CANp,._DIAN IJ J,AR K E'f:l ... ' World famed Bloo~ Mlxlure Trade Marl:,-~ ' <Blood" , l'" t1es cennnt bo ico b.ighly ren~11nmenn.oo· .. ]'or' Sc1ofulo, Sem vy, Skin l)1Beas~s, &o.d Soroe "'fall kinU-s iv leauo1ng and cle!.tring- the bloou.froui,!iJ1 LDl. U The gref't lilo:id PU" fier aqd restt'f"Cl". !o: wa lJ_evcr fn. ling cntl peuna-nent mireit CureiJ old So.::lj.5· - · Cures Ulceu:.ted e;ores on lhl" '};ook. cures Uk.. n)ted Sore Legs. 1 Cure:::. Blackheads or Pimpl~1 on ..,lt2fa~ Cure:;;. Scul vy Sol"eS. Ciu·es CL..noerous Ulcet"S: · most deli~nte constltunon of either sex the Pto· prietor 8 0 11cits sutfercrs to give it a trial to teet its vs.luP. 'I housands of crestimonials from s.11 p~rt3. ~ Hold Jn Botth·:i 2a 3d each, nnd in Ca~es, con· trnning six ~ 1 n1es the c1uaut1~y . lls to etft·ct a permanent cure in the gr0 eaHtED:l~: Jo1·1ty of long :otnnd111g, HY ALL .J.~\ J8'l'S and PAi'ENT )II~DICIXE 'TENDOR~ th"OUO"bt>ut the ~i;orkl. . ~ So1e propnetor, l' J, nLAitKE, Chem1st, APOTHJ£~AR1ES UALL, LINGOLN,ENGL'D. r.xpo A·i Agents. Ba.rg:oyr.~, Burbndge2 & Oo, Coleman !tio&t London. ,.. L d Ne\vl·erry a,nd_ Sons. 37 ~ ewgate Strert, on on. B ,,.day anclSatts, 06 Jarr1ngton Street, L<indon. ( ~ ger and S Jll o Qx:i_nrd Street. Lnndon. '..anl all the Loudon l:Ionses. Azentf; in tl'.tnadR. 1'.fontrtal.- Evans, l\'Ieroer and Co , Whoiea< Ac this miXtut~ lS plea.r1ant to the ta~te, and warranted irF:e fro-ru anythin~ 1lljurioua. to t~c ('ures Glandula1· Sweumgs, wha,1 ever cauoc O,.."'l.B1ng. Cures B:oorl and Sknl,DIBea.!l:l~ STOCK TAKiNG SALE. ALL \VINT ER Sl.'CH A~ (}QQDS, .. l,y1nans, Clare Co. To-rmito,_.EJhott &. Co., \V .. srrn.pterand I) \'ien. Hr.tmilton.-1V-iner& Co. Halifax -·A verv, Brown Co . Drn..rgi~ts. 1 ·' r ~ Furs, Shawls, Winter' Dress Goods, Clo1ids, ' Overcoats ' Blankets, Railroad Wrappers, and every descript1011 of HE:\.VY GOODS, will be sold J-IILI,. I I Just Received. ~ IYARMOUT -1 UNTIL \·YE TA KE STOCK. l WllIT:N: ' 'f We ar<' selling I 1 FRI~~3II One case of Blallck ·.Yhtch co.nnut be 8nrµ:rn~ed for excelieB.oy e qualitv l1.n Ri'HO' truen~ of Anit1nr DJ~ ke p '6onatint1;-, n"" 1un d, t.,~~e!h'°'< ·~ ,t11 " t.~bm~ select·on 1'"" Dl{ UGS. Cil.ElHIO.'\.LR. L1u~stres een~ . le;s than /bought at auclt·m), fully :25 tbeir »ali1p p01' ·I I [' ATENT J>fEDICINES. T-?B.TJSI:IES. CO.M,:B:S, CALL, AND THEM. ~ROULDER·BRAC'fl:S, ~t:PPORTERS, &.c:, £;~ PA.f!l1'&i, COLORS, · 18.llliff.i{OOU ~ L~!.ilif, ,- AR~ISliES ttnl'l ~Yl1ITE.I.J!.;.A. . Best Half Dollar" Tea IN THE COUNTRY. tG ~~t ~h~ \en luw~st -prl~ HOilSF. AND CATTLE l\IEDIOINE6. N. B.~Country Storepoekera :iupplied u ad Sugar, 1.2 Pou:n.d s for One Dollar SA.LMON '£ROUT, WHITE li'IRH, IlERRI.L'ifGS, ' &e., 'lrl~c G ~·ct~i l'Fcmalc litemt~dy. MEDICINE IS JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILI.'!. nrmrn INVALUABLE At Lvu:est P1'ice5. · dll.ngcrous a..;.sea6eB to whLCh the fP.male conatl... tuuon is subJeot. It mode1a.tca nll excess e.nd ro· move" all ubstr1.::.ct1ons. ~_nd a. sveedy- cur" may be relied on. 'l'ftese Pul~ shriufd nul be take1~ "'by Female· du1·ing the f-1'fRSr THREE ltlOZ\ THS of aancy, ae the'!/ arc su1·e to bring on "Jl.fiacarrlagei but at any other t-v1ie they are ~c,fe. In u.ll Cui;:;cs of Ner,·on:: and Sµmu.l .l~.fl'bctlon!t 1 Pains Ln the Back and Lnnbs. Fatigue on slight Jl unfa1l1n~ in the oure of all those painful and SALT Bowmanville, Jan. 21, 1873. PLASTER. it is pecuha.1·ly suited, It will, in a short t1m·, bring on the rrwnthly reriod with reir.ularity. TO MARRIED LADIES IF"~ 11 arid -1 · I ff".[J.lrl:i."'El-t · ~ tXE=t,.. rr ~ exertion, Palp1tat1:)n of the heart, Hysterics and \Vh1tes, th~<!~ Pills "?ill effe( t v.. cure when all other rneant3 ha:\ e fai_led, and although a po\vcrful remedy, do not contain iron, calomcl, anti· monv or anythin_t h ntful to the constitution. F1ill dirGctions in 1 rre patnphlct around each 1 package," lncn ::i11oc1.ld be caretultr -observed. ,H B :llfl~l'.S,\ ).'(Iiil, f.CLE I i;tl J<Jl'lCn, $1.00 and 12} cente for postage enclosed t~ Nol·throp & Lyman, .Ne-.;:vca.stlc, Ont .. i;.;eneral Agents for the Do·.Lun1on, '\'t Ill insure tt bo'"tle containing o> er 50 pills, by retut" mail. Fm sal~ bv ·vv. T ..Atkinson antl Dr. Deans Oo;l1a wa, n1 Vi-'hitbv bj' .f. 11. Gerrte eud J . Byrne : mBrocklvnbyJobn \ Y T u!'reu. ~ Sold ti _ _ HifrGINBOTHATuI nnd D. STOT o-wn1a nville tarw uOB will give "T · l AN·rrvn e We men and -women _l-~ to ~8 per &:ty,can be1n1r~ued in your own ne1-rhbvr.hooct: it is a rare chance for those out of e~rr1v.o y w~ nt or ha> In.ff lctsurc time. girls and boys aequentl) do i:i.s \Ye.t.l as men. .Particulars fcee. Address .T. I,ATHAM & 00. 292 \\.T aslungton tit., Boston. Mass . 32-(h'V. from ' Bu;;iness that will Pay ~4 I I ·1 BOWMANVILU-0 · nr11 I 1;) " Jl'\ Tff::!;I i !: ~¥, · r I _P~. vvel1 MACHINE & IMPLEMENT }fANUFACTL"RIKG 00l\1PA.i."\Y, the 1 i Chronic J!)il!le~rncs. \Vould re;,pootfully state that hA ti:! now treating successfully the follov. ing diR<>,aaes :Epilepsy, or talltng Ftts. tu thell' ~.vorst form; C onswuption, In ite various stagea, {Wlth Dr. J .'s remedies consumption is no longer an inouQ :rable ; Bronohiti!:\ Catarrh, Asthma, Gravel Dropsy, General Drops,Y. &c., pa.t!entfl who have been tapped several times are curable un.d~.r Dr .. J a mes· tre&tn1ent; tbe D R. JAMES ,ELEG1'ICPHYSIOIAN, I .1 \Vood and Iroll·Wo:ki:ng :MACHI~ERY, A gl"i~1n!tirnr1d 11l mplcme~at11, LElTJ!'EL'S I EYE AND EAR, Errors of .,.outh, Ner;voua Debility, Prelll&ttl3'9 Decay anu all the effects of mdbcre tious of ~outh-a. cure IS gna.ranteed; Dyspepsia, Livor u isea.oos, and diseases of fVonwn a,nd Ohildrt/11.., C-0.ucors cured without outtin~, and little pltfn: Sore, Sa.It Rheum, and ::;orot'ula. in all lts Oounle Turbine Water Wneels 1 --A..~D- I I CASl'IfiGS OF L!.LL KINDS. l'cl11PAIRS DONE ON 'lHii-1'!.H ORTEST, NOTICE !orme. Dr. J. ts hap])y to say, di;;i.p,ases which 'fhe afflicted, ·vho 0annot obtain relief front ether source~. pa:rticula.!.·ly 11!.Vlted to mill a.nd 580 him. El Ofiloe in N.eilson's Hali,. Belleville. OfDoo irered in any form, ha.Ye h\thert.n !'Jeen 1.hought inoura.ble are no>v rapidly :. ielding- to lus treatment as his gra.tcfu! JJatients are willing to testify. No Calomel, no mercury, no ],fiucral Poi.E.ons. will be ·a.dmmls111 any rt.isease. ho,urs, 11 a.. m. to 3 p. m. I · COMMON -AND-... Yours most respoott'nlly-, iR~~ hc newes t styles, ·>nd on thr1 C'h eai·eFt tcr.m;, 11. JA:IIES. M. D. · Aye r's GA.NG: ·PLOUGHS ' that will be. '30ld mt LOV{ PRlOES at; tho eJ1op "VAHHANTED TO FlT . Hair Vigor, l!Bo~nvillo; Mti:roh IHlt. 187~ s1·~C01'J ·D ,,_ l3mvmr.nvillo, Dec. 10, 187$ ~, '~-- For reato~ing to Gray Hair its na.ti.fral Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healtl1y, and effectual for preserving the hair. It sooi; >'estores f"ded IIENRY ELI:.. IOT H Oftera for sale one of the hair to its origin1<l col@r, with tlie or g1·ay 11loss and freshness 6f youth. Thin Ii air is thi<k oncd, falling lrnir checked, ind baldness often, though llot always, ·ured by its use. Nothing can restore ilie hair 'Yl1ero the fo111(' Jcs fire de ... strayed, ur the glands atrophied and dcca~'r.d; but such as re1nain cn.n be saved by this application, and stimttlated into ad 1vity, so that r1 now growth of hair is produced. lnstt'a<l of fo uling the hair with a pasty sedi· m~nt, it will keep it dean and vigorous. Its occas10nal n·e will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, aud Mnsequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it givei to tha scaip alTests and prevents the fwmation of dand~uff, which is often so un· cleanly and offeMive. Free from those delewrious substances '«'hich make ,;ome preparations d:i.ngerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted A!v1.PT01~". 1KBERTEt1 rno~t exknsh e and complete assQ rtments of \/'\,J ]c! 4 ( v lU,!.10L.1lJ 0 '· Go.,ds to be fon nd )n any c·ounwy store in Ontario. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, IIAHDW AHE, CROCKERY, B001':-l and SHOE~. PAINTS, oILS, PATENT MEDICINES. -r T ,._, l". D. /f C; i 1. J~ .L~~i _l T ,~, l ·~ Fasll.i o ri merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing olse can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cam bric, and yet lasts long o:i the hair, giving it a rioh, glosgy lu~tre, ancl a grateful perfume. GENTLE.llrfEN'S SUITS made to order in the latest and meet 11.pproved manner, and on the shortest notice, from FMhionable a~d ca.reinlly selected Clothes an<l Tweed~ The latest N c'w York Fashion , PlatF!S ~cgular!y received. ' Prepared by Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co, 1 ~~ """ A,nnl;rtleo.I c~ liQWlU<lc, MAU. I HENRY ELLIOTT, Jr. _ I 0 .. cto'!le to 01Qer. ~ -~ MRS . A . F LJHCI{E R. Po,moularatt ai>t ionpaidto oultrngp rnlfitt!"r: llt'W;R-~Vill~t~i. 2U, H.l;,l, ~tr. · ' '