BO"Tl\1,,_i\NVILLFJ, ONT.,~ THlTRSDAY, l\l[AROH ~own 1874-.. ~~~~~.,,,,,..."'="'="""..,,..,,,.,"""""~~~~~~""""'~~~~~~ Again._ ji people of BowmanYill~ and ive bought out the entire v O'Hara and Mr. Henry 1 '"";) Business1 liberally bestowed on then., execute all CLA~S able weather. who will favor us with a call in our line, such as bank ." " Dl)n't aay nnytlung to h1m th:!!.G I lu~.v" been hi.:re 1 i.:.nd say notlung a.b1J11t Colonel '\Vbat "ill it matter bv and by Powers." l,Ybether, nnhell-'ed, I lolled alono, 11 But- Peter- " · Dashing m~ f ,ot a. stone, 11 T n:st n1e Susan. l\1:1s!in1g lhe char.i;e o! ~he anieI n1gh, I tlunk 11:10~ a.way 1 B,ddiag mo th1uk of the by and byl to gl'ire hun a lesson Hvld J oUl peace, '\"Vh ...t \Y1ll 1t matter by and bv ru:i l await tne r1;:ault " \~hethe1 \'>1th laughing: JO} I went On the following day P0tor Cart1n1ght Down through theyeal s with a glad consent met J uhn 01~den 1n the store, and inforn ·. Nc:Ycr bclle\1n;;, na.v, not I, Tears would be ~wecL b\ und 11y~ ed hun .,f thJ artJ\ al of Culo1~el Powers ".ll.ntl Le \~a uts to ~ea yon, old f, !low \Vhat w1ll 1t u1 ttte1 by and by Whe!he1 \,1th cheek to cheek I ¥e la:n I V\ 1ll y ou so up l:v1th rne thli eYt1Ii... rtJf' Clu);!C by the pallid a.. '1g< l P1:.1,1n, Soul'11tlg ID"\ St'lf t! rough sob u· ct s 1 gh; ".All 1"ill beelsewhe1e by aud b) 1" lVhe.t will it matter by a.nd b,r \Vhether my 11ath below waa bright, '\Vhether .t \.'iound through da.:rk or hght, Under a J('tay 01 a g Jldcn sky, '~hen I look bacl!:.on it, by and by 1 extended ]us htinrl- hts rJght J onn ftJ1t its grasp he fuund it trno :flesh and bluod, \\tum and pulsating H~ st<"~,dgertid back \\lth a groan I You \\Ill excuge us, Colonel," stud I Peter; ' bnt J uhn and I had a little dis 1 , .. hon .AMBROS . ! various styles and pricoes. [ I 1 of deceased relatives. I "hat 'hill it 1natle1 i N nuF:ht, if [ Only a1LI su1e the \\l1.J l'\e trvd, Gloomy or gladdened, lead .. to God, Q 1e::1tlo nu~ n:>t of the hff\V , t1ie w hy1 11 I but reach him, by antl Ly \?"hat \YHl I care for the unshared sigh, It in :rry fear of shp or fell, C Io~el;. I've clung to Cht ist throug11 aU :t.1 n1 1e01s how 1ough the potb. rnight be Since ho will smooth 1.t by a nd by l ' · Certainly I w11l." rephed John gl.,.d" Ho\'> 18 hcl" He has I '"CnmforL.ble. co-:is1der1ng. 1 had a h<1.u1 tune of it , though. Y uu kuew ly hf; h<Ld lost au ~11n'P 1 "l heard of his be;.ng \YOlF ided at .::-'\.n- Day as Possible 'ially the "little oneA." tletn111 ...<\..hd eo the arr.u had tv r 0,,1"' offl" paid over to Peter OattWltght. "1 a1n sorry you lost your money John/' the latter said, as he put the bnnk - !~otl:l ~ mto h o pocket-book, 1t fairly.'~ le byMes;irs O'Hara, Henry, R can be lmd at aRy time. lJf, tJ ·.\.lUEO l"it:'l'lJRES SINESS "' \V1uch- ' 1 I · I ~ 'Ex cuse n1e. John I have an e.ppo1nt- t "It's all right, PetRr." i iuent to keep at the ban k I "lll to sm1lt\ as he naul Durng WintH Months. ~r BE SOLD ·R CASH . .NT HOUSE 10 m1tny fr1ond.. nJ tho pu blto uenornly, .m durmg the pA·t eighteen yoan, begs ·ted will please JOHN McLEOD non & co. ,,.~ , ' "HE Ca.rhn:ight ' Petet\., he £inn.Hy xttid, $lowly n.nd 01n... ca.tne 1n. He was n. year o:rtwoolderuhan phnt10~1ly, " Powers ha~ lrnit his 1 John, and v. as Snsa.11 11 cous1n-only & right nrm !1 cousm by blood, bnt ~· they had been "You a.r1 in11rtaken, John." brought up from ·~rly cluldhnod together " Do you th1 nk sot" they were hke broth·r and sn+<ir Ill life of the patronage heretofore blishment, and -1 ion of bis Stock [is aim will ,be to keep, ~l~AP. ?RICES, GOODS, brought 111::. h tnd r}ot'. 11 the t ~lJle " Ogdt>n eb1 rtccl to h1s fC:::et 1 a.nri \ .. tth a a.lap upo.} thoa~aud dollars~ " Dare you be t a Peter I" begin to experience a pl~ isure, uot to \'Hilt u t.l we lnH'e reached the end there l& a Cdmperrn(l;hOH given u.s at ante fur every effott we p11t fin th . .\ httle 1 "Y-es" "You 11 lose it ·· ess hopes to please and profit 1im with a call. benefit, and Z..9 1 6: grew older year by yer.t he was enco.1raged to e_:tplore1t,stunconsnlted about its 1 ,J. H. HANNS. but I fe!lr he 1er \TELL Store. SUIT ED know." )PINION 11t the " Comer Store " you e&n g~ .. . --"-