CANADIAN. STATE SMAN, BOWMAN.VILLE, ".l :HUR,SIJA.Y., MAR CH 19, es RADUATE OF THE ROY.;\L COL G :X-1...:IQ:l ·f Denta.l 8 urg:oonis of OntR-rlo. . . .. I ! G. JJ, 1 ockhart, Dentist. I ! l-~-.. --1 , -Z .--~ - ----*-22&:·--~--.....~-~---~~··£-,·~.:s:.._...----- . __ J 1~874. >e!'"!'1 - - - --- ~r~'.7.::=~~~ r u .. . Jl · ' . -~-:_--~~:.';;_~---~ L~-.~~\ -:-.~-.. ~-: '~ ,~:·L ! ) 18 O CTOBER - N O'I'ICE, Cl L ,!'L R J;.. l~ ' S _,, ·I I i · W rld fameo ~ 10·0 MixtUfG li'OR 1'RE ' Th o g:~:;. t 0 !00...:-t>·rer .!:". l · '. M oArthu.r'a stDtt!-, Kini' S.t.. Bemnen U!e, C)ct. Wth, 1S73. 14-tf. ~ ) I STOCK TA.KING SALE. \. ~~ij}J~~~~~S:~Ji~~~~f;~~J~~¥~1~&~;~~~ I D~HR~E~ws·s~81c' s· :~ I , . j blood. pc.rl~c :- a.:::.d :·es-to:·e.1', ~·cc (J 1..1;:;:; ' ·ow. o . ( i_, c -.-:..~- L~O B. Peate, Taiio1·. l"'i ENTLEMEN'S AND BOY'S IU.· U" lUiN" r S, m &de Ill the uwHt n,-1.., fio Ho! Gentlemen oC Fashion, n o t so f' . i!ilt. I ha.Te w ritten these tew liDes And" a ll I t o 110.-YTha.t you can fi nd me atiU at hfJW·. I a m not ¥One a.way. Ao 1.~s ' ALL 'VI N TER GOODS; Furs, · Sha wls, Winter D r ess Goods, Clou ds , Ov e r c oat s, Blankets, Railroad W rapp ers, SUCH AS lilo all m y k1nd old friend1 m ay eoxnt . And. all the young ones, toO, .&..nd.get their gar ments nicely m In fashions tha.t are new; [meet Wher e old and young, dt'l.r frhn1ds, ma7 va._u.a. · d s of 'l\~s~~::ncn i :>.,'..s :'.'to:::o e.!.:. -:.1.s.:ts. T .10'..1.S:t:i_ ~c :d J:-? Bot:: es S:~ ~d. e a c'.: , a.:.::.d. tr:. Ca.s<:ie, c:m.t a.!:i.l:::-~g s:'..x t:'. ~ne B ':~;. o q·,:.~c:.-.:~';y , llF.: eE'. ': ~1.-a'J.ftlei e n t to e·=ect e. pe.c..:::::J.s.~e~1·~ cm:e iri t h 3 g: a!!.t m a · jar! ty o!' l3:::ig·s:S.rrd.~ng case;>,, BY _'\..LJ.. CHJ::::1I · ISTS a ni P AT El~ 'I' MEDICiNE V E~ D OE.S :i~~~~d"ei~~\.i~e;o~;~~:~~~!~~~~::~t:~.~~~-~~,;~:~h~0??G~ HOISE.RY, p:-:.e~_:'.'" so~icits s;.ute;;-.e:-s t c. g~ ve it a :::.-:s.! ::.J c.c3:: t~~;fir:~~!~~t~:~~~f~~l?$~~~· u,s::o. ~:~~ 0 -.:.::es B~;i..cilea.!s o:· ?i::n:)·.as 0 : 1 (a ·~:'.'.n.ce. Co.i·es Soccovy Soc -es, · LI NINGS C-.i~'OS Ccn0J~·o·w..s U .00:-s. · t..>.t:·es B :::.oa. n.:.:..O. Sk.:.::!. D~ee a.~ei\. JEA~ ~ ' o:.t thr-, :'.'\c ci;, C-;:.::es u:ct' ::"S.: ed SG!C SG::.' &2 c~.:.~·es u:.:: o;·a:.e.i ol i So.:.·es:. I I "PRI ""' NTS' N "' FL..:-\. .N EL . r '1l'®_ ?:1ll~!' IDBI,H). cheap, 150010 IS tock is full, coinplete and · ' I i5peciv.l 1iue5 v~R Y c n:r~AT. WOOL GOODS, IN 2m ~'~~E~~.G I fU ll VAlUEfOR ~our MO N EY! DRY GOODS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, FANCY GOODS, BELTS, F RILLIN ~, throu.z'.:i.'s J.t ths Sc:s ; r:op::--: e: or, F . J , 0 L A R KE. Ob.en1lE':, E x -por t A.;g-1!nta. & Co., Q:i! ema.:!l St:: e e~· - ·no~·~d. \. welcome greeting, by R. PE.A.TE. -APOTE :3::GA R lES' HALL, J..rINCOLN,ENGI..'D. Bt:r goyr.'9, L ond o~ . :qe wi~e !'.:::r e. ~d Ss:u.s,37 Ne·Yga':e St!'e~ t. 8 8.!'ols.y an d.S on ~. t/5 .Pa~ringto:i StZ"ee t, CLOUDS, A GE N CY B ~rb:r l dge s SC.ARF$, 8H. , &o ., &< . clothing and Grocel'ies. 1 I Suit. and 1'!11irta m ade t o or der. For Dis OAses of tho 11'hroa.t l.Ul.d :r;ungs 1 1nloh 2.3 srain Crushers, Combined ll~ eed :n.1Ula1 &c., &-o. ut what ~e !arm'lr "·ah.ta. DAVID 1>U..XWELL, Successor to P·l11, J~11~1 .tJh)~~ W H lTl: L.A.W & MAXWE LL, Paris Fou n dry! HAVE APP OINTED MURDOCH I BROS., Bowmanvtlle, agents for the sala ot ·Y .A.rnioultnral Mdchlnes, Straw Cutters, 2i-~f. Lan1c.n. ~n~:l: ~t~; ~~;d:s4:x~'?ii%~i~~~:;H~~~:,n. C1·n.a.fl a . l .fontre:iJ.-Evo.:J.s, :1'!0::;ce:- v.:rd. Co., A:r; c~ ~11l i. L ondo n . A LA~GE AND EX!]ELLll:N'l' A:SSORT.M.EN'I' OF; Coughs, Col ds~ W"hoopin g Dru?gl. . ~·;s. Wha ~e.s~.: e t L ADIE S ' FUR In .i\.Ja.gka, Grebe and Sea.l,1uw styl es. NONE CHEAPER $. E ~wmanv ill e, Cough , Bronch i tis , Ast~nue., nnd Conaui:nption . l l _, .llnd e.very description bf HEA. V Y GOOD S, will be sold AT AND UNDER C O ST U NTIL WE TA.K E STOCK.. Exa'.'.Tl~'.::.1<'3 th~ b r :i-nd and rlo not, " be po.:. off with rr:e::':'.u·· 11 0.' .::.ts , 1 1:.e b es t i::: El wa-v'5 c.n~apcst . on 80~6. ~-n B owmasfv l.le Oy .J o h n B:tgginDotham. ~)~;es:;;e~:~b~~e .ci~ -:,a:~· za,in, Pa:.ntsth :rougho·,1t O, ~~... o , .o u ea,-~r:a D:!HY P Y Ege. Y 't' "Ko. l ," ":Ko. 2," and ··:No S, " of t.hie b:-a;i.ri, a:-e ·o.:;:i~ ·;.rp~.seed fc1 ;.~ C.ody e<::J.C. orfi!iancy o-: s:.Lad~ . PackB.gss c ont ~:.n :f~ll nett vveighi.'.. Tia-, u:1'1" c a:'e wa."".o.ed. t:in.~ cer tain other: b:-a1:da ~?·e 1; ..Ds. 1'b.or':. in ~ ve:-y so-c9.Iled. 25 pound pn,cK. '\ XTH=TE I.EADS, "GENUINE." I i A1nong the gr~ 11t discoveries of u ;;.h il' n l sctencc, f..:w f!X \' c; f more r t\hl fo ctu:iJ mank :!1d than thin Lung ~ . -r...:: ... o nr~ to F. H ILL. N ov'i· ht, 1878. I I rt:lrrn.~i! v :l1r uH dfaeri.s0g oi thC: '1 hl'oat rn:!.d ~rinl A 'l:.St of its \·i::-::ce! . E LLIOT&CO., T o:::-o -------------~-------.. ,,,,,,,,, BOOTS a nd Boot and . -i SHOES countric.:i. li!!s :ShOWl l it.. d;;~.'!l _ :.;urely and efft.o.;L.1.dly control then1. The iilwn v o( otl"r be""t ·titfz_en~ , of nil cla sses, cst:1.b!iSbes tha fncL, tht'l t <J.H 1u~ l:! ¥ PEc n..11t~\1~ throu !{hout t his nth~J.· ·- and ·we are selling One case of Black Lustres I I· I (bought at auction), fully 25 per cont. less t han · their e. J . ' <~_Ll.'.: , HI G G1Nno ·~' l:llA1l-a-j l EGS -·-'"~· fAT ANDERSON & CO'S. P j f Shoe Einporiu1Ti. I uot to bo computed. and unperce i v~(l 1~- knov.-u, .f.O rem ark abl~ a s hiffdiy -.:o ' Le be· l icvcd, were th.ey not proven OOy ond di. "JHl(Q . As rt reine,dy it is ndequatc, on which the ._rnh!!r~ m o.y rely for full pt·ote ct ion. Dy curing Cou~W., tlrn fore n 1n n0r ;;i of 111ore ,;er iou 5;ise, it 1 m vl!, '1w 1mL:.'"nb ered li -.-e~ ~ ::i.ruJ };J l mnount ot aufferln~ cure tp.e afflictin g disorc1ers of tho Thrcr,~ wd Lung.~ boyotul any oL her 1ne cl icine-. 'The rnm.t dangerous aftC~.tions of tlto Pul:nonary Oi-g:mlli yield to it!! p ower ; ~ind C!lses' 0f Cou rs run r ... ti on , cured b_v thir:> pre1parat.ior1 . nre l~~~o i it- vri'll und. "· does relieve P.lHi It cht1.llcngf;s trial, und con- Our v"ry lar ge ·t ock nf Folt Goods, vincei! the 111ost .Evel'y frun Hy !!i hoUl<l ] keep it on hand as u protection ngn ins t the early attack of Puhno:mry A.flbction11, which arc ea..~ ily ntct at fi 1 ·st, t whic h beoon1e incura ble , and t oo often fatnl , i f uq_;!.;cte<l. Tender lu ng:.'> neccl this defa nce i nnd it ia 11nwiso to u~ 'Yith0ut it. As a sufegna rd to c:1ildrcn . 1'.i. lllill the <li :;; t ros~ i u g- clisomrnn wh ;ch IJC:> t1t. tho 'fliro n.t anJ. Ohest of chi ldhood, CHE!l1 " .Y PY.CTOl~,n. ·, by its tim.oly uo;; c, multi1 is invnln a.blc ; 1"01 t udo;; ;u·c rescu~d fro n 1 prcn1atur e gi' ftVC:'. :1.lld 5ll\'Cd to 11rn love and aJTe(:tl on c entrei.l on them. I It a.ct,; speed ily aud sure ly ~gRi11~t on.linavy cohl~, RUBB E RS and OVERSHO.ES, inus:t he clea._r~ ou t t o m ake ro9tn fo r 1nore. CALL AND SEE· 'T H EM. B :\OGXC"El that. he "has receive d a ;-roll a s DYl!: " S T U F FS! "vlli.l!ll. cannot be. ~11r' _ ,:i::i.sso d cm::HIST AND rn:n:;GGIST, RESPECTF!JLLY TO AX- 5q1'ted st.;.c-k o:f Ge n u ine Drugs and 1-'u r o E ngli.t1 h C11e:mica..s. ..:?i..lso, a aplor..did tS t-0c. "k 01 ' thc:i m o'.:t , care ru.l:y s~ected I Great Clearing dash· Sale ! FOR i'Hm'fY DAr8. Best, Hair Dollar Tea IN THE COUNTRY. ,n · quaUty .A.11 as::,oi·Ur..ent o"': .'.\ uili n o D yes ke p consta.ntly on br~ n d , t ogcth c-1'.'" ·wi th a C'hoire !';O· lectiOu of DR"GGS,I for excC?Eencr cm:::11rnALs. P .A.'I:E ::\'l' JiE DlCINES , . I ! I 1 I I The goods must be ~old. DON 'T JC.AIL TO CALL at R EE D' S OLD : ST AND - B O WMANVIL L E. A NDERSON & CO . J auuar,- 1st, lSU. ...,.,.~~~~~~~~·-~~~~~~~~ B ro n ch itis., wh1tn I ful they can lrn c 11red. rini soui1d and ho.::d th-ro;;toring ~- !c cp . }~o I !;etu on~ w\U suffer troubfoso1ne .lnfluen:i-::a and J) ft:u~ they kuo'.l'" how · e·asily · Originnlly the product of long~ ln.lim·ioiw-, a. ml succe.;;;fu l chernical in·;es ~i g:i.t :on, 1:::> CQSt or toil HR~ SHES , C0~1BS, ..,~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sugar, l ! Pounds for One Dollarl!lALMON TROUT, WHITE FISH, HERRINGS., OILS,1 P AIXTS , QOLO.RS: s~~~~~ER-BP~C~, _ . "' .,,S1...i:- 1 OHJ' E1\.S, ~c., &c. . - - v""AR°:iISHks ;Eiats, Caps and is- in 1n~ki ng eYery bottle in th~ u truo8t pose iiJlH parfscl.ion. . It 11rn y h; cc ,nf;den tly r 0o> lied upon m; poEBe.as1ng all tlre v:rhws i t hri.3 ever exhib ited. and of prodnd ng cures f'.'.1 rneu1r;1·nl:i l ~ <>·.'>tho greate~t It h n!I eve 1· ~tTec rnd . .Al LowtJat; Price·. SALT AND PLASTER. Bowmanvill1, Jan. 21, 1878 . H~R~~h~~t lo;..:.~~i~ ""' lliEDICJNES . N. B .- Caui:i.trr .-1.c.nt a.geou::; te r me _ Storcpceko: ~ . \..'"" ii!id ' \'ILL'l'li:Ll!.'A S.1:P1ilied on nd - ._,.,_,,__- · .' Bowmanville, Oct. ! , 181t . M. M AYE. ii . HENRY" .E LLIOTT Jr., H AMP T ON. Ofl'w.i :fo~ sale one of t he most" extensive and complete ass;irtments of ~ GLASGOW HOUSE. to b.0 fonnd in an.r oountry stoi'il i11 Ont11ri0 .·· ·.:..-.t.._,...; .,,e,~ DRY GOODS, BOO'l' 5 and SHOE5, = .·. 0 U2}t~s~ t1J GROCERIES, HARDWAR ~, PAINT S, ·oILS, P .AT~~ NT M~DI C I NES. OROCKERY, GENTLEMEN'S SUITS to order h.>. t he - laitegt a.ud c:a.refnlly stlect~ Clothes and Tw-1s. Plr.Wti '.'."llfUlu ly r- ini. meet approved manner, s,nd on the ehorOOet notice, from Faahicma.blfl e,nd 'rh& late#!; New York: Fash ion · · HENRY l'llanhood : Row J,oi.t, ELLIO~l.1T; Jr. Sars:a_ parill~ . } · Re11tored. Bowl '.""'":".&. KD- IX " R·- '.~ ~ Is widely k nown one of the most cflCctual remedies ever d iscovered for ttt · cleansing the Bys- tem and purifying the blood. It h as ··., stood the test of years, ':vi1J1 a constantly gro wing reputation, based on its ---: ~trinlrlc vil'tues, an.d sustained by its re- -.....: Markable c ure ~. So tiiild -ii.3 to bo safe and Ueneficial to children, a~d y~ t so searching ao to · effect ually purge Ol! t the great cor· ruptions of the blood, such a::i the scrofulous lill.d syphilitic contan1.in3,tion. Impuritim;, er diseases that have lurked in the system . for years, soon )ri~ld ~o tJ1is powerful ·antidO te, and disappe ar. H t!nce its 'von tlerful eures, ma.ny of wl1ich nre publicly knowp, of Scrofula , and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruption$, and eruptive disorders of the skin, Tumors, Blotcb es, etc.: or sexual extxa.vaganc tt. &.Pr ice i n a sealed env elope only six cent.13. tul'.tat'y Seminal Losses, IMPOTENCY, 1\'.fental a n d Phyeical Incapacity, Im pediments t o Marriage, e dition 01 Dr. Culvcrwell's fJele· brated &say O'l the r adical cure (wi thout medicine) of SPE RM ·\.1.'0 R· RB<EA or Seminal Weakness:, Invol- J UST P UBLISHED, A NEW Confe~t·i on ery I DE PO T. ' ' which cnn be ciired by a The ~uhscribe<> announces that ha has now on ban<l timelv resort t o this stand. nrcl i~rnparatkrn, rrs lrns beel-1 rl ; .find thnt iu d efa ul t ot y ou so np· l)rovcd by t he lmmlred s of A L arg~ a n d w ell A s s ort e d S t o ck. st a of theie 'SO tt pfl :.<.'l.:':"'~-~. t;1e ~ b.ld m at prvi:.c e tlcd 1vith in yo ur (: r th si.: ub testimoninlB 1·eceivecl bv the whicli he offers at his usuall y propJ:ictors . It is ackr; ~wl }; o\\'~110.U\:ith: , tl1is 8 f':\' C ll 1E~h ::h da y . D. l Sd. cdg cd hy : uany p rornincnt 1WBE H1' MoM Ol lI< , 0-1ia . Solic itor and .A.g c 11 t for :'1a!nti I:r p hysicians · to be tho mo:;t O:EI E A.P rnliable proparntion over introduced iCH' t he rd ief and He c~pe c ial l y calls atte ntion to hi~ choice lot of cnrc of all Lu11g complaints, nnCl is offered t o the pnblic . sanctioned by the c:,pcricnc~ of over forty ycal's, Vlhcn resort.eel to in season i t sel- I CON SI 8Tl.NG OF I ! dom .foils l o effect a speed v 1 Sheetings · cm·o in· the - most sever~ Table Linen, cases of Coughs, Bronchiti~, 'T ovvels Shii,tin gs, Crnup, \Vhooping Coug h, . I nfhienza, Asthma, Colds, &c. Sore Throat, P ains or Soroncs~ iwtho C hest nncl Side, Gentlen1en's and Youth's Suits · L iVci: .Complaint, Bleeding J -l 0 at foe L nngs, &c. \ViSt- "s G' in ~ th e newest styl es; a nd ?11 th e2 cheape~ t terms, ~ ,B i~ham cl<X' S not dry np a 0 " W A RRAN'l'ED T O C ough; and loan) the ea11so bchirnl , as !s the case with m ost pr"p;;r at io\:'1 , but it Q loosc1 :0.: a nd c·km;115e;; tho luug 'J, :in<l nll a:j,,s irrit ation, tlrn G .-..·: iiior; :; ';' !h e· 1'a11sc- oJ ,. Dowroanvillo For restoring to. Gray Iiair ita . n . 10, 181$. thP C'. nrn:)l: iiu t·. · natural Vitality antl--:§ilolor. 4 l'.nd to ri.Ii un:_(n(J.·.;·,1 pc ·:~611 J h a ..-ing or clai1n in g a ny H1 tno land t~ e1·d u:-,:t~ L· mentiou eU, Ueii1g t.O \vn Jor n llnther oue hi_;. i~ :!rcd a n d f (wty si x iu !Jl ock i ftonting on Cl.1:u-ch s tre et iu 1]1 e ' r o wn of Bo w1YJ..:-Ln vl rie, co11tr:,ii::ini:r one t.1ua~·t..e1· o f <ill ncr0, }v} th e. e!i.. :, ~, L 'lo:·C or lcsS! 'l.1ake n oti ce, i!ia t ": p~ULl01 : '>~ .i'L t·e lh'!· >y:-1; t c o1 t o th e Jud ge of. t:1e C ouu~y Uct:' 't :;:;f tlli..' C Wtod I of Kort h um b':clond fu1 d. _ ~)ud:..n.i:n, o t t h e C halllbers of the eal :l. J t..~t~g-e: in t ne 'C'o's n o! C ob un :i.'g, on tho 'J.1 \VE ~;N 'l'"\ -li'Ili'TJf Y of th e )tlOHth of 1.f.A.RCH w .:. t D SHlng t he .:i!"i t(~ he1·e of, a t tho honl' of '.!.' > ' elve o'clock , noon, praying th nt pert!tion o t ~\.!1~b 1:,:J:l 1nay b.::. m!'l cte, or t h at the same nut.y bC- '.Juld U t't! P- l' t h e ilirection of t he said Court jf t hr· Judge s"h all deerri tho l e thereof more nch < u ~ ::.~{C011l"l : nutl yo u an d so. iwrson s a rc th en &n ;t l :tc :·.00 to Ll i; pc o.r a n d Ltlltc 1..-lut t c laims . jf r,H;:, ~-o ..LDr Lhcy h ave t o T o 1. I-IE 1 ./l...BO'.\'.""E · N1:..n1E D IYE F EJ~ "JJ A. ~T S , I nA I iFAMILY FURNI S HINGS ! . . ' · &c., NO a1111) vii · ·igor, heal t11y, _A.yer's tlBre-' \ r . . ~\·· -~\ ,'.'_.' 1I,'.; ~::,.~~> ·-~·- -'~,J:."l.'.iJ~ai~;;~~~:c:.:~{~~~·· :. J~:~-,r-;.:.:~~-~.-~·.~ " · r-- I W H OLJi.'FIALB an d R E'l'AIL i"'li e-·f--}G·ca tFemalc llleiiaedy~ I ' _ JUST AiUUVIED, S URG E:ON ~B E A U -.r . :'I _ J_ , TIS ,.. ~ D E,, ~ i,.l _ A. ar···sin,,. \vh-ich ~i s 8 't on ce ccn.ble, an <l NEW ~-.rrnrT fcctually r emoved vwithout rne d icines, a nd with - an d for sale ot the above d CON F ..,, a.n .i<. .- CTIONE R Y · of cure at once c er nnd effectual "by \Yh ioh H OI CE LEDiI ON , ORANGE A N D e Very :su:tferer, n o matter who.t his con d it iori m ny Citron Peel; Dates, Figs, Lemons, Orn.nges be, may cure hiluself oh ea.ply , p r iYately and ro.d- to a r rive; Soft·shell _ \.lrnondsi, F ilbercs, E~·a:zil lcally, an d ~-alnuts; K eiller's Dunrlea l\ · Sent under seal, i n a. pla in envelope, t o nn y a d West In d!· pres·r " ed Ginger ·, Pe· '"' "' ·, Plums' dree.u, p qst p cn"d on receipt of sh : cents or two Tomatoes, Pea ches; Gre en Pea s, Green Corn and p ost st a1nps. Limo. Beans. Our Don1inio n exc elsior Rasp'oerry V inegar; Saln1011, Lobst er 'i:i, :o::;ar d i nes; 'I'ornat oc .A.ddree8 Urn Publisher~ F.~uce and PJcklce. They haYe com e and ar e CHAS, J . C'. KLINE, & CO. ,, · h ·~ · l com1n1E a t t c 11 d llt )epot. S HELL .AND t27 B owery, N cw l. 1 · · P ~ Rt· Otllce Box, !-686. SHEL 'D OYSTEHS. out dangerous s:nrgical operation s, bougies. in · struments. rin g~ ur cordials. pointing out a m ode Lecture, clea rly prov es from h i s o wn ex perience that the a..,.,-rul conduc t of Self.Ab use 1nay b o e f. T h e w orld-reno w n ed a.uthor, in this admir able JOB MOSES' l'ERIODrnAL PILLl'l. T H.113 IN V ALTJABLE MEDICINE rn un failin g in t.he 'c ure o( all those. p n.infLtl ii.nd dangerou s diseases t o whioh the fAmnle con sti'"'." T IB'T J L clfoet1ml . fol' D epot; C tntion is 8UhjecL. I t n10deratesn1l oxcess a nd l'en1oves ttll olJstl°11ct io~1 s , a:~U tJ, speedy ctu·o lD.Qi" \J Q} r elied un. TO MARR!ED J,ADIEB . ] it .i?o peonliarly suited, I t will , in a short tim ~ bring on L ha 1nonthly ~eri ud 1J1 r egularity. - · These P ·illo· sho:uld 1iot be take1i. bW,; Fema.les 1 d · a FIRST mii"r.)EE ~~O' T 0 " " 1' ~trz'na w 1 · '1 n l: S of P reg· nancy , a s they an~- sure to b-rin(J on 1lf"i scarrici ge, lJut at any othe1· ti11ie they are sa,fe. In all Cases of Nervous anti SplnU.l A.ffectJonl!I, Pains in the Back nn cl Lhubs, Fat ig-_u e on sligh t exertion~. Palpitation of tl10 hoi\l't , fJ ysletics an d Whites, t hC30 Pll l s v;i~l effect a· cure when all ' G OLD FILL,I N GS I r1..·stores ·f~u:led ~~ · grav /,air ( rj 1 ~ _. o:·;.·!J,in lff. l J}: a 1 I ARTIF I CIAL T E E T H .,. INSERTED A'f A ~IOD ERATE j ';'cshnc;;;; I e lo. isand t.J1ickened: .;,3 ~ ~lir co[,~t, 1;Ji · 11 FE F. 'J'H OSE WJSH I 2'G TO H AVE. 't , th t0 ~t 0f cncannos s WORTH' AND BEAUTY. Q UaII YIs e I.Ii! lJ r lJ ·, "WOOD S' Teeth E x t r acted S HOULD CON8U 1/l' '1'llKI11 ll' A."tt'llL Y PHYSICI Al'\. B o w mttnvillei, 1.Ia.reh Ii, 1$73. , Pai n . "' J . M. BRIMACOMDE, J,. D . ~. 9/ vo ut!~ . , --~ ·; 1, f~d Eng 1. ~,ir c;.h~-:}::""1 :tnd bn.J d ncr.i,s oft0 ~1 ? though no~; ah 1: ;:; ~, .Oured by jts u ~e . :_~f othin g c an :·.1 t: t'~f.'···.; !ho ha ir \V li-:.: .i.·e tll'J foiii< :le3 n:rtJ \~1~ stroyecl, 01· th !.) g~r.J.~ CL3 .J.ti'C},;.,i_fr] ~\~~:.!. ~~!:ei~·J~·;g/~~~!n~:o~~oc':.~~~.r,o~~;J: , h1n g_hu rttnl ~onvi 01: a.nvt elacaycd ; bn.t. cu ch &S remain ca.n I.1!f; Boils, Pim ples, pustules, Sores, St . Anthony's F ire, Rose -or Erysipe· las, -'.l'et t er, .Salt Rheum, Scald H eacl, Ringwor n1, ~nd inter nal U l· cer atJons o f' the Uterus, Stomach, n n cl Liver. It· alao cures other complai n~, H 0 use b 0 l d Ma ~ a z Ille · · 1'HOS D 1\ R T INGTON · I . Y .0 A SND E THE M cnRoMioT E _ to which it '1ould not s-eem cspeci.. _ a.lly adapw d, ·uch " ' Dropsy, Dyspep: ~ l a, F'i ts, N cura.Jgia, H e art D iseruie, Female \ Venkriess, D ebility, and Lenoorrhooa; wjien they aro manife·t&· dons of the ·crofulous poi·ono. Jt i· an exe>lllent: reotorer .of health and we 8J'e a ble to otrer a oombination ofllter&rY a n d &rtt,tlo " ·ork or gen)llueworth, at pr!oo· un- 1IW£~N~ 0J:lt5£ko~i'o.T!Es~~~~~ Notur~'s :j\trcugth i~1 tho Spring. By reuewin·g th., 5ppetit<:> an~i ·igor of the digeotivo org~ttl!, . it; t.he d,eprcssh:.n and listl~ss la~~ ·.ppGarl!, p eople fo,,J bett~l', n.nd live longer, j for clean·ing the blood. The ·ystem m°'""' . ou witl1 n:·newed ,;gor nut.I- n. new · lea!!e of I guor of t.he e:easo;1. , E·v~u where no disorder -~:!~.r Fol~!~1:ilu~..,Ob~~~h~~ S tandards and Dwarf r rrui't Troos 1·FALL !iE,., AKD , W INTER will beeold -at the:ir.'.. . l lJ I ~IILLINERY !. NEW Jj of" piece of grnnd<>St -. work;. i1r·n ot preeented in the usual limited styl~ -Its dlmon slooo, u x oo, m!Lkin1r a ·p!oture of "'t"ITE INTITE THE ATTENTI ON n:tT itsolf ,... &~d dealers to our la.rg~ a nd AN ORNA MENT TO THE llOOM oomplet<> otoolt ot P~~i:~PY a.ud -~ N EWOASTL EN U RSER IES' II N~~~ro';;"lo 1£~.,;;i,~\'. '~~;,[~,io\~~·0~~1~~i:~~ · s T ·c, L .r·f , , · D :·. : .· turning griy or frillin g viT, and ~ I from , eonsoqnontly. '!';,. 1 0 0 10 Trees,Shrubs, Plants. ~f.! b~h;. trr'b ct1i;'J¥i)cr1tr~LH Sl'M CH EMIST A ND~" - DRUGGI S1~ 1 restoration of pl'cvcnt bol<ln""'· it g;ves to thg t;oaip nrre.sts and SPRJ:NG the forn1nOshaw a , in \Vhit h)'hY J . T:L Ge r rie an d J, Byrne BOt;\'. Il1t.1\Ville, Doc. 10~ ~~~· ----~ ~ ' · pn~l~~g~~!~~h~~::u~o~~~a:~~~l~;.~~;~o~~~;. F ul direc1ions in t he p a n-... phlet aroun d each to th e.constit u,t;_1on. Agents for t he . D on1inion, v.-1u ill8ur o u bottle containing over .50 pills, bv i·Ctun~ mnil. · F or sale by , V. '.r. Atkinson and Dr. Deans ow n:i.a n,1lle tar10.11 0B by t his nFri!icatic:n, a:1d ~ : i1n 11lat(:d into ar.ti ri ty: 80 i.l;a.t :~. ne \Y g ro-;Yth of h ai1 · i:i. 1_;rod ue r:<l.. In st·:.:.H.1 ::>f fo ul ing th e hai-c ~~:!t h . a p~!ity tH~ r}i... ! n1en t:, it Vlcill keep it. cl~~·n nn d. Yi goi'o tv~. ~ aY e rl. ! Its occa.sion u1 t1ao '1'"ill prer ent t)J c ·1:;::ir ,-it ~l ity pre\~cn~~ I' and·D. . OF 18'i4. I I - - ----.- · - -------- AT THE · -·- ----··· JUST ARHJVED "l'O TVN HA.LL Jt tl IL.DINGS, BO l'JTJ£.4.J·rvILL E. DEALER IN i doalra.bleol:l;e, ln o!Plwter. F ash i' o .n T...J . ]." J, ouse T , LA- D UGGS, MEDiCN ES, AND CHEJVI:CA LS, FAS RIONB! l\'!1LLINERY ! Ufo. l'"R E P J. 11 r: :0 i T i I .ACTUAL' RE'.l'AlL PRICE, $6.00, whilo It ordered ln oonn ootlon w ith OUl' M·!:'lslae, both will bo fn:fniehed for 1 1 1 Dr. J, C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., . ~I "nd ~tMllgtlcal CMtllMlf. Shrubs, RoBee, Ne w and R are F ruit a nd Oma-A.aen diog us t w o iubscrlptloni ro r C;be Map· men t&l Trees. Evergre~n is a nd Bul bous Roots. sine u.t t.oeeaeht or by su bscribin gfor theh:Ia.gSmft.11 Parcel6 Forwarded by ? ' vhen d~ ~::.:.yea.ra in a.dTtltn oe, at $1.00 per a.nnuto. sired. Prompt o.ttentiop. given to all enquiries. W OOD'S HOUSE H OLD 'MAG . AZ!NE.._ J, P . LOVEKIN k CO., by a Premium the pfeture ~ny be ob!atned. $ i 5Q ou NAMENTA I ..&r . GRAPE YINJIB, SMALL F ltU1TS, ...J _. TREES i H 1 ATS AKD BONNETS IN D r e Si;UH'li, P a"tunt 1\led.icines, Perfun10ry, Braishes, Co:n1bs, Soaps, P~int'.S and Oilij, p ,.hrt Jl1'U>h~n, °'*l Oil, ou11 <?:ml Oil. I.~mpo , &o., &.:;· in most fashionable and late;:it styles. A splen· did easortmont of Knitti ng, B e rlin a.n d ot h er TEST ·lyl~o of trim ming &c. Drcssmaldng PY Y $l. OJ~ Nil ' l'R E!i<:!l\l:l'TIONS CA!'.E!'UI,LY COMl'OUNnlill .A1'1 ! A LL onmrns I I l I Wools. ..t\.lso, latest sty les in H. ushinga a nd other Frilling. Bcltsi Combs;· Bi· s, ea a ud Ch~nons. . A arge assortmena. Of Fancy Goo1lr. ke:a.r~~:;:~~~~i~~~~d to cutting a:µ.d fitti.Ai:. I W.mpini;; to or der, . benofiib but n~ t U wauted mo.roly for a HAIR DRESSING, F1 0thing el;:;e can be :fonrirl ·so tler.1 it able.. ()l'.lata.ining neither oll nor d ye~ it rloea not soil 'tl·h ite cambric, ~ n<l. yet J.a,;.;'ts ton g on the h a ir 1 givin g i t n l:ich, gioss.y lu~tro, tion of d a nd ruff. 'vhich i.!! c1f::c n ~"" 1 1ntlBt1 nl y nnd offeUoive . I~'reo fr o21 tho~o t1 clet e.rions sub::i tances u:}1ich 1n n.k9 s:o n1~ irr opru·ations da nge:rnns au tl injutio1.1'.J to t be h~ir, t11 e "'l\Tignr ;.:: n, n o:.1ly ' C O RRECTLY J.NSWltRJlll'I. a nd a. gratoful perfum e. · ~ W-~ PVIQllU RIDTITRllJ, ' f.. a IUlllRf.._~, NtWOW'ib, N, 1 . N1ww11., F·ll.. e, m i. NowOMtlo Nunort.. llO. done Prepared by Dr. J. C. A yar & Co., l.'1:&et!cn.l ~d..A.! C!t~=~ 11 ow=tt1Tlll~.s .l't,_e~. '·' Jl@S, A; FLETCHER tm . l»f, &9W.6L1'; ~~ ·