--FINDING EACH OTHER OUT ll:INu VOL .. XIX. -Harry-Tait in Town Again. I We would respectfully mform the people of Bowmanv1lle and smroundmg count!) that we ha>e bought out the ent110 I -~ I [ORJGIJ{A.L MABEL S ANSWER BYE :"\ HENRY Photographic Business former1y ea1ned on oy R & II 0 Hara and Mr Henr) And so you have come oack to me To t1sk aga n mv oveThat love tl at 01 ce was 4'ond and tlue As g sten1ng stars abo'\ e 1Vc both '"ere you1 g and thought css then And filled ·with reckless pudc But n thoao a. 'ter rnonths of pn n .A.ll 1 r1de and hardnes3 died We would solicit the patro:i.age so liberally bestowed on them, as we mtend to execute all l WORK IN FIRST CLA~S ~ TYLt, Yo1 l n.d non ercv on n1c "hen W th hot and bhnd1ng teat::; I ple uled for yo tr 1 a don1 lg love !-hd struggung hopes and fe rs when ;ve ha 1 e smtab'e 1rnather pe:or.._,os. and AMBROS. Albu ns and P1c·ure Frames of various styles and pnces Ne 1nll endea·or to please those "110 will fa\01 Uo with a call "'hen \\ a,r1tlll!, any thm,; m our line, such a~ Copies rnade f1 om pietm e:s of deceased rel,ttives as Early in the Day as Possible and obtam good result~ espceially the httle ones \Ve have on hand all neg,it1ves made byMessrs 0 Hara Henry, and Tait, from which duplicates can be had at any time \VE lVJA.KE 'l'llE RE\ IJ'l'U IJL CA :UEO PU '.l'IJRl.S HOURS OF nusrn ESS D1 i m M " CASH. TAIT&. ARTHUR I I u! L THOS. -has now received his new stock of Fall and Winter Dry Geods, CHEAP Bowmam1lle Sept 25, 1873 l I THE ELEPHANT HOUSE ~ I HE undoroi~ ed m returning thanks to his many friend· and tho public geueral) f r the libe1 al p 1tronage extended t' hi 11 I durm 0 tho past eighteen ye us beg· that fL n and ,fter the lath s-ptombor 11stant lie \1111 carry on the I JOHN McLEOD Bo\vman\ llle S~ptem be1' 4 187'.1: J"OHN McLEOD & CO. TTOTILD so1L0Lt the some hbenl support and patronage eideuded so lunb to JCHN !V ' McLEOD ana take tlna opportuntt· of mform11i; the pubhc +hat they have >:.ysten1 of long credits and "'ill c "Ind 1ct their cred1t !lows all accounts will be ren rn I n tb 1st January 1st ll'lay and 1st September 0 n each and ff\: ery year In the case nf n1inufa.ct irers mecha1ucs and others whose The co.ah purchasers and prompt p·) er· on ohort accounts may am unt ·o $-00 or over their n)te, if agreed upon, will be taken payable at the Bank for a stated perwd credit· »ill ahmy· get good& at price· ont fine, as our great a1m will be +o oourt this class of trado Stock large and "ell Msorted A splendtd v1mety of COOK, HALL, PARLOR f rNewYork direct rny si.v101rs ha.ling found mo lll!lhecl tightly to the buoy and beatmg the surf wilily "itl1 my arm11m~ tor gue uttermg mcoherencus and my eyes burnmg with exc1toment \aI TnE cas1:1 of t11c ex En1press Eugen o ]1g,a and BOX STOvES, for COo\L and WOOD I m.de a ·low but permanent recovery a:id learned afterward· that Bartoule had m, sten msly decamioed from tho ship at 1>na of the Cuban ports and tlp till now so fat ae I know had not since bosn heard * * * * l l January 23rd The ceren >ntes of the Royal M·rr1age a p ece, A. rising gen:ius: Ths rnbscnber ·.av1rg i:-tcha.seJ ine ' .. toC.:t in ~.1R. I ·I S.- B. J3 HADSI-:IA \V, IN THE Boot and Shoe Business Invites the Inspection of his Stock he to keep G100DS, J. H. IiANNS. 01' TUE BOWMAN VILLE FURNITURE MANUFACTCRING CO a_Pno1n eo rcta.1 ag it by the Bowmanville F rn tnre 1\-!a.n fac qrn g Co is now u a pnA ion to fill all o!"dora at a low a. rr..te a.!S any deal ~1' tll< coont} f\OllT $ M.A.NNIZGI BARGA_INS. E .A. ::R. G- A I N'"" S Cheap Corner I Store. GREAT BARGAINS AR'E NOW GTYEN AT THE T HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING BEE:N PUBLIC "'o/ITTET> A.ND OPINION "\VELL has fully J · .lied the origtne.l 1der>, tha\ &t the "Corner Store" you can get SUITED t he I!> _ (