' · I ~~~~"~==~~==-==~~~~======~~~~~~~~=== Harry Tait in Town Again! 'Ve >1ould iespectfully mfo1m the people of Bowmam1lle and su11ound111g count1y that we have bought out the entue fgoilft~!· ~ ~ PARSON LEE To a, dream~ countr) vilhl.~e Came ao::erta. n Parson Let!' Ano a. man so q_uatntly di.ff,.,.rent From all other ruen was he That the Squire lum~elf the sceptic Ca.me to chnrch to hear hlln p:ra.1 .t\.nd to note t.hc sti.:a"'ge things u.ttered Ph otograpr.1.1 c Bus1r1ess f01me1ly earned on by R & H 0 Harn and }fr Hemy , 1 By this marvel of the d~r I We would s0Lc1t the pat10nage so bberall_y l;wstowed on then., as we mtend to execute all WORK IN FIRST CLASS ~~ TYL·"' t·~ I It !' I The eoc"ntnc eatd th s planet Was tl. true and goodly pace And the only thing it wanted Wa.s the 1nore of Hea\ en & gra co And he sought to sho'v the people llow to thlnlt a.nd "' ork and hve, So that each should help the other And unto the needy give I " hen "e hs\e smtablE "e,the1 y\ e Vd!l e11dea1 O r to please those \\ho \\ JJl favor US wr' h a when wvntmg any thrng rn um 1 ne ~uch as Ho'v the door that leads to Heaven c,1Jl j / 1 PHOTOS. a11d AMBROS. Alb lms and Pictt.tre :fra ne~ of vanous style- an1 pnces Was most e.mplybroad and \\irle A id ho ., each could tutn the he.ndlc And go en ly maide That the verv gentlest natures In the Vt orld may J- ct be strong And ho v truth i 0 al 'i ayfJ wisdom And all wicke :lne s is wrong I · f of deceased relatives I as Possible htJe on~s .Mra grow'lllm·t ~itll ·ympathot10 hght, while vertod her siste"'s only smiled lil tha1r sweet, I "Ah Kate, ume· have ehanged ·moo I plcas1Lnt W&J Ifo I&llvicd that thtough was young ' the gatherrng motsture of thosa d eep blue " For the worae, 11 mut tered tho Judge eyes he ha.d lookod down into a w~tm and But h10 wife did not 1wt100 lt>m She tender heart-a he~rt trne and reliable went on One bright n1orn1ng, Roland .Archworth "You had better !e.,ve the makmg of arose witl1 the sun, aad walked 0110 rnto bread to the help m the klchen If ever the garden By an d by he came round by yon have a hurne of your own l tru.:it you the porch anu euterad the kitchen and will have enough else to O"cnpy y Hl" t1n1e,. asked fer a drink Jf nulk-!vr be ha.d seen [ without do1UJ t he work of yout servJ.nts the gardener JllSt bring a. br1 n1n1ng pail 1 If ~v-er I have n. hor::1e of ll1J own ' He i.vent Ill and sa. v said K ate 'v1lh a. uuld dec1s1rtn, "I am de Lanark st t he inouldinJ board her ternnned tha.t I will be able to supe1111 wh1te arrnl! bate to the s.houldors, knead tend every part of it Illy eerrnn ts ·ha!! mg & snowy ptle oi d >Ugh S he dtd not not be my mistresses No servant etn see hun ""t fiLsL, and he hula 1nvment for ployed m my household shall be able to tl10ngh t - and rn that mo:nen' the tru th 'look down npon me I snall uot be tho flashed upon hilll Ho·e >Vas tl1e cook he ltlave .or tilw v1ctun f 1ny cool< I had declare d he v.;o 1ld havo 1n lus own ' Good ened the J u<lg· &gam ' Go hou·o if he cot.Id get her And he could at 1t Kate, and I wtl! furnish the materi now nnderstan l the blus'nng of tho mai al Waste a dozen barrels of flour u ne den ~nd the laughmg r·J omde· of the CSSOIJ--On!y brmg me a gr~n d goocl loaf of Judge And ho remcmb ·ed now or hav vour owu making and baking, in the end ' / 1ng over ht:ard l'r[rs L t.na.rk 11peait1ng with ~:1rs La.nark e.t . .11 though" i t foolish ana a member of her fa n lly abont the s1cKue.:5s 1sa.be1 nn<l Bertha charactenzed it as very of her cook-how un+'ortunate it was, ancl foolish aud whim· cal They fancLed that so on With a eleai ·eme and qutcK com It ·macked of the nur.ety and the play prehona10n, a1ded by keen powers of ana r oon1 lysLs and reason, Ruland r oad tha -whole But Kate wao m earnest and as her ·tory Ha had come too far to retreat father backed her up she carried the day, 1 j I I I 0 Dtirng ~<mter Months · John Ii. Galbraith, A;:ont a.tBowmn.nVille for the Freehold Bruldu1g $oolety Money to l end on fa.rm sl!lcur1ty WHICH WILL BE SOLP ARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT B LA. W Office King s·reet. Bowmanvllle - CASI-I. '°'t John ff. Hutche!!iOO. ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICI B TOR a.nd N ota.ry Pu.b110 OFFICE -First door east of P o!lt Offi.-ie up stair 'Vm.11. 1 on e, n.A.1,.1,. n .. AND ATTORNEY A'l B o\.RR!STER L \V Solicitor" in Chanceiy and Insolvenc' ~ _ _ 5_ c &:c Otnca on Silver Street Bo\'\l'tna.n\ ille - - -- 1 1 HE uudor.1gnod, m i eturmng ~hank. to h.o many ft1ends and the public goner&]~, for t he ltberal patron·ge extendod to him durmg the past eighteen ~ eau, begs to announce that trom and after th o 15th Septombor mstant, he 1<ill carry on t he KATES ACCOMPLISHMENT A. SKEICH J!'Oll. MOTHERS AND D.!.UGHTERa nme bnsme·as, but more extensnely, under the name and style of JOHN McLEOD ~ Co J?'rompt pa.y1nent of all notes an d accounts is rcnde"'ed imperative by thus '1us1neS;s nITangeme,1t, and all perl!onia. indebted wil1 please take notice ?.nd go'1ern ~heniaelves acco1d1ng1y I "Rr..ally' Kate, j' on h ave succeeded \>ery w-cll ¥lhere rny da.nghters are nll so tiuly acco uphshed I Uare not dra.!!._ com JOHN McLEOD BowmanvHle September i 1873 pa.11sons but I rnust say to you tha.tlcun sider J our educ twn perfect <\nd tl us sp1;:a1nng l\'Irs I ~ n a1k, a lady of five :1nd t d . y a ld a :uother of three gi:own np <la izhters l~y hack 111 het eas.y c.:r iur and gen t ly waved he1r ran !Cate tne youuhest o~ the three daugh ters, had Just risen from the p1anofr t tc '» here sh~ ho.d been sh w1 ng h.,,r paven 1$ how nnch she had 11np10\ ed upon her kv;;t course ~he wa.s nine teen J oars of agca, and her form <ms of the pure female type - no t robust nor 'et fmry hke bnt after the modes wluch the old Greehs used to adr pt when th<y "18hbd to sculpt ure an Ariadne or a Eupurosvne Touching her iaco-it »as cortamly a goocl lookrng face To call such a face pretty, would sound tame and flat Mr< Lanark thought Isa be! and Bertha "here ooth prettier than Kate, wh1'e Mr Lanark wno of a d1fiero nt op1n10U However, upon o le pomt there was no dlspute The J adge would ofc.iu greatest poss ble emeryenc) t he house pur sued e. logttlrn i.te course, and .i.tii wealth w~s constantly increasing Is lt a wunde1 that 1\fra I,a.nu.rk s hba.rt fh tter'l;;u wl en tho ptoapect dit~ned upon her, t 1 1at pos~1b1y, the younJ ba nker m1ght seek ne of hc1 da.ughter .. f >I a w1fe? I J" OHN McLE OD & CO. W G Dr. l. Beith, RAD UATE OF THE TORO:NT O .OUJ,D ·ultc1t t he .a.ne h beral ·upport anrl patronage extended ao long to JoHN McLEOD and t alfo tlus opportumty of mfornnng the pnbl c that they have the.r crod1t busmees as discarded the old system of Tha caoh pnrolui.o<>r· and prompt pa;y ar· on ·hort Un1vert11ty Ph~stcian Surgeon &o Office 611 King Street next door t.o Yellowlees &: QUJck s Variety Store Bowmanv'"&e Onta.,.10 emit. will tthv~y!I get goooa &t prtoo· e·1t flue ag oor g'eat a11n will h< ·o cou·t <hw ·Surve:;: or Civil Engineet ato Js prepa.red tc d.o aU orders: wlth wblcb llo ru&y bo favored .A.ddrsa· Bow1no.nv1llo P 0 Maro! 16th 1871 J L REED, PROVINCIAL LAN ID - - --s-:-« he "! if'~·tld~-ucrro~EER FOR BO\\MA~ VILLE and Darling~on Residence Quem 6t!'eet Orders punctually attended to Charge lf -:>dera.tt: 13 A I I 1 tne ~l;()ck m t1ade of say " Well, m:; little Kate looke good, ""~ how," o,nd nobody mer d1·puttd him Isabel and Bertha "'ere the other two, both older than Kate, bcmg egod reapect. ivcly tlfcuty o.ie and twenty tnree They had graduated at a' e>y tMhior:able ochool, nm{ """"" deemed '""~ htghly accomph·h ed and moreover, they were called hoautl ful J ndge La1rn1k was tho fot'hcr o · the·· girls Ho "as a, mnn of mean·, though not of large wealth Ha 1ad been a sue cessfnl li wye:r, an l Wns now u pon the Bench hts soc1a.l poet Lion "!: &s of the very hi,he·t Gornrnoro haJ been am ong hi s cltents and Senato ...s looked to hun for counsel nnc.i. assrntnnca Tha Ju dge had ~ G neral Agent Dnrhngton Centre fro1nptl) attended to ,l UCTIONEER, APPRAISER I IN THE Bool· Rituh11[.:'. ZINES Pamphlets or a n) thing m the bool hne wh1ch they wuih to luive bound can hav 'Dl.e1r ol'ders filled 1n the neatest and tnost dmabl 9tyle a.nd on the shortest nQtice by lea.'\'ingthe1 at t he ST.AT.t:BM \N' otfica llting along ~ourbm l ng l ")EPSONS HA.YING BOOKS, MAG< Boot and Shoe Business respectfully solicits a contmuan~ce of the patronage heretofo1 e accorded to the establishment, and rnorcdho·olO and h"aosent themfortn 11 Of course, ' l1 ..s Lana.rk continuad, after 10"· had take n a seat near hor father Invites the Inspection of his Stock A 11:. H. 'l'u1·11e1· , lCTIONEER, WUULD BEG His aim will be to keep IC tnrorm the lnha.bltants of llowmn.nvllle nn< laru1ers of \Vest Dutham ti at he is t: ow prepar d to attend to any sales that 1nay bo entruste(1 o him Cha.rges mode1atc 10 t f GOOD AND CHJ1~AP GOODS, thoy might have trnmb 1ed on the \etge of so1 ne fu htful T). ec1p ce Tho .Tudge ' To cook! ochood foabcl aud hortb, la.uJhed ou Lrrtght tn concert ' You e;et onr cook nto) our hou;i.e, and " A.ye,' adue,l Kate "I shall not con yon d find ~on d got a ra.rta.r, my boy," sider m:i; wo1nanl,: 11ccornnhshme11.t.J oon1 he ea1d And then lo tu n the ·ub3ect he plete until I can, with m) own hands, added make a toai or whe aton bread fit to set be To what? excla1n1ed ~frs A.T CLOSE PRICES, Lan1't.rk 0 \V. R. CJiim1c, SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES I By au &11oritv of Hts Excellency the Go' ern Clr Goneral Office at the :Stnte.smcn office and by prompt attent10n to busmeHS hopes to please and profit all who may favor him with " c,tll B. SberiH & J. H. HANNS. fore my father ' The J udgc c>ugl ' !m Kolo hy tl " and cried '~Good I~ lt~11 d Corner Frame HoUSBt_ on stone foundation on ecn i;o~treet. within fivo nunuves wal~ at the Poet O 001 tatniog ten room~ two clooets a.nd eel a.r a.leo Woodshed Stable 36 x 18 halt acre laAd with choice varlety of trulta Enquire of R R TU RNltR. A LARGE STORY .AND a HAL}' Store. OPINION 0191:11a11T111t,11111.iaa. ..u. .. ·