· C.._l\.N AD IAN STATESMA.N, BO"~MANVILLE, 'rIIURSDA Y, MARCH 5, 18 HALL, Swiss Bell Ringers 1;\11, 1 Latlies and Gents 81h er Band - - OF- FARM U rHE OF JJURHAM 7fHERE WILI BE SOLD ON fRILIAY,'ne 27th aa1 of MARC~1 Lh.t of l.cU~rs R TLE Po9t Offi." e ously nd' er Used. Denis J Good !lhss E T James N W Johns 011 EMA.I]);ING IN THE NEWCAS !lfarch 2 1874 no p!'tlvl Brown Henry Bro\ n Cephas Brown Joseph ... ,.... ~I1s<:: J.!i.t e Musi) George Oll ve1 C Poa.rdon Riel a .. i Robei.go Marv Sandorson \\fm. Stole s~cphen Hut.HI HODGES P M Oft we h ave nungled together to 1c snld u:; Now \vhen '~e meet this one" ci grest Never ag a.1n in OU" hron~ S" e etl~ the f rm 'nll be ~loeni.nJ Under the yptess shade 1 Sometimes iu pr<t..YG.. and song Sa<l tho lgb we be fondlJ \o;ill we Che1"l!!h then 1me of the deaQ or~ Morrnav, M~RCH 9h, '7 4, 1 PiJBLIC AUCTION, N l=i~\V TAI L O R I NG RST 'iBLISH IE~ 1 JACOB PURDY .-.1-.'lw ll.~1<40LVIE~T fl.\.C'i' of'IS69 .'.ND .U!ENDMENIS THERETO J, GIBSON, anluutt"~t otner\ lt5-0 This motion wa~ lost, and the report ronou1rnd mas 1>mQ11dod