Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1874, p. 4

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· CANADIAN STATESMAN, SW....!fL &tUl!ii BOWMA~TVILLE., TIIlJRSDAY, MARCH 5, 187'4. ~ _. ..... -1!16 Smart Este.;te! BA ' I LO OW.NUl~S Farm - A.RD- Sa:,e Half Your Mon'!)' for Canada,, K1;vgsto!l Pros~nclus for 187 4-7!11 lecr1 l " The Aldine " R CH! ROH . UJ. ::c 0 · bj (Eatabh.sheu. 18.'0) - o -- ADDRESS SIMM~NS & OLOUGL{ GRG t\.N "1!l Pi CD (l) i:; ~ 0 zctP" ~§ ~~ CD !j ~ t-<j MAKES THE WEAK STROlliGn cd Solutwn of the P1 otoxide of' Iront is so combbwd as to have the cnaracte> or an aliment, as easily <li uesterl and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food, It increases the quantiti, of Natur e's Oum Vltal~ing Agent, Iron in tlie blood, anil cures "a thousand ills," simply 'f!ll Toniny up,Invigorating and repairing damaye s and ua te, The Per!Wiat· Sy>"lr.p, a Prof,eat- o.i 8 ~ _o,i ~ ~ Ul r;i:i CD i::: P't Vitalif<in(J the Systern. Tkc mtrfched and vitali-ed blood pe1 meates every pmt ofthe bocly, searching out morbid secretions, and lecwiny nothing for d·se.,se to feetl npon. This is the secret of t he wonderful success of'ltis remedy n cuiing D~speps , Liver Com· plaint, Dropsv, Chrome D1ar rhrea, Boils N e~vou. A fl:'.ect10 ,1s, ~ ChllJq nn<l F.evers, IIumors, L oss of Constitutional V .gor, Q CD CD ([) ~ Prorn1c1al lN SURANLt Com~an~ OF C \N ADA (f.!EAD O F F CE 'l'o~o~To) ~.,- q ~ 00 pj D b 0 ~ tJ a ~ 1-1 ~ ~ Piseases of the KH1neys and Bladder, Fern a c Complaints,, and all diseases o1'iginattng .,~ a bad state of oh blood, or ae~ companied by deollit11 01 a low state of the s11stem. Being f'J-n9 frmn A lcoho% ·n any f01'1n , its ene> y izi7'f! euects me not folrlowed by co1 responding reac~ tton, but a· e permanen t , infu- F or Diseases or the Throat and Lunes such as Coughe Colds Ooua;h Bl'onch1tIB Asthma. a.nd Consumption ~~':,,,i~!:Za'd~l:?'~ ~t~~:::~-::~~ stittitwn sinu strengt"i1 i f.for,, ancl 'TteUJ l \J aegetao e IG11 an i · 1 S' 'I' jJimr D l nenmver 1 - - --- -- 1 1'41 b:J 0 18-:lm tines, to st1ony llealthy, amt happy men m d u 01nmi , anrl. weak, sw!cly, "1'1.f'ering c· e - Thousands have bee>b chanye<l by the use oftnis 1 emedy, f1 mn ~ UI s P-1 ~ co ~ 00 ...... c.+ invalids cannot reWJonably h"' itate to give it a t1".al See that each bot1 k has PERU· VIAN SYRUP bwwn Mb t 1 w ui(l,,ss. Pa.nphlet:s F'ree SETH W FOWLE & SONS Propr etors, Nn l Milton J!'la~e Boston m ftlOLfi BY 1>RUOG l i3T~ GE ME R ALIY P> ........ ~ 1874 ~ oq Q co 1-1 HALL'S 'l'vl 0( ) 1{ P~'S VEGETAELE SICILIAN THE HAMII TON ~ CJ). CARRIAGES! Weekly "Times" Conto. ns a.n Immone:e amo ntof Jan1es M orr1 s, C.A.RTU 1\.GES GOOD F~MILY H,Et\.DING ~ ~ ~ RURAL NEW-YORKER, I~ HAIR RENEWER OREJ.T ILLUST ATIID P-i CD P' <1 · WAGGONS CUTTERS SLEIGHS ,h TtrRED IN A}."T .SI'YLE DESIR.ll:D 0 ~ i::: CD U1 CD ~. P.i c:+ . BLACK MITH S ~TISFrnIORIL"\'. 0 I-+.> ~ 0 ~ 00 00 DON 1'l IN A. SUPERIOR c::: PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Lllubs may be forr...ied at anype.nod ef the Ve!1I' bv ili or mo e Subseribers associat ug together and "mittin.v. tl e Oash in Adv a.nee ~ ~ (.J VJ GAYDEN and FLOWER I ~ tj n ~ 0 ~""'r" -· ~ Fl c+ 0 ~ CD ~ s ~ f:tj SEEDS. SENT BY ::c bj .MAIL l'o 'LL PAR'IS o:r DOMINION m '" P-' s '<! 0 0 ~ 0 OF Tll:E ~ 0 ~ ~ l!!ID,t etllplO}'lUMlt DOMINIOM of CANATIA. Profit· from $200 to $300 r,or month ~ TROY if> co ~al... l<P!·'"W< p .&. ea.ll w will &id by all Druggists and Dealers"' M<d<1ne. Price one DoJlo.r Per Elati-1 0 I ed n for colloction if not s~tlri at ~ ~-1'1ll..... A BRADSHAW by note or book account, must and settle Bills pa-iit due be hand LL THOSE INDEBTED TO S B If, !Mir R. P HALL & CO , Proprietors. ~ iWW~ l1 I. ...

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