· CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TJIURSDAY, APRIL 2,1874. · -MIDLAND RAI~WAY .!!L~I- -- NOJ'IC.E SPRING IMPORTATIONS. , F. F. M'Arthur oou on B iKs I has 1ecen ed a large pm t1on of his spnng impo1tat10ns -.... ana 1s now prepared t o take orders for JARLEY'S An po n Wax " W~rl{:sll Summer an ville Re o ne 1 Au o 0 mo TWEEDS DAILY LINE TO ROCHESTER Commencmg on or About April 1st THE NEW L..1.XE STEA..1\!I Il - - i i . N D -- :f!a1a1tobi1 and tlbe ;'l/;&it.ta- 1 J JUST OPENED nest 'iei utoneli! LINE OF TRANSPORTATION FOR PARt>E" GERS ii.ND FREIGH"' I lot of the cbeape,,,t Iweeda have hmm shov; u m town · tVtRYONt ADMITS NOW, YES, IT IS r -- Buclzler I THAT THE "Beaver Block '" :nu~ Fed.eirnl Dalik of' Canad~ rs the place to get them mad& bet wee i th1· part of he country a, ld the chief c1t10ll of New York Stat~ Re·d the octioo !or stook. n the Federal Bank ot Ca.nado. which wlU soon ba In operation can do eo or oon obta n any f::itor:u: a.t·lon rolating to it on appllca.tlon. to P up in the nglit style ERSONS WISHING to SUBSCRIBE ROBT ARJl[OUR. Bowma.nvilleo Ms.rob 30 187! 36-1 m ..