Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1874, p. 3

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-,...! ST ~t\_ TES]Jl_:ilN 'l , n () v'VlVI~t\N 'VILI,E, TIIUR.SpAY, -I I AT RUBBERS I . ·, Casn ".l Great STOCK TAKI.:\G S.\.LE. The goods must be s01'1. FOTI. THIRTY DAYS. DON'T F ATL 'i'O CALI, at, ~ll.LL Furs, W.LNTER GOODS, REED'S OLD STAND. BOV>/MANVILL!! . AXDERso:-v &. co Shawls, Winter Dress Good~. Clouds, , Dvercoats, Blanket~,. fl> . ' Hats, Caps F'all WINTER Railroad Wrappers, 11" ! im STOCK. Just Received. {\ll'IIOU! ·-·1 ~ :-..; l ar:d S \L'\lO:.f TROUT . llOWMANVILLE I \Ve ani selling 011e case of Black Lustres (bought at au~tion), fully 25 per cent.. less tbm their value. MAGHINE & IMPLEMENT MXNUF LCTCTR!KU CO~lI'.\.:"Y, 'l - M..lNUF!.. C1'UitEl1S 01!' CALL o:ws.:".iIXl'S. C01iJR~. AND $EE THEM. \Vood ::a.nd rro1F\Vorking 1 r,tSliPPORTBJtS, &:u., &<.. v ~:a..-..;rs11E~ ;:? At fh.u >"'l"!"Y and \VR !. IELJ!.:A low-est prices. Best: ' Half Dollar Tea for One SALMON TROUT, \VHITE :FISH, HERRINGS, &c., COD FIBI~! MACHINE'RY, 1'! g~·icuHurnl l!UJ.lkm.cnts, LE:ffFEL'S I .I I ' FHESII 7""AND- llORSE A:S-D CAi'TLE MEDICINES. CAST:::;rGS OF ALL KIIi:DS. l :t:::::>.uns DO~rn: ON Tm:n.;ifoaTES'I...J .. NOTICE, At 'Lou·e.~t Pr'ices. SALT AND PLASTER. Bowmanville, Jan. 21, 1873. GAJ:-rG ' PLOUGEt th:i.t will be aold lit Lo'v f'UtCE5 nt th:> ~o:r_; ~ _ n._no.·tn:ui.nvu:e, 11.i:l.roh .;~h. --~~-~" ... 1~71. --.. ~.., ·-- ,._ ~i\ q .rnntity of Coal Oil Tho subscriber unnounces thar. he hns now 0:1 band A Large and '\vell 1!\ssorted FOR THE 1, A n 1 a~ s. Sto~k il~ s ~FI v .. "n7 1 FOR THE !l'J )v o'.:J-'~r - out' \ t:.sto1nr:. it> the ~d ,~: :1tag.!s of wh ich he ofi;, nt i1i.s usually G IE i\'T f, E tU.:.N TWEEDS, BROADS, COATINGS,. OVER-COATrNG WllITE SHIRTS. FLANKEL 1-;iJJRT'. Go(Jd. Coal Oil, w 0 TELE BEST I:':~ Ile c.;pccially call;,: attentwn to l1is c,: ho ice lot of I full, coraplete nnd cheap~ spach~i lines 1t.E'RY Cl!].:AP. ~oxne " T·{)\\ N. N·o HUMBUGi li' AIR SQUARE DEALING. KNITEED SHIRTS IUi'ITTED DR~\ VYER:S, SCA.l{FS & ro S1~u FAI\LfILY FlJ R1'lISHI1'TGS I CJKSISTl KG OF [J! FULL VAlUt fOR vour MONtY! ' . DRY GOODS, TIES HOSIERY, GLOVES, flOLLARS, FELT HATS,· FUR C.AP4, CLOTH CAPS,' MIT 1 ENS, &o, &o, &o. vf thf' Golden Ll:)ll~ Table Linen, Shirtings, B1wnrn.nvi:tc 1 Dec. 10, l~(.5 . Clothing and Groceries. Towels, &c., &c. ehea ; ie~t eentlemen'i: a:ud Youth's Suits up in the 11e\\c,..1 i-tJ le:::, fllld on the term», WANBA:\TED TO FIT. ASSORTMENT O:F ~ !-=-! Aye r's Cj1 crq In .Alsska., Grebe and s,,a,1,new styles. NONE CHEAPER 1-1 I-lair >?Vigor, l!'or restoring to Gray Hair its '1.t1:ral VitalitJ- a1:j Color. 8. F. HILL. rn rn :?:1 ~\J ' -.! ~ f-1 CD ~ SECOND Rowmnnlille, Dc. 10, 1£';'3. Pi ~ SURGEON DE NTISYJ.1 J-r .. HA rrI F 'J 0 N. Jfforn fo r s~le one of the rnost Pxtensive nn·l complete 1t's1wtmenLs o~ 0. f-'"';$ ~...J -J (D TIEAU'r·1 Ti'1J T. CrOLD FI LI.... I:t;GS ARTIFICIAL TEETH INSERTED AT A<l.} JODERATE FEl'. THOSE WISIIIYG 'lO, Il (j) m c+ &a Q Teeth Extracted V./itl1out SHOULD CO:i'SUI.T THEIR l'A::liILY PI!YS!CIAX. Goods to be found in any eountt-;r store in Ontario. DRY GOOD~, BOOT.'l and SHOE", ' P ~ ~ \IN'f~ l h , J . M . BRIJ\H CO.MDE, h D !'i. Beiw1nfl.nv11le, March 6. 1873. GHOCEHIE~, UAHDWAlU~. oILS, PATENT MEDICINTS. I AT T!IE D. 'STOTT', CHEM IT AND DEALER L'\I' CROCKEHY, DRUGG I:OW~1IAXYILLE. ] '.l'01f'1.J HALL BtTI.Ll>Tt;'GS, Fa.sr1ion House I I !.""ALL flD \\VINTER FASJlIDN;";! DRUGGS, MF.DiCNES~ AND CHEntICA.LS~ Dye Stuffi; 1 Patent ifedicines~ Parfur;tery1 Br1u1 hoti, Cornbs,, Paint;s an:l OAls, .Pain~ Brushea,. Co~l Oil, and Cool Oil La1nps, &c .1 l\jo. roved manner, and on the shorrest notice, from nnd Icare! "'PI illv sB!ecwd Clothe2 and Twoo<ls. The latest New York FaslJi011 I mt:>st Fa~hionable 1 G:ENTJ,EMEN'S SUITS made to order in the - latP~t anr' NB\'I l\llLLL.'l"ERY! NE}S' Th'IILt.!S"S.lbY! I !?la.trie. -~ula.rly i·eceivod. · - ·I Prepared by D r. J, C. Ayer & Co,, l?;~~C'-"l 9.nc1 /'-nalyt}Nll}).i Jj HENRY_ELLJOTT, UU141io.u. ~·:t 1Olli., 11S72. Jr.! l?j m ; rn . 0 l'YYSICIANS' PRJ;;l\\CRil'TIONS CAREFULLY COMP01JNDJ!1lJ AND AU, onnl!:-ff.15 CORRECTLY ANSWERED. , - f!!i!,r Farmers aad 1'hirsicinn3 . "roni . eh~ G·~"~ntry it.ill f·l.d o·t1· 8to!h; of llfed;c ir;.33 .. "ow~i:... ~~. oto cmd of the boat <;lt1«1Uy, · · -- - -- -- -

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