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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1874, p. 3

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~--~------------------------------- ··-- -- ·- - '. ...,.__ _£ ; OLAx~KE'b W orld famed ~load Mixture I Trade l~ark , -" BloocU;l:ix ture." i I 1 · i i B i!lJ tITU! B L N Ew P nv. !'lrI U M CR.R OY e ~~- :· l . 'I:' ' ALL KNO W WHAT 'fHI S ' MAGA- : , l'OR '1,HE j · . ZINE ie"--and t hat it, contains the n1ost ! j a dnnrable Storiea, E ngruvinga:, .I\'Iuslc, l!'ashioo ! A r ticloo, Pat ter11s, Rcaei pt~, etc. But all d o n trt , know that its publisher s are offering with it ! 'Ch e grotit bl:Yld p{1 .rifl.e!:' . and rGst1>rs;. f1 u " , ~a.nsi u g au.d clea.i·inr t he Q100~ h~olll all 1m:p u· Li lies, cannot b e t-00 h1g hlJ: reo~:irnu.c.nct.o~ 5 E'or Scroful2',-Sourvy. ~ltjl! Dui.eases, e.n ~ ~;es ~f all k hi C.3 i~ I.~ ~'rH'f). ~" LITTL E SAMU.f'JL !" ~ ! (, .-i. U !I E S. is a neYu.· m ilrn.g e nd :ve..1lli1n·. nL . Cur es old Sor~. _ Cures ·u 1cera tetl ~ orc J Oil t.h;~ Neck. Cu ro::i Ulc·.:'r a tctl Sore :i;,iegs. Cu reEl Blackhea.cls or Pin,tple.G O'il. thefn.cie.. Cu r es Scurvy Hor es. Cu.res Gianduln.r S wel1 i11~. Froi.u wh:1 tB\'er cause ar1s1ng. .t. c t hi s mixture is plcasa~t t~ thc _ tn 5tO, n.n~ '.\'"arrun tc d fr co fr 01n a!l yvb.1ns 111lj un~us to the_ in isL d elic ate cc nstltution. of ~~1til~r sc,,.: t1te P ro pr lct orsclioits Elul'er0ra to g ive i t a trial to tes t 1 Cu res Blood 11nd Skin Disw.s{!;l1. Ourcs Cancerous Uloon;. STOCK TAKI NG SALE. B ROS. I I"'··· I Tb.lS Chromo will be 5ent to every ;;!2.vO subscn· [ ber, and to every person t;endin g a elub, and A beautiful Chromo of the Child Proph et, start. \ I ingfrom hi~ slf~~p a t th e call of tho Lord, ruid 8H A ' VLS. , . ._ I 011 "'.b.ioh ha·tno n ch and i;lowing coloro of a fine I ' pointing, an<;\ a spirituo.l bea.uty al) its OWI'! · DRESS GOOD:S' Solc1 in LJottlER 2s 3d O !l(' l~· n.nd i n Ca~es, co~· tai!.l iO .,. :six t.irn es the qu:\n~ ·ty , l ls e su1fiol· ~n t to Cifect a ne!' mu.nen t cnr e in t h,e grea t ma;u rit ·· o f' ! nnn-- ·~ c a.,,,es.J B Y A ....,L CHEM· ·tsTs' ·t\nJ fl. ~· r E:-;r r "'1rED 1.0lNE VENDOP..:· tl.H·ou ..,.h Jil t the w o: i.'I E1. ,,. · S. 91e_ pi·o pricr.01-, F. J , r"'! L..Af:tl...._E , Qh emL&t , -"? P OTf! G.cAElKS' HALL, LIXO OL N,ENGL.D L~r~~~ll~:fina.s ofTe:::tim cnials fr om aU ria rts . ALL WINTER GOODS, Furs, ' SUCH AS .___,.. ~; x port -"" s- cna~ :B nr:g·.,yn~. Bu!·bridges & Oo., Colema.n S tree t London. .. g, t L don N'e \' ' '0l'!'y So11i;,3i N e \\'ga.t e , re~ , on . Bnt«)lay anti Suus, 95 Ji';.1.:rriu gt· 1n Street, Londo1L Sang-or a rn l Sins, Ox ford S troet. London. And ali th e Lo ndon VVh'Jles ri.le llonsci&. A."'Cllf-"' ht <Cau uu1a . ~'lfontrfal.-Eva';s, .:l\:I ·rcor and Co., Wholeaali · D r u :gLstR. " L vin an s, Ola re ( c. 8hf\pter a nd 0 W3u . H t ri inan.- '\;V in er & Co. Halif ax. - ·A vt:rY, .Bro w n <' Toro;',-E Hlott & po., " \V I Clothing and Groceries, . I Shawls, I I 1 I Winter Dress Goods, .r·rieud On e Clouds, for \?&.00 . [1'en ceuts ex. I tra. must u.hyays bo sent for nutillng ez.pensoiil of A LARGE A.ND EXCELLEN'r A~ SOR'l'MEN T 01' ·over coats, I "" DEACON P ETERSON Blankets, Street . 'GOODS i !LADIES' Railroad In Alask'a, Gi-ebe and Seal,new style~. ;NONE CHEA.PER. Wrappers, L&dy's sub scnber. copy each of t h e Ludy'MF d.enrl, Sat.urday Evening P ost, and t he CHROMO, will be sent TWEEDS, BROADS, FLANN ~' LS ·- · -~ - ·~-COATINGS, - -. (.!i.1..t:.. : OV'Eil.-OOATIN t.,- i SPECLAL n ;._T!::!;S) ; o ev-ery membc.r ofa cl~ub. ! P RIN TS, Stuo:;: ~ i5 fulJ ; cornplet:c a 1:d c11 e~ p~ so1n e W HITE SHIRTS, \ SPLENDID PREMI Ul\'IS . I J1'TINGR · · I 1· . . - ·· , . lcJ,ANN EL 1 ·· ·. r I· Pl a t~ "V GoId C "Il{lH18 . j J"E "~NS ' ·- . spe , m .mes m in. u n.Ar . .. OGl.!H n.g .lu GC Hnes, tXL· tr are~ · SHIItTS, 1 a.r:,d Wolche.s, ctc. ~ ] :i · ' K N ITEED i -'\Yill be sent t,o thmi.e w ho ge t ttIJ lists at tho $3 L .t ..l\'.l. ~SHIRTS, 150 :rate. (Send fo r list 3.lld tern:Li of }'remiums. W OOL GOOI>S, K NITTED J A. Jf.:-~~~.1fl3!)are a nnounced for ne3'.t yca1 ·- 'rhe I HOISE RY, , F ~l.IR. SQUAR l!i DE~t\.LlNG. DliA WER.1'\, \ 1\.1asterof C~vla?H:ls, by ll1rs. V Vood, a utllor of GLOVE ~ SCAR Ff\ &. -· I Ea.8t Lynne; nn d als o Ser1als by l'·Iiss :\iczzer , j ~' , Da.isy Ve nt,nor, A manda. .J.\f. Douglas, a.nd Fanru~ R I B BONS T IE:;, Hoilgson. ~ ~ . H OSIER Y, > , .._ · f E RMS- Ar.WAYs IN aov.ANOE.- On o copy 1 FANCY GOODS. GLOVE8, (wjth Chromo), e;2.50. !f our copios., "'·ith f aux BELTS · ' DRY GOODS · COLLAR S, I Chromes Cand one grat is), !$8.00. Eight copies. ' ' . lcEL'l' HATS I and ~i ght Chromoa {wi t h a p aper and Chromo FRI LLING.~ . gra.t1al, $16.00. · ' FUR; CAPS, ' T he above cl ub ~ can up con ·i ointly of CLOUDS, t h e Saturday E vening P a nd the Lady'sFricnd I ' .CLOTH OAPS, if fifty cen ts is a.dderl i'or ea.oh copy of the P ost SCARFS, 1 8uih :1.l\d Shi t-t.<' m·de io ortlor. MITTENS, I ~with Ch romut tu k un , Jf the Chromo i s not. n. ... wisheil t-fl.fty cents .may be d e ducted fr om c...,.,,, &,o ., &~. &<>.. ·&.c., &o.. , I ~1 (_j -~-':.-1- A ~ · FI ~ . v-· · · :, ·" G!F.-~ 'l'S::i<~ ~~E N. i f· 'O:B. THE , '"'"" '"'""""" ·"""'""'" ., .v ,-,. v ~I w ..II. .ti.. Rlll. !E.i .ilJl:.iU il I 1 r NQ HUl\lf'BUGT I 1 1 I I FUll VAlUt fOR vour MOt~fY ! I ea.c h Chrorul.'.J .A ddrass 319 \\I a hnu & Philadelphia.. F UR - --'---------·- - - - - and every description of H EAVY GOODS, will be 11old S. F. HILI·. AT AND UNDER COST U NTIL WE 'TA.KE STOCK . J. Jus t Received. Y \R .\IOUT _1 BL O ATERS FIN ~ A N HADDIES. WHITE F I SH Bow ruanville, N ov'r 1st, 1873. · ;rn ll' G- 41l I :\' ~ ~~'ll' ~ll A NI , Uf1EiY1If:rr A.l"'fD l)I-t'C"GGIST, We' are selling Ai'f- -BE GS P.J'~SPE Ort'FU LLY ~ort.ed , XOC NCH: hn h 1 1z !"<'-cob·e..q. a .-.-ell ~s Htock of G en uil~ P Drn~ ' Rnd .Yarc Enghsh Gh Also,~ or:1en< t~toc.k of tti.e mgst ~~...;·At.1Hy s eloo~d rro One case of Black Lustres at. auction), fully 25· pm: e'.!ut. leS<J than their value. _BOOTS and_ S.Ef,f.l! N G AT {)OST and SA L!\lON TROUT, FRESH J "\'AT ER . . AT AND ERS ON -& CO'S I HERRING. · . D Y E ' S'l' U FFS: mL nuot Uc surp11;~eci for. _exflellenc:r o A n r:.::s or tu1cn t of .A.n ihue kc~ ?-1 e~~ l&l?:1cUou ("} ~ · enn ;o!11:i U y o u h aufl , ~eg(:'J;t'b.~'I." ...,i th whh~h I 1!1_ 11a lity. f).l{r l)GS. orr;s,' CH illMICA l ,,S, . ll AT.J': NT ?'..fF.01 0 IKE ~. UR L-S l-iE S, COA'IBS. f:S I-IOU LDFiR -.BRA01!$il, _ _fS t.4PPOR1'E R8 , &o.· &e. A ND . T HEM. AME RI C AN _· r RU B~:i:u~~ear~~~ :.~~}~"::~HOES, Great Clearing Cash S a le ti Our very lru'ge stock of l"olt Good·, E ooj; a n d S hoe :E~ mporium. 1?.iltf"fS, \ ' &.R!ff~ HES . a nd W IIITELlllA Z1r A!; t.ho YE:l'Y low·ret "Prlocs. CowR.s, . ·Best .:H-alf D. o llar Tea IIN THE COUNTRY. ·~. co n ~ ' . FISH! F OR TH IRTY DA Yi'l. 'fhe good..· must be sold. DON'T F AIL '.1'0 CALL at R EE D ' S OLD ~ S TAND · BOWMANV I LLE. H OJlfoE AK D -CA'l'TLE MEDICINES. N. 0.. ---Connt r y Store:peeke-rs supplied on ad 'antageous t OtT!U 12 ·Poun d s for One Dollar" SALMON TROUT, WHITE J<'ISH, HERRINGS, &e., . I an d F urs . Th @Cor11er Store of K ing and ~Silver Streets has latelyb ~an reeeivii'lg largc ·a.ddi"" t inns in tho way of JO B l\fOSm\' P ERIODICAL PILLS. J\IEDJCINE I !! T HIS INVALUABLE th..:1 dn.n gerous dtscs.seo t o w hiuh the fP.ruale constiunf!liling in cu re of all those painful nnr! A t; Lowe·t Pricc11. t u tion b subject. I t m oder1:1.L cs all cxcess a.nd re· n}oves all obstruct.ions, and a SP'iiOdy cure T O MAP.RI E D I,,\DIES m~y Oe r olled on. ' AND PLASTER. Bomnanvill1, Jan. 21, 1878. F al l and Winter Goods, M. 1\1.A.YER a.nnou ncos cue of the l11rgost shlok of ........ v - - i'hese it is peculiarly suif.e d, I t will, in a short time, bring on t.l1c rn.ont hl y r criod with r c~a~,l ty. 1 "3if(,._ v Paina in the B a nll 'L11nba, Fatig ue on s ligb exer tion ,P a l pit aLlun of t he heart, Jfysterics an '~lhites 'thes.e P i lls v:.:11 effcl;t a cure when a l ot her nieans h a ve !'ailed; and 11lthou glra power · ful r emedy, d o not co ntain iron, C" alo~ el? ant,i m onv or an,rthinK hm·tful to th e , o 1sti t ut1on. F UJi direct imu, in Ll.16 pa mphle l a.round ea ch :package, wh ich sh ould h e ca.ret'ulli observed. J (; ll .Mli:S: h B·, Nl'V\ '\:( Tlil , ~( ll au.rin g the F'J RS1' TFTREE 1 l10l'v1'HS of Pregnraicy a s they are sur e t o briny on. tUisca, Out at'a riy other t1'.nie they are safe. In 11.ll Cases of Nervous an<l. S pi nal~ Affectlon ~ should r~o l be taken 011 F ema.le,, WINTICR CAPS, CQllat>ets, Muffs and B UF FALO ROBES. he has eYor oponed, and hia AMERICAN' 'COAL OIL GEN ( L EJ\1E S F U RNISHINGS H e begs to r en: inU the JJu bllc, too, t hat he trill be fou nd not only -va.ried, but embracing &II t he :aovelties in the line. A lter!i aud 1·e 1»ai1·11 0 1, 0 FURS on tile !>i! Jio1·te!it N otice ·( . HIGH.EST P RICE P .AlD FOR RAW l?URl'i. Bu IVmanYille, Oet. 8, 187'8. A ·All mspeotfolly solicited. # l 1' l 1 Flr 1 \l $1.00 a.n d 12k cents f or post ag-e en closed t .1 Nur lh I'o µ -& L . f n1a n, 1\cw cnstle, bnt.., venera : .A g e n t f.! for the Domin ion, \Vi ll insn r:e ~ bot tle c.:ont.aining o ver 50 pills, by ret n r ~ . mail. Fo t· su.l c bv \V . ·r. A t kinson and Dr . De1.1.n~ Oo;haJ~ - · Hf '\\rhitby 'by J , H . Ge!.'rie a n d J . By1·11t' ill B l'ur,k fv:n b1" J ohn V\'aITen, Seidt- ; , HlGG l NHO'i.'f:lA1'!! -&..Ud D . ST OT o i.v111nnVille tario.nO B M. MAYE R. WE HAVE.JIMPO RTED ll, GL ASG0\1\T ·Ho_ u sE 'I'Jie Bubscriber a.rmou.uces t hat he h::ts now on hand quantity of C011l Oil l,·v A· ..1. l\.T Flff'[j1 D "1 'q Ji -.J..!..J c man and wome1 We wi ll ·giv· B u s_i.ness th a t will Pay from $4 t o $8 pe1· da.y,ca.n bepnrsue ti in yourowr, 1oud;-it is a rare c hanc~ f or t h ose ou' nci 6·hb.ur L of oyrn< n t or h avi n g leisu i·c t. i m ~ git:ls 0.-::::tt boy<i freq·tently do as v.;cll as rnen. _t-'a rticu.J.a.r fr ee, .A.d dnHJS ~92 ' -B OWMANVI LLE · MACHINE &·tMPLEMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY; . !UNUFACTU RERS OF and now offe1· 01u c ustom er:> the A Large and -well Assoi;'ted S t ock which hei offors nt his usually 1 fl ad vant nges of J. J, A.TtB .M & CO. Y{nahing ton. St., Boston . Mus Chroniic Di;;iea11cs. R. JAMES ,E LECTICPHYSICIAN, D \Vonld roopeotfully state tbu.t he ls now t;r eat·ic.g successf ally the following d isroae8 :- Wood and Iron~working· MACHI NERY, od Coal Oil; 'i'HE BEST IN 'l'OWN. C:S:EAP ::Ft.ATES.. He especially eall& atte ntion to his choice lot of Epilepsy. or fa lling F its. i n their w·ora~ form ; Consumption, in. it&i various stages, (w1t h Dr. J .'s remedies consumption ls n o longer an inou · ra.ble disea3e): B ronchitis, Catarrh , Asthma. Gravel Dropsy, General Dropsy, &c., p&t i ent'Ai who heeu tapped several times aro cnra.ble und e1 · Dr. James' tt'eatmeut; diEu,a.oo>< the A.p-looltural : ImpJf QJ.ents, LEFFEL'S . E YE AN1> EAR, .'Errorsi -cf "'()Uth, Ne...-vous Debility. Premature Dooay aau all tho etfects of indiscreti on s 0 1 y outh-a our e 1a guaranteed ; Dyspepsia., Liver Diseases, e.nd diseases of Women- and Childr·, Cancers cured without cutting, and little p_ a.iµ.; -Sore Legs, Sa lt R heum , and Scrofula. in all lta form~. Dr. J . is ha ppy tCJ ·say, diseases whioh have Wtherto boon th-ought iucura.ble a re now rapidly yielding to his treatmen t. ns hie grateful paL ient.s ai·e willing lo tesL it)r. No Cslomol, n c. m e rcury, no Min6ral PuiaoniS, will be a.dmutis~ tared 1 n a.ny for m, in a ny tJ.iaease. The afflicted, ·vh a ~:a.unut obtaiD r elief fron1 & t h ar sot1rces, are llttrtioula.rly invited to call and see hiin. zg Office. in Neilson'a Hull, B &lillvil!e. O!ll-OE: h11ur~ , 11 a. m . to 3 p. m. Y oun; n\ost> r ea-pecitfully, H . JAMES. M. D. Double~· Turbine W ter"Whee\s, ~.tlllP.uM OONB ON T-llJ~lM\TllM! / WOTIC!l. . ' ... " 1 FAMILY FUR N ISHINGS CONSISTlNG OF &c., We Ila,.. Hw ea D!~ a ~,,,.."" tit COMMON -.i.llD- . ' GANGi}PLOUG.H S. 9'0$ will H ·old ., Le}? PRIOM al l ht ah(tp.3. his reaide noe, a.nd s urgery a.ll'Jo, to t he la te Nslden ce of J ohn l\l11 ne, Esq.,on M a.rket Square. ·~ Bowmanvllle, June 5, 1873. il. D lt. i, DAVIDSON HAS REMOVED ~- Gentlemen'i;1 and Youth's Suits in the--newcst styl es, and on t he ch eapest' terms, and WA RRANTED TO FIT . A ye r 's D. l orkhart, Dentis t. R ADUATE OF THE R OYAL COL- H air Vigor, 1.-·- . .·-Tille, x.r.i.1t.1a, IHI· · G ...,- 1.E GE e! Don ta.l Surgeons of On t.Ario. ~ ., ~. NO ·.SECON D P RIC E ·-- .For -restoring to Gra.y Hj\ir its natural Vitality and Color. A drel sing which is a t once agreeable, liealthy, 11 n d effectual for pr ese1·ving the hair. It soon 1'estore· fad ed 0 1· .' '.11.' JlUM!i. PA 'I 'I l It S NRY ELLIOT HAMPTON. Jr., Ofll.t e-over F . F. McArt hur's stors, K ing St. B owma.nville, Oct. 29th, 18'i3. l !· tf. "' 0 H o~ 6c11tlemcn o.f F a ,.h~ ion,. not so Cad. ~ BEAUTIFUL B Ra.s one of th ~ U C kl e I' ato~ k·s ' '. GOLD FILLINGS I I 1 . lal'gest.-,n1d boet of g oods ill th e Domini on, and ·f'OUld call epeciru atteJ1tion Lo tho i::a.rne. _ gray hair to it· originl!tl coler, wit!. tke gloss a"d f resh ness of youth. Thin bair is thi cken ed, falling la air ch ecked, md baldness often, though not always, rnred by its use, N othing can restore tlie hai r where the follicl es are deotroycd, or t he glands at rophied and d ecayed ; b ut rnch as remain can be sa1·ed by this application, and stimubtecl into n.c tivity, so th at ·t · new g rowth of hair is produced. Instead ·~f fo uling the h air with a pasty sedim ent, i t will keep it clean and vigorous. I ts occasional nse will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling ofti and consequently prevont baJdnoos. '.!.' he r estoratioa of vitality it gives to t he sn:.lp arrests and prevent£ the fotro,... - tfon. of dandruft~ which is often so unele:.nly and offensive. Free from t hO!!a ileletorfous substances \!lhieh roak" ·5nm e preP<tratiou· dn.ngerous and injur ious to the h air, the Vig<!r 0-:tn only -benefit but not harm it. · If wanted · merely for a HAIR DRESSING, 11othing else 01111 bo fou nd so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dya, it doss >i ot w il white cambric, nnd yet lasts long on the h~ir, giving it :n ich, gJossy lustre, arnl a gre.teful perfume. I have w ritten the se fe w linei;; And all I h ave to sayThat you can find u1e atill at. home, I I am "D.O t ~one away. So a ll m y k i nd old frieud3 1nn.y eom·, .And all t~c y oung ones, too, 1 A lld get their garmenL8 nicely made · In fashions th at are ne w : · [r11eet Where old and yo ung, del\r fri\.!ln ds, ma.y \ welcom e g~eeti ng-, by R. P EAT E, W .t\.rl1C H E8, t he b est, sttlccted by my· self, of different gr! to suit ptu:.::hasei". _,,_ . ~ WJTll I Tli:IilTH . ARTIF I CIAL TEETH THOSE WI SHING TO H CLOCKS- -A.n in1meni:ie nur.ub111·, GOLD CHAINS, B rooohelli, !ting· , &<> .., noth ing t o suxpasa .hem in t he Pl'O\. lno<!', INSERTED A.T .A. MODE RATE F RK OW.r1 fur sale oue of the moat extensive and complete 11.S19rtme11iii ef <it~B.1.1 A GE N C Y · I T e etl1 Oooda to be found in any 6ountry siore i11. Ont&ri!!. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOE S, PAI NT S, Paris F o l1n dry I - ! H AVE APP OINTED JHURDOOH I I nnos., .Agricultural hi inP-s, Str:nv Cutters, my Ext racted Wit h o ut Pain SHOU LD CONSl:L'l' 'l'lrnIR F ork::! , e q_uai to e~n y, 11.:ud tb o fi nes t a nd SL>e t11etJ 1. SIL"'lER &nd E loctr :.5pnon1 a n d. q 11 1:t.~it1-- 1,.~H \"et.riety- t h c 1vho!c is n.n imm ansc. St.e__3k. ELECTR 1J -PL ..\.TED SE TS in gr~& t. FAMILY PHYS!CIAN. J . M . llRIMACOMBE, L . D . " !...------=~o~~-~-=-~...,,.,.,..,.,.,_ Do,v1uanvil1C, a o;i;ents for the snle of Bo·t· lJ 1a.n vHle, l\Ia:rob 6, 1873. s. s tock-the b2titin f.l1 e wv'!'lrl. ROGE R S' colebr11ted ·o ut1<: J- .,, htl'I .HA.R,DW AR~, CROCKERY, I o ILs, ·I 1 , . Da~,~~c!Is!.:\'::'ELL, WatTELA' v &, ]ii a:::ti :rELL. A .. 'I'EN'f :'".,,.DICINE ',,· ' ._ Pa_'~ .··.Jannary 7ti1.1873, 24-tr. I >A LI L-='. 1 - - - - - T TS " ' ARRI"rl ED "'J \) J . \. _i"O-'J grain Crushers, Combi ne1l Feed l\'fills, &c. , &-e. ust tho fnrmt"J1 · w a nt s. I Ir · ""'sh1 ' on IF = H A'r 'tHE · Hou se i; ~ IC HE.M· . 11"' · D S rf O T T ·it _ _ _ _ _ _,,, I ' AND DEALER L'< DRUGG · I T · I ' .1.' 0 W ··:t:r J.7 .l.-f.t.1. ·"LL -,;, T I.LDI"'"G .e.t . .; J.~ :t . -'-' ' .~; J.J() 1f7JiJ:A.JY TTlL [, ];). - I I ' T. I .1 D U GG 1 Pl.atel! -.-1··lr reeeived. . ~r .. I ll!lMii ap:prcm1d manner, and on t.~ 11horteirt; notice, frolft P'at1hio11able a.nd O&nllhlly 1Mlected Clothes and 1'w0erut The Jat.ett New Yor k FuhiOll ~:!NTLtMEN'S 1!UIT5 tio 01·der m the latest a,lld · · F ..uL AND Vl t N'tBJt I~,ASE!6Ns! I M. ED1CNES, · C I-IEM.CALS · . AND · -- ~ It is a d Ocidc< f fuct, t1:.~i :: '""--'!\" r.t 2 ,:k l for sru·paoseo ~llolhero'~ ~uaii'.y, l'·i'". a' :!""'· ' Iad che·pe" thnn :my "nia~ iu to;v n tent,. ,,v , to,a "enh.ongivcn t o :fitt ing glas~c<i an,,,poem d egree o1'slght .h hl ~t\ J Stock ill y;oltl. SJlYt;L ·, aJ14 l COll'\Il'.l.On frtH~! . ,. . t ~J . arua, fi.{m_ ·_ris ~~ {~o.'s e p eck!.Clo:;;~a, 111.J.'ftU au p, ·I!,... a nd v ery c hmi p. 1'<'.!bb1s s perttl<i lO '! te !l t ,~) oiglit·--« fu ll fiH;:;Jll ; · ,;.,st a rrived !:Tom ~·" :.n~1 ex:pr nssl y to f1r de1· i-ind b'.$a!'iri.g 11 111,..., .,,., 01· SP ECT " ' LES "' · 1 tt · · "'"'·"c3· .... '" . - Pregared, by Dr. J, C. Ayer &Co., ~-·11<1 Anl!l~ HENRY ELLIOTT, J r · I , I kept contstantly on hand. 1 Sto.mpingdonetoorder , T EST styletJ of t.rim ming&o. Di-esislllaking in most-fa shionable and latest styles. · A a plen· did "Sliortrr.en t of .Knit tlQ.rr, Berlln s:n d ot her W ools. Also, lo.test c;tyle&ii1 R uehings and oth er ! F rilling , Beltsi Combs1 B raids , s ...vttches and Chignon;;. A 1 argo a.ssortrilent of P'anoy Good s P artioular attentiori n t\id t-0 cuttin~ Q ncl filtin .,., i:o NEW M ILL!NERY! NEw ].fn.r.1NE&-:t,I 1. 1 A'r S AND BONNETS I N LA- ! 1 ~· P a.t strt Medicines, · · T' orfumerr Bru.:shes Ocnnbs So11 ps p iii's Dyo e!titJil~ ..1 ) ,. · . "' .. ~ ' '"' ' · a. " a.ii,.;.._ 011';, Brn·hoo, Coal 011, Mld Ocial 01! L&m1 V>, &'}'" . &e. ·~ ~ I all :filled wit h nTa~ I'"rl::<"DE u"'J ' o·~ 11· .i'I L'.t . - ,., ,,. · · .1. 'f11 l "- . :a :Ll -- ~ h i& 1r c b.c ico .r;-ti;)Hl!f. · h ""' · ~ ~ a . '-"· "' "'"'~tJ, · · ?fiSif'.1:tAN~1 Pl~ l->1SOltU::'.?lG~S CA REFULLY CO:MPOUKDEl' A ND ,A.J.l " ,;. L ·o~~ 9 .r.'ll =.1:u:'"~ OORRECTL y ANSWE RED. t ·- - tue ~ oo ..irnei vr-.-i·~t .. and Ne w Y e :!.1 $, E .'i t ::.:i.:ro.d. · · !lARON BUOE:Ln " ~ · ,Qlfi , B owma.r.'1'iJ1e, Dec. 1I, 1872. 2J co · :ME SE E ··;o; '· . ii " ,.,., . ' .,.~-r-- ----·--~-.- --~-..______ ·A~ · ~ .J.~~IUlllt a.-., _ ll!RS. .t. FLETCHirn_ "~~~.~~t; l@, 1811. ~ ./ID' y.,...._. """ l'h.y~i«,.·fr···· the O<>"ntry w>!l jf.M. our 8w·k.ilf ilt<tl.imu.' ·e11>- Q E'f'l'.LE:M:EN'S A.:trn BOY'li @}.,l ].'!,. ~!In<! 'ff the 1-t i""l'4/. __ . , . ll<\i.N'.1'11, n!!·cl· l!I ;he n· c -r...t " 'li'IM> ;, .i.::-Caf... C 1 -rr> ..11 n<i" .. · .!...,, r-a_1~~r.

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