disagreeable if 1t be 111 the preac1ie1 Jy evenu1g we suspoct 1t v;as where a oa.reless farmer dead of mght, it Will soothe the throat and plea for a weok an don tonk to annkm If for o n10nf I coulcln t feel luo·e swelled "And, consequern1) contmuod the "It " ould bo provokuig t o lose one· bought his seed fr om a more careful olte not irritate but warm 1t up well la.tly, unheedmg hl.8 mtcrrupt10n, "you life Just on becommg rich smd Beppo, We would advise where a change 11 n1ade, sharper than cau be borne m the mouth, up dan l am d lS m1mut w1d pride ai1 mU3t take all the c1rcum·tances of !us bemg shaking his head So I II not Jet mto procuring seed from a better and cleaner put it ho.cit near the palate with a spoon vamty at aeem such foll tend ince har dll -rough or smootli, prov100, you shall his shoes either ·oil, a.nd we should consider th!B of greater and swa.llow, apply outwardly a thin slice cvenm choose among the wealthiest and noblest "Lets enter tho garden balund the importance than a sol! of different texture of salt pork, w"rm 1t up well m a httle .AT No·tmgl1:1m, En., , recently, a laro:c of this georgeous 01ty Nowcomo along palace, said Fortuno "and we shnll see or compos1t1on vmegar and p·pper apply as hot as can bundle was brought lllto :t pa.wn brokers "0 most beautiful goddess · how have I more company ' >Va should prefer saed already adapted be borne on the throat fasten the bandage storo by two men, who left 1mmed1&tely Tho garden was ht up with colored to the cbmate,and we ohouldchanga Just a· that holdo the pork, over the head to draw after placmg it on the counter deserved ouch mumficent ge11oroo1ty7 It wa 1 cried Beppo, hastily fol!owmg tho rad1 lamps, and tho crowds were pacmgthe av often "" our see<l boc~me poor - Ruro;l the cold aucl 1m1amat1on up, arld not about ·ooll drncovered that the b mdle contarned aut l&dy out of h,. g11rret 'nu;~mhah11g the f1 a~ance of tho flow J!om e " the nock1 11· mo~t pec>nle ~ m·n m " hopo!~ss s·nte of mto::1:1cahQU Too heav; burdens In the load srud ahA This refiec1.r 011 was abO"'i e the fisherman 8 j unde"' rnd r " m h1~ present excited ~ 1;1.·at e see ng which tfie goddess smiled } bcn1gnantly 5ay1ng ' I have a kindly feel I mg f or you B eppo b ecause you h ave a I \V a\ rs been an honest, hard working fel I Jo,v therefore 1 will give you the means 1 'Tlus morning be wa':I still on the up permost end of my see s·w, ' reohed the I I -~ I .r\.. T I I I I I I J - l 0 I I I " I 0 I I f- ' I l:) 0 0 0 I 0 · I · I ' I I ----- ··· - - ' I I 0 I I I d<>/ I / ,,..-""I ( I l "'I (; I I I

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